WK Targets Math
WK Targets Math
WK Targets Math
ACT endorses the Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education,
a statement of guidelines for those who develop, administer, and use
educational tests and data. The Code sets forth criteria for fairness in
four areas: developing and selecting appropriate tests, interpreting test
scores, striving for fairness, and informing test takers. ACT is committed
to ensuring that each of its testing programs upholds the Code’s standards
for appropriate test development practice and use.
Applied Mathematics Emphasizes the types of mathematics tasks that
are encountered in the workplace and
Skills modifications of teaching methods that correspond
to these differences. For example, there is a
Applied Mathematics is the skill people use when they
special focus on calculators because of their
apply mathematical reasoning and problem-solving
common use in the workplace.
techniques to work-related problems. Solving
mathematical problems in the workplace can differ ■ Suggests specific strategies that can be used as
from solving problems in the classroom. While the they are or be adapted to a variety of teaching or
math skills needed are the same, math problems in training situations to connect the skills to
the workplace are not usually laid out neatly in a workplace situations.
textbook format. Instead, the employee may be There are five levels of proficiency in the Applied
responsible for identifying and locating the necessary Mathematics skill scale, ranging from Level 3, the
information (e.g., on a cash register, price tag, or least complex, to Level 7, the most complex. These
catalog) as well as knowing what to do with that levels were developed focusing on two main criteria:
information. It is, therefore, critical to strengthen each
learner’s core mathematics skills and to develop his or ♦ the types of mathematical operations
her repertoire of problem-solving strategies. employees must perform, and
Individuals possessing these Applied Mathematics ♦ the form and order in which employees receive
skills will be able to successfully tackle novel the information; that is, the presentation of
situations involving mathematics problems in the the information.
The skills at the lowest level involve using whole
The Applied Mathematics Targets for Instruction is numbers and some decimals in basic math operations:
not intended to be a guide on how to teach math. addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. As
Instead, this Target: the levels progress, the math operations involve more
■ Describes the Applied Mathematics skills steps. Furthermore, they include decimals and
encompassed by each of the five hierarchical fractions, conversion of units, averaging, calculating
levels. area and volume, and ratios.
Overview • 1
As the complexity of the levels increases, the
presentation of the information becomes more of a
% Proportions and Percentages
barrier to problem solving. The wording becomes
ambiguous, the presence of unnecessary information is Proportions can be used in many tasks that require
more likely, and pertinent information is less obvious. making predictions (e.g., if this is the amount for X
Regardless of skill level, most of these problems will units, how much is needed for Y units?). Percentages
involve one or more of the following applications: are used in the workplace to calculate commissions,
discounts, taxes, price increases, changes in sales, and
wage changes.
Employees often need to determine the number of Averages
items sold, produced, or purchased, or to figure totals X
on a per-unit basis.
Many records in the workplace are expressed in terms
of averages (e.g., those involving sales records, wages,
$ Money
costs, hours worked). These averages become tools in
the decision-making processes of the business.
2 • Overview
Strategies for Teaching can respect this by giving them ample opportunities to
practice a skill on their own successfully before
Applied Mathematics demonstrating the skill in front of others, or by having
them work in small groups or teams to learn
Skills collaboratively.
General strategies used to teach mathematics are Although there is no universal agreement among
applicable in preparing learners for the workplace. educators on correct approaches to teaching adults in
This Target seeks to expand those strategies by comparison to children, many feel that there are a
pointing out some work-related differences in the number of good teaching practices that should
content and cognitive strategies required, by especially be used in adult education. In “Using Adult
identifying appropriate materials, and by suggesting Learning Principles in Adult Basic and Literacy
activities that may be particularly useful. Education,” Susan Imel summarizes the
When choosing materials to help learners improve recommendations from several sources:
their Applied Mathematics skills, you should look for ■ Involve adults in program planning and
problems implementation. This practice can inform the
♦ emphasizing the skills appropriate for the instructor more completely about the learner’s
level the learners are trying to achieve; previous educational experiences, relate the
material to the learner’s present needs, and
♦ set in a work environment involving the
improve motivation.
