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Category Text of Hadith Sources Reasoning

1st. Disputes between ‫_ َح َّد َثَنا َحُمَّم ُد ْبُن الَّص َّباِح‬1 1. It was included by 1. Although ʿĀṣim can
stories from Zirr b. al-Nasa’i in the be trusted in the
Hubaisy or from Abu ‫َأْنَبَأَن ا َأُبو َبْك ِر ْبُن َعَّي اٍش َعْن‬ Book of Prayer: hadiths, he is
Wael ‫ِد الَّل ِه‬ ‫ِص‬ Chapter on disputed in narrating
‫َعا ٍم َعْن ِز ٍّر َعْن َعْب‬ Praying with from Zirr or Abi
‫ْبِن َمْس ُعوٍد َق اَل َق اَل َرُس وُل‬ Unjust Imams,1 Wael.
Ibn Majah,2 And 2. Al-Mizzi said: that
‫ِه َّل‬ ‫َّل ِه َّل َّل‬
‫ال َص ى ال ُه َعَلْي َو َس َم‬ others via ʿĀṣim ʿĀṣim used to argue
on the authority of about him in the
‫َلَعَّلُك ْم َس ُتْد ِر ُك وَن َأْقَو اًم ا‬ Zirr. hadith narrated by
‫ُيَص ُّلوَن الَّص اَل َة ِلَغِرْي َو ْقِتَه ا‬ 2. Al-Tabarani Zirr or Abu Wael.
included it in his 3. Ya'qub b. Sufyan
‫َف ِإْن َأْد ْك ُت وُه ْم َفَص ُّلوا يِف‬ al-Mu’jam al- said: There is
‫َر ُم‬
‫ُبُيوِتُك ْم ِلْلَو ْق اَّل ي َتْع ِر ُفوَن‬
‫ِذ‬ ‫ِت‬ Kabeer,3 on the confusion (mudtarib)
authority of in the hadith.
‫َّمُث َص ُّلوا َمَعُه ْم َو اْجَعُلوَه ا‬ ʿĀṣim, on the 4. Hammad b. Salamah
authority of said that ʿĀṣim used
.‫ُسْبَح ًة‬ Shaqiq (he is Abu to narrate the hadith
Wael), and the in the morning
wording is the through the
same. narrations of Zirr,
‫_ َح َّد َثَنا َح َّج اٌج َح َّد َثَنا‬2 1. It was included by but in the afternoon,
Ahmed b. Hanbal he switches to the
‫َش ِر يٌك َعْن َعاِص ٍم َعْن َأِبي‬ in al-Musnad,4 and narrations of Abi
al-Tabarani in al- Wael.
‫َو اِئ ٍل َعْن َعْب ِد الَّل ِه َق اَل َر َأى‬ Kabeer,5 and in al-
‫وُل الَّل ِه َّلى الَّل َل ِه‬ Tafsir (27/29) via
‫ُه َع ْي‬ ‫َص‬ ‫َرُس‬ ʿĀṣim on the
‫ِه‬‫ِت‬ ‫يِف‬ ‫ِرْب‬ ‫ِج‬ ‫َّل‬
‫َو َس َم يَل ُص وَر َو َل ُه‬ authority of Abi
‫ِس ُّت ِم اَئ ِة َج َن اٍح ُك ُّل َج َن اٍح‬ 2. Al-Bukhari and
‫ِم ْنَه ا َق ْد َس َّد اُأْلُف َق َيْس ُقُط‬ Muslim included it
on the authority of
‫ِم ْن َج َناِح ِه ِم ْن الَّتَه اِو يِل‬ Zirr without a
‫ال ُّد ِّر اْل اُقوِت ا الَّل ِب ِه‬ chain of
‫َم ُه‬ ‫َو َي‬ ‫َو‬ transmission from
.‫َع يٌم‬ ʿĀṣim.6
‫_ وَح َّد َثيِن َعْم ُر و ْبُن َع ٍّي‬3
1. Al-Bukhari

Abu Abdurrahman Ahmad bin Ali al-Nasa>’i, Sunan Al-Nasa>’i, ed. Raid bin Shobri (Mesir: Muassasah
al-Risalah, 1994), 2/75.
Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Yazid al-Qazwini Ibnu Majah, Sunan Ibnu Ma>jah, ed. Muhammad Fuad
Abdu al-Baqi, Bab Khuru>j Al-Mahdi (Cairo: Dar Ihya al-Kutub al-Arabiyah, n.d.), No. 1255.
Sulaiman bin Ah}mad bin Ayyu>b al-Sya>mi al-T}abra>ni>, Mu’jam al-Kabi>r, ed. Abdul Majid Hamdi
(Maktabah Ibn Taimiyyah, 2003), 9/345. No. 9495.
Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Syaiba>ni Ibnu H}anbal, Al-Musnad al-Ima>m Ah}mad Bin
H}anbal, ed. Syu’aib al-Arna’u>te (Beirut: Mu’assasah al-Risa>lah, 2001), 395.
al-T}abra>ni>, Mu’jam al-Kabi>r, 10/235. No. 10423.
Ah}mad bin Ali bin Muh}ammad bin Ah}mad bin H}ajar al-‘Asqala>ni, Fath}u Al-Ba>ri> Syarh
S}ah}i>h} al-Bukha>ri>, ed. M.Fuad Abdul Baqi, vol. 8 (Beirut: Dar al-Ma’rifah, 1379), 495; Yahya bin
Syaraf Muhyiddin Abu Zakariya al-Nawawi, Al-Minha>j Syarh S}ah}i>h} Muslim, vol. 3 (Cordoba:
Muasasa Qurtubah, 1994), 423.
No. Category Text of Hadith Sources Reasoning
‫َح َّد َثَنا َحُمَّم ُد ْبُن َج ْع َف ٍر َح َّد َثَنا‬ included it in al-
Riqaq,7 and
‫ِغ ِة ِمَس‬
‫ُش ْع َبُة َعْن اْلُم َري َقاَل ْعُت‬ Muslim in al-
‫ِد َّل ِه ِض‬ Fadael8 The way
‫َأَبا َو ا َعْن َعْب ال َر َي‬ of al-A'mash on
‫الَّل ُه َعْن ُه َعْن الَّنِّيِب َص َّلى الَّل ُه‬
the authority of
Abi Wael, and al-
‫َعَلْي َو َس َّلَم َق اَل َأَن ا َفَر ُطُك ْم‬ Bukhari
‫َعَلى اَحْلْو ِض َو َلُيْر َفَعَّن َم ِعي‬
commented from
the way of ʿĀṣim
‫ِر َج اٌل ِم ْنُك ْم َّمُث َلُيْخ َتَلُج َّن‬ on the authority of
Abi Wael.
‫ُدويِن َف َأُقوُل َي ا َر ِّب َأْص َح ايِب‬ 2. Al-Khatib
included it in the
‫َفُيَق اُل ِإَّن َك اَل َت ْد ِر ي َم ا‬ history of Baghdad
‫َأْح َد ُثوا َبْع َد َك َتاَبَع ُه َعا ٌم‬
via ʿĀṣim on the
authority of Zirr.9
. ‫َعْن َأِبي َو اِئٍل‬
‫َّم ِد‬
‫_ َح َّد َثَنا َأَمْحُد ْبُن َحُم‬1
2nd Narrated from people Ibn Majah included it Abu al-Muhallab
who are considered in al-Sunan said: (Muttrah b. Yazid) is
weak and stupid ، ‫ْبِن ْحَيىَي ْبِن َس ِعيٍد اْلَق َّط اُن‬ Ahmad b. b. weak, so the hadith is
، ‫َح َّد َثَنا َه اِش ُم ْبُن اْلَق اِس ِم‬
Muhammad b. Yahya weak.
b. Saeed al-Qattan told Ibn Ma'in said about
، ‫َح َّد َثَنا َأُب و َج ْع َف ٍر ال َّر اِز ُّي‬ us Hashim b. al- him, "he is nothing."
