Understanding Robert Burns Small
Understanding Robert Burns Small
Understanding Robert Burns Small
To a Mouse
Wa,shddr,coworin,tim'mu burne. The poet ia doing hia uam#r co
Oh, what a panic's in thy breutic! r r ~ r dric
r d lirde r r u c ~ r e
Thou need na start awa' sac h q tharhehunoinmuionof~it
Wi bicker+' krttle! my-.
I wad be lauh to rin an' k dwc b&b"k*dr=wuy/nm;~rb&
Wi' murdering pattlel @=rdrprdckckmngr$o+
V E R S E , E X P L A N A T I O N A N D G L O S S A R Y
How many times have you heard or read one of the wonderful
poems of Scotland's national bard, Robert Burns, and
not completely understood it? For many readers of
Burns, the beauty of his writing cannot be fully
appreciated until the Lowland Scots used in much
of Burns' poetry is translated and the meaning of
every unfamiliar word made clear. When George
Wilkie's first book, Select Works of Robert Bums
was published in 1999 it was met with critical
acclaim. Murdo Morrison (past President of the
Burns Federation) described the book as, 'an absolute
. S
essential in the comprehension'of the work of Robert Burns.' 0
This revised and extended edition, with over 130 poems, is a testament to
the endearing popularity of Burns. Each poem is annotated with an explanation of
its meaning with a glossary where necessary. Many of Burns' more famous poems
are included, such as Tam (YShanter and Holy Wdie's Prayer as well as some of
his more unusual works.
Understanding Robert Burns finally allows the work of Burns to be read by any
En@ speaker and is an e s s e n d primer to those coming to the bard fbr the first time.
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In the forerunner to this book, Select Works ofRobert Burns, George Wilkie displayed his
comprehensive knowledge of the bard's works and his understanding of Bums as both
man and poet.
Understanding Robert Bums develops this idea, bringing the reader an easily
accessible glossary with an interpretation of those verses that may be difficult to
understand. For the newcomer to Bums, George will give invaluable insight into the
works. The aficionado, too, will gain from the excellence of George's research.
It gives me great pleasure to commend George Wilkie's book, Understanding
Robert Burns, and I hope it brings you as much enjoyment as it has to me.
James Cosmo
JamesCosmo is one of Scotland's most celebrated actors, and has starred in many film and television
productions over the years,including rhe Inspeaor Rebus TV series and the Oscar-winningBravehearc. He
is also passionate about the works of Robm Burns.
As January 25 approaches each year, thousands of people in countries all over the globe
prepare to celebrate the life of Scotland's most famous son. The kilts are brought out and
the sporrans and skean-dhus are given a polish. The speeches are rehearsed, the haggis
is prepared along with the tames and the neeps, and, of course, a few wee drams will be
consumed during the evening.
The Bard's most popular works will be brought out, given an airing, and we'll
hear what a lad he was for the lassies, and what a terrible fellow he was for fathering so
many children by so many women. There'll be all sorts of scandalous stories regarding
his private life that will be dressed up as the'1mmorta.I Memory', his life-style seemingly
more important than his life's work.
Then, at the end of the evening, everyone will go home feeling that they've had
a great night and promptly forget about Robert Bums until the same time next year.
They don't know what they're missing!
Bums, in common with many other great figures in history, did indeed have a
colourful and eventful life during his 37 short years upon this earth, his early demise due
in no small part to the doctors of the time who believed that standing immersed in the
freezing waters of the Solway Firth would benefit his failing health.
But his lifestyle is not the reason for his everlasting fame. That is due simply to
the wonderful legacy of poems and songs that he left to the world, and which most
certainly deserve to be read more than once a year.
Robert Bums was a man of vision. H e believed absolutely in the equality of
man, irrespective of privilege of rank or title. H e detested cruelty and loved the g&s of
It is undeniable that Bums liked the company of women, but what is not
generally recognised is that he was a strong advocate of women's rights, at a time when
few men were.
H e despised fake piety and consequently was unpopular with the church as he
mocked their preachers mercilessly.
I have, however, heard an eloquent Church of Scotland minister describe some
lines from the Bard's works as being no less than modem proverbs, and it is difficult to
disagree with that statement when one considers the depth of meaning in some of the
words that Bums wrote.
'The best laid schemes 0' mice and men gang ak agley!'
'Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn!'
'0 wad some Power the gifiie gie us to see oursels as ithers see us!'
'An honest man's the noblest work of God!!
This pamcular poem merits attention simply because it was the Bard's first venture into
verse, written when he was merely 15. During the gathering of the harvest, it was the
custom at that time to pair off male and female workers, probably to combine physical
strength with nimbleness of finger. Young Robert's co-worker that year was a 1Cyear-old
lass, Nelly Kilpatrick, daughter of a local farmer.
The following lines are a precursor to many others written by Bums in honour
of the countless young ladies who caught his eye.
Yestreen I met you on the moor, spak' na but gaed by like stoure = didn't speak
Ye spak' na but gaed by like stoure! but went by like blowing dust,geck = toss
Ye geck at me because I'm poor- the head,fient a = not a
But fient a hair care I!
But sorrow tak' him that's sae mean, No matter how poor a boy is, only misery
Altho' his pouch 0' coin were clean, will become of marrying a girl for money.
Wha follows ony saucy Quean,
That looks sae proud and high!
Altho' a lad were e'er sae smart, Even if he were very smart, you would
If that he want the yellow dirt, still scorn him for being poor.
Ye'll cast your head anither airt, anither = another; airt = direction;ful =
An' answer him tii dry. full/completely
But if he hae the name 0' gear, However, if he were wealthy, you wouldn't
Ye' 11fasten to him like a breer, care how stupid he was.
Tho' hardly he for sense or lear, gear = money; breer = briar, lear =
Be better than the kye. learning, kye = cattle
Understanding ROBERT B U R N S
But, Tibbie, lass, tak' my advice; Without her father's money she would
Your daddie's gear maks you sae nice. soon sell her soul to the devil.
The Deil a ane wad spier your price, gear = money, spier = ask
Were ye as poor as I.
There lives a lass beside yon park, There's another girl with nothing who I'd
I'd rather hae her in her sark rather have than you with all your money.
Than you wi' a' your thousand mark, sark = shift,gars = makes
That gars you look sae high.
The Rigs 0' Barley
Bums composed this verse in 1782. One of his early tales of love and romance, it is still
very popular now.
It is obvious that the Bard has lost his early innocence and that shy modesty in
a girl is no longer a prime factor in his estimation of her.
Corn rigs. an' barley rigs, rigs = the ridges and furrows in the fields
An' corn rigs are bonie;
I'll ne'er forget that happy nigbt
Amang the rigs wi' Annie.
I hae been blythe wi' comrades dear; Nothing he has experienced in life could
I hae been merry drinking; compare to the joy of that night.
I hae been joyfu' gath'rin gear; blytbe = cheerful; gatb'rin gear = gathering
I hae been happy thinking: possessions; e'er = ever
But a' the pleasures e'er I saw,
Tho' three times doubl'd fairly-
That happy night was worth them a'.
Amang the rigs 0' barley.
The Lass of Cessnock Banks
Bums was so smitten by the subject of this poem, Alison Begbie, that he sent her a
formal pr0p0sa.l of marriage which she rejected. The compliments that he pays her in the
following lines need no explanation as his feelings towards Alison are abundantly clear.
She's sweeter than the morning dawn Phoebus = the sun (after Apollo, the
When rising Phoebus first is seen, Greek sun god)
And dew-drops twinkle o'er the lawn;
An' she has twa sparkling, rogueish een!
Her looks are like the vernal May, vernal = spring tide
When ev'ning Phoebus shines serene,
While birds rejoice on every spray;
An' she has twa sparkling, rogueish een!
0 why the deuce should I repine, deuce = devil; repine = feel discontent;
And be an ill-foreboder ? ill-foreboder = forecaster of misfortune;
I'm twenty-three and five feet nine,
I'll go and be a sodger! sodger = soldier
I gat some gear wi' meikle care, gear = wealth, meikle = much,
I held it wee1 thegither; weel tbegither = well together,
But now it's gane, and something mair; gane = gone; mair = more
I'll go and be a sodger!
john Barleycorn: A Ballad
Barley has always held a position of great importance in the farming economy of
Scotland, not least for its contribution to the worlds of brewing and distilling. John
Barleycorn describes the process.
Bums had bought a ewe and her two lambs from a neighbouring farmer, really just to
keep as pets. The ewe was kept tethered in a field adjacent to his house.
Unfortunately, the ewe managed to entangle herself in her rope and fell into a
ditch where she lay, apparently dying. The poem tells the story of the poor old ewe's
dying wishes which she related to a passerby who happened upon her as she lay there,
but who was unable to be of any assistance to her.
This poem is one of the Bard's earliest works, if not his first, to be written in the
Auld Scots tongue, and here the glossary is essential to the understanding of the poem.
As Mailie, an' her lambs thegither, Mailie the ewe gets herself tangled in her
Was ae day nibblin' on the tether tether and falls into the ditch where she is
Upon her clwt she coost a hitch, found by Hughoc, a farm labourer.
An' owre she warsl'd in the ditch; tbegither = together; ae = one; cloot = hoof;
There, groanin', dyin', she did lie, coost a hitch = caught in a loop; owre =
When Hughoc he cam doytin by. over; warsl'd = wrestled; cam doyting by =
came doddering by
Wi glowrin een, an' lifted han's, Hughoc can only stand and stare, unable
Poor Hughoc like a statue stan's to move and speechless until Mailie
He saw her days were near-hand ended breaks the silence.
But, waes my heart!! wi'glowrin een = with staring eyes; ban; =
He could na mend it! hands; near-band = close-by; wue = woe,
He gaped wide, but naething spak- could na mend it = could not help it;
At length poor Mailie silence b& nuething spak = said nothing; brak = broke
'0 thou, whase lamentable face She instructs him to listen to her dying
Appears to mourn my woe& case! words and make certain that he relates
My dying words attentive hear, them to her master.
An' bear them to my Master dear, whase = whose; lamentable = sad; woejiu'case
= deplorable state
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
'Tell him, if e'er again he keep Should her master ever be able to afford
As muckle gear as buy a sheep, more sheep, then he is to let them roam
0 , bid him never tie them mair, freely and nature will increase the size of
Wi' wicked strings 0' hemp or hair! his flock and produce more wool.
But ca' them out to park or hill, muckkgear = much wealth; mair = anymore;
An' let them wander at their will; WOO = wool
So, may his flock increase an' grow
To scores of lambs and packs 0' woo!
'Tell him he was a Master kin', Her dying wish is that her master be
An' ay was guid to me an' mine; responsible for the upbringing of her lambs.
An' now my dying charge I gie him, kin' = kind;ay = always
My helpless lambs, I trust them wi' him.
'0, bid him save their harmless lives, The master should ensure that the lambs
Frae dogs, an' tods, an' butcher's knives! are not savaged by dogs or foxes. He must
But gie them guid cow-milk their fill, not allow them to be butchered but must
Ti they be fit to fend themsel'; see that they are fed carefully both
An' tent them duly, e'en an' mom, morning and night.
Wi' taets 0' hay an' ripps 0' corn. tods = foxes; taets = small quantities; ripps
'An may they never learn the gaets, They must not become thieving wastrels.
Of other vile, wanrestfu' pets! With pride in their ancestry they will
To slink thro' slaps, an' reave an' steal supply wool for years to come, and when
At stacks 0' pease, or stocks 0' kail! they die they will be sadly missed.
So may they, like their great forbears, gaets = manners; wanrestfu' = restless; thro'
For monie a year come thro' the sheers: slaps = through gaps in hedges; come thro' the
So wives will give them bits 0' bread, sheers = be sheared; greet = cry
An' bairns greet for them when they're dead
'My poor toop-lamb, my son an' heir, The eldest child must learn good
0 , bid him breed him up wi care! behaviour and grow up to be a proud ram.
An' if he lives to be a beast, toop= tup; put some bavins = put some
To put some havins in his breast! good manners
'An' warn him, what I winna name, H e must stay with the flock, unlike other
To stay content wi' yowes at hame; ill-behaved oafs.
An' no' to rin an' wear his cloots, no to rin = not to run; wear his cloots = wear
Like ither menseless, graceless brutes. out his hoofs; mensekts = stupid.
'An' niest, my yowie, silly thing, The silly baby ewe must be told to watch
Gude keep thee frae a tether string! out for tethers, and to save herself for
0,may thou ne'er forgather up, sheep of her own class and not to get
Wi' onie blastit, moorland toop; involved with the wild rams that wander
But ay keep mind to moop an' mell,. the moorlands.
Wi sheep 0' credit like thysel' niest = next moop an' men = nibble and mix
'And now, my bairns, wi' my last breath, Maillie blesses her children and reminds
I lea'e my blessin wi' you baith; them to be kind to each other.
An' when you think uponyour Mither, baith = both
Mind to be kind to ane anither
'Now, honest Hughoc, dinna fail, Hughoc must tell the master of her wishes
To tell my master a' my tale; and see to it that the tether is burned.
An' bid him bum this curd tether
An' for thy pains thou's got my blather.' blather = bladder
This said, poor Mailie turn'd her head, AU this said, Maillie closes her eyes and
An' clos'd her een amang the dead! dies.
Poor Mailie's Elew
Following the death of his pet sheep and his poem of her dying wishes, Bums shows his
own feelings for Mailie the ewe, and expresses his deep sorrow for her departure from
this earth.
Lament in rhyme, lament in prose, saut = salt; past a' remead = is incurable;
Wi saut tears trickling down your nose; cape-stane = cope stone
Our Bardie's fate is at a close,
Past a' remead!
The last, sad cape-stane of his woes;
Poor Mailie's dead.
It's no' the loss 0' warl's gear, H e does not regard her simply as a piece
That could sae bitter draw the tear, of property he has lost, but believes her to
O r mak our bardie, dowie, wear have been a true friend.
The mourning weed; warlj gear = wordy wealth; dowie = sad;
He's lost a friend and neebor dear, mourning weed = mourning clothes
In Mailie dead.
Thro' a' the town she trotted by him; She'd trot by him, recognising him at a
A lang half-mile she could descry him; distance, running to him when she did.
Wi' kindly bleat, when she did spy him, descry = recognise; ne'er came nigh = never
She ran wi' speed: came close
A friend mair faithfu' ne'er came nigh him,
Than Mailie dead.
I wat she was a sheep 0' sense, She really was a sensible and graceful
An' could behave hersel' wi' mense; sheep who never attempted to break
I'll say i,she never brak a fence, through into other fields to steal food.
Thro' thievish greed, wat = know; mense = good manners; brak
Our Bardie, lanely keeps the Spence = break; lanely = lonely; keeps the spence =
Sin' Mailie's dead. stays in the parlour
Or, if he wanders up the howe, The ewe lamb is so like Mailie that the
Her living image in her yowe, Bard is reduced to tears when she comes
Comes bleating to him, owre the knowe, looking for bread, just as her mother did.
For bits 0' bread; howe = dell; owre the knowe = over the
An' down the briny pearls rowe hills; briny pearls = salt tears; rowe = roll
For Mailie dead
She was nae get 0' moorlan tips, Mailie had good ancestry, unlike the sheep
Wi tauted ket, an' hairy hips; that roamed the moors. She came from
For her forbears were brought in ships,. foreign parts and gave the finest wool.
Frae 'yont the Tweed; fae get o' moorland tips = not the offspring
A bonier fleesh ne'er cross'd the clips of moorland rams; wi' tauted ket = with
Than Mailie's dead matted fleece; a bonnierjeesb neh cross'd
the clips = a better fleece was never sheared
Wae worth the man wha first did shape, He curses the first man to shape a rope.
That vile wanchancie thing - a rape! Good men dread it and Burns is
It maks guid fellows girn and gape mourning Mailie because of it.
Wi chokin dread; wae worth = woe befall; wancbancie =
An' Robin's bonnet wave wi' crape unlucky; rape = rope; girn and gape =
For Mailie dead whimper and stare; bonnet = hat; awe wi'
crape = adorned with black crepe
0,a' ye Bards on bonie Doon! Finally he calls on all poets and pipers to
An' wha on Aire your chanters tune! join in a lament fbr Mailie. He, Robert
Come, join the melancholious croon Burns, is himself heart-broken - His
0' Robin's reed! Mailie is dead.
His heart will never get aboon! a' ye = all you; chanter = bagpipes; melan-
His Mailie's dead! cholious croon = lament; reed = music pipe;
aboon = above
Bums was in full agreement with the philosopher, Adam Smith, in his Theory of Moral
Sentiments, that remorse is the most p& of sentiments. Rab had great experience of
remorse in his lifi and these words are written with deep feeling.
This poem is one of the Bard's earlier works, written in praise of one of the countless
young ladies who happened to catch his eye. It is generally thought to be dedicated to a
lass of that name who died from consumption at the age of 20, and whose tombstone
can be seen in Mauchline churchyard This is possible, but is not certain, as she would
have only been 13 or 14 when the poem was written.
Robert Bums was never one to tolerate the 'Holier Than Thou' attitude held by others.
0 ye, wha are sae guid yoursel'. Self righteous people believe their orderly
Sae pious and sae holy, lives permit them to criticise others who
Ye've naught to do but mark and tell they believe to have intkrior standards of
Your neebour's fauts and folly! behaviour. wba are sae guid = who are so
Whase life is like a weel-gaun mill, good; naught = nothing; neebor =
Supply'd wi' store 0' water; neighbour1friend;fauts adfolly = faults and
The heapet happer's ebbing still, hlishness; wbase = whose; weelgwn =
An' still the clap plays clatter! good go@ beapit bapper = heaped hopper;
ebbing = sinking;plays clatter = acts noisily
Hear me, ye venerable core, Burns offers a defence for those who
As counsel for poor mortals might have been foolish in their lives,
That frequent pass douce Wisdom's door whose sexual adventures may have caused
For glaikit Folly's portals; them some regret, and who are generally
I, for their thoughtless, careless sakes, regarded as failures by society. venerable
Would here propone defences- core = revered company; douce = grave;
Their donsie tricks, their black mistakes, glaikit = foolish; propone = propose; gonsie
Their failings and mischances. tricks = stupid pranks; mischance = ill-luck
Ye see your state wi' theirs compared, The self-righteous may shudder at being
And shudder at the n8er; compared with such people, but often the
But cast a moment's fair regard, only difference is that they may never have
What maks the mighty differ ? been put to the test.
Discount what scant occasion gave; nifJer = comparison; scant occasion = slight
The purity ye pride in; opportunity; aft mair = ofien more;
And (what's afc rnair than a' the lave) a' tbe lave = all the rest
Your better art 0' hidin'.
Think, when your castigated pulse Remember how it feels when your pulses
Gies now and then a wallop, race. All may may be fine when all is going
What ragings must his veins convulse, their way, but it may be diffkrent when
That still eternal gallop! faced with adversity.
Wi' wind and tide fair i' your tail, castigated = chastised; scud = drive before
Right on ye scud your sea-way, the wind; baitb = both; an unco leeway =
But in the teeth 0' baith to sail, uncommonly hard-going
It maks an unco lee-way,
See Social-life and Glee sit down, While ordinary people regard socialising
All joyous and unthinking, as an occasion for enjoyment, the self-
Ti, quite transmugtlfyd, they're grown righteous tend to see such events as deeply
Debauchery and Drinking: sinful, and therefore a direct path to hell.
0 would they stay to calculate transmugrijj'd = transformed
Th' eternal consequences,
Or, your more dreaded hell to state -
Damnation of expenses!
Ye high, exalted, virtuous dames, Bums then questions how the good ladies,
Ty'd up in godly laces, all tied up in their corsets, would react if
Before ye gie poor Frailty names, offered the opportunity for pleasure with
Suppose a change 0' cases; someone they deeply admired, but then
A dear-lov'd lad, convenience snug. cumngly doubts if they would be capable
A treach'mus inclination - of attracting any man.
But let me whisper i' your lug,. snug = sheltered; aiblins = perhaps
Ye're aiblins nae temptation.
Then gently scan your brother Man, He asks that consideration and fbrgiveness
Still gentler sister Woman; be given to one's fellow man and woman
Tho' they may gang a kennin wrang, who may have erred in life. Without
To step aside is human: knowing what prompted them to have
One point must still be greatly dark, sinned in the first place, there is no
The moving Wby they do it; knowing the sorrow and regret that a
And just as lamely can ye mark,. person may now be suffkring.
How far perhaps they rue it. a h n i n = a little bit; wrang = wrong
Who made the heart, 'tis He alone Only God has the ability to judge us.
Decidedly can try us; Only He knows the full story. Although
He knows each chord, its various tone, we may have wimessed some transgres-
Each spring its various bias; sions, we have no way of knowing how
Then at the balance let's be mute, many others have been resisted.
We never can adjust it;
What's done we partly may compute,
But know not what's resisted.
The Ronalds of the Bennals
This poem refers to a My,the Ronalds, who fanned the Bennh, a prosperous 200-acre
fann close to where the Bums family were desperately scraping a living from their under-
nourished land.One can feel a strong touch of resentment, and possibly a little spite, on
the part of Robert as both he and brother Gilbert were considered to be unlikely suitors
for the daughters of such a well-to-do family.
In Tarbolton, ye ken, there are proper There may be plenty young ladies and
young men, gentlemen in the area, but the Rondds are
And proper young lasses and a', man; a cut above the rest.
But ken ye the Rondds that live ken = know; carry tbe gree = bear the bell
in the Bennals?
They carry the gree frae them a', man.
Their father's a l a i d and wee1he can spa&, The father is wealthy enough to offer a
Braid money to tocher them a', man; good dowry to the correct suitor.
men, he'll clink in the hand
To proper ~ o u n g braid = broad; tocher = dowry; gowd =
Gowd guineas a hunder or twa, man. gold; bunder = hundred
There's ane they calJean,I'll warrant F'Wseen You may well have seen others as lovely as
As bonie a lass or as braw, man; J&n, but her sense and good taste set her
But for sense and guid caste she'll apart.
vie wi' the best,
And a conduct that beautifies a', man.
The charmsonthe min', the langerthey shine Better an intelligent woman than one
The rnair admiration they draw, man; whose beauty is merely skin-deep.
While peaches and cherries, and
roses and lilies,
They fade and they wither awa', man.
If ye be for Miss Jean, tak this frae a frien', Jean is a very popular young lady who is
A hint 0' a rival or twa, man already being pursued by some wealthy
The Laird 0' Blackbyre wad gang through suitors.
the fire,
If that wad entice her awa, man.
The Laird d Braehead has been on his speed, towmond = twelve months;
For mair than a towmond or twa, man;
The Laird 0' the Ford will straught straugbt = stretch
on a board,
If he canna get her at a', man
Then Anna comes in, the pride 0' her kin, Anna is the one that the local swains really
The boast of our bachelors a', man; admire.
Sae sonsy and sweet, sae fully complete,
She steals our affections awa, man.
If I should detail the pick and the wale She is positively the pick of the bunch.
0' lasses that live here awa, man wale= choice;faut = fault.
The faut would be mine, if she didna shine
The sweetest and best 0' them a', man.
I lo'e her mysel', but darena wee1 tell, The poet loves Anna but dare not tell her
My poverty keeps me in awe, man; as he has no wealth to offer. His poetry
For making 0' rhymes, and worlang at times, and his farm work earn him very little.
Does little or naething at a', man.
Yet I wadna choose to let her refuse He would never confess his love to her.
Nor ha'et in her power to say na, man;
For though I be poor, unnoticed, obscure,
My stomach's as proud as them a', man.
Though I canna ride in weel-booted pride, H e may not be able to afford a fine steed
And flee o'er the hills like a craw, man, to carry him over the hills, but he can hold
I can haud up my head wi' the best his head high in any company.
0' the breed,
My coat and my vest, they are Scotch 0' His clothes are of good quality, he owns
the best; two pairs of breeches, and his stockings
0' pairs 0' good breeks I hae twa, man, are whole and undarned.
And stockings and pumps to put breeks = breeches; steek = stitch
on my stumps,
And ne'er a wrang steek in them a', man.
Understanding ROBERT BURNS
My sarksthey are few,but five 0' them new, He owns five new shirts of top quality linen,
Twd-hundred, as white as the snaw, man! and with his fine hat and cravat believes fkw
A ten-shillings hat, a Holland cravat- poets can equal him h r elegance. sark =
There are no monie poets sae braw, man! shirts; twd-hundred = a grade of linen
I never had freen's wee1 stockit in means, No friends nor relatives have ever lefi him
To leave me a hundred or twa, man; money in their wills.
Nae weel-tocher'd aunts, to wait on weel stockit = wealthy; tocher'd = doweried;
their drants, drants = sulks, moods
And wish them in hell for it a', man;
I never was cannie for hoarding 0' money, He'd never been good at saving money, but
O r claughtin t together at a', man; in spite of having so little, owes nothing to
I've little to spend and naething to lend, anyone.
But devil a shilling I awe, man. claugbtin = grasoing
The Belles of Mauchline
Robert has by now got over the earlier rejection of his marriage proposal to Alison
Begbie, and his eye is now t k e n by the girl who was to eventually become his wife, Jean
Armour. Here he compares her favourably with the other young girls in the village.
John Rankine was a local tenant-farmer who was a close friend of Robert Bums. O n
discovering that Elizabeth Paton was pregnant by Burns, Rankine joshed him
mercilessly. Bums retaliated with the fbllowingverses which hardly show remorse for the
situation in which he had fbund himself. The church adopted a very hard amtude
towards anyone found indulging in sex outside marriage. The culprits were publicly
chastised and had fines imposed upon them.
0 rough, rude, ready-wicted Rankine, Rankine may be a popular fellow with the
The wale 0' cocks fbr fun an' drinkin! drinking fraternity, but some people think
There's mony godly folks are thinkin, that his actions will send him to Hell.
Your dreams and tricks wale = pick; mony = many; Korah-like =
Will send you, Korah-like, a-sinkin, Numbers xvi verses 29-33, his soul will be
Straught to auld Nick's. cut off forever; straught = straight
Ye hae sae mony cracks an' cants, You have so many stories to tell, but in
And in your wicked druken rants, your drunkenness you make fools of the
Ye mak a devil 0' the saunts, good people, revealing all their failings.
An' fill them fbu; cracks and cants = anecdotes; saunts =
And then their failings, flaws an' wants, saints;fou = full
Are a' seen thro'.
Think, wicked sinner, wha ye're skaithing; H e points out that without their badges
It's just the Blue-gown badge an'claithing, and gowns, the priests would be just like
0 saunts; tak that, ye lea'e them naething, everyone else.
To ken them by, skaithing = wounding; Blue-gown badge = a
Frae onie unregenerate heathen, badge given to beggars on the kings
Like you or I. birthday; claithing = clothin
I've sent you here, some rhyrnin' ware, He has enclosed some songs and poems
A'that I bargain'd for, an' mair; for Rankine to look over.
Sae, when ye hae an hour to spare,
I will expect,
Yon sang ye'll sen't, wi' cannie care,
And no neglect.
Tho faith, sma' heart hae I to sing: He has little to sing about at the moment,
My Muse dow scarcely spread her wing! and might have been better off fighting for
I've play'd mysel' a bonie spring, the King in America.
And danc'd my fill! dow = scarcely; sair't = served; Bunker? Hill
I'd better gaen an' sair't the King = a battle-field in the American war
At Bunker's Hill.
Twas ae night lately, in my fun, His sexual exploits are disguised by using
I gaed a rovin' wi' the gun, the analogy of the hunter in pursuit of
An' brought a paitrick to the grun'- game, and explains that as it was dusk, he
A bonie hen; did not expect to be discovered.
And, as the twilight was begun, paitrick = partridge; grun' = ground.
Thought nane wad ken.
The poor wee thing was little hurt; Nobody was hurt by the encounter and he
I straikit it a wee for sport, was very surprised to be reported to the
Ne'er thinkin' they wad fash me for't; Kirk Session for his misdemeanours.
But Deil-ma-care! straikit it a wee = stroked it a little, fish =
Somebody tells the Poacher-Court worry; Poacher- Court = Kirk Session, hak
The hale affair. = whole.
Some auld, us'd hands hae ta'en a note, Someone has reported that the girl is
That sic a hen had got a shot; pregnant and he is the main suspect.
I was suspected fbr the plot; Rather than try to lie h i s way out, he
I scom'd to lie; accepts responsibility and pays the fine.
So gat the whissle 0' my groat, gat tbe whissle o' my groat = lost my money
An' pay't the fee.
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
But by my gun, 0' guns the wale, He feels aggrieved and is determined that
An' by my pouther an' my hail, he will get full value for his money in the
An' by my hen an' by her tail, following year.
I vow an' swear! wale = pick; pouther an' hail = powder and
The game shall pay, owre moor an' dale, shot; niest = next
For this, niest year!
Trowth, they had muckle for to blame! There were many others who could have
Twas neither broken wing nor limb, been blamed, and it's not as if she had
But twa-three chaps about the wame, been injured, merely lightly touched, and
Scarce thm' the feathers; it's cost him a guinea to shut them up.
An' baith a yellow George to claim, chaps = knocks; wame = belly; yellow George
An' thole their blethers! = golden guinea; thole = tolerate
A quarrel over pansh boundaries between two ministers, Alexander Moodie of Riccarton,
andJohn Russell of Kilmarnock came to a head at a meeting of the presbytery, resulting in
loud and abusive altercations between the two men.
Burns was never one to kt such an opportunity slip, and m e the following
satire about the occasion. The Auld-Light preachers were the 6re and brimstone brigade,
threatening their congregations with eternal damnation, while the New-Lights were the
moderates who preached with understanding and compassion.
L) a' ye pious godly flocks, This division means that the regular
Wee1 fed on pastures orthodox, churchgoetswiUhavenoministertotumto
Wha now will keep you frae the fox, and the sick and elderly will be lefe without
Or worrying tykes? assistance. wba = who;1;ae = fi.om; tykes =
Or wha will tent the waifs and crocks. dogs; tent tbe wcuf; an' crock = tend to the
About the dykes? stmggh and the elderly
The twa best herds in a' the wast, The two ministers who have long been
That e'er gae gospel horns a blast friends have fallen out.
These five an' twenty simmers past- herd = shepherd; wast = west; do01 = sad;
0 do01 to tell! simmers = summers
Hae had a bitter, black outcast
Atween themsel.
0 Moodie, man,an' wordy Russell, While the two are at loggerheads, the
How could you breed sae vik a bustle? others will benefit. He cannot recall such
Ye'llsee how New-L&t herds will whistle, a carry-on in the Church.
An' think it h e ! gat na sic a twissk = got into such a twist;
The Lord's cause gat na sic a twissle sin I hae min' = since I can recall
Llndrtrtendrn~ROBERT BURNS
What flodc wi' Moodie's tlock could rank Moodie's congregation had always been
Sae M e an' hearty every shank2 the most pious and righteous, and were
Nae poison'd, soor Arirninian stank extremely Calvinistic in their lives.
He let them taste; hale = whole; sbank = leg; sm Ariminian
But Calvin's buntain-head they drank,- stank = stagnant pool; sic = such
0,sic a feast!
The fulmatz,wil-cat, brock, an' cod Moodie's voice was well known to the
Wee1 kend his voice thrd a' the wood; furry creatures in the woods as he loved to
He smell'd their ilka hole an' road, trap and kill them and sell their skins.
Baith out an' in; fimart = polecae; wil-cat = wildcat; brock =
An' wee1 he lik'd to shed their bluid, badger; tod = fox; ilka = every; baith =
An' sell their skin. both; bluid = blood
What herd like Russell tell'd his tale? Bums compares Russell's congregation to
His voice was heard o'er muir and dale; a flock of sheep which he knew intimately.
He ken'd the Lord's sheep, ilka tail, He knew if they were genuinely ill or
O'er a' the height; merely evading him.
An' tell'd gin they were sick or hale, muir = moor;gin = if
At the first sight.
He fine a maingy sheep could scrub; He knew how to p* any poor sinner by
And nobly fling the gospel club; threats about hell. As b r the New-Lights,
Or New-Light he& could nicely drub he would hang them over the fires of hell or
And pay their skin; simply throw them in to roast.
Or hing them o'er the burning dub, hing = hang; the burning dub = the lake of
Or shute them in. hell
Sic m a - O! do I live to see 't?- While the two are busy insulting each other
Sic famous twa sud disagree 't, with abusive name-cahg, the moderates
An' names like, ' V i , Hypocrite,' are laughmg and staring that they are both
Each ither gi'en cellurg the truth about each other.
While enemies wi' laughing spite, sud = should; liein = lying.
A'ye wha tent the Gospel fauld, Burns now uses deep sarcasm as he pleads
Thee Duncan deep, an' Peebles shaul', with those preachers who have made his
But chiefly great Apostle Auld, life a misery over the years to resolve the
We trust in thee, quarrel between their fellows.
That thou wilt work them, het an'cauld tent = t e n d ; f d = fbld; sbaul= shallow;
To gar them gree. bet = hot; cauld = cold
Consider, sirs, how we're beset! H e mockingly tells how concerned he is
There's scarce a new herd that we get that any new preacher is from the
But comes frae 'tnang that cursed set, moderate camp and that he would like to
I winna name: see them burn in hell.
I trust in Heav'n to see them het
Yet in a flame!
e -
Ddrympie has been lang our fae, H e goes on to relate the fear that has been
M'Gill has wrought us meikle wae, generated by various preachers.
An' that c u d rascal ca'd M'Quhae, fie = foe; mcikle wae = much woe
An' baith the Shaws,
That afi hae made us black an' blae,
Wi vengeful paws.
Auld Wodrow lang has wrought mischief, They thought that when Wodrow died
We trusted death wad bring relief, that they would have some relief, but his
But he has gotten, to our grief, successor isjust as brutal in his ministry.
Ane to succeed him, cbield = fillow; bufour be$ = st& us
A chield wha'll soundly buff our beef-
I meikle dread him.
Understanding ROBERT B U R N S
And monie mae that I could tell, There's lots more: that he could tell. One
Wha fain would openly rebel, of the preachers is still a gambler, as they
Forby turn-coats arnang oursel: will find out.
There's Smith for ane- fain = gladly; forby = besides; greyneck =
I doubt he's but a greyneck still, gambler
An' that ye'll fin'!
O!a' ye flocks o'er a' the hills, He then suggests that all the congrega-
By mosses, meadows, moors, an' fells, tions should rally against the lairds and let
Come, join your counsels and your skills the preachers choose their own parishes.
To cowe the lairds,
And get the brutes the power themsels
To chuse their herds!
Then Orthodoxy yet may prance, The old-style will flourish while that
An' Learning in a woody dance, whipper-snapper called the New-Light
An' that curst cur ca'd Common-sense, will be banished from these shores.
Wha bites sae rair, woody dance = hanging
Be banished o'er the sea to France-
Let him bark there!
Then Shaw's an' Dalrymple's eloquence, His biting sarcasm closes with the
McGill's close, nervous excellence, comments that the excellent, sensible
M'Qhae's pathetic, manly sense, preachers can then all be got rid off if the
An' Guid M'math, old lot get their way.
Wha thro the heart can brawly glance,
May a' pack &!
Holy Willie's Prayer
And send the godly in a pet to pray - Pope
.Ihe church, or Kirk, was obviously a source for much of Burns' verse. Holy Wdie's Prayer is
a classic example of how he could see through hypocrisy and hlse piety as if he was looking
through glass.
This time his target was an elder (an office-bearer in the Presbyterian Church)
of Mauchline Parish. An old bachelor who, although not adverse to sexualencounterswith
certain ladies of the Parish, still considered himself to be far superior to the other lesser
m o d who attended the Kirk, and who really believed that the Good Lord should send
them all to Hell, but of course, he and his kinsf$Ik should go stmght to Heaven.
Should you ever have an opportunity to listen to this poem bemg recited by a
true exponent of Bums, then grasp the opportunity - it will be a delight to be savoured for
a long, long time.
0Thou that in the Heavens does dwell! In the first three verses, Holy Willie
Wha, as it pleases best Thysel, is concentrating on ingratiating himself
Sends ane to Heaven, an' ten to Hell, with the Lord by pointing out just how
A'b r Thy glory, great and mighty He is.
And no' for onie guid or ill ane = one, onieguid = any good
They've done before Thee!
When from my mitheis womb I fell, The next two verses show us Willie at his
Thou nught hae plungd me deep in Hell, best as a groveller, but one whose opinion
To gnash my gooms, and weep and wail of his own standing knows no bounds.
In burning lakes mither = mother
Whare damned devils roar and yell,
Chain'd to their stakes.
But yet, 0 Lord, confess I must Next he confesses to his sexual transgres-
At times I'm fash'd wi' fleshly lust; sions, but they were all mistakes and not
An' sometimes, too, in wardly trust, really his fault, because, as he reminds the
Vile self gets in; Lord, we are only made of dust and are
But Thou remembers we are dust, susceptible to sin.
DeMd wi' sin. fasb'd = troubled
0 Lord! yestreen, Thou kens, wi' Meg - yestreen = last night; Thou kens, wi' Meg =
T h y pardon I sincerely beg- You know, with Meg
0,may 't ne'er be a living plague
To my dishonour!
An' I'll ne'er lift a lawless leg
Again upon her
Besides, I farther rnaun avow - In fact, it had only happened with Lizzie's
Wi' Leezie's lass, three times I trow - daughter because he had too much to
But, Lord, that Friday I was fou drink, otherwise he would never have
When I cam near her, touched her.
Or else, Thou kens, Thy servant true maun avow = must say; trow = believe;
Wad never steer her fou = drunk;steer = molest
Maybe Thou lets this fleshly thorn Now he starts to wonder if perhaps the
Buffet Thy servant e'en and mom, Lord might have given him this earthly
Lest he owre proud and hq$ should turn, problem to prevent him from becoming
That he's sae gdted: too high and mighty, even although he is
If sae, thy han' rnaun e'en be borne, obviously very &ed.
Until Thou lift it. e'en and morn = night and day; owre =
over; Thy ban' maun e'en be borne = the
weight of Your hand must always be felt
Lord, bless T h y chosen in this place, Finally, we discover that the real purpose
For here Thou hast a chosen race! of Willie's praying is to have Holy
But God, confbund their stubborn face retribution brought upon one who Willie
An' blast their name, insists is a disgrace to the community.
Wha bring Thy elders to disgrace
An' open shame!
Lord, mind Gau'n Hamilton's deserts; Now he complains to the Lord that his
He drinks, an' swears, an' plays at cartes. enemy, Gavin Hamilton, is a man who
Yet has sae monie talcin arts, drinks and swears and gambles, but is so
Wi' great an' sma', popular that he is turning people away
Frae God's ain Priest the people's hems from the kirk.
He steals awa'. cartes = cards; so monie takin' arts = is so
popular; wi' great and sma' = with all
classes of people;+ = from, ain = own
And when we chasten1 him therefore, Here, Willie complains that when he
Thou kens how he bred sic a splore, attempted to punish Hamilton, he caused
An' set the warld in a roar such an uproar that everyone finished up
0' laughin' at us; by laughing at Willie.
Curse Thou his basket and his store, sic a splore = such a fuss; kail = cabbage
Kail an' potatoes!
Understanding ROBERT B U R N S
Lord, hear my earnest cry and pray'r While he is at it, Willie decides to tackle
Against that Presbt'ry of Ayr! the Lord on another area giving him
Thy strong right hand, Lord, mak it bare problems, the Presbytery of Ayr. He asks
Upo' their heads! that the Lord really makes these people
Lord, visit them, and dinna spare, suffer for their wrongdoings.
