Bate 2022 ApJ 930 129
Bate 2022 ApJ 930 129
Bate 2022 ApJ 930 129
© 2022. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society.
Using high-cadence observations from the Hydrogen-alpha Rapid Dynamics camera imaging system on the Dunn
Solar Telescope, we present an investigation of the statistical properties of transverse oscillations in spicules
captured above the solar limb. At five equally separated atmospheric heights, spanning approximately 4900–7500
km, we have detected a total of 15,959 individual wave events, with a mean displacement amplitude of
151 ± 124 km, a mean period of 54 ± 45 s, and a mean projected velocity amplitude of 21 ± 13 km s−1. We find
that both the displacement and velocity amplitudes increase with height above the solar limb, ranging from
132 ± 111 km and 17.7 ± 10.6 km s−1 at ≈4900 km, and 168 ± 125 km and 26.3 ± 14.1 km s−1 at ≈7500 km,
respectively. Following the examination of neighboring oscillations in time and space, we find 45% of the waves to
be upwardly propagating, 49% to be downwardly propagating, and 6% to be standing, with mean absolute phase
velocities for the propagating waves on the order of 75–150 km s−1. While the energy flux of the waves
propagating downwards does not appear to depend on height, we find the energy flux of the upwardly propagating
waves decreases with atmospheric height at a rate of −13,200 ± 6500 W m−2/Mm. As a result, this decrease in
energy flux as the waves propagate upwards may provide significant thermal input into the local plasma.
Unified Astronomy Thesaurus concepts: Solar spicules (1525); Solar oscillations (1515); Solar chromosphere
(1479); Solar atmosphere (1477)
The Astrophysical Journal, 930:129 (11pp), 2022 May 10 Bate et al.
period is less than its lifetime, resulting in longer period waves significant amount of wave energy may be unaccounted for
not being considered. (Verth & Jess 2016). Another aspect contributing to the
Finding the energy flux of spicule oscillations is an underestimation of the total energy flux may be the presence of
important step in investigating their contribution to the heating kink motions along the observer’s line of sight, which will not
of the chromosphere and corona. It is estimated that an energy manifest as visible transverse oscillations. Examples of this
flux of 103–104 W m−2 is required to heat the chromosphere. have been documented by Sharma et al. (2018) and Shetye
The energy required to heat the corona is around an order of et al. (2021), who measured helical motions of spicules through
magnitude less than that required to heat the chromosphere Doppler measurements (see also the modeling work by
(Withbroe & Noyes 1977). This suggests that accounting for Zaqarashvili & Skhirtladze 2008). If these line-of-sight motions
chromospheric heating is a challenge of equal or greater are not taken into account when calculating the energy flux, it
magnitude than for coronal heating when investigating solar may result in an underestimation of the true value.
atmospheric heating mechanisms. The aim of the current study is to identify the properties of
Energy flux estimations are based on the interpretation of spicule oscillations across a statistically significant sample that
these transverse oscillations as MHD wave modes. De Pontieu is extracted from different chromospheric heights. With
et al. (2007b) interpreted the transverse oscillations of spicules oscillation characteristics measured across a range of atmo-
as bulk Alfvén waves and assumed a filling factor of unity. spheric layers, we calculate the energy flux carried by these
Using this interpretation, an energy flux estimate of 4000– waves as a function of geometric height. To achieve this
7000 W m−2 was suggested. However, this bulk Alfvén objective, we utilize ground-based instrumentation with high
interpretation has attracted criticism, with Erdélyi & Fedun spatial and temporal resolutions, providing unprecedented data
(2007) and Van Doorsselaere et al. (2008) pointing out that products that are ideally suited for this study.
Alfvén waves do not result in the bulk transverse motions
observed, and instead proposing that these transverse oscilla- 2. Observations
tions are best interpreted as kink modes. The filling factor, a
measure of what fraction of the total volume is occupied by Our analysis employs data collected on 2015 July 27 from
oscillating spicules, is another extremely important considera- 13:52–15:29 UT using the Dunn Solar Telescope (DST;
tion for energy flux calculations (Van Doorsselaere et al. 2014). Dunn 1969) at the National Solar Observatory in New Mexico,
An equivalent interpretation, assuming that spicules have an USA. The Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA;
Jess et al. 2010a) and Hydrogen-alpha Rapid Dynamics camera
approximately constant width across varying heights, would be
(HARDcam; Jess et al. 2012a) imaging systems were used to
the ratio of the area of the solar surface covered by spicules to
observe a large sunspot, which was part of NOAA AR12391,
the total solar surface area.