Qʿaṣim narrated to us, Abu Zur'ah said, "his
‫ َعْن َأِبي‬، ‫ٍم‬ ‫َع َعاِص‬
‫ْن‬ Abu Jaafar al-Razi hadith is weak," Abu
‫ِد الَّل ِه‬ narrated to us, on the Hatim said, "he is not
‫ َعْن ُعَبْي‬، ‫اْلُم َه َّلِب‬ authority of ʿĀṣim, on strong, his hadith is
‫ َق اَل‬،‫ َعْن َأيِب ُأَم اَم َة‬، ‫اِإل ْفِر يِق ِّي‬ the authority of Abu weak," al-Nasa'i said,
al-Muhallab, on the "he is weak," Murrah
‫َنَه ى َرُس وُل الَّل ِه ـ صلى اهلل‬ authority of said, "he is nothing,"
Ubaidullah al-Afriqi, Ibn Ady said, "the
‫عليه وسلم ـ َعْن َبْي ِع‬ on the authority of Abi weakness on his hadith
‫ِش ِئ‬ ‫ِت‬
‫اْلُم َغِّنَيا َو َعْن َر ا ِه َّن َو َعْن‬
Umama.10 is clear," and al-
Bukhari said, "the
. ‫َك ْس ِبِه َّن َو َعْن َأْك ِل َأَمْثاِهِنَّن‬ hadith is rejected."

3rd Classified as mursal ‫_ َّد َنا َعَّف اُن َق اَل َّد َنا‬1 1. It was included by This is an
‫َح َث‬ ‫َح َث‬
. hadith Imam Ahmad via uninterrupted chain
‫َس اَّل ٌم َأُب و اْلُم ْن ِذ ِر َعْن َعاِص ِم ْبِن‬ ʿĀṣim, on the (Munqathi’)
‫َبْهَد َل َة َعْن َأِبي َو اِئ ٍل َعِن‬ authority of Abi transmission because
‫ِث‬ Wael, on the ʿĀṣim did not meet al-
‫اْلَح اِر ْبِن َح َّس اَن َق اَل َم َر ْر ُت‬ authority of al- Harith.
‫ِبَعُج وٍز ِبالَّر َبَذ ِة ُمْنَق ِط ٌع َهِبا ِم ْن َبيِن‬ Harith b. Hassan.11
al-‘Asqala>ni, Fath}u Al-Ba>ri> Syarh S}ah}i>h} al-Bukha>ri>, 8:148.
Muslim bin al-H}aja>j Abu al-H}asan al-Qusyairi al-Nisa>buri Muslim, Al-Musnad al-S}ahi>h al-
Mukhtas}ar, S}ah}ih Imam Muslim, vol. 3, Bab Al-Ima>rah (Beirut: Dar Ih}ya> al-Turats al-‘Arabi, n.d.),
al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Ta>ri>kh Madi>natu Al-Sala>m, ed. Basya>r ‘Iw>d Ma’ruf, vol. 4 (Dar al-Gharb
al-Islami, 2001), 398.
Ibnu Majah, Sunan Ibnu Ma>jah, No. 2168.
Ibnu H}anbal, Al-Musnad al-Ima>m Ah}mad Bin H}anbal, 481.
