Pintura de BaSO4 Refrigerante

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org Research Article

Ultrawhite BaSO4 Paints and Films for Remarkable Daytime

Subambient Radiative Cooling
Xiangyu Li, Joseph Peoples, Peiyan Yao, and Xiulin Ruan*
Cite This: ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 21733−21739 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: Radiative cooling is a passive cooling technology that offers

great promises to reduce space cooling cost, combat the urban island effect,
and alleviate the global warming. To achieve passive daytime radiative
cooling, current state-of-the-art solutions often utilize complicated multilayer
structures or a reflective metal layer, limiting their applications in many fields.
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Attempts have been made to achieve passive daytime radiative cooling with
single-layer paints, but they often require a thick coating or show partial
daytime cooling. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate remarkable
full-daytime subambient cooling performance with both BaSO4 nanoparticle
films and BaSO4 nanocomposite paints. BaSO4 has a high electron band gap
for low solar absorptance and phonon resonance at 9 μm for high sky
window emissivity. With an appropriate particle size and a broad particle size
distribution, the BaSO4 nanoparticle film reaches an ultrahigh solar
reflectance of 97.6% and a high sky window emissivity of 0.96. During field tests, the BaSO4 film stays more than 4.5 °C below
ambient temperature or achieves an average cooling power of 117 W/m2. The BaSO4-acrylic paint is developed with a 60% volume
concentration to enhance the reliability in outdoor applications, achieving a solar reflectance of 98.1% and a sky window emissivity of
0.95. Field tests indicate similar cooling performance to the BaSO4 films. Overall, our BaSO4-acrylic paint shows a standard figure of
merit of 0.77, which is among the highest of radiative cooling solutions while providing great reliability, convenient paint form, ease
of use, and compatibility with the commercial paint fabrication process.
KEYWORDS: daytime radiative cooling, atmospheric sky window, particle−matrix paint, figure of merit

Radiative cooling has shown great promises to reduce the cost
explored as fillers12,13 to eliminate the UV absorption, while
their smaller refractive index makes photon scattering weaker.
of space cooling in a variety of cooling applications.1 Contrary Heat-reflective paints have also been developed, but their solar
to active cooling, which requires electricity to drive a reflection is still limited below 91% and does not show full-
refrigeration cycle, radiative cooling utilizes the atmospheric daytime subambient cooling.11,14 Alternatively, photonic
transparent window (the “sky window”) to emit thermal structures and multilayers have recently demonstrated full-
radiation directly to the deep sky without consuming any daytime subambient cooling capability, which stimulated
energy.2 Its passive nature has the potential to alleviate the renewed interest in radiative cooling.15,16 Other studies
urban island effect by lowering building temperatures and explored scalable nonpaint approaches such as dual layers
reduce the global warming by reducing the CO2 emission for including a metal layer,17−21 polyethylene aerogel,22 and
cooling applications. With high emissivity in the sky window to delignified wood.23 However, these approaches are limited in
outweigh the incoming solar absorption, it is possible for the one or more aspects such as the complicated structure,
surface to maintain below ambient even under direct sunlight. involvement of a metallic layer, and large thickness, preventing
Early studies of radiative cooling paints lasted for decades, but them from many applications. In light of this, creating high-
performance radiative cooling paints is still a pertinent task.
full-daytime radiative cooling has not been achieved by these
Recently, nonmetal dual-layer designs were proposed consist-
paints.2−11 Among these, one study showed a 2 °C subambient
cooling with a layer of the TiO2 paint on the aluminum
substrate, but the high solar reflectance should primarily come Received: February 3, 2021
from the metal substrate rather than the paint itself.9 Many Accepted: March 22, 2021
paints were based on TiO2 with low particle concentration, and Published: April 15, 2021
the radiative cooling performance was limited by insufficient
solar reflection due to the solar absorptance in the ultraviolet
(UV) band. For this reason, wide-band-gap materials were

© 2021 American Chemical Society

21733 ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 21733−21739
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

Figure 1. Radiative cooling coatings and SEM images. (a) BaSO4 film sample, BaSO4-acrylic paint sample, and white commercial paint. The BaSO4
film is 150 μm thick on a silicon wafer. The BaSO4 paint and commercial paint are freestanding samples with a thickness of 400 μm. All samples are
5 cm squares. (b) BaSO4 film sample under SEM. (c) BaSO4-acrylic composite paint sample with a 60% filler concentration under SEM. (b, c)
Particle size distribution (398 ± 130 nm) was estimated based on the SEM images. Air voids were introduced in both the BaSO4 film and the
BaSO4 paint.

