WK Targets Math

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OVERVIEW: Applied Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Applied Mathematics Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Strategies for Teaching Applied Mathematics Skills . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Skill Scale and Assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Format and General Strategies of the Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

SKILL LEVELS: Applied Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Level 3
Description of Level 3 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Moving to Level 3 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Level 3 Sample Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Level 4
Description of Level 4 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Moving to Level 4 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Level 4 Sample Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Level 5
Description of Level 5 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Moving to Level 5 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Level 5 Sample Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Level 6
Description of Level 6 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Moving to Level 6 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Level 6 Sample Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Level 7
Description of Level 7 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Moving to Level 7 Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Level 7 Sample Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: Applied Mathematics . . . . . . . . 43

APPENDIX A: Applied Mathematics Formula Sheet . . . . . . 44

Applied Mathematics
■ Applied Mathematics Skills
■ Strategies for Teaching Applied Mathematics Skills
■ The Skill Scale and Assessments
■ Format and General Strategies of the Assessment

Applied Mathematics Emphasizes the types of mathematics tasks that
are encountered in the workplace and
Skills modifications of teaching methods that correspond
to these differences. For example, there is a
Applied Mathematics is the skill people use when they
special focus on calculators because of their
apply mathematical reasoning and problem-solving
common use in the workplace.
techniques to work-related problems. Solving
mathematical problems in the workplace can differ ■ Suggests specific strategies that can be used as
from solving problems in the classroom. While the they are or be adapted to a variety of teaching or
math skills needed are the same, math problems in training situations to connect the skills to
the workplace are not usually laid out neatly in a workplace situations.
textbook format. Instead, the employee may be There are five levels of proficiency in the Applied
responsible for identifying and locating the necessary Mathematics skill scale, ranging from Level 3, the
information (e.g., on a cash register, price tag, or least complex, to Level 7, the most complex. These
catalog) as well as knowing what to do with that levels were developed focusing on two main criteria:
information. It is, therefore, critical to strengthen each
learner’s core mathematics skills and to develop his or ♦ the types of mathematical operations
her repertoire of problem-solving strategies. employees must perform, and
Individuals possessing these Applied Mathematics ♦ the form and order in which employees receive
skills will be able to successfully tackle novel the information; that is, the presentation of
situations involving mathematics problems in the the information.
The skills at the lowest level involve using whole
The Applied Mathematics Targets for Instruction is numbers and some decimals in basic math operations:
not intended to be a guide on how to teach math. addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. As
Instead, this Target: the levels progress, the math operations involve more
■ Describes the Applied Mathematics skills steps. Furthermore, they include decimals and
encompassed by each of the five hierarchical fractions, conversion of units, averaging, calculating
levels. area and volume, and ratios.

Overview • 1
As the complexity of the levels increases, the
presentation of the information becomes more of a
% Proportions and Percentages
barrier to problem solving. The wording becomes
ambiguous, the presence of unnecessary information is Proportions can be used in many tasks that require
more likely, and pertinent information is less obvious. making predictions (e.g., if this is the amount for X
Regardless of skill level, most of these problems will units, how much is needed for Y units?). Percentages
involve one or more of the following applications: are used in the workplace to calculate commissions,
discounts, taxes, price increases, changes in sales, and
wage changes.
Employees often need to determine the number of Averages
items sold, produced, or purchased, or to figure totals X
on a per-unit basis.
Many records in the workplace are expressed in terms
of averages (e.g., those involving sales records, wages,
$ Money
costs, hours worked). These averages become tools in
the decision-making processes of the business.

Working with monetary units is a central part of

business and is tangential to virtually every job, if in Many math problems found in the workplace combine
no other way than to understand a paycheck. Tasks two or more applications: What quantity can be
involving monetary units include figuring sales, costs, produced in a specified time? What distance can be
wages, and expenses. traveled in a particular time? What is the average
cost in terms of money? A common combination of
12 applications is finding the best deal, which requires
9 employees to perform various calculations and then
compare the results in terms of relative cost, savings,
etc. Examples of appropriate applications for each
Some tasks involve figuring elapsed time. Other level will be given later in this Target.
problems are also frequently figured in terms of time
(e.g., production, sales, costs, distance, area). In many
of these tasks, employees must be familiar with
conversion of time units.
1 2


Calculating distance, area, weight, and volume is

crucial to most work situations. Again, employees
must be familiar with conversions, as well as the
appropriate degree of accuracy needed for different

2 • Overview
Strategies for Teaching can respect this by giving them ample opportunities to
practice a skill on their own successfully before
Applied Mathematics demonstrating the skill in front of others, or by having
them work in small groups or teams to learn
Skills collaboratively.
General strategies used to teach mathematics are Although there is no universal agreement among
applicable in preparing learners for the workplace. educators on correct approaches to teaching adults in
This Target seeks to expand those strategies by comparison to children, many feel that there are a
pointing out some work-related differences in the number of good teaching practices that should
content and cognitive strategies required, by especially be used in adult education. In “Using Adult
identifying appropriate materials, and by suggesting Learning Principles in Adult Basic and Literacy
activities that may be particularly useful. Education,” Susan Imel summarizes the
When choosing materials to help learners improve recommendations from several sources:
their Applied Mathematics skills, you should look for ■ Involve adults in program planning and
problems implementation. This practice can inform the
♦ emphasizing the skills appropriate for the instructor more completely about the learner’s
level the learners are trying to achieve; previous educational experiences, relate the
material to the learner’s present needs, and
♦ set in a work environment involving the
improve motivation.
applications described at that level; and
■ Develop and/or use instructional materials
♦ with presentations that are appropriate for the
that are based on students’ lives. Again, the
level the learners are trying to achieve.
focus is on relating learning more directly to the
You may want to develop problems to simulate learner’s experience. It is especially appropriate to
workplace applications. You may also want to contact use workplace documents and problems from the
local businesses for actual examples or have learners learner’s work environment when addressing the
bring in examples from their own jobs. As often as generic skills assessed by the WorkKeys tests.
possible, present these problems to the learners in the
■ Develop an understanding of learners’
same way they would be presented in the workplace.
experiences and communities. Although
individualizing instruction has great benefits, it is
Working With Adult Learners important to keep the learner’s community
Since many WorkKeys learners are adults, there are background and daily life in view. This can help
some useful points concerning adult learning to keep you to understand their motivations and problems
in mind. Adults are usually motivated to learn and can provide material and help to identify
something primarily because they believe it will be strategies that they can relate to.
useful. You will therefore want to be sure that learners ■ Incorporate small groups into learning
understand and appreciate the connections between activities. Small group work has been used
Applied Mathematics skills and the workplace. successfully with all ages. For adults, this
Adults especially need to be able to relate new approach can provide peer support, a context more
material to something connected with what they similar to those where they actually practice
already know. Otherwise they are less likely to retain mathematics skills—that is the workplace, home,
or use the new material. They may also have less self- and other daily settings.
esteem in the classroom than younger learners. You

Overview • 3
Whatever the level of the learner or the length of the the level of that WorkKeys skill required to adequately
program, it is important to remember the following perform the specified job or occupation. The same scale
guidelines: is also used to describe that skill in the corresponding
Targets for Instruction. This common scale enables
♦ Allow enough time to effect a permanent
instructors to use the assessments, the profiling
increase in all skill levels by incorporating
component, and the Targets for Instruction to help
adequate practice to establish solid
learners prepare for the jobs or occupations of their
♦ Be sure each learner is clearly aware of his or
The number of levels and the range of the levels vary
her own goals and of the relationship between
from skill to skill. For example, the skill scale for the
those goals and job qualifications.
Listening skill has levels ranging from 1 to 5, while
♦ Use pretests to motivate learners and avoid the scale for the Applied Technology skill has levels
time-consuming reteaching of skills they have ranging from 3 to 6. This variation reflects the levels of
already mastered. Posttesting or observing of each skill that employers want tested. Level 3 in one
learners using a checklist may be useful for skill is not necessarily equal to Level 3 in another
evaluating their mastery of skill levels. skill.
♦ Present the instruction sequentially; learners For example, Figure A shows how the WorkKeys
should master each step before going on to the system matches the skills of a particular individual
next. with the skill requirements of a particular job. The
♦ Be sure that learners demonstrate the individual whose skill profile is shown may be
prerequisite skills for each level before currently employed in or interested in a particular job
continuing with the instruction. that requires Level 4 Listening skills, Level 4 Locating
Information skills, and Level 6 Applied Mathematics
skills. The individual’s WorkKeys assessment scores
The Skill Scale and show that he or she has achieved Level 4 Listening
Assessments skills, Level 5 Locating Information skills, and Level 5
Applied Mathematics skills. The assessment results
WorkKeys assessments simulate the requirements of
show that this individual needs to improve his or her
the workplace to the maximum degree possible given
Applied Mathematics skills in order to match the skill
the requirements of a large-scale, standardized
requirements of the job.
assessment. As a result, WorkKeys is not geared
toward any particular age group but, instead, targets
the requirements of the workplace. The WorkKeys Job Profile for Job X
Listening Locating Applied
system provides information to instructors and Information Mathematics

trainers who can then help individuals improve their 5 7

workplace skills. 6
4 6
WorkKeys assessments are based on common skill 3 5 5
scales that are divided into hierarchical levels. The 4
2 4



scale used to assess each skill is identical to the one

used in the WorkKeys profiling of that skill. Profiling
1 3 3
determines the skills and skill levels needed to Individual's Current Skill Level

perform successfully in particular jobs or occupations. Skill Requirements of Job X

In a WorkKeys profile, each level designation indicates
Figure A

4 • Overview
The WorkKeys Targets for Instruction assist you in In most workplace situations, employees have access
helping learners improve by focusing on the skills to calculators and conversion tables. Likewise, on the
needed at each level of the WorkKeys skill scale. For Applied Mathematics assessment, examinees may use
the individual described in Figure A, this Target calculators, and they are given a table of basic
identifies the Applied Mathematics skills needed to formulas and unit conversions to use (see Appendix A).
perform at Level 6. It then suggests how to help the
There are several equivalent forms of the Applied
learner improve his or her skills from Level 5 to Level
Mathematics assessment. Each form contains
6. Remember that it is not the purpose of the Targets
multiple-choice items at five levels of difficulty. The
for Instruction to teach the exact material that is on
levels range from Level 3, which is the least complex,
the tests but, rather, to guide instructors as they help
to Level 7, which is the most complex. Note that
learners build the skills that characterize each level of
Level 3, as its designation implies, contains more
the skill scale.
advanced problems than the simplest mathematical
The occupational profiles can be used to inform operations an individual could perform. Likewise,
individuals about the generalizable workplace skills there are more complex mathematical problems than
that they are likely to need in selected occupations. those presented at Level 7 of this assessment.
The occupational profiles may also serve as a starting
In developing the WorkKeys system, educators,
point for a discussion about standards and/or
employers, and ACT staff identified Level 3 skills as
requirements for entering or exiting a training
comprising the lowest level of mathematics for which
employers would likely want assessment results. If an
A comprehensive list of the occupational profiles that examinee receives a score below Level 3, you should
have been completed by WorkKeys job profilers is investigate whether this score represents strictly an
available at http://www.act.org/workkeys/profiles/ Applied Mathematics deficiency, or whether an
occuprof/index.html. intervening factor influenced test performance. For
example, external factors such as health, a distraction
Format and General during the administration process, lack of motivation,
English as a second language, visual impediment,
Strategies learning disability, or a high stress level may have
impeded test performance.
of the Assessment
The accuracy and appropriateness of the items have
The WorkKeys Applied Mathematics assessment
been reviewed and endorsed by content and fairness
measures the examinee’s skill in applying
experts. The assessment forms are constructed so that
mathematical reasoning and problem-solving
the occupations described are varied. Care has been
techniques to work-related problems in a format
taken to ensure that the assessment items are as
suitable for large-scale, standardized administration.
realistic as possible and that the content of the tasks is
The math items are presented in the form of story
accurate. The items focus on situations that might
problems involving a workplace context. The examinee
actually be encountered in the workplace. The tasks
is placed in the role of an employee who must solve an
contain enough detail to create a realistic workplace
Applied Mathematics problem to complete his or her
context, but not so much detail that the assessment is
workplace tasks. These problems are arranged in
job specific. The items at each level are comparable to
order of increasing complexity so that each test form
one another across the different forms.
begins with the least complex problems and ends with
the most complex. The examinees’ responses are
dichotomously scored (that is, are either correct or
incorrect). Answers left blank are treated as wrong
answers; there is no penalty for guessing.