‫‪No.‬‬ ‫‪Category‬‬ ‫‪Text of Hadith‬‬ ‫‪Sources‬‬ ‫‪Reasoning‬‬
‫‪ِ 2. Al-Tirmidhi‬مَتيٍم َق اَل َفَق اَلْت َأْيَن ُتِر يُد وَن َق اَل‬
‫ِه‬ ‫‪included it on the‬‬
‫َفُقْلُت ُنِريُد َرُس وَل الَّل َص َّلى الَّل ُه‬ ‫‪authority‬‬ ‫‪of‬‬
‫ُك‬ ‫يِن‬‫و‬ ‫ُل‬ ‫َل ِه َّل َق اَلْت َف اِمْح‬ ‫‪ʿĀṣim,‬‬ ‫‪on‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬
‫َمَع ْم‬ ‫َع ْي َو َس َم‬
‫ِه‬ ‫‪authority of Abi‬‬
‫َف ِإَّن يِل ِإَلْي َح َج ًة َق َفُق ُت‬
‫ْل‬ ‫َل‬‫ا‬ ‫ا‬
‫‪Wael,‬‬ ‫‪on‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬
‫َفَد َخ ْلُت اْلَمْس ِج َد َف ِإَذا ُه َو َغ اٌّص‬ ‫‪authority of a man‬‬
‫ِبالَّن اِس َو ِإَذا َر اَي ٌة َس ْو َداُء ْخَت ُق‬
‫‪from Rabia, and‬‬
‫‪through‬‬ ‫‪another‬‬
‫َفُقْلُت َم ا َش ْأُن الَّن اِس اْلَيْو َم َق اُلوا‬ ‫‪route,‬‬ ‫‪on‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬
‫َذ ا وُل الَّل ِه َّلى الَّل َل ِه‬ ‫‪authority‬‬ ‫‪of‬‬ ‫‪al-‬‬
‫ُه َع ْي‬ ‫َص‬ ‫َه َرُس‬ ‫‪12‬‬
‫‪َ 3. Ibn‬و َس َّلَم ُيِر يُد َأْن َيْبَعَث َعْم َر و ْبَن‬ ‫‪Majah‬‬
‫اْلَع اِص َو ْجًه ا َق اَل َفُقْلُت َي ا‬ ‫‪included it briefly‬‬
‫َّل ِه ِإ‬ ‫‪in the chain of‬‬
‫َرُس وَل ال ْن َر َأْيَت َأْن ْجَتَع َل‬ ‫‪transmission and‬‬
‫ال َّد ْهَناَء ِح َج اًز ا َبْيَنَن ا َو َبَنْي َبيِن‬ ‫‪the text on the‬‬
‫ي َفاْفَع ْل َف َّنَه ا َك اَنْت َلَن ا َم َّرًة‬ ‫ٍم‬ ‫ِمَت‬ ‫‪authority‬‬ ‫‪of‬‬
‫‪ʿĀṣim, on the‬‬
‫َقاَل َفاْس َتْو َفَز ْت اْلَعُج وُز َو َأَخ َذ ْتَه ا‬ ‫‪authority of al-‬‬
‫ِه‬ ‫َّل‬ ‫ِم‬
‫اَحْل َّي ُة َفَق اَلْت َي ا َرُس وَل ال َأْيَن‬ ‫‪Harith.13‬‬
‫َك ْل ا وَل الَّل ِه‬
‫َتْض َطُّر ُمَض َر ُق ُت َي َرُس‬
‫َمَحْلُت َه ِذِه َو اَل َأْش ُعُر َأَّنَه ا َك اِئَن ٌة‬
‫ا َق اَل ْل َأ وُذ ِبالَّل ِه‬
‫ُق ُت ُع‬ ‫يِل َخْص ًم‬
‫َأْن َأُك وَن َك َم ا َق اَل اَأْلَّو ُل َق اَل‬
‫َّل ِه َّل َّل ِه َّل‬
‫َرُس وُل ال َص ى ال ُه َعَلْي َو َس َم‬
‫َم ا َق اَل اَأْلَّو ُل َق اَل َعَلى اَخْلِب ِري‬
‫َأ‬ ‫ا‬ ‫َذ‬ ‫اَّل‬
‫َس َق َت َيُق َس ٌم َه َمْحُق‬ ‫ُل‬‫و‬ ‫ْط‬
‫ُق وُل الَّر وُل َّلى الَّل َل ِه‬
‫ُه َع ْي‬ ‫ُس َص‬ ‫َي‬
‫َو َس َّلَم َعَلى اَخْلِب ِري َس َق ْطَت َق اَل‬
‫َق اَل وُل الَّل ِه َّلى الَّل َل ِه‬
‫ُه َع ْي‬ ‫َص‬ ‫َرُس‬
‫َو َس َّلَم ِه يْه َيْس َتْطِعُم ُه اَحْل يَث َق اَل‬