For their misdeeds! bard mak' it bare = hit them hard
0 Lord,my God! that glib-tongu'd Aiken, The particular culprit is one Robert
My Vera heart and flesh are quaking Aiken, who had apparently given Willie a
To think how I sat, sweatin, shakin, tongue-lashing which had lefi him
An' pish'd wi' dread, sweating and shaking with fkar and almost
While Auld wi' hingin lip gaed sneakin, wetting him&
And hid his head.
Lord, in Thy day 0' vengeance try him! Not only does Willie want the Lord to
Lord, visit him wha did employ him! make Aiken suffer, he wants anyone fbr
And pass not in Thy mercy by them whom Aiken had ever worked to s f i r
Nor hear their pray'r, the same fate with no mercy.
But for Thy people's sake destroy them,
An' dinna spare!
While briers an'woodbines bddmggreen, Burns explains to his new fiiend that he
And paitricks scraitchin' loud at e'en, finds his inspiration in the fields, and hopes
An' morning poussie whiddin seen, that Lapraik will excuse his presumptions.
Inspire my Muse, paitricks = partridges; scraitchin' =
This freedom,in an unknown frien' screeching; poussie whiddin = running hares
I pray excuse.
There was ae sang arnang the rest, One particular song told of the love of a
Aboon them a' it pleas'd me best, man fbr his wife, and this one really
That some kind husband had address't, appealed to Bums.
To some sweet wife; aboon = above; tbirl'd = thrilled
It thirl'd the heart-strings thro' the breast,
A'to the life.
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
I've scarce heard ought describ'd sae weel, He had seldom heard the feelings of a
What gen'rous, manly bosoms feel; man described with such tenderness, and
Thought 1,'Can this be Pope, or Steele, thought it must be by one of the famous
O r Beatties warlc?' writers of the time, until told it was by the
They tad me 'mas an odd kind chiel man from Muirkirk.
About Muirkirk. chiel = fellow
That, set him to a pint of ale, Put a pint of ale in front of him and,
An' either douce or merry tale, whether drunk or sober, he will entertain
O r rhymes an' sangs he'd made hirnsel', you with his own songs and verses which
Or witty catches, nobody in Scotland can equal.
'Tween Inverness and T e v i o d e , douce = grave; sober
H e had few matches.
Then up I gat, an' swwr an a&, Bums swears that he would give anything
Tho' I should pawn my pleugh an' graith, to meet with Lapraik to hear him for
O r die a cadger pownie's death, himself.
At some dyke-back, swoor an aith = swore an oath; pleugh an'
A pint an' gill, I'd gie them baith graith = plough and equipment; cadger
To hear your crack. pownie = tinker's pony; dyke-back = behind
a fence; crack = cha
But, first an' foremost, I should tell, H e explains that he started rhyming
Amaist as soon as I could spell, almost as soon as he could spell, and
I to the crambo-jingle fill; although it was rough and ready, he
Tho' rude an' rough- enjoyed singing to himself.
Yet croonin' to a body's sel'. amaist = almost; crambojingle = rhymes;
Does wee1 enough. croonin' = humming; a bod$ sel' = oneself
Your critic-folk may cock their nose, His critics may look down their nose at
And say'How can you e'er propose, his effbrts, but he is not dismayed for they
You wha ken hardly verse frae prose, may well be wrong.
Tomakasang? wba ken hardly = who hardly know
But, by your leaves, my learned foes,
Ye're maybe wrang.
What's a' your jargon 0' your schools. What good is their education if they
Your Latin names for horns an' stools? remain bls?Betrer to work as labourers.
If honest Nature made you his, a' your jargon = all your chatter; sairs =
What sairs your grammars? serves; shoot = shovels; knappin-bammers =
Ye'd better ta'en up spades and shools, sledge-hammers
Or knappin-hammers.
A set 0' dull conceited hashes Many who attend college become conceited
Confuse their brains in college-classes, bls.They go in like bullocks but come out
They gang in stirks, and come out asses, like asses, believing that a scant knowledge
Plain truth to speak; of Greek will lead them to greatness
An' syne they think to climb Parnassus hashes = useless fellows; stirks = bullocks;
By dint 0' Greek syne = then; by dint 0' = on the strength of
Gie me ae spark 0' N d s fire, Burns needs only Nature to inspire him
That's a' the learning I desire; and,although his writing may be simple,
Then tho' I drudge thrd dub an' mire he hopes it will touch the hems of those
At pleugh or can, who read it.
My Muse, tho' hamely in attire, dub an' mire = puddles and mud; hamely in
May touch the heart. attire = simply dressed; pleugh = plough
Understanding R O B E R T BURNS
0 for a spunk 0' Allan's glee, He would like to have a spark of the talent
O r Ferguson's, the bauld an' slee, of other poets, and would be content to be
O r bright Lapraik's, my friend to be, as good as Lapraik.
If I can hit it! spunk = spark; bauld an' ske = bold and sly;
That would be lear eneugh for me, lear = learning
If I could get it.
Now, sir, if ye hae friends enow, Should Lapraik already have enough
Tho' real friends I b'lieve are few, friends, then Bums will not pursue the
Yet, if your catalogue be fbw, matter, but if he is looking fbr one who
I'se no insist; will be true, then he is the man.
But, pSf ye want a friend that's true, enow = enough;fow = full; gf = if
I'm on your list.
I winna blaw about mysel', H e does not wish to boast, neither does he
As ill I like my fauts to tell; want to relate his faults. While some
But friends an' folk that wish me well, praise comes from his friends he also gets
They sometimes roose me; abuse from others.
Tho' I maun own, as monie still winna blaw = won't boast; ill = little; roose
As far abuse me. = praise; maun own = must admit
There's ae wee faut they whiles lay to me, H e does have one little fault in that he has
I like the lasses - Gude forgie me! a weakness fbr the girls. Often he's been
For monie a plack they wheedle frae me coaxed into giving them some money, but
At dance or fair; it would probably be repaid through some
Maybe some ither thing they gie me, sexual favour.
They wee1 can spare. Gudeforgie = God forgive; plack = coin.
But Mauchline Race or Mauchline Fair, Burns would love to meet Lapraik at the
I should be proud to meet you there; races or the fair. He is sure that they will
We'se gie ae night's discharge to care, have a wonderful time drinking and
If we fbrgather; exchanging songs and verses
An hae a swap 0' rhymin-ware
Wi ane anither.
The four-gdl chap, we'se gar him clatter, The hur-gdl wh&y cup will be we4 used,
An' kirsen him wi' reekin' water; then they will settle down with their ale. By
Syne we'll sit down an' tak our whitter the end of the evening they will be old
To cheer our heart; ftiends.
An' faith, we'se be acquainted better chap = cup; kirsen = christen; reekin' =
Behre we part. steaming; whitter = a hearty draught
Awa ye selfish, warly race, Burns scorns the wordly people who cast
Wha think that havins, sense an'grace, aside manners, and even love and
Ev'n love an' friendship should give place friendship, in the pursuit of money. He
To Catch-the-Plack! has no wish to associate with them
I dinna like to see your face, warty = wordly; havim = manners; Catrb-
Nor hear your crack. the- Pkuk = making money; crack = chat
ut ye whom social pleasure charms, Kind, convivial people are the sort that
Whose hearts the tide of kindness warms, Burns wishes to have around him. People
Who hold your being on the terms, who support their friends in times of
'Each aid the others,' hardship.
Come to my bowl, come to my arms,
My friends and brothers!
but, to conclude my lang epistle, His pen is hallywearing out, but even
As my auld pen's worn to the gris.de, just two lines from his fellow poet would
Twa lines frae you would gar me fissle, thrill him.
Who am most fervent, grissk = gristle; would gar mefissle = would
While I can either sing or whistle, make me tingle
Death and Doctor Hornbook
Betty Davidson, an old friend of Burns' mother, loved to tell the children tales of the
supernatural, much of which is evident in the Bard's works, and no more so than in this
ghostly tale.
A hornbook was a learning-aid used extensively in schools. It was a sheet of paper
on which was written the letters of the alphabet, numbers, the rules of spelling and the
words of the Lord's prayer, mounted upon a piece of board and covered by a very thin sheet
of transparent horn.
Schoolmasters were commonly referred to as hornbooks, and Bums' inspiration
for this poem was one John Wilson, who was appointed to Tarbolton School in 1781,and
who Burns came to know through his Masonic activities.To Burns' alarm, Wilson enjoyed
flouting his limited knowledge of medicine, and during a time when practising medicine
was uncontrolled, quacks such as Wilson were in abundance.
Some books are lies frae end to end, All that is written is not always true, and
And some great lies were never penn'd: even ministers have been known to
Ev'n ministers, they hae been kend, embellish the Scriptures.
In holy rapture, penn'd = written; bae been kend = have been
A rousing whid at times, to vend, known; wbid = lie; vend and nail't wi' Scripture
And nail t wi Scripture. = insistit is m e because it is in the Bible
But this that I am gaun to tell, This is going to be the honest truth. It
Which lately on a night befel, seems that Dublin was considered the
Is just as true's the Deil's in Hell, equivalent of Hell by Presbyterians at that
O r Dublin city: time.
That e'er he nearer comes oursel gaun = going; Deil = Devil; muckle = great
'S a muckle pity!
The clachan y d had made me canty, He'd drunk enough to be jolly, but not full,
I was na fou, but just had plenty; and although staggering, was careful to
I stacher'd whyles, but yet took tent ay avoid places that might conceal ghosts and
To free the ditches; witches.
An' hillocks, stanes, and bushes, kend ay ckuban yill = village ale; canty = jolly;fou =
Frae ghaists an' witches. drunk; stacher'd wbyles = sometimes
staggered; took tent = took care
I was come round about the hill, Corning down towards the mill he needed
And todlin' down on Willie's mill, his sack to keep steady but against his will,
Setting my staff wi' a' my skill, his legsjust kept running away with him.
To keep me sicker; todlin' = tottering: sicker = balance;
Tho' leeward whyles, against my will, leeward whiles = at times; bicker = run
I took a bicker.
I there wi' Something does fbrgather, He panicked when he reaised he was not
That pat me in an eerie swither; alone. There was a figure with a scythe on
An a& scythe, out-owre ae shouther, one shoulder and a large trident on the
Clear-danghng, hang; other.
A three-tae'd leister on the ither eerie switber = terrified panic; ae shoutber =
Lay, large and lang. one shoulder; three-taeii-kister = trident
Its stature seem'd lang Scotch ells twa, The creature was tall and seemed to have no
The queerest shape that e'er I saw, stomach, but had very thin, small legs.
For fient a wame it had ava; kang Scotch ells twa = about two r n m j e n t
And then its shanks, a wame it had ava = it had no belly at all;
They were as thin, as sharp an' sma' cheeks o' brankr = horse bridle bits
As cheeks 0' branks.
Guid-e'en,' quo I: 'Friend! hae ye In terror, the poet attempted to speak to the
been mawin', creature by inquiring if it had been mowing,
When ither folk are busy sawin'? but although it stopped, it said n o t h q .
It seem'd to mak a kind 0' stan', mawin' = mo- sawin' = sewing, whareye
But naething spak gaun = where are you going
At length says I,'Friend! whare ye gaun?
Will ye go back?
U n d e r s t a n d i n g ROBERT BURNS
It spak right howe, -'My name is Death, In a hollow voice, it said its name was Death,
But be na fley'd'- Quoth I, 'Guid faith, but not to be &d The terrified poet said
Ye're may be here to stap my breath; he was armed with a knife and would fight.
But tent me billie: howe = hollow;fkyd = afraid; s t q = stop; tent
I red ye weel, tak care 0' skaith, me = heed me; billie = brother; red ye weel =
See, there's a gully!' adviseyou;skaith = injury;guIly=latgeM
'Gudeman,' quo he, put up your whittle, The creature told him to put the knife away
I'm no design'd to try its mettle; as it would be useless against hlm, although
But if I did, I wad be kittle he mrght find it amusing it to shave his
To be mislear'd; beard with it.
I wad na mind it, no that spittle whittle = whit& wad be kith = would be
Out-owre my beard.' amused; mislear'd = mischievous
'Weel, weel!' says I, 'a bargain be't; Thq. agreed to shake hands and sit down
Come, gies your hand, an' sae we're greek fbr a chat,as the poet was curious to know
We'll ease our shanks, an' tak a seat; about the many visits Death had made owr
Come, gie's your news: the years-
This while ye hae been monie a gate, weel = well'; gie? = give me; grePt = agreed;
At monie a house.' ease our shanks = rest our legs; monk = many
'Ay, ay!' quo he, an' shook his head, Death agreed that he had been a long time
?is e'en a lang, lang time indeed on his journey, but everyone must earn their
Sin' I began to nick the thread, keep, and he was no &rent in that respect.
An' choke the breath; nick the thread an' choke the breath = take away
Folk rnaun do something fbr their bread, life; an' sae maun = and so must
An' sae rnaun Death.'
'Sax thousand years are near-hand fled In the six thousand years he had beem
Sin' I was to the butching bred, working he had no competition, but
An monie a scheme in vain's been laid, Hornbook was now l a h g off his customers
To stap or scar me; at a very rapid rate, much to his clsgusc.
Till ane Hornbook's ta'en up the trade, near-handW= nearly passed; butcbing bred =
And faith! he'll waur me.' learning to bring death; stap = stop; waur =
'See, here's a scythe, an' there's a dart, Death's trident and scythe have taken
They hae piex'd monie a gallant heart; many lives over the years, but Hornbooks
But Doctor Hornbook, wi' his art medicines are killing people much faster,
An'cused skill, Death's tools are almost useless.
Has made them baith no worth a fart, dart = trident; bad = both; no' wortb afart
Damn'd haet they'll kill!' = useless; damn'd haet they'll kill = there's
little they can kill
: .: . . .: . - ...
'Twas but yestreen, nae further gane, Only ~ e s t e r d aDeath
~ had thrown his
I threw a noble throw at ane; trident at someone, and it simply bounced
Wi less, I'm sure, I've hundreds slain; off a bone doing no serious damage.
But Deil-ma-'care! yestreen = yesterday;gane = gone; Deilmal-
It just play'd dirl on the bane, care = Devil-may-care; dirl on the bane =
But did nae rnair.' tinkled off the bone; nae mair = no more
'Hornbook was by, wi' ready art, Hornbooks influence was so strong that it
An' had sae htnfy'd the part, had blunted the trident so badly, it
That when I looked to my dart, couldn't even penetrate a cabbage-stalk.
It was sae blunt. fint baet o't wad bae = would hardly; kaif-
Fient haet o't wad hae pierc'd the heart runt = cabbage stalk
Of a kail-runt.'
'I drew my scythe in sic a fury, Death was so furious that he ahnost fill
I near-hand cowpit wi' my hurry, over in his haste to attack Hornbook with
But yet the bauld Apothecary his scythe, but he might as well have
Withstood the sh& da lump of granite.
I might as wed hae try'd a quarry sic = such; near-band cowpit = almost M I
0' hard whin-rock.' over; bauld Apothecary = bold doctor; wbin
rock = very hard rock
Understanding ROBERT BURNS
'Ev'n them he canna get attended, HornboolLs powers are such that he doesn't
Altho' their face he ne'er had kend it, need to see a patient. All he needs is their
Just shite in a kail-blade, and send it, faeces wrapped in a cabbage leaf and he will
As soon's he smells t , dngnose the problem simply by the smell.
Baith their disease, and what will mend it, cannaget attended = cannot see; n e b bad kend
At once he tells 2.' it = never knew; kail-blade = cabbage-Id,
baith = both
'And then a' doctors saws and whittles, He has at hand dl sorts of medical para-
Of a' dimensions, shapes and mettles, phernaia and knows the Latin names of
A' kinds 0' boxes, mugs, and bottles, the various potions that he keeps.
He's sure to hae; wbittkc = knives
Their Latin names as fast he rattles
As A B C.'
'Calces 0' fossils, earths, and trees; Death believes that the potions that
True sal-marinum 0' the seas; Hornbook dispenses will make everyone
Thefarina 0' beans an' pease, fie1 that he knows his medicine, but will
He has 't in plenty; simply kill them off rapidly.
Aqua-fontis,what you please, calces = powders; pease = peas
He can content ye.'
'Forbye some new, uncommon weapons, He goes on to describe some of the more
Urinus spiritus of capons; revolting potions which might seem more
Or mite-horn shavings, filings, scrapings, at home in the hut of a witch-doctor.
Distill'd per se, monie mae = many more
Sal-alkali 0' midge-tail clippings
And monie mae.'
The creature grain'd an eldritch laugh, Death laughed and dedared that within a
And says; 'Ye needna yoke the pleugh, year or two there would be a need h r
Kirkyards will soon be till'd eneugh, ditches, not graves in the churchyards.
Tak ye nae fear; grainil= gmaned; eldritch = unearthly; pkugb
They'll a' be trendid wi' rnonie a sheugh = plough; eneugb = enough; she@ = ditch
In m a three year.'
Whare I kill'd me, a fair strae death, Hornbook skill is so lethal that he is kdhg
By loss 0' blood or want 0' breath, twenty to every one that Death can manage.
This night I'm free to talc my aith, afair strue death = died in bed; aitb = oath;
That Hornbook's skill clad a score i' their last dairh = put twenty in
Has clad a score i' their last claith, their burial shrouds; drap = drop of
By drap an'pill.' medicine
'A countra Laird had ta'en the batts, A country laird had cok, or some other
Or some curmurring in his guts, stomach upset. H isson took two ewes dong
His only son b r Hornbook sets, to Hornbook to pay b r a cure, only to
An' pays him well, become laird himself when his father died
The lad, fbr ma guid gimmer-pets butts = colic; cumturring = commotion; guid
was Laird himself.' gimtner-pets = good pet ewes
'That's just a swatch 0' Hornbook's way; These are just some examples of
Thus goes he on from day to day, Hornbook work, yet he continues to get
Thus does he poison, kill, an' slay, well paid for poisoning and killing people
An's wee1 paid for 't; while Death cannot get on with his
Yet stop me 0' my lawfu' prey, legitimate business.
WI'his darnn'd dirt.' swatch = sample
'But hark! I'll tell you of a plot Death confides his intention to kill the
Tho'dinna you be speakin' o't! doctor, and will wager that it will be done
I'll nail the self-conceited sot, by their next meeting.
As dead's a herrin'; sot = drunkard. niest = next; wad a p a t =
Niest time we meet, I'l wad a groat, wager small amount;fairinl =just desserts
H e gets his fairin.!'
But just as he began to tell, However, &re he could tell of his plan,
The auld kirk-hammer strak the bell the church -bell rang out telhg them it was
Some wee, short hour ayont the twal, past midnight, so they both rose to their
Which rais'd us baith; feet and took their separate ways.
I took the way that pleas'd mysel', auld kirk-bammer strak the bell = church bell
And sae did Death. rang; ayont the ~ a l after
= midnight
Second Epistle to J Lapraik
APRIL 21,1785
upraik had responded to the first epistle from Bums in similar vein, which prompted
Rab to write a second epistle to Lapraik, lamenang the lot of the two poets. The opening
verses give some insight into the long hours of toil that Bums endured as a young man.
While new-cad kye rowte the stake, It's the end of the working day and he is
An' pownies reek in pleugh or braik, grateful to Lapraik for his letter.
This hour on e'enin's edge I take, newsa'd kye = newly driven cattle; rowte =
To own I'm debtor low; reek = steam;braik = harrow
To honest-hearted, auld Lapraik,
For his kind letter.
LJ.. .
Fojesket sair, with weary legs, He is exhausted after a day of ploughing
Rattlin the corn out-owre the rigs, and feeding the horses, and sense tells him
Or dealing t h d arnang the naigs, not to attempt the reply.
Their ten-hours bite; forjesket sair = tired and sore; d i n =
My awkwart Muse sair leads and begs, sp+ dealing tbro arnang the naigs =
I would na write. f & h g the horses
'Shall bauld Lapraik, the king 0' hearts, He feels an obligation to Lapraik to thank
Tho' mankind were a pack 0' cartes, him for his words of praise and friendship,
Roose ye sae wee1 for your deserts, and he must do it promptly.
In terms sae friendly; cartes = cards; roose = praise
Yet ye'll neglect to shaw your parts
An' thank him kindly?
Sae I've begun to scrawl, but whether The letter is begun, but will it be rhyme or
In rhyme, or prose, or baith thegither, prose, or both? He is writing straight off
Or some hotch-potch that's nghtly neither, the cuff as the words come to him.
Let time mak af-looj = off the cuff
But I shall scribble down some blether
Just clean atr-loof.
My worthy friend, ne'er grudge an' carp, His advice is to ignore the misfortunes
Tho' Fortune use you hard an' sharp; that nature throws at one, but to keep
Come, kittle up your moorlan harp happy at a l l time.
Wi' gleesome touch! kittk = tickle; w a j = weave
Ne'er mind how Fortune waft an' warp;
She's but a bitch.
She's gien me monie a jirt an' fleg, He's had many a shock and scare over the
Sin' I could striddle o'er a rig; years, but he refuses to bow his head and
But, by the Lord, tho' I should beg simply laughs them OK.
Wi lyart pow, jirt an'fkg =jerk and fright; stridde =
I'll laugh an' sing, an' shake my leg, straddle; lyart pow = grey head; dow = can
As langs I dow!
Do you envy the city-gent, He has no envy of the city gent who spends
Behind a kist to lie and sklent; his &I behind a counter with his Eat belly
Or purse-proud, big wi' cent, per cent; and who might even become a magimate.
An' muckle wame, kist = counterlchest; skknt = squint
In some bit brugh to represent greedily; muckle wame = fat belly; brugb =
A bailie's name? borough; badie = magistrate
Or is t the paughty Ludal thane,
Wi rufn'd sark an' glancin cane, his fancy shirt and carrying a cane, who
Whathinkshimselfnaesheep-shankbane, considershimselftobelordlyandexpects
But lordly stalks; ksserpeopktoraisetheircapstohim
While caps an' bonnets alT are taen, paugbty = haughty;ru&d sark = shirt with
As by he walks? &
'0Thou wha gies us each guid gh! He then s u p to God that he mrgfit nun
Gie me 0' wit an' sense a lift, him loose to wander Sodand, but would
Then turn me, if Thou please adrift, not associate with city people or lairds. (A
Thrd Scotland wide; promise to be brgomn later in his lik)
Wi cits nor lairds I wadna shift, I$ = load; cits = city people
In a' their pride!'
Were this the charter of our state, If gaining wealth and fame was the reason
'On pain 0' hell be rich an'great,' fbr living then both he and Lapraik would
Damnation then would be our fate, be destined to e d damnation.
Beyond remead. remed = remedy
But, thanks to Heaven, that's no' the gate
We learn our creed.
Understanding ROBERT B U R N S
For thus the Royal mandate ran, However, since man was born, only
When first the human race began, honest men count for anything at the end
The social, friendly, honest man, of their lives.
Whate'er he be,
be fulfils great Nature's plan,
An' none but be.'
0 mandate, glorious and divine! The true followers of the Muses will find
The fbllowers 0' the ragged Nine-- their way into Heaven, while those who
Poor, thoughtless devils! yet may shine have led dishonest lives are condemned to
In glorious light; darkness
While sordid sons 0' Mammon's line
Are dark as night!
Tho'here they scrape, an' squeeze,an'growl, Their greed might find them in a future
Their worthless nievefL' of a soul, existence reborn as wild animals or some
May in some future carcase howl, night creature who fears the daylight.
The fbrest's fright; nieveju' = fish1
O r in some day-detesting owl
May shun the light.
Then may Lapraik and Burns arise, Bums and Lapraik will rise to the heavens
To reach their native, kindred skies, and sing their songs forever and they will
And sing their pleasures, hopes an' joys become close friends in the coming years.
In some mild sphere;
Still closer knit in friendships ties,
Each passing year!
Welcome to a Bastart Wean
l i k d e t h Paton, a servant of the Burns family became pregnant by Robert Bums. Bums'
M y with the exception of his mother, considered ElLabeth to be much too uncouth to
be a suitable partner for him Burns too must have considered her as bemglittle more than
a willing sexual partner, as the poem he wrote about her, 'My Girl She's Airy', could hardly
be considered to be an epistle of love and respect. However, the following lines, dedicated to
his illegimate daughter display a true paternal fondness fbr the child
Thou's welcome wean! mischanter fa' me, In the opening verse, Bums welcomes the
If thoughts 0' thee, or yet thy mammie. arrival of his child and asks that misfbrrune
Shall ever daunton me or awe me, fall upon him should he ever have ill-
My bonie lady thoughts about the child or her mother, or
Or if I blush when thou shalt ca' me if he should be embarrassedwhen his child
T p , or daddie! calls him daddy. wean = child; mixhanter =
misfoctune;fa' = fill;daunton = subdue; awe
= owe; Tp = M e r
Tho'now they ca' me fornicator, He knows that people will call him unkind
An' tease my name in kintra clatter, names and will gossip about him,but that
The rnair they talk, I'm kend the better, by their talk he will become better known.
E'en let them clash! One should not let gossips worry you
An auld wife's tongue's a feckless matter kintra-clatter = country gossip; muit. = more,
To gie ane fish. kend = known; clash = idle cak; auld 4 =
old w o wf c k = powerless;gie anefash =
give one trouble
Welcome! my bonie, sweet, wee dochter! He tells his daughter that even although her
Tho' ye came here a wee unsought for; arrival was unplanned, she is no less
And tho' your coming I hae fought fbr welcome, and 'that he fbught both the
Baith kirk and queir; church and the c o r n to ensure her well-
Yet by my faith, ye're no unmught fbr- b e q , and that she must never think she was
That I shall swear! unwanted docker = daughter; kirk and queir
= church and court; unwsougbt = unwanted
Understanding ROBERT B U R N S
Sweet fruit 0' monie a merry dint, Although the result of many a happy liaison
My funny toil is no' a' tint, between her parents, some people may
Tho' thou cam to the warl' asklent, mock her b r being illegimate, but he will
In my last plack thy part's be in it spend his last penny to ensure her well-
The better half o't. b e q . monk = many; dint = liaison; a' tint =
all lost; warl = wod4 askknt = obliquely;
plack = small coin; dt = of
Tho' I should be the waur bestead, Although it will make him poorer, he will
Thou's be as braw and bienly clad, see that she is as well-dressed well-brought
And thy young years as nicely bred, up, and well-educated as any child born to
Wi education, married parents.
As onie brat 0' wedlock's bed, waur = worse; bestead = position; braw =
In a' thy station beau&& bienly = combrtably; mrie brat o'
wedock's bed = h p h a t e child
Wee image 0' my bonie Betty, H e sees in her a miniature of her lovely
As fatherly I kiss and daut thee, mother, and as he kisses her, he promises
As dear, and near my heart I set thee to love and cherish her, despite the terrible
Wi as guid will, disapproval of the church.
As a' the priests had seen me get thee daut = dote
That's out 0' Hell.
Gude grant that thou may ay inherit He asks that God grants her her mother's
Thy mither's looks an' gracefu' merit, beauty and graceful demeanour,and that she
An' thy poor, worthless daddie's spirit, be given his spirit but without his faults.She
Without his failin's! will be better off with these grfcs than having
"Twill please me rnair to see thee heir it, been lefi a well-stocked farm.
Than stockit mailins. gude = God;ay = always; mitber = mother;
stockitmailin = well-stocked farm
And if thou be what I wad hae thee Finally he tells her that if she takes his advice
I'll never rue my trouble wi' thee- and grows up as he would wish, then he will
The cost nor shame opt, never regret the shame that he brought upon
But be a loving father to thee, himseK but that he will be a truly loving
And brag the name o't. fither who boasts about his child.
The Fornicator
h i s is a rather defiant poem which appears to relate to the affair he had with Elizabeth
Paton. Whereas the outcome of that relationship was the baby Elizabeth, Bums refers
in this poem to a son.
Ye jovial boys who love the joys, He scorns the men who bear no responsi-
The blissful joys of Lovers; bility when their lover becomes pregnant
Yet dare avow with dauntless brow, and tells how he has stood up to accept his
When th' bony lass discovers; punishment publicly.
I pray draw near and lend an ear, th' bony lass discovers = h d s herself
And welcome in a Frater, pregnant; Frater = brother
For I've lately been on quarantine,
A proven Fornicator.
Befbre the Congregation wide The kirk paraded defaulters publicly and
I pass'd the muster fairly, the ministers chastised them verbally.
My handsome Betsey by my side, Burns does not appear to be unduly
We gat our diny rarely; concerned as he admits to having lecherous
But my downcast eye by chance did spy thoughts during the sermon.
What made my lips to water, drtty = sermon
Those limbs so clean where I, between,
Commenc'd a Fornicator.
With rueful face and signs of grace He payed his fine with pious expression but
I pay'd the buttock-hire, allhisvowsofpenitencedmppeadassoon
The night was dark and thro' the park as Betsq.and he were done in the dark.
I could not but convoy her; buttock-hire = a fine imposed by the kirk
A parting kiss, what could I less, upon fbmicators; convoy = accompany
My vows began to scatter,
My Betsey M-lal de del lal Id,
I am a Fornicator.
Understanding ROBERT BURNS
But for her sake this vow I makel He swears that half of what money he has
And solemnly I swear it, shall be hers.
That while I own a single crown,
She's welcome for to share it;
And my roguish boy, his Mother's joy,
And the darling of his Pater,
For him I boast my pains and cost
Although a Fornicator.
Ye wenching blades whose hireling jades He scorns those who use prostitutes and
Have tipt ye off blue-boram, become stricken with venereal disease. Far
I tell ye plain, I do disdain better to make love to an honest lass and
To rank ye in the Quorum; pay for the consequences.
But a bony lass upon the grass hireling jades = prostitutes; tipt ye of blue-
To teach her esse Mater, boram = passed on pox (believed to refer
And no reward but for regard, to the infamous Blue Boar tavern in
0 that's a Fornicator. London); esse Mater = be a mother
Your warlike Kings and Heros bold, He finally equates himself with famous
Great Captains and Commanders; figures in history who have also been
Your mighty Caesars fam'd of old, fornicators.
And Conquering Alexanders;
In fields they fought and laurels bought,
And bulwarks strong did batter,
But still they grac'd our noble list
And ranked Fornicator!!!
The Vision
Following his venture into the supernatural with Death and Doctor Hornbook, Bums
returns to the theme. It commences with the Bard looking back over his l& and
lamenting how his rhyming has failed to augment his income. The Vision, naturally in
the shape of a beautiful young woman, extols the beauty of the Scottish countryside and
the virtues of Scotland's writers and heroes. Written and amended over a period of three
or b u r years, it is interesting to note the change in style from the Auld Scots to pure
English as the poem develops. Apart from a few glossary references in the opening verses,
the poem is lucid in its meaning throughout.
The sun had clos'd the winter day, quat = quit; roaring play = curling; maukin
The curlers quat their roaring play, =hareiilk=each
And hunger'd rnaukin taen her way,
To kail-yards green,
While faithless snaws ilk step betray
Whare she has been.
The thresher's weary flingin-tree, Pingin tree = flail; lee-lang = full length; ben
The lee-lang day had tired me; = through; spence = back parlour; gaed =
And when the day had clos'd his e'e, went
Far i' the west,
Ben i' the spence, right pensivelie,
I gaed to rest.
All in this mottie, misty clime, mottie = spotty; mus'd = mused; bktbers =
I backward mus'd on wasted time: chatters
How I had spent my youthfu prime,
An' done nae-thing,
But stringing blethers up in rhyme,
For fools to sing.
Had I to guid advice but harket, barket = listened; clarket = clerked; balf-
I might, by this, hae led a market, sarket = half-clothed
Or strutted in a bank and clarket
My cash-account:
While here, half-mad, haf-fed, half-sarket,
Is a' th' amount.
When click! the string the snick did draw; snick = door-latch; ingle-lowe = flame from
And jee! the door gaed to the wa'; fire; bizzie = young woman; bleezin =
And by my ingle-lowe I saw, blazing
Now bleezin bright,
A tight, outlandish hizzie, braw,
Come full in sight.
By that same token;
And come to stop those reckless VOWS,
Would soon be broken.
His Country's Saviour, mark him well! William Wallace, and others who fought
Bold Richardson's heroic swell; for Scotland.
The chief,on Sark, who gloriously fell
In high command;
And he whom ruthless fates expel
His native land.
'Of these am I Coda my name:
And this district as mine I claim,
Where once the Campbells, chiefs of fane,
Held ruling pow'r:
I rnark'dthy ernbryo-tuneful flame,
Thy natal hour.
I saw thee leave their ev'ning joys,
And lonely stalk,
To vent thy bosom's swelling rise,
In pensive walk.
i Keen-shivering, shot thy nerves along,
: Those accents, grateful to thy tongue,
Th'adored Name,
I taught thee how to pour in song,
To soothe thy h e .
When chill November's surly blast When out walking, the poet met a man
Made field and forests bare, who was carrying the strain of l S s toils
One ev'ning, as I wander'd forth engraved upon his face.
Along the banks of Ayr,
I spied a man, whose aged step
Seem'd weary, worn with care;
His face was furrow'd o'er with years,
And hoary was his hair. hoary = white or grey with age
'Young stranger, whither wand'rest tho12 The stranger wanted to know if Bums was
Began the rev'rend Sage; constrained by poverty, and if he was
'Does thirst of wealth thy step constrain, already cast down by care with no future
Or youthful pleasures rage? except one of misery and toil.
O r haply prest with cares and woes, haply = perhaps
Too soon thou hast began,
To wander fbrth, with me to mourn
The miseries of Man.
'The sun that overhangs yon moors, For eighty years he has toiled in order that
Out-spreading far and wide, some aristocratic land-owner might live a
Where hundreds labour to support life of sustained luxury.
A haughty lordlings pride;
I've seen yon weary winter-sun
Twice forty times return;
And ev'ry time has added proofs,
That Man was made to mourn.'
Understanding ROBERT BURNS
0 man! while in thy early years, When one is young and carefree, there is
How prodigal of time! little thought given to what life has in
Mis-spending all thy precious hours, store in the years to come.
Thy glorious, youthful prime!
Alternate follies take the sway,
Licentious passions bum;
Which tenfold force gives Nature's law,
That Man was made to mourn.
'Look not alone on youthful prime, When one is young, the problems are a
O r manhood's active might; long way OK but as one grows old and
Man then is useful to his kind, work becomes more and more difficult to
Supported is his right; obtain, then life is harsh and survival is
But see him on the edge of life, difficult.
With cares and sorrows worn,
Then Age and Want - oh!ill-matched pair!-
Shew Man was made to mourn.
'A few seem favourites of Fate, Although it appears that some are greatly
In pleasure's lap carest; favoured by being born into wealth and
Yet, think not all the rich and great, care-free existence, this is not always the
Are likewise truly blest; case, for all over the world people are
But oh! what crowds in ev'ry land, bowed down under the harshness of their
AU wretched and forlorn, existence.
Thro' weary life this lesson learn,
That Man was made to mourn!
'Many and sharp the num'rous ills The Bard's amazing perception of
Inwoven with our frame! mankind is abundantly clear here as he
More pointed s d we make ourseves, explains that although man was born of
Regret, remorse, and shame! God with the ability to love, he is also
And Man,whose heav'n-erected face capable of inflicting cruelty and misery
The smiles of love adorn, upon his fellows.
Man's inhumanity to man
Makes countless thousands mourn!'
'See yonder poor, o'er labouid wight, The employer will casually r&se work to
So abject, mean and vile, a fellow man with no thought at all of the
Who begs a brother of the earth consequences which will befall his
To give him leave to toil; starving family.
And see his lordly fellow-worm,
The poor petition spurn,
Unmindful, tho' a weeping wife,
And hapless offspring mourn.'
'If I
'm design'd yon lordlings slave, If his destiny was to be no more than
By Nature's law design'd, a slave, then why was he given an
Why was an independent wish independent mind, and why should he be
E'er planted in my mind? considered a less worthy person than his
If not, why am I subject to employer, and what is it in some men that
His cruelty, or scorn? makes them seek power over others?
Or why has Man the will and pow'r
To make his fellow mourn?
'Yet, let not this too much, my son, The old man tries to reassure the poet by
Disturb thy youthful breast; explaining that there must be a reason for
This partial view of human-kind his poverty, and that his suffering will be
Is surely not the last! rewarded in a future existence.
The poor, oppressed, honest man
Had never, sure, been born,
Had there not been same recompense
To comfort those that mourn!'
'0 Death! the poor man's dearest friend, Death may be a source of fear to the rich,
The kindest and the best! but it is a welcome relief from the strain of
Welcome the hour my aged limbs a lifetime of hard toil to those who have
Are laid with thee at rest! had no respite during their lifetime.
The great, the wealthy fear thy blow,
From pomp and pleasure tom;
But Oh! a blest relief to those
That weary-laden mourn!'
Young Peggy
The story of Young Peggy, or Margaret Kennedy, to give her full name, is one that is
sadly familiar throughout the ages, and in all levels of society. She was a good-looking
girl who was seduced by an army captain, resulting in the birth of a daughter. The
unchivalrous captain denied all responsibility for the child and the case was subsequent-
ly taken to court where it was decided that a secret marriage had indeed taken place, and
that the child was the legitimate offspring of wedded parents. The court also awarded a
very substantial sum of money to Peggy, but sadly, by the time the award was finally
made, she had died at the tender age of twenty-nine.
Bums' verses concerning Peggy were written some ten years earlier, but Young
Peggy's destiny was far removed from the Bard's wishes for her future life.
Surely one of the finest poems written by Bums, containing some of the most famous
and memorable lines ever written. It is not fully understood by the mass of Enghsh-
speaking poetry lovers, however, as it is written in Scots.
AU readers of Bums know of the'Wee sleekit cow'rin tim'rous beastie' but how many
understand the sadness and despair contained within the lines of this poem. What was
the Bard saying when he was inspired by turning up a fieldmouse in her nest one day
while out ploughing?
Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie, The poet is doing his utmost to assure
Oh, what a panic's in thy breastie! this terrified little creature that he has no
Thou need na start awa' sae hasty. intention of causing it any harm.
Wi bickerin' brattle! bickerin' brattle = scurrylrun; laith = loath;
I wad be laith to tin an' chase thee pattle = a small spade for cleaning a plough
Wi murdering pattle!
I'm truly sorry Man's dominion He then goes on to apologise to the mouse
Has broken Nature's social union, b r the behaviour of mankind. This gives
An'justses that ill opinion, '
some understanding as to what made
Which makes thee startle, Burns such a greatly loved man.
At me, thy poor, earth-born companion
An' fellow mortal!
I doubt na, whyles, but though may thieve; He tells the mouse that he understands its
What then? Poor beastie, thou maun live! need to steal the odd ear of corn, and he
A daimen icker in a thrave does not mind. He'll get by with the
'S a sma' request remainder and never miss it.
I'll get a blessin' wi' the lave daimen = occasional; icker = an ear of corn;
An' never miss 't ! tbruve = twenty-bur sheaves; lav = remainder
Thy wee-bit housie, too, in ruin! Dismay at the enormity of the problems he
Its silly wa's the win's are strewin! has brought upon the mouse causes him to
An' naething, now, to big a new ane reflect on what he has done - destroyed her
0' foggage green! home at a time when it is irnpodle to
An' bleak December win's ensuing, rebddThere is no grass to b d d a new home
Baith snell an' keen! and the December winds are cold and sharp.