close to the solar limb at N07.8E73.6 in the conventional
Makita (2003) found a spicule filling factor of 5% at a height
heliographic coordinate system. Seeing conditions remained
of 4000 km using Ca II H and K line observations taken during
excellent throughout the first hour of the observing period,
a solar eclipse. This suggests that a filling factor of 0.05 is more
gradually worsening toward the latter stages of the observing
appropriate than unity. Using the revised interpretations of the window.
most realistic MHD mode and associated filling factor, Van HARDcam observations employed a narrow (0.25 Å FWHM)
Doorsselaere et al. (2014) found that the energy flux estimates bandpass filter centered on the Hα line core (6562.8 Å), while
by De Pontieu et al. (2007b) were reduced from 4000– the ROSA camera system observed the same region through
7000 W m−2 to 200–700 W m−2, a difference exceeding one G-band (10 Å FWHM centered at 4305 Å) and broadband
order of magnitude. Furthermore, Morton et al. (2012) used 4170 Å continuum filters. The HARDcam data have a pixel
high-resolution Hα observations taken by the Dunn Solar size of 0 092 (66.5 km), providing a 180″ × 180″ field of view,
Telescope to find a similar upper limit for the filling factor while the ROSA system was slightly undersampled (0 180 per
(4%–5%) for open chromospheric structures that connected to pixel) to provide an identical field-of-view size to that of the
higher layers of the solar atmosphere. By interpreting the HARDcam observations. To correct for wave-front deformations
transverse oscillations of fibrils as kink modes, the authors in real time, higher order adaptive optics (AO) were used during
estimated the energy flux as 170 ± 110 W m−2, similar to that the observations (Rimmele 2004; Rimmele & Marino 2011).
derived by Van Doorsselaere et al. (2014). However, in Original data from both ROSA and HARDcam were taken at a
addition to the 4%–5% filling factors commonly used in frame rate of 30.3 s−1, with the images synchronized by way of a
modern literature, lower estimates have also been put forward, master trigger with microsecond precision (Jess et al. 2010a).
with Beckers (1972) suggesting a filling factor of 0.6%. As a The resulting HARDcam Hα images were then improved using
result, it is generally believed that the spicule filling factor speckle reconstruction algorithms (Wöger et al. 2008), utilizing a
spans an approximate order of magnitude (ranging between 30 → 1 restoration, resulting in a final reconstructed cadence of
≈0.5% and 5%), with differing values being applicable 0.990 s.
depending on factors such as the atmospheric height sampled ROSA continuum observations were coaligned using cross-
and the degree of solar activity (i.e., it is not a quantity that can correlation techniques (see, e.g., Jess et al. 2010b) with
be applied universally across all observations). The influence of contemporaneous continuum images from the Helioseismic and
the chosen filling factor on energy flux calculations is discussed Magnetic Imager (HMI; Schou et al. 2012) on board the Solar
further in Section 3. Dynamics Observatory (SDO; Pesnell et al. 2012), providing
An important caveat when interpreting these energy flux subarcsecond pointing accuracy for the field of view covered
estimates is that they are only based on resolved transverse by the DST. Following this, the HARDcam field was aligned
oscillations. Waves with amplitudes too small to be spatially with the master ROSA images using sequences of targets
resolved or periods too short to be temporally resolved are not acquired during the calibration procedures at the DST, resulting
included in these estimations, leaving the possibility that a in Hα observations that have precise pointing metadata that is
The Astrophysical Journal, 930:129 (11pp), 2022 May 10 Bate et al.
Figure 1. Contextual SDO/HMI continuum (left), ROSA G-band (middle), and Hα line core (right) images acquired at 13:59:09 UT. The area imaged by ROSA and
HARDcam is marked by the red square in the full disk SDO/HMI continuum image. Numerous spicules are clearly visible above the solar limb as narrow, straw-like
structures in the corresponding Hα image.
consistent with modern space-based observatories. Contextual production of gamma-transformed images with a γ value of 3.2
images from SDO/HMI, ROSA, and HARDcam, following the (Poynton 2003).