Overview • 5
Applied Mathematics

Moving to Level 3 Skills

3 Description of
Level 3 Skills
A learner who has difficulty at Level 3 may become
overwhelmed by even approaching a math problem.
Level 3 tasks can easily be translated from a verbal For the older teen or adult who is still at this level,
situation to a math equation. All the needed these feelings can be compounded by embarrassment.
information is presented in a logical order and there is Many learners at all levels are daunted by problems
no extraneous information. Individuals with Level 3 that seem too complex for them. To break this pattern,
Applied Mathematics skills can: the learner should develop strategies to divide the
problem into manageable segments. To help learners
■ Solve problems that require a single type of
attain Level 3, have them work with problems that are
mathematics operation. They add or subtract
presented in different ways and help them develop a
either positive or negative numbers (such as 10
problem-solving strategy that can be applied to all
or –2). They multiply or divide using only positive
tasks at all levels.
numbers (such as 10). In the workplace, problems
at this level involve using basic operations to find,
for example, the number of items per carton, the UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS
total number of units sold, or the number of units
The learner needs certain background knowledge and
left in stock. Positive and negative numbers are
supporting skills to succeed at Level 3. You may want
used to indicate change and the direction of the
to evaluate the following areas and provide instruction
change, such as in temperature readings and in
where appropriate.
stock market prices.
■ Change numbers from one form to another. Background Knowledge
For this they use whole numbers (such as 10), Learners should be able to recognize certain common
fractions (such as _1_ ), decimals (such as 0.75), or symbols, such as the dollar sign and percent sign;
percentages (such as 12%). For example, they can make basic time conversions; and convert between
convert _4_ to 80% or convert 35% to 0.35. dollars and cents.
■ Convert simple money and time units. In the Background Skills
workplace, hours need to be changed to minutes or In the workplace, an individual may perform
dollars to cents and vice versa. computations manually, but calculators are often
used and can improve accuracy. Therefore, you may
want to evaluate your learners’ proficiency with
calculators. If there are deficiencies, you may want to
develop training or review sessions targeting basic
calculator skills. At the least, learners should be adept
at using the four basic function keys (+, -, × , and ÷)
and should understand the purpose of the “Clear” key.

6 • Applied Mathematics Level 3

PRESENTATION OF PROBLEMS such as a group of grocery or other retail items,
catalogs, price lists, time cards, or inventories as the
Often mathematics textbooks present word or story
basis for problems you present to the learners. You
problems in neat, comprehensive paragraphs. They
should also give some emphasis to common workplace
provide all of the necessary information to solve the
vocabulary. To read the problems on the Applied
problem, and word choices may help the learner select
Mathematics assessment and/or to tackle similar
the appropriate processes. However, individuals on the
applications on the job, learners need to understand
job encounter mathematics problems in a variety of
such words as fare, per, deductions, instructions,
presentations using data from cash register receipts,
commission, discount, markup, budget, contract,
catalog prices, medical data, or inventory lists. Tasks
overtime, and expense.
range from single-step, repetitive actions to very
complex responsibilities requiring initiative and
planning on the part of the employee. For example: PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGIES
♦ A supervisor may present a problem orally to Whether or not calculators are used in the workplace,
an employee (e.g., “Figure up our total sales learners should still develop some type of problem-
for yesterday”). solving strategy. Using estimation as a tool to predict
♦ An employee may perform routine calculations answers and to check results should be one part of this
(e.g., figuring shipping charges for mail orders strategy. By using estimation, learners can determine
or determining the currency units to use when whether an answer is reasonable compared to
giving a customer change). something they already know. For example, if a car
usually averages 26 miles per gallon of gas, a
♦ An employee may be responsible for comparison would indicate an error if computation of
determining the task, collecting the data, that car’s mileage rate in a specific instance results in
deciding on the appropriate operations, and an answer of 260 miles per gallon. Comparisons are
performing the calculations (e.g., selecting an also useful in checking measurements. This skill
area to be planted with a certain type of grass enables individuals on the job to quickly check their
seed, taking necessary measurements, own calculations. Estimation can be used at the
determining how to find the amount of seed beginning or at the end of the process, can be
needed, and performing the necessary accomplished in a number of ways, and can serve at
calculations). least two purposes.
With any type of presentation, the same problem- ♦ Learners may use estimation before solving a
solving skills are necessary. Practice, however, should problem to help them determine which
emphasize working with mathematics in simulated operation to use. Learners should ask
workplace situations as well as with written problems. themselves if the answer should logically be
Learners who can choose an appropriate process for a larger or smaller than the facts that are given.
problem presented in this way should have little In both Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2, it is
difficulty with a similar written problem unless they reasonable to think that the customer would
lack the necessary reading skills. If this appears a owe more than the cost of any one CD if he or
likely problem, it may be appropriate to also evaluate she is buying three CDs; thus, the answer
that learner’s reading skills. would be larger. At Level 3, learners should
To tie instruction to the workplace, have learners keep realize that if they are working with positive
journals of math problems they actually encounter on numbers larger than 1, a larger answer
the job or at home. Problems that are appropriate for requires that they should either add or
this level can then be shared with the group. multiply to solve the problem.
Whenever possible, use realistic resources and props

Applied Mathematics Level 3 • 7

♦ By rounding off numbers, learners can The problem in Figure 3.1 is typical of Level 3
determine the approximate range of the problems in several ways: only one operation needs to
answer. For example, if the compact discs in be performed to solve it, there are only whole numbers
Figure 3.2 were rounded off to $15, $13, and and decimals, and all of the information necessary to
$9, the answer would be $37, indicating that solve the problem is readily available.
the actual answer is close to $37. Using
estimation to check calculator results can help You work in a music shop and a customer
learners avoid the results of input errors. Two wants to purchase 3 compact discs costing
errors commonly made when using calculators $14.99 each. Excluding any taxes, how
are entering the numbers incorrectly and much does the customer owe?
placing the decimal point incorrectly. Learners
should be encouraged to round off numbers to Figure 3.1
help in their estimation.
Besides estimation, an orderly series of steps is needed Solution
to actually solve a problem. At first, learners may need Step 1: 3 × $14.99 = $44.97
to consciously use and extensively practice such a
strategy. But the goal should be to internalize an
As practice for the workplace, a problem such as the
approach so it can be used quickly and efficiently in
one above could be acted out. Those learners not
the workplace. Regardless of the model used, any
participating should take notes and try to determine
successful problem-solving strategy should deal with
for themselves what the question is. Have all learners
the following questions:
estimate the answer and then discuss any differences.
■ What is the question? Encourage learners to restate the question: What is
■ What are the facts? the total cost of the CDs? This allows you to check the
learners’ understanding of the question.
■ What steps of reasoning and which process
should be followed using these facts to
answer this particular question?
What is the question? In all problem situations,
learners should be clearly aware of what they are
looking for. It is impossible to determine the important
facts or the direction to go without this information.

8 • Applied Mathematics Level 3

Karl J. Smith, in his book Problem Solving, understanding of the problem. Learners should also
recommends a problem-solving approach that revolves practice using their resulting answers to verify their
around translating the problem into a verbal use of the word clues. Encourage discussion of each
expression. Specifically, he recommends using problem to help learners develop the habit of
descriptive phrases instead of letters for all the verification.
variables until the last step.
What operations should be used on these facts to
Read the problem carefully. Make sure you answer this particular question? Using word clues
know what is given and what is wanted. Next, is crucial to determining the appropriate operation(s).
write a verbal description (without using It is probably easier for most learners to look at a
variables), using operation signs and an equal textbook word problem and isolate the words that
sign, but still using the key words. This is point to the correct operation than it is for them to
called translating the problem. apply this practice to a workplace situation.
Encourage learners at this level to describe the
10 + 2 × (A NUMBER) = 22
situation, even in writing at first, and watch for words
When there is a single unknown, choose a and phrases that are related to the question, the facts,
variable. IMPORTANT: Do not BEGIN by and the operation. Make lists of these words and
choosing a variable; choose a variable only discuss their choices.
AFTER the problem has been simplified to
Once learners have determined the question, the facts,
a single variable. With more complicated
and the word clues, a process can be developed for
problems, you will not know at the start what
determining the correct operation. Review word clues
the variable should be.1
that indicate certain operations. For example, words
What are the important facts? The restatement like have left, remain, difference, and change all point
activities described above should enable the learner to to using the operation of subtraction. In cases where
deal with the second question: What are the important the word clues are not obvious, restate the question
facts? The word cost tells the learner to look for a using the words in all, left, total, or for each to
monetary amount (i.e., $14.99), and the words total determine which words best fit the meaning of the
and CDs indicate that the number of CDs is also an question. In Figures 3.1 and 3.2, the question can be
important fact. At first, learners should note all restated: How much does the customer owe in all?
numbers that appear related to the task and any Or: What is the total cost? This would indicate that
words that may be clues to the operation. Emphasize, multiplication or addition should be used.
however, that not all of this information may actually
be used, and that the context of the word clues should
be taken into account when developing a full

Scattered excerpts from Problem Solving, by Karl J. Smith. Copyright ©1991 by Wadsworth, Inc. This and all other quotes from the
same source are reprinted by permission of Brookes/Cole Publishing Company, Pacific Grove, California 93950.

Applied Mathematics Level 3 • 9

In addition to finding word clues, have learners POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NUMBERS
practice using the given information to determine
In the workplace, positive and negative numbers are
the correct operation. The given information includes
commonly used to denote values or to show the
the total value in subtraction and division problems.
direction of a process, such as stock market prices,
However, in addition and multiplication problems, the
bookkeeping amounts, temperature, and map and
total value is always part of the question. Learners
graph coordinates. A thermometer is perhaps the
should consider what is given in the problem and what
easiest and most familiar tool to use when working
must be calculated (see Figure 3.2).
with learners who have difficulty understanding the
concept of signed (positive or negative) numbers.
A customer in the music shop where you Before working with the mathematic processes on
work purchases 3 compact discs. One costs signed numbers, you may want to have learners
$14.99, one costs $12.99, and one is on sale practice writing expressions of positive and negative
for $8.99. Excluding any taxes, how much values from a list of verbal statements (e.g., 7°F below
does the customer owe? zero, $1.25 price gain, $27.32 overdrawn, 500 feet
below sea level, 22°F above zero). Figure 3.4 shows
Figure 3.2
how signed numbers might be used in the workplace.

Solution You must keep track of inventory in an

Step 1: $14.99 + $12.99 + $8.99 = $36.97 office supply warehouse. This week,
8 computers of a particular model have
This question can appropriately be restated: What is been shipped out of the warehouse to a
the sum of the prices of the CDs? The cost of the local store, while 4 more computers of the
individual CDs is given, but the total is unknown. You same model have been received by the
may want to review the approach that multiplication warehouse from the factory. What is the
is merely a shortcut for addition that can be used overall change in the number of these
when all of the numbers being totaled are the same. computers in inventory this week?