Her preparations for winter are gone!
big = bui1d;foggage = moss; baitb = both
Thou saw the fields laid bare an' waste Where the mouse thought that she was
An' weary winter comin' fast, prepared tbr winter in her comfortable
An' cozie here, beneath the blast, little nest in the ground, she is now faced
Thou thought to dwell, with trying to survive in a most unfriendly
Ti crash! climate, with little or no hope in sight.
The cruel coulter past cosie = cornforcable; coultes = iron cutter in
Out thro' thy cell. front of a ploughshare
That wee bit heap 0' leaves an' stibble, It seems probable that here the poet is
Hast cost thee monie a weary nibble! really comparing his own hard times with
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble that of the mouse. A life of harsh struggle
But house or hald, with little or no reward at the end.
To thole the Winter's sleety dribble, monk =many; tbok = to endure; dribbk =
An' cranreuch cauld! drizzle; m n d = hoar-frost; cauld = cold
But Mousie, thou art no' thy lane, How many times have people glibly trotted
In proving foresight may be vain: out 'The best laid schemes' without & i
The best-laid schemes 0' Mice an' Men, that they were quoting Bud The sadness,
Gang aft agley, the despair, the insiit contained within this
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain verse are truly remarkable and deeply moving.
For promis'd joy! no thy lane = not alone; gang aft agky = o h
go awry
Still, thou art blest, compar'd wi' me! The final verse reveals the absolute
The present only toucheth thee; despondency that Bums was feeling at this
But Och! I backward cast my e'e stage in his .&I Not at all what one would
On prospects drear! expect from a young man of rwenty-six,
An' forward, tho' I canna see, supposedly so popular with the lassies, and
Iguessan'fiar! with his whole life ahead of him, but never-
theless expressing sentiments with which
many of us can easily relate.
Epistle to the Rev Tohn McMath
John McMath had been educated at Glasgow University and joined the ministry as one
of the New-Licht liberal preachers. His liking for drink was the cause of his downfall as
a minister and this failing appears to have been seized upon by the old brigade, forcing
his resignation. Bums had huge sympathy with his plight as the following lines show.
While at the stook the shearers cow'r While others are sheltering from the wind
To shun the bitter blaudin' show'r, and rain, or indulging in horseplay he
Or, in gulravage rinnin, scowr: decided to write this epistle.
To pass the time, stook = corn-stack; blaudin' = teeming;
To you I dedicate the hour gulravage = romp; rennin = running; scowr
In idle rhyme. = a shower/squall
My Musie, tiid wi' monie a sonnet His Muse, who is responsible for so many
On gown an' ban', an' douse black-bonnet, of his sober poems, thinks that perhaps
Is grown right eerie now she's done it, she will be cursed for this letter.
Lest they should blame her, douse = sober; anathem = curse; monk =
An' rouse their holy thunder on it many; eerie = scary
And anathem her.
I own 'twas rash, an' rather hardy It is foolhardy of such a lowly person to
That I, a simple, countra Bardie, criticise such a powerful bunch of people,
Should meddle wi' a pack sae sturdy as they can cause him great hardship.
Wha, if they ken me,
Can easy wi' a single wordie,
Louse Hell upon me.
But I gae mad at their grimaces, But he finds them totally aggravating with
Their +in, cantin, grace-proud f;?ces, their hypocritical attitude and falseness.
?heirthree-mile prayers,and hauf-mile- cantin = furious; raxin = elastic; waur =
Their raxin conscience, worse than; gae = go; raxin = growing
Whase greed, ~venge,an' pride disgraces
Waur nor their nonsense.
There's Gau'n, misca'd waur than a beast, Gavin Hamilton has been verbally abused
Wha has mair honour in his breast by them, yet he has more honour than any
Than monie scores as guid's the priest of them, so why should Bums not make a
Wha sae abus't him: joke of them.
An' may a Bard no' crack his jest
What way they've usel him?
0 Pope, had I thy satire's darts H e wishes that he had the talent of
To gie the rascals their deserts, Alexander Pope to satirise them properly.
I'd rip their rotten, hollow hearts,
An' tell aloud
Their jugglin', hocus-pocus arts
To cheat the crowd!
God knows, I'm no' the thing I shou'd be, He knows that he is no saint, but would
Nor am I even the thing I cou'd be, prefer to be an atheist with a clear
But twenty times I rather wou'd be conscience than one who uses religion as a
An atheist clean, cover-up for their own faults.
Than under gospel colors hid be
Just for a screen.
An honest man may like a glass, An honest man may like drinking and
An honest man may like a lass; women but would not resort to the
But mean revenge, an' d i c e fause meanness and spite that those people adopt.
He'll still disdain, fause = false
An' then cry zeal for gospel laws,
Like some we ken.
U#derstanding ROBERT BURNS
They take religion in their mouth; They use religion as a weapon to beat some
They talk of Mercy, Grace an' Truth; defenceless fellow with.
For what? to gie their malice skouth skouth = liberty; wight = fellow; ruth =
On some puir wight; pity; puir = poor; streigbt = straight
An' hunt him down, o'er right an' ruth,
To ruin streight.
Tho' bloch't an' foul wi' monie a stain, He may be imperfect but he knows that
An' far unworthy of thy train, true religion is worth fighting hr.
With trembling voice I tune my strain,
To join with those,
Who boldly dare thy cause maintain
In spite of foes:
In spite 0' crowds, in spite of mobs, He will not be be put off by the priests
In spite of undermining jobs, who have no souls.
In spite 0' dark bandim stabs,
At worth an' merit,
By scroundrels, even wi' holy robes,
But hellish spirit!
Sir, in that circle you are nam'd; H e is pleased to assure McMath that he
Sir, in that circle you are fam'd; is considered to be one of that group.
An, some, by whom your doctrine's blam'd
(Which gies ye honor),
Even Sir, by them your heart's esteem'd,
An' winning manner.
Pardon this freedom I have ta'en, Finally, an apology in case he has been
An' if impertinent I've been, too forward with his comments.
Impute it not, good Sir, in ane
Whase heart ne'er wra&'d ye,
But to his utmost would befriend
Ought that belangd ye.
The Holy Fair
The original Holy Fairs were the gathering of several parishes to join in communal worship
over a period of several days. However, by the time of Robert Burns they had transformed
into an excuse for revelry with the holy part largely disregarded. Bums made good use of
this poem to criticise several of the local clergy for whom he had little respect. This is a
truly colourful and descriptive piece that brings the Fair vividly to life.
The twa appear'd like sisters twin, Two were like twins with miserable, sour
In feature, form an' claes; faces.The third one skipped up to him and
Their visage wither'd, lang an' thin, curtsied.
An' sour as onie slaes: claes = clothes; visage = face; onie slues = any
The third cam up, hap-step-an-lowp, sloes; hap-step-an-lowp = hop; skip and
As light as onie lambie, jump; onie lambie = any lamb; curcbie =
An' wi' a curchie low did stoop, curtsy
As soon as e'er she saw me,
Fu' kind that day.
Wi bonnet 8,quoth 1,'Sweet lass, Doffing his hat, he apologised to the girl
I think ye seem to ken me; for being unable to recall her name. She
I'm sure I've seen that bonie face, took him by the hand and laughingly told
But yet I canna name ye.' him that for her sake he had broken most
Quo' she, an laughin as she spak, of the Ten Commandments.
An' taks me by the hands, ken = know; gien the feck = given the
'Ye, for my sake, hae gien the feck greater portion; a screed = a tearing-up
Of a' the Ten Commands
A screed some day.'
'My name is Fun your cronie dear, Her name was Fun. She was his best friend
The nearest friend ye hae; and she was on her way to the Holy Fair.
An' this is Superstition here, Her companions, Superstition and
An' that's Hypocrisy. Hypocrisy were also going to be there, but
I'm gaun to Mauchline Holy Fair, she and the poet would just laugh at them.
To spend an hour in dab: gaun = going; da@n = having fun;gin = if;
Gin ye'll go there, yon runkl'd pair, rinkl'd = wrinkled
We will get famous laughin
At them this day.'
Quoth I, 'Wi' a' my heart I'll do t; He dashed home to have his porridge and
I'll get my Sunday's sark on, put on his best shirt, and was soon back on
An' meet you on the holy spot; the road, which by now was busy with
Faith, we'se hae fine remarkin!' fellow travellers
Then I gaed hame at crowdie-time, sark = shirt; we'se hae = we'll have;
An' soon I made me ready; crowdie-time = breakfast
For roads were clad, frae side to side,
Wi monie a weary body
In droves that day.
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
When by the plate we set our nose, Walking into the gathering they passed a
Wee1 heaped up wi' ha'pence, collection plate already heaped up with
A greedy glowr black-bonnet throws, half- pences, but under the stem eye of an
An' we maun draw our tippence. elder they felt obliged to put in twopence.
Then in we go to see the show; greedy glowr black-bonnet throws = a
On ev'ry side they're gath'rin, church-elder gives a stem stare; maun =
Some carry dails, some chairs an' stools, must; daik = planks; tippence = twopence
An' some are busy bleth'rin
Right loud that day.
Here, stands a shed to fend the show'rs, The gentry are concealed behind a shelter,
An' screen our countra gentry; while a simple lass stands alongside the local
There, Racer Jess, an' twa-three whores, prostitutes to watch people amving. There is
Are blinkin at the entry. a row of immodestly dressed young women,
Here sits a row of tittlin jads, while nearby is a gang of young weavers out
Wi' heavin breasts an' bare neck; fbr a day of fun.
An' there a batch 0' wabster lads, fend tbe show'rs = protect from rain; blinkin =
Blackguarding h e Kilmamock, smirking tittlinjads = gossiping hussies;
For fun this day. wabster = weaver; blackguarding = roistering
Here, some are thinkin on their sins, Some of the congregration are contern-
An' some upo' their claes; plating their sins while others are more
Ane curses feet that fyl'd his shins, concerned about their attire. The chosen
Anither sighs an' prays: few sit smugly and solemnly while some of
On this hand sits a chosen swatch, the young men are only interested in
Wi screw'd-up, grace-proud faces; persuading a girl to sit beside them.
On that, a set 0' chaps, at watch, up6 their claes = upon their c1othes;jjI'd =
Thrang winkin on the lasses defiled; watch = sample;grace-proud =
To chairs that day. haughty; thrang = busy
0 happy is that man, an' blest! Happiest of all is the man whose sweetheart
Nae wonder that it prides him! sits beside him. His arm has slipped m u n d
Whase ane dear lass, that he likes best, her and he uses the opportunity to take
Comes clinkin' down beside him! previously unknown liberties.
Wi arm repos'd on the chair back, bkst = blessed; clinkin' = sitting an?104 =
He sweetly does compose him; and his palrq unkend = unknown
Which, by degrees, slips round her neck,
An's loof upon her bosom,
Unkend that day.
Now a' the congregation o'er, The Rev Moodie is the first to preach, and
Is silent expectation; does so with such vigour that the Devil
For Moodie speels the holy door, himself would have r e d home, scared
Wi tidings 0' damnation: by the preacher's facialexpressions.
Should Hornie, as in ancient days, speels = climbs; Homie = the Devil; 'mang =
'Mang sons 0' God present him, among; to? ain het hame = to his own hot
The Vera sight 0' Moodie's face, home
To's ain het hame had sent him
Wi fright that day.
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
Hear how he clears the points 0' Faith His wild rantings and his equally wild
Wi rattlin an' thumpin! gesturing are so exciting that they have an
Now meekly calm, now wild in wrath, aphrodisiac e k of upon the poet.
He's starnpin, an' he's jumpin! snout = nose; eIdritch squeals = unearthly
His lengthen'd chin, his turn'd-up snout, screams; cantbaridianplaisters = aphrodisiacs
His eldritch squeal an' gestures,
0 how they fire the heart devout,
Like cantharidian plaisters
On sic a day !
But hark! the tent has changd its voice; Now it is time fbr the hierarchy to preach,
There's peace an' rest nae langer; and Smith's tone is so full of anger and fury
For a' the real judges rise, at their lack of morals, that most of the con-
They canna sit for anger, gregation decide it is time to depart to where
Smith opens out his cauld harangues, thedrinkisbemgserved.
On practice and on morals; c a d = cold; thrays = throngs
An' aE the godly pour in thrangs
To gie the jars an' barrels
A lift that day.
What sigxufies his barren shine, The poet considers that Smith is out of
Of moral powers an' reason? touch with modem society and that his
His English style, an' gesture h e , sermonisingis out of date. What's more, he
Are a' clean out 0' season. expresses no Christian sentiment or
Like Socrates or Antonine, feelings in his preaching.
O r some auld pagan heathen,
The moral man he does define,
But ne'er a word 0' faith in
That's right that day.
In guid time comes an antidote The Rev Peebles apparently was met with
Against sic poison'd nostrum; approval. H e was not of the hell and
For Peebles, frae the water-fit, damnation school, but preached with quiet
Ascends the holy rostrum: sincerity and with common sense.
See, up he's got the word 0' God, sic poisonill nostrum = such bitter medicine;
An' meek an' mim has view'd it, jae the water$ = f k m the river-mouth;
While common-sense has ta'en the road rostrum = pulpit; mim = demure
An' &,an' up the Cowgate
Fast, fast that day.
Wee Miller niest, the guard relieves, Next on is the Rev Miller. He secretly
An' Orthodoxy raibles, regards much of the church's beliefs as no
Tho' in his heart he wee1 believes, more than old wives tales. However, he is in
An' thinks it auld wives fables need of a parish so will go along with it.
But faith! the birkie wants a manse, niest = next; raibles = recites; birkie = Mow;
So, cannilie he hums them; cannilie = wordly; baflimwise = almost half
Altho' his carnal wit an' sense
Like hafflins-wise o'ercomes him
At times that day.
Now butt an' ben the change-house fills, The crowd becomes rowdy and drunken.
Wi' yill-caup commentators; As the cries to be served with fkd and
Here's crying out for bakes and gds, drink become more raucous, the preachers
An' there, the pint-stowp clatters; must yell even louder to make themselves
While thick an' thrang, an' loud an' lang, heard, so much so that they are in danger of
Wi' logic, an' wi' Scripture, giving themselves a hernia.
They raise a din, that in the end butt an' ben = out and in; change-house = ale
Is like to breed a rupture h o w yitl- caup = beer glass; bakes and@ =
wrath that day. scones and wtusky; pint-stowp = beer jug
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
Leeze me on drink! it gies us mair It would appear that the more one drinks,
Than either school or college; the wimer and more erudite one feels one
It kindles wit, it waukens lear, becomes. Indeed, be it whisky or ale, the
It pangs us fu' 0' knowledge: result is always the same.
Bet whisky-gill or penny wheep, keze = blessings; gies us mair = gives us
O r onie stronger potion, more; waukens kar = wakens learning;pangs
It never fails, on drinkin deep, = crams; penny wbeep = small ale bought
To kittle up our notion, for a penny; kittle = tickle
By night or day.
The lads and lasses, blythely bent The young people are happy to sit around
To mind baith sad an' body, the table drinking and gossiping. Others
Sit round the table, wee1 content, rake the opportunity to arrange meetings at
An' steer about the toddy: some other time.
On this me's dress, an' that me's leuk, suul= soul;steer = stir; toddy = spirits, sugar
They're makin observations; and hot water; kuk = appearance;
While some are cozie i' the neuk, cozie i' tbe neuk = cosy in the comer
An' tbrming assignations
To meet some day.
But now the Lord's ain trumpet touts, Now you can hear the Rev Russell's words
Till a' the hills are rairin, bouncing off the surroundinghills. Here's a
An' echoes back return the shouts; man whose words cut through you like a
Black Russell is na spairin: sword and make you fear for your very soul.
His piercin' words, like Highlan' swords, touts = sounds; rairin = roaring; saulr =
Divide the joints an marrow; souls
His tak 0' Hell, whare devils dwell,
Our Vera 'sauls does harrow'
Wi' fright that day!
A vast, unbottom'd, boundless pit, He rages on about the fires of hell in such
Fill'd fou 0' lowin brunstane; furious manner that some of those who
Whase raging flame, an' scorching heat, had been enjoying a quiet nap woke up in
Wad melt the hardest whun-stane! the belief they could hear the roaring of
The half-asleep start up wi' fear, the flames. Fortunately it was only the
An' think they hear it roarin'; sound of a neighbour's snoring they were
When presently it does appear, hearing.
Twas but some neebor snorin' lowin brunstane = blazing brimstone;
Asleep that day. wbun-stane = granite
Twad be owre lang a tale to tell, It would take too long to relate the many
How monie stories past; stories of the day, and how everyone
An' how they crouded to the $1, crowded into the bar at the end of the
When they were a' dismist; proceedings to quench their thirsts and
How drink gaed round, in cogs an' caups, appetites.
Amang the fbrms an' benches; yill = ale; a' dim& = all dismissed; cogs an'
An' cheese an' bread, frae women's laps; caups = wooden dishes and drinking vessels;
Was dealt about in lunches, dawdc = lumps
An' dawds that day.
In comes a gawsie, gash guidwife, A very confident woman enters and sits by
An' sits down by the fire, the fireplace,taking out her cheese and knifk
Syne draws her kebbuck an' her knife; The young girls are much more shy and
The lasses they are shyer: tend to hang back. As tradition demands
The auld guidmen, about the grace, some of the older men 0% up very long
Frae side to side they bother; graces until they eventually settle down.
T i some ane by his bonnet lays, gawsie, gasbguidwij = buxom, smart woman;
An' gies them't, like a tether kebbuck = cheese
Fu' lang that day.
Understanding ROBERT B U R N S
Waesucks! for him that gets nae lass, Alas for the lad or lass who ends up alone.
Or lasses that hae nothing! The lad has little to be thankful tbr in
Sma' need has he to say a grace, spite of his smart clothes. The poet pleads
Or melvie his braw claithing! with the mothers to remember how they
0 wives, be rnindfb', ance yoursel', used to feel, so don't embarrass your
How bonie lads ye wanted; daughters today.
An' dinna, for a kebbuck-heel, waesucks = alas; melvie bis braw ckzitbing =
Let lasses be affronted spill food on his good clothes; kebbuck-bee1
On sic a day! = cheese-rind
How monie hearts this day converts This day has been the cause of many
0' sinners and 0' lasses! romantic meetings. Some have been
Their hearts 0' stane, gin night are gane carried away by the spirit of love, others by
As saft as onie flesh is: the spirit in the brandy bottle.
There's some are fou 0' love divine; n, night = by nightfall; boughmagandie =
There's some are fou 0' brandy; love-making
An' monie jobs that day begm,
May end in houghmagandie
Some ither day.
Bums had a dog named Luath that he loved dearly. Sadly, Luath died and the poet
resolved to immortdise his old and trusted friend by writing this fine poem. Luath
represents the working people of Scotland, while Caesar represents the ruling classes.
'Twas in that place 0' Scotland's Isle, One h e day in June,at Kyle in Scotland,
That bears the name 0' auld King Coil, two very dissirniliar dogs who had nothing
Upon a bonie day in June, to do at home, met up with each other.
When wearin thro' the afternoon, King Coil = a Pictish monarch; tho' =
Twa dogs, that were na thrang at hame through; twa = two; nu tbrang at bame = not
Forgather'd ance upon a time. busy at home;forgatber'd = met; ame = once
The first I'll name, they ca'd him Caesar, The first was named Caesar, and was purely
Was keepit for his Honour's pleasure, a pet for his master. His size and shape
His hair, his size, his mouth, his lugs, indicated that he was not native to Sodand,
Shew'd he was nane 0' Scotland's dogs; but had probably come fiom
But whalpit some place far abroad, Newfbundland
Whare sailors gang to fish for cod. cad = called; keepit = kept; lugs = ears;sbew'd
= showed; nane = none; wbalpit = born;
whare = whetegang = go
His locked, letter'd, braw brass collar, Despite his fancy collar and high pedigree,
Shew'd him the gentleman an' scholar; he was totally without ambition and was
But tho' he was 0' high degree, willing to spend his days with any old
The fient a pride, nae pride had he, mongrel willing to spend time with him.
But wad hae spent an hour caressin', braw = handsome; tbefient = a fiend; wad
Ev'n wi' a tinkler-gipsy's messin; hue = would have; messin = mongrel; kirk
At kirk or market, mill or smiddie, = church; smiddy = blacksmith's; nae tauted
Nae tawted tyke, tho' e'er sae duddie, tyke = no matted dog; e'er sue duddie = ever
But he wad stan't, as glad to see him, so ragged; wad stan't = would stand; stroant
An' stroant on stanes an' hillocks wi' him. on stanes = peed on stones
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
The tither was a ploughman's collie, The other was a collie named Luath, owned
A rhyming, ranting, raving billie, by a poetic ploughman.
Wha for his friend an' comrade had him, tither = other; rantin = joyous; billie =
And in his freaks had Luath cad him, c o d in bisfiPaks = in amusement; fang
Afier some dog in Highlan' sang, yne = long ago
Was made lang syne -
Lord knows how lang.
He was a gash an' faithfu' tyke, He was as respectable and faithful a dog as
As ever lap a sheugh or dyke, had ever leapt over ditches and walls, and
His honest, sonsie, baws'nt face with his friendly face with its white stripe,
Ay gat him friends in ilka place; and his happily wagging tail, he was
His breast was white, his towzie back guaranteed a welcome anywhere.
Wee1 clad wi' coat 0' glossy black; gash = wise; lap = leapt; sbeugh = ditch; dyke
His gawsie tail, wi' upward curl, = stone wall; sonsie =jolly; bawsn't = white
Hung owre his hurdies wi' a swirl. sniped, gat = got; i2ka = every; towtie =
shaggy; weel = well;gawie = handsome; owre
his burdies = over his backside
Nae doubt but that they were fain 0' ither, There was no doubt that these two dogs
And unco pack an' thick thegither; enjoyed each other's company as they sniffkd
Wi social noses whyles sn&d an' snowkit; out mice and moles and went for long walks.
Whyles mice an' muddieworts they howkit; Eventually, however, they would tire of
Whyles scoured awa; in lang excursion playing and settle down fbr serious
An' worry'd ither in diversion; discussion about the meaning of lifk
'Till tired at last wi' monie a farce, fain d ither = h d of each other; uncd pack an'
They set them down upon their arse, thick t+kr = uncouth and as thick as
An' there began a lang digression thieves; wbyk-s = sometimes; snuf' an' mowkit
About the 'lords 0' the creation' = s& and s n d e d ; muddiewotts = moles;
bowkit = dug up; scourii = rushed;monk a f m
= many a laugh
I've often wonder'd, honest Luath, Caesar expresses his wonder at the different
What sort 0' life poor dogs like you have; hfistyles of the rich and poor.
An' when the gentry's life I saw, ava = at all
What way poor bodies liv'd ava.
Our laird gets in his racked rents, Our master gets his money by charging
His coals, his kain, an' his stents; exorbitant rents. His fuel, his fbod and his
He rises when he likes himsel'; taxes are provided by his tenants. His
His flunkies answer at the bell; servants rush to get him his coach or his
H e ca's his coach; he ca's his horse; horse. One can see the golden guineas
H e draws a bonie, silken purse, shining through the stitches of his puse.
As langs my tail, whare t h d the steeks, racked = exorbitant;kain = farm produce
The yellow, letter'd Geordie keeks. payed as rent; stents = taxes; fiunkies =
servants; u;= calls; st& = stitches;yenow-
W d Geordie = a guinea; kdu = peep
Frae mom to e'en it's nought but toiling, Food is prepared all day long. The masters
At baking, roasting, fiymg, boiling are the first to be served, but the servants get
An' tho' the gentry first are steghan, their share. The miserable little kennelman
Yet e'en the ha' blk fll their peghan eatsbetter than any of his lordship's tenants.
Wi sauce, ragouts, an' sic liketrashme stechin = completely full;ha'folk = house-
That's little short 0' downright wastrie servants; pecban = stomach; sic = such,
Our whipper-in, wee blastit wonner, trashtrie = rubbish; wastrie = extravagance;
Poor, worthless elf,it eats a dinner, wbipperin = kennelman; wee blastit wonner =
Berter than onie tenant-man worthless person; cot-folk = cottagen; pit =
His Honour has in a' the lad put; painch = stomach
An' what poor cot-fbk pit their painch in,
I own it's past my comprehension.
U n d e r s t a n d i n g ROBERT B U R N S
Trowch,Caesar, whyles they're fasht eneugh; Oh, they are worried at ames, but they work
A cotter howkin in a sheugh, hard enough to keep a roof over their heads.
Wi duty stanes biggin' a dyke, trowth = truth; fasb't enough = troubled
Barin' a quarry, an' sic like. enough; cotter = labourer; biggin' = buildin
Himsel', a wifi he thus sustains, smytrie o' wee duddie bairns = family of small
A smytrie 0' wee duddie weans, ragged children; han'durg = hands work; in
An' nought but his han'darg to keep thack an' rape = with a roof over their heads
'Them nght an' tight in thack an rape.
An' when they meet wi' sair disasters, When problems arise like ill-health or
Like loss 0' health, or want 0' masters, unemployment, you would expect them to
Ye maist wad think, a wee touch langer, die of cold and hunger. I don't know how
An' they maun starve 0' cauld an' hunger; they survive, but they usually appear
But how it comes, I never kend yet, contented, and they manage to raise
They're maistly wonderfu'contented; sturdy boys and clever girls.
An' buirdly chiels, an' clever hizzies, sair = sor; ye maist wad think = you would
Are bred in sic a way as this is. believe; a wee touch hnger = a little longer;
maun = must; cauld = cold; kend = knew;
maistly = mostly; buirdly chiels = sturdy
lads; hizzies = young women
But then, to see how you're negleckit, But no one respects you or the cottagers.
How huff'd, an' cuff'd, an' disrespeckit! The gentry pass you as I would pass a
Lord man, our gentry care as little stinking old badger.
For delvers, ditchers, an' sic cattle; negkckit = neglected; b u f d = bullied; cufd =
They gang as saucy by poor folk, beaten; ditchers = ditch cleaners; sic cattk =
As I wad by a stinking brock. such people; wad = would; brock = badger
I've notic'd, on our laird's court-day, I've been sore-hearted many times on rent-
An' monie a time my heart's been wae, days by the way the landlord's agent abuses
Poor tenant-bodies, scant 0' cash, tenants who cannot pay their dues. He
How they maun thole a factor's snash; threatens and curses them and has them
He'll stamp an' threaten, curse an' swear, arrested, and he impounds their few
He'll apprehend them, poind their gear possessions while all they can do is stand
While they maun stan', wi' aspect humble, and tremble. I can see how the rich live, but
An hear it a', an' fear an' tremble! being poor must be terrible.
I see how folk live that hae riches, scant 0' cash = short of money; maun tbok =
But surely poor-folk maun be wretches! must endure,;factm>snasb = agent's abuse;
poind = seize
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
They're no sae wretched's ane wad think; They are so used to being close to poverty
Tho' constantly on poortith's brink, that they hardly notice it, and it does not
They're sae accustom'd wi' the sight, worry them unduly.
The view o't gies them little fright. poortitbj brink = edge of poverty
Then chance and fortune are sae guided, They have little control of their own
They're ay in less or mair provided, destiny, and as they constantly exhausted, a
An' tho' fatigu'd wi' close employment, little nap is a great treat to them.
A blink 0' rest's a sweet enjoyment blink d test = a short nap
The dearest comfort 0' their lives, Their greatest pleasure is simply to be at
Their grushie weans an' faithfu' wives; home with their family.
The prattlin' things are just their pride, p b i e weans = thriving children; prattlin' =
That sweeten's a' their fireside. chattering
An' whyles twalpennie-worth 0' nappy While the ale does help them relax, they are
Can mak the bodies unco happy; serious minded people who discuss in depth
They lay aside their private cares, the &rs of Church and State.Tallang of
To mind the Kirk and State affairs; patronage and priesthood can stir them to
They'll talk 0' patronage an' priests, anger, and they discuss with amazement
w' kindlin' fury in their breasts, these people in London who burden them
Or tell what new taxation's comin', with yet more taxes,
An' ferlie at the folk in Lon'on. twulpenny wozth 0' mppy = small quantity of
ale; wi' kindlin'hry = with burning anger;
f k l i e = marvel
As bleak-fac'd Hallowmass returns, When the harvest is in and they are into
They get the jovial, ranting kirns, autumn, they have the most wonderful
When rural life, of ev'ry station, pames where you would scarce believe
Unite in common recreation; they had a care in the world.
Love blinks, Wit slaps, an' social Mirth rantin' kirns = harvest festivals
Forgets there's care upd the earth.
That merry day the year begins, The arrival of New Year heralds another
They bar the door on frosty win's; happy time when the ale flows freely and
The nappy reeks wi' mantle ream, pipes and s n d are handed around The
An' sheds a heart-inspiring ream, elders enjoy a good talk, and the children
The luntin pipe, an' sneeshin mill, play so happily that I bark with joy just
Are handed round wi' right guid-will; to be there with them.
The cantie, auld folks, crackin' crouse, win: = winds; the napy reeks wi' mantle ream
The young anes rantin' thro' the house. = the room smells of fbarning ale; luntin' =
My heart has been sae fain to see them, smoking; sneesbin' mill = s n d boq cantie
That I for joy hae barkit wi' them. auldfolks crackin' croure = cheerful old people
talking merrily; saefain = so glad; bae barkit =
have barked
Still it's owre true that ye hae said, Nevertheless, there's a lot of truth in what
Sic game is now owre aften play'd; you say. Many's the M y that's been forced
There's monie a creditable stock out of their home by some unscrupulous
0 decent, honest, fawsont folk, agent trying to win favour with his master
Are riven out baith root an' branch,. who is busy with affairs of the state.
Some rascal's pridefu' greed to quench, fwsont = digded; riven = tom; gentk =
Wha thinks to knit himsel' the faster gentleman; aiblins thrang a parliamentin' =
In favour wi' some gentle master, perhaps busy in parliament; hu saul &tin =
Wha aiblins thrang a parliamentin', giving his soul
For Britain's guid his s a d indentin-
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
Haith, lad ye little ken about it; Huh, lad, you don't know the half of it.
Britain's guid !guid faith! I doubt it. Working for Britain'sgood?No, they simply
Say, rather, gaun as Premiers lead him; do what their party leaders tell them. Most
An' saying aye, or no's they bid him of the time they're going to the opera or to
At operas an'plays parading, plays, or they are gambling or going to fancy-
Mortgaging, gambling, masquerading; dress balls. Or they might decide to go to
Or maybe, in a frolic daft, The Hague or Calais, or even further afield
To Hague or Calais taks a wafi, on the Grand Tour.
To mak a tour an' tak a whirl, ye little ken = you little know; gaun = going;
To learn bon-ton an' see the worl'. taks a waft = takes a trip
Hech man! dear sirs! is that the gate, We work hard for them while they waste
They waste sae monie a braw estate! it all away.
Are we sae foughten an' harass'd gate = way;sae monie a braw estate = many
For gear to gang that gate at last! a fine inheritance;foughten = troubled
0 would they stay aback fiae courts, Why can't they just stay at home and
An' please themsels wi' countra sports, enjoy country pursuits? Everyone would
It wad for ev'ry ane be better. be better off. They really are not such bad
The laird, the tenant, an' the cotter! fellows you know, although their manners
For thae frank, rantin, rarnblin billies, are often poor in the way they discuss
Fient haet 0' them's ill-hearted fellows; their affairs with women so openly, or go
Except for breakin' 0' their timmer, shooting hare or moorhens just fbr the
Or spealun' lightly 0' their limmer, fun of it. They are certainly never nasty to
Or shootin' of a hare or moorcock, us poor fblk.
The ne'er a bit they're ill to poor folk. countra = country;fient baet = not one of;
timmer = timber; limmer = mistress
But will ye tell me, master Caesar, But surely Caesar, their life is one of pure
Sure great folks' life's a life 0' pleasure? pleasure? No worries at all of cold and
Nae cauld nor hunger e'er can steer them, hunger to upset them.
The Vera thought o't need na fear them. vera = very
Undcrrranding R O B E R T B U R N S
Lord man, were ye but whyles whare I am, If you knew what I knew, you would not
The gentles ye wad ne'er envy 'em! envy them. It is true that they neither
It's true they need na starve or sweat, starve nor sweat, and their bodies are not
Thm' winter's cauld, or simmer's heat; racked by the pain of toil, but humans are
They've nae sair-wark to craze their banes, strange creatures and in spite of their
An' i llauld-age wi' grips an' granes: education, if they have no red ills to
But human bodies are sic fools, trouble them, they will find something to
For a' their colleges an' schools, make them ill h r little or no reason.
That when nae real ills perplex them, simmer = summer; sair work = sore work;
They mak enow themselves to vex them to craze tbeir banes = to injure their bones;
An' aye the less they hae to stun them, wi'grips an'granes = with aches and groans;
In like propomon, less will hurt them. enow = enough; sturt = trouble
Their nights, unquiet, lang an' restless. They find littlejoy in their sports and balls,
An' ev'n their sports, their balls an' races, or at the race meetings,just making sure that
Their galloping t h d public places, they are seen in all the right places. The men
There's sic parade, sic pomp an' art, get drunk and throw their money away on
The joy can scarcely reach the heart. prostitutes and gambLng, and wake up next
The men cast out in party-matches, day with massive hangovers.
Then sowther a' in deep debauches; partymatches = groups; suwther = make up;
Ae night they're mad wi' drink an'whoring, deep debauches = heavy drinking; niest = next
Niest day their lifk is past enduring.
The ladies arm-in-arm in clusters. The women acc so sisterly and gracious
As great an' gracious a' as sisters; while they sip their tea and seek the latest
But hear their absent thoughts 0' ither, scandal about their fiiends. Or they sit,
They're a' tun-deils an'jads thegither. -cs while they play cards, gambling
Whyles, owre the wee bit cup an' platie, with their tenant's livelihood, and cheating
They sip the scandal-potion pretty; shamelessly.
O r lee-lang nights, wi' crabbit leuks jad = ill-tempered woman; pkatie - plate;
Pore owre the devil's pictur'd beds; crabbit leuks = sour-faced; devili pictur'd
Stake on a chance a farmer's stackyard, beuks = playing cards; stuckyurd = stockyard
An' cheat like onie unhangd blackguard
There's some exceptions, man an' woman; There are a few exceptions, but not many.
But this is Gentry's lifi in common.
By this time the sun was out 0' sight, By now darkness was falling. Beetles were
An' darker gloarnin brought the night; droning in the twilight, and the cattle were
The bum-clock humm'd wi' lazy drone; lowing in the fields. The two dogs arose,
The kye stood rowtin i' the loan; shook themselves, and considered how
When up they gat an' shook their lugs, fortunate they were to be dogs and not
Rejoic'd that they were na men but dogs, men. They each went his own way vowing
An' each took aE his several way, to meet again.
Resolv'd to meet some ither day. gloamin' = twilight; bum-clock = drone
beetle; kye = cattle; lugs = ears
The Cotter's Saturdav N i ~ h t
Cotters, or cottagers were the labouring classes of the farming community, the people
who dug the ditches and cleared the stones from the fields. People to whom life was an
ongoing struggle against poverty and starvation, and the people for whom Bums had a
burning respect and admiration. Proud, proud people who were both God-fearing and
law-abiding citizens, and whose aspirations were seldom greater than to be dowed to
ked and house their families. Once again the Bard presents himself as a true champion
of the working-classes, again displaying his contempt for the paraphernalia of Church
and State. Bums wrote this wonderful poem when he was 26 years old, and dedicated it
to Robert Aiken, one of the targets of Holy Willie's venomous tirades, and to whom the
poem is addressed in the opening lines.
My 1 0 4 my honour3 much respected friend! The poem Starts with Bums paying his
No mercenary bard his homage pays; respects to Robert Aiken, explaining to
W1th honest pride, I scorn each selfish end, him that had he been born a cottager, then
My dearest meed a fiiend's esteem and praise; this is how life would have been, and
To you I sing, in simple Scomsh lays, telling him that he may have been a
The lowly train in life's sequester3 scene; happier man for it.
The native f d q s strong, the gdeless ways meed = reward; lay = song; ween = expect
What Aiken in a cottage would have been;
Ah! tho' his worth d o w n , far
happier there I ween.
November chill blaws loud wi' angry sough; The scene changes to the cotter wearily
The short'ning winter-day is near a dose; returninghomewards on a Sanuday evening,
The miry beasts remating frae the pleugh; hoping to spend the fbllowing morning
The black'ning trainsd craws to their repose; restinghistiredbody.Thereturninghorses,
The toil-wom Cotter frae his labor goes, covered in mud from the p1ougl-q and the
This night his weekly moil is at an end, masses of crows flying to their nests paints a
Cdlect~hisspades,hismattodrsandhishoes; very vivid picture
Hoping the mom in ease and rest to spend, blcruS = blows; sough = sigh; miry = muddy;
And weary o'er the moor, his course does kae
tbepkugb = from the plough; trains d craws
h a m d bend = masses of crows; mod = labour mattock =
pi* bamauanl= homeward
At length his lonely cot appears in view, As he approaches his cottage, he is met by
Beneath the shelter of an aged tree; his toddlers who are happy to see their
Th'expeaant wee-things, toddlng, fither, and as he sits by his fireside, his toils
d e r through and tribulations are fbrgotten in the comfbrt
To meet their dad,with achterin' noise of his home and his loving wife.
and glee, cot = cottage; wee-things = small children;
His wee-bit ingle, blinkin' M e , stacher = walk unsteadily; Pichterin' =
His dean hearth-stane, his thrifty wi6B smile, fluttering; ingle = fireside, hearth-stane =
The lisping infant pradng on his knee, hearth-stone; wifie = wife; kiaugh =
Does a' his weary luaugh and care begu~Ie, trouble
An'makeshimquitefbrgethislaboran'h i s d
Belyve, the elder bairns come drappin' in, Eventually the older children start arriving
At service out, amang the &ers roun'; home. They have been worlang fbr local
Someca'theph&someherdsometenrierin farmers, or running errands to a nearby
A cannie errand to a neebor town; town.The eldest daughter, Jenny is almost a
Their eldest hope, theirJennywoman grown, grown woman but she understands the need
In yo& bloom, love sparkhg in her e'e, to help out with the Mybudget.
Comes harne; perhaps to show a braw belyve = eventually; bairns = children;
new gown, dmppin' = droppixg ca' thepkugb = drive the
Or deposit her sair-won penny-fee, plough; tentie rin a cannie errand = carefully
To help her parents dear,ifthey in hardship be. run a small etrand; neebor = nelghbout; e'e =
eye; braw = fine; sair won penny-fee = hard
earned small wage
And each for other's w& kindly spiers; This is a M y of true brotherly and sisterly
'The social hours, swife-wing3unnotic'd love and affkction, and time tlies as each
Each tells the uncos that he sees or hears. recounts the events of the week, while the
The parents, partial, eye their hopeful years; parents listen and wonder what lifi has
Anticipation forward points the view, ahead for their oEspring. The mother keeps
The mother, wi' her needle an' her sheers, busy with her sewing and repairing, while
Gars auld daes look amaist as weds the new; the fither o& words of wisdom.