Figure 2. Radiative energy transfer for cooling paints, emissivity characterization results, and Monte Carlo simulation on the solar reflectance. (a)
To achieve a high cooling power with passive radiative cooling, both high reflectance in the solar spectrum and high emissivity in the sky window
are needed. The solar reflectance is enhanced by filler materials, while the infrared emissivity in the sky window can be contributed by fillers and/or
matrix. For particle films, the particles have to both reflect solar light and emit in the sky window. (b) Emissivities of the BaSO4 film and BaSO4
paint were characterized, compared with the commercial white paint (400 μm thick) from 0.25 to 20 μm. Both the particle film and nanocomposite
paint showed significant enhancement of solar reflectance while maintaining high sky window emissivity. (c) Solar reflectances of the BaSO4 films
with different thicknesses and substrates were measured, demonstrating that the solar reflectance of the BaSO4 film at 150 μm is substrate-
independent. (d) Monte Carlo simulation of the BaSO4 paint with a 400 μm thickness demonstrated that both high filler concentration and broad
particle size distribution increased the overall solar reflectance. (e) Solar reflectances of the BaSO4-acrylic paint with a 60% particle concentration
and different film thicknesses were compared with the Monte Carlo simulation results. The thin paint coatings are supported by PET films.

ing of a top TiO2 layer for solar reflectance and a bottom layer to apply, and scalable is still a challenging and urgent task to
for thermal emission, which achieved partial daytime cooling fully utilize radiative cooling in a wide range of applications.
without metallic components.24,25 A compact film of SiO2 In this work, we experimentally demonstrate full-daytime
nanoparticles was fabricated as a single-layer coating with subambient cooling with BaSO4 nanoparticle films and BaSO4-
partial daytime cooling capability.26 Paint-like porous polymers acrylic paints. We choose BaSO4 due to its high electron band
were developed with full-daytime cooling.27 A strategy was gap for low solar absorptance and phonon resonance at 9 μm
proposed to further enhance the solar reflectance in the for high sky window emissivity. By adopting an appropriate
particle−matrix paint by adopting a broad particle size particle size and a broad particle size distribution, we achieve a
distribution rather than one single size.28 Combined with a high solar reflectance of 97.6% and a high sky window
high filler concentration, the CaCO3-acrylic paint with a layer emissivity of 0.96 with the BaSO4 nanoparticle film. Field tests
thickness of 200−400 μm was fabricated and demonstrated indicate surface temperatures more than 4.5 °C below ambient
full-daytime cooling below ambient temperatures.29,30 Another temperatures or an average cooling power of 117 W/m2,
study also proposed wide-band-gap nanoparticle paints and among the highest cooling power reported. To enhance the
high filler concentrations to achieve high radiative cooling reliability of the coating, the BaSO4-acrylic paint is developed
performance, but the reported 1 mm coating thickness still with a 60% volume concentration. The high filler concen-
posed challenges for potential applications of radiative cooling tration and the broad particle size distribution are added to
paints.31 Considering the existing studies, developing high- overcome the low refractive index of BaSO4, leading to a solar
performance single-layer coatings that are thin, low cost, easy reflectance of 98.1% and a sky window emissivity of 0.95.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 21733−21739
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

Figure 3. Field test results of the BaSO4 nanoparticle film and BaSO4-acrylic nanocomposite paint. (a) Temperatures of the BaSO4 nanoparticle
film and commercial white paint were compared to the ambient temperature for over 24 h. (b) Cooling power of the BaSO4 nanoparticle film was
directly characterized by a feedback heater. (c) Temperature of the BaSO4 paint was compared with the ambient temperature. (d) Cooling power
of the BaSO4 paint was measured in both daytime and nighttime. The solar irradiation is represented by the orange regions.