processing steps outlined above, are shown in Figure 1. Five slits were placed at equally spaced, constant radial
heights above the limb, spanning approximately 4900 km to
7500 km in steps of ≈650 km. These slits were curved in
3. Analysis and Discussion nature in order to maintain a constant radial height above the
limb, and the highest and lowest slits are shown by the white
During the course of the observations, the DST’s AO system
lines in Figure 2. When taking this approach, it is important to
was locked onto the high-contrast sunspot structure that was
note that superposition along the line of sight of spicules
very close to the limb. As a result, limb spicules close to the
central portion of the field of view were accurately corrected anchored behind the limb, in front of the limb, and on the limb
from atmospheric seeing effects by the AO. Hence, the current is unavoidable. As a result of the slit heights being based on a
HARDcam Hα data set offers an unprecedented opportunity to geometric distance above the limb, this will result in the
examine limb spicules at extremely high time cadence (0.990 s) foreground/background spicules being sampled further along
and spatial resolution (133 km two-pixel resolution). their lengths than those precisely located on the limb. We have
A subfield, spanning approximately 70 Mm along the central carefully selected the minimum and maximum heights of the
portion of the field of view, where the AO corrections were slits to be in the range of 4890–7500 km (see Figure 2), which
operating optimally, was isolated for further study. As the DST is toward the upper end of the “dense forest” of spicules, hence
was tracking the sunspot contained within the field of view, minimizing the degree of feature superposition. Due to the
over time the pixel coordinates corresponding to the limb (minimized) spicule superposition affecting each of the slits in
position change as a result of the sunspot rotating onto the disk. a similar way, and considering the large numbers of spicules
The image sequence was hence stabilized with respect to the observed at each height, comparisons between wave properties
limb, which was achieved by first choosing a reference frame taken with different slits will still be valid. However, it is still
toward the beginning of the data set. Next, a small area of the important to consider this effect when examining wave
limb image with high contrast was selected, with subsequent properties taken from a single slit in isolation, since the chosen
images compared and shifted using two-dimensional cross- slit height will be a minimum value of the distance sampled
correlation techniques. Pixel shift values that produced the along the spicule due to these geometric considerations. Time–
highest cross-correlation coefficients were selected and applied distance diagrams were then produced from each of the slits,
to each image in the time series iteratively. The resulting with an example shown in Figure 3.
shifted images lead to the limb remaining stationary at the same The Automatic Northumbria University Wave Tracking
pixel location throughout the data set, providing a robust (Auto-NUWT; Morton et al. 2013; Weberg et al. 2018) code
baseline from which to examine spicule oscillations above the was utilized in order to identify the location of the spicules as a
fixed limb. function of time, track their transverse motion, and extract the
Multiscale Gaussian Normalization (MGN; Morgan & properties of their oscillations. Features are identified by fitting
Druckmüller 2014) was applied to each image in the data set a sum of Gaussian curves to each time slice in the time–
in order to more easily identify each spicule and its associated distance diagrams, enabling the determination of subpixel
motion. It must be noted that MGN does not preserve values for the location of the center of the feature. The
photometric accuracy. However, this is not an issue when transverse oscillatory behavior of these features is probed
mapping the transverse oscillations of features since we are not through the application of Fourier analysis to the position of the
concerned with comparisons of relative intensities. For the center of the feature as a function of time.
application of MGN, we employed the convolution of At each of the five heights considered, over 3000 spicule
HARDcam images with Gaussian kernels with one-sigma features are detected in the time–distance diagrams. Employing
widths of w = 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 pixels, followed by the Fourier analysis, the properties of the waves present in the
The Astrophysical Journal, 930:129 (11pp), 2022 May 10 Bate et al.
Table 1
Mean wave Properties and their Standard Deviations at Each Sampled Height
The Astrophysical Journal, 930:129 (11pp), 2022 May 10 Bate et al.
The Astrophysical Journal, 930:129 (11pp), 2022 May 10 Bate et al.
The Astrophysical Journal, 930:129 (11pp), 2022 May 10 Bate et al.
Table 2
Mean Phase Velocities for Each Set of Adjacent Heights that are Defined in
Table 1
The Astrophysical Journal, 930:129 (11pp), 2022 May 10 Bate et al.
energy flux,
F » f r i v 2vph. (4 )
Taking the upper limit of the spicule density filling factor as
5% (Morton et al. 2012) allowed the energy fluxes to be
calculated for each adjacent set of heights, which are displayed
individually for all propagating waves (top panel) alongside
upwardly (middle) and downwardly (bottom) propagating
waves in Figure 9. For all waves examined, it can clearly be
seen that there is a decrease in energy flux with height,
indicated using solid black data points in the upper panel of
Figure 9. A linear line of best fit is presented using a dashed
black line in the upper panel of Figure 9, with a gradient of
−12,600 W m−2/Mm. However, an exponential fit would
perhaps be more appropriate, since the main factor for the
energy flux decrease is expected to be density stratification,
which is typically represented by a decaying exponential profile
with height (e.g., Verth et al. 2011). Due to the relatively small
number of data points under consideration, a linear fit has been
chosen for simplicity. Regardless of the fitting function
employed, the important message is that the energy flux of
the propagating transverse waves clearly decreases with
atmospheric height, hinting at some sort of damping and/or
dissipation process.
