L20 - Cultivation of Viruses

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Embryonated Chicken Eggs
• Since viruses can grow only in living cells, one of the most
economical and convenient methods for cultivating a wide variety of
animal viruses is the chick embryo technique
• The discovery that viruses could be cultivated by this simple technique
was made in 1931
• Fertile chicken eggs incubated for 5 to 12 days can be inoculated
through the shell aseptically
• The opening may be seated with paraffin wax and the egg incubated at
36°C for the time required for growth of the virus
Embryonated Chicken Eggs
Embryonated Chicken Eggs
• Chick embryos contain several different types of cells in which
various viruses will replicate
• By using embryos of various ages and different methods of
inoculation, it is possible to grow the type of virus desired
• The cells to be inoculated are found in the various embryonic
membranes and tissues of the egg
• For example, vaccinia virus can be grown on the chorioallantoic membrane
and produce lesions or pocks
Embryonated Chicken Eggs
• The yolk sac and the embryo also can be used to grow viruses
• Also, the fluid from the egg can be harvested and assayed for the
presence of virus
• The chick-embryo technique has been used in the production of
vaccines against smallpox, yellow fever, influenza, and other diseases
• In immunologic tests and other studies whenever large amounts of
virus are required
Tissue Culture
• Cell cultures are today the method of choice for the propagation of
viruses for many reasons
• Among them are convenience, relative economy of maintenance
compared to animals, observable cytopathic effects, and choice of cells
for their susceptibility to particular viruses
• On the basis of their origin and characteristics, cell cultures are of
three types:
• Primary cell cultures,
• Diploid cell strains, and
• Continuous cell lines.
Tissue Culture
• Primary cell cultures are derived
from normal tissue of an animal
(such as mouse, hamster, chicken
or monkey tissue) or a human
(e.g., gingival tissue)
• When cells from these tissues are
processed and cultured, the first
monolayer is referred to as a
primary culture
• A monolayer is a confluent layer of
cells covering the surface of a
culture vessel
Tissue Culture
• The cells from subcultures are called secondary cultures
• Cell cultures prepared from fresh tissue resemble more closely the
cells in the whole animal than do the cells in continuous cell lines
• Unfortunately, cells derived in this manner can be sub-cultured only a
limited number of times before dying
• For some types of cells only a few divisions are possible, for others,
50 to 100 divisions occur
Tissue Culture
• Cell cultures derived from embryonic tissue are generally capable of a
greater number of divisions in vitro than those derived from adult tissue
• Diploid cell strains are derived from primary cell cultures established from
a particular type of tissue, such as lung or kidney, which is of embryonic
• They are of a single cell type and can undergo 50 to 100 divisions before
• They possess the normal diploid karyotype (appearance of the set of
• Such diploid cell straits are the host of choice for many viral studies,
especially in the production of human vaccine virus
Tissue Culture
• Vaccines prepared from tissue cultures have an advantage over those
prepared from embryonated chicken eggs in minimizing the possibility
of a patient developing hypersensitivity or allergy to egg albumen
• The Salk poliomyelitis vaccine, which is produced in tissue culture,
was developed after basic research had shown that the poliovirus
would grow satisfactorily on monkey kidney cell cultures
Tissue Culture
• Continuous cell lines appear to be capable of an infinite number of
• Such cell lines may arise with the mutation of a cell strain, or more
commonly from the establishment of cell cultures from malignant tissue
• The karyotype of these cells is aneuploid (a variable multiple of the haploid
chromosome number) and not diploid
• These cells are also different morphologically from the cells of origin
• They are usually less fastidious in their nutritional requirements
• They do not attach as strongly as other cell cultures to the surface of the
culture vessel, so under certain circumstances they can grow in suspension
• They also have a tendency to grow on top of each other in multilayers on
culture-vessel surfaces
Tissue Culture
• Even though cells from continuous cell lines are very different from normal
cells in both genotype and phenotype, they are very useful in studies where
large numbers of cells are required
• Furthermore, they are easy to propagate serially
• But because of their derivation from malignant tissue or their possession of
malignant characteristics, such cells obviously are not used in virus
production for human vaccines
• Nevertheless, continuous cell lines have been extremely useful in
cultivating many viruses previously difficult or impossible to grow
• Growth of viruses in tissue culture is shown in Fig, It can be seen that the
tissue structure deteriorates as the virus multiplies. This deterioration is
called the cytopathic effect (CPE)
Tissue Culture
• Some viruses cannot be cultivated in cell culture or in embryonated
chicken eggs and must be propagated in living animals
• Mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, and primates are used for this purpose
• Animal inoculation is also a good diagnostic tool because the animal
can show typical disease symptoms and histological (tissue) sections
of infected tissue can be examined microscopically
Plant Viruses
• Plant viruses can be cultivated by direct mechanical inoculation of
virus suspension by rubbing on leaves of living plants
• Rubbing is accomplished with the aid of an abrasive such as
• This can lead to formation of local lesions as well as general infection.