‫ِإَّن َع اًدا َأْر َس ُلوا َو اِف َد ُه ْم َقْياًل‬
‫َفَنَز َل َعَلى ُمَعاِو َي َة ْبِن َبْك ٍر َش ْه ًر ا‬
‫َغِّنيِه ا ا َت اِن‬ ‫ِق ِه‬
‫َجْلَر َد‬ ‫َيْس ي اَخْلْم َر َو ُت‬
‫َفاْنَطَلَق َح ىَّت َأَتى َعَلى ِج َب اِل ُمْه َر َة‬
‫َفَق اَل الَّلُه َّم ِإيِّن ْمَل آِت َأِلِس ٍري‬
‫ُأَفاِديِه اَل ِل ِريٍض َفُأَداِو َيُه َفاْس ِق‬
‫َو َم‬
‫َعْب َد َك َم ا ُكْنَت َس اِقَيُه اْس ِق‬
‫ُمَعاِو َي َة ْبَن َبْك ٍر َش ْه ًر ا َيْش ُك ْر َل ُه‬
‫اَخْلْم َر اَّليِت َش ِر َبَه ا ِعْن َد ُه َق اَل‬

‫‪Muhammad Abdurrahman bin Abdurrahim al-Mubarakfuri, Tuhfatu Al-Ahwadzi Bi Syarh Jami’i al-‬‬
‫‪Tirmidzi, vol. 9 (Cairo: Dar Ih}ya> al-Tura>ts al-‘Arabi, 1997), 3328–87.‬‬
‫‪Ibnu Majah, Sunan Ibnu Ma>jah, 941. Hadis No. 2816.‬‬
No. Category Text of Hadith Sources Reasoning
‫َفَم َّر ْت َس َح اَباٌت ُس وٌد َفُنوِد َي َأْن‬
‫ِم‬ ‫ِد‬
‫ُخ ْذ َه ا َرَم اًدا ِر ْم ًدا اَل َت َذ ْر ْن‬
‫َعاٍد َأَح ًد ا َقاَل َأُبو َو اِئٍل َفَبَلَغيِن َأَّن‬
‫َم ا ُأْر ِس َعَلْيِه ْم ِم ْن ال ِّر يِح َكَق ْد ِر‬
. ‫َم ا ْجَيِر ي يِف اَخْلاِمَت‬
‫_ َح َّد َثَنا َحُمَّم ُد ْبُن َأيِب‬2 Al-Tirmidhi included However, there is a
it in faith; he said: Ibn defect in its chain of
‫ َّد َنا ُد الَّل ِه‬،‫اْل َدُّيِن‬
‫ُعَمَر َع َح َث َعْب‬ Abi Omar told us, transmission because
‫ٍذ‬ Abdullah b. Moaz al- Aba Wael met Mu'adh
‫ َعْن‬، ‫ َعْن َم ْع َم ٍر‬، ‫ْبُن ُمَع ا‬ Sanaani told us, on the and did not meet him.
‫ِد‬ ‫ِص‬
‫ َعْن‬، ‫َعا ِم ْبِن َأِبي الَّنُج و‬
authority of Ibn Rajab responded to
Muammar, on the al-Tirmidhi on this
‫ َعْن ُمَع اِذ ْبِن‬، ‫َأِبي َو اِئ ٍل‬ authority of ʿĀṣim, on ruling from two sides:
the authority of Abi The first is that it is
‫ َق اَل ُكْنُت َم َع الَّنِّيِب ـ‬، ‫َجَب ٍل‬ Wael, on the authority not proven that Abu
‫صلى اهلل عليه وسلم ـ يِف‬ of Moaz.14 Al- Wael heard from
Tirmidhi said: Here is Muadh. The second:
‫َس َف ٍر َفَأْص َبْحُت َيْو ًم ا َقِر يًب ا‬ a good and authentic Was narrated by
hadith.15 Hammad b. Salamah,
‫ِم ْن ُه َو ْحَنُن َنِس ُري َفُقْلُت َي ا‬ on the authority of
‫َرُس وَل الَّل ِه َأْخ ْرِبيِن ِبَعَم ٍل‬ ʿĀṣim b. Abi Al-
Nujoud, on the
‫ِع يِن ِم‬ ‫ِخ‬
‫ُي ْد ُليِن اَجْلَّن َة َو ُيَبا ُد َن‬ authority of Shahr b.
