Ecl10 ApJ2011 Eclipse10
Ecl10 ApJ2011 Eclipse10
Ecl10 ApJ2011 Eclipse10
C 2011.
! The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
The white-light corona (WLC) during the total solar eclipse on 2010 July 11 was observed by several teams in the
Moon’s shadow stretching across the Pacific Ocean and a number of isolated islands. We present a comparison of
the WLC as observed by eclipse teams located on the Tatakoto Atoll in French Polynesia and on Easter Island,
83 minutes later, combined with near-simultaneous space observations. The eclipse was observed at the beginning
of the solar cycle, not long after solar minimum. Nevertheless, the solar corona shows a plethora of different
features (coronal holes, helmet streamers, polar rays, very faint loops and radial-oriented thin streamers, a coronal
mass ejection, and a puzzling “curtain-like” object above the north pole). Comparing the observations from the
two sites enables us to detect some dynamic phenomena. The eclipse observations are further compared with a
hairy-ball model of the magnetic field and near-simultaneous images from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
on NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager on NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Relations
Observatory, the Sun Watcher, using Active Pixel System Detector and Image Processing on ESA’s PRoject
for Onboard Autonomy, and the Naval Research Laboratory’s Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph on
ESA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. The Ludendorff flattening coefficient is 0.156, matching the expected
ellipticity of coronal isophotes at 2 R" , for this rising phase of the solar-activity cycle.
Key words: eclipses – Sun: chromosphere – Sun: corona – Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs) – Sun: magnetic
topology – Sun: UV radiation
Online-only material: color figures
The Astrophysical Journal, 734:114 (10pp), 2011 June 20 Pasachoff et al.
Figure 2. Image of the 28.4 nm EUV corona. An arrow denotes the approximate
position of the coronal void. Unusually, it is cusp shaped, like a helmet streamer
and unlike most cavities. Perhaps most of this feature is on the far side of the
Sun. (Courtesy: ESA/NASA/SOHO/EIT)
(A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.)
The Astrophysical Journal, 734:114 (10pp), 2011 June 20 Pasachoff et al.
Figure 3. Spatial distributions of solar surface magnetic fields (upper left) and active regions seen in Fe xii at 193 Å, 1,600,000 K (upper right), and in He ii at 304 Å
(lower left) observed with NASA’s SDO (HMI for the magnetic field and AIA for the other images) at the time of the Easter Island eclipse. A large coronal hole
sweeps from the north pole to the south pole, where it meets a pronounced polar coronal hole. The active regions and associated systems of magnetic loops are
also discernible from PROBA2/SWAP corona observations (Figure 5(a)). A full set of AIA/SDO images from close to eclipse time is available in the supplemental
documents. (Courtesy: SDO/LMSAL/NASA.)
(A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.)
feature can be due to the presence of several irregularly spaced hole at lower latitude (see the hairy-ball plot). The equatorial
prominences associated with fans of loops at 242◦ , 253◦ , hole can be seen at disk center on July 5 in the AIA 193 Å image
308◦ , and 320◦ . A large, slow streamer blowout occurred here at the LMSAL Suntoday Web site.
earlier on eclipse day, and can be seen in a Large Angle and The bases of the helmet streamers exhibit coronal cavities
Spectrometric Coronagraph Experiment (LASCO) C2 running- located at P.A.s 32◦ and 144◦ , which are also easily discernible
difference movie; it explains the “opened-up appearance.” An from the pictures of the corona as imaged with the AIA on
apparently onion-like helmet streamer anchored at 298◦ –328◦ NASA’s SDO (AIA/SDO) and subsequently processed with the
and linked with two prominences at 308◦ and 328◦ also deserves equivalent of a radially graded filter (see Figures 5, 6, and 9).
attention. This feature is another pseudostreamer, separating the Another cavity is associated with the onion-like helmet streamer
negative-polarity north polar hole from a small negative-polarity at PA 320◦ .
The Astrophysical Journal, 734:114 (10pp), 2011 June 20 Pasachoff et al.
The Astrophysical Journal, 734:114 (10pp), 2011 June 20 Pasachoff et al.