During field tests, the BaSO4 paint yields similarly high cooling to a uniform particle size distribution.28 The purchased BaSO4
performance. Our BaSO4-acrylic paint shows a standard figure particles were characterized by SEM to have a particle size
of merit of 0.77, which is among the highest of radiative distribution of 398 ± 130 nm, which satisfied our needs and
cooling solutions while providing great reliability, convenient met our design guidelines.
paint form, ease of use, and compatibility with the commercial To achieve high radiative cooling performance and daytime
paint fabrication process. The results in this paper were subambient cooling, the paint requires high reflectance in the
included in a provisional patent filed on October 3, 2018 and a solar spectrum (contributed by particles) as well as high
nonprovisional international patent application (PCT/ emissivity in the sky window (contributed by particles and/or
US2019/054566) filed on October 3, 2019 and published on matrix), as illustrated in Figure 2a. Here, we adopted BaSO4
April 9, 2020.32 with a high electron band gap of ∼6 eV to reduce the

absorption in the UV band. Due to a phonon resonance at 9
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION μm, which is in the sky window, engineering the particle size
can allow a single layer of the BaSO4 particle film to function as
Commercial white paints such as the TiO2-acrylic paint failed
both a sky window emitter and a solar reflector. Therefore, the
to achieve passive full-daytime subambient cooling, which is
matrix is not needed to achieve daytime subambient cooling.
largely attributed to its high absorption in the UV band (due to
the 3.2 eV electron band gap of TiO2) and near-infrared (NIR) The lack of acrylic matrix also reduces the NIR absorption.
band (due to acrylic absorption). In this work, we fabricated a The average particle size of BaSO4 was chosen as 400 nm to
BaSO4 particle film with a thickness of 150 μm on a silicon reflect both visible and NIR ranges of the solar irradiation. A
wafer (Figure 1a). A commercial white paint (DutchBoy broad particle size distribution was adopted to further enhance
Maxbond UltraWhite Exterior Acrylic Paint) is chosen as a the solar reflectance. Detailed theoretical and experimental
control sample. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies can be found in previous studies.29 Overall, the BaSO4
image of the BaSO4 film in Figure 1b showed air voids in the film reached a solar reflectance of 97.6% and an emissivity of
film. The interfaces between BaSO4 nanoparticles and air voids 0.96 in the sky window (Figure 2b). Its solar reflectance is
enhance the photon scattering in the film, thus increasing the significantly higher than that of the commercial white paint
overall solar reflectance. To improve the reliability of the (400 μm thickness), especially in the UV and NIR ranges.
coating under long-term outdoor exposure, a commercial paint Although heat-reflective commercial paints were introduced in
form as the filler−matrix composite is often preferred. A key the market, their solar reflectances (around 80−91%) are still
challenge to adopt BaSO4 as a filler material in the polymer much lower than that of the BaSO4 film.11,14 The solar
matrix is its lower refractive index compared to those of other reflectance of the BaSO4 film is also higher than that of the
common fillers such as TiO2. To enable strong scattering in the recently reported CaCO3-acrylic paint.29 The silicon substrate
composite, we adopted a high filler volume concentration of was intended only as a supporting substrate, neither increasing
60%, whereas most commercial paints have much lower the solar reflectance nor enhancing the sky window emissivity.
concentrations. Additionally, the broad particle size distribu- To avoid the substrate effect on the cooling performance, we
tion contributes to the solar reflectance.28 The BaSO4-acrylic characterized the thickness-dependent solar reflectance with
nanocomposite paint is shown in Figure 1a with an SEM image different substrates, shown in Figure 2c. Nighttime cooling
in Figure 1c. The addition of acrylic helps bond the fillers and performance was also characterized by different substrates in
leads to a better reliability. Some air voids were present in the the Supporting Information Note 1 and Figure S1. For the
BaSO4 paint, which also increases the solar reflectance. Based BaSO4 paint, a standalone paint sample of 400 μm reached
on our previous theoretical works, we chose an average particle similar optical properties (98.1% solar reflectance, 0.95 sky
size of 400 nm, which is beneficial for the overall solar window emissivity) with a high filler concentration of 60% and
reflectance.24,28 Furthermore, in the previous work, we a broad size distribution. A Monte Carlo simulation with the
identified that a wide particle size distribution (>100 nm) modified Lorentz−Mie theory was run to shine the light on the
can significantly enhance the overall solar reflectance compared physics, enabling the high solar reflectance of the paint, and the
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 21733−21739
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