Hawshab, on the
‫ َق اَل " َلَق ْد َس َأْلَت‬. ‫الَّن اِر‬ authority of Muadh.16
‫ِإ ِس‬ ‫ِظ‬
‫َع يًم ا َو َّن ُه َلَي ٌري َعَلى َمْن‬
Al-Daraqutni said: It is
more like the truth
‫َيَّس َر ُه الَّل ُه َعَلْي ِه َتْع ُب ُد الَّل َه َال‬ because the hadeeth is

‫ُتْش ِر ُك ِبِه َش ْيًئا َو ُتِق يُم الَّص َالَة‬

known from the
narration of a month,
‫َو ُتْؤ يِت الَّز َك اَة َو َتُص وُم‬
although there is a
difference of opinion
‫ َّمُث‬. " ‫َرَم َض اَن َو ُحَتُّج اْلَبْيَت‬ on it.17
‫َق اَل " َأَال ُأُدُّل َك َعَلى َأْب اِب‬
‫اَجْلَّن ِة الَّص ْو ُم ُج َّن ٌة َو الَّص َدَقُة‬
‫ِف‬ ‫ِف ِط‬
‫ُتْط ُئ اَخْل يَئ َة َك َم ا ُيْط ُئ‬
‫الَّناَر اْل ا َص َالُة الَّر ُج ِل يِف‬
‫َم ُء َو‬
‫ َّمُث َقَر َأ‬. " ‫َج ْو ِف الَّلْي ِل‬
‫{َتَتَج اىَف ُج ُن وُبُه ْم َعِن‬
‫اْلَم َض ا ِع } َح ىَّت َبَل َغ {َج َز اًء‬
Ibnu Majah, No. 1314.
Muhammad Abdurrahman bin Abdurrahim al-Mubarakfuri, Tuhfatu Al-Ahwadzi Bi Syarh Jami’i al-
Tirmidzi, vol. 7 (Cairo: Dar Ih}ya> al-Tura>ts al-‘Arabi, 1997), 362. No. 2749.
Ibnu H}anbal, Al-Musnad al-Ima>m Ah}mad Bin H}anbal, 2/232.
Syihabuddin bin Ahmad Ibnu Rajab Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, Ja>mi’ al-Ulu>m Wa al-Hikam (Beirut:
Muassasatu Kutubi Ats-Tsaqofiyah, 1990), 195–96.
‫‪No.‬‬ ‫‪Category‬‬ ‫‪Text of Hadith‬‬ ‫‪Sources‬‬ ‫‪Reasoning‬‬
‫َمِبا َك اُنوا َيْع َم ُل وَن } َّمُث َق اَل "‬
‫َأَال ُأْخ ُرِبَك ِب ْأِس اَألْم ِر‬
‫ِجْل‬ ‫ِمِه‬ ‫ِة‬ ‫ِدِه‬
‫َو َعُم و َو ُذْر َو َس َنا ا َه اُد‬
‫" ‪َّ .‬مُث َق اَل " َأَال ُأْخ ُرِبَك‬
‫ِه‬ ‫ِمِب ِك ِل‬
‫َال َذ َك ُك ِّل " ‪ُ .‬قْلُت‬
‫َبَلى ‪َ .‬فَأَخ َذ ِبِلَس اِنِه َفَق اَل "‬
‫َتُك ُّف َعَلْي َك َه َذ ا " ‪ُ .‬قْلُت‬
‫َيا َنَّيِب الَّلِه َو ِإَّنا َلُم َؤ اَخ ُذ وَن َمِبا‬
‫َنَتَك َّلُم ِبِه َقاَل " َثِكَلْتَك ُأُّم َك‬
‫َي ا ُمَع اُذ َو َه ْل َيُك ُّب الَّن اَس‬
‫َعَلى ُو ُج وِه ِه ْم يِف الَّن اِر ِإَّال‬
‫َحَص اِئُد َأْلِس َنِتِه ْم "‪.‬‬

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