Remind learners that problems dealing with unequal Figure 3.4

units call for addition or subtraction and those with
equal units require division or multiplication. Have
learners use a table such as the one in Figure 3.3 with Solution
some numbers missing for practice in determining Step 1: Change = number received – number
whether division or multiplication is needed. The shipped = 4 – 8 = –4
emphasis should be on how the correct operation is

crate of items ? 12 items 36
per crate
purchased item 5 $? per item $6.25
distance (mile) 7 2 hrs per mile ? hrs

Figure 3.3

10 • Applied Mathematics Level 3

Besides working with basic mathematical operations, Level 3 problems usually involve only one step. Some
learners at Level 3 must be able to change numbers of the situations below can be altered to create several
from one form to another. For practice with these related problems. The icons (first shown on page 2)
conversions, you can devise equivalency charts, like indicate the application(s) involved.
the one shown in Figure 3.5, with two forms of each
fractional number left blank. There are actually two
$ Using grocery or other ads, or using catalogs,
have learners total prices for lists of specific
goals to keep in mind. First, learners should be
familiar enough with these conversions to readily
recognize and use common equivalents $ Using the same ads or catalogs, have learners
1 = 50% = 0.5). Second, learners should also figure the amount of change due a customer
(e.g., __
2 when given a five-, ten-, or twenty-dollar bill.
become adept at converting the less common numbers
from one form to another. $ Have learners determine the amount of money
that would be raised if each member of a group
sells an equal number of tickets or other items.
Fraction Decimal Percent
Devise or obtain a job time sheet that lists the
? ? 9
hours worked by several employees in a specific
? 0.85 ? time period. Have learners total the hours for
? ? 40% each employee. Use some fractions of hours.
Using airline schedules, have learners figure the
Figure 3.5 9
amount of time passengers would spend in the
air or between flights.
Have learners use road maps to figure total
1 2

mileage for more than one route between two


$ Have learners figure the cost for carpet or

flooring given square yards and price per square
Give learners drawings of a utility meter at two
different points in time and have them figure
the usage.
Using catalogs of items such as office supplies,
devise exercises involving bulk orders. For
instance, if an office will need 600 ballpoint pens
in the next year, how many boxes of one dozen
each should be ordered? In addition, learners
could figure the total cost of the order or the cost
of an order of several items.

Applied Mathematics Level 3 • 11

Level 3 Sample Items Problem 3.2

Problem 3.1 It took you 1 hour to unpack, price, and shelve

X 3 boxes of jeans at work. On the average, how
$ In your job as a cashier, a customer gives you a many minutes did it take you to unpack, price,
$20 bill to pay for a can of coffee that costs and shelve 1 box of jeans?
$3.84. How much change should you give back?
A. 15
A. $15.26 B. 20
B. $16.16 C. 30
C. $16.26 D. 40
D. $16.84 E. 60
E. $17.16

Step 1: 1 hour = 60 minutes;
Step 1: $20.00 – $3.84 = $16.16 60 minutes ÷ 3 boxes = 20 minutes/box

Indications that this is a Level 3 problem: Indications that this is a Level 3 problem:
♦ It is a one-step word problem with one ♦ The problem involves one operation and whole
subtraction operation. Adding the cost of other numbers.
items or figuring the tax would move this
problem to a Level 4. ♦ There is no extraneous information.

♦ The information is in a logical order; that is, The question can be restated, How long did it take to
it is given in the same order in which the unpack each box of jeans if you did them all at the
problem would be set up. same rate? Division is the process needed. The
problem gives the number and kind of units, 3 boxes of
♦ There is no extraneous information. jeans, and the total value, 1 hour. The learner is
The question can be restated, How much change is left looking for the value, or time per unit. This problem
out of the $20 bill? Therefore, this is a subtraction also requires conversion of 1 hour into 60 minutes.
problem. The important facts are the total value, $20,
and $3.84, the cost of the coffee.

12 • Applied Mathematics Level 3

Moving to Level 4 Skills
4 Description of
Level 4 Skills
With each introduction of a new skill, you should
present as many work-related problems and activities
At Level 4, tasks may present information out of order as possible. If these activities illustrate connections
and may include extra, unnecessary information. A with other mathematical skills, as well as with outside
simple chart, diagram, or graph may be included. In experiences that the learner already has, the new
addition to demonstrating the skills at Level 3, material will become much more meaningful. At the
individuals with Level 4 skills can: same time, stress multiple methods of solution and
encourage learners to raise questions, discuss different
■ Put the information in the right order before
approaches, and examine the advantages and
they perform calculations. The problems at this
disadvantages of each method.
level must be carefully analyzed to determine
what information is needed to solve them and to Use calculators whenever possible to familiarize
determine which operation(s) to perform and the learners with their use, limitations, and
order in which to perform them. idiosyncrasies. For example, learners should be aware
that on some calculators an attempt to multiply two
■ Solve problems that require one or two
negative numbers will result in subtraction, not
operations. They may add, subtract, or multiply
using several positive or negative numbers (such
as 10 or –2), and they may divide positive numbers
■ Figure out averages, simple ratios, simple At Level 4, learners must be able to perform more
proportions, or rates using whole numbers than one step or mathematical operation. A major
and decimals. Averages calculated as difficulty with word problems for many learners,
(10 + 11 + 12) , ratios such as __
_____________ 3 , and proportions whether in a textbook or in a real-life situation, is
3 4
__ _x
__ determining what operations to use and in what order
like 5 = 15 are common in the workplace, as are
to use them. Stress the problem-solving strategies for
rates such as 10 mph or units per hour. Level 3, which are described on pages 7 and 8 of this
■ Add commonly known fractions, decimals, or Target. Consider Figure 4.1:
percentages. Commonly known fractions,
1 , 0.75, or 25%
decimals, or percentages such as __
2 You work in a bakery. A customer orders a
are widely used in the workplace. Individuals at dozen doughnuts priced at $5.75 a dozen
this level are familiar enough with these to make and 4 cinnamon rolls at 75¢ a roll. How
mental conversions. much should you charge the customer for
this order?
■ Add three fractions that share a common
denominator. Examples such as __ 1 + __
3 + __
7 are
8 8 8 Figure 4.1
often encountered in the workplace.
■ Multiply a mixed number by a whole number Solution
1 × 6.8 must be
or decimal. Quantities such as 2 __
8 Step 1: 4 × 75¢ = 300¢ = $3.00
converted so that both are either improper
Step 2: $3.00 + $5.75 = $8.75
fractions or decimals.

Applied Mathematics Level 4 • 13

To help learners solve this problem, either have them Problems relating to finding averages are plentiful in
role-play the situation or have them visualize two the workplace. Averages of weather-related
orders: (1) an order for 1 dozen doughnuts and (2) an information, such as rainfall, temperature, and
order for 4 rolls. The important facts are the total cost snowfall, are important to many occupations.
of the doughnuts and the total cost of the rolls. With Attendance at various events, monthly or yearly sales,
this information, learners should recognize that the and the weight gain or loss of a specific group of
total cost of the rolls is not given and should be hospital patients are other examples. Learners who
calculated. Because there are 4 rolls at 75¢ each, have trouble with the concept of averages may find it
multiplication is the operation indicated. Learners can helpful to work with diagrams or objects that can be
then add the two separate costs to arrive at what the used to model the problem.
customer owes. Stress that a multiple-step problem is
really just two or more separate problems related in
some way. Have learners determine what the separate
problems are in multiple-step problems and in what The ratios and proportions introduced at Level 4 use
order the calculations should be performed. whole numbers only. A ratio expresses the relationship
of one quantity to another, and proportions contain
equivalent ratios in which one of the terms may be a
AVERAGES variable. Understanding how quantities in a
At Level 4, learners are required to average decimals proportion relate to each other is useful in solving such
but not mixed numbers. An important guideline for workplace problems as finding unit cost, rates of use
learners to remember when estimating answers is that or production, and scale measurements. Using area
an average is never smaller than the lowest number or models to illustrate the ratios in a proportion also
larger than the highest number. allows learners to visually compare the ratios.
Learners need to remember that the order of the
As the sales manager of an automobile items in a ratio pair is extremely important. Consider
dealership, you are expected to figure the Figure 4.3:
average number of sales per month at the
end of each quarter. In the first quarter of In the hospital where you work, one of your
this year, 17 cars were sold in January, 25 duties is to take pulse counts. One patient
in February, and 15 in March. What was has a pulse count of 21 beats in 15 seconds.
the average number of sales per month of At this rate, what should this patient’s
the first quarter? pulse count be for 60 seconds?

Figure 4.2 Figure 4.3

Solution Solution
Step 1: Total = 17 + 25 + 15 = 57 Step 1: Set up proportion:
Step 2: Average = 57 ÷ 3 = 19 how many
21 beats
___________ beats
= ___________
15 seconds 60 seconds

Step 2: Rearrange and solve:

how many
beats 21 beats
___________ = ___________ × 60 seconds = 84 beats
1 15 seconds

14 • Applied Mathematics Level 4

An individual at this level may work the problem by
reasoning that a rate of 21 beats in 15 seconds would
result in 42 beats in 30 seconds, 63 beats in 45 seconds
and 84 beats in 60 seconds. Dividing and multiplying
in the wrong order could have serious results in this
instance. The following are examples of other
proportion problems that you can adapt for practice.

Mixtures: You use 3 gallons of concentrated Production Rates: If you can print 800
cleaner to mix 10 gallons of usable solution. copies of a letter in 16 minutes, how long
How much concentrated cleaner should be should it take to print 2400 copies of the
used to make 30 gallons of usable solution? same letter?

Solution Solution
how much
3 gallons cleaner _ 800 copies 2400 copies
Step 1: ___________ = __________ Step 1: ___________ = ____________
10 gallons 30 gallons 16 minutes how many
Step 2:
how much how many
3 gallons 16 minutes minutes
cleaner = ___________
___________ × 30 gallons = 9 gallons Step 2: ___________ = ____________
1 10 gallons 800 copies 2400 copies

Step 3:
Materials: If it takes 2 yards of interfacing how many
to make 4 suits, how many yards of minutes___ = 16
_________ minutes
___________ × 2400 copies = 48 minutes
interfacing should it take to make 20 suits? 1 800 copies

how many
2 yards
___________ yards _
Step 1: =
4 suits 20 suits
Step 2:
how many
yards _ 2 yards
__________ = ___________ × 20 suits = 10 yards
1 4 suits

Applied Mathematics Level 4 • 15

At Level 4, learners must be able to find percentages At Level 4, learners must be able to use simple
of monetary amounts, such as taxes, commissions, and diagrams or graphs to obtain information to solve
discounts. These problems involve straightforward problems. Using a graph like the one shown in
calculations with both terms in whole numbers. Figure 4.5, have your learners point out the parts,
Learners need to remember that when working with including the horizontal and vertical axes, location of
percentages and numbers in different forms within the headings, and placement of data.
same problem, they usually should convert the
percentage either to a decimal number by moving the
decimal point two places to the left, or to a fraction by Newspaper Quarterly Sales
putting the percentage over 100. When using a 40
calculator, the decimal method is usually the easier

(see Figure 4.4).

A customer purchased clothing totaling
$54.00 from the clothing store where you 10
work. The state sales tax rate is 5%. How
much tax should you charge the customer 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
for this purchase?
One of your duties for the newspaper you work
Figure 4.4 for is to keep track of changes in sales.
According to the chart above, by how many
newspapers have the quarterly sales increased
from the beginning of the year to the end?
Step 1: 5% = 0.05
Step 2: $54.00 × 0.05 = $2.70 Figure 4.5

FRACTIONS Step 1: Read the bar heights for 1st and 4th quarters.
Level 4 introduces two types of problems involving the 1st quarter = 30 thousand
addition of fractions. A problem may require the 4th quarter = 35 thousand
addition of three fractions that share a common Step 2: Find the increase.
denominator or the multiplication of a common 4th quarter – 1st quarter =
fraction by a whole number. Some learners have 35 thousand – 30 thousand =
difficulty with the concept that multiplication can 5 thousand = 5,000
result in a number that is smaller than the whole
number in the problem. It may be helpful to point
Learners should notice first that each bar represents
3 × 8, the times symbol
out that in a problem such as __
4 one quarter of the year, designated along the
represents the word of. The learner should be trying horizontal axis. The vertical axis shows the newspaper
3 of 8 and should realize that if the fraction in sales in thousands. In order to work the problem in
to find __
4 Figure 4.5, learners must be able to specify what
this type of problem is less than 1, the answer should numbers the bars for the first and fourth quarters
be less than the whole number. represent. You could also ask learners to use this
graph to determine the average quarterly sales or to
find the total sales for the year.