Figure 4. Reliability tests of the BaSO4 paint. (a) Abrasion tests were conducted with the BaSO4 paint and commercial exterior paint according to
ASTM D4060.39 Our BaSO4 paint demonstrated comparable abrasion resistance with commercial exterior paint. (b) We exposed the BaSO4 paint
outdoor for a 3-week period. (c) Viscosity of the BaSO4 paint was characterized, which was comparable to those of the oil- and water-based
commercial paints.40

results are shown in Figure 2d.28,33 The refractive index of shown in Figure 3c,d. The BaSO4 paint remained cooler than
BaSO4 is obtained from the first-principles simulation.34 With ambient for more than 24 h under solar irradiation up to 993
the same filler concentration, the simulation demonstrated a W/m2 (65% relative humidity at 12 AM, 46% relative humidity
broader particle size distribution, further improving the overall at 12 PM on April 2, 2019). The cooling power measurement
solar reflectance. The simulation slightly underestimated the showed an average cooling power over 80 W/m2 with the
solar reflectance as it cannot capture the effect of air voids. The surface temperature as low as −10 °C, equivalent to a cooling
BaSO4 paint sample with a 400 μm thickness was to ensure power of 113 W/m2 at 15 °C (77% relative humidity at 12
that the characterized emissivity was independent of the AM, 57% relative humidity at 2 PM on February 9, 2019).
substrate. Thinner coatings were fabricated on the transparent More details are included in the Supporting Information Note
poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) film using a film applicator 2.
to control the wet film thickness. With a low transmittance of The figure of merit RC was used here to fairly access the
the paint films and similar refractive index between the paint radiative cooling performance independent of weather
and the PET film, the PET substrate had a negligible effect on conditions, as29
the solar reflectance. With thinner coating thicknesses of 200,
RC = ϵsky − r(1 − R solar) (1)
224, and 280 μm, the solar reflectances reached 95.8, 96.2, and
96.8%, respectively (Figure 2e). Monte Carlo simulation where ϵsky is the sky window emissivity, Rsolar is the solar
results showed a similar trend to the experimental data, both reflectance, and r is the ratio of the solar irradiation over the
following the diffusion behavior of the transmission.26,35 The blackbody emission through the sky window. With a 300 K
simulation slightly underestimated the solar reflectance, likely surface temperature and r as 10, our BaSO4 film and BaSO4
because the air voids introduced in the paint were not captured paint reach the standard RCs of 0.72 and 0.77, respectively,
by the Monte Carlo simulation. Future studies can aim to which are higher than state-of-the-art radiative cooling
include such an effect to predict the solar reflectance more solutions as 0.32,16 0.53,18 0.35,19 0.49,29 and 0.57.27 The
accurately. standard figure of merit was proposed to address the concern
Onsite field tests were performed to demonstrate the full- of the weather effect on the field test results.29 It is capable of
daytime subambient cooling of the BaSO4 film. In Figure 3a, fairly assessing the potential of any radiative cooling solutions
the BaSO4 film achieved full subambient daytime cooling with under different weather conditions. Accurately predicting the
a solar irradiation up to 907 W/m2 in West Lafayette, IN, on effect of weather conditions on radiative cooling power is still
March 14−16, 2018 with a 64% relative humidity at 12 AM under investigation with other studies.36−38 We believe that
and a 50% humidity at 12 PM on March 15, 2018. The the insights from these field studies combining our figure of
temperature of the sample dropped 10.5 °C below the ambient merit are essential to predict the actual radiative cooling power
temperature during the nights and maintained 4.5−10 °C and significantly reduce the development cycle of any radiative
below the ambient temperature during daytime, whereas the cooling solutions in the future.
commercial paint increased 6.8 °C above the ambient To demonstrate the reliability of our BaSO4 paint, we
temperature at 2−3 PM. A direct measurement of the cooling conducted abrasion test, outdoor weathering, and viscosity
power in Reno, NV, on July 28, 2018 showed that the cooling characterizations. The abrasion tests were performed according
power reached an average of 117 W/m2 over a 24 h period to ASTM D4060 with a Taber Abraser Research Model, and
with a 29% relative humidity at 2 AM and a 15% humidity at the results are shown in Figure 4a.39 Two 250 g load abrasive
12 PM on July 28, 2018, shown in Figure 3b. We observed wheels were located on the measured surface. Wheel refacing
similar daytime cooling power to nighttime without solar was done every 500 cycles. By monitoring the mass loss
irradiation, both above 110 W/m2. Thermal emission power through up to 3,000 cycles, the wear index was characterized as
increases with a higher surface temperature in the daytime, the weight loss (μg) for each cycle. The BaSO4 paint reached a
which compensates the higher solar absorption. Thus, simply wear index of 150, comparable to the commercial exterior
reporting the cooling power without considering the surface paint with a wear index of 104. The weathering test was
temperature can be a misleading measure of the cooling conducted by exposing the BaSO4 paint outdoors for 3 weeks
performance. In this case, the thermal emissive power of the (Figure 4b). The solar reflectance remained the same within
BaSO4 film reaches 106 W/m2 at 15 °C. Overall, our BaSO4 the experimental uncertainty. The sky window emissivity was
film can maintain a constant high cooling power regardless of measured to be 0.95, at both the beginning and the end of the
the solar irradiation. We further demonstrated the cooling testing period. Additionally, a running water test is included in
performance of the BaSO4 paint with onsite field tests, as Video S1. In Figure 4c, the BaSO4 paint yields similar viscosity
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 21733−21739
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