Figure 5. (a) Composite of fifty 10 s SWAP images acquired during a 60-minute window surrounding the 18:50 UT eclipse observation, showing the full extent of the
corona as seen in SWAP’s 174 Å passband. The arrow points to the lower part of a CME that is also visible in the eclipse images. (b) PROBA2/SWAP composite image
of the corona, superimposed on WLC image of the Easter Island eclipse with 100% opacity (bottom left) and 60% opacity (bottom right), shows the photospheric
sources of several coronal features. (PROBA2/SWAP Consortium/Royal Observatory Belgium.)
(A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.)
as “CS” in Figure 1) at about 3.62 R" , while on the Easter Is- contains both a magnetogram image from the Helioseismic
land image, this intersection has moved to about 3.87 R" ; the and Magnetic Imager (HMI) and a 171 Å image from AIA
estimated radial speed is 36 km s−1 . Moreover, the ray’s cur- (both on SDO), shows the relatively quiet solar conditions
vature has changed. It might be supposed that it is one leg of during the eclipse. There is a relatively large active region
CME 2, which is indicated in Figure 7 (also observed with the in the eastern part of the northern hemisphere. Though this
Naval Research Laboratory’s (NRL) LASCO on ESA’s Solar active region was situated relatively far from the limb, some
and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO/LASCO)). of its magnetic loops nonetheless do extend above the limb
and are therefore visible in the white light (WL) eclipse
CORONAL PHENOMENA The coronal compound images from Tatakoto and Easter
Island can be understood in terms of the underlying magnetic
As this eclipse fell soon after the onset of cycle 24, the level field. In Figure 4, we compare one of our composite eclipse
of activity on the Sun was relatively low. Figure 3, which images with a computed plot of the coronal magnetic-field lines,
The Astrophysical Journal, 734:114 (10pp), 2011 June 20 Pasachoff et al.
(a) (b)
Figure 6. (a) AIA image from 18:47 UT, processed with a radial-filter equivalent to bring out the inner corona and (b) a similarly processed image from 20:11 UT.
with source surface (where the magnetic field is constrained to SWAP’s wider passband, with its 174 Å peak, is more sensitive
become radial) at heliocentric distance 2.5 R" , as Wang et al. to the Fe xx and Fe xxiv lines, though they appear only in flares
(2007) described for their similar work at an earlier eclipse. and were not expected to appear during the eclipse. Since AIA’s
All field lines that cross the source surface are defined to be passband is peaked at 171 Å, and its multilayer passband
“open,” with their footpoint areas representing coronal holes. also differs in width, it is therefore dominated by the Fe ix/x,
Their calculation used National Solar Observatory (NSO)/ which corresponds to ∼1 MK (Lemen et al. 2011). (A com-
Kitt Peak photospheric field maps for CR 2098; Mt. Wilson plete discussion of the differences among various instrument
Observatory and Wilcox Solar Observatory photospheric maps responses near 171 Å for EIT/SOHO, EUVI/STEREO, AIA/
gave very similar results. Such Carrington synoptic maps are SDO, and PROBA2/SWAP appears in Raftery et al. 2011.)
assembled from central meridian observations taken over the A smaller region of emerging magnetic flux is also present
given Carrington rotation (in this case CR 2098, which began in the southern hemisphere. It appears that a small eruption in
on June 16 and ended on July 13). The map thus includes this region may be responsible for the CME described above.
data taken both before and after eclipse day. This hairy- The bottom part of this CME is clearly visible in both of the
ball plot gives a general idea of the topology of the coronal corresponding SWAP images (see Figure 5), while many of the
field on July 11, showing the locations of coronal holes, surrounding structures—clearly visible in the WLC—do not
helmet streamers separating holes of opposite polarity, and appear in the SWAP images. This suggests that the density in
“pseudostreamers” (Wang et al. 2007) separating holes of the this structure is enhanced from that of the rest of the corona in
same polarity. this region. (Since the intensity of emission from plasma in the
We also compared our images of the WLC with EUV EUV scales as the density squared, density enhancements are
images obtained using the Sun Watcher with Active Pixels and more clearly seen in EUV images than in WL images, where
Image Processing (SWAP) on board the PROBA2 spacecraft intensity scales linearly with density.)