16 • Applied Mathematics Level 4

Problem 4.1
% Using prices from catalogs or ads, have learners
Over the last five days, you made the following
figure totals and then a percent tax or discount.
X number of sales calls: 8, 7, 9, 5, and 7. To help in
Filling out order blanks with several items,
planning staff time, you track the average
shipping charges, and tax is also a good method
number of calls you make each day. What was
for practicing multiple-step problems.
your average over the last 5 days?
Have learners figure averages based on graphs
A. 4.1
X and diagrams from newspapers.
B. 7.0
For practice with fractions, have learners double C. 7.2
1 2

recipes or other mixtures using fractional D. 9.0

amounts. E. 36.0

$ Working with the stock market page, have

learners simulate stock purchases by starting Solution
with a set amount (e.g., $1,000) and following Step 1: Total: 8 + 7 + 9 + 5 + 7 = 36
their stocks, keeping track of price changes.
Step 2: Average: 36 calls ÷ 5 days = 7.2 calls/day
$ Using checkbooks with several entries, have
learners figure the balance.
Indications that this is a Level 4 problem:
Give learners the data on miles driven and gas
X ♦ The problem involves two operations on
used for each of several cars or trucks and have
several positive numbers.
them figure the miles per gallon for each. Once
they have done this, they can also calculate the ♦ The problem involves finding an average.
average rate for the fleet. Learners could also be
This problem is very direct and does not contain
given the mileage rate and then asked to
extraneous information. Learners should use
calculate the amount of gas needed for a
estimation to determine that the answer will be
1,500-mile trip.
greater than 5.0 and less than 9.0.
% Have learners use proportions to calculate
mixture amounts from the instructions on
containers of lawn fertilizer, caulking
compound, or other similar products.

Using distance and average speed, have
learners calculate the time required for a
specific trip.

% Have learners use proportions to make scale

drawings of the classroom or parking lot,
stressing the accuracy of the scale.

Applied Mathematics Level 4 • 17

Problem 4.2 Problem 4.3
$ The discount store where you work is selling a
12 You need about 1 __
hours to set up a computer
video game for 15% off the regular price of workstation. At this rate, how many hours
$39.00. You have to change the price tags for should it take you to set up 7 of these work-
the sale. How much should you take off from the stations?
% regular price?
A. 4 __
A. $0.15
B. $1.50 B. 8 __
C. $2.60
D. $5.85 C. 10
E. $7.00 1
D. 10 __
E. 11 __
Step 1: 15% = 0.15
Step 2: 0.15 × $39.00 = $5.85
Step 1: Set up ratio and proportion as
how many
Indications that this is a Level 4 problem: 1 _1_ hours hours
___________________ = ____________________
♦ The problem involves one straightforward 1 computer station 7 computer stations
operation on simple decimal numbers.
Step 2: Rearrange:
♦ The problem involves finding a percent of a
how many
monetary amount. hours 1 _1_ hours
___________ 2
= ___
________________ × 7 computer stations
1 computer station
It is especially important for learners to understand 1
exactly what the question is asking: How much is the 1 × 7 = 10 __
1 hours
discount? The 15% discount can be found by Step 3: 1 __
2 2
converting 15% to 0.15, which is then multiplied by
the regular price of $39.00. As an alternative, this problem can be looked at as a
rate problem.
1 hours.
Step 1: Recognize the rate as 1 station per 1 __
1 = 10 __
Step 2: 7 × 1 __ 1 hours
2 2

Indications that this is a Level 4 problem:

♦ One mathematical operation
(i.e., multiplication) is required.
♦ The problem involves multiplication of a mixed
number by a whole number.
This problem is an example of how a proportion often
provides a problem-solving approach. The learner who
1 hours : 1 computer station =
understands that 1 __
? hours : 7 computer stations has a clear grasp of the
problem’s structure.

18 • Applied Mathematics Level 4

Moving to Level 5 Skills
5 Description of
Level 5 Skills
At Level 5, the pertinent information and appropriate
operations needed to solve the problems are less
Level 5 tasks present several steps of logic and obvious than at the lower levels. At Levels 3 and 4, the
calculation. For example, at this level individuals may tasks are clear and the facts obvious without much
complete an order form by totaling an order and then clutter in the form of extraneous information (e.g.,
computing tax. In addition to demonstrating the skills totaling a list of numbers, making change, figuring
at the previous levels, individuals with Level 5 skills sales tax). At Level 5, some extraneous information is
can: present. Regardless, instruction can focus on the same
approach discussed at the previous levels (i.e., identify
■ Decide what information, calculations, or
the question, find the important facts, and determine
unit conversions to use to find the answer to
the appropriate operation).
a problem. Many workplace problems present
more information than is necessary to solve them.
Individuals with Level 5 skills are able to EXTRANEOUS INFORMATION
eliminate the extra information and choose the
Problems from the workplace already containing
necessary data.
extraneous information, as many do, will be much
■ Calculate perimeters and areas of basic more effective for instructional purposes than simple
shapes. Individuals with Level 5 skills are able to problems that have had extraneous information
recognize the correct formula and make accurate artificially added. In workplace tasks, individuals
substitutions of data in the formula in order to often confront more information than is actually
find the perimeter or area of rectangles, triangles, needed to solve a particular problem. Price tags may
and circles. include an original price as well as a discount price, for
■ Look up a formula and change from one unit example. A customer at a paint store may bring in
to another in a single step within a system of more measurements than are needed to figure the
measurement or between systems of amount of paint required. You may want to have
measurement. Individuals at this level use learners list, highlight, or note in some other way the
available formulas for conversions such as ounces necessary information after they have determined a
to pounds or pounds to kilograms. process to solve the problem at hand.

■ Calculate using mixed units. Individuals are

adept at converting units of measurement in order PERIMETER AND AREA
to work with numbers such as 3.50 hours or In the workplace, employees are often presented with
4 hours 30 minutes. measurement problems that necessitate finding area
■ Divide negative numbers. At this level, division or perimeter, even though these terms may not
involving negative quantities should pose no actually be used in instructions to employees. For
problem. example, an employee may be asked to measure a
room for carpet rather than being given the specific
■ Calculate percent discounts or markups. At
instruction to find the area of the floor. Or the
this level, individuals work with multiple-step
employee may be asked to determine how much
calculations and work with percentages to
fencing is required to surround a property, instead of
calculate discounts and markups.
the perimeter of the piece of land. It is important for
■ Identify the best deal by doing one- and two- learners to practice on tasks presented in this way.
step calculations. Individuals at Level 5 can
select the appropriate information to make two
separate calculations and then compare to
determine the solution that meets the stated
Applied Mathematics Level 5 • 19
To deal with such tasks, learners should practice The models shown in Figure 5.1 can also be used to
restating the question and then determining a way to illustrate the idea of area. Learners can use the length
solve the problem. The obvious method to find area or and width measurements to find the area and then
perimeter is to use the appropriate formula, but check their results by counting the actual squares.
learners can benefit from attempting to develop their Depending on the models you use, you may need to
own methods. This can also help them to understand caution your learners to convert both measurements to
and remember the formulas. Except for time and U.S. the same unit before multiplying.
currency, formulas for conversions necessary to work
Learners should understand that references to
the problems in the Applied Mathematics assessment
measurements such as square feet, inches, and miles
are provided (see Appendix A), since employees would
probably indicate the use of a formula (see Figure 5.2).
have access to such aids in most workplaces. In
Besides being able to choose the correct formula, the
addition, learners should be familiar with terms such
learner must also be able to provide the correct
as area and perimeter and should be able to determine
substitution in the formula. For example, while the
which formula is appropriate for the problem.
base and height measurements are interchangeable in
You may first want to determine if your learners are the formula for the area of a triangle, learners should
able to distinguish between perimeter and area and if understand that the height must be the perpendicular
they are able to apply the terms in specific situations. measurement drawn from the side used as the base to
If problems exist with understanding the definitions of the opposite angle. Also, because many learners
perimeter and area, some visual illustration may help. confuse radius and diameter when dealing with
Use two figures that have the same perimeter but circles, you may need to stress the difference between
different areas to illustrate the difference, such as these terms. One simple memory trick is to remember
those in Figure 5.1. that radius is the shorter word and the shorter

7 yards
You are a new maintenance person for the
1 yard local school and need to calculate how
much wax will be required for the
cafeteria floor based on its square footage.
4 yards
The cafeteria is 120 feet by 45 feet. What
is the square footage you should use to
4 yards

figure the amount of wax needed for the

cafeteria floor?

Figure 5.2

Figure 5.1 Solution

Step 1: Area = length × width =
Learners should see that while both models have a
120 feet × 45 feet = 5,400 square feet
perimeter of 16 yards, the model on the bottom has an
area of 16 square yards and the one on the top has an
area of only 7 square yards. Again, word clues can be
very helpful. Words denoting linear distance around a
boundary indicate the need to use a formula for
perimeter or circumference. Have learners use their
answers to verify the process they followed. They can
use models like those in Figure 5.1 to verify results or
to develop their own formulas through trial and error.

20 • Applied Mathematics Level 5

Other measurement problems in the workplace Fractions appear most often in tasks dealing with
involve denominate numbers; that is, numbers used quantity, averages, and measurement. Fractions at
to quantify a unit of measurement. Denominate Level 5 may have exponents or several terms in the
numbers are used to express measurements of numerator or denominator. Also, tasks may involve
temperature, weight, time, liquid, volume, angularity, addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike
distance, and area, among others. Currency amounts denominators, multiplication and division of fractions
are also denominate numbers. with like denominators, or multiplication of a fraction
by a decimal.
Difficulties arise for many learners when they
encounter compound denominate numbers, which You should review the simplification of fractions. You
are measurements that include two or more units of can set up the problem in Figure 5.3 using a complex
measure (e.g., 4 hours 5 minutes, 1 gallon 3 pints, fraction that can then be simplified:
3 feet 8 inches). In order to work with compound
denominate numbers, learners must be able to convert You must set up tables for a wedding
from one unit to another and they must understand reception in the restaurant where you
how these conversions affect the operations required to work. There will be 24 individuals and
solve a problem. In the Applied Mathematics 40 couples attending. Each table seats
assessment, the conversion tables provided include 8 persons. How many tables should you
standard conversions of distance, area, volume, set up?
weight, temperature, and electricity. The examinee is
expected to know standard time and U.S. currency Figure 5.3
conversions without the conversion formulas.
Mathematical processes can be done on compound Solution
denominate numbers using two different methods. In Step 1: Calculate the number of tables:
the first, the fundamental process of carrying or
2 individuals
regrouping can be used for addition and multiplication 40 couples × _____________ + 24 individuals
________________________________________ =
problems in the same manner as when working with 8 individuals
non-denominate numbers. In subtraction problems, table
the basic method of exchange or borrowing is used,
104 individuals
_________________ = 13 tables
except that, again, the exchange must fit the measure.
8 individuals
The other method of dealing with all four fundamental table
operations on denominate numbers is to convert all
the units to the smallest unit, perform the appropriate Once the problem has been set up, learners may need
operation, and then convert back to the largest unit or to review the order of operations and the functions of
compound form possible. Have learners practice both parentheses.
methods, emphasizing the use of a calculator.
Exponents are encountered at this level, also.
Examples of workplace tasks involving work with
Learners need to understand that exponents at this
compound denominate numbers are plentiful and easy
level are usually indicators of how many times the
to devise, such as adding several different weights 2
base number is used as a factor (e.g., 5 = 5 × 5). The
together, dividing time into parts, and subtracting one
most common mistake with exponents is to use the
volume from another. 2
exponent as a factor (e.g., 5 = 5 × 2). Exponents may
appear in equations and/or in fractions.