The fither mixes a', wi' admonition due. weebre = w& spiers = asks;& = fly by;
unto = unusual; sbeers = scissors; gars auld
daes look amaist as week the new = makes old
clothesseem like new; a' wi' = all with
The younkers a' are warned to obey; Right and wrong are deeply defined in this
And mind their labors wi' an eydent hand, family, and the young people are taught
And ne'er, tho' out d sight, to jauk or play; not only to obey their employers, but
An' O! be sure to tkar the Lord away! more importantly, also to follow the word
And mind your duty duly,mom and night; of God at all times and never be afraid to
Lest in temptation's path ye gang astray ask for His advice.
Implore H is counsel an' assisting rmgfit; younkers = youngsters; eydent = diligent;
'They never sought in vain that sought the jauk = f b l about;gang = go; arigbt = in the
Lord aright.' right way
Wi kindly welcome, Jenny brings him ben; Jenny is relieved to see no disapproval of
A strappin' youth, he & the mother's eye; the visit. Her mother obviously likes the
Blythe Jenny sees the visit's no ill-ta'en; lad and father is happy to discuss farming
The M e r cracks 0' horses, pleughs, an' kye. matters with h i m The lad is bashful and
The youngster's ardess heart o'edows wi'joy serious, which pleases the mother who
But blate an'laithfh', scarce can wee1 behave; recognises that he respects her daughter.
The mother, wi' a woman'swiles can spy ben = through; strappin' = well-built; taks
What makes thepurh saebeshfiian'saegrave; = takes; no ill- taen = not ill-taken; cracks =
Wee1 plead to think her bairn's respected talks; kye = cattle; blate an' laitbfu' =
like the lave. sheepish and bashful; the lave = the others
0 happy love! where love like this is fbund; At this point, Bums recounts the many
0hem-felt raptures!bliss beyond compare! times that he himself has experienced the
I've paced much this weary, mortal round joys of love, and waxes lyrical accordingly.
And sage experience bids me this declare-
'If Heaven a draught of heavenly
pleasure spare,
One cordial in this melancholy vale,
Ti when a youthful,loving, modest pair
In other's arms, breathe out the tender tale,
Beneath the milk-white thorn that scents
the ev'ning gale.'
Is dxm,in human brm, that bears a heart- He goes to ask how anyone could take
A wretch! a villain! lost to love and truth! advantage of an innocent like Jenny and
That can, wi' studied,sly ensaring art, curses the wrongdoers fbr the shame they
Betray sweet Jenny's unsuspecting youth? bring to entire families. One wonders if the
Curse on his perjur'd arcs! Bard is wearing a hairshirt at this point, and
dissembhg, smooth! if these lines are directed at his fir from
Are honour, virtue, conscience, all dd? blameless life.
Is there no pity no relenting ruth, pejur'd arts = lies; dissembling = maslang; nrth
Points to the parent hndlng o'er their child? = remorse
Then paints the Rlin'd maid, and their
disttacton wild?
Understanding ROBERT BURNS
But now the supper cmms their + bod, Supper consists of porridge served with
?he whalesome pan-itch,chief d S c d 6 ~ ~milk4 from their only cow, happily settled
Thesoupetheironlyhawkiedoes~ behind the pamtion that seperates her from
That, 'pnt the hallan snuglychows her cod; the living quarters, and just to impress a
The dame bnngshrth in complimentalmood little, the mother produces a cheese that has
To grace the lad,her weel-haind kpbbudc lain fbr a year, wrapped in 8ax
An'afihekpresc,an'afihecalsitguid; baksome pamtch = wholesome prridge;yont
?hefiuga&~ous,Willt$l = beyond; balun = pamtion; chows her cood
How 'twas a towmond auld, sin' lint was i' = chews the cud. weel baing kebbuck = cheese
the bell. she has saved; aft = ofien; caj it guid = calls it
good; towmond auld = twelve-month old; sin'
lint was 'i the bell = since flax was in flower
The cheerfu' supper done, wi' serious he, With supper finished, the M y sit around
They round the q l e , hrrn a circle wide; the fieplace. The father removes his hat,
The sire nuns o'er, wi' pamiachal grace, rev+ thin, greying hair, then brings out
Th big ha'-Bible, ance his father's pride. the cherished family Bible. He selects a
His bonnet rev'rently is laid aside, chapter and solemnly tells the family to
His lyart Mets wearing thin and bare; prepare to worship God.
'IhosestrainsthatoncedidsweetinZionghde, round tbe in& = round the fireplace;bd-Bibk
He wales a pomon with judicious care; = My-Bible; ance = once; bonnet = a
'And let us worship God.?he says with working man's cap; kart hafets = grey
solemn air. temples; wales = selects
They chant their artless notes in simple guise, The family join together in singing a well-
They tune their hearts,by farthe noblest aim; known psalm, possibly to one of the
Perhaps wild-* measures tise, traditional Scomsh airs rather than to one
Or plaintive Martyrs, worthy 0' the name; of the joyless Italian tunes which many
Or noble Elgin beets the heavenward flame, people favoured.
The sweetest far of Scotia's holy lays; holy-lays = religious music
Compar'd with these, Italian trills are mme;
'The tickl'd ear no heart-felt raptures raise;
Nae unison hae they with our Creator's praise.
The priest-like father reads the sacred page, Now the father readsthe Scripturesin a truly
How Abrarn was the friend of God on high; reverent and ministerial hhion, te4hg the
Or, Moses bade eternal w& wage ancient stories from the Bible to his hushed
With Amalelis ungracious progeny; family.
Or, how the royal Bard did groaning lie phint = lamencation; lyre = harp
Beneath the stroke of Heaven's avenging ire;
Or Job's pathetic plaint, and wailing cry;
Or rap Isaiah's wild seraphic tire;
Perhaps the Christian volume is the theme, Bums now appears to be con temp^ the
How gudtless blood for $7 men was shed wisdom of the Bible as he writes of the life of
How He, who bore in Heav'n the Jesus Christ. His knowledge of the Holy
second name, Book is impressiveas he cells of StJohn's exile
Had not on earth whereon to lay his head; in Patmos, and how he saw the Angel
How His 6rst hllowets and servants sped Michael, and heard the order to destroy
The precepts sage they wrote to many a land; E%abyion,considered by some to be a name
How He, who lone in Parmos banished, desaibii all heretical r e b o w
Saw in the sun a &ty angel stand,
And heard great Bab'lons doom
pronounc'd by Heaven's command
Then kneehg down to Heaven's The father exults the praises of the Lord and
Eternal Kmg, prays for the day when the Mymeet in
The saint, the fither, and the husband prays; Heaven, where all cares wiU be brgocten, and
Hopekprings exulting on mumphant wing,' their days will be spent in praise of the Lord
There, ever bask in untreated rays,
No more to sigh, or shed the bitter tear,
T@er hymning their Creator's praise,
In such society, yet still more b,
While cirdingTune moves round in an
e t d sphere.
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
Compar'dwith this,how poor ReIgonk pride, Here again the poet dedareshis contempt fbr
In all the pomp of method, and of arc the pomp and ceremony of the Church, and
When men display to congqptions wide the lack of h d t devotion of many of
Devotion's ev'ry grace, except the heart! those who p r o b to be devout. ?heir beliefi
The Power, incens'cl, the pageant will desert, ate hollow when stood against those of the
Then homeward all take off their sev'ral way As the family gathering breaks up and
The yo+g coteagers retire to rest: they set of to their various destinations,
The parent-pair their secret homage pay the parents pray to God that He will
Andprokupto Heaven the warm request, provide for all of them, but more
That He who stills the r a d danirous nest, importantly, that they will be blessed with
And decks the lily fair in flow'ry pride, His Holy Grace.
Would, in the way H iswisdom sees the best, youngling = young
For them and fbr their little ones ptovide;
But, chiefly in their hearts with Grace
Divine preside.
From scenes like this, old Scotia's ?his +city of belief is what appears to
grandeur springs, make Scodand so beloved around the world
That makes her 1044at home, rever'd a b d Burns does not hesitate to use Alexander
Princes and lords are but the breath of langs, Pope's words about there bemgnothing more
IAn honest man's the noblest work of God;' noble than an honest man,at the same time
And certes, in fair Virtue's heavenly road, pointing out that Lord and Prince are but
The cottager leaves the palace far behind; titles given out by kings. In terms of love and
What is a lodings pomp?a cumbrousload, devotion, a cottage is a much worthier place
I h g u i n g ofi the wretch of human kind dlan a paace.
Studied in arts of Hell, in wickedness &d! certes = certainly; cumbrous = cumbersome
0 Scotia! my dear,my native soil! Expressing his love for Scotland, the land
For whom thy warmest wish to Heav'n issent! of his birth, Bums prays that the peace
Long may thy hardy sons of rustic toil and contentment of its working class will
Be blest with health, and peace,and never be ruined by exposure to the
sweet content! lurmruries which promote avarice, and
And O! may Heaven their simple that no mmer who wears the crown, the
lives prevent population will stand united to protect
From Luxury's contagion, weak and vile! their beloved country.
Then however crowns and coronets be rent,
A virtuous populace may rise the while,
And stand a wall of fire, around their
much- lov'd isle.
0 Thou! who pouid the patriotic tide, Finally, he pleads with God, who filled the
That stream?! thd Wallace's veins of great Scots such as William
undaunted heart, Wallace with patriotic blood which
Who dar'd to,nobly, stem tyrannic pride, helped fight against the tyrants, that He
Or nobly die, the second glorious parc; should never desert the Scots as he is the
(The patriois God, p e d d y Thou art, true God of the patriotic Scottish Nation.
His friend, inspirer, gumban, and reward!) dar'd = dared
0 never, never Scotia's realm deserr;
But still the patriot, and the patriot-bard
In bnght succession raise, her ornament
and guard!
Another of the Bard's lengthy works, this time describing some of the ancient customs
and beliefs associated with Halloween. These customs had ceased many years before
Rab wrote this piece, and he is relying largely upon the stories told to him as a child. In
my opinion, this is one of the more difficult of Bums' works to understand as it is
completely written in the Auld Scots.
Upon that night, when fairies light The fairies are about on Halloween,
O n Cassilis Downans dance, dancing in the light of the moonlight on
Or owre the lays, in splendid blaze, the hillocks and heading out towards
O n sprightly coursers prance; Culzean Castle and Culzean Bay.
Or for Colean, the rout is taen, Cassilis Downans = a house on the banks of
Beneath the moon's pale beams; the river Doon
There up the Cove, to stray an' rove,
Arnang the rocks an' streams
To sport that night:
Amang the bonie, winding banks, Close to the Banks of the Doon, where
Where Doon rins, wimplin clear: Robert the Bruce once ruled, a crowd of
Where Bruce ance ruled his martial ranks, country people are gathered for a
An' shook his Carrick spear; Halloween party, where they will observe
Some merry, friend! countra-folks, some old traditions.
Tqether did convene, nits = nuts; pou their stocks = counting the
To bum their nits, an' pou their stocks, grain on a stak of corn in pairs. To have an
An' haud their Halloween odd grain left meant little chance of
Fu' blythe that night. marriage; baud = ho1d;fu blythe = merry
The lasses feat, an' cleanly neat, The girls were dressed for the occasion and
Mair braw than when they're fine; the lads wore love knots on their garters.
Their faces blithe, fi sweetly kythe, feat = spruce; kythe = display; kal = loyal;
Hearts leal, an' warm, an' kin': trig = smart;wooer-babs = love-knots;garten
The lads sae trig, wi' wooer-babs = garters; unco bhte = very shy; wi'gabs =
Wee1 knotted on their garten; talk freely; gar = make
Some unco blate, an' some wi' gabs
Gar lasses' hearts gang stamn
Whyles fast that night.
Then, first an' foremost, thro' the kail, Into the field with eyes covered to try and
Their stocks maun a' be sought ance; find a stalk of corn. The stalk of corn can
They steek their een, an' grape an' wale only be used once so it is important to get a
For muckle anes, an' straught anes. strong one. Silly Wd wanders into the
Poor hav'rel Wd fell afF the drift, cabbage patch, and pulls a stalk so bent it's
An' wandered thro' the bow-kail, like a sow's tail. maun = must; steek their een
An' pow?, for want 0' better shift, = close their eyes; grape an' wale = grope
A runt was like a sow-tail and choose; mtukle anes = big ones; straught
Sae bow't that night. 4
= straight; hav'rel = silly;feU the drift =
got left behind; bow-kail = cabbage;pow't =
pulled; bow't = bent
Then, straught or crooked, yird or nane, They all return through the yard with
They roar an' cry a' throw'ther; their stalks, the little children with long
The Vera wee-things, toddling, rin, ones they carry over their shoulders. They
Wi stocks out-owre their shouther: cut the pith to see if it is sweet or sour
An' &the custock's sweet or sour, then place them carefully around the door.
Wi joctelegs they taste them; throw'ther = in disorder; gif = if; custock =
Syne cozilie, aboon the door, pith;joctekgs = clasp-knife; yird or nane =
Wi cannie care, they've plac'd them dirty or not; Vera = very; tin = run; aboon
To lie that night. = around; cannie = careful
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
The lasses staw frae 'mang them a', The girls sneak out to pull their st& of
To pou their stalks 0' corn; corn, but Rab grabs Nelly and as all the
But Rab slips out, and jinks about, girls scream he pulls her into the frame of
Behint the muckle thorn: the haystack.
He grippet Nelly, hard an' fast; skirl'd = screamed; tap-pickle maist =
Loud skirl'd a' the lasses; uppermost grain in stalk of oats; her tap-
But her tap-pickle maist was lost, pickle mist was lost = euphemism for losing
Whan kiutlin in the fause-house virginity; kiutlin = cudd1ing;fause-house =
Wi' him that night. frame of haystack
The auld guid-wife's weel-hoorded nits An old lady dishes out nuts in another
Are round an' round divided, Halloween ritual. If two people's nuts
An' monie a lads an' lasses' fates roast well together, then all is well, but
Are there that night decided: some explode and fly up the chimney
Some kindle, couthie, side by side, indicating bad omens.
An' burn thegither trimly; weel-boozded = well-hoarded; kindle couthie =
Some start awa wi' saucy pride, bum comfortably; cbimlie = chimney
An' jump out-owe the chimlie
Fu' high that night.
Jean slips in twa, wi' tentie e'e; Jean put two nuts on the fire without
Wha 'twas, she wadna tell; disclosing who her chosen man was.
But this islock, and this is me, They seemed an ideal couple, but she was
She says in to hersel: distressed when her intended$ nut
He blea'd owre her, an' she o w e him, exploded and shot up the chimney.
As they wad never mair part; tentie e'e = attentive eye; bleez'd = blazed;
Till fuff! he started up the lum, lum = chimney
And Jean had e'en a sair heart
To see t that night.
Poor Willie, wi' his bow-kail runt, W&e, with his misshapen stalk was paired
Was bumt wi' primsie Mallie; off with a demure young lady who took the
An' Mary, nae doubt, took the drunt, huff at bemg compared with him. Her nut
To be compar'd to Willie: flew out of the fire and burnt her fbot whde
Mall$ nit lap out, wi' pridefu' fling, Willie swore thar he didn't care anyway.
An' her ain fit, it brunt it; primsie = demure; drunt = h u g lap = leapt;
While Willie lap, an' swoor by jing, ainfit = own foot; nvoor = swore; bunt =
Twas just the way he wanted bumt
To be that night.
Nell had the fause-house in her rnin', Nell had memories of her earlier
She pits hersel an' Rob in; encounter with Rob as she puts their nuts
In loving bleeze they sweetly join in together. She was thrilled to see them
T i white in ase they're sobbin; bum happily until they became ash and
Nell's heart was dancin at the view; Rob and her kissed tenderly in a comer
She whisper'd Rob to leuk fbr 't: unseen by the others.
Rob, stownlins, pri'ed her bonie mou, ase = ash; kuk = look; stownlins = stealthily;
Fu cozie in the neuk for t , mou = mouth: neuk = nook
Unseen that night.
But Merran sat behint their backs, Merran has Andrew Bell on her mind and
Her thoughts on Andrew Bell; leaves the others gossiping as she tries
She lea's them gashing at their cracks, another method of seeing into the future.
An' slips out by hersel: By throwing blue yarn into the kiln would
She thro' the yard the nearest taks, reveal ones' lover. She was very brave as a
An' fbr the kiln she goes then, demon was believed to inhabit the kiln.
An' darklins grapit for the bauks, gashing at tbeir cracks = gossiping, darklins =
And in the blue-clue throws then, darkness; grapit = grabbed; blue-cltie = blue
Right fear't that night. Y="
An' ay she win't, an' ay she swat- She wound the yam until something
I wat she made nae jaukin; caught it, then she ran off shaking with
Till something held within the pat, terror without waiting to see if it was
Guid Lord! but she was quakin! Andrew Bell, the beam or the Devil
But whether 'twas the Deil himsel, himself.
O r whether 'twas a bauk-en, win't = wound; swat = sweat; spier = ask;
O r whether it was Andrew Bell, wat = assure; naejaukin = didn't idle; pat =
She did na wait on takin pot; bauksn = beam end;
To spier that night.
Wee Jenny to her graunie says, When Jenny asked her Granny to come
'Will you go wi' me, graunie? with her whilst she ate an apple at the mirror
I'll eat the apple at the glass, (another Halloween custom that would
I gat frae uncle Johnie;' show your hture husband), the older
She f l u f i her pipe wi' sic a lunt, woman flew into a rage and p& hard
In wrath she was sae vapiin, upon her pipe, not even noticing the bum
She notict na, an aide brunt mark on her new apron.
Her braw, new, worstet apron J u f t = puffed; lunt = puff of smoke; aizk =
Out thro' that night. ember
'Ae hairst afore the Sherra-moor, She has a clear memory of a Halloween
I mind as weel's yestreen, party just before the Battle of
I was a gilpey then, I'm sure Sherriffmuir when she was only fifieen. It
I was na past fyfieen: had been a cold and wet summer and
The simmer had been cauld an' wat, everything was uncommonly green.
An' stuff was unco green; bairst = harvest; gilpey = young girl; simmer
An' ay a rantin kirn we gat, = summer; cauld an' wat = cold and wet;
An'just on Halloween rantin kirn = wild party
It fkll that night.
'Our stibble-rig was Rab M'Graen, One fellow had spread out hemp-seed
A clever, sturdy fallow which was supposed to reveal the Devil,
His sin gat Eppie Sim wi' wean, and although he made a joke of it, he was
That liv'd in Achmacalla: really scared afierwards.
He gat hemp-seed, I mind it weel, stibble-rig= chief-harvester; wean = child
An' he made unco light o't;
But monie a day was by himsel,
He was sae sairly frighted
That Vera night.'
Then up gat fechtin Jamie Fleck, This tempted one of the lads to declare
An' he swoor by his conscience, that it was all nonsense and that he would
That he could saw hemp-seed a peck; spread out the seed to prove it. An old
For it was a' but nonsense: man gave him a handful of seed but he
The auld guidman raught down the pock, waited until nobody was watching betbre
An' out a handfu' gied him; he set out to try it.
Syne bad him slip frae 'mang the fblk, fechtin = fighting: raugbt = reached; pock =
Sometime when nae ane see'd him bag; syne bad him = soon bade him
An' try't that night.
Understanding ROBERT B U R N S
H e whistl'd upLad Lennox' March, His hair was standing on end with fear,
To keep his courage cheery; when he heard some srange noises, and
Altho' his hair began to arch, glancing over his shoulder tumbled over
H e was sae fley'd an' eerie; in terror.
Td presently he hears a squeak, Pey'd an' eerie = terror stricken; grane =
An' then a grane an' gruntle; groan; shouther = shoulder; keek = glance;
H e by his shouther gae a keek, wintle = somersault
An' tumbled wi' a wintle
Out-owre that night.
Td stop! she trotted thm' them a'; hifibin = crippled; crouchie = hunch-
An' wha was it but Grumphie Grumphie = the pig; asteer = astir
Asteer that night?
Meg fain wad to the barn gaen, Meg would have gone to the barn to sieve
To winn three wechts 0' naething, out some corn, and she wasn't too concerned
But for to meet the Deil her lane, about meeting the Devil. She handed over
She pat but little faith in: her apples and nuts to the shepherd to look
She gies the herd a pickle nits, &er fbr her while she went in search of Tam
An' m a red-cheekit apples, Kipples.
To watch, while for the barn she sets, fain = gladly; wad = would; winn = separate
In hopes to see Tam Kipples corn from ch& wecht = sieve; hwd =
That Vera night. shepherd
She turns the key, wi' cannie thraw, She opened the barn door carefully, calling
An' owre the threshold ventures; first fbr Sandy, then as she entered, a rat
But first on Sawnie gies a ca', scurried up the wall scaring her so much
Syne bauldly in she e n m that she ran straight through the muck-
A ratton r a d d up the wa', heap.
An'she cry'd, lord preserve her! cannie thraw = careful turn; Sawnie = Sandy;
An' ran t h d midden-hole an' a', bauldh = boldly; ratton = rat; midckn- hok=
An' pray'd wi' zeal and h u r , dung-heap
Fu' fist that night.
?hen hoy't out Wd, wi' sair advice; They coaxed Wd out with a promise' of
They hecht him some fine braw me; somethinggood.He thought he was putting
It chanc'd the stack he fiddom't thrice, his arms three times round a stack, but it
Was tirnmer-propt fbr thrawin; was a amber prop he had hold of. He then
He taks a swirlie, auld moss-oak mistook an old tree for a witch and punched
For some black, gruesome carlin; it until his knuckles were bleedq.
An' loot a winze,an' drew a stroke, becht = u'ged;faddom't = fathomed; timmw-
Ti skin in blypes cam haurlin propt = propped up; nuislie = gnarled;loot a
AFs nieves that night. winze = cursed; drew a stroke = strut& b l p
= shreds; haurlin = hurling; nieves = fists
Underrranding R O B E R T B U R N S
A wanton widow Leaie was, Lizzie the widow was set on trying yet
As cantie as a kittlin; another method of finding a p m e r . If a lass
But och! that night, amang the shaws, were to immerse the lefi sleeve of her
She gat a fearful settlin! nigh& in the waters of a stream,the face
She thro' the whins, an' by the cairn, of her intended would be revealed to her.
An' owre the hill gaed scrievin; cantie as a kittling = lively as a kitten; sm'evin
Whare three laird's lands met at a bum, = ran swiftly; wbin = gorse
To dip her lefi sark-sleeve in,
Was bent that night.
Whyles owre a linn the burnie plays, The bum ran over a waterfall and round
As thro' the glen it wimpl't; the rocks until it reached a pool under the
%yles round a rocky scaur it strays, hazel tree where it was hidden from the
Whyles in a wiel it dimpl't; moonlight.
Whyles glitter'd to the nightly rays, linn = waterfall; wimpl't = wimpled; scaur
Wi bickerin, dancin dazzle; = cliff;cookit = hidden; wief = eddy
Whyles cookit underneath the braes,
Below the spreading hazlel
Unseen that night.
Arnang the brachens, on the brae, Poor Lizzie was leaning over the pool
Between her an' the moon, when she was suddenly scared by a strange
The Deil, or else an outler quey, noise which could have been the devil, or
Gat up an' gae a croon: more likely a heifer lowing. She jumped
Poor Leezie's heart maist lap the hool; up in terror and landed over her ears in
Near lav'rock-height she jumpit, the pool.
But mist a fit, an' in the pool outkr quey =heifer in a field; croon = low
Out-owre the lugs she plumpit, (cattle); maist lap the bool = nearly jumped
Wi' a plunge that night. out of her body; lav'rock = skylark;mist afit
= missed her footing; o w e the lugs = over
the ears
In order, on the clean hearth-stane, Three wooden dishes are arranged on the
The luggies three are ranged; hearth, but frustrated old uncle John, who
An' ev'ry time great care is taen has picked the wrong one three times, was
To see them duly changed; so mad that he threw them on the fire.
Auld uncle John, wha wedlock's joys luggies = wooden dishes; Mar's year =
Sin' Mar's years did desire, 1715, the Jacobite Rebellion; toom =
Because he gat the toom dish thrice, empty
He heav'd them on the fire,
In wrath that night.
Wi' merry sangs, an' friendly cracks, The evening carried on with stories and
I wat they did na weary; jokes as the fbks enjoyed their simple
And unco tales, an' funniejokes, party, until it was time for a final drink
Their sports were cheap an' cheery: and a stagger home.
T i butter'd sow'ns, wi' fragrant lunt, cracks = chat; butter1 sow'ns = sour
Set a' their gabs a-steerin; puddings; lunt = steam; gabs a-steerin =
Syne, wi' a social glass 0' strunt, tongues wagging; strunt = akhohol; wat =
They parted afF careerin assure
Fu' blythe that night.
The Auld Farmer's New-Years
Morning Salutation to his Auld Mare, Maggie
A lovely poem in which the farmer relives the many years that he has spent with his
beloved old mare.
A Guid New-Year I wish thee, Maggie! The farmer reminds his old mare that
Hae, there's a ripp to thy auld baggie: although she is showing her age, he can
Tho' thou's howe-backit now, an' knaggie, remember her running like a colt.
I've seen the day, bae = here; ripp = handfLl of unthreshed
Thou could hae gane like ony staggie corn; auld baggie =old stomach; thou? h e -
Out-owre the lay. backit = you're hollow-backed; an' knaggie =
and knobbly; bae gaen = have gone; onie staggre
= any stag; out-oture the lay = over the meadow
Tho' now thou's dowie, stiff an' crazy, Although the mare is now stiff and
An' thy auld hide as white's a daisie, drooping, in her youth she had been a
I've seen thee dappl't, sleek an' glaizie, beautifidgrey with a shiny coat, fullof spirit.
A bonie gray: thou? dowie = you're sad; bide = coat; dappl't
He should been aght that dauit to raize thee, = dappled;glaizie = shiny; bonie = beautiful;
Ance in a day. tight = prepared; daur't = dared; raize =
excite; ance = once
Thou ance was i' the bremost rank, ?he mare had been as elegant and trim as any
A fUy buirdly, steeve, an' swank; that walked on earth,and she could fly over
An' set wee1 down a shapely shank, pools like a b i d buirdly, steme an' swank =
As e'er tread yird; strong, firm and elegant; e'er treadyird = ever
An' could hae flown out-owre a stank, wakedon earth;out-oturea stank = over a pool
Like ony bird.
It's now some nine-an'-twenty year, Twenty-nine years have now passed since he
Sin' thou was my guid-father's m a r ; was given the mare as part of his wifks
He gied me thee, 0' tocher clear, dowry, along with some money, and
An' fJty mark; although it was not much, it did not matter
Tho' it was sma', twas weel-won gear, as the horse was strong. guid-fatherj mem =
An' thou was stark. father-in-law's mare; gied = gave; tocher =
dowry;stark = strong
When first I gaed to woo my Jenny, When the farmer was courting,the mare was
Ye then was trottin wi' your Minnie: still a young f
drunning beside her mother,
Tho' ye w v trickie, slee an' funnie, and although lively she was well behaved.
Ye ne'er was donsie; gaed to woo = went to courc; minnie =
But hamely, tawie, quiet an' cannie, mother; ske = shy; donsie = mischievous;
An unco sonsie. bamely = homely; tawie = M e ; unco sonsie
= very well-mannered
That day, ye pranc'd wi' muckle pride, When the bride arrived on the mare's back,
When ye bure hame my bonie bride: the farmer was the proudest man in the
An' sweet an' gracefb', she did ride. county to have two such beau& ladies.
Wi maiden air! wi' muckle = with great;bure hame = carried
Kyle-Stewart I could bragged wide, home; Kyk-Stewart = Ayrshire
For sic a pair.
Tho' now ye dow but hoyte and hobble, The old horse struggles to walk properly,
An' winde like a saumont-coble, but he remembers when she could outrun
That day, ye was a jinker noble, all the others.
For heels an' win'! dow = can; boyte = stagger; saumont-cobk =
An' ran them till they a' did wauble, salmon-bogt;wintk = swing hm side to side;
Far, far behin'! jinker = goer; waubk = wobble
When thou an' I were young an' skiegh, Neither farmer nor mare enjoyed the
An' stable meals at fairs were driegh, tedium of the fairs, and the horse would
How thou would prance, an' snore an' prance and snort until they were on the
scriegh, road, shodang the townies with their speed
An' tak the road ! s k q b = skittish; drlegb = dreary; wad =
Towns-bodies ran, an' stood abiegh, would. snore = snorc;scriegb = whinny; abiegb
An' ca't thee mad. = at a distance: ca't = called
When thou was com't, an'I was mellow, When the mare was fed and the h e r was
We took the road ay like a swallow: happy, they would ride like the wind
At brooses thou had ne'er a fillow, Nothing could catch them at the traditional
For pith an'speed; weddmg races.
But ev'ry tail thou pay't them hollow, corn't = fed; broom = weddq race fromthe
Whare'er thou gaed church to the home of the bridegroom: pith
= Vig0.t; pay't = paid
U n d e r s t a n d i n g RO B E R T B U R N S
The sma', drooprurnpl't, hunter cattle Small hunters might win in a sprint, but
Mlght aiblins waur't thee for a brattle; over a distance she'd leave them behind
But sax Scotch mile, thou tryt their mettle, without the need of whip or spurs.
An gait them whaizle: sma' = small; droop-rumpl't = short-rumped,
Nae whip nor spur, but just a wade aiblins waur't t k f o r a brattie = perhaps beat
0 saugh or hazel. you in a short sprint; sax = sir; gar't them
wbaizle = made them wheew a wattle d saugb
= a wand of willow
Thou was a noble fittie-lan', The farmer tells her what a wonderful
As e'er in tug or trow was drawn! plough-horse she had been, and how much
Aft thee an'I, in aught hours gaun, land they had turned over in a working day.
O n guid March-weather, flttie-lan' = rear left-hand plough-horse; aft =
Hae turn'd sax roods beside our han', o h ; augbt = eighcgaun = gone; sax rood =
For days thegither. acre and a half;beside our ban' = by ourselves;
tkgtther = together
Thou never braingt, an'fetch't an' fliskit, She never did anydung un+ while
But thy auld tail thou wad hae whiskit, ploughmg, p d q wdhngly over the roughest
An' spread abreed thy weel-fill'd brisket, ground, and ignoring the danger.
Wi pith an'pow'r, Braign't = lunged,&b't = stopped S&Y;
Td sprittie knowes wad rair't an'riskit, Piskit = fretted; gead ubtwd thy we$jl&d btisket
An' slypet owre. = thrust out your chest; gdhe knowec =
tufied hill&; wad rair't an' riskit an' dypct owre
= would nzar and rack until they broke up
When frosts lay lang, an'snaws were deep, During the d;$culties of a severe winter, she
An' threaten'd labor back to keep, would be given more fitxi as the h e r knew
I gied thy cog a wee-bit heap she would not stop to rest until summer.
Aboon the timmer; lung = long; snaws = snows; cog = dish;
I ken'd my Maggie wad na sleep timmer = edge; ken2 = knew
For that, or simmer.
In cart or or car thou never reestit; The mare never stopped to rest when
The steyest brae thou wad hae fac'd it; working, and she would go ar a steep hill
Thou never lap, an' stent, an' breastit, with no visible efhrt.
Then stood to blaw; reestit = become restless; steyest brae =
But just thy step a wee thing hastit, steepest slope; lap, an sten't, an' breestit = leapt,
Thou snoov't awa. or sprang or lunged; blaw = blow; hastit =
faster; snoov't awa = went smoochly on
My pleugh is now thy bairntime a', The ~loughingteam now consists of hur of
Four gallant brutes, as e'er did draw; the mare's o&pring, with another six having
Forbye sax mae, I've sert awa, been sold to give the farmer a good profit,
That thou has nurst: p h g b = ~lough;bairntime = offspringforirp
They drew me thretteen pund an' twa, = besides; sax mae six more; sell't awa = sold;
The vera warst. nurst = nursed; tbretteen pund = thirteen
pounds; Vera want = very worn
Mony a sair darg we twae hae wrought, The farmer reminds the mare of the many
An' wi' the weary wary fought! hard days they have shared together and
An' mony an anxious day, I thought how, in spite of evgrchmg.they are still here
We wad be beat! to enjoy their old-age.
Yet here to crazy age we're brought, sair darg = hard day's work; twae = two; w a d
Wi something yet. = world
An' think na, my auld, trusty servan', He reassures the mare that although her
That now perhaps thou's less deservin', working days are over, she need never
An' thy auld days may end in starvin'; worry about being fed as he would starve
For my last fow, himself before Maggie went hungry.
A heapit stimper, I'll reserve ane fow = bushel; heapit stimper = heaped
Laid by for you. quarter peck; ane laid by = one set aside
We've worn to crazy years thegither; The pair have aged together and will totter
We'll toyte about wi' ane anither; around in their old age. Maggie will have her
Wi tentie care I'll flit thy tether own space to graze in peace for the rest of
To some hain'd rig, her life.
Whare ye may nobly rax your leather, toyte = totter; tentie = prudent;Pit = remove;
Wi sma' fatigue. hain'd rig = reserved space; rax your leather =
fill your stomach; sma'fatigue = little exemon
Scotch Drink
Gie him strong drink until he wink, .
Let other poets raise a fracas, Burns has no interest in the praise of wines,
'Bout vines andwines,and druckm l3acchus, nor in listening to others tell tales of
An' crabbit names an' stories wrack us, Bacchus. For him, the only true drink comes
An' grate our lug; from the barley of Scotland - whisky!
I sing the juice Scotch bear can make us, drucken = drunken; crabbit = ill- natured;
In glass or jug. wrack = punish; grate our lug = irritate our
ear; bear = barley
Let husky wheat the haughs adorn The Bard has no objection to the slefit of
An' aits set up their awnie horn, fields of wheat, oats,peas and beans, but nev-
An' pease and beans at e'en or mom, ertheless his blessings are given to barley the
Perfume the plain: lang of grain. hairgbs = meadows;aits = oats;
Leeze me on thee, John Barleycorn, uwnie = bearded; pease = peas, keze on thee =
Thou king 0' grain! blessings on you;John Ba- = wh&y
O n thee aft Scotland chows her c o d , Although Scotland depends on barley for
In souple scones, the wale 0' food! the making of favourite scones, or to
Or tumbling in the boiling flood thicken up the soup, it is only when in
Wi' kail an' beef; liquid form that its true value is revealed
But when thou pours thy strong aft = ofien; chows her cood = eats her bod;
heart's blood, soupk scones = sofi barley cakes; wak =
There thou shines chief. choice; kail = cabbage
Food fills the wame an' keeps us livin'; Food 6lls our M e s and keeps us alive, but
Tho' life's a gdt no' worth receivin', life can seem to be nothing more than
When heavy dragg'd wi' pine an' grievin'; burdensome, weary toil, and wh&y can help
But oil'd by thee, that Mi much more c h d
The wheels 0' life gae down-hill, scrievin', wame = belly; b i n ' = living heavy drqg'd =
Wi' rattlin' glee. worn out; wi'pine an'grieuin' = with s m
and grieving &in' = &dmg easily;ratdin' =
Thou clears the head 0' doited Lear, Whisky can clear muddled heads as well
Thou cheers the heart 0' drooping Care; as help dispel care and pain. Even the
Thou strings the nerves 0' Labour sair, deepest despair can be lightened with a
At's weary toil; glass of whisky.
Thou ev'n brightens dark Despair doited Lear = stupid customs
Wi' gloomy smile.
Aft, clad in massy, siller weed, The gentry may serve their whisky in fancy
Wi' gentles thou erects thy head; silver cups, but it can always be relied on to
Yet, humbly kind in time 0' need, be the poor man's wine and to supplement
The poor man's wine; his meagre meaL
His wee drap parritch, or his bread, clad in mussy sib weed = dressed in heavy
Thou kitchens fine. silver; gentks = gentry; wee drap parritch =
small drop of porridge; kitcbens = makes
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
Thou art the life 0' public haunts, How dull life would be without whisky.
But thee, what were our fairs and rants? Festivals and Fairs are much livelier when
Ev'n godly meetings 0' the saunts, it is present, and the tents where it is sold
By thee inspir'd, are always thronged with thirsty people.
When gaping, they besiege the tents, public haunts = taverns; what were ourfairs
Are doubly fir'd. and rants = that was our pleasure and joy;
saunts = saints;fir'd = affected
That merry night we get the corn in, Harvest time is always cause for
0 sweetly, then, thou reams the horn in! celebration, but on New Year's morning,
O r reekin' on a New-Year momin' whisky is especially enjoyed steaming hot,
In cog or bicker, with a drop of water from the bum and a
An' just a wee drap sp'ritual bum in, touch of sugar.
An' gusty sucker! reams the horn in = froths in the cup; reekin'
= smoking; cog or bicker = wooden dishes;
gusty sucker = sugar
When Vulcan gies his bellows breath, When ploughmen gather at the smithy the
An' ploughmen gather wi' their graith. whisky h t h s in the cup, and the blacksmith
0 rare! to see thee fizz an' freath hammers more heartily after a drop.
I' th' lugget caup! when Vulcangies his bellows braith = in the heat
Then Burnewin come on like death of the smithy;graitb = harness;fizz an'fieath
At ev'ry chaup. = hiss and froth; lugget caup = a two-handled
cup; Burnewin = blacksmith; chaup = blow
Nae mercy then, fbr aim or steel; With no mercy for the iron or steel on which
The brawnie, bainie, ploughman chiel, he is working, the blacksmith's muscular
Brings hard owrehip, wi' sturdy wheel, forearm causes his hammer to make the
The strong forehammer, anvil ring out aloud.
Till block an' studdie ring an' reel. aim = iron; bainie = m& cbief = young
Wi' dinsome clarnour. man;owrehip = a method of hammer& block
an'studdie = anvil and smithy;dinsome = noisy
When skirlin weanies see the light, While celebrating a new baby with a drop of
Thou maks the gossips clatter bright, whisky, the women gossip about their
How fumblin' cuifs their dearies slight, husbands and fbrget to reward the mi*
Wae worth the name! skrlin' weanies = shrieking babies; clatter brigbt
Nae howdie gets a socia night, = chatter noisil;, fumblin' nrfi = awkward
Or plack frae them. &Is; desk sligbt = insult their loved ones;
wae worth = woe befill; bowdie = midwife;
p h k = a small coin
When neebors anger at a plea, Here the Bard speaks words of wisdom as
An'just as wud as wud can be, he points out that it is far cheaper to have
How easy can the barley-brie a drink with a neighbour to resolve a
Cement the quarrel! quarrel than to pay the fees of a lawyer.
It's aye the cheapest lawyer's fee, neebor = neighbour; wud = mad; barley-brie
To taste the barrel, = whisky; aye = always
Alake! that e'er my Muse has reason, Sad to say, but we have reason to accuse
To wyte her countrymen wi' treason! some of our countrymen of treason
But monie daily weet their weason because they consume drinks other than
WI'liquors nice. whisky, and they do not even ask the price.
An' hardly, in a winter season, alake = alas; wyte = blame; weet their weason
E'er spier her price. = wet their throats; spier = ask
Wae worth that brandy, burnin' trash! Brandy is trash which causes pamfd
Fell source 0' monie a pain an' brash! hangovers and is the reason fbr so many lost
Twins monie a poor, doylt, drucken hash worIang-days What's mote, the revenue from
0' half his days; brandy goes to supportthe country's enemies,
An' sends,beside, auld Scotland's cash fell = biting; brash = sickness; twins =
To her warst faes. deprives;*It d w k m basb = stupid drunken
Mow; warstfae~= worst f&s
Ye Scots, wha wish auld Scotland well! If you wish Scotland well, then do not bother
Ye chief, to you my tale I tell, with hey fbmgn wines.They wiU do you no
Poor, plackless devils like mysel'! good at all.