It is important to consider the effect of using a filling factor
of 5%. This means that Equation (4) estimates the energy flux
under the assumption that the waves are omnipresent, i.e., does
not take into account the sporadic nature of the observed wave
motion. In addition, as the waves are not seen to exist in all
spicules, the actual filling factor, f, should be reduced to
account for this effect. Thus, the estimation based on
Equation (4) gives us the upper limit of the energy flux in
the waves. However, as the filling factor is a multiplicative
term, this only affects the magnitude of any energy flux
estimations. The trends in energy flux examined with respect to
Figure 9. Energy flux estimations as a function of atmospheric height for all height are independent of any adjustment to the filling factor.
propagating waves (upper panel), upwardly propagating waves (middle
panel), and downwardly propagating waves (lower panel). The total energy For example, using the relatively low filling factor of 0.6%
flux provided by short/long-period waves is shown in black, while the suggested by Beckers (1972) will simply lower all energy flux
energy fluxes for short- (<50 s) and long-period (>50 s) waves are shown in and rate of change of flux values by a linear factor of 0.12 when
red and blue, respectively. The energy fluxes provided by the full set of compared to those values calculated with a filling factor of 5%.
waves (including upwardly and downwardly propagating) and for all
upwardly propagating waves are depicted, using a linear line of best fit, as a
The values presented in the text and within Figure 9 utilize a
dashed black line in the upper and middle panels, with gradients equal to filling factor of 5%, unless stated otherwise, and should
−12,600 W m−2/Mm and −13,200 W m−2/Mm, respectively. therefore be taken as upper limits.
For all upwardly propagating waves, we observe the energy
The energy flux, F, from transverse waves in a multiple flux flux to decrease as a function of height at a rate of
tube system can be calculated as, −13,200 ± 6500 W m−2/Mm, which is indicated in the middle
panel of Figure 9 using a dashed black line derived from a
1 linear least-squares fit. For completeness, it is estimated that
F » f (r i + re) v 2vgr , (3 ) energy fluxes in the range of 103–104 W m−2 are required to
heat the chromosphere (Withbroe & Noyes 1977). Hence, the
where f is the density filling factor, ρi is the density inside the total energy flux, in addition to the measured rate of energy flux
flux tube filled in by the spicule, ρe is the density outside the decay with height, are on the same order as the total energy
input required to provide basal heating to the solar chromo-
spicule, v is the velocity amplitude, and vgr is the group speed
sphere. Even considering the relatively low filling factor of
(Van Doorsselaere et al. 2014). For propagating kink waves, 0.6%, as suggested by Beckers (1972), the rate of energy flux
the group velocity can be approximated by the phase speed, decrease would be −1580 ± 780 W m−2/Mm, still within the
vph, as they are only weakly dispersive (Terradas et al. 2010; range that is needed to balance the radiative losses of the
Nakariakov et al. 2021). The internal density for spicules can chromosphere. By contrast, the energy flux for all of the waves
be assumed to be much larger than the external density, i.e., propagating downwards does not appear to depend on the
ρi ? ρe (Uchida 1961), providing a simplified equation for the height sampled (black data points in the lower panel of
The Astrophysical Journal, 930:129 (11pp), 2022 May 10 Bate et al.
Figure 9), with the energy flux estimates remaining consistent velocities and velocity amplitudes decrease with height (Soler
(∼ 4 × 104 W m−2) across the height range of approximately et al. 2011).
7500 → 4900 km above the solar limb. The similarity in the It has been proposed that, in order to supply the quasi-steady
rate of energy flux drop off in height is consistent between the effects needed to heat the solar atmosphere, the dissipation of
full set of waves (upper panel of Figure 9) and the upwardly short-period waves is of paramount importance (Hasan et al.
propagating ones (middle panel of Figure 9). This is to be 2005; Hasan & Van Ballegooijen 2008; Van Ballegooijen et al.
expected, since the downward energy flux remains approxi- 2011). The energy flux carried by both short-period (<50 s)
mately constant with atmospheric height. and long-period ( 50 s) waves between each set of adjacent
The decrease in upward energy flux with atmospheric height heights is shown in Figure 9 using red and blue data points,
may be due to at least three different factors: (1) physical respectively. In order to calculate the associated energy flux for
thermalization of wave energy into localized heat via the propagating wave modes, new filling factors were
dissipation mechanisms (e.g., Hollweg 1986; He et al. 2009; calculated by combining the previously used spicule density
Antolin et al. 2015, 2018; Okamoto et al. 2015, to name but a filling factor (5%; Morton et al. 2012) with the fraction of
few examples), (2) damping of detectable transverse waves waves that were found to fall into each relevant category (i.e.,
through the process of mode conversion, where kink mode <50 s or 50 s). The new filling factors were approximately
amplitudes decay as a result of the transfer of energy from 2.5%, which is a result of the 50 s boundary being very close to
transverse kink oscillations to azimuthal Alfvén motions the average period found at each height (see Table 1).