Applied Mathematics Level 5 • 21

The addition and subtraction of fractions with unlike PERCENTAGE
denominators at Level 5 may call for review or
Percentage problems at Level 5 include finding what
instruction in finding a common denominator.
percent one number is of another (see Figure 5.5) and
Learners may simply multiply one denominator by the
calculating a percent of a fraction or a decimal. Have
other and use the result as the common denominator.
learners practice dividing the rate by the base to find
The result may not be the least common denominator,
what percent one number (the rate) is of another (the
but if the operations are being performed on a
base). Remind learners that the word of is usually a
calculator, using larger numbers does not involve any
clue as to which number is the base, but they should
extra time or effort and may help to avoid errors.
verify for themselves whether this interpretation
Level 5 also includes multiplication and division of makes sense.
fractions with like denominators. You will probably
want to deal with these two operations together, since
As a teacher’s aide, you must figure
the division of fractions is usually defined in terms of
percentage scores on student tests. If a
student has 72 points out of 87 possible
If a problem calls for multiplying a fraction by a points, what percent of the total possible
number with a decimal, learners can either convert points did this student obtain?
both numbers to fractions or both to decimals. This
Figure 5.5
type of problem could occur in the situation found in
Figure 5.4:
The shoe store where you work is having Step 1: 72 ÷ 87 = 0.83 = 83%
a __
off sale. A customer purchases a pair
of shoes that regularly costs $48.50. How Discounts and markups are often figured on a
much should you deduct from the regular percentage basis. For practice, you could ask learners
price? what percent a discount or markup is of the original
price. Another appropriate exercise would be
Figure 5.4 calculating the percent increase in sales, production,
or employment, or other applications involving money
or quantity.
Step 1: __
= 1 ÷ 4 = 0.25
Step 2: 0.25 × $48.50 = $12.125 rounded to $12.13

When using common fractions and a calculator,

learners may want to convert the fraction to a decimal
and then multiply that number by the regular price
(e.g., 0.25 × 48.50). If learners do not know the decimal
equivalent of the fraction, they should be able to find it
through division.

22 • Applied Mathematics Level 5

PRODUCTION RATES Quick Call charges 18¢ per minute for
Learners should be able to predict rates through the long-distance calls. Econo Phone totals
use of proportions, which were introduced at Level 4. your phone usage each month and rounds
Level 5 rate problems involve whole numbers only and the number of minutes up to the nearest
often deal with production (see Figure 5.6), which is a 15 minutes. It then charges $7.90 per
combination of quantity and time applications. hour of phone usage, dividing this charge
into 15-minute segments if you used less
You work in the gift wrap section of a than a full hour. If your office makes
department store. You can wrap 15 5 hours 3 minutes worth of calls this
average-sized packages in 2 hours. About month using the company with the lower
how many of these packages should you price, how much will these calls cost?
be able to wrap in 5 hours? Figure 5.7
Figure 5.6
Solution Step 1: Change time of calls to minutes:
15 packages 60 minutes
Step 1: 5 hours × ____________ = 37.5 rounded to 37 5 hours × ____________ + 3 minutes = 303 minutes
2 hours hour

Besides rates of production, Level 5 employees may Step 2: Quick Call charges:
also need to be able to predict rates of use, rates of 18¢
303 minutes × ________ = 5454¢ = $54.54
growth, and rates of speed, among others. For minute
example, knowing how much of a material or product
is used in one month allows one to decide when that Step 3: Change extra minutes to hours, rounding up
material should be reordered. to the nearest 15-minute interval:
60 minutes
3 minutes ÷ ____________ = 0.05 rounded up to 0.25 hours
1 hour
Step 4: Econo Phone charges:
Best deal problems, usually involving several
calculations, are introduced at this level. A clue to best 5.25 hours × $7.90/hour = $41.48
deal problems is usually the use of words such as
Step 5: Select the lower charge: $41.48 is the lower.
lower cost, cheaper, save, less expensive, minimum, and
other comparative terms. However, learners at this
level will have a better grasp of these clues if they In order to decide which company has the lower cost
develop their own lists from groups of best deal for this particular office, learners should first calculate
problems. In this type of problem, learners should the charges at each rate. The information may be
understand that unless they are told one of the prices clarified by making a simple chart detailing the rates.
or costs, they may have to make at least two separate
calculations in order to make a comparison. Thus, one
important consideration is separating the data for
each potential service or product. Consider Figure 5.7:

Applied Mathematics Level 5 • 23

Problem 5.1
Have learners reduce lists of mixed denominate
1 2

You have been asked to ship a package that

1 2
numbers, such as 10 hr 90 min, 4 yd 2 ft 15 in,
weighs 41 pounds; however, the freight
and 3 gal 6 qt 5 pt.
company wants to know the weight in
$ Practice best deal skills using materials found kilograms. What is the closest approximation of
in the consumer market. Telephone services, the package’s weight in kilograms?
photography studios, day care centers, car
A. 18.6
rental agencies, and many other services offer
B. 43.2
varied pricing techniques. In order to make
C. 82.0
accurate comparisons, you will need to identify
D. 90.2
specific situations in which these services will be
E. 100.0

$ Use prices of grocery items to figure unit prices. Solution

Step 1: 41 pounds ÷ 2.2 pounds/kilogram =
18.64 kilograms
$ Use charts of shipping costs to figure charges on
weights that include fractions, decimals, or The alternate solution:
units that must be converted.
Step 1: 41 pounds × 453.592 grams/pound =
% Have learners calculate the appropriate 18,597 grams
quantities of ingredients for certain amounts of
solutions, such as fertilizers, where the Step 2: 18,597 grams ÷ 1,000 grams/kilogram =
directions are given in proportion form 18,597 kilograms rounded to 18.6 kilograms
(e.g., mix 4:1).
Indications that this is a Level 5 problem:
Have learners determine the smallest and
1 2

largest areas that can be enclosed by a fixed ♦ The problem requires converting between
length of fence. systems of measurement.
Develop problems finding perimeter and area in If they do not know the conversions, learners can use
1 2

order to determine the amounts of building the conversion table to find that 1 kilogram is
materials needed for a project (e.g., flooring, approximately 2.2 pounds or that 1 pound equals
paint, wallpaper, and decking, or the amount of 453.592 grams. In order to determine the correct
fertilizer needed for a lawn). procedure to solve the problem, a proportion could be
used, or the correct answer could be found by dividing
Assign learners the task of increasing a recipe
1 2

41 by 2.2. Multiplying by 453.592 will also result in

for a large group. Be sure the original recipe
the correct answer, but this method requires an extra
includes some fractional measurements.
step: learners should convert grams to kilograms by
Learners should also practice reducing the
dividing the answer by 1,000.
resulting compound denominate numbers.

% Have learners determine percentage increase or

decrease in sales, prices, workforce, or other

24 • Applied Mathematics Level 5

Problem 5.2 Problem 5.3

% The drugstore where you work marks up the 12

In your job at the kennel, you groom dogs. It
price of batteries by 35%. You must price some takes you 1 hour 15 minutes to groom an
batteries that cost the store $4.80 per package. average-sized dog. Large dogs, however, take
What price should you put on each package? 1 hour 45 minutes to groom. Today you have to
groom 3 average-sized dogs and 2 large dogs.
$ A. $1.68
How much time should it take you to groom all
B. $3.50
5 dogs?
C. $5.15
D. $6.48 A. 3 hours
E. $7.38 B. 3 hours 45 minutes
C. 6 hours 15 minutes
Solution D. 7 hours 15 minutes
E. 7 hours 45 minutes
Step 1: Understand that 35% = 0.35
Step 2: Markup: $4.80 × 0.35 = $1.68
Step 3: Price: $4.80 + $1.68 = $6.48 Step 1: 1 hour 15 minutes × 3 = 3 hours 45 minutes
Step 2: 1 hour 45 minutes × 2 = 2 hours 90 minutes =
Indications that this is a Level 5 problem: 3 hours 30 minutes
♦ The problem involves more than one step. Step 3: Total time = 3 hours 45 minutes +
♦ The problem requires finding a percentage of a 3 hours 30 minutes = 6 hours 75 minutes =
decimal. 7 hours 15 minutes

Learners should particularly notice the words “marks

up” in this problem. The $4.80 price is the base, and Indications that this is a Level 5 problem:
35% is going to be added to that amount rather than ♦ The problem involves several steps.
subtracted as it would be in a discount problem.
♦ The problem requires calculations using mixed

Applied Mathematics Level 5 • 25

■ Find the best deal and use the result for

6 Description of
Level 6 Skills
another calculation. At Level 6, individuals may
deal with added steps in best deal problems.

Level 6 tasks may require considerable translation ■ Find mistakes in Levels 3, 4, and 5 problems.
from verbal form to mathematical expression. They An individual with Level 6 skills is able to
generally require considerable setup and involve determine if a Level 5 problem has been done
multiple-step calculations. In addition to correctly and, if not, where the mistake was made.
demonstrating the skills at the previous levels,
individuals with Level 6 skills can: Moving to Level 6 Skills
■ Use fractions, negative numbers, ratios, At Level 6, the tasks are more complex, both in the
percentages, or mixed numbers. Individuals number of calculations required and in the wording
with Level 6 skills are able both to multiply and and organization of the problems. Frequently, several
divide fractions with unlike denominators and to calculations must be performed and the resulting
find reverse percentages. values then compared, converted, and/or used in
■ Rearrange a formula before solving a further calculations. Skills demonstrated at the lower
problem. An example might be 8x = 20 ⇒ x = ___
. levels (e.g., working with signed numbers, fractions,
denominate numbers, averages) are involved in
■ Calculate multiple rates. In a workplace where
performing more sophisticated tasks. When a formula
Level 6 skills are required, the multiple rates are
is required, it may be necessary to transpose it or to
often in the form of production rates or pricing
convert some of the units before calculations can be
schemes. Conversions and other calculations are
sometimes necessary.
Being able to set up a problem in an equation form
■ Look up and use two formulas to change
becomes critical at this level. Problem-solving
from one unit to another unit within the
processes can be compared to using some type of
same system of measurement. At Level 6,
system to organize a file drawer—you can still locate
individuals are able to convert from ounces to
things without a system, but it takes longer and you
quarts or vice versa by setting up ratios from the
are more likely to miss something. However, this does
equalities 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces and 1 quart =
not mean that each person’s organizational method
4 cups.
must be the same.
■ Look up and use two formulas to change
Learners can benefit from exploring other problem-
from one unit in one system of measurement
solving strategies. Many individuals develop their own
to a unit in another system of measurement.
methods that may be unorthodox but still work.
In this case the equalities could include 1 mile =
Drawing a picture to illustrate the conditions, the end
1.61 kilometers or 1 liter = 0.264 gallons.
result, or a comparable problem helps some
■ Find the area of basic shapes (rectangles and individuals to work out an approach. Karl J. Smith
circles). Individuals at Level 6 are able to suggests a number of other approaches, including
rearrange the formula, convert units of looking for a similar problem, dividing a problem into
measurement in the calculations, or use the result simpler parts, and “guess and test.” 2 Many people
in further calculations. unconsciously use this last approach of making an
estimate and then checking to see if it works.
■ Find the volume of rectangular solids.
Individuals at Level 6 are able to convert units of
measurement so that all are the same before
calculating the volume.

Karl J. Smith, Problem Solving (Pacific Grove, CA: Brookes/Cole Publishing Company, 1991), 1.

26 • Applied Mathematics Level 6

Have learners examine and verbalize their own FRACTIONS
methods for problem solving by having an extensive
Multiplication and division of fractions with unlike
debriefing session after working a complex problem.
denominators are Level 6 skills and often appear in
Encourage individuals to trace their own solving
measurement tasks in the workplace. Although unlike
method and share this with the rest of the group.
denominators may cause some learners to perceive
Learners can then experiment with these methods on
these problems as more difficult, point out that the
other problems. Compare the effectiveness of different
process is exactly the same as is used on fractions with
methods on a variety of problem types.
like denominators.