to the commercial paints.40 Video S1 further demonstrated

that the BaSO4 paint was able to be applied with paint brushes
and dried similarly to the commercial paints. A detailed cost
analysis of the BaSO4 paint is included in Supporting
Information Note 3.


In this work, we experimentally demonstrate full-daytime radiative
cooling with the BaSO4 nanoparticle film and BaSO4-acrylic Figure 5. Setups for temperature and cooling power characterization
nanocomposite paint. By adopting an appropriate particle size and a in field tests.29 (a) Samples were suspended in the Styrofoam cavity to
broad particle size distribution, we achieve a high solar reflectance of minimize thermal conduction and forced convection. The sample and
97.6% and a high sky window emissivity of 0.96 with the BaSO4 ambient temperatures were monitored during the temperature
nanoparticle film. Onsite field tests indicate surface temperatures measurement. (b) To directly measure the cooling power of the
more than 4.5 °C below ambient temperatures or an average cooling sample, a feedback heater was included to synchronize the sample
power of 117 W/m2, among the highest cooling power reported. To temperature to the ambient. The cooling power of the sample was
enhance the reliability of the coating, the BaSO4-acrylic paint is obtained by monitoring the heater power consumption.
developed with a 60% volume concentration. The high filler
concentration and broad particle size distribution help reach a
98.1% solar reflectance and a 0.95 sky window emissivity. During field convection. A transparent side cover was added to reduce forced
tests, the BaSO4 paint yields similarly high cooling power while convection. The temperature measurement setup provides a direct
providing great reliability, convenient paint form, ease of use, and proof of below-ambient radiative cooling, but it can also be affected by
compatibility with commercial paints. the external wind speed, and the solar absorption of the cavity
BaSO4 Nanoparticle Film and BaSO4-Acrylic Paint Fabrica- sidewall, which slightly underestimates the cooling performance of the
tion. A BaSO4 particle film of 150 μm thickness was fabricated on a
sample itself. Therefore, in our work, we choose to evaluate the
silicon wafer. 400 nm BaSO4 particles, deionized water, and ethanol
cooling performance mainly from the direct cooling power measure-
were mixed with a mass ratio of 2:1:1 and coated on the substrate
ment, which minimizes the parasitic conduction and convection heat
until fully dried. The average particle size was chosen as 400 nm to
reflect both visible and near-infrared ranges of the solar irradiation. To
Monte Carlo Simulation. The Monte Carlo simulations were
fabricate the BaSO4-acrylic nanocomposite paint, dimethylformamide
performed according to the modified Lorentz−Mie theory28 and a
and BaSO4 nanoparticles (400 nm diameter, US Research Nanoma-
dependent-scattering correction33 due to high concentrations. Photon
terials) were mixed and ultrasonicated for 15 min with a Fisherbrand
packets are initiated above the nanocomposite. The initial weight of
Model 505 Sonic Dismembrator. The mixture was degassed to
the photon packet is unity, traveling normal to the top air−composite
remove air bubbles introduced during the ultrasonication process.
interface. As the photon packet propagates through the bottom air−
Acrylic (Elvacite 2028 from Lucite International) was then slowly
composite interface, we consider it as transmitted. If it travels back
added and mixed until fully dissolved. The mixture was left fully dried
above the medium, it is considered reflected. A total of 500,000
overnight in a mold, resulting in a freestanding sample of 400 μm
photons were used in each simulation, covering 226 wavelengths from
thickness to eliminate the effect of substrate on the overall coating
0.25 to 20 μm.