It sets you ill, c h f = mainly; phkkss = penruless; ckartyu'
Wi bitter dearthfu' wines to mell, = expensive; m d = to meddle; gin = a
Or foreign gdl. measure of whisky
U n d e r s t a n d i n g ROBERT B U R N S
May gravels round his blather wrench, May anyone who sneers at a man who
An' gouts torment him, inch by inch, enjoys a glass ofwlusky with his friendshave
Wha twists his gruntle wi' a glunch a bladder that feels like gravel, and s&
0' sour disdain, Out owre a glass 0' from gout. may gravels round his bladder wrench
whisky-punch Wi honest men! = may kidney-stones give him pains in his
bladder; twists bisgruntle wi' agrunch = screws
his face up in a frown
0 Whisky! soul 0' plays an' pranks! Bums acknowledges that his verses are often
Accept a Bardie's grateh' thanks! tuneless noises until he has had a glass of
When wanting thee, what tuneless cranks whisky, then the words come pouring out.
Are my poor verses! plays and pranks = games and jokes; cranks
Thou comes they rattle i' their ranks, = creakings; ither's arses = others backsides
At ither's arses!
Thee, Ferintosh! 0 sadly lost! In reparation fbr damage done during the
Scotland lament frae coast to coast! Jacobite Rebellion, Ferintosh Distillery
Now colic-grips, an' barkin' hoast (owned by the Forbes M y ) M been
May kill us a', freed from paying excise duty. This privilege
For loyal Forbes' chartered boast was withdrawn in 1785, and the price of
Is ta'en awa! whisky e d a t e d , depriving men of their
fivourite tipple.
colic grips = illness takes hold; barkinhast
= barlang cougfi; tden awa = taken away
Thae curst horse-leeches 0' the Excise, Closing illicit stills was one of the main
Wha mak the whisky stells their prize! activities of the despised excisernan, and
Haud up thy had, Deil, ance, twice, thrice! the devil is called upon to deal with them
There, seize the blinkers harshly. horse-leeches = blood-suckers; stells
An' bake them up in brunstane pies = stills; baud up thy ban' = hold up your
For poor damn'd drinkers. hand; blinkers = a form of contempt;
brunstane = brimstone
Fortune! if thou'll but gie me still All the Bard wants from life are whole
Hale breeks, a scone, an' whisky gd, trousers, some fbod to eat along with his
An' rowth 0' rhyme to rave at will, whisky, and some rhyme to produce at will.
Tak a' the rest, With these, he can accept whatever life has
An' deal t about as thy blind skill in store fbr him
Directs the best. hak breeks = whole trousers; rowth 0' =
abundance ofi rave = utter
To a Louse
Here we have one of the Bard's masterpieces, illustrating in memorable lines just how
easy it is to have the totally incorrect impression of how we see and are seen by our fellow
mortals. The opening lines of the final verse are renowned throughout the world.
Ha! whare ye gaun, ye crowlin' ferlie? When he first notices the louse, he marvels
Your impudence protects you sairly: at its nerve to roam over this fine lady.
I canna say but ye strunt rarely, whare yegaun = where are you gokg crowlin'
Owre gauze and lace; Fie = crawling marvel; sairly = sorely; ow're
Tho', faith! I fair, ye dine but sparely, = over; sic = such
On sic a place.
Swith! in some beggar's hauffet squattle, He tells the louse that it would be much
There ye may creep, and sprawl, more at home with a beggar, sharing that
and sprattle, space with its peers in the parasite world
Wi' ither kindred,jumping cattle; where there would be little chance of being
In shoals and nations; routed out by a comb. with = quick bau&
Whaur horn nor bane ne'er daur unsetde = sideburns; squattk = squat; sprattk =
Your thick plantations. scramble; itber = other; horn nor bane = a
comb made f b m horn or bone; daur = dare
Now haud you there! ye're out 0' sight, Now hold on! The creamre has dwppeared
Below the fatt'rils, snug and tight, and it is not going to be content until it is
Na faith ye yet ! ye'll no' be right right on top of the lady's hat.
T i ye've got on it, baud ye there = wait;fatt'rils= ribbon ends,
The Vera tapmost, tow'rin height Vera = very; towiin = towering
0' Miss's bonnet.
My sooth!right bauld ye set your nose out, Here he sees that the louse is quite plump,
As plump an' grey as onie grozet; and is as grey as a gooseberry. H e wishes
0 for some rank, mercurial rozet, he had some insect repellent to use on it.
Or fell, red smeddum, bauld = bold; grozet = gooseberry; rozet =
I'd gie you sic a hearty dose o't rosin;fell red smeddum = biting red powder;
Wad dress your droddum! o't = of it; wad = would; dress your droddum
= hurt you in the trousers
Oh Jenny, dinna toss your head H e now makes a silent plea that the lady
An' set your beauties a' abread! does not shake her head and spread out
Ye little ken what cursed speed her hair as she is totally unaware of what
The blastie's makin! Burns is watching with such fascination.
Thae winks an' finger-ends, I dread dinna =do not; yer = your; set your beauties
Are notice takin'! a' abread = toss your curls; ken = know;
blastie = ugly little creature
0 wad some Powi the &ie gie us Finally, the poet asks us to consider
To see oursels as ithers see us! ourselves - are we really all that we think
It wad frae monie a blunder free us, we are. Would we stop making foolish
An' foolish notion, comments about others if we understood
What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us, just how they saw us?
An' ev'n devotion! monie = many; lea'e = leave; wad = would
Love and Liberty - a Cantata
Bums was drinking in Poosie Nansie's tavern in Mauchline, watching the antics of a
group of beggars, when he decided to embark upon this work. It was his only attempt to
write something that could be staged and appears to have been influenced by 'The
Beggar's Opera.'This is another wonderfully descriptive piece, full of life and vitality.
When lyart leaves bestrew the yird, It was the start of winter and a group of
O r wavering like the bauckie-bird, beggars were drinking noisily in the inn.
Bedim cauld Boreas' blast; hart = withered; yird = ground; bauckie-
When hailstanes drive wi' bitter skyte, bird = bat; Boreai blast = north-wind; skyte
And infant frosts begin to bite, = lash; b o a y cranreuch = hoar frost; core o'
In hoary cranreuch drest; randie, gangrel bodies = gang of unruly
Ae night at e'en a merry core ruffians; held the spfore = a dinking bout
0' randie, gangrel bodies, was held; orra duddies = spare rags; ranred
In Poosie Nansie's held the splore, = roistered; the Vera girdle = the very
To drink their orra duddies; griddle
Wi' quaffing and laughing,
They ranted an' they sang,
Wijumping an' thumping,
The Vera girdle rang.
First, niest the fire, in auld red rags, Next to the fire sat an old soldier, his
Ane sat, wee1 brac'd wi' mealy bags, uniform in rags, and with his female
And knapsack a' in order; companion in his arms, w m with whisky
His doxy lay within his arm; and covered in blankets. Kissing her loudly,
Wi usquebae an' blankets warm- he suddenly stood up and began to sing.
She blinket on her sodger: niest = n m brac'd wi' mealy b q = M with
An' ay he gied the tozie drab oatmeal, the common alms at that time; doxy
The tither skelpin' kiss, = weethearc usquebae = sodger =
While she held up her greedy gab soldier; tozie = tipsy; drab = slut; gab =
Just like an aumous dish. mouth; aumouc = alms; cadgds wbup =
Ilk smack still, did crack still, hawker's whip
Line onie cadger's whup;
Then staggering an' swaggering,
He roaid this ditty up:-
TUNE: Soldier; joy
I am a son of Mars, who have been in The old soldier had fought in many wars
many wars, and was always pleased to show off his
And show my cuts and scarswherever I come; battle scars - some for women, others for
This here was fbr a wench, and that other in trenches.
a trench,
When welcoming the French at the sound
of the drum.
La de daudle, etc..
I lastly was with Curtis among the His sevice career had ended at the siege of
floating batt'ries, Gibraltar where he had lost an arm and a leg,
And there I lefc fbr witness an arm and a M, but he would still fight if called upon.
Yet let my country need me, with Elliot to Curtis = Admiral Sir Roger Curtis;
head me Elliot = General George Elliot
I'd clatter on my stumps at the sound of the
And now tho' I must beg, with a wooden Although reduced to begging, he is just as
arm and leg, happy with his lot as he was as a soldier.
And many a tatter1 rag hanging over calkt = prostitute
my bum,
I'm as happy with my wallet, my bottle
and my callet,
As when I us'd in scarlet to fbllow a drum.
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
What tho', with hoary locks, I must stand He is now tbrced to sleep outdoors in all
the winter shocks, weathers, but as long as he can sell
Beneath the woods and rocks ofientimes something and buy a bottle he will face up
for a home, to the Devil's army.
When the tother bag I sell and the tother
bottle tell,
I could meet a troop of hell, at the sound
of a drum.
He ended; and the kebars sheuk The rakers shook with the applause as he
Aboon the chorus roar; finished, but betbre he could take an .
While frightened rattons backward leuk, encore, the camp whore rose to her feet
An' seek the benmost bore; and all was quiet.
A fairy fiddler frae the neuk, kebars sbeuk = &rs shook; aboon = above;
H e skirl'd out, Encore! rattons = rats; benmost bore = innermost
But up arose the martial chuck, hole; martial chuck = camp whore
An' laid the loud uproar.
T U N E : Sodger L a d d i e
I once was a maid, tho' I cannot tell when, She had no idea of her age but knew that
And still my delight is in proper young men; her father had been a dragoon, so she
Some one of a troop of dragoons was loved all the young soldiers.
my daddie,
No wonder I'm bnd of a sodger laddie.
Sing, lal de lal,etc.,
The 6rst of my loves was a swagering blade, Her first love had been a drummer and
To rattle the thundering drum was his track she had been besotted by him.
His leg was so tight, and his cheek was
so ruddy,
Transported was I with my sodger laddie.
But the godly old chaplain left him in However, an &air with the camp chaplain
the lurch, soon put an end to her relationship with
The sword I fbrsook fbr the sake of the drummer.
the church;
He ventur'd the soul,and I risket the born/,
asthen I pmv'd fslseto my sodger laddie.
One and all,cry out, Amen!
Full soon I grew sick of my sanded sot, She rapidly grew sick of the chaplain and
The regiment at large fbr a husband I got; made herself available-to anyone in the
From the gdded spontoon to the &f I regiment, irrespective of rank
was ready
I asked no more but a sodger laddie.
But the Peace it reduc'd me to beg in despar, Peacetime reduced her to poverty and
Ti I met my old boy in a C& Fair, despair until she met up with her soldier,
His tags regimentalthey flutter'd so gaudy, his ragged uniform attracting her to him
My heart it rejoic'd at a sodger laddie.
And now I have liv'd - I know not how long! And now she's lived, she doesn't know for
And still I canjoin in a cup and a song, how long and she can stilljoin in with
But whilst with both hands I can hold the the drinking and singing - while she can
hold her glass, she'll toast her soldier.
Here's to thee, my hero, my sodger laddie.
TUNE: Auld Sir Symon
Sir Wisdom's a fool when he's fou; The wise man and the knave may be fools
Sir Knave is a fool in a session; when they're drunk, but he is a fool at all
He's there but a prentice I trow, times.
But I am a fool by profession. JOU = drunk; trow = trust
My grannie she bought me a beuk, His grandmother bought him a book, and
And I held awa to the school: he went to school, but just wasted his
I fear I my talent misteuk, time. held awa = went off; beuk = book;
But what will ye hae of a fool? misteuk = mistook
For a drink I would venture my neck; He would do anything for a drink, and
A hizzie's the half 0' my craft; girls were half of his downfall, but what
But what could ye other expect, else could one expect from one so stupid?
Of ane that's avowedly dafi.
I ance was tied up like a stirk, He has been humiliated by the c o w and the
For civilly swearing and quaffing! church fbr his misdeeds. tyed up k a d r k =
I, ance was abused i' the kirk, put in an iron collar and chained to a post;
For towsing a lass i' my a n ' . towsing a lass i' my @n' = oblique refkence to
having sex out of marriage
Poor Andrew that tumbles for sport Let nobody miscall him because he is a
Let naebody name wi' a jeer; clown. He has been told that the prime-
There's even, I'm tauld, i' the Court minister is also a clown.
A tumbler ca'd the Premier. tauld = told
Observ'd ye yon reverend lad Watch how the preacher puts on funny
Mak faces to tickle the mob? expressions while serrnonising. It's just
He rails at our mountebank squad- what Andrew does to amuse the crowds.
Its rivalshipjust i' the job.
And now my conclusion I'll tell, He may have been born stupid, but a man
For faith! I
'm confoundedly dry; who's a fool to himself is even more so.
The chiel that's a fool for himsel',
Guid Lord!he's far dafier than I.
Then neist outspak a raucle carlin, The next on her fket was a fit old hag, well
Wha kent fu' wee1 to cleek the sterlin', experienced in st+ and picking pockets,
For monie a pursie she had hookit, and who had been ducked in many wells fir
An' had in mony a well been doukit; her misdemeanours. She told of her love tbr
Her love had been a Highland laddie, a highlander amid sobs and tears.
But weary fa' the waefu woodie! rauck carlin = fat hag; cleek the stertin' = steal
Wi sighs an' sobs she thus began money; douked = dudced; woodie = dimwit
To wail her braw John Highlandman:
A Highland lad my love was born, She was in love with a Highlander.
The Lalland laws he held in scorn; lulland = lowland
But he still was faithfu' to his clan,
My gallant, braw John Highlandman.
With his phillibeg, an' tartan plaid, The ladies all loved him in his kilt and with
An' guid claymore down by his side, his claymore.
The ladies' hearts he did trepan, pbillibeg = short kilt; claymore = broadsword;
My gallant, braw John Highlandrnan. trepan = ensnare
We ranged a' from Tweed to Spey, They travelled the lenght and breadth of
An' liv'd like lords an' ladies gay, Scotland living well off their spoils.
For a Lalland face he fearkd nane,
My gallant, braw John Highlandman.
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
They banishid him beyond the sea, He was to be deported and tears ran down
But ere the bud was on the tree, her cheeks as she embraced him.
Adown my cheeks the pearls ran,
Embracing my John Highlandman.
But och! they catch'd him at the last, However, when he was eventually caught,
And bound him in a dungeon fast: the punishment was changed to hanging.
My curse upon them every one,
'They've haq$d my brawJohn I-hghh-
And now a widow,I must mourn She now mourns for her past life and has
The pleasures that will ne'er return; no comfort apart from the drink
No comfort but a hearty can,
When I think on John Highlandman.
A pigmy scraper wi' his fiddle, A midget fiddler stood up to dhow he had
Wha' used at trystes an'fairs to driddle, lost his heart to the much larger lady.
Her strappin' limb an' gawsie middle bystes = d e round-ups; dsiddk = work very
(He reach'd nae higher ) s1owly;gawsie = buxom; blawn't = blown it
Had hol'd his heartie like a riddle,
An' b l a h on fire.
Wi hand on hainch, an' upward e'e, Gazing skywards and with hand on hip,
He croon'd his gamut, one, two, three, the little fellow sang chirpilly.
Then in an arioso key, hainch = haunch
The wee Apollo
Set off wi' allegretto glee
His giga solo.
TUNE: Whistle owre the lave o't lave o't = rest of it.
I am afiddler to my trade,
An' a' the tunes that e'er I play'd
The sweetest still to w$ or maid,
Was 'Whistle owre the lave o't.'
Let me ryke up to dight that tear, He will wipe any tears and take good care
An' go wi' me an' be my dear, of her.
An' then your ev'ry care an' fear ryke = reach; digbt = wipe.
May whistle owre the lave o't.
At kirns an' weddings we'se be there, They will play at all sorts of functions and
An' 0,sae nicely's we will fare; they'll do well, dnnktng without a care in
We'll bouse about till Daddie Care the world
Sings Whistle w r e the lave o't. kirns = meg- at end of harvest
Sae merrily's the banes we'll pyke, They will enjoy a lifk of eating and of
An' sun oursels about the dyke; relaxation with no worries to weigh them
An' at our leisure, when ye like, down.
We'll whistle owre the lave o't! banes = bones; pyke = pick; dyke = wall
But bless me wi' your heav'n 0' charms, If she gives in to him he will play his fiddle
An' while I kittle hair on thairms, and ensure her wellbeing.
Hunger, cauld, an' a' sick harms, kittk hair on thairms = tickle the fiddle
May whistle owre the lave o't. strings
Understanding ROBERT B U R N S
Her charms had struck a sturdy caird, Unfortunately for the midget, the lady's
As wee1 as poor gut-scraper; charms had also attracted the attention of
He tak's the fiddler by the beard, another tinker who threatened to murder
An' draws a roosty rapier- the midget if he carried on with his
He swore by a' was swearing worth, amorous pursuit.
To speet him like a pliver, caird = tinker; roosty rapier = rusty sword;
Unless he would from that time forth speet = skewer;pliver = plover
Relinqish her for ever.
Wi ghastly e'e, poor Tweedle-Dee The midget had no choice but to concede,
Upon his hunkers bended, although he managed a quiet snigger
And pray'd for grace wi' ruefii face, when he heard the tinker address the lady.
An' sae the quarrel ended. hunkers = haunches; snirtle = snigger
But tho' his little heart did grieve
When round the tinkler prest her,
He feign'd to snirtle in his sleeve,
When thus the caird address'd her:
TUNE: Clout the Cauldron
My bonny lass, I work in brass, He was a tinker who worked with brass,
A tinkler is my station; and although he had often taken the
I've travell'd round all Christian ground Kings bounty to join the army he had no
In this my occupation. qualms about deserting when the brass
I've ta'en the gold, an' been enroll'd cauldron needed a patch.
In many a noble squadron;
But vain they search'd when off I march'd
To go an' clout the cauldron.
Despise that shrimp, that witheid imp, He pleads with her to ignore the midget
Wi a' his noise an' caperin'; and join him in his brass business. Not
An' take a share wi' those that bear another drop of liquor will he drink if he
The budget and the apron. should let her down.
An' by that stoup, my faith an' houp! stowp = cup; Kilbaigie = a nearby whisky
And by that dear Kilbaigie! distillery; weet my craigie = wet my throat
If e'er ye want, or meet wi' scant,
May I ne'er weet my craigie.
The caird prevail'd - th' unblushing fair The tinker won the affections of the lady,
In his embraces sunk, but only because she was too drunk to
Partly wi' love, o'ercome sae sair, resist. The fiddler appeared to take his
An' partly she was drunk. defeat with good grace and drunk the
Sir Violino, with an air health of the tinker and the woman.
That show'd a man 0' spunk,
Wish'd unison between the pair,
And made the bottle clunk
To their health that night.
TUNE; For a' tbat, an' a' tbat
In raptures sweet, this hour we meet, He understands that love can come and go
Wi' mutual love an' a' that; as quickly as an insect bite.
But for how lang the flee may stang, pie=fly; sung = sting
Let inclination law that!
Their tricks an' crafts hae put me daft, He may have been taken in by the wiles of
They've ta'en me in, an' a' that; young women on many occasions, but he
But dear your decks, an' here's the Sex! still loves them all.
I like the jads for a' that. jads = young women
So sang the Bard - and Nansie's wa's Thunderous applause greeted the poet as
Shook wi' a thunder of applause, the crowd frantically emptied their pockets
Re-echo'd from each mouth; and sold their belongings to pay fbr another
They t d their podcs, anlpawn;dtheirduds, drink as they beseeched him to sing again.
They scarcely lefi to co'er their fuds, room1 their pocks = emptied their pockets;
To quench their lowan drouth. co'er tbkrfuds = cover their backsides; lowan
Then owre again, the jovial thrang d~outh= burning thirstilowse = untie
T U N E : J o l ) Mortals,fill your Glasses
See! the smoking bowl before us, The final verses of the Cantata are
Mark our jovial, ragged ring! dedicated to praising the lifestyle of the
Round and round take up the chorus, beggars and asking which is
And in raptures let us sing. important, pleasure or treasure?
It must be said that not everything written by Bums was beautiful and romantic. Indeed,
some of his works are unsavoury in the extreme. This is a sordid tale of how a gang of
local youths, which included Jean Armour's brother, took the law into their own hands
and inflicted painful punishment upon a lass who had a reputation as a prostitute. The
girl had certainly been before the Kirk Session to answer for her conduct, but so had
many others, as Burns was all too aware.
Gude pity me, because I'm little, Adam may be little but he can move
For though I am an elf 0' mettle quickly and he thinks he's got worth.
And can, like ony wabster's shuttle Gude = God; wabster = weaver; kail-
Jink there or here; whittle = cabbage knij
Yet scarce as langs a guid kail whittle,
I'm unco queer.
An' now thou kens our woefii case; They've run the girl through the village
For Geordie's Jurr we're in disgrace, tied to a pole, causing her serious injury,
Because we stangd her through the place, and now they're on the run.
An' hurt her spleuchan', kens = knows; jurr = maidservant; stang'd
For which we daurna show our face = rode her on a pole; spleucban = genitalia;
Within the clachan. daurna = dare not; clacban = village
And now we're demd in glens and hollows, They're now in hiding from the brcesof law.
And hunted, as was William Wallace, dern'd = concealed; sodgers = soldiers
Wi constables, thae blackguard fallows,
An' sodgers baith;
But Gude preserve us frae the gallows,
That shamefii death!
Auld, grim, black-bearded Geordie's sel'; Geordie = George Gibson, the girl's
0,shake him owre the mouth 0' Hell! employer and landlord of Poosie Nansies.
There let him hing, and roar, an' yell
Wi hideous din,
And if he o a r s to rebel.
Then heave him in!
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
When Death comes in wi' ghnmerin blink, When Nansie dies, he hopes that Satan
An' tips auld drucken Nanse the wink, will be extremely cruel to her.
May Sautan gie her doup a clink drucken = drunken; gie her doup a clink =
Within his yett, smack her backside; yett = gate; het = hot
An' fill her up wi' brimstone drink,
Red-reekin het.
There's Jockie an' the hav'rel Jenny, Their family are also in the request for
Some devil seize them in a hurry, cruel treatment.
And waft them in th' infernal wherry
Straught through the lake,
An' gie their hides a noble curry straught = straight
Wi' oil of a& aik = oak
As for the jurr, puir worthless body! The girl has suffered enough, but should
She's got mischief enough already; she go back to her old ways then he hopes
Wi' stranget hips and buttocks bluidy she will hang.
She sder'd sair! stanget hips = bruised by the pole; wintle in
But may she wintle in a woody, a woody = hang from a noose
If she whore mair!
The Inventory
Following in the aftermath of the war in America, William Pitt introduced a whole range
of taxes to bolster the count* sagging finances. These included tax on carriage horses,
carriages and servants. Burns responded to his demand in a very amusing, tongue in
cheek rhyme.
The Bard was going through a very unhappy period in his life when he wrote this poem
and his deep unhappiness is clearly illustrated in the melancholy tone.
It would seem that the boredom of ploughing allowed him time for deep
meditation, for it was on such an occasion that the sight of a daisy caught his eye and
inspired the fbllowing words.
Wee, modest, crimson-tipped flow'r The ploughman is s+ng to the daisy and
Thou's met me in an evil hour; apologiring fbr its accidental uprooting, but
For I maun crush amang the stoure unhmmately, at this stage there is nothing
Thy slender stem:. he can do about it.
To spare thee now is past my pow'r maun = must; amang the stoure = among
Thou bonie gem the dust
Alas, it's no thy neebor sweet, He explains that sadly it was not a fiiendly
The bonie lark, companion meet, la& which was benchrig the flower stalks as it
Bending thee 'mang the dewy weet, sprang upward to meet the sun rising in the
spreckl'd breast! east. no' = noc; neebor = n+bour; 'mang the
When upward-springing, blythe, to greet dewy weet = among the dewy wet; spreckkd =
The purpling east. +ed; the purpling east = the sunrise
CAuld blew the bitter-biting north Although the bitter north wind was blowing
Upon thy early, humble birth; when it came through the s&e, the darsy
Yet cheerfully thou glinted forth had still appeared bright and cheerful
Amid the storm, throughout the storm, although it was so
Scarce reaid above the parent-earth small that its head barely rose above the earth.
Thy tender form. Cut& = cold. north = north wind
The flaunting flow'rs our gardens yield, Gardens may have beautiful flowers but
I-hgh shelt'ting woods and wak maun shield. they are sheltered by woods and walls.
But thou, beneath the random bield The daisy has to survive alone,
0' clod or stane, surrounded by mud and earth and stone,
Adorns the histie stibble field. seldom seen by anyone.
Unseen, alane. wa; = walls; maun = must; bield 0' clod or
stane= shelter of earth or stone; histie stibble
field = field of dry stubble; alane = alone
There, in thy scanty mantle clad, There was the daisy with only a few petals
Thy snawie bosom sun-ward spread, to protect it as it rose humbly towards the
Thou lifes thy unassuming head sun, and now the plough has tom it from
In humble guise; its bed and laid it low.
But now the share uptears thy bed, scanty mantle clad = barely covered; snawie
And low thou lies! = snowy; share uptears = plough uproots
Such is the fate of artless maid, Such is the fate of the innocent young
Sweet flow'ret of the rural shade! maiden who has been betrayed by love
By love's simplicity betray'd and trust. She has nothing to look forward
And guileless trust, to until, like the daisy, she shares its fate
T i she, like thee, all soil'd, is laid and death returns her to the dust.
Low i' the dust. jow'ret = little flower; guileless = simple
Such is the fate of simple Bard, The Bard has had little luck throughout
On lifks rough ocean luckless starr'd his lifetime, and has been neither s&-
UnskilM he to note the card ciently wordy nor prudent to avoid the
Of prudent lore, storms of life which now threaten to
Ti billows rage, and gales blow hard, overcome him.
And whelm him o'er
Such fate to suffering worth is giv'n He is resigned to. whatever fite has in
Who long with wants and woes has store for him as his problems have driven
striv'n, him to the point of total despair.
By human pride or cunning driv'n Everything in his life is bleak and there is
To mis'rys brink; little chance of salvation. Only ruination
T i wrench'd of ev'ry stay but Heav'n seems certain. wants and woes = poverty
He, ruin'd, sink! and grief; striv'n = struggled; ev'ry stay but
Heav'n = nothing left but death
Ev'n thou who mourn'st the Daisy's fate, Finally, he compares the fate of the daisy
That fate is thine - no distant date; to what is in store fbr himself as he
Stern Ruin's plough-share drives,elate, believes that his own death is imminent.
Full on thy bloom; He sees no escape from the harshness of
Tdl, crush'd beneath the hrrow's weight his own life!
Shall be thy doom! elate = proudy;furrowi weight = the earth
turned over by the plough
Second Epistle to Davie
Although Robert Bums was a prolific writer of letters, most of which were composed
in the very f b d manner so popular at the time, he delighted in corresponding with
his fellow poets in rhyme as this one to David Sillar demonstrates.
Hale be your heart, hale be your fiddle! H e hopes that Davie will remain fit and
Lang may your elbuck jink ari' diddle, healthy and live to have grandchildren.
To cheer you thm' the weary widde elbuck = elbow;jink and diddle = dance up
0'war'ly cares, and down; widdk = strife; war'ly = wordy;
Till bairns' bairns kindly cuddle bairns' bairns =grandchildren
Your auld, grey hairs!
But Davie, lad, I'm red ye're glaikit; He's dismayed to find that Davie is not
I'm tauld the Muse ye hae negleckit; composing rhymes at the moment, as a pfi
An' gd it's sae, ye sud be lickit suchashisshouldbeusedInfactheshould
Until ye fyke; be wfiipped into action again.
Sic han's as you sud ne'er be faikit, redyhregkaikit = regresyou'tehlish;gf= Z
Be hain't wha like. lidzit = whipped& = fidgec; sud = should;
f.ikit = excused;bain't = except
For me, I'm on Pamassus' brink, Bums feel he is on the edge of a mountain
Rivin the words to gar them clink; trying to make his words rhyme, and he is
Whyles daeit wi'lave, whyles daez't wildn& distracted by girls or drinking with his his
Wi'jads or Masons; Masonic friends.
An' whyles, but ay owre late, I think; rivin = tearing up; gar tbem clink = make
Braw sober lessons. them rhyme;jads = hussies
Of a' the thoughtless sons 0' man, He prefers his fellow poets to any other
Commen' me to the Bardie clan; group of men. They have a casual attitude
Except it be some idle plan to life that he enjoys.
0' rhyming clink,
The devil-haet that I sud ban, devil-haet = Heaven-forbid
They never think.
Nae thought, nae view, nae scheme 0' livin', They live for the moment with little concern
Nae care to gie us joy or grievin', for the future, and get by on very little.
But just the pouchie put the nieve in, pouchie = pocket; nieve = fist; hiltie-skiltie =
An' while ought's there, helter- skelter; scrievin = careering;jash =
Then, hiltie-skiltie, we gae scrievin',
An' fash nae mair.
Leeze me on rhyme! it's ay a treasure, Bless his poetry. It's his greatest pleasure
My chief,amaist my only pleasure; in life and he can enjoy it anywhere.
At hame, a-fiel', at wark or leisure, amaist = almost; rough an' raploch = rough
The Muse, poor hizzie! and ready
Tho' rough an' raploch be her measure,
She's seldom lazy.
Haud to the Muse, my dainty Davie; Stick to your talent, Davie, and no matter
The warl' may play you monie a shavie, what life has in store for you, you will
But for the Muse, she'll never leave ye, always have that ability.
Tho' e'er sae puir; monk a shavie = many a trick spavie = bone
Na, even tho' limpin wi the spavie disease atbxing the leg
Frae door to door.
Epistle to a Young Friend
Bums wrote the following words in 1786 to a young man named Andrew Hunter
Aitken who was about to make his way in the world. The advice he offers is a pleasure
to read as it shows the wonderful insight that he had into his fellow beings. However, it
appears that the Bard was not always able to follow the guidelines which he gave so
readily to young Andrew.
I lang hae thought, my youthfu' friend, Rab has been thinking of writing to
A something to have sent you, Andrew for some time, but has no idea if
Tho' it should serve nae ither end his words will turn out to be a song or a
Than just a kind memento; sermon. Perhapsjust something to keep as
But how the subject-scheme may gang, a reminder of their friendship.
Let time and chance determine; lung bae = long have; nae itber = no other;
Perhaps it may turn out a sang; gang = go; sang = song
Perhaps, turn out a sermon.
Ye'll try the world soon, my lad; Andrew will discover that mankind is made
And Andrew dear, believe me, up of people of varied assortment, many of
You'll find mankind an unco squad, whom will cause him grief. He should be
And muckle may they grieve ye: prepared to h e adversity at all times and
For care and trouble set your thought, accept that his plans may come to nothing.
Ev'n when your end's attained; unco = strange; muckk = much
And a' your views may come to nought,
Where ev'ry nerve is strained.
I'll no say, men are villains a' : Not all men are out and out villains, but
The real, harden'd wicked, few can be totally trusted, and should he
Wha hae nae check but human law, cross the line between right and wrong, he
Are to a few restricked; will find it difficult to come back.
But, och! mankind are unco weak, wba bae nae = who have nothing
An' little to be trusted;
If Self the wavering balance shake,
It's rarely right adjusted!
Yet they wha fa' in Fotune's s d e , He must not criticise his fellow men as
Their fate we should na censure; everyone will have to answer for their sins
For still, th' important end of life, on the Day of Judgement, nor should he
They equally may answer: should judge anyone according to their
A man may hae an honest heart, wealth as the man facing poverty can still
Tho' poorith hourly stare him; be kind and caring.
A man may take a neebor's part, wbafa' = who fall;poortith = poverty; neeborj
Yet hae nae cash to spare him. = neighbour's
Ay free, afF han', your story tll, Talk freely to your friends, but never
When wi' a bosom cronie; reveal your innermost secrets. Always
But still, th' important end of life, maintain your reserve to prevent criticism
Ye scarcely tell to onie and keep a wary eye on others.
Conceal yourself as weel's ye can a# ban' = off hand; bosom cronie = best
Frae critical dissection; friend; keek = glance
But keek thro' ev'ry other man,
Wi sharpen'd, sly inspection.
The sacred lowe 0' weel-plac'd love, When you find true love, you have found
Luxuriantly indulge it; real joy. Although others may tempt you
But never tempt th' illicit rove, and there is no danger of being caught
Tho' naething should divulge it: out, you must resist, for it will remain on
I waive the quantum 0' th sin, your conscience and be blight on your life.
The hazard of concealing -
lowe = flame; weel plac'd = well placed;
But, och! it hardens a' within, illicit rove = infidelity; waive the quantum =
And petfies the feeling! reject the amount
To catch Dame Fortune's golden smile, You must pursue your fortune through
Assidious wait upon her; hard work, and take pride in your
And gather gear by ev'ry wile belongings, safe in the knowledge that you
That's justlfy'd by honour; have acquired them by honest endeavour.
Not for to hide it in a headge, p r = wealth
Nor for a train attendant;
But for a glorious priviledge
Of being independent.
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
The fear 0' Hell's a hangman's whip Although the fear of Hell may keep others
To haud the wretch in order; in check, all that is required of him is an
But where ye feel your honour grip, honest mind and a strong conscience. With
Let that ay be your border: these,he can look fbrward to a blameless life.
Its slightest touches, instant pause -
Debar a' side-pretences; baud = hold
And resolutely keep its laws,
Uncaring consequences.
The great creator to revere, He must always have faith in God and
Must sure become the creature; learn to tolerate the stony-faced preachers.
But still the peaching cant forbear, Never blaspheme nor use profanity.
And ev'n the rigid feature;
Yet ne'er with wits profane to range
Be complaisance extended;
An athiest's laugh's a poor exchange
For Deity offended!
When ranting round in Pleasure's ring, It's very easy to fbrget religion when enjoying
Religion may be blinded; oneself, but even when temptation is at its
Or if she gie a random sting, greatest and his conscience is being strained
It may be little minded; to its utmost, then the strenght of his belie6
But when on Life we're tempest-driv'n, will carry him through.
A conscience but a canker - ranting = frolicking; canker = corruption
A correspondence Wd wi' Heaven,
Is sure a noble anchor!
The following lines were actually written upon a one-guinea note in 1786. At the time,
Bums was giving a good deal of thought to the idea of emigrating to Jamaica believing
that this might be a means of escaping from his ever present problems.
Few of us will have difliculty relating tothe heart-klt words of this poem.
Wae worth thy pow'r, thou cursed leaf! wae worth = woe befall
Fell source of all my woe and grief, fill source = cause
For lack 0' thee I've lost my lass,
For lack 0' thee I scrimp my glass! scrimp my glass = limit my drinking
I see the children of affliction
Unaided, thro' thy c u r d resmction.
I've seen the oppressor's cruel smile
Amid his hapless victim's spoil;
And for thy potence vainly wish'd potence = power
To crush the villain in the dust.
For lack 0' thee, I leave this much-lov'd shore,
Never, perhaps, to greet old Scotland more!
The Farewell
Robert Bums was in no doubt that his hture lay in the West Indies. His many
skirmishes with the Kirk and the problems which he was having to face because of his
relationship with his wigs family were taking their toll. He wrote several pieces dwelling
on this, and expressing his sorrow at being forced to leave his beloved Scotland. This is
a fairly sentimental poem, written in the summer of 1786, in which he tells of his sorrow
at his impending separation from his wife, his family and friends.
Robert Burns was not a man to take insults lying down. A tailor by the name of Thomas
Walker had sent Bums twenty-six dreary stanzas in the hope that Bums would reply to
him in verse. Bums ignored them completely, but when the Kilmamock Edition was
published, Walker wrote complaining of the poet's morals, prompting Bums to respond
with this jocular and deeply sarcastic poem.
What ails ye now, ye lousy bitch Bums hurls abuse at the tailor and points
To thrash my back at such a pitch? out that the local minister was not as
Losh, man, hae mercy wi' your natch, harsh on him as Walker.
Your bodkin's bauld. thresh = thrash; Losb = Lord; natcb =
I didna suffer half as much notching-blade; bodkin = large needle
Frae Daddie Auld.
What tho' at times when I grew crouse, If I get in the mood for making love to the
I gie their wames a random pouse, girls, what's it to do with you? Mind your
Is that enough for you to souse own business.
Your servant sae? crouse = bold; wames = bellies; pouse
Gae mind your seam, ye prick-the-louse, = thrust; souse = hit; prick-tbe-louse = nit-
And jag-the-flea! picker;jag-tbe-jlea = flea
King David 0' poetic brief King David was one for the girls, but he
Wrocht 'mang the lasses sic mischief still became one of the leading saints.
As fdled his after-life wi' grief, wrocbt = wrought; rants = rows; lung-syne =
An' bluidy rants; long ago; saunts = saints
An' yet he's rank'd amang the chief
0 lang-sync saunts.
And maybe Tam, fbr a' my cants, Bums feels that he might yet escape the
My wicked rhymes, an' drucken rants, Devil and take his place among the saints.
I'l gie auld Clove Cloutie's haunts cants = songs. Cloven Clootie = the Devil
An unco slip yet,
An' snugly sit amang the saunts,
At Davie's hip yet!
But, fegs, the Session says I maun But before that, the Session want him to
Gae fa' upo' anither plan appear once more to answer for his
Than gamn lasses coup the cran, misdeeds with the girls.
Clean heels owre body, fegs = faith; maun = must; garrin' =
An' sairly thole their mother's ban making; coup tbe cran = upset the cart
Afore the howdy.
This leads me on to tell for sport He goes on to relate his experience with
How I did with the Session sort: the Session when the bell-ringer
Auld Clinkum at the inner port summoned him.
Cried three times 'Robin! Clinkum = bell-ringer; jobbin' =
Come hither lad, and answer for't, fornication
Ye're blamed for jobbin'!'
A fornicater-loun he call'd me, He told Bums that his sins would bar him
An' said my faut frae bliss expell'd me. from Heaven. Rab replied that the only
I own'd the tale was true he tell'd me, way to stop him chasing the girls was for
But what the matter? him to be gelded
(Quo' I) 1fear unless ye geld me, loun = rogue; gelded = castrated
I'll ne'er be better!'
'Geld you!' ( quo he) 'an' what for no? Rab was a bit taken aback when the leader
If that your right hand, leg or toe agreed with him. After all, if one's arm or
Should ever prove your spritual fbe, leg was causing problems,' then cut it off,
You should remember so why not Rab's offending parts?
To cut it afT - an' what for no
Your dearest member!'
Undtrstanding ROBERT BURNS
'Na, na, (quo I ) 'I'm no for that, Rab thought this was was not a good idea
Geldings nae better than tis ca't; and suggested that a flogging might be
I'd rather suffer for my my faut, more in order.
A hearty flewit, Pewit = flogging
As sair owre hips as ye can draw't,
Tho' I should rue it.
'Or gin ye like to end the bother, H e wondered if it might be an idea to let
To please us a' - I've just ae ither; the next girl who he seduces to do the
When next wi' yon lass I forgather, flogging.
Whate'er betide it,
I' 11 frankly gie her i a' thegither,
An' let her guide it.'
But, Sir, this pleas'd them warst of a', This did not go down too well and as he
An' therefore, Tam, when that I saw, set off homeward he could see that they
I said 'Guid night' an' came awa, were bent on his downfall.