When faced with the problem in Figure 6.1, learners
Percentage problems at Level 6 may involve reverse
should notice that the question calls for the total yards
percentages. These are problems in which learners
of fabric, while other measurements are given in feet
are given a value that is a specified percentage of an
and inches, indicating that some conversions are
unknown value, and then are asked to calculate the
necessary. Learners should next consider what
unknown value. For example, a salesclerk who knows
calculation(s) should be performed. Finally, the total
the sale price of an item and that the sale price is 25%
amount should be converted to yards.
off the original price may be asked to figure the
original price.
You must figure the amount of fabric
necessary to make a drape for an office
window. The finished drape must be RATE PROBLEMS
7 __
feet long and 5 feet wide. The fabric is At Level 6, learners must be able to calculate a time
wide enough to allow for side hems, but interval and then use that interval in a rate problem
you must determine the length needed. (see Figure 6.2).
You must allow 8 inches extra at the top
and at the bottom to fold under for the As a cosmetologist, you must schedule
hems. How many linear yards of fabric your own appointments, so you need to
should you need to make the drape? know about how long one haircut takes.
Today you gave 7 haircuts between 1:45
Figure 6.1
and 4:15 and had no breaks.
Approximately how long did it take you to
Solution give each haircut?
Step 1: 7 __
feet × 12 inches/foot = 90 inches
Figure 6.2
Step 2: 90 inches + 8 inches + 8 inches = 106 inches
Step 3: 106 inches ÷ 12 inches/foot ÷ 3 feet/yard = Solution
2.94 yards
Step 1: 4:15 – 1:45 = 3:75 – 1:45 =
2 hours 30 minutes = 150 minutes
Step 2: 150 minutes ÷ 7 = 21.4 minutes

Applied Mathematics Level 6 • 27

In Figure 6.2, the time interval can first be found, and
In the machine shop where you work, you
to do so, the quantity should be converted from hours
are required to keep production records on
to minutes. Conversely, learners may be told the rate
each part for each day. On Wednesday, 45
and have to multiply it by the time interval. For
pieces of a particular part were machined
in 3 hours. On Thursday, 52 pieces of the
same part were machined in 3.5 hours.
The production line you work on can On Friday, 112 pieces of the same part
assemble amplifiers at the rate of 5 every were machined in 7 hours. On which day
30 minutes. At this rate, how long should did the shop have the best production rate
it take the line to assemble 125 of the (the most pieces machined per hour)?
Figure 6.4
Figure 6.3

Solution Step 1: 45 pieces ÷ 3 hours = 15 pieces/hour on
Step 1: 30 minutes ÷ 5 amplifiers = Wednesday
6 minutes/amplifier
Step 2: 52 pieces ÷ 3.5 hours = 14.86 pieces/hour on
Step 2: 6 minutes/amplifier × 125 amplifiers = Thursday
750 minutes
Step 3: 112 pieces ÷ 7 hours = 16 pieces/hour on
Step 3: 750 minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour = 12.5 hours Friday
or 12 hours 30 minutes
Step 4: Friday’s rate is greater than the other two.
Alternate solution
Step1: 5 amplifiers ÷ 30 minutes × 60 minutes/hour
= 10 amplifiers/hour
Step 2: 125 amplifiers ÷ 10 amplifiers/hour =
12.5 hours or 12 hours 30 minutes

There are two ways to set up this rate problem: the

rate can be amplifiers/time or time/amplifier. In
addition, the learners can use either hours or minutes
as the unit of time; they can calculate how many
minutes it takes to assemble each amplifier and
multiply that time by the total number of amplifiers
needed. Some rate problems involve figuring
more than one rate and making a comparison,
as in Figure 6.4.

28 • Applied Mathematics Level 6

AREA Although problems dealing with area are still fairly
simple at this level, they may require using the area
Formulas used to solve Level 6 problems may require
in further calculations. These types of calculations are
rearrangement. In Figure 6.5, the area and width of a
illustrated in Figure 6.6:
rectangle are given; it is necessary to find the length.
Therefore, the formula can be transposed to l = w.
You are preparing to tile the floor of a
rectangular room that is 15 __
feet by
The firm you work for has contracted to
put a new wood floor in a school 18 __
feet in size. The tiles you plan to use
gymnasium. The floor has an area of are square, measuring 12 inches on each
5,000 square feet and is 50 feet wide. side, and are sold in boxes that contain
Having received only a partial shipment enough tiles to cover 25 square feet. How
of the flooring, you have enough to cover a many boxes of tiles should you order to
total of 3,000 square feet. If you cover the complete the job?
entire width of the floor, how much of the
length in feet should you be able to Figure 6.6
complete at this time?

Figure 6.5 Solution

1 1
Step 1: 15 __
feet × 18 __
feet = 286.75 square feet

Solution Step 2: 286.75 square feet ÷ 25 square feet/box =

___ 11.47 boxes
Step 1: Since A = l × w, l = w
A 3,000 square feet Step 3: Round up to 12 boxes since 11 boxes would
Step 2: l = ___
w = _________________ = 60 feet
50 feet not be enough.

With this problem, it is important for learners to

The area in this problem is of a simple rectangle, and
understand that the area to be covered is 3,000 square
it can easily be determined by using a calculator and
feet, not 5,000.
converting the fractions to decimals. However, the tile
dimension, which is given in inches rather than feet,
could cause confusion. The important facts are that a
box of tiles covers 25 square feet and that the tiles are
sold by the box only. Normally, the actual answer of
11.47 would be rounded down to 11. But in this case,
11 boxes would not be enough to cover the entire floor;
12 would be needed. It would be useful here to discuss
the importance of the degree of accuracy and how it
applies to units such as these boxes of tile.

Applied Mathematics Level 6 • 29

VOLUME The three separate problems in Figure 6.7 are (1) to
find the cost per employee using Yummy Foods, (2) to
Problems at this level also include figuring the volume
find the cost per employee if using Greedy Gourmet,
of a rectangular solid. Review word clues such as
and (3) to find the difference between the two costs.
cubic, capacity, and solid or volume units, such as
gallons, that indicate volume rather than area is being
sought. You should stress that volume is a solid TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEMS
measurement, not just the surface area of a three-
Level 6 introduces troubleshooting problems. Problems
dimensional object. The fact, for instance, that 1 cubic
involving Level 3 to Level 5 skills should be presented
foot equals 1,728 cubic inches may seem nearly
to learners with incorrect solutions. Learners should
impossible to some learners. Demonstration of volume
be able to determine either exactly where an error was
compared to area with wooden blocks or similar items
made or the difference between the incorrect solution
may help.
and the correct one, as in the case of an incorrect cost
or payment (see Figure 6.8).
Best deal problems at Level 6 include using the results A customer in the store where you work
in further calculations. Rather than just comparing purchases items costing $3.50, $4.95, and
two costs and choosing the better, it may be necessary $5.25, and pays with a $20 bill. You give
to figure the difference as well. Learners may need the customer $7.40 in change. How much,
practice in breaking these tasks into three separate if at all, did you overcharge or
problems. Using a simple chart at first may be helpful. undercharge the customer?
Take, for example, Figure 6.7:
Figure 6.8

The 55 employees in the plant where you

work have lunch delivered to the vending Solution
area once a week. The charge to Step 1: $3.50 + $4.95 + $5.25 = $13.70
individuals is set just high enough to Step 2: Change should be $20.00 – $13.70 = $6.30
cover the total cost. The current caterer,
Step 3: You gave $7.40 – $6.30 = $1.10 too much
Yummy Foods, has a $25 delivery fee in
change; therefore, you undercharged the
addition to the $3.50 charge per person.
You have found that Greedy Gourmet has
a $40 delivery fee but only charges $3.00
per person. How much can you save each
employee on the cost of a meal by
changing caterers?

Figure 6.7

Step 1: Cost per employee using Yummy Foods =
$25.00 ÷ 55 + $3.50 = $0.46 + $3.50 = $3.96
Step 2: Cost per employee using Greedy Gourmet =
$40.00 ÷ 55 + $3.00 = $0.73 + $3.00 = $3.73
Step 3: Cost savings = $3.95 – $3.73 = $0.22

30 • Applied Mathematics Level 6

Troubleshooting skills are crucial on the job. OTHER STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVING
Salesclerks often deal with customers who have been SKILLS TO LEVEL 6
overcharged or undercharged, as in Figure 6.8. Many
mistakes cost businesses money. Understanding $ Have learners calculate the amount of carpet or
flooring needed for rectangular rooms. In the
where the mistake was made can help prevent its
workplace, Level 6 problems may involve
recurrence in the future. Learners should develop
figuring installation charges separately or
their own checklists that include common errors to
subtracting a discount.
look for. These checklists could start with the following
questions: % Making scale drawings such as room
arrangements, buildings, vehicles, and
♦ Were calculations done using numbers all
landscape designs provides good practice in
converted to the same units?
using ratios and proportions. This activity also
♦ Were all decimals placed correctly? provides an opportunity to discuss the results of
♦ Were operations (e.g., addition, subtraction) not adhering to the same scale or proportion.
performed correctly or, if a calculator was Determining the amount of cement needed for a

1 2
used, were numbers entered correctly? sidewalk or driveway is a common volume
♦ Were operations performed in the correct problem. It can also involve converting units.
order (e.g., a discount applies to only one of Although cement is sold by the cubic yard, the
several items a customer is purchasing and thickness of a sidewalk is usually measured in
should be taken off before all items are inches, and the width and length are measured
totaled)? in feet. Have learners find, for example, the
number of cubic yards of cement needed for a
♦ Was the correct formula used and/or were
sidewalk that is to be 4 inches thick, 3 feet wide,
values substituted appropriately (e.g., radius
and 40 feet long.
instead of diameter)?
Have learners work with multiplication and
1 2

♦ If fractions were used, were common

division of fractions by increasing recipes or
denominators found or inversions done when
measurements for lumber.
Rate problems can be based on learners’
♦ Were conversions of percents done correctly? 9
personal experiences in their own jobs. Learners
♦ Were operations on mixed units, or could begin with amounts of material and time
denominate numbers, done correctly? used to produce one item and determine the
amount of material needed for a day’s or week’s

Applied Mathematics Level 6 • 31

“Trick problems” are often good exercises in Level 6 Sample Items
eliminating extraneous information. A classic
Problem 6.1
example is the nursery rhyme “As I Was Going
to St. Ives”: You need to haul a load of patio bricks to a job
site. Each brick weighs 4 pounds 14 ounces.
As I was going to St. Ives
3 -ton load. How many
Your truck can carry a __
I met a man with seven wives 4
Each wife had seven sacks bricks can your truck carry in a full load?
Each sack had seven cats A. 300
Each cat had seven kits B. 307
Kits, cats, sacks, wives— C. 362
How many were going to St. Ives? D. 409
The extraneous information in this rhyme is so E. 483
overwhelming that the reader easily overlooks
what the question is really looking for (only one
person was going to St. Ives; the rest were going
Step 1: 4 pounds 14 ounces = 4 pounds + 14 ounces ÷
the other way). There are many newer versions
16 ounces/pound = 4.875 pounds
of this type of problem that present a fairly
simple question buried in a great deal of Step 2: __
-ton × 2,000 pounds/ton = 1,500 pounds
information. Step 3: 1,500 pounds ÷ 4.875 pounds/brick = 307.69
bricks rounded down to 307 bricks

Indications that this is a Level 6 problem:

♦ Calculations involve mixed numbers and
♦ One-step conversions are necessary.
♦ This is a multiple-step problem with several
steps of reasoning.
The number of bricks must be rounded down because
if it were rounded up, the weight would be more than a
full load.