Some plant viruses can replicate to large numbers in infected plants
• For example, a single hair cell of an infected tobacco plant may
contain over 107 tobacco mosaic virions
• Indeed, as much as 10 percent of the dry weight of infected leaves may
be tobacco mosaic virus
Plant Viruses
• Transfer of infection from cell to cell occurs mainly by direct transfer
of virions via plasmodesmata (intercellular bridges)
• Also, in most plant diseases, infected cells can continue to
manufacture virus without either lysing or dying
• In the last decade some progress has been made in the preparation of
plant cell protoplasts for the cultivation of plant viruses
• For instance, isolated protoplasts from mesophyll cells of tobacco can
be infected directly with tobacco mosaic virus.
Plant Viruses
• Progress also has been made in the development of monolayer cultures
of susceptible cells from the insects that are vectors of some plant viral
• For example, rhabdovirus has been cultivated in leafhopper cell
culture giving a yield of over 10,000 virions per cell
Cell Death
• Disease symptoms in the host due to virus infection vary from none to
massive destruction of infected cells leading to cell death
• In cell tissue culture, groups of killed cells (plaques) have been used in
the enumeration of viruses because the number of plaques is
proportional to the number of infectious virus particles present
• Each virion gives rise to a single plaque, just as a bacterium gives rise
to a single colony
Cell Death
• Other effects of cell infection by viruses include:
• Formation of giant cells (polykaryotes)
• Creation of genetic changes such as chromosomal breakage
• Induction of interferon production by the infected cell that prevents infection
of healthy cells
• Appearance of pocks or necrotic lesions on the chorioallantoic membrane of
embryonated eggs and
• Formation of inclusion bodies
Inclusion Bodies
• Before it was possible to study the morphology of viruses at the high
magnifications provided by the electron microscope, investigators using light
microscopy had observed intracellular structures, or inclusion bodies, associated
with virus diseases.
• In 1887 J. B. Buist noted small particles in the cytoplasm of cells surrounding the
lesions of smallpox
• These he called elementary bodies
• E. Paschen made the same observation independently in 1906
• It is now known that these Paschen bodies are aggregates, or colonies, of virions growing in
the cytoplasm of the host cell
• In 1892, G. Guarnieri reported having seen small round particles in the cytoplasm
of similar cells
• These Guarnieri bodies are also thought to consist of aggregates of unassembled virus subunits
and intact virions
Inclusion Bodies
(A) Guarnieri bodies of variola (smallpox) virus in
the cytoplasm of rabbit corneal cells
(B) Negri bodies in the cytoplasm of Purkinje cells
(nerve cells of the brain) infected with rabies virus
(C) Bollinger bodies in the cytoplasm of cells
infected with fowl pox virus
(D) Intranuclear inclusions in epithelial cells of
rabbit cornea inoculated with herpesvirus,
Classic Slow Virus Diseases
• These diseases have a slow progressive course, usually with a fatal
• By unconventional or atypical virus. Indeed, these agents have been
called prions (proteinaceous infectious particles) because they appear
to have no nucleic acids at all, protein being their only detectable
• Kuru
• Creutzfeldtjakob disease of humans
• Scrapie and
• Transmissible mink encephalopathy (TME) of animals
Cancer and Viruses
• In recent years significant evidence has accumulated to show that some
viruses do infact cause cancer in animals
• These findings revived the idea that human cancers might also be caused by
• Both RNA and DNA viruses have been found capable of inducing cancer in
animals; in these animals the affected cells are transformed, resulting in the
formation of tumors
• Such tumor-inducing viruses are called oncogenic viruses.
• Among the viruses whose virions contain RNA, only some members of the
family Retroviridae (more commonly known as the RNA tumor viruses)
cause cancer in animals
Cancer and Viruses
• Among the DNA viruses, members of at least three families
(Herpesviridoe, Adenoviridae, and Papovaviridae) can cause cancer in
• All the viruses that can cause cancer in animals induce synthesis of
DNA that is present in the nucleus and that codes for proteins which
are not virion structural proteins
• A common characteristic of all oncogenic viruses is that the viral
genome in some way becomes either integrated or intimately
associated with the host DNA
• Viroids are nucleic acid entities of relatively low molecular weight
(1.1 to 1.3 x 105) and unique structure that cause several important
diseases of cultivated plants
• Such diseases include potato spindle tuber, citrus exocortis, chrysanthemum
stunt, and cucumber pale fruit
• Unlike viruses, viroids do not possess a protein coat and exist only as
short, infectious molecules of RNA
• It is not known how viroids cause disease
• It is thought that their location in the nucleus as well as their apparent
inability to act as mRNA suggest that they cause host symptoms by
interference with gene regulation in the infected host cells
• Present evidence also suggests that
viroid-like nucleic acids may exist in
organisms other than higher plants
• They may be responsible for certain
diseases of humans and animals
(although how they escape the
destructive action of nucleases in
animal cells is unexplained at the
present time)

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