An' left the Session:
I saw they were resolv'd a'
On my oppression.
My Highland Lassie 0
Bums turned to Mary Campbell shortly after his &air with Jean Amour was brought
to an end by Jean's father. Bums' opinion of Mary Campbell is at odds with those of
others in his family who considered her to be no more than a slut, and it certainly
appears that Campbell was no upholder of morals. However, Rab must have been
stricken as he had decided that the two of them would travel to the West Indies to start
a new life together.
This plan was not to be fuMed as Mary died shortly before they were due to
depart, and it remains unclear to this day whether she died ftom fever or childbirth.
Within theglen sue busby, 0,
Aboon the plain sue rasby, 0,
I set me down wi rigbt guid will,
To sing my Highland lassie, O!
This wot ye all whom it concerns; Bums wants the world to know that he
I, Rhymer Rab, alias Bums has dined with a Lord.
October twenty-third, wot = know; sprachl'd up the brae =
A ne'er-to-be-forgotten day, clambered up the hill
Sae far I sprachl'd up the brae,
I dinned wi' a Lord.
I've been at drucken Writers' feasts, He recalls many occasionswhen he has dined
Nay, been bitch-fou 'rnang Godly Priests; with lawyers and priests, frequently
(Wi'rev'rence be it spoken!) inebriated.
I've even join'd the honor'd jorum, &ken Writers = drunken lawyers;bitch+ =
When mighty Squireships 0' the Quorum completely drunk; j m = dnnlang vessel;
Their hydra drouth did sloken. bydra dmuth did slob = many people drank
But wi' a Lord - stand out my shin! But he has never dined with nobility and
A Lord, a Peer, an Earl's son!- this particular nobleman is over six feet tall,
Up higher yet, my bonnet! quite a height at that time in history.
An sic a Lord! - lang Scotch ell twa, shin = climb; lay Scotch ell twa = over six feet
Our Peerage he looks o'er them a',
As I look o'er my sonnet.
But 0,for Hogarth's magic pow'r, He wished that William Hogarth, the
To shew Sir Bardie's willyart glow'r, painter, had been on hand to record his
An' how he star'd an' stamrner'd! expression as he was led into the parlour
When goavin's he'd been led wi' branks, to meet the Lord.
An' stumpin' on his ploughman shanks, Sir Bardie's willyart glow'r = Bums' timid
He in the parlour hammer'd. look; goavinj = dazed; branks = bridles;
stumpin' = waking stiffly; shanks = legs
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
To meet good Stewart little pain is, Mere mortals are one thing, but meeting a
O r Scotia's sacred Demosthenes; Lord made him nervous and tongue-tied.
Thinks 1:'They are but men! doited = blundered; knoited = knotted;gaed
But 'Burns'!- 'My Lord'-Good God!' I ben = went through
My knees on ane anither knoited,
As faultering I gaed ben.
I watch'd the symptons 0' the Great, Burns had witnessed the arrogance of
The gentle pride, the lordly state, aristocrats before, but Lord Daer
The arrogant assuming; displayed none of their traits. In fact he
The fient a pride, nae pride had he, felt that the young Lord's attitude to life
Nor sauce, nor state, that I could see, was little difkrent to his own.
Mair than an honest ploughman! fient = friend; mair = more
Then from his Lordship I shall learn, This meeting has shown the poet that all
Henceforth to meet with unconcern men are equal, irrespective of rank or title,
One rank as weel's another; and that an honest man can hold his head
Nae honest, worthy man need care, high in any company.
To meet wi' noble, youthfu' Daer,
For he but meets a Brother.
Address to Edinburgh
Bums wrote this tribute to the city shortly after his arrival in Edinburgh. Its style is a bit
stiff,slightly pompous, and almost Anglicised - rather how the citizens of Edinburgh are
perceived by their counterparts in the west.
Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, This b e p with a simple smement. The
Great chiefiain 0' the puddin'-race! h q p is the greatest of all p a g s , greater
Aboon them a' ye talc your place, than stomach, tripe or guts, and well worrh
Painch, tripe or thairm; thislonggrace.
Wee1 are ye wordy 0' a grace SOtL(ie =jolly; puddin-race = meat p d d q s or
The groaning trencher there ye fill, It fills the platter and its buttocks look like
Your hurdies like a distant hill, a distant hill. Its skewer is large enough to
Your pin wad help to mend a mill, repair a mill, and the moisture oozing
In time 0' need, from it is as beautiful as amber beads.
, While thro'your pores the dews distil, groaning trencher = laden platter; burdies =
Like amber bead. hips or buttocks; pin = skewer; wad = would
His knife see rustic labour dight, With a skilled hand, the server cuts through
An' cut you up wi' ready slight, the skin which flows open like a ditch as the
Trenching your gushing entrails bright, insides gush brth.But what a glorious sight
Like onie ditch; with its warm, staming richness.
And then, 0 what a glorious sight, digbt = to dean;trenching = cutting open; ony
Warm-reekin, rich! = any; warm-reekin = warm smellrng
Then, horn for horn, they stretch an' strive, Spoonful by spoonful, everyone digs in
Deil tak the hindmost, on they drive, and the devil take the slowest eater until
Td a' their weel-swall'd kytes belyve all are replete. Then the bulging elder of
Are bent like drums; the family leans back and gives his thanks.
Then auld Guidman, maist like to rive, horn = a spoon; weel-swall'd kytes = full
'Bethankit' hums bellies; bent like drums = tight as drums;
auld = old; maist = most; rive = burst;
bethankit = God be thanked
Is there that owre his French ragout, Can anyone who has eaten that fancy
Or olio that wad staw a sow, French rubbish, so disgusting as to make a
Or fricassee wad make her spew pig throw up, dare to look down his nose
Wi perfect sconner, and sneer at such a dinner.
Looks down wi' sneerin, scornfu' view owre = over; ragout/olio = savoury dishes of
On sic a dinner? meat and vegetables; staw a sow = stop a pig;
jkusse = dish of finid or rabbit; spew =
vomit;scanner = dqpst; sic = such
Poor devil! see him owre his trash, Look at that poor devil bent over the
As feckless as a wither3 rash, rubbish he is eating. He's as weak as a
His spindle shank a guid whiplash, withered rush. H is legs are skinny and his
His nieve a nit; fist is no bigger than a nut. No venturing
Thro' bluidy flood or field to dash, into the battle-field for him, he's too unfit.
But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed, But see that labourer M on haggm The
The trembling earth resounds his tread, earth mmbles under his fk and in his great
Clap in his walie nieve a blade, fist a sword would whistle through the air,
He'll rnak it whisslle. lopping off legs, arms and heads as though
An' legs, an' arms, an' heads will sned, they were no more than the tops of thistles.
Like taps 0' thrissle. d i e nieve = large fist; blade = sword; whissk
= whistle;sned = lop oE taps 0' tbrissk = tops
of thistle
Understanding ROBERT B U R N S
Ye Pow'rs, wha ma< mankind your care, You Powers who look afier mankind and
And dish them out their bill 0' fare, provide us with our food. Scotland does
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware not want watery rubbish splashing about
That jaups in luggies; in dishes. If YOU want her grateful thanks.
But, if ye wish her grateh' prayer give her a haggis.
Gie her a Haggis! bi1ls'jiat.e = menu; skinking ware = watery
rubbish; jaups = splashes; luggie = wooden
dish with handles, gie = give
Elegy on the Death of Robert Ruisseux
Robert Bums appears to have had no fear of death. In fact on reading some of his work,
it would seem that there were times in his life when he might have regarded it as a
welcome relief from the tribulations which he suffered. This is a mock elegy written
about himself, the name Ruisseaux being French for stream, or bum.
Now Robin lies in his last lair, He is now in his grave and secure fiom the
He'll gabble rhyme, nor sing nae rnair; tribulations that have dogged him during
Cauld poverty, wi' hungry stare, his lifetime.
Nae mair shall fear him; cankert = crabbed
Nor anxious fear, nor cankert care,
E'er mair come near him.
To tell the truth, they seldom fash'd him, His enemies seldom succeeded in
Except the moment that they crush'd him; suppressing him for he was usually able to
For sune as chance or fate had hush'd, 'em extract revenge by lampooning them in
Tho' e'er sae short, verse.
Then wi' a rhyme or sang he lash'd 'em, fasb'd = womed; sune = soon
And thought it sport.
Tho' he was bred to kintra-wark, Although born into the life of a farm
And counted was baith wight and stark, worker, he never judged a man by his
Yet that was never Robin's mark physical strength, only by his knowledge,
To mak a man; and was always pleased to be recognised as
But tell him he was leam'd and clark, an educated man.
Ye roos'd him then! kintra-wark = country work; baitb wigbt and
stark = both stout and strong; clark =
scholarly; roos'd = flattered
The Guidwife of Wauchope House, to Robert Burns,
the Airshire Bard
Feb 1787
This is a wonderful, witty poem, not written by Bums, but sent to him by Mrs Elizabeth
Scott, a very talented lady who lived in Wauchope House, close to Jedburgh. She had
read the Kilmamock Edition and was obviously very impressed by it. Mrs Scott tells the
Bard that she doubts he really is a ploughman as she knows of no ploughman who could
quote from the Greek Classics, or who would be able to make jokes about the country's
political leaders. In fact, she feels that such knowledge could only be gleaned by close
association with such people. She would much prefer to spend an evening listening to
the Bard than entertaining dull aristocrats.
I mind it weel, in early date, Bums harks back to his early years when he
When I was beardless, young, and blate, was learning the business of farming. He
An' first cou'd thresh the barn, and the girl he worked with could do a full
Or haud a yokin at the pleugh, days work although it was exhausting.
An' tho' fu' foughten sair eneugh, He gathered the com and she put it into
Yet unco proud to learn; sheaves or stooks.
When first arnang the yellow corn mind it weel = remember it well; blate =
A man I reckon'd was, shy; h a d a yokin = do a day's work;
An' wi' the lave ilk merry mom fougbten = tired; lave = others; ilk = each;
Could rank my rig an' lass: tither = other; clavers an' havers = nonsense
Still shearing, and clearing and chatter; An' tho'fu'foughten sair eneugb
The tither stooked raw, = and though tired and sore
Wi clavers an' havers,
Wearing the time awa'.
E'n then, a wish (I mind its pow'r), Even when he was so young he wished
A wish chat to my latest hour that he could write a book or compose a
S h d strongly heave my breast, song for the glory of Scotland. He was so
That I for poor auld Scotland's sake proud of his country that he would not
Some useful plan, or book could make, cut down thistles, (the emblem of
Or sing a sang at least. Scotland) when weeding. He can think of
The rough burr-thistle spreading wide no higher station in life than being born a
Amang the M e d bear, Scot.
I tum'd the weeding heuk aside, beardy bear = barley; weeding beuk = hook
An' spar'd the symbol dear.
No nation, no station,
My envy e'er could raise:
A Scot still, but blot still,
I knew nae higher praise.
But still the elements 0' sang The words tumbled around in his head until
In formless jumble, right an' wrang, one harvest when he was inspired to write a
Wild floated in my brain; poem about his partner.( Nelly Kdpattick of
Ti on the that hairst I said before, Handsome Nell fame). Her smile and her
My partner in the merry core, eyes were his inspiration but he was too shy
She mus'd the forming strain. to tell her how he Ht about her.
I see her yet, the sonsie quean bairst = harvest; core = crowd; sonsie quean
That lighted up my jingle, = good-natured girl; kittk een = shrewd
Her pauky smile, her kide een, eyes; gart = made
That gart my heart-strings tingle!
So tiched, bewitched,
I rav'd ay to myself;
But bashing and dashing,
I kend na how to tell.
Hale to the sex, ilk guid chiel says, He wishes good heath to all women, who
Wi merry dance on winter-days, he feels give joy to life,but mocks any man
An' we to share in common! who thinks ill of women as their own
The gust 0' joy, the balm of woe, mothers might disown them for being so
The s a d 0' life, the heav'n below churlish.
Is rapture-giving Woman. saul = soul; sumphs = boorish people;
Ye surly sumphs, who hate the name, birkie = fellow
Be rnindfu' 0' your mither;
She, honest woman, may think shame
That ye're connect'd with her!
Ye're wae men, ye're nae men,
That slight the lovely dears;
To shame ye, disclain ye,
Ilk honest birkie swears.
Understanding ROBERT BURNS
For you, na bred to barn an' byre, He thanks Mrs Scott fbr her epistle and
Wha sweetly tune the Scottish lyre, appreciates that she was not bred fbr
Thanks to you fbr your line. country work. She has given him a p d y
The rnarl'd plaid ye kindly spare, coloured plaid which he will wear more
By me should gratefully be ware; proudly than if it were an ermine robe, and
?wad please me to the Nine. he hopes her life will be free from tragedy.
I'd be mair vauntie 0' my hap, marl'd = partly coloured; ware = worn;
Douce hingin owre my curple, vauntie = proud; hap = covering; huce =
Than onie ermine ever lap, soberly; curple = leather strap which holds
Or proud imperial purple. saddle on horse; lang hak = long health;
Farewell then, lang hale then, fa' = lot; hallan = hallway, porch
An' plenty be your fa'
May losses and crosses
Ne'er at your hallan ca'.
March, 1787, R. Bums
To Mr McAdam of Craigengillan
McAdam had acquired wealth and status through his work in improving methods of
agriculture, and had written to Bums, apparently to congratulate him upon his poetry.
There is a certain amount of hypocrisy contained in poems such as this, that show that
although Bums scorned the rich and famous in his verses, he was nevertheless flattered
to receive their accolades.
Sir, o'er a gd I gat your card, Bums thanks McAdam for his card, he's
I trow it made me proud; delighted that he's been noticed.
'See wha tak's notice 0' the Bard!' o'er a gill = over a drink; trow = promise;
I lap, and cry'd fu loud. lap =jumped
Now deil-ma-care about their jaw, He doesn't care what the masses think of
The senseless, gawky million; him for he has been praised by the gentry.
I'lcock my nose aboon them a', jaw = gossip; gawky = clumsy; roos'd =
I'm roos'd by Craigengdan! praised
Twas noble, Sir; 'mas like yoursel, Bums tlatters McAdam by saying that
To grant your high protection: MacAdam smiling upon Bums' work has
A great man's smile, ye ken fu'well, truly blessed it.
Is ay a blest infection.
And when those legs to guid, warm kail, When he gets old and infirm, Bums will
Wi welcome canna bear me, be content with a simple life and diet.
A lee dyke-side, a sybow-tail, kail = broth; lee dylze.de = sheltered wall;
An' badey-scone shall cheer me. sybow-tail = spring onion
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
Heaven spare you lang to kiss the breath He hopes McAdam will enjoy long life, and
0' monie flow'ry simmers, blesses his beaudid daughters.
An' bless your bonie lasses baith, simmers = summers; loosome = lovable;
I'm tauld they're loosome kimmers! kimmers = young girls
Willie was a witty wight, Willie was a man of wit who kept
And had 0' things an unco sleight! things running smoothly, but now he's
Auld Reekie' ay he keepit tight, away, there's trouble
An' trig an' braw; wight = chap; skigbt = skill; trig and &raw =
But now they'll busk her like a fright, neat and handsome; busk = dress;jigbt =
Willie's awa! freak; unco skigbt = uncommon skill
The stiffest 0' them a' he bow'd; H e was a leader in society and his
The bauldest 0' them a' he cow'd; word was considered to be law.
They dutst nae mair than he allow'd, bauldest = boldest; durst = dared;
That was a law: birkie = fellow; gowd = gold
We've lost a birkie well worth gowd-
Willie's awa!
Now gawkies, tawpies, gowks, and fools, Now all those pretentious people
Frae colleges and boarding-schools will be unrestrained.
May sprout like simmer puddock-stools gawkies = silly people; tawpies = silly girls;
In glen or shaw: gowks = fools; simmer = summer;
He wha could brush them down to mools, puddock-stools = tadpoles; mools = dust
Willies awa!
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
The brethren 0' the Commerce Chaumer The business community relied on him
May mourn their loss wi' doolful clamour: to correct their spelling and grammar,
He was a dictionar and grammar but mistakes will now be made.
Among them a': Chaumer = Chamber; doo@f = doleful
I fear they'll now mak monie a stammer:
Willie's awa!
Nae mair we see his levee door No more morning receptions will take
Philosophers and Poets pour, place while he's away.
And toothy Critics by the score, levee = early morning reception by a
In bloody raw: person of distinction
The adjutant 0' a' the core,
Willie's awa!
Now worthy Gregiys Latin face, Edinburgh's men of letters must find
Tyler's and Greenfield's modest grace, another meeting place.
McKenzie, Stewart, such a brace
As Rome ne'er saw,
They a' maun meet some ither place--
Willie's awa!
Poor Burns ev'n 'Scotch Drink'canna Even a drop of Scotch cannot inspire
quicken, Burns. He feels quite lost without Creech.
He cheeps like some bewilder'd chicken minnie = mother; cleckin = brood;
Scar'd frae its rninnie and the cleckin, boodie-craw = carrion crow
By hoodie-craw.
Grief's gien his heart an unco kickin,
Willie's awa!
Now ev'ry sour-mou'd, girnin blellum, All of his critics can now write
And Calvin's folk, are fit to tell him; about him without trepidation
Ilk self-conceited critic-skellum girnin = crying; whining; blellum =
His quill may draw: babbler; skellum = scoundrel
He wha could brawlie ward their blellum,
Willie's awa!
Up wimpling, stately Tweed I've sped, Although he's witnessed the beauty of
And Eden scenes on crystal Jed, the border counties, it seems
And Ettrick banks, now roaring red meaningless without Creech.
While tempests blaw;
But every joy and pleasure's fled,
Willie's awa!
May never wicked Fortune touzle him, May Creech never have bad luck or be
May never wicked men bamboozle him, cheated and grow old in peace.
Until a pow as auld's Methusalem pow = head; canty claw = cheerfully
He canty claw! scratch
Then to the blessed new Jerusalem,
Fleet-wing awa!
Sonnet on William Creech
In sharp contrast to the previous poem, Bums composed this sonnet about Creech some
time afterwards. His feelings towards the publisher had been soured over a dispute
about money, and the adulation in which he held Creech has long since evaporated.
An old ballad revised by the Bard. The central theme is of a young maiden left pregnant
by a passing soldier. The opening line which refers to a 'hauver-meal bannock' is an early
version of the modem 'having a bun in the oven.'
'0whar gat ye that hauver-meal bannock? The girl is asked who got her pregnant
'0 silly blind body, 0 dinna ye see? and she replies that the father is a soldier.
I gat it frae a young brisk sodger laddie
Between SaintJohnston and bonie Dundee.
'0 gin I saw the laddie that gae me 't! She wishes that he'll be protected and
Aft has he doucll'd me upon his knee; return home safe.
May Heaven protect my bonie Scots laddie, gin = O h that; doudl'd = dandled
And send him safi harne to his babie and me!
'My blessin's upon thy sweet, wee lippie! The mother blesses her child who
My blessin's upon thy bonie e'e-brie! reminds her of the father.
Thy smilesare sae like my blyth sodger laddie,
Thou's ay the dearer and dearer to me!
'But I'll big a bow'r on yon bonie banks, She will build a shelter for them and
Whare Tay rins wimplin by sae clear; clothe the boy in tartan just as his father
An' I'll deed thee in the tartan sae fine, was.
And mak thee a man like thy daddie dear.' big = build; cleed = clothe
To Swnon Grav
Robert Bums may have been inclined to offer advice to Andrew Aiken, but when
pestered by a retired London businessman, Symon Gray, who had taken up residence in
the Borders and who fancied himself to be a fellow poet, his response was very different.
Gray must have been a very thick-skinned individual for he sent three samples of his
poems to Bums for approval, and the replies simply became coarser and ruder.
Symon Gray,
You're dull today.
Dullness, with redoubted sway
Has seized the wits of Symon Gray.
We auld wives' minions gie our opinions, auld wives minions = old women's darlings
Solicited or no';
Then of its fau'ts my honest thoughts fau'ts = faults
I'll give - and here they go.
Robert Bums detested hunting and had nothing but contempt for those who enjoyed
killing any form of wildlife in the supposed pursuit of pleasure. This poem demonstrates
his sympathies towards the water-fowl that fell under the hunter's gun,and although he
appreciates the need of wild creatures to hunt in order to survive, he cannot excuse his
fellow man for the atrocities which they commit upon nature's innocents.
Why, ye tenants of the lake, Bums asks why the waterfowl fly away
For me your wat'ry haunts forsake? when he is present.
Tell me, fellow creatures, why
At my presence thus you fly?
Why disturb your social joys,
Parent, filial, kindred ties?
The eagle, from the clrffy brow, The eagle also preys on the waterfowl, yet
Marking you his prey below, this is necessary. Man slays for pleasure.
In his breast no pity dwells,
Strong necessity compels.
But Man, to whom alone is giv'n
A ray direct from pitying Heav'n,
Glories in his heart humane -
And creatures for his pleasure slain.
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
In these savage, liquid plains, The waterfowl hides where no-one goes.
Only known to wand'ring swains, wand'ring swains = wandering lovers
Where the mossy riv'let strays, riv'let = rivulet or stream
Farfrom human haunts and ways;
All on Nature you depend,
And lifhs poor season peacejul spend.
Or, Man2 superior might What if man invades the birds right of
Dare invade your native right, flight?
On the lofty ether borne, lofty ether borne = carried high in the air
Man with all his powers you scorn;
Swijly seek, on clanging wings,
Other lakes, and other springs;
And thefoe you cannot brave,
Scorn at least to be his slave.
Epitaph For William Michie
Bums wrote many epitaphs in his day, some sad, some amusing, some cutting. This one
however was a spoof, for following a night of hard drinking, William, or Ebenezer
Michie, as was his correct name, keeled over in drunken stupor prompting Bums to
write the following few lines.
Ca' the yowes to the knowes, ca' the yowes to the knowes = call the sheep
Ca' tbem where the heather grows, to the hills; yowes = ewes; knowes = knolls;
Ca' them where the burnie rowes, where the burnie rowes = where the stream
My bonie dearie. is running
Hark the mavis e'ening sang Once the sheep are safely settled, they will
Sounding Clouden's woods arnang, set OK
Then a-faulding let us gang, mavis = thrush; a-faulding = through the
My bonie dearie. gates of the sheep-fold
We'll gae down by Clouden side, They will walk by the riverside and watch
T h d the hazels spreading wide, the moonbeams reflect from the water.
O'er the waves that gently glide,
To the moon sae clearly.
Yonder Clouden's silent towers, The ruined abbey is where one can see
Where, at moonshine's midnight hours, fairies dance at midnight.
O'er the dewy bending flowers
Fairies dance sae cheery.
Ghaist nor bogle shalt thou fear, The lass is too precious for any harm to
Thou'rt to Love and Heav'n sae dear befall her.
Nocht of ill may come thee neat ghaist nor bogle = ghost or demon, nocht =
My bonie dearie. nought
I'm O'er Young to Marry Yet
This is another old song revitalised by Bums and which is a pamcular favourite at any
Bums Supper. A young girl is apparently not ovejoyed at the prospect of marriage
and is using her tender years as an excuse.
I'm o'er young, I'm o'er young, I'm far too young to marry, it would be a
h o'er young to marry yet! sin to take me from home.
I'm o'er young, 'twad be a sin
To tak mefiae my mammie yet.
Hallowmass is come and gane, It's deep winter and she dares not go to
The nights are lang in winter, Sir, bed with him.
And you an' I in ae bed, Hallowmass = first week of November;
In trowth, I dare na venture,Sir! trowth = truth
I lighted down, my sword did draw, lighted down = dismounted; sma' = small
I cutted him in pieces sma';
I cutted him in pieces srna'
On fair Kirkconnel lee.
0 Helen chaste, thou wen modest,
If I were with thee I were blest,
Where thou lies low and takes thy rest
On fair Kirkconnel lee.
Undtrrtand~ngR O B E R T B U R N S
Bonie lassie, will ye go,
W l l ye go, will ye go;
Bonie lassie, will yego
To tbe birkc ofAb.fe1die. &irk= birches
William Dunbar was one the Bard's drinking cronies in Edinburgh. He was a Writer to
the Signet and was also a very active member of a drinking club known as the Crochallan
Fencibles in which he was given the rank of coloneL It seems likely that this club was the
source of many of Bums' bawdy ballads and tales.
0,rattlin, roarin Willie, Wdie went to the fair to sell his fiddle,
0,he held to the fair, but on parting with it he began to cry,
An' for to sell his fiddle rattlin = roistering; saut = salt; blin't =
And buy some other ware; blinded
But pamng wi' his fiddle,
The saut tear blin't his ie--
And ratelin, roarin Willie,
Yire welcome hame to me.
0 Willie, come sell your fiddle, He's encouraged to sell it and buy drink,
0, sell your fiddle sae fine! but he and the fiddle have had some great
0 Willie, come sell your fiddle, times together.
And buy a pint o wine!
If I should sell my fiddle,
The warld would think I was mad;
For monie a rantin day rantin = rollicking
My fiddle and I hae had.
As I came by Crochallan,
I cannily keekit ben, cannily keeked = looked cautiously
Rattlin, roarin Willie,
Was sitting at yon boord-en'; boord-en' = table-end
And amang guid companie;
Rattlin, roarin Willie,
Ye're welcome hame to me.
Of A' the Airts The Wind Can Blaw
In this eloquent tribute to his new bride, Jean Amour, the Bard expresses his joy and
delight at being with her, and explains how the beauties of nature constantly bring her
to mind
Of a' the airts the wind can blaw airts = directions; bhw = blow;
I dearly like the west, rowe = roll
For there the bonie lassie lives,
The lassie I Io'e best;
My heart is a-breaking, dear tittie, The lass pleads with her sister to advise
Some counsel unto me come len', her on how to prevent a quarrel with her
To anger them a' is a pity, parents over her choice of suitors.
But what will I do wi' Tam Glen? tittie = sister
I'm thinking, wi' sic a poor Mow, Poverty may be her destiny, but that would
In poortith I might rnak a fen'; be preferable to losing her sweetheart.
What care I in riches to wallow, wi' sic = with such; poortith = poverty; fen'
If I maunna marry Tam Glen? = shifi; maunna = must not
There's Lowrie the laird 0' Dumeller ; The local laird may be rich, but he'll never
Guid day to you' - brute! he comes ben, be able to dance like the man she loves.
H e brags and he blaws 0' his siller, comes ben = comes in; blaws o' bis siller =
But when will he dance like Tam Glen? boasts of his riches
My minnie does constantly deave me, Her mother has warned her to beware of
And bids me beware 0' young men, flattery from young men, but Tam would
They flatter, she says, to deceive me - not deceive her.
But wha can think sae 0' Tam Glen? minnie = mother; deave = deafen
My daddie says, gin I'll forsake him, Her father has offered her a cash bribe to
He'd gie me guid hunder marks ten, take the laird, but her heart still says no.
But if it's ordain'd I maun take him, gin = if;guid hunder = good hundred; maun
0,wha will I get but Tam Glen? = must
Yestreen at the Valentines' dealing, At the Valentine's draw she was startled to
My heart to my mou gied a sten, pick Tam's name out three times in a row.
For thrice I drew ane without failing, yestreen = last night; my heart to my mougied
And thrice it was written 'Tam Glen!' a sten = my heart jumped to my mouth
The last Hallowe'en I was waukin An old Halloween traditionwhere a lass puts
My droukit sark-sleeve,as ye ken- her arm in a stream to reveal her true love.
His likeness came up the house staukin, wauken = awake; droukit sark-sleeve =
And the very grey breeks 0' Tam Glen! drenched shirt sleeve; staukin = stalking;
breeks = breeches
Come, counsel, dear tittie, don't tarry! Finally, she offers her sister her hen if she
I'll gie you my bonie black hen, will back her up in her choice of
Gif you will advise me to marry, sweetheart.
The lad I lopedearly, Tam Glen. gf=if
Elegy on Captain Matthew Henderson
Bums and Captain Henderson became acquainted during the poet's stay in Edinburgh
where they were fellow lodgers in a house in St. James Square. Henderson had been a
man of considerable wealth, but had blown his fbrtune on the high life and gambling. He
certainly made a great impression upon Bums.
This poem is also a wonderful indication of the amount of wildlife to be found
in Ayrshire in the eighteenth century, particularly interesting to hear Bums referring to
bitterns -- long gone from Scotland.
0 Death, thou tyrant fell and bloody! Death is compared to the Devil canying a
The meikle Devil wi' a woodie noose, and is told to drag itself over hedge-
Haurl thee hame to his black srniddie, hog hides and be soundly beaten. meikfe =
O'er hurcheon hides, large; woalie = noose; haurl = drag smiddie =
And like stock-fish come o'er his studdie smithy; burcheon hide = hedgehog skin;
Wi thy auld sides. studdie = a n d stockjkh = unsalted fish
He's gane, he's gane! he's frae us tom, Matchew has gone from us fbrever, and all
The ae best fellow e'er was born! of nature will mourn his passing.
Thee, Matthew, Nature's sel' shall mourn, gane = gone; ae = one
By wood and wild,
Where, haply, Pity strays fbrlom,
Frae man exil'd.
Ye hills, near neebors 0' the stams, The hills, the nearest neighbours of the
That proudly cock your cresting cairns! stars, and the &where eagles fly are called
Ye cliffs, the haunts of sailing yearns, upon to join together in mourning.
Where Echo slumbers! neebors = neighbours; starns = stars; cresting
Come join ye, Nature's sturdiest bairns, cairns = peaks; p m = eagles; bairns =
My wailing numbers. children
Mourn, ilka grove the cushat kens! Now, every grove, hollow and wood, as well
Ye hazly shaws and briery dens! as the meandering stream, must mourn.
Ye burnies wimplin' down your glens, dka = every; m b a t = wood-pigeon; kens =
Wi toddlin' din, knows; bazly shaws = wooded dells;burnies =
Or fbarning, strang, wi' hasty stens, streams; wimplin' = meandering, taldlin' din
Frae lin to lin! = d&ng sound;strang = strong, basty stens
= short bursts;fiae = from; lin = w a t d
Mourn, little harebells o'er the lea; It is now the turn of the flora to be called
Ye stately foxgloves, fair to see; to mourn.
Ye woodbines, hanging bonilie, bonilie =beautifully
In scented bowers;
Ye roses on your thorny tree,
The first 0' flowers.
At dawn, when every glassy blade At dawn, every dew-tipped blade of grass
Droops with a diamond at his head; will bow its head, and in the evening the
At ev'n, when beans their fragrance shed, violet-white flowers will lose their
I' the rustling gale; fragrance in the wind. Even the hares are
Ye maukins, whiddin' thro' the glade, called to mourn.
Come join my wail! maukins = hares; wbiddin' = scudding
Mourn, ye wee songsters 0' the wood; Now it is the turn of all songbirds and
Ye grouse that crap the heather bud; game-birds to mourn as he is gone fbrever.
Ye curlews, calling thrd a clud; crap = crop; clud = cloud; paitrick =
Ye whistling plover; partridge; gane = gone
And mourn, ye whimng paitrick brood;
He's gane forever!
Mourn, sooty coots and speckled teals; Waterfowl are next, with a request for the
Ye fisher herons, watching eels; bittern to roar in his memory.
Ye duck and drake, wi' airy wheels rair = roar
Circling the lake;
Ye bitterns, till the quagmire reels,
Rair for his sake!
Understanding ROBERT B U R N S
Mourn, clam'ring craiks, at dose 0' day At dusk the corncrakes are called to mourn,
'Mang fields 0' flow'ring clover, gay! and, when they leave for warmer dimes, to
And when you wing your annual way tell the world who they have lefi buried
Frae our cauld shore, behind them.
Tell thae far warlds, wha lies in clay craiks = corncrakes; w l d = cold; warlds =
Wham we deplore. worlds; wba = whom
Ye houlets, frae yer ivy bower He begs the owls, perched in an old tree or
In some auld tree, or eldritch tower, haunted tower, to wail from the rise of the
What time the moon, wi' silent glow'r moon until the sleepless dawn.
Sets up her horn, houkts = owls; ekfritch = haunted; ghu'r =
Wail t h d the dreary midnight hour, stare; horn = the crescent moon; waukt$ =
lwaukrife mom! wakeful
0,rivers, forests, hills and plains! The countryside has o h heard him in
Oft have ye heard my canty strains; joyful song, but now there is nothing left but
But now, what else for me remains the shedding of tears,
But tales of woe? unty strains = joyful songs; j a e my een =
And frae my een the drapping rains from my eyes; drappin rains = teardrops;
Maun ever flow. m u n = must
Mourn, Spring, thou darling of the year! In Spring, that favourite season, cowslips
Ilk cowslip cup shall keep a tear; will each catch a tear, and Summer should
Thou, Simmer, while each corny spear cut back on its beauty in respect of he who is
Shoots up its head, dead
Thy gay, green, flowery tresses shear, ilk = each;Simmer = Summer
For him that's dead!
Thou, Autumn, wi' thy yellow hair, Autumn should show its grief, while
In grief thy sallow mantle tear! Winter can send her roaring winds round
Thou,Wmter, hurling thro' the air a desolate world to declare just what a
The roaring blast, worthy man we've lost.
Wide o'er the naked world declare
The worth we've lost!
Mourn him, thou Sun,great source of &t! The sun, the night, the stars should
Mourn, Empress of the silent night! mourn, as he's never to return.
And you t w d c h g stamies bright, starnies = stars
My Matthew mourn!
For through your orbs he's ta'en his tlight,
Ne'er to return.
0 Henderson, the man! the brother! Now that Henderson has gone into the
And art thou gone, and gone forever? next life, the distraught poet begs to know
And hast thou crost that unknown river, where he will find such a true friend
Life's dreary bound? anywhere in the world
Like thee, where shall I find another, crost = crossed
The world around
Go to your sculpter'd tombs, ye Great, Finally, the poet scorns those who are
In a' the tinsel trash 0' state! buried ceremoniously in great tombs, as
But by thy honest turf I'll wait, the best man he ever knew lies under
Thou man 0' worth! honest turf.
And weep the ae best fellow's fate
E'er lay in earth!
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For add lang syne,
We'll tak a cup 0' kindness yet,
For auld tang syne.
And surely ye'll be your pint stowp! Let us raise our glasses to toast their
And surely I'll be mine! memories.
And we'll tak a cup 0' kindness yet, stowp =drinking vessel; tuk = take
For auld lang syne.
We twa hae run about the braes We played together, but grew up and went
And pu'd the gowans fine; our independent ways.
But we've wandered mony a weary fit twa = two; hae = have; braes = hills; puil
Sin' auld lang syne. the gowans = pulled the daisies; mony a
wearyfit = travelled great distances
We twa hae paidl't i ' the burn, As children,we paddled in the stream, but
Frae mornin' sun till dine; since then have been separated by the
But seas between us braid hae roar'd width of the oceans.
Sin' auld lang syne.. paidl't 'i the burn paddled in the burn;frae
mornin' sun till dine = all day; braid = broad
And there's a hand, my trusty fiere! Shake my hand my trusted &end and let
And gie's a hand 0' thine! us share a goodwill drink to the memory
And we'll tak a right guid-willie-waught, of these happy days.
For auld lang syne. flere = friend; a right guidwillie waught = a
goodwill drink
A Sonnet Upon Sonnets
Bums poetry had always flowed in an unrestricted manner, with no great thought given
to the length of the finished work, and the fourteen-line sonnet does not sit naturally
with his style of writing. However he was aware of how popular Wdiarn Shakespeare
had made sonnets and this was Bums' first attempt to write one.
She talkd, she smil'd, my heart she wyl'd, wyl'd = beguiled; stound = thrill;
She c h a r d my soul I wist na how; aiblins = perhaps
And ay the stound, the deadly wound,
Cam frae her een sae bonie blue.
But 'spare to speak, and spare to speed,'
She'll aiblins listen to my vow
Should she refuse, I'll lay my dead
To her twa een sae bonie blue.
The Silver Tassie
An old Jacobite ballad rewritten by the Bard. A silver tassie is a silver goblet and the
Ferry which is mentioned in the poem is Queensferry, now the site of the two bridges
which span the Forth, a short distance from Edinburgh.
Flow gently, sweet Afcon, among thy green braes! braes = banks
Flow gently, I'l sing thee a song in thy praise!
My Mary's asleep by thy murmuring stream -
Flow gently, sweet Afton, disturb not her dream!
Thou stock-dove whose echo resounds thro' the glen, stuck dm = a wood p i p n
Ye wild whistling blackbirds in yon thorny den, yon = yonder
Thou green-crested lapwing, thy screaming forbear,
I charge you, disturb not my slumbering Fair!
Town of Ayr! Town of Ayr! John Ballantyne, the provost of Ayr, and
It was rash I declare, Robert Aiken were friends of Bums who
To meddle wi' mischief a-brewing: also stood against the tyranny of the old
Provost John is still deaf church teachings.
To the Church's relief,
And Orator Bob is its ruin-
Town of Ayr!
And oratorBob is its ruin.
D'rymple mild! D'rymple mild William Dalrymple was the man who
Tho' your heart's like a child! baptised Bums, and Bums warns him that
An' your life like the new-driven snaw, his faultless life will f2l to save him if he
Yet that winna save ye, continues to be so straightforward and
Auld Satan must have ye, honest in his teachings.
For preaching that three's ane an' twa-
D'rymple mild!
For preaching that three's ane an' ma.
Calvin's sons! Calvin's sons! The Calvinists are vividly described here
Seize your sp'ritual guns as unthinking people without love or
Ammunition you can never need; compassion.
Your hearts are the stuff
Will be powther enough, powtber = powder
And your skulls are storehouses 0' lead.
Calvin's sons!
Your skulls are storehouses 0' lead.
Daddie Auld! Daddie Auld! Rev William Auld, an old adversary of the
There's a tod in the fauld, Bard, is warned that there is a fox in the
A tod meikle waur than the clerk; fold who might tempt away his congrega-
Tho ye do little skaith, tion. Bums has no doubt that Auld will be
Ye'll be in at the death, in the kill although he will be at the back
And gd ye canna bite, ye may bark, shouting.
Daddie Auld! tod = fox; skaitb = damage; gif = if
For gd ye canna bite, ye may bark.
Davie Rant! Davie Rant! Rev David Grant may have a saintly
Wi' a face like a saunt, appearance but is rotten through and
And a heart that wad poison a hog, through. Another who preaches Hell and
Raise an impudent roar, damnation.
Like a breaker lee-shore, saunt = saint; tint = lost
Or the kirk will be tint in a bog.
Davie Rant!
Or the kirk will be tint in a bog.
Poet Bums! Poet Burns! Bums is obviously pleased with his priest-
Wi your priest-skelpin turns, bashing, but thinks even if his Muse was
Why desert ye your auld native shire? drunk she could not describe them as
Your Muse is a gypsy, being worse than they really are.
Yet were she e'en tipsy, skelpin = hitting; nae waur = no worse
She could ca' us nae waur than we are-
Poet Bums!
Ye could ca' us nae waur than we are.
Afton's Laird! Afton's Laird, John Logan, a laird and fiend of Bums;
When your pen can be spared, Clackleith, a neighbour of Logan's.
A copy of this I bequeath,
On the same sicker score
As I mentioned before,
To that trusty auld worthy, Clackleith-
Afton's Laird!
To that trusty auld worthy Clackleith.