32 • Applied Mathematics Level 6

Problem 6.2 Indications that this is a Level 6 problem:

$ The catering service where you work employs ♦ Learners must set up the problem and do
4 people whose individual hourly wages are several steps of calculation and conversion.
$12.20, $13.25, $14.45, and $16.00, respectively.
♦ Measurement conversions are necessary.
They each work 8 hours per day, 5 days per
week, and are paid for all holidays plus 2 weeks Learners should understand the term annual payroll.
of vacation per year. What is the total amount of They can calculate the number of working hours in a
the annual payroll? year and multiply this number times the total pay per
hour. It is assumed that they know how many weeks
A. $ 3,354
there are in a year.
B. $ 14,534
C. $ 26,832
D. $116,272
E. $120,744

Step 1: Total pay per hour = $12.20 + $13.25 +
$14.45 + $16.00 = $55.90
Step 2: Hours per year = 8 hours/day × 5 days/week ×
52 weeks/year = 2,080 hours/year
Step 3: Total pay = 2,080 hours/year × $55.90/hour =
$116,272 per year

Applied Mathematics Level 6 • 33

■ Apply basic statistical concepts. Level 7 skills

7 Description of
Level 7 Skills
enable a person to find weighted averages and use
median and mode to compare quantities.

At Level 7, the task may be presented in an unusual

format and the information presented may be Moving to Level 7 Skills
incomplete or implicit. Tasks often involve multiple Level 7 problems can include extraneous information,
steps of logic and calculation. In addition to many steps of reasoning, troubleshooting, best deal
demonstrating the skills at the previous levels, calculations, and any other skills discussed at the
individuals with Level 7 skills can: earlier levels in any combination. Emphasis on careful
■ Solve problems that include nonlinear reading and reasoning is particularly important.
functions (such as rate of change) and/or
that involve more than one unknown. In the MULTIPLE STEPS AND CALCULATIONS
workplace, Level 7 problems that use more than
one unknown are tasks that commonly require In the problem-solving system described at Level 3,
combining rates or combining mixtures. the first step is to decide exactly what the question is.
When setting up an equation, this translates into
■ Convert between systems of measurement identifying the unknown and then choosing a variable
that involve fractions, mixed numbers, to represent that unknown value. The second step,
decimals, and/or percentages. Individuals with determining the facts, is the process of identifying
Level 7 skills are able to convert 7 pounds 5 __
2 what is known. Finally, choosing the correct
ounces to grams or kilograms. operations and the order in which they should be
■ Calculate volumes of spheres, cylinders, or performed is pertinent to actually setting up the
cones. At Level 7, individuals are able to equation. Figure 7.1 was originally a Level 6 problem
determine volumes of various shapes, given the until a complication (the 2% shrinkage) was added:
■ Calculate multiple areas and volumes. At You must figure the amount of fabric
Level 7, individuals deal with problems involving necessary to make a drape for an office
irregular shapes. In order to find total area or window. The finished drape must be 7 __
volume, these shapes should be segmented into feet long and 5 feet wide. The fabric is
regular shapes for which the individual can find wide enough to allow for side hems, but
the areas. you must determine the length needed.
■ Set up and manipulate complex ratios or You need to allow 8 inches extra at the
proportions. At this level, individuals encounter top and at the bottom to fold under for the
ratios that can contain mixed units requiring hems. You must also allow an extra 2% in
conversions. Individuals may need to do other length for possible shrinkage. How many
calculations before or after setting up the linear yards of fabric should you need to
proportion. make the drape?

■ Find the best deal when they have several Figure 7.1
choices. Individuals with Level 7 skills are able to
determine the best economic value of several
alternatives by using graphics or by finding a
percentage difference or a unit cost.
■ Find mistakes in Level 6 problems. At Level 7,
individuals are able to check for errors in Level 3
to Level 6 problems.

34 • Applied Mathematics Level 7

You must determine the ticket prices for
Step 1: 7 __
feet × 12 inches/foot = 90 inches an upcoming performance in the concert
Step 2: 90 inches + 8 inches + 8 inches = 106 inches hall where you work. You have been told
that the gross sales, if all the tickets are
Step 3: 106 inches ÷ 12 inches/foot ÷ 3 feet/yard =
sold, should total $14,000. There are 400
2.94 yards
first-floor seats and 200 balcony seats in
Step 4: 2.94 yards × 2% = 2.94 yards × 0.02 = the hall. The first-floor tickets are to be
0.06 yards priced at $5 more than the balcony seats.
Step 5: Total yards needed = 2.94 yards + What price should you charge for each
0.06 yards = 3.00 yards type of ticket?

Figure 7.2
An implicit factor is that the 2% shrinkage allowance
applies to all of the other measurements of length.
Obviously, some conversions between systems are
necessary before the calculations can be done. One unknown:
Step 1: Let X represent the balcony ticket price.

NONLINEAR FUNCTIONS Step 2: Let X + $5 represent the first-floor tickets.

Although Level 7 skills do not include setting up or Step 3: 200X + 400(X + $5) = $14,000
solving nonlinear equations, learners should be able to Step 4: 200X + 400X + $2,000 = $14,000
use graphs, tables, and formulas representing this
Step 5: 600X + $2,000 = $14,000
type of function. Problems involving sales
commissions, income taxes, and other nonlinear Step 6: 600X = $14,000 – $2,000
functions found in the workplace may appear at this Step 7: 600X = $12,000
level. Sample Problem 7.1 (see page 39), which deals $12,000
Step 8: X = ________
with bottle cap production, is an example of a problem 600
based on a graph of a nonlinear function. Step 9: X = $20
Step 10: Balcony tickets are $20, so the first-floor
MORE THAN ONE UNKNOWN tickets are $20 + $5 = $25.

Learners need to understand that problems with more Two unknowns:

than one unknown can be approached in one of two Step 1: Let X represent the balcony ticket price.
ways. In the first method, both unknowns are
Step 2: Let Y represent the first-floor ticket price.
represented in terms of one variable. This variable
represents one of the unknowns, and the other Step 3: Y = X + $5
unknown is represented by a known relationship
Step 4: 200X + 400Y = $14,000
between the unknowns using the same variable. The
second method for solving problems with more than Step 5: 200X + 400(X + $5) = $14,000
one unknown uses two different variables and two Step 6: 200X + 400X + $2,000 = $14,000
equations. The problem in Figure 7.2 is an example of
Step 7: 600X + $2,000 = $14,000
using more than one unknown.
Step 8: 600X = $14,000 – $2,000
Step 9: X = ________
Step 10: X = $20
Step 11: Y = X + $5 = $20 + $5 = $25

Applied Mathematics Level 7 • 35

Percentage is often used to show a change in a Some geometric problems at Level 7 involve finding
quantity or value. Most problems calculating percent the volume of spheres, cylinders, or cones. Sample
of change are at least two-step problems. First, the Problem 7.4 (see page 42) provides an example of a
amount of change should be determined if it is not problem that requires finding the volume of a sphere.
already known. Then the amount of change is divided The radius of the bowling ball is 4 inches, and this is
by the original value (see Figure 7.3). the only information learners need to complete the
problem. You may want to review the use of
You are a member of a committee that exponents, which were introduced at Level 5. In the
must prepare a request for pay raises at case of this problem, 4 means 4 × 4 × 4, not 4 × 3.
your company. In the past three years, Figure 7.4 is a cylindrical volume problem; the
the average pay of the workers has gone measurement given, 2.5 feet across on the inside, is
from $12.50 per hour to $13.75 per hour. the diameter, not the radius. The other point that may
During the same time, the cost of living in be confusing in this problem is the conversion of units.
your area has increased 12.5%. What Because this is a change from a larger to a smaller
percent of change occurred in the average unit, it is necessary to multiply. Again, careful reading
pay in this time period? of the information is the key to these problems.

Figure 7.3
The farm where you just started working
has a cylindrical oil tank that is 2.5 feet
Solution across on the inside. The depth of the oil
Step 1: Change = $13.75 – $12.50 = $1.25 in the tank is 2 feet. If 1 cubic foot of
$1.25 space holds 7.48 gallons, about how many
Step 2: Percent change = _______ = 0.10 = 10%
gallons of oil are in the tank?

The cost-of-living information, while undoubtedly very Figure 7.4

pertinent to the committee, is extraneous to this
specific question. Many statistics provide material for Solution
practicing the calculation of percent change. Changes 2.5 feet
d = ________
Step 1: Find the radius: r = __ = 1.25 feet
in temperature, prices, sales, production, plant 2 2
capacity, and demand are all sources of possible Step 2: Find the volume:
v = πr 2h = 3.14 × (1.25 feet) × 2 feet = 9.8 feet
2 3
3 3
Step 3: 9.8 feet × 7.48 gallons/feet = 73.3 gallons

Many workplace problems involve calculating an area
that is not one simple geometric figure. These
irregular figures can usually be broken down into
standard figures that fit standard formulas. For
instance, an L-shaped room that is being measured for
carpet can be divided into two rectangles in order to
determine the area. This process is called figuring a
combined or multiple area. Or, if the amount of paint
required for a rectangular wall with two windows and
a door needs to be determined, the areas of the
windows and door can be subtracted from the total
area of the wall. This is called figuring a reduced area.

36 • Applied Mathematics Level 7

RATIOS AND PROPORTIONS In the problem found in Figure 7.6, the learner must do
conversions, set up a proportion to find the amount of
Some problems found at Level 7 require manipulation
supplement, determine if one or both of the discounts
of complex ratios and proportions. These may contain
apply to this sale, and find the total cost. The 45%
a mixture of fractions and decimals, and differing
figure describing the supplement is extraneous, as is
units of measurement.
the second discount in this particular case.

You can install 12 square yards of flooring

In your agricultural feed sales job, you
in 3 hours and 15 minutes. At this rate,
must place an order for a feed supplement
about how long should it take you to put
for pigs. You have already determined
the same type of flooring in a room that is
that the proper ratio in this case is 1,000
10 feet 4 inches by 15 feet 9 inches?
lbs. of corn and 700 lbs. of oats to 300 lbs.
Figure 7.5 of 45% grower supplement. The farmer
will combine these components in a mixer
with a 1 __
-ton capacity and wants to
order enough 45% grower supplement to
Step 1: Find the room area:
mix 8 batches. The supplement sells for
A = lw = 15 feet 9 inches × 10 feet 4 inches
$260 per ton. Partial tons are figured at
A = 15.75 feet × 10.33 feet = 162.7 feet 14¢ per pound. If the order is for more
Step 2: Convert to square yards: than one full ton, there is a $20 discount
162.7 feet ÷ 9 feet /yard = 18.1 yard
2 2 2 2 on each full ton. If the order is for more
than 2 full tons, there is an additional $5
Step 3: Set up proportion: discount on each ton. How much should
3 hours 15 minutes
_____________________ X
= _____________________ you charge the farmer for this order of
12 square yards 18.1 square yards
Step 4: Solve proportion:
3 hours 15 minutes Figure 7.6
X = _____________________ × 18.1 square yards =
12 square yards
3.25 hours __
________________ × 18.1 square yards = 4.90 hours Solution
12 square yards
Step 1: Total ratio weight = 1,000 pounds +
Step 5: Convert time:
700 pounds + 300 pounds = 2,000 pounds =
4.90 hours = 4 hours 54 minutes
1 ton
Step 2: Total weight of batches = 1 __
tons/batch ×
To solve the problem in Figure 7.5, a proportion is set 8 batches = 12 tons
up in the same manner as the simpler ones found in
Step 3: Set up proportion:
the previous levels. Learners should notice that there
300 pounds
_______ supplement
_________________ X
are several possible proportions that could be used in = _______
1 ton 12 tons
this instance. The operations needed are more complex
Step 4: Solve proportion:
because of the mixed units and necessary conversions.
300 pounds supplement
The area of the room should be found and the value X = ________________________ × 12 tons =
1 ton
changed to square yards. To use a calculator, the 3
3,600 pounds = 1 ton 1,600 pounds
hours and 15 minutes can be changed to a decimal or
to minutes. Step 5: Determine price:
1 ton × ($260 – $20) = $240
1,600 pounds × $0.14/pound = $224
Total price = $240 + $224 = $464

Applied Mathematics Level 7 • 37

At Level 7, the best deal problems include calculating The troubleshooting problems encountered at Level 7
the possible economic values, finding the difference, ask learners to find mistakes in multiple-step
finding the percent of difference, and determining the calculations. Learners may be required to find the
unit cost for the best deal. correct answer or to pinpoint where an error was
made. When the problem asks for the correct answer
The flower shop where you work uses only, all that is necessary is to refigure the problem. If
large spools of wide outdoor ribbon for the problem asks where the mistake was made, more
Memorial Day arrangements. analysis is required. For example, the problem in
Flowersupply, your regular supplier, sells Figure 7.5 might be presented in the following
the ribbon in individual spools for $7.90 manner:
each, or for $7.20 each if you buy them in
full lots of 20 spools. Beribboned You can install 12 square yards of flooring
Company offers the same ribbon at $87.00 in 3 hours and 15 minutes. You need to
for a dozen spools. If you need to order put the same type of flooring in a room
36 spools of ribbon, what percent can you that is 10 feet 4 inches by 15 feet 9 inches
save by going with the lower price? and figure it will take you 41 hours and
6 minutes. You suspect, based on
Figure 7.7 estimation, that your calculations are
wrong. What error, if any, did you make?
Figure 7.8
Step 1: Calculate the two prices:
Flowersupply: 20 spools × $7.20/spool + First, learners should check whether there was an error
16 spools × $7.90/spool = $144 + $126.40 = in entering numbers in the calculator. Next, they
$270.40 should consider the other skills involved in the problem:
Beribboned Company: $87/dozen × 3 dozen = ♦ Was the proportion set up correctly?
♦ Were all conversions completed and done
Step 2: Calculate savings: $270.40 – $261 = $9.40 correctly?
Step 3: Calculate percent savings: _________ × 100% = ♦ Were all operations done and the correct
3.48% operations used?
♦ Were there any errors in the placement of
The problem asks what percent is saved; it is implicit decimal points?
that the savings would be on the higher price. To find
In this case, once the square footage of the room was
the percent of savings, the difference is divided by the
calculated, it was not converted to square yards. In
higher price. The result is expressed as a savings of
some cases, several trials may be necessary in order to
3 percent. This kind of problem could instead be set up
find the error. In others, estimation may help point to
to find the unit cost per spool of ribbon from each
the problem. In the case of Figure 7.8, learners may
supplier. Or the problem could include shipping costs
consider that 12 square yards could be the area of a
for one or both suppliers to be figured into the total
room 9 feet by 12 feet. The room to be floored is less
than twice as large, so an appropriate estimate of time
would be about 5 hours. The answer arrived at was 8
to 9 times that amount. Since there are 9 square feet
to a square yard, this observation could indicate the

