Elt 312 Final LP
Elt 312 Final LP
Elt 312 Final LP
Key Concept/ Determine the use of correct stress, pitch, and juncture when
Understanding to be delivering a persuasive speech
Knowledg Remembering Recognize the use of the persuasive devices.
Understanding Contrast essays to a persuasive written context.
Skills Applying Write a persuasive essay from a given topic.
Analyzing Focus on analyzing the texts in the context.
Evaluating Monitor your own articulation in delivering a speech.
Creating Devise the correct stress, pitch and juncture in delivering
the speech.
Attitude Do not underestimate, laugh, and make fun of someone
whether he/she is excellent or bad in the speaking
Values Respect individuals’ differences on their articulation and
accept advises to improve.
Content Has the goal to help students to construct persuasive
essays with appropriate devices and improve their
speaking skills through applying the stress, pitch, and
Learning Resources https://lrmds.deped.gov.ph/
Material for Persuasive Speech (article)
Learning Materials 1. *English Arts III. 2000. pp 158-159
2. *English Expressways III. 2007. pp 106, 107, 120,
ACTIVITY Conduct a short introductory activity by completing the sentence in the
(Introductor thought bubbles that expresses their own idea about men being created equal.
y) Through this, students will have an idea of the message that should be convey
in the speech that will be discussed and will also give the teacher enough idea
of the prior knowledge and skills of the students that they could convey as
accurate to execute a good persuasive speech.
Source: https://templatelab.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/persuasive-
ASSESSME From the speech performance, they will be assessed by the teacher in their
NT speaking performance using the following rubrics:
5 4 3 2 1 Total:
(Excellent) (Good) (Fairly (Needs (Poor)
Good)) Improvement)
Delivery Criteria:
Volume Speaks Speaks Speaks in Speaks Cannot
or loudly and loudly a fast, and be heard.
Projection comfortably enough to be moderate slightly
to be heard heard by voice. heard.
by the entire most
audience. audience
Rate or Varies rate Uses Speaks Rate Doesn’t
Pacing and pauses appropriate too causes have
(pitch, for natural rate but may rapidly confusions pacing at
juncture, effect have some but fair for all.
stress) throughout pauses that enough audience.
the do not create for doing
presentation distractions. pauses.
Conveys Clear on Conveys the Conveys Conveys Can’t
the conveying message the the convey
message the message clear enough message message the
to the whole for most for the with such message
audience audience near frustrations rightfully
audience on .
only. speaking
the latter.
Persuadin Can Can Can Can Can’t
g Skill persuades persuade a persuade persuade persuade
(Feelings) the whole good few but lacks of people at
audience. number of people. feelings. all.
Knowledg Remembering Recognize the literary significance of American-
e Literature through its theme.
Understanding Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute
to the theme of a particular literary selection
Skills Applying Reflect the poem themes to personal experiences.
Analysing Analyze the diction, intention of words or expressions
Evaluating Elaborate the creative words used by the author.
Creating Construct a poem using a theme used by the author.
ANALYSIS Basically, by this time, the students will be able to use the proper devices and
enhance the stress of the words and the pitch in delivering the sentences and
also the juncture that should be executed rightly. The students will be task to
analyze the text in their context and give their own evaluation in delivering a
ABSTRACT 3. Let students perform the speech “I Have a Dream” on their own ways
ION and let them monitor their own performance by writing it in a ¼ sheet
of paper containing on what they should improve as a speaker.
4. Express their speaking skills applying the devices to perform in the
next activity.
Annabel Lee
It was many and many a year ago, Chilling and killing my Annabel
In a kingdom by the sea,
But our love it was stronger by far
That a maiden there lived whom you
than the love
may know
Of those who were older than we
By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no
Of many far wiser than we—
other thought
And neither the angels in Heaven
Than to love and be loved by me.
Nor the demons down under the
I was a child and she was a child, sea
In this kingdom by the sea, Can ever dissever my soul from the
But we loved with a love that was soul
more than love— Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
I and my Annabel Lee—
With a love that the wingèd seraphs For the moon never beams, without
of Heaven bringing me dreams
Coveted her and me. Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise, but I feel
And this was the reason that, long the bright eyes
ago, Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
In this kingdom by the sea, And so, all the night-tide, I lie down
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling by the side