(Berghmans et al. 2006; De Groof et al. 2008; Seaton et al. It is also worth noting that the bright streamer in the north-
2011). SWAP images have a passband with a peak at 174 Å west of the WLC image appears to be a void in the temperature-
and contain the Fe ix/x emission lines that form near 1 million sensitive SWAP image. However, in AIA images in the 193 Å
degrees. In order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the passband, which corresponds to higher (∼1.5–2.0 MK) temper-
SWAP images at large distances above the solar surface, where ature plasma than what is seen in SWAP’s 174 Å passband, this
the EUV corona is very faint, we generated two composites same region appears to be full of bright plasma. Apparently,
of 50 ten-second images that were obtained during two 60 the streamer in the northwest is higher in temperature—and
minute windows surrounding the pair of ground-based eclipse therefore invisible in the cooler Fe ix and Fe x lines—than the
observations. The SWAP composite corresponding to the 18:50 other streamers in the WLC, all of which have counterparts in
UT eclipse observation is shown in Figure 5. In order to reduce the SWAP image. (The streamer looks similar in AIA’s 211 Å
the large dynamic range of the composite, the image has been passband, Fe xiv, not reproduced.) This streamer appears to be
treated with a radial filter to remove some of the overall falloff associated with an active region located near the northwest limb.
in intensity from the bright inner corona to more extended Images from STEREO-A show a series of brightenings in this
structures. region; this activity may be responsible for heating the overlying
The PROBA2/SWAP 174 Å passband includes mainly Fe x streamer.
with a large contribution from Fe ix, contrasting with the Processed AIA images from 171 Å (Fe ix, log T = 5.8) data,
AIA/SDO 171 Å passband, which has opposite emphases. in which a radial-filter-equivalent algorithm has been applied
The Astrophysical Journal, 734:114 (10pp), 2011 June 20 Pasachoff et al.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7. (a) Outer WLC as observed from Tatakoto with 200 mm, 500 mm, and 1624 mm telephoto lenses. The field of view corresponds to that of the 200 mm lens.
The arrow marks the second CME (image by Miloslav Druckmüller, Martin Dietzel, Shadia Habbal, and Vojtech Rušin). (b) The SOHO/LASCO WLC image from
the C2 coronagraph, with the white circle marking the size and location of the solar photosphere (courtesy of LASCO Consortium/NRL/NASA/ESA). (c) Cut-outs
of SOHO/LASCO images of the CME 2. Left: LASCO C2, which images from ∼2–6 R" ; right: LASCO C3, with ∼4 to ∼15–20 R" shown here; see Brueckner
et al. (1995), which calls the instrument “The Large Angle Spectroscopic Coronagraph;” one now usually sees “and Spectrometric” (,
courtesy of LASCO Consortium/NRL/NASA/ESA). (d) A full SOHO/LASCO C3 image from 21:42, illustrating the full range of the observed corona during the
time of the eclipse, with the CME at lower left (courtesy of LASCO Consortium/NRL/NASA/ESA).
(A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.)
so that the inner corona appears, are displayed in Figure 6. The the picture of the WLC taken by SOHO/LASCO closest to our
AIA field of view is slightly smaller than that of SWAP. ground-based observations (20:06 UT). In our processed image,
the WLC can be traced up to 8 R" ; this southwestern region was
6. COMPARISON OF THE WLC WITH dominated by the CME discussed above. Careful inspection of
SPACE-BORNE OBSERVATIONS both the figures indicates the presence of a second CME located
at a distance of about 5.8 R" on the SOHO/LASCO image and
An interesting comparison can be made between Figure 7(a), at about 4.66 R" on our image; the estimated velocity of this
our observations from Takakoto (18:48 UT), and Figure 7(b), second CME is thus about 160 km s−1 . This CME seems to
The Astrophysical Journal, 734:114 (10pp), 2011 June 20 Pasachoff et al.