38 • Applied Mathematics Level 7

Problem 7.1
$ Develop long-range simulations centering on a % You operate a machine that stamps bottle caps
specific fictional or real business. Learners can
out of 3-inch-by-3-inch aluminum squares.
do problems involving measurement, inventory,
Occasionally, the machine produces an unusable
retail sales, or any other facet of this business.
cap, a reject, that must be recycled. The number
Business math textbooks for high school and
of rejects made at different production rates is
postsecondary classes might be helpful here.
shown below. Today you have been told to
$ Have learners conduct projects in which they produce 600 caps per hour. Approximately how
collect information that would be useful in many caps total should you have to produce to
starting a new business. end up with your quota of 2,400 good ones?
Use geometric math puzzles to practice 50

number of rejects out of 500 caps

1 2

identifying regular shapes.

Have learners use standard containers, from 40
1 2

canned goods to barrels, to practice figuring

volume. 30

% Use statistics on population, sales, and other

data involving change to develop problems that 20
learners can use to figure percent of change.
% Develop best deal problems such as those
suggested in the strategies at Level 5, and use
the resulting answers in other problems (e.g., 75 150 300 600 1,200
finding the percent of discount, unit cost for production
(caps per hour)
each, and cost per unit weight or volume).

A. 2,400
B. 2,448
C. 2,521
D. 2,548
E. 2,616

Step 1: Reject rate at 600 caps per hour from the
graph: 24 bad caps per 500 caps
Step 2: Acceptance rate: 500 caps – 24 caps =
476 good caps per 500 caps
476 2,400
Step 3: Set up proportion: _____ = _______
500 X

476 2,400
Step 4: Solve for X: _____ = _______ ;
500 X

2,400 × 500
X = ________________ = 2,521 caps

Applied Mathematics Level 7 • 39

Indications that this is a Level 7 problem: Problem 7.2
♦ Learners must do several steps of reasoning Your job with the Department of Parks and
and calculation. Recreation requires you to plant Ginkgo trees
along the streets of your city. You have 500 of
♦ Learners must set up and manipulate a
the trees that are ready for planting. You are to
proportion by interpreting information from a
plant the trees along the blocks as shown by the
dashed lines on the map below. The trees must
This problem requires first an exact understanding of 3
be planted 30 feet apart. Each block is __
what the question is asking: How many caps, in
long. How many more trees, if any, do you need
addition to the 2,400 that you need, must be produced
to complete the job?
in order to cover the number of rejects at that
production rate? By carefully examining the graph,



the learner should find that at 600 caps per hour,



24 rejects are produced out of every 500 caps,



or 476 good caps per 500 are produced at this rate.
Other than finding the number of rejects per hour, River Road
the 600 rate is extraneous because time is not a factor
Spring Street

Main Street

Market Street

A. None; you have 236 extra trees.

B. None; you have exactly enough.
C. You need 20 more trees.
D. You need 908 more trees.
E. You need 15,340 more trees.

Step 1: Convert miles to feet:
__ 5,280 feet
mile × __________ = 1,980 feet
1 mile
Step 2: Find the number of trees:
30 feet
1,980 feet ÷ _______ = 66 trees
Step 3: Correct for street: 66 trees – 1 tree = 65 trees
Step 4: Calculate total trees:
65 trees
8 blocks × ________ = 520 trees
Step 5: Correct for intersection:
520 trees + 1 tree – 1 tree = 520 trees
Step 6: Calculate trees needed:
520 trees – 500 trees = 20 trees

40 • Applied Mathematics Level 7

In order to first find the number of trees needed for Problem 7.3
each block, __
of a mile needs to be converted to 1,980 You have to order fencing for a 25-acre,

1 2
feet. This number is then divided by 30, which results rectangular field. One side of the field measures
in 66. Since the length of a block is from the center of exactly __
mile. How many yards of fencing will
one cross street to the next and trees are not wanted
you need to enclose the field completely?
in the middle of the streets, only 65 trees are needed
A. 1,320
in each block. There are 8 blocks, considering both
B. 1,430
sides of the street; therefore, 8 × 65 = 520 are needed.
C. 4,290
However, there are two other factors to be taken into
D. 363,000
consideration. The tree placements at the northeast
E. 1,089,000
corner of the intersection of 1st Avenue and Main
Street intersect resulting in two trees at the same
place, so one tree less would be needed. However, the Solution
dashed lines on the map show a tree is needed at the Step 1: Understand that: 1 acre = 43,560 square feet
southwest corner of that same intersection. The two Step 2: Convert acres to square feet: 43,560 square
factors cancel each other out, so 520 trees are needed. feet/acre × 25 acres = 1,089,000 square feet
Step 3: Convert miles to feet: 1 mile = 5,280 feet
Indications that this is a Level 7 problem:
Step 4: Calculate width of field in feet:
♦ Learners must do several steps of reasoning
5,280 feet/mile × 0.25 mile = 1,320 feet
and calculation.
Step 5: Compute length of field in feet:
♦ Learners must figure out the information 1,089,000 square feet ÷ 1,320 feet = 825 feet
needed to solve the problem when the
Step 6: Compute perimeter using formula:
information presented is incomplete or
(2 × 825 feet) + (2 × 1,320 feet) = 4,290 feet
Step 7: Convert to yards:
♦ Learners must convert between systems of
4,290 feet ÷ 3 feet/yard = 1,430 yards
numbers that involve fractions.

Indications that this is a Level 7 problem:

♦ Learners must do several steps of reasoning
and calculation.
♦ Learners must convert between systems of
measurement that involve fractions, mixed
numbers, decimals, or percentages.
♦ Learners must figure out the information
needed to solve the problem when the
information presented is incomplete or

Applied Mathematics Level 7 • 41

Problem 7.4 Indication that this is a Level 7 problem:
In your job at a company that makes bowling ♦ Learners must calculate the volume of a
1 2

balls, you are doing a quick check of how much sphere.

plastic resin has been used this week by the
♦ Learners must convert units.
machine that molds the balls. Each ball is a
sphere with a radius of 4 inches (the finger holes
are drilled out after the ball has been molded).
Production records show that 1,200 balls were
made this week. Ignoring waste, about how
many cubic feet of resin were used in the
machine this week?
A. 46
B. 186
C. 268
D. 2,233
E. 321,536

Step 1: Calculate volume of the ball:
4 3 __ 4
V = __ πr = 3 × 3.14 × (4 inches) = 268 inches
3 3

Step 2: Calculate total volume:
3 3
1,200 balls × 268 inches = 321,600 inches
Step 3: Convert to cubic feet:
321,600 inches ÷ 1,728 inches /feet = 186 feet
3 3 3 3

42 • Applied Mathematics Level 7

Applied Mathematics

Algebra I. Teacher’s Ed. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Price, Jack, et al. Application of Mathematics.
Jovanovich, 1983. Columbus, OH: Merrill Publishing Co., 1988.
Birkenholz, Robert J., Bryan L. Garton, Steven R. Real World Skills for General Mathematics. Charles E.
Harbstreit, W. Wade Miller. Effective Adult Merrill, 1982.
Learning. Danville, IL: Interstate Publishers,
Shulte, Albert P., Harriet Haynes, and Evelyn D. Bell.
Mathematics Skills for Daily Living. River
Cambridge Adult Education, Applied Math Skills, 5 Forest, IL: Laidlaw Brothers, 1986.
vols. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Simon & Schuster,
Sperling, A. P., and Samuel D. Levinson. Arithmetic
Cambridge Adult Education, 1996.
Made Simple. Rev. ed. New York: Doubleday,
Easterday, Kenneth E., Loren L. Henry, and F. 1988.
Morgan Simpson, comp. Activities for Junior
Smith, Karl J. Problem Solving. Pacific Grove, CA:
High and Middle School Mathematics (Readings
Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., 1991.
from Arithmetic Teacher and Mathematics
Teacher), 1981. Stein, Edwin I. Refresher Mathematics. Needham, MA:
Prentice-Hall, 1989.
French, Francis G. Consumer Mathematics. Needham,
MA: Prentice-Hall, 1989. U.S. Department of Labor. Employment and Training
Administration. Dictionary of Occupational
Garfunkel, Solomon, et al. For All Practical Purposes.
Titles. 4th ed., revised. Washington, DC: GPO,
2nd ed. New York: W. H. Freeman and Co.
Gordon, Jack. “Learning How to Learn.” Training,
“Using Adult Learning Principles in Adult Basic and
(May 1990), 51-62.
Literacy Education,” Susan Imel, 1989. Retrieved
Jones, Edward V. Reading Instruction for the Adult November 7, 2003, from:
Illiterate. Chicago: American Library Association, http://ericacve.org/docgen.asp?tbl=pab&ID=88
Ward, Lane D. “Warm Fuzzies vs. Hard Facts: Four
Knox, Alan B. “Helping Adults Apply What They Styles of Adult Learning.” Training, (November
Learn.” Training and Development Journal, 1983), 31-33.
(June 1988), 55-59.
Zemke, Ron, and Susan Zemke. “30 Things We Know
Mathematics Today: Problem Solving Workbook. 2nd for Sure About Adult Learning.” Training, (July
ed. Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987. 1988), 57-61.
Merriam, Sharan B., Rosemary S. Caffarella. Learning
in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1999.

Appendices • 43
Applied Mathematics Formula Sheet

Distance Rectangle
1 foot = 12 inches perimeter = 2 (length + width)
1 yard = 3 feet area = length × width
1 mile = 5,280 feet
Rectangular Solid (Box)
1 mile ≈ 1.61 kilometers
volume = length × width × height
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 foot = 0.3048 meters Cube
1 meter = 1,000 millimeters volume = (length of side)
1 meter = 100 centimeters Triangle
1 kilometer = 1,000 meters sum of angles = 180°
1 kilometer ≈ 0.62 miles 1
area = __
(base × height)
1 square foot = 144 square inches
number of degrees in a circle = 360°
1 square yard = 9 square feet
circumference ≈ 3.14 × diameter
1 acre = 43,560 square feet
area ≈ 3.14 × (radius)

1 cup = 8 fluid ounces
volume ≈ 3.14 × (radius) × height

1 quart = 4 cups
1 gallon = 4 quarts Cone 2
3.14 × (radius) × height
1 gallon = 231 cubic inches volume ≈ __________________________________
1 liter ≈ 0.264 gallons Sphere (Ball)
1 cubic foot = 1,728 cubic inches 4
volume ≈ __
× 3.14 × (radius)
1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet
1 board foot = 1 inch by 12 inches by 12 inches Electricity
1 kilowatt-hour = 1,000 watt-hours
Weight amps = watts ÷ volts
1 ounce ≈ 28.350 grams
1 pound = 16 ounces Temperature
1 pound ≈ 453.592 grams °C = 0.56 (°F – 32) or __
(°F – 32)
1 milligram = 0.001 grams
°F = 1.8 (°C) + 32 or __
× °C + 32
1 kilogram = 1,000 grams
1 kilogram ≈ 2.2 pounds
1 ton = 2,000 pounds

NOTE: Problems on the WorkKeys Applied Mathematics assessment should be worked using the formulas and
conversions on this formula sheet.

44 • Appendices

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