Factor John! Factor John! Some doubt whether this refirs to John
Whom the Lord made alone, Murdo or John Kennedy
And ne'er made anither thy peer,
Thy poor servant, the Bard,
In respectful regard,
He presents thee this token sincere,
Factor John!
He presents thee this token sincere.
Beware of Bonie Ann
This poem was dedicated to a young lady from Edinburgh, named Ann Masterton.
Ann's father was a schoolmaster and composer and was a friend of Robert Bums. '
It is certainly a poem which any young lass would feel flattered to have written in
her honour, but as we read the various tributes which Bums has composed on behalf
of the many other young ladies who have caught his eye, we must question just how
much poetic licence the Bard allowed himself - or was eighteenth-century Scotland
really awash with flawless beauties?
Ye gallants bright, I rede you right, gallant = a splendid man; re& = advise;
Beware 0' bonie Ann! bonie = beautiful; comely = pleasing;
Her comely face sae fu'0' grace, suefun O' = SO f
lof; trepan = snare;
Your heart she will trepan, een = eyes;jimply Im'd = neatly corseted;
Her een sae bright, like stars by night, genty = slender
Her skin is like the swan;
Sae jimply lac'd her genty waist,
That sweetly ye might span.
This beautiful simple old song tells the story of two people who have grown old together.
It did not start off this way and it was in fact an old, bawdy ballad that the Bard breathed
upon and revitalised.
John Anderson, my jo, John, They have gone through life together and
We clamb the hill thegither; shared many happy days. Now as they
And mony a cantie day, John, approach the end of their lives, they still
We've had wi' ane anither;. have each other.
Now we maun totter down, John, clamb = climbed; thegither = together;
And hand in hand we'll go, mony = many; cantie = cheerful; wi' ane
And sleep thegither at the foot, anither = with one another; maun = must;
John Anderson, my jo! totter = stagger
Scots Prologue for Mrs Sutherland
O N H E R B E N E F I T - N I G H T AT T H E T H E A T R E , DUMFRIES, M A R C H 3rd, 1790
Burns became involved with a new theatre that was being built in Dumfries around
1790,and he wrote the following lines to the wife of the proprietor. His irritation at the
lack of Scottish material fbr theatregoers is evident.
Is there no danng Bard will rise and tell Is there not a writer who can describe the
How glorious Wallace stood, how hapless struggles and dreadful death that h e
Where are the Muses fled,that should William W h e , are there no playwrights
P& who can tell of Bruce's great battles against
A drama worrhy d the name 0' Bruce? the English tyrant? Oh, fbr a Scomsh
Howonthis~hefirst~theS dhacespearewho would write of the tibula-
'Gainst nughty England and her gdty lord, am which W Mary Queen of Scbts.
And after monie a bloody,deathless doing, Ohvay = a seventeenth-century dramatist
Wrench'd his dear country from the
jaws of Ruin!
O! fbr a Shakeqwaw or an OnKay scene
To paint he lovely hapless Scouish Queen!
Vain ev'n di omnipotence of tknale charms Mary was the victim of the evil and Jeaous
'Gainst headlong, ruthless, mad Elizabeth I of England, and was condemned
Rebellion's arms. to be beheaded by this woman whose cruelty
She fdl, but M1 with spirit truly Roman. could equal that of the Devil Himself.
To glut that direst fix, -a vengefd woman; Although the Douglases have hught h r
A woman (tho' the phrase may seem uncivil), generations on the side of freedom h r
Asable- andas wickedas the Devil! Scodand, only one is imm- in print,
One Douglas lives in Home's immortal page, yet the opportunity may arise to hUow a
But Doughses were heroes every age: Douglas in the battle h r fraedom.
And tho' your fathers, pnx%gal of omnipotence = unlimited powecglut = satiate;
A Douglas hUowed to the m a d srrifk Home = Eatis of Home,an old bo& family;
Perhaps,if bowis row nght, and m = d
Right succeeds,
Ye may yet Mow where a Douglas leads!
As ye have generous done, if a' the land If only others would Mow the example of
Would take the Muses servants by the hand; Mrs Sutherland and encourage writers
Not only hear, but patronise, befriend them, through patronage and friendship, and
And where yejusdy can commend, understand that not all will attain pettkcnon,
commend them; then so many poets and writers will emerge
And aiblins, when they winna stand the test, from Scotland that the trumpet of fame will
Wink hard and say:"?he hIks hae blow until it breaks.
done their best!" aiblins = perhaps; caition = guaranw gar =
Would a' the land do this, then I'll be caition, mi& war& = wresde
Ye' ll soon hae poets d the Scottish nation
Will gar Fame blaw until her trumpet crack,
And warsle Tme,an' lay him on his back!
Understanding ROBERT B U R N S
For us and fbr our stage, should onie spim- Should anyone ask who these MOWS
Whase aught thae chiels rnaks a' this such a stir upon the stage are,Bums will bow
bustle here? and tell that we are your children, to be
My best leg fbremost, I'll set up my bm:- guided by you, but if they are to c r i t i c i d ,
We have the honour to belong to you! then do it gendy. You will find them ever
We're your ain bairns, e'en guide us as ye Me, gratefulfbr your patronage, but as they have
But like good mothers, shore befbre no money, can only repay you with their
you & Fateful-
And gratefu' still, I trust ye'll ever find us, spier = ask; wbase aught tbae cbieL maks a' this
For gen'rous patronage, and meikle kindness bustle here = who owns these people rnakmg
We've got frae a' profkssions, sorts an' ranks; all this activityhere; s h = threaten; mkkk =
God help us! We're but poor great, setts = groups
----ye'se get but thanks!
O n the Birth of a Posthumous Child
In 1790 a Swiss-born gentleman named James Henri died suddenly leaving behind a
young widow, Susan Dunlop, in an advanced state of pregnancy. The Bard was
extremely fond of both Susan and her mother and when Susan gave birth to a son, he
wrote the tbllowing lines to the new-born boy, sending them to Mrs Dunlop, Senior.
This poem displays clearly how Bums was able to transfir tragedy into a thing
of beauty and he once again reveals his high level of sensitivity and compassion.
Sweet flow'ret, pledge 0' meikle love, How'ret = little flower; pledge 0' = result of;
And ward 0' monie a prayer, meikle = great; monie = many; stane =
What heart 0' stane wad thou na move, stone
Sae helpless, sweet and fair!
November hirples o'er the lea, hirples = limps; lea = meadow;gane = gone
Chill, on thy lovely brm;
And gane, alas! the shelt'ring tree,
Should shield thee frae the storm.
Blest by thy bloom, thy lovely gem, stem = branch forth, deck = grace
Unscath'd by ruffan hand!
And from thee many a parent stem
Arise to deck our land!
The Gowden Locks of Anna
At first glance it would appear that this song is yet another of the Bard's works intended
to flatter one of his lady loves. However, written around 1790, it actually relates to a very
signscant episode in his life.
Although married to Jean Amour at the time, Bums was having an affair with Anne
Park, the niece of the landlady of the Globe Inn in Dumfries. This affair ended in Anne
giving birth to a daughter, leaving Bums to present his wife with his illegimate child a
mere nine days before she herself gave birth to a son.Jean Amour must have been a truly
remarkable woman, as she accepted young Elizabeth into her family and raised her as
her own child. The words need no explanation. They speak clearly of Bums' feelings at
the time.
Yestreen I had a pint 0' wine, Yestreen = yesterday; body saw nu = nobody
A place where body saw na; saw anything; gowden = golden; manna =
Yestreen lay on this breast 0' mine food of the Israelites in the wilderness;
The gowden locks of Anna. naetbing = nothing; biney = honey
The hungry Jew in wilderness
Rejoicing o'er his manna,
Was naething to my hiney bliss
Upon the lips of Anna.
Awa thou flaunting God 0' Day! Diana = the moon-goddess; ilk = each;
Awa, thou pale Diana! transports = ecstasies
Ilk Star gae hide thy twinkling ray!
When I'm to meet my Anna!
Come in thy raven plumage, Night;
Sun, Moon and Stars withdrawn a';
And bring an angel pen to write
My transports wi' my Anna.!
The Kirk and State may join and tell, kirk = church; sic = such; mauna = must
To do sic things I mauna; not; to live but ber I canna = I cannot live
The Kirk and State can go to hell, without her
And I'll gae to my Anna.
She is the sunshine 0' my e'e,
To live but her I canna;
Had I on earth but wishes three,
The first should be my Anna.
Lament of Mary Queen of Scots
Bums considered Mary Queen of Scots to be a truly tragic heroine, worthy of a place of
honour in Scottish history. He imagines her here, imprisoned in Fotheringay Castle,
awaiting her execution at the hands of Queen Elizabeth I of England.
Now Nature hangs her mantle green The sun may be shining down through
On every blooming tree, clear blue skies but nothing can lighten
And spreads her sheets 0' daisies white the despair which is weighmg Mary down.
Out o'er the grassy lea:
Now Phoebus cheers the crystal streams,
And glads the azure skies:
But nought can glad the weary wight
That fast in durance lies.
Now laverocks wake the merry morn, She envies the birds as they sing with no
Alofi on dewy wing; care to burden them.
The merle, in his noontide bow'r, laverocks = larks; merle = hawk
Makes woodland echoes ring;
The mavis wild wi' monie a note,
Sings drowsy day to rest:
In love and freedom they rejoice,
Wi care nor thrall opprest.
Now blooms the lily by the bank, The flowers may be blooming and the
The primrose down the brae, deer running freely, but she must remain
The hawthorn's budding in the glen, in prison.
And milk-white is the she: slue = sloe; maun = must; strung = strong
The meanest hind in fair Scotland
May rove their sweets amang:
But I, the Queen of a' Scotland,
Maun lie in prison strang.
U n d e r s t a n d i n g ROBERT B U R N S
I was the Queen 0' bonie France, She was happy in France and could relax
Where happy I hae been; without worries, but her foray into
Fu' lightly rase I in the mom, Scotland has seen her betrayed and
As blythe lay down at e'en: resulted in her being held prisoner in
An' I'm the sov'reign of Scotland, England.
And monie a traitor there;
Yet here I lie in foreign bands,
And never-ending care.
But as for thee, thou false woman, Elizabet Tudor is a woman with no mercy
My sister and my fae, in her soul and Mary hopes that she will
Grim vengeance, yet, shall whet a sword suffer fbr her cruelty.
That thro' thy soul shall gae!
The weeping blood in woman's breast
Was never known to thee;
Nor th' balm that drops on wounds of woe
Frae woman's pitying e'e.
My son! My son! may kinder stars She hopes that her son, James VI of
Upon thy fortune shine; Scotland, and I of England, will 1'tve to
And may these pleasures gild thy reign, have a much happier life than she, and
That ne'er would blink on mine! asks him to remember her to the Earl of
God keep thee frae thy mother's faes, Bothwell who she married in 1567,should
Or turn their hearts to thee; they meet. Bothwell had fled the country
And where thou meet'st thy mother's fiend, and was held prisoner in Denmark until
Remember him fbr me! his death.
O! soon, to me, may summer-suns She laments that she will never again
Nae mair light up the mom! enjoy the beauties of nature as her death is
Nae mair to me, the autumn winds imminent.
Wave o'er the yellow corn!
And in the narrow house of death,
Let winter round me rave;
And the next flowers, that deck the spring,
Bloom on my peaceful grave.
The Selkirk Grace
This is by far the most famous of several graces ascribed to Bums, and is universally
given at the start of the traditional Bums' Suppers held in memory of the Bard on the
25th of January each year. Bums was in the presence of the Earl of Selkirk when he stood
up and delivered this wonderful piece with no prior preparation.
The following lines are how Bums actually gave the grace, but one will seldom
hear it recited in this manner as the temptation to deliver it in the vernacular is now the
Here, without doubt, is one of the favourites from the poems of Robert Bums. It
features both dark humour and nightmarish images. It tells the story of a country man
whose great pleasure in life is drinking with his friends at the local hostelry and goes on
to relate what happens one dreadful night when he comes across Satan, with his
warlocks and witches, cavomng in wild revelry in a graveyard. All is going well until Tam
gets so carried away with the excitement that the creatures of evil become aware that
they are being watched and then all hell breaks loose, and Tam 0' Shanter is forced to flee
for his very life on his old horse. They must cross the river before they are caught, as the
creatures cannot cross running water.
Cutty Sark probably means to most readers the name of a well-known brand of Scotch
or perhaps the name of the magnificent old tea-clipper which is permanently moored in a
dry-dock in Greenwich, England. However, Bums introduces the on@ meaning when
he describes the witches dancing in their 'mtty arks' or underwear (a 'sark' is generally
taken to be a shift or slip or petticoat, and a'mtty sark' a short version of that garment)..
Author; note: Should you ever be in the vicinity of Greenwich, go and take a look at the
Cutty Sark There you will see Nannie, the ship's figurehead,dressed in her cutty sark, and
yes, that is poor old Meg's tail she is still clutching.
When chapman billies leave the street, ?he tale opens in the town of Ayr on market
And drouthy neebors, neebors meet; day, It is getting late, and the pedlars are
As market-days are wearing late leaving and the stallholders are dosing. But
An' fblks begm to tak the gate; we find Tam in the local alehouse, having a
While we sit bousing at the nappy, good time and not even thinking about the
An' getting fou and unco happy, longjourney home to face an angry w&.
We think na on the lang Scots miles, droutby = thirsty; neebors = neighbours
The mosses, waters, slaps and styles, Ifiiends; chapman = pedlar; bdia = Mows;
That lie between us and our hame, tak the gate = leave; bowing at the nap^ =
Whare sits our sulky, sullen dame, dnnlang strong ale;fou = tipsy; unco = vq.;
Gathering her brows like gathering storm, slaps = gaps in fences
Nursing her wrath to keep it warm.
This truth fand honest Tam 0' Shanter, fund = fbund;frae = from; whan = whom
As he frae Ayr ae night did canter:
(Auld Ayr, wham ne'er a town surpasses,
For honest men and bonie lasses.)
0 Tam! had'st thou but been sae wise, Tam's wife, Kate, had told him that he
As ta'en thy ain wife Kate's advice! was a good-for-nothing loud-mouth who
She tauld thee wee1 thou was a skellum had never been sober on market-day
A blethering, blustering, drunken blellum; throughout the year; she told him that he
That frae November till October, would drink as long as he had money -
Ae market-day thou was nae sober; getting drunk with the miller and with the
That ilka melder wi' the miller blacksmith - and even on a Sunday, with
Thou sat as lang as thou had siller; Kirkton Jean. She warned him that, one of
That ev'ry naig was ca'd a shoe on those days, sooner or later, he would be
The smith and thee gat roarin fou on; found drowned in the River Doon, or
That at the Lord's house, even on Sunday caught in the dark by the demons that
Thou drank wi' Kirkton Jean till Monday. lurked around the old haunted church in
She prophesied that, late or soon, Noway. tauld = told; weel - well; skflum =
Thou would be bud,deep M d in Doon, scoundrel; bletherin' = talking nonsense;
ratch'd wi' warlocks in the mirk bkllum = a babbler; ilka melder = every
Uloways' auld haunted kirk grinding day at the mill; Iang = long; siller
= money; naig = a horse; cay a shoe on =
put a horseshoe on; gat roarin fou = got
drunk; warlocks = demons; mirk = dark;
kirk =church
Ah! gentle dames, it gars me greet But sad to say, Tam, like so many other
To think how monie counsels sweet, husbands, paid no attention to his wife's
How monie lengthen'd, sage advices advice.
-- husband frae the wife despises! gars megreet = makes me cry; monie = many
Understanding ROBERT BURNS
But to our tale: - Ae market-night On this particular night Tam was in his
Tam had got planted unco right, element - he was sitting by the blazing fire
Fast by an ingle, bleezing finely, drinking foaming pints of beer that tasted
Wi reaming swats, that drank divinely; better with each drink By his side was
And at his elbow, Souter Johnie, Sower Johnie, the cobbler. They were old
His ancient, trusty, drouthy cronie: friends and drinking buddies and got drunk
Tam lopedhim like a vera brither, together every week. They passed the
They had been fou for weeks thegither. evening with songs and small-tak and while
The night drave on wi' sangs and clatter; Tam flirted with the landlady,SouterJohnie
And ay the ale was growing better: had the landlord laughg at his stories. All
The landlady and Tam grew gracious, this time the storm outside was raging, but
Wi favours, secret, sweet and precious: Tam paid it no attention
The Souter tauld his queerest stories; planted unco right = made himself
The Landlord's laugh was ready chorus: comfortable; fast by an ingle = beside a
The storm without might rair and rustle, fireplace; bleezing = blazing; reaming swat.
Tam did na mind the storm a whistle = foaming ale; souter = cobbler; cronie =
comrade; lo'ed = loved; Vera = very; brithw
= brother; thegitter = together; drave on =
rolled on; sangs and clatter = songs and
loud chatter; rair = roar
Care, mad to see a man sae happy,: O h life felt just so good for Tam that
E'en drown'd himself amang the nappy: night. As the time flew by, he was
As bees flee hame wi' lades 0' treasure, gloriously happy.
The minutes wing'd their way wi' pleasure: sue = so; hame = home; lades = loads
Kings may be blest, but Tam was glorious,
O'er a' the ills d life victorious!
TAM 0' S H A N T E R
But pleasures are like poppies spread: In the first eight lines of this verse, Bums
You seize the flow'r, its bloom is shed; uses poetry which is incredibly beautiful
Or like the snow falls in the river, and moving to demonstrate that all good
A moment white - then melts for ever; things must come to an end.
Or like the borealis race, It was now time fbr Tam to get on his
That flit ere you can point their place; horse and head for home through the
Or like the rainbow's lovely form terrible storm.
Evanishing amid the storm flow'r = flower; borealis race = the aurora
Nae man can tether time or tide;. borealis or northern lights; flit ere =move
The hour approaches Tam maun ride: befbre; maun = must; key-stane = key-one;
That hour, 0' night's black aKh the key-stane, sic = such; taks = takes
That dreary hour he mounts his beast in;
And sic a night he taks the road in,
As ne'er poor sinner was abroad in.
wind blew as 'mad blawn its last; This was the kind of night when even a
rattling showers rose on the blast; child nught be aware that the devil was
The speedy gleams the darkness swallow'd around
Loud, deep, and lang the thunder bellow% twad blawn = was blowing; Deil = Devil
n---,t night, a child might
2 understand,
The Deil had business on his hand.
v v c d mounted on his gray mare, Meg, Mounted on his grey mare, Meg, Tam
A better never lified leg. rode on through the storm, holding onto
Tam skelpit on thro' dub and mire, his hat and all the time singing to himself
Despising wind, and rain, and fire; to bolster his courage as he kept glancing
Whiles holding fast his guid blue bonnet, about him,just in case some goblin would
Whiles crooningo'er some auld Scots &met, catch him by surprise. But he was getting
Whiles glow'ring round wi' prudent cares, close to the church at Alloway, where he
Lest bogles catch him unawares: knew that the nights were tilled with the
Kirk-Alloway was drawing nigh, cries of ghosts and owls.
Whare ghaists and houlets nightly cry. ghaists and houlets = ghosts and owls; meare
= mare; skelpit on = hurried on; thro' dub
and mire = through puddles and mud
Understand~ngROBERT B U R N S
By this time he was cross the ford, Now he was at the scary part of hisjourney
Whare in the snaw the chapman smoor'd; After he crossed the fbrd he was in the area
And past the birks and meikle stane, whett several frightening events had taken
Whare drunken Charlie brak's neck-bane; place: where a pedlar had been smothered in
And t h d the whins, and by the cairn, the snow; where drunken Charlie had fallen
Whare hunters fand the murder'd bairn; and broken his neck at the big stone; where
And near the thorn, aboon the well, some hunters had found the body of a
Whare Mungo's mither hangd hersel'. murdered child; where Mungo's mother had
Before him Doon pours all his floods; hanged herself. And all the time the storm
The doubhg storm roars thrd the woods; raged on! Tam could see that the c h d was
The lightnings flash from pole to pole, brightly lit and there was the sound of
Near and more near the thunders roll: laughter and dancing.
When, ghmering thrd the groaning trees, wbare = where; snaw = snow; cbapman; =
Kirk-Alloway seem'd in a bleeze, pedlar; moor2 = s m o t h d birks = biKh
T h d ilka bore the beams were glancing, trees;meikk stane = bii stone; b& m k k
And loud resounded mirth and dancing. = broke his ne& whim = gorse; cairn = a
h a p of stones;fand = hund; bairn = child;
aboon = above; bkeze = blaze; thro' iIka bore =
Inspiring bold John Barleycorn, It is amazing the courage that drinking can
What dangers thou canst make us scorn! give. With a few beers we fear no evil and
Wi tipenny, we fear nae evil; add some whisky and we will take on the
Wi' usquabae, we'll face the Devil! Devil himself. And so, Tam, his brain
The swats sae reamed in Tammie's noddle, addled by his night of imbibing, didn't give
a farthing for what he might come across.
Fair play, he car'd na deils a boddle. But such was not the case with Meg and
But Maggie stood, right sair astonish'd, she had to be given a kick to get her going
Td,by the heel and hand admonished, again. And what a picture they saw!
She ventur'd forward on the light; John Barleycorn = dchohol; tippenny = ale;
And, vow! Tam saw an unco sight! usquabae = whisky; noddle = head; he c a d
nu deils a boddle = he did not care a farthing
for the devils; sair = sore; unco = strange
Warlocks and witches in a dance: The goblins and witches were dancing -
Nae cotillion brent new frae France, not a decorous French cotillion but wild
But hornpipes, jigs, strathspeys, and reels, Scottish reels and strathspeys. And there,
Put life and mettle in their heels. in a window-seat in the church, was Satan
A winnock-bunker in the east, himself - he was playing the music for his
There sat Auld Nick, in shape 0' beast; terrible horde.
A touzie tyke, black, grim, and large, warlocks = demons; brent = brand; winnock-
To gie them music was his charge: bunker = window-seat; auld Nick = Satan;
touzie tyke = unkempt dog
He screw'd the pipes and gart them skirl, The scene was horrific. While Satan was
T i roof and rafters a' did dirl. making the rakers ring with his
Coans stood round, like open presses, there were coffins standing around, open
That shaw'd the dead in their last dresses; like cupboards and in each one was a
And by some devilish cantraip slight, corpse with a candle in its cold hand. On
Each in its cauld hand held a light: the altar there were some dreadful relics of
By which heroic Tam was able unspeakable events that had taken place -
To note upon the haly table, including hangings and murders!
A murderer's banes, in gibbet-aims; gart = made; dirl = vibrate; presses =
Twa span-lang, wee, unchristen'd bairns; cupboards; shaw'd = showed; devilish
A thief, new-cutted frae a rape - cantraip sleight = black magic; cauld han' =
Wi' his last gasp his gab did gape; cold hand; haly table = altar; banes = bones;
Five tomahawks, wi' bluid red-rusted; gibbet-airns = gibbet irons; twa span-hng,
Five scyrnitars, wi' murder crusted; wee unchristen'd bairns = two tiny babies;
A garter which a babe had strangled; new cuttedfiae a rape =just cut down from
A knife a father's throat had mangled - a hangman's noose; gab did gape = mouth
Whom his ain son 0' life berefi - wide open; bluid = blood; bej = handle;
The grey-hairs yet stack to the heft; clout = ragged clothes; neuk = nook and
Three lawyers' tongues, turned inside-out cranny
Wi' lies seamed like a beggar's clout;
Three priests' hearts, rotten,black as muck,
Lay stinking, vile in every neuk.
Wi' mair of horrible and awefii,
Which even to name wad be unlawfu'.
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
As Tammie glowrkl, amaid and curious, As Tam stared in kination, the dancing
The mirth and fun grew fast and furious; got even faster and faster until the dancers
The piper loud and louder blew, were soaked in sweat and they threw off
The dancers quick and quicker flew, their clothes and danced only in their filthy
They rdd they set, dxy cms.4,they d& underwear.
l ilka carlin swat and reekit, glowr'd = stared; ckekit = linked together;
And coost her duddies to the wark, ilka carlin swat and reekit = all the old hags
And linket at it in her sark! were sweating and breathless; coost her
duddies on the wark = cast off her rags;
linket at it in her sark = danced in her slip
Now Tam, 0Tam! had thae been queans, If only they had been young women in
A' plump and strapping in their teens! clean clothes, then Tam could easily have
Their sarks, instead 0' creeshie flannen. let his desires get the better of him and
Been snaw-white, seventeen hunder linen! shed his trousers, but these wrinkled, ugly
Thir breeks 0' mine, my only pair, old women wearing greasy flannel, who
That ance were plush, 0' guid blue hair were leaping and capering with their
I wad hae gien them off my hurdies, cudgels, should have been enough to make
For ae blink 0' the bonie burdies! him throw up.
queans = young women; creeshiefinnen =
But wither'd beldams, auld and droll, greasy flannel; snawwhite = snow-white;
Rigwoodie hags wad spean a foal, seventeen hunder linen = fine-gauge linen;
Louping and flinging on a crumrnock, thir breeks = these trousers; ance = once;
I wonder did na turn thy stomach! 08
I wad haegien them my hurdies = I would
have given them off my behind; bonie burdies
lovely girls; b e h m = old hags; droll =
peculiar; ringwoodie = gallows wortby;
crummock = cudgel
But Tam kend what was what fu'brawlie: But Tam had spotted the one who was
There was ae winsome wench and wawlie, dfirent, a lively attractivegirl who hadjust
That night enlisted in the core joined the corp of witches that night (he
(Lang after kend on Camck shore, was not aware of the evil and the deaths she
For monie a beast to dead she shot, had wrought). She was wearing a petticoat
An' perish'd monie a bonie boat, that her grandmother had used all her
And shook baith meikle corn and bear, savings to buy for her when she was a little
And kept the country-side in fear:) girl and who had never thought that it
Her cutty sark, o Paisley ham, would ever be worn in a dance of witches.
That while a lassie she had worn It was really more than a bit short for her,
In longitude tho' sorely scanty, but it was her best and she was rather vain
It was her best, and she was vauntie... about it.
Ah! little kend thy reverend grannie, .
kend.. fu'brawlie = knew very well;
That sark she coft for her wee Nannie, winsome wencb and wawlie = a jolly,
Wi m a pund Scots (mas a' her riches), attractive girl; core = corp; lang a f i r hnn'd
Wad ever grac'd a dance of witches! = known long after; Paisky barn = a coarse
cloth; vauntie = vain; coft = bought; twa
pounds Scots = two Scomsh pounds
But here my Muse her wing maun cour, This young witch, Nannie, was an incredible
Sic flights are far beyond her pow'r; dancer and Tam was enthralled just
To sing how Nannie lap and flang, watching her, as was Satan himself who was
(A souple jade she was, and strang) strugghg to keep his music going while
And how Tam stood like ane bewitch'd, watching the dancer. But Tam fbrgot where
And thought his very een enrich'd; he was and in a moment of lunacy, so carried
away was he by the spectacle, that he
Even Satan glowr'd and fidg'd fu'fain, shouted out 'Well done Cutcy-sark'. There
And hotdid and blew wi' might and main: was instant cLukness and he hardly had time
TI first ae caper, syne anither, to get Maggie moving when the dreadful
Tam tint his reason a' thegither, band came streaming out of the chu~hyard,
And roars outlWeel done, Cutty-Sark!' intent on catching this interloper.
And in an instant all was dark: her wing maun cour = her imagination must
And scarcely had he Maggie rallied be curbed; lap and fing = leaped and
When out the hellish legion sallied capered, soupk = supple; jade = an ill-
natured woman; strung = strong; M df;'&in
= fidgeted in excitement; syne = then; tint =
Undcrrtanding R O B E R T B U R N S
As bees bizz out wi' angry fyke, Just like a swarm of angry bees after an
When plundering herds assail their byke; intruder in their hive, so the creatures of
As open pussie's mortal foes, evil came storming after Tam and Maggie
When, pop! she starts before their nose; filling the darkness with their frightening
As eager runs the market-crowd, screams and screeches. b i z = buzz;& =
When Catch the thief!' resounds aloud: fuss; her& = shepherds; byke = bee-hive;
So Maggie runs, the witches fbllow, puttie = hare; eldritch skriech and hollow =
Wi' monie an eldritch skriech and hollow. unearthly frightful screams
Ah,Tam! Ah, Tam! thou'll get thy fairing! Tam, what have you done? Now you are
In hell they'll roast thee like a herrin! going to get yourjust reward You will finish
In vain thy Kate awaits thy comin'! up in hell, bemg roasted like a herring. Kate
Kate soon will be a woefu' woman! will never see you again, unless M a g p can
Now, do thy speedy utmost, Meg, get m s s the bridge befbre the witches catch
And win the key-stane of the brig; up with yvu, because the witches cannot cross
There, at them thou thy tail may toss, running water. was going well but
A running stream they dare na cross! there was one witch who was away in h n t of
But ere the key-stane she could make, the others - Nannie. She was nght at their
The fient a tail she had to shake; back and gaining. At the very last moment,
For Nannie, far before the rest, Maggie made a sutge and brought Tam past
Hard upon noble Maggie prest, the all importantkey-stone of the bridge But
And flew at Tam w' furious ettle; it was not without cost - the evil Nannie had
But little wist she Maggie's mettle made a desperate grab fbr Tam, but missed
Ae spring brought off her master hale, and caught the horse's rump, c a d m g her by
But lefi behind her ain gray tail: the tail which came 06leaving poor w e
The carlin claught her by the rump, with only a stump. fairn' = reward; fient =
And left poor Maggie scarce a stump. fiend; prest = pressed; ettk = intention; litde
wist she Mag& met& = little was she aware of
Maggie's spirit; hak= whole; chugbt =
Now, wha this tale 0' truth shall read, Now pay attention every man and
Ilk man, and mother's son, take heed: mother's son who reads this true story
Whene'er to drink you are inclin'd, Any time you think about having a drink,
Or cutty-sarks run in your mind, or if the thought of a girl in a short
Think! ye may buy the joys o'er dear: petticoat crosses your mind, you may have
Remember Tam 0' Shanter's mare. to pay a high price for these pleasures!
To The Memory of The Unfortunate Miss Bums
Bums was constantly at war with both the church and the law over what he considered
to be their tyranny and hypocrisy. This poem was dedicated to a celebrated Edinburgh
prostitute whose activities had so offended the City Fathers of Edinburgh that they had
banished the unfortunate woman to a nearby village where she died within three years
of her expulsion.
The woman's name was Margaret Bums and although we know that the poet
and Miss Bums were not related by blood, we know nothing of his relationship with the
lady herself. Suffice to say that he knew her well enough to write these few lines in her
memory, although we also know that he scorned any man who had to use the services of
a prostitute.
By this time, Bums was himself a celebrity and a favourite in the drawing
rooms of the very people he had held in such contempt in his earlier years. This poem is
written with little dialect, therefore it requires no words of explanation but it does
indicate once again the Bard's ability to produce verse that is as appropriate in today's
society as it was some two hundred years ago.
lightsome heart I pu'd a rose, T'he girl's lover stole her rose and lefi her
Fu' sweet upon its thorny tree, with nothing but the thom. This could be
And my fause luver staw my rose, interpreted as her being left with more than
But ah! he left the thorn wi' me. a broken heart. Tmes haven't changed as
much as we may think, women in Burns' day
were ofien left to bring up children alone.
pu'd = pulled; fawe = staw = stole
On Genriddell's Fox Breaking His Chain
Captain Robert Riddell was a very good friend of Robert Bums, but to the disgust of the
poet, he kept a fox chained to a kennel. Bums was totally against the keeping of any wild
animal in captivity and was inspired to write this poem when the fox managed to bre& its
chain and escape
Thou, Liberty, thou art my theme: Bums refuses to consider the idea of
Not such as idle poets dream, Liberty being represented by some
Who trick thee up a heathen goddess strangely clad goddess. No, he saw her as a
That a fantastic cap and rod has! beautifid Highland pony that would never
Such stale conceits are poor and silly: allow captivity to break her spirit.
I paint thee out, a Highland filly, trick tbee up = dress you up; stale conceits =
A sturdy, stubborn, handsome dapple, overused pretences; demur = hesitate
As sleek's a mouse, as round's an apple,
That when thou pleasest, can do wonders,
But when thy luckless rider blunders,
Or if thy fancy should demur there,
Wilt break thy neck ere thou go further.
These things premis'd, I sing a Fox, He tells of the fox being caught, but also
Was caught among his native rocks, of it eventually regaining its freedom.
And to a dirty kennel chained, premis'd = assumed
How he his liberty regained.
Sir Reynard daily heard debates Each day during his captivity, the fox
Of princes', kings', and nations' fates, heard debates on mans' inhumanity to
With many rueful, bloody stories man. An incredible range of topics fell
Of tyrants, Jacobites, and Tories: upon his ever attentive ears, ranging from
From liberty, how angels fell, mythology to historical facts, from the
That now art galley-slaves in Hell; ravagings of the Roman Empire to the
How Nimrod first the trade began imposition of income tax by William Pitt.
Of binding Slavery's chains on man;
How fell Semiramis, - God damn her!-
Did first with sacreligious hammer
(All ills till then were trivial matters).
For Man dethron'd forge hen-peck fetters;
How Xerxes, that abandon'd Tory,
Thought cutting throats was reaping glory,
Until the stubborn Whigs of Sparta
Taught him great Nature's Magna Charta;
How mighty Rome her fiat hurl'd
Resistless o'er a bowing world,
And, kinder than they did desire,
Polish'd mankind with sword and fire:
With much too tedious to relate
Of ancient and of modern date,
But ending still, how Billy Pitt
( Unlucky boy! ) with wicked wit,
Has gagg'd old Britain, drain'd her coffer,
As butchers bind and bleed a heifer.
Thus wily Reynard, by degrees, By the time the fox made his escape, he
In kennel listening at his ease, had absorbed as much information as if
Suck'd in a mighty stock of knowledge, he'd been a college graduate, but he also
As much as some folks at a college; learned that tyrants and other evil people
Knew Britain's rights and constitution, are why the British set such high store on
Her aggrandizement, diminution; freedom.
How Fortune wrought us good from evil; suck'd in = absorbed; aggrandizement =
Let no man then, despise the Devil, making great; diminution = lessening,
As who should say 'I ne'er can need him.' wrought = fashioned
Since we to scoundrels owe our freedom.
Hwhie Graham
This is an old ballad that the Bard chose to write, adding dlints of his own, as
well as including the nvnc of a prominent Aytshim family.
Our bids are ro the mountains gane, Hughie Gtaham has been a d and
A hunting 0' the fatlow deer; charged with the theft of the bishop's
And they hae g r i p Hughie Graham maw.
For stealing d the bisho$s mate. gnpet = a m s d
And they hac tid him hand and foot, The crowds havt ytllcd abuse at Hughit
And I d him up thtd Stitling tm Gmhamas he is I d through the streets.
The I d s and-1 met him there
Cried,'Hughie Graham thou at a Iwn: oun = fwl
Up then bespakt the brave Whittfbord, A friend offered the bishop five-hundd
As he sat by the bishqh knatf head of cattle ta SGCUW Hughiis releax.
'Five hundredwhite stots fll gic you, stots = bullocks
If y-e'U let Hughie Gnhm gae fm'.
'0haud your tongue the bishop says, The bishop d s him to be silent and
And wi' your plmding Ia me be: states that Hughie must dt.
Fm tho' ten Grahams were in his mat,
Hughit Graham this day shall: die:
Up then bespake the fair Wiccfbtd, The Sriend's wifi drtn 6a b e sum of
As she sat by the bishop's hte; money to the bishop for Hughie's
'Five h m d d white pt Pfl git you
t freedom
Tf $1 gic Hughit Graham to me:
'0haud your tongue now lady fair, The bishop t d s her to be silent and states
And wi' your pleading let me be; that Hughie must die
Altho ten G n h m were in his coat,
It's f& my honour h t must die:
They've tam him to the flows knowe, Hughie is unflinching w be is led to the
He looked to the gallows trac gallows.
Yet n e w colout left his ch&
Nor ~ w chds he blin' his t'c.
'0h a d your tongue, my farher dear, The father is told that his weeping is
And wigyour weeping let it 'bt; harder to btu than any punishment.
Thy wcepmg's sair upon my heam, s a i ~= rn
Than a'that thq.can do to me.'
'And ye may gic my brother James The &a brother, howcvct, is to fetch the
My sword thais bmt in rhc middle brown; one which is mined with Mood to cut
And bid him come at bur d clock, him down.
And see his btothw Hugh cut down.'
'Rrmtmber m e m M a w my wife Hughie then tells his fachw that it was his
The nicst time ye gang o'er tbc mow; wife who stole the mare, and that she was
Tdl her, she staw rhe bishop's mate, he 'bisw~ m i s w
Td her, she was the bishop's whore.' mi& = ~ mstaw
f = stole
And ye may t c U my kith and kin, Assure his kinsmen that he was an honedt
I never did disgrace their blood; man. but should the oppotnrnity arise,
And when they the b i s h ~ k d d they should remow the bis+s head with
To mak it shorter by h e h d . ' their sword,
Thou Gloomy December
This p e m shows how Burns was becoming dcptwsed as the departure date for his
b e l d Clatinda, or Nancy, approached.
This. one of the most beau& songs KObe wrjtctn by R o k Burns. as well as m e of
the &t, tells of his heartache when his b e l d Nancy MeLthose, more fmoklsly
known as Clatinda, &dly set sad for che Wm Indies in m attempt to retrieve her
ma*. This song will h e forever.
As we dthe many beautiful poems and songs that Burns composed o m the p m , we
must matve1 at his ability to use his verse zs a means of h e r i n g whaever young
woman had caught his eye. This parriculat song was dedicated to a lass by the name of
Deborah DUE Davies, who was also the ttcipient of scvtal lmtm fram thc Bad
Although I haw no idea whether or not Bums was successM in his pursuit of Miss
Danes, I do know that this song has become one of his k - l o v d wotks, and ucpett that
it wilt remain so f$t many ycats to come.
Another old ballad collectad by the Bard There is some doubt as tu whether or not he
mriscd it as he normally would do with such songs, or if this renuins the original
wtsion. Thc verses art btIievad to d a t e to George Gotdon, 4m Earl of Huntly who was
imprisoned in Edinbutgh C d e in 1554, although another xhooI of though conddcrs
rhc & Ear1 to be a mote likely candidate. Whatcvm, it remains a stirring tdt that
illustrate how justice was dispensedin a s u m w r y manner during hat in history.
When fitst she lmkd the letter on, Htt mlour changed when she d the
She was baith ted and m y ; letter and she wtnt &addy pale.
But h e had na tead a w d but m a ,
T Ishe wdlow'e like a IiIy. dow't = wiltad
And first a p ' d the fatal block. The block and axe were produced and
And syne the aix to head him; Geor&e appeared, held in chains.
And Geordie cumin down the mait, syne = then; aix = axe; aim = iton
And bands o' aim upon him
But rhd he was chain8 in h e r s stcang, Even although he was chained up, there
0' aim and steel sae heavy, was no better man in court than Geordie
There was na ane in a' the court, fetters = shackles
Sae braw a man as Geade.
I hae born swen sons to my Geordie k, She has borne seven sons to Geordie, but
The seven& ne'er paw his daddie: the youngest has not yet seen his fither,
0pardon, pardon, nobIe king She begs for
Pity a waefu' My!' wu+ = w d d
The Gotdons cam and the Gordons ran, Meanwhile, the Gordon clan were
And they were stark and steady; preparing themselves to do battle for their
And ay the word amang them d chief.