Figure 9. Composite image with the AIA/SDO 171 Å image of the inner
corona (radial filter applied) and the nearly simultaneous eclipse composite
from Easter Island. Note the excellent agreement of the features as they
extend through the inner corona as seen with AIA, with emission especially
Figure 8. Composite image with EIT (17.1 nm) of WLC as taken by SOHO/ linked to helmet streamers, and the outer corona as imaged in the eclipse
LASCO C2 and Tatakoto (inner part between the EUV and WLC SOHO). composite. (Eclipse image from Jay M. Pasachoff/Muzhou Lu/Craig Malamut/
(Composite created by Zuzana Kaňuchová, Astronomical Institute, Slovak Hana Druckmüllerová; space image from Alexander Engell & Leon Golub,
Academy of Sciences.) AIA/SDO/LMSAL/SAO/NASA; composite created by Zuzana Kaňuchová,
(A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.) Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences.)
(A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.)
The Astrophysical Journal, 734:114 (10pp), 2011 June 20 Pasachoff et al.
total-eclipse observations for the foreseeable future in which corresponding time. As we discussed in Section 3, the hairy-ball
we have the current generation of solar spacecraft. Still, the plot (Figure 4) suggests that the curtain is merely the arcade of
availability of images from STEREO’s two spacecraft, Ahead tall, closed loops rooted in front of the north polar hole.
(A) and Behind (B; Figure 10), from approximately 90◦ around
Earth’s orbit, and from Earth-orbiting spacecraft like SDO, The work of V.R. and M.S. was partially supported by
should allow for three-dimensional calculations of the angles the VEGA grant agency project 2/0098/10 (Slovak Academy
traveled by CMEs (Mierla et al. 2008, 2010). of Sciences) and that of H.D. by grant 205/09/1469 of
The LASCO C2 movies in the CME catalog at the Czech Science Foundation. V.R. also cordially thanks clearly show the outermost Shadia Habbal for partial financial support, the ASTELCO
ejection as a narrow loop-like structure that is pinching off, simi- for providing the mount, and Heifara Lanteires for hospi-
lar to the streamer pinch-off events described in Sheeley & Wang tality during his stay at Tatakoto. J.M.P.’s eclipse research
(2007) and Wang & Sheeley (2006; see their Figures 1–3). The is supported in part by the Solar Terrestrial Program of the
loop-like structure above the southeast limb in our eclipse im- National Science Foundation through grant AGS-1047726; the
ages (Figure 1) may well be a helical flux rope with its axis 2010 expedition received additional support from the Brandi
perpendicular to the sky plane. The stretched streamer appears Fund and Science Center funds from Williams College. J.M.P.’s
to be undergoing a series of pinch-offs. solar research is also supported in part by grant NNX10AK47A
Finally, it is worth mentioning a static, extended “nebulous” from NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. C.M. was a Keck
object we called a “curtain.” As already mentioned, this “mys- Northeast Astronomy Consortium Summer Fellow, supported at
terious” object, brought out by computer enhancing its few- Williams College by the Research Experiences for Undergrad-
percent contrast, was first detected during the 2006 eclipse uates program of the National Science Foundation under grant
(Pasachoff et al. 2007) and is also present in all high-resolution AST-1005024. Partial support for this work was provided by the
images taken at both Tatakoto and Easter Island. From these U.S. Department of Defense’s Awards to Stimulate and Sup-
images, its intimate relation with the coronal hole observed port Undergraduate Research Education (ASSURE) program
above the north pole is quite obvious. Perhaps it is related to in collaboration with the National Science Foundation’s Re-
a prominence-cavity eruption occurring on the backside of the search Experiences for Undergraduates program. For the Easter
Sun; the curtain may therefore be post-reconnection. An erup- Island expedition, we thank Jonathan Kern of the Carnegie
tion was seen from STEREO B in this area at approximately the Observatories, Nikon Professional Services, Williams College’s
The Astrophysical Journal, 734:114 (10pp), 2011 June 20 Pasachoff et al.
Equipment Loan Office/James Lillie, and the Photographic Habbal, S. R., et al. 2010b, ApJ, 708, 1650
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Structure and Dynamics, ed. R. C. Altrock (Sunspot, NM: NSO/Sacramento
equipment. For the Tatakoto expedition, we thank ASTELCO Peak), 208
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ences Department of the California Institute of Technology for 2008, A&A, 483, 599
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tial de Liège and the Royal Observatory of Belgium funded by 2006, Sol. Phys., 238, 261
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