performance. A series of thinner coatings of the BaSO4 film and paint
were also prepared with film applicators (BYK Film Applicator) to
study the effect of coating thickness. The dry film thickness was ASSOCIATED CONTENT
measured with a coordinate measuring machine (Brown&Sharp *
sı Supporting Information
MicroXcel PFX). The Supporting Information is available free of charge at
Spectral Emissivity Characterization. The solar reflectance
from 250 nm to 2.5 μm was measured with a Perkin Elmer Lambda
950 UV−Vis−NIR spectrometer with an integrating sphere. A Substrate dependence of the BaSO4 film samples (Note
certified Spectralon diffuse reflectance standard was used. The overall 1); energy balance model for the cooling power
solar reflectance was estimated based on the AM 1.5 solar spectrum.41 characterization (Note 2); cost analysis of the cooling
The uncertainty of the solar reflectance was 0.005 or 0.5% based on paint (Note 3); the effect of substrate on the subambient
the measurement of five samples. The emissivity from 2.5 to 20 μm sample temperature of the BaSO4 film (Figure S1); the
was characterized by a Nicolet iS50 FTIR with a PIKE Technology theoretical cooling power compared with experimental
integrating sphere. The sky window emissivity was calculated based measurements of the BaSO4 film and BaSO4 paint
on the atmospheric transparent window (IR Transmission Spectra, (Figure S2) (PDF)
Gemini Observatory, air mass 1.5, and water column 1.0 mm). An Brushing, drying, and water running test of the BaSO4
uncertainty of 0.02 was estimated based on the mid-IR diffuse
paint (Video S1) (MP4)

reflectance standard from PIKE Technologies.
Field Test. There are two field testing setups made for cooling
performance characterization on a building roof, as shown in Figure 5. AUTHOR INFORMATION
Similar characterization setups were used in previous studies.29,32 The Corresponding Author
setups were created from Styrofoam to reduce thermal conduction Xiulin Ruan − School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue
and enclosed by a silver mylar to minimize solar absorption of the
University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, United States;
setups. A pyranometer (Apogee SP-510) was adopted to measure
solar irradiation. The temperature measurement setup (Figure 5a) Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, West
monitored the sample and ambient temperatures with T-type Lafayette, Indiana 47907, United States;
thermocouples. The ambient temperature was monitored by a shaded 0001-7611-7449; Email:
thermocouple. A low-density polyethylene (LDPE) film functioned as
a transparent cover to shield against forced convection. The cooling Authors
power characterization setup (Figure 5b) included a feedback heater Xiangyu Li − School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue
to characterize the cooling power by heating the samples to the University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, United States;
ambient temperature, which minimized heat conduction and Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, West
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ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Research Article

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