Was,'Gotdons keep you d y . ' stark = strong q = all
An aged lord at the lang's right hand However, anocher member of the court
Says, 'Noble king but hear me: suggestedto the lung that a ransom might
Gar her tell down five thousand pound, be more appropriate.
And p e het back her Qeatie.'
Somtgacbetrrwks, some gae hct cmwns, The clan made up the ransom with
Some gat het dollam many; currency from dl owr the d d , and
And shes d d down 5w &owand pound Geosdit gained his release.
And she's gotten again her Dearit,
She blinkit blythc in Geode's face, She smiled brightly at hjm and told him
Says, 'Dcar I've bought 'thee Geordie: that she had paid dearly For his lifc bur if
Ikt k sud been blwdy I n k on the greeh she had lost him, M i e s would be lying on
Or T had tint my laddie.' the p n .
sud = should: bods = m s : tint = lo
Ime me on my spinnin'-wheel! &ssy is blessing the good fortune that
AndI~aneonmymckandietl allow$ her to be well dothed and well fed
FEU rap to tac that dtads me hen, at all times.
And haps me fie8 and lffann at e'en! fcm = bl&gs; rock = disc&; clttds =
1'11 six me down md sing md spin. cIo&a; bim = well: haps rncf;cI = roves
While laigh descends the summer sun, me well; laigh = low
Blest wi'content, and milk and md-
0, lmc me on my s p i n ~ n ' - d d !
On ilka hand the b u d mot, This wtse d & b the thatched cottage
And m a t below my theekit cot, and the views enjoybd by BtsJy,
The scented birk and hawrhorn white ilb = each; butnics = smams; rbmkir cui =
kcmss the pool their arms unite, thatched cottagc; bid = bitch; caflcr =
Alike to screen the birdie's nest, ml; bicl = shcltct
And M e fish= d c r rest.
The sun blinks kindly in the bid,
W h m blythe I turn my spinning-whet
On lofty aiks the cu9hats mil, This rime it is the bird-life surrounding
And Echo cons the dwlfu' tale the cottage &at is described in detail,
The lintwhim in the haztl br;rts, aikr = oaks;cwbats = pigeons; lintwhites =
Delighted, rival i&& lays. hcts; lap = songs: craik = cornctacC;
The ctaik m g the clam hay, ~ = c l ~ ~ d = p a m i d ~
The paitrick whirringo'er the 17, mcrdow;pnkin'= darting sbicl = hut; cons
The swallow jinkin' twnd my shicl, = tmms
Amuse me at my spinning-whaL
Whether to marryfbr love or to marry fbr money was always a fivourite subject of the Bard's.
This poem, written in 1794, Mows that theme and Burns as ever takes the side of love.
In simmer, when the hay was mawn, Young Bessie was in the milking-shed
And corn wav'd green in ilka field, when she announced that she intended to
While claver blooms white o'er the ley, be married soon, come what may. An old
And roses blaw in ilka bield; lady advised her to consider the merits of
Blythe Bessie, in the milkin-shiel, marrying a wealthy suitor.
Says,'I'II be wed come o't what will;' simmer = summer; mawn = mown; claver
Outspak a dame in wrinkled eild, = clover; ilka bield = every field; sbiel =
'0'gude advisement comes nae ill.' shed; eild = old-age
It's ye hae wooers mony ane, She points out that Bessie will have many
And lassie ye're but young ye ken; wooers and is still young, and that a well-
Then wait a wee and cannie wale, stocked household can be prekrable to love.
A routhie butt, a routhie ben: mony ane = many-a-one; wait a wee = wait
There's Johnie 0' the Buskieglen, a short while; cannie wale = carefully select;
Fu' is his barn, fu' is his byre; routhie = plentiful; butt = kitchen; ben =
Talc this h e me my bonie hen, parlour/best room; byre = cattle-shed;
It's plenty beets the luver's fire.' beets = fans; luver'sfire = passion
'For Johnie 0' the Buskieglen, But Bessie thinks that Johnie is too fond
I dinna care a single fie; of his farm and would ignore her, whereas
He ldes sae wee1 his craps and kye, Robie is another matter altogether.
H e has nae,loove to spare for me: craps = crops; kye = cattle; blithe = merry;
But blythes the blink 0' Robie's e'e, wat = know; gear = wealth; faught =
And wee1 I wat he lo'es me dear; strugg1e;fecbtin = fighting
Ae blink 0' him I wadna gie
For Buskieglen and a' his gear.'
'0 thoughtless lassie, life's a faught, The old lady states that life is a battle in
The canniest gate, the strife is sair; which one is better to be well-armed and
But ay fu'hant is kchtin best, whatever the girl decides is what she will
A hungry care's an unco care; have to live with.
But some will spend, and some will care faught = fight; canniest gate = most carefid
An' wilfu' folk maun hae their will; path; fu'-han't = full-handed; maun =
Syne as ye brew, my maiden fair, must; craps = crops; kye = cows; wat =
Keep mind that ye maun drink the fl.' promise'
'0gear will buy me rigs 0' land, Bessie knows that money can keep a farm
And gear will buy me sheep and kye; well-stocked, but it cannot buy the love
But the tender heart 0' leesome loove, that she and Robie will share.
The gowd and siller canna buy: rigs = ridges of land; leesome = tender;
We may be poor, Robie and I, gowd = gold; silkr = silver; loove = love
Light is the burden loove lays on;
Content and loove brings peace and joy:
What mair hae queens upon a throne?'
Willie Wastle
The name Willie W a d e was derived from a children's game similar to 'I'm the King of
the Castle'. It is written in grotesquerie, a style which was popular in Scotland.
Willie Wastle dwalls on Tweed, Willie Wastle lives on the Tweed, in a place
The spot they ca' it Linkumdoddie; d e d Linkumdoddie His trade is oily-
A creeshie wabster till his trade, weaving. H
is wit%is sullen and noisy.
Can steal a clue wi' ony body: dwalls = dwells; creesbie wabster = greasy
He has a wife that's dour and din, weaver; clue = portion of cloth or yam; din
Tinkler Madgie was her mither; = dingy; tinkler = tinker; wad nu gie =
Sic a wife as Willie's wife, would not give
I wad na gie a button for her.-
She has an e'e, she has but ane, She has only one eye, which is like a cat's,
Our cat has ma, the very colour; five rotten teeth and a stump, with a beard
Five rusty teeth, tbrbye a stump, and huge nose and chin. She taks enough
A clapper-tongue wad deave a miller: to deafen a miller.
A whiskin beard about her mou, have = deafen; mou = mouth
Her nose and chin, they threaten ither;
Sic a wife as Willie's wife,
I wad na gie a button for her.-
She's bow-hough'd, she's hem-shin'd, She's bow legged and has shins shaped like
Ae limping leg a hand-bread shorter; horse shoes. One of her legs is shorter
She's twisted right, she's twisted lefi, than the other. She's all twisted, with twin
To balance fair in ilka quarter: humps.
She has a hump upon her breast, bow-bougb'd = bow-legged; bem-shin'd = the
The twin 0' that upon her shouther; shape of a horse-collar; sboutber =
Sic a wife as Willie's wife, shoulder
I wad na gie a button for her.-
Auld baudrans by the ingle sits, An old cat sits by the fire, washing her face
An' wi' her loof her face a-washin; with a paw. But Willie's wife isn't so clean,
But Willie's wife is na sae trig, she wipes her nose with her old footless
She dights her grunzie wi' a hushian; sock. Her fists are like manure buckets,
Her waly nieves like midden-creels, and her feet stink
Her feet wad fyle the Logan-water; auld baudrans = old cat; loof = paw; trig =
Sic a wife as W~llie'swife, tidy; dights her grunzie = wipes her snout;
I wad na gie a button for her.- burhian = old footless stocking; waly nieves
= large fists; midden-creels = manure
baskets;kk = foul
Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation
In common with millions of others throughout the ages, Robert Bums was fervently
proud of Scotland and all things Scottish. He despised the Act of Union in 1707 and
considered that the thirty-one Scottish commissioners, who sold out to England in
return for land and money, were no more than a parcel of rogues who had committed
treason. His contempt for their actions is abundantly clear in the following verses.
Maya Angelou, the famous Afro-American poet and admirer of Robert Bums,
expressed her astonishment that Bums had never been to Africa, yet had written this
poem. She felt that this must have been written by someone with first-hand knowledge
of slavery - someone who had suffered.
Although not a tied slave, Bums had certainly been a slave to the land and had
toiled for many hours for little reward He had a remarkable ability to highlight injustice,
equalled by his ability to empathise with the lot of the persecuted.
Tbe Deilj awa, the Deilj awa,
Tbe Deik awa wi' tb' Exciseman!
H i s danc'd awa, bPs danced awa,
H i s danced awa wi' tb' Exciseman!
The Deil cam fiddlin' thro' the town, The townswomen are thanking the devil for
And danced awa wi' th' Exciseman, removing the excisernan, fbr now they can
An ilka wife cries:- 'Auld Mahoun, get on with their home-brewing in peace.
I wish you luck 0' the prize man!' Auld Mahoun = the devil
'We'll mak our maut, and we'll brew our maut = malt; monie braw thank = many
drink, good thanks; meikle = great;
We'll laugh, sing, and rejoice, man,
And monie braw thanks to the meikle
black Deil,
That danc'd awa wi' th' Exciseman.'
Ye banks and braes and streams around, braes = slopes; drumlie = muddy;
The castle 0' Montgomery, unfauld = unfod
Green be your woods, and fair your flowers,
Your waters never drumlie!
There Simmer first unfauld her robes,
And there the longest tatry!
Fot there I took the last fareweel,
0' my sweet Highland Mary!
Wi' monie a vow and lock'd embrace wi' monie = with many; nipt = nipped;
Our pamng was hi tender; cauld = cold
And pledging afi to meet again,
We tore oursel's asunder.
But O! fell Death's untimely frost,
That nipt my flower sae early!
Now green's tht! sod, and cauld's the clay,
That wraps my Highland Mary!
It is an indisputable fact that Bums was a lover of woman. His many documented affairs
have earned him the reputation of being a true rake and opportunist who would happily
seduce any pretty girl he met. We should note, however, that those with whom he had
relationships were willing pamcipants.
There is a side to Bums that is not so well recognised, and that is his strong
support for the feminist movement. At a time when few men took women's place in
society seriously, Bums felt that woman's rights were important, as the following
For Right the third, our last, our best, our dearest
That Right to fluttering Female hearts the nearest,
Which even the Rights of Kings, in low prostration,
Most humbly own - tis dear, dear Admiration!
In that blest sphere done we live and move;
There taste that life of life - Immortd Love.
Smiles, glances, sighs, tears, fits, flirtations, airs -
'Gainst such an host what flinty savage dares? flinty = cruel
When aweful Beauty joins in all her charms,
Who is so rash as rise in rebel arms?
But truce with kings, and truce with Constitutions,
With bloody armaments and Revolutions;
Let Majesty your first attention summon
Ah! fa ira!THE MAJESTY O F WOMAN ! ca ira = it will be (French
revolutionary song)
The Lea-Rig
A delightful old Scottish ballad breathed upon by the Bard, and one which remains a
popular choice at any function featuring the songs of Robert Bums.
When o'er the hill the eastern star, Evening descends as the sheep are returned
Tells bughtin-time is near, my jo, to their folds, and the oxen trudge wearily
And owsen frae the furrow'd field, homewards. The young man looks forward
Return sae dowf and weary, 0 , to meeting his sweetheart at a later hour.
Down by the bum, where scented birks, bugbtin-time = time to bring in the livest&;
Wi dew are hanging clear, my jo, jo = sweetheart; owsen = oxen; furrow'd =
I'll meet thee on the lea-rig, ploughed; sue dowf = so dull; birks = birches;
My ain kind Dearie, O! &-rig = grassy ridge; ain = own
At midnight hour, in mirkest glen, Darkness holds no fears for him when he is
I'd rove, and ne'er be eerie, 0, travelling through the countryside to meet
If thro' that glen I gaed to thee, his lover. Even if it had never rained so
My ain kind Dearie, O! much, or he'd never been so tired, he'd still
Altho' the night were ne'er sae wet, go to meet them.
And I were ne'er sae weary, 0 , mirkest = gloomiest; rove = wander; ne'er be
I'd meet thee on the lea-rig, eerie = never be frightened; tbro' = through;
My ain kind Dearie, O! gaed = went; sae = so
The hunter lo'es the morning sun, The hunter may prefer the morning, and
To rouse the mountain deer, my jo; the angler midday, but for him the happiest
At noon the fisher takes the glen, time is when the sun is going down and he's
Along the bum to steer, my jo; meeting his sweetheart.
Gie me the hour 0' gloamin' grey, lopes= loves; gie = give; gloamin' = dusk
It makes my heart sae cheery, 0 ,
To meet thee on the lea-rig,
My ain kind Dearie, O!
The Tree of Liberty
Here we have another poem by Bums on one of his favourite topics - Liberty. This
poem appears to have been inspired by the French Revolution, but the Bard's sympathies
obviously lie toward the Jacobite cause.
Heard ye d the Tree 0' France By the use of the term thelTreeof Franc;,
I watna what's the name o't, the Bard symbolises liberty and freedom.
Around it a' the patriots dance, The storming of the &ous Bastille in
Wee1 Europe kens the fame opt. Paris, and its subsequent use as a prison for
It stands where ance the Bastile stood the aristocracy before its destruction,
A prison built by kings, man, marked the b e p n q of freedom for the
When superstition's hellish brood oppressed peasants of France.
Kept France in leading strings, man. watna = don't know; kens = knows; ante =
once; kading strings = reins
Upd this tree there grows sic fruit, Freedom is a virtue that raises man above
Its virtues I can tell, man; the beast. A peasant who tastes freedom
It raises man aboon the brute, will be better than a lord, for he has
It maks him ken himsel, man! known poverty and oppression and will
Gif ance the peasant taste a a bit, be more inclined to help those who have
He's greater than a lord, man, nothing.
An' wi' the beggar shares a mit upo' = upon; sic = such; aboon = above; gif
0' a' he can afford, man. = if; ance = once
This fruit is worth a' Afric's wealth, Freedom is worth all the wealth to be
To comfort us 'mas sent, man; found in Africa A free man has clearness
To gie the sweetest blush 0' health, of vision, and with happiness in his heart
An' mak us a' content, man; can befriend people in all levels of society.
It clears the een, it cheers the heart, Only ruination will come to those who
Mak's high and low gude friends, man; oppose freedom.
And he wha acts the traitor's pan perdition = hell
It to perdition sends, man.
My blessings aye attend the chiel Bums blesses the person responsible for
Wha pitied Gallids slaves, man the start of the French Revolution, and
And staw a branch, spite 0' the deil, casts his eye to America where the seeds
Frae 'yont the western waves, man of discontent concerning the slave trade
Fair Virtue water'd it wi' care, are growing rapidly.
And now she sees wi' pride, man aye = always; chiel = young man; Gallia =
How wee1 it buds and blossoms there, France; staw = stole; fiae 'yont = from
Its branches spreading wide, man. beyond; wee1 = well
But vicious folk aye hate to see Not everyone is enthusiastic about the
The works 0' Virtue thrive, man; rights of man. The French ruling classes
The courrly vermin's banned the tree, did their utmost to suppress the peasants
And grat to see it thrive, man! when revolt threatened, but the ultimate
King Loui' thought to cut it down, result was that King Louis XVI was
When it was unco sma', man; beheaded by the very people whom he'd
For this the watchman cracked his crown, persecuted.
Cut off his head and a, man grat = wept; unco sma' = very small
Let Britain boast her hardy oak, The Bard points out that although many
Her poplar and her pine, man! trees grow throughout Britain, there is no
Auld Britain ance could crack her joke, Tree of Ldmty. Freedom no longer exists
And o'er her neighbours shine, man! and the people are again no more than d.
But seek the forest round and round, auld = old; ance = once; crack = tell
And soon 'twill be agreed, man,
That sic a tree can not be found,
'Twixt London and the Tweed, man.
Without this tree, alake this life Life without freedom is a joyless existence,
Is but a vale 0' woe, man; where the working-man knows nothing
A scene 0' sorrow mixed wi' strife, but endless toil trying to meet the
Nae real joys we know, man. demands of his titled master. Only death
We labour soon, we labour late, will relieve him of his burden.
To feed the titled knave, man; alake = alas; ayont = beyond
And a' the comfort we're to get
Is that ayont the grave, man
Wi plenty 0' sic trees, I trow, If all men were free with equal rights, then
The warld would live in peace, man; war would be a thing of the past.
The sword would help to mak a plough, , Weapons could be tumed into ploughs
The din 0' war wad cease, man; and mankind could go forward together.
Like brethren in a common cause, trow = believe; warld = world; din = noise;
We'd on each other smile, man; sic = such
And equal rights and equal laws
Wad gladden every isle, ma
Wae worth the loon wha wadna eat What worth does the man have who
Sic halesome dainty cheer, man; wouldn't eat such wholesome cheer. Bums
I'd gie my shoon frae off my feet, would give the shoes of his feet to see this
To taste sic fruit, I swear, man. happening. H e prays for the day when
Syne let us pray, auld England may Scotland will be free from the English
Sure plant this far-famed tree, man; p k e and Scotland can sing the song of
And blythe we'll sing, and hail the day liberty.
That gave us liberty, man. wae worth the loon = woe befall the rascal;
wba wadna = who would not; sboon =
shoes; frae a f = from off; blytbe =
Once again we have yet another example of the Bard's amazing ability to flatter young
women in verse. On this occasion the subject was Jessie Staig, the daughter of the
Provost of Durnfiies. She died in 1801at the age of 26. Jessie must have been seventeen
or eighteen when the song was written, and Bums recognised that although she was
truly beautiful, she was also an extremely modest young lady.
True-hearted was he, the sad swain 0' the Yarrow, wain = lover/suitor
And fair are the maids on the banks 0' the Ayr,
But by the sweet side 0' the Nith's winding river,
Are lovers as faithful, and maidens as fair;
To equal young Jessie seek Scotland all over;
To equal young Jessie you seek it in vain;
Grace, Beauty and Elegance fetter her lover,
And maidenly modesty fixes the chain.
Once more we have a bawdy old ballad revised by the Bard. This is the story of a soldier
returning after years at war, and the welcome given to him by his lover.
When wild War's deadly blast was blawn, The long war has ended leaving many
And gentle Peace returning, children fatherless and women widowed,
Wi' monie a sweet babe fatherless and the soldier sets off home with nothing
And monie a widow mourning. but his knapsack
I left the lines and tented field, monie = many; sodger = soldier
Where lang I'd been a lodger,
My humble knapsack a' my wealth,
A poor and honest sodger.
A leal, light heart was in my breast, His mind was on his Nancy as he waked
My hand unstain'd wi' plunder, the long road home in light-hearted mood
And for fair Scotia, hame again, leal = true
I cheery on did wander:
I thought upon the banks 0' Coil,
I thought upon my Nancy,
And ay I mind? the witching smile
That caught my youthful fancy.
At length I reached the bonie glen, Eventually he arrived at the glen where he
Where early life I sported. had lived as a youngster, but became
I pass'd the mill and trysting thorn, emotional when he saw Nancy in the
Where Nancy afc I courted. distance.
Wha spied I but my ain dear maid, trysting thorn = meeting place
Down by her mother's dwelling,
And turn'd me round to hide the flood
That in my een was swelling!
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
Wi alter'd voice, quoth I - 'Sweet lass, With husky voice he asked her if she
Sweet as yon hawthorn's blossom, could find him accommodation as he had
0 , happy happy may he be, travelled a distance and had little money.
That's dearest to thy bosom! fain wad be = would like to be
My purse is light, I've far to gang,
And fain wad be thy lodger;
I've served my king and country lang,
Take pity on a sodger.'
Sae wistfully she gaid on me, She looked at him sadly without
And lovelier she than ever. recognising him and told him that she had
Quo she, 'A sodger ance I lo'ed, loved a soldier, therefbre he would be
Forget him shall I never: welcome in her home.
Our humble cot, and hamely fare, ance = once; cot = cottage; bamelyfare =
Ye freely shall partake it; simple hod; cockade = rosette worn as a
That gallant badge, the dear cockade, cap badge
Ye're welcome for the sake opt!'
She gaid, she redden'd like a rose, Sudden recognition came to her and they
Syne, pale like onie lily fell into each others arms.
She sank within my arms and cried, syne = then
'Art thou my ain dear Willie?
'By him who made yon sun and sky,
By whom true love's regarded,
I am the man, and thus may still
True lover's be rewarded!
'The wars are o'er, and I'm come hame, He assured that he was home h r good, and
And find thee still true-hearted although they would have little money they
Tho' poor in gear, we're rich in love, would be rich in love. However her
And rnair, we'se ne'er be parted' grandfither had lefi her money and a well
Quo' she, 'my grandsire left me gowd, stocked f m which she would share with
A rnailen plenish'd fairly! him.
And come, my faithfu' sodger lad, gear = w&;grandsire = grandfathe rnaikn
Thou'rt welcome to it dearly!' = firm; pknubilfairly = well stocked
T H ES O D G E R ' S R E T U R N
For gold the merchant ploughs the main, One must never look down on a soldier as
The farmer ploughs the manor; he is the mainstay in times of trouble.
But glory is the sodger's prize,
The sodger's wealth is honour!
The brave poor sodger ne'er despise,
Nor count him as a stranger:
Remember he's his country's stay
In day and hour of danger.
Meg 0' The Mill
Anyone entering a loveless marriage for the sake of wealth and possessions could expect
nothing but scorn fiom the Bard as the fbllowing verses show.
0 ken ye what Meg 0' the mill has gotten? D o you know what Meg of the Mill has
An' ken ye what Meg 0' the mill has gotten? got? She's married a wealthy laird,
She's gotten a coof wi' a claut 0' siller, breaking the heart of the miller.
And broken the heart 0' the barley miller! ken = know; coof = dolt; chut o' siller =
horde of money
'The miller was mypin', the miller was ruddy, The miller was handsome, but the laird is
A heart like lord, and a hue like a lady; repulsive.
The laird was a widdifii, bleerit knurl-- widdifu' bleerit knurl = gallows-worthy;
Shek lefi the good-am, and d e n the churl! bleary-eyed d w d churl = miserable person
The miller,he hecht her a heart lealand luving The miller offered love and devotion, but
The laird did address her wi' matter the laird's offer of a fine horse and all the
mair moving trimmings was more tempting to Meg.
A h e pacing-horse wi' a dear chained bridle, becbt = offered; leal = loyal; mair = more
A whip by her side, and a bonie side-saddle!
0,wae on the siller, it is sae prevailing! Money may be more attractive to Meg
And wae on the luve that is 6xed on a mailin! than a life of toiling on a farm, but a dowry
A tocheis nae word in a true lover's should never be part of a lover's
But gie me my love, and a fig for the warl! vocabulary.
wae = woe; siller = silver; mailin = farm;
tocber = dowry; purl = speech; warl =
Whistle An' I'll Come To You, My Lad
In this popular song, the lass is concerned that their relationship will be noticed by
others, so she instructs the lad to make sure that he does not pay her attention should
they meet outside.
0, wbistle an' I'II come to ye, my lad!
0,whistle an' I'II come to ye, my lad!
Tbo'father an' mitber,and a' should gae mad,
0, whistle an' I'll come to ye, my lad!
But warily tent when ye come to court me, warily tent = be careful
And come nae unless the back-yett be a-jee; yett = gate; ajee = ajar
Syne up the back-style, and let naebody see,
And come as ye were na comin to me,
And come as ye were na comin to me!
The verses of this song, guaranteed to make the blood tingle in the veins of any true
Scot, were written by Bums after visiting the field of Bannockburn in 1787. In common
with most other Scots who have visited the site throughout the years, he appears to have
been overwhelmed by the vision of a free Scotland, fired no doubt by the apparent
success of the French Revolution which had dominated the news for the past year.
Scots, wha hae wi' Wdace bled, As the time for battle draws near, Burns
Scots, wham Bruce has aften led, v i s d Bruce reminding his men that
Welcome to your gory bed, Scots have already shed their blood
Or to victorie!
Now's the day, and now's the hout;
. alongside William Wallace, and that he,
Bruce, has led them b e h e against the
See the front 0' battle lour; enemy. Today however is win or die - or
See approach proud Edward's power, worse - become a slave of Kmg Edward.
Chains and slavery. wba hue = who have; wbam = whorn;gmy =
bloody; lour = threaten
The departure of Nancy McLehose was a major influence in the Bard's life. This is one
of several poems written on her leaving.
Another short example of how the friends of the Bard were immortalised through his
verse. Willie Stewart was the son of a publican who Burns visited while carrying out his
duties as an exciseman. The following lines were engraved onto a glass, much to the
annoyance of the landlady. This glass eventually came into the possession of Sir Walter
Scott and remains on view at Abbotsford to this day.
Come, bumpers high! express your joy! bumper = a glass filled to the brim; maun =
The bowl we maun renew it; must; tappet-hen = a six-pint jug; ben =
The tappet-hen, gae bring her ben, through
To welcome Wdie Stewart!
May foes be strang, and friends be slack! slack = free and open; ilk = each; wrangs =
Ilk action may he rue it! wrongs
May woman on him turn her back,
That wrangs thee, Willie Stewart!
A Man's a Man Far A' That
In this poem, Bums clearly reveals his contempt for rank and title. It was written in
1795, a year before his death, and it gives the impression that by that time he had
developed an intense dislike of the aristocracy. Perhaps his rubbing shoulders with
Edinburgh's upper-crust helped.
However, the fact remains that this poem has attained international
recognition among those who believe in the equality of man. The Russians honoured
Bums by issuing a set of commerative stamps to him during the twentieth-century and
his works continue to be part of the school curriculum in that country.
What though on hamely fare we dine, Just because a man dines on simple food
Wear hoddin grey and a' that. and wears clothes that may not be
Gie &Is fheir silks, and knaves their wine, considered fashionable, it does not make
A Man's a Man for a' that him any less a man than one whose
For a' that and a' that, clothes are made of silk and who drinks
Their tinsel show, and a' that, wine.
The honest man, tho' e'er sae poor, bamelyfare = homely food; hoddin grey = a
Is king 0' men for a' that coarse grey woollen cloth; gie = give
Ye see yon birkie ca'd, 'a lord,' Look at that swaggering fellow who is
Wha struts, an stares, and a' that? called 'a lord' with hundreds of people
Tho' hundreds worship at his word, listening to his every word - in actual fact
He's but a cuif for a' that. he is nothing but a fool. A real man just
For a' that, and a' that, looks at all the ribbons and stars being
His ribband, star and a' that, wom and laughs at them.
The man 0' independent mind, birkie = a strutting swaggering fellow;
He looks an' laughs at a' that. cuif(coof) = fool; ribband = ribbon
A prince can mak a belted knight, Any man can be given a title by royalty but
A marquis, duke, and a' that! that does not make him any better than an
But an honest man's aboon his might, honest man who has faith in himself. To
Guid faith he mauna fa' that! know one's worth is value in excess of the
For a' that, and a' that, foolish dignity of these people.
Their dignities, and a' that mak = make; aboon = above; gude = good;
The pith 0' Sense an' pride 0' Worth, mauna = must not; pith = importance
Are higher rank than a' that
Then let us pray that come it may, However, let us pray that one of those
As come it will for a' that, days men will see the pointlessness of
That Sense and Worth, o'er a' the earth, struggle over rank and power and come to
Shall bear the gree, and a' that. recognise that all men are equal.
For a' that, and a' that, bear the gree = win the victory
It's comin' yet for a' that,
That Man to Man, the world o'er,
Shall brithers be for a' that.
The Dumkies Volunteers
In sharp contrast to the profoundly Scomsh sentiments expressed in Scots W b a Hae, here
Burns appears to be truly British, although there is a suspicion that this may have been an
attempt to satisfy his masters in the Customs and Excise. In 1795 there was great
speculation that E m m r Napoleon was set to invade the British Isles and this led to the
formation of the Volunteers Movement, an early version of the Home Guard of the Second
World War. Bums was heavily involved in the formation of the Dumfries group and
certainly appears to have enjoyed this aspect of his life. One can only wonder what Robert
Bums would have made of today's squabbles with Britain's so-called European partners?
Does haughty Gaul invasion threat? He points out that should the French be
Then let the loons beware, Sir! foolish enough to launch an invasion not
There's wooden walls upon our seas, only will they have to face the British
And volunteers on shore, Sir.! Navy but if they ever get to land, they will
The Nith shall run to Corsincon, be confronted by the ranks of volunteers.
And Criffel sink in Solway, The River Nith and the hills of Corsincon
Ere we permit a foreign foe and Criffel will have to pe&rrn geograph-
On British ground to rally! ical miracles before any enemy of Britain
will rally on British soil. Gaul = France;
loons = rascals; wooden walk = ships
0 , let us not, like snarling tykes He warns that fighting among ourselves
In wrangling be divided; could be fatal, as we are liable to find too
Till, slap! come in an unco loon late that the enemy has taken over and
And wi' a rung decide it. that they now rule the British with clubs
Be Britain still to Britain true, and cudgels. Only by remaining united
Amang oursels united; will the British right the wrongs within
For never but by British hands Britain.
Maun British wrangs be righted! tykes = dogs; unco = fearsome; rung =
cudgel; mang = among; maun = must;
wrangs = wrongs
The kettle 0' the Kirk and State There may be differences between Church
Perhaps a clout may fail in't; and State but no foreigner is going to be
But deil a foreign tinkler-loun allowed to interfere. British freedom was
Shall ever ca' a nail in t! bought with the blood of our forefathers
Our fathers' bluid the kettle bought, so heaven help anyone who attempts to
And wha wad dare to spoil it! take away that freedom - especially a
By heaven, the sacreligious dog Frenchman!
Shall fuel be to boil it! kettk = boiling pot; Kirk = church; clout =
piece of cloth; tinkkr = gypsy; ca' = drive;
bluid= blood; wba wad = who would
The wretch that wad a tyrant own, Any despicable person who would help
And the wretch, his true-sworn brother, overthrow the King,and refuses to swear
Who would set the mob aboon the throne, allegiance to the throne, will be hanged.
May they be damned together! But remember, even as we swear loyalty to
Who will not sing 'God save the King,' our King, we must never overlook the
Shall hang as high's the steeple; rights of the common man.
But while we sing'God save the King,' aboon = above
We'll ne'er forget the people.
H o w Cruel Are The Parents
There is little doubt but that Bums was a womaniser, but could it be that he was dso a
visionary who had an extraordinary insight into the plight of women?
My curse upon your venom'd stang, H e curses the toothache for the pain it is
That shoots my tortur'd gums alang, giving him.
An' thrd my lug gies monie a twang stung = sting; lug = ear; twang = twinge;
Wi gnawing vengeance, alang = along; monie = many
Tearing my nerves wi' bitter pang,
L i e racking engines!
P: down my beard the slavers trickle, Giggling girls watch him dance around his
I throw the wee stools o'er the mickle, fire like a madman, and he wishes that
While round the fire the giglets keckle, they had a rough comb up their backsides.
To see me loup, mickle = large; giglets keckle = girls giggle;
An' raving mad, I wish a heckle a beckle = heckling comb; doup = backside.
Were i' their doup!
When fivers bum, or ague freezes, Neighbours will show sympathy towards
Rheumatics gnaw, or colic squeezes, other illnesses but will only mock if you
Our neebors sympathise to ease us, have toothache.
Wi pitying moan; neebors = neighbours
But thou!-- the hell 0' a' diseases-
They mock our groan!
Of a' the numerous human dools- Of all the woes suffered by humanity,
Ill hairsts, dafi bargains, cutty-stools, toothache takes the prize.
Or worthy frien's laid i' the mools, dools = woes; ill hairsts = poor harvests;
Sad sight to see! daft bargains = madness; cutty-stools =
The tricks 0' knaves, or fash 0' fools- . stools of repentance; mools = crumbling
Thou bear'st the gree! earth; fasb = annoyance; bearb tbe gree =
rank highly
Understanding R O B E R T B U R N S
Whare'er that place be priests ca' Hell, Toothache would be at home in Hell.
Whare a' the tones 0' misery yell, raw = row; bears't the bell = take the prize;
An' ranked plagues their numbers tell, aboon = above
In dreadfii raw,
Thou, Toothache, surely beaist the bell
Aboon them a'!
O! thou grim, mischief-making chiel, He hopes that Scotland's foes will suffer a
That gars the notes 0' discord squeel, twelve-month toothache.
Td1 human-kind aft dance a reel cbiel = fellow;faes = foes; weal = well-being;
In gore a shoe thick, towmond = twelve months
Gie a' the faes 0' Scotland's weal
A Towmond's Toothache!
The Toad-eater
7'be Toad-eater displays Bums' contempt for those who boasted of their wealth and social
This short tirade was directed at one young man in particular who had made a
great deal of money through speculation and who, although born of low rank,
considered himself to be in the higher echelons of society.
An' Charlie, he? my darling.
My darling, my darling,
Charlie, he's my darling-
Tbe Young Chevalier!
'Haud afT your hands, young man!' she says, baud af = cake off
And dinna sae uncivil be;
Gif you have onie luve for me, gif=if;onie =ony
wrang na my virginitie!'
Her hair was like the links 0' gowd, gowd = gold
Her teeth were like the ivorie,
Her cheeks like lilies dipt in wine,
The lass that made the bed to me!
Had I the wyte? had I the wyte? Was it his fault that the lady had invited
Had I the wyte? she bade me! him into her cottage and taunted him
She watch'd me by the hie-gate side, when he appeared reluctant? Had he
And up the loan she shaw'd me, considered the consequences, he would
And when I wadna venture in, have rode on.
A coward loon she ca'd me! had I the wyte = was I to blame? hie-gate =
Had Kirk and State been in the gate, high-road; shaw'd = showed; loon = fool;
I lighted when she bade me. lighted = mounted
Sae craftily she took me ben She led him through the house, telling
And bade me mak me clatter:- him to be silent although her surly
'For our ramgunshoch, glum, guidman husband was well out of the way. He felt
Is o'er ayont the water.' no guilt as they made love.
Whae'er shall say I wanted grace ben = through; clatter = noise; ramgunsbocb
When I did kiss and dawte her, = bad-tempered; guidman = husband;
Let him be planted in my place, ayont = beyond; dawte = caress; syne =
Syne say I was the fauter! then;fauter = wrong-doer
Could I for shame, could I for shame, H e felt he could not refuse her, but had to
Could I for shame refus'd her? treat her with care as she had suffered
And wadna manhood been to blame brutality at the hands of her husband.
Had I unkindly used her? Who could blame such a woman for
He claw'd her wi' the ripp1in'-kame, seeking pleasure when her husband was
And blae and bluidy bruis'd her- out of the way?
When sic a husband was h e hame, ripplin-kame = wool-comb; blae = blue;
What wife but wad excus'd her? bluidy = bloody
I dighted ay her een sae blue, He wiped the tears from her eyes and
An' bann'd the cruel randy, cursed her cruel husband. It was evening
And, wee1 I wat her willin mou, when he left, but he was back again the
Was e'en as succarcandie. following morning to visit her again.
At gloamin-shot, it was, I wot, dighted = wiped; bann'd = cursed; randy =
I lighted - on the Monday; ruffian; wat = know; mou = mouth;
But I cam thro' the Tyeseday's dew, gloamin-shot = sunset; Tyseday = Tuesday
To wanton Willie's brandy.
For The Sake 0' Somebody
These two short verses were not, as we have come to expect, written by the Bard about
a very special young lady. In fact they were written by Bums about no less a person than
Bonnie Prince Charlie
'0 for my ain king,' quo gude Wallace, Wallace wanted to see the English king
The rightful king 0' fair Scotland; removed from the Scottish throne.
'Between me and my Sovereign Blude quo = said; Blude = blood; sawn = sown
I think I see some dl seed sawn.'
Wallace out over yon river he lap, As he travelled south he happened upon a
And he has lighted low down on yon plain, lady.
And he was aware of a gay ladie, lap = leapt
As she was at the well washing.
'What tydins, what tydins, fiir lady he says, He sought information from her of local
What tydins hast thou to tell unto me; activity.
What tydins, what tydins fair lady' he says, tydins = tidings
'What tydins hae ye in the South Counme.'
'Low down in yon wee Ostler house, She warned him of a parry of redcoats in
There is fyfceen Enghshmen, the local inn asking of his whereabouts as
And they are seeking for gude Wallace, they intend to see him hanged.
It's him to t&e and him to hang.' Ostler house = inn
And when he cam to yon wee Ostler house H e prayed fbr good fortune as he reached
He bad benedicite be there; the inn.
(The Englishmen at the table sat bad = bade; benedicite = good fortune
The wine-fac'd captain at him did stare.)
'Where was ye born, auld crookit Carl, Disguised as an old man, he was asked by
Where was ye born, in what countrie;' the captain where he was born, and
'I am a true Scot born and bred, replied that he was a true Scot.
And an auld, m k i t cad just sic as ye see: auld crookit curl = bent old man
'Iwad gie fjheen &dugto onie m k i t cad, The captain then offered him a reward if
To onie crookit car1just sic as ye, he would help him locate Wallace.
If ye will get me gude Wallace, sic = such;fuin = gladly; onie =any
For he is a man I wad very fain see.'
He hit the proud Captain alang the Wallace killed the captain with a single
ch&-blade, blow, then killed the rest of the party as
That never a bit 0' meat he ate mair; they sat at the table.
And he sticket the rest at the table where cbafi-blade = jaw-bone; sticket = stabbed
they sat,
And he lefi them a' lyin sprawlin there.
'Get up, get up, gudewife,' he says, He then asks the innkeeper's wife to
'And get to me some dinner in haste; pepare him a meal as it is three days since
For it soon will be three lang days he has eaten.
Sin I a bit 0' meat did taste.'
The dinner was na wee1 readie, But before it was prepared, another group
Nor was it on the table set, of fifteen redcoats were at the gate.
Td other F e e n Englishmen
Were a' lighted about the yett. yett = gate
'Come out, come out now, gude Wallace, They called for him to surrender and be
This is the day that thou rnaun die;' hanged, but he has faith in God.
'I lippen nae sae little to God,' he says, maun = must; lippen = trust; illwordie =
'Altho' I be but ill- wordie.' ill-worthy.
The gudewife had an auld gudeman, The innkeeper stood side-by-side with
By gude Wallace he stiffly stood, Wallace and soon ten of the redcoats lay
T i ten 0' the fjfteen Englishmen dead.
Before the door lay in their blude. blude = blood
The other five to the greenwood ran, The other five ran to hide in the woods,
And he hangd these five upon a grain: yet their escape was short-lived as
And on the morn wi' his merry men a' Wallace's men hanged them from a branch
He sat at dine in Lochmaben town. befbre continuing their march south.
grain = branch
The Hen~eckedHusband
It seems appropriate that the final verse in this collection should be to Jessie Lewars, who
lived opposite Robert Bums in Dumfiies, and whose brother was a colleague of Bums
in his Excise days. She helped nurse the Bard through his dying months and took care
of his four sons when he eventually died.
Bums presentedJessie with a set of volumes of the Scots Musical Museum and
inscribed the following lines on the back of them.
Less than a month afier writing these lines to Jessie Lewars, Robert Bums died on the
21. July, 1796, in Dumfiies, and Scotland mourned the loss of one of her greatest sons.
Index of First Lines