(Pascoe et al. 2010, 2012, 2013), and/or (3) reflection of the It can be seen from Figure 9 that the energy flux of the short-
waves downward at varying heights above the solar limb period waves is greater than that of the long-period waves for
(Hollweg et al. 1982; Suzuki & Inutsuka 2005). Tentative the full set of propagating waves (upper panel), and both the
observational evidence has shown that torsional Alfvén and upwardly propagating (middle panel) and downwardly propa-
kink waves may exist concurrently in spicules, providing gating (lower panel) waves. For the full set of propagating
credence for the applicability of mode conversion processes waves and the upwardly propagating waves, both the short- and
(De Pontieu et al. 2012). Previous modeling work by Sterling long-period waves show a similar energy flux decrease with
& Hollweg (1984) has shown that Alfvén waves within height as that for the total energy flux values. The energy flux
spicules can produce high-frequency signatures, including of both the short- and long-period downwardly propagating
periodicities of 112, 37, and 22 s for the fundamental, first, waves show a similar lack of dependence on atmospheric
and second harmonic resonant periods, respectively, which are height, which is consistent with the total energy flux
measurements. This suggests that both short- and long-period
similar to the periodicities found in our current work.
upwardly propagating waves have the potential to heat the solar
Employing simultaneous plane-of-sky imaging and line-of-
atmosphere, although the short-period waves have a larger
sight Doppler measurements will allow more precise defini-
energy flux across all heights, giving them a greater potential
tions of the embedded spicule wave modes, which will allow
capacity for heating.
the high-frequency Alfvén modes to be examined and
compared to the models put forward by Sterling &
Hollweg (1984). 4. Conclusions
In order to establish whether the wave energy is dissipated The results presented here represent a sizable increase in the
in the form of localized heating, measurements of thermal statistical population of examined transverse spicule oscilla-
processes in the vicinity of these spicules are necessary. This tions. Our use of data with a time cadence of ∼1 s also allowed
may be achieved using differential emission measures of for the identification of high-frequency waves, similar to those
optically thin coronal EUV observations directly above found by Okamoto & De Pontieu (2011), with periods as short
the spicules (McIntosh 2012; Vanninathan et al. 2012). as 10–20 s, only now with a significant increase in the
An alternative approach would be to use the Atacama examined population size. Observations with even higher
Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA; Wootten & spatial and temporal resolutions may allow for the detection of
Thompson 2009; Wedemeyer et al. 2016) to find the even shorter period and smaller-scale oscillations, and further
temperature of the spicules and the surrounding plasma extend the statistical distributions (see, e.g., Figure 4) down to
(Chintzoglou et al. 2021; Jafarzadeh et al. 2021; Henriques even smaller values.
et al. 2022). Importantly, the timing information related to the We examined the wave properties of spicule oscillations
decay of the spicule oscillations would need to be harnessed across multiple atmospheric heights, which facilitated the
to provide both spatial and temporal information to examine calculation of associated phase speeds, hence allowing us to
localized temperature fluctuations that may be a result of categorize the waves as either being upwardly/downwardly
thermalization mechanisms. While this is beyond the scope of propagating or standing. Almost an equal balance was found
the present work, it will form the basis of a follow-up study between upwardly (45%) and downwardly (49%) propagating
over the coming months. waves, in contrast to the earlier study by Okamoto & De
The downwardly propagating waves maintain an approxi- Pontieu (2011), who found that upwardly propagating waves
mately constant energy flux through a reduction in both were dominant in their time series. However, the observations
velocity amplitude and phase velocity as they travel down the presented here are in close proximity to the solar active region
spicule, visible in Figures 6 and 8, respectively. It is likely that NOAA AR12391 and may therefore have distinctly different
this is due to the wave interacting with the denser plasma at properties from the coronal hole observations examined by
lower heights above the solar limb, resulting in a slower Alfvén Okamoto & De Pontieu (2011).
speed in these regions (Okamoto & De Pontieu 2011). This is Directional information for the spicule waves allowed the
not unexpected, as the theoretical modeling of propagating kink calculation of their associated energy flux as a function of
waves in longitudinally stratified waveguides found that phase upwardly and downwardly propagating waves across a number
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