applications described at that level; and
■ Develop and/or use instructional materials
♦ with presentations that are appropriate for the
that are based on students’ lives. Again, the
level the learners are trying to achieve.
focus is on relating learning more directly to the
You may want to develop problems to simulate learner’s experience. It is especially appropriate to
workplace applications. You may also want to contact use workplace documents and problems from the
local businesses for actual examples or have learners learner’s work environment when addressing the
bring in examples from their own jobs. As often as generic skills assessed by the WorkKeys tests.
possible, present these problems to the learners in the
■ Develop an understanding of learners’
same way they would be presented in the workplace.
experiences and communities. Although
individualizing instruction has great benefits, it is
Working With Adult Learners important to keep the learner’s community
Since many WorkKeys learners are adults, there are background and daily life in view. This can help
some useful points concerning adult learning to keep you to understand their motivations and problems
in mind. Adults are usually motivated to learn and can provide material and help to identify
something primarily because they believe it will be strategies that they can relate to.
useful. You will therefore want to be sure that learners ■ Incorporate small groups into learning
understand and appreciate the connections between activities. Small group work has been used
Applied Mathematics skills and the workplace. successfully with all ages. For adults, this
Adults especially need to be able to relate new approach can provide peer support, a context more
material to something connected with what they similar to those where they actually practice
already know. Otherwise they are less likely to retain mathematics skills—that is the workplace, home,
or use the new material. They may also have less self- and other daily settings.
esteem in the classroom than younger learners. You
Overview • 3
Whatever the level of the learner or the length of the the level of that WorkKeys skill required to adequately
program, it is important to remember the following perform the specified job or occupation. The same scale
guidelines: is also used to describe that skill in the corresponding
Targets for Instruction. This common scale enables
♦ Allow enough time to effect a permanent
instructors to use the assessments, the profiling
increase in all skill levels by incorporating
component, and the Targets for Instruction to help
adequate practice to establish solid
learners prepare for the jobs or occupations of their
♦ Be sure each learner is clearly aware of his or
The number of levels and the range of the levels vary
her own goals and of the relationship between
from skill to skill. For example, the skill scale for the
those goals and job qualifications.
Listening skill has levels ranging from 1 to 5, while
♦ Use pretests to motivate learners and avoid the scale for the Applied Technology skill has levels
time-consuming reteaching of skills they have ranging from 3 to 6. This variation reflects the levels of
already mastered. Posttesting or observing of each skill that employers want tested. Level 3 in one
learners using a checklist may be useful for skill is not necessarily equal to Level 3 in another
evaluating their mastery of skill levels. skill.
♦ Present the instruction sequentially; learners For example, Figure A shows how the WorkKeys
should master each step before going on to the system matches the skills of a particular individual
next. with the skill requirements of a particular job. The
♦ Be sure that learners demonstrate the individual whose skill profile is shown may be
prerequisite skills for each level before currently employed in or interested in a particular job
continuing with the instruction. that requires Level 4 Listening skills, Level 4 Locating
Information skills, and Level 6 Applied Mathematics
skills. The individual’s WorkKeys assessment scores
The Skill Scale and show that he or she has achieved Level 4 Listening
Assessments skills, Level 5 Locating Information skills, and Level 5
Applied Mathematics skills. The assessment results
WorkKeys assessments simulate the requirements of
show that this individual needs to improve his or her
the workplace to the maximum degree possible given
Applied Mathematics skills in order to match the skill
the requirements of a large-scale, standardized
requirements of the job.
assessment. As a result, WorkKeys is not geared
toward any particular age group but, instead, targets
the requirements of the workplace. The WorkKeys Job Profile for Job X
Listening Locating Applied
system provides information to instructors and Information Mathematics
4 • Overview
The WorkKeys Targets for Instruction assist you in In most workplace situations, employees have access
helping learners improve by focusing on the skills to calculators and conversion tables. Likewise, on the
needed at each level of the WorkKeys skill scale. For Applied Mathematics assessment, examinees may use
the individual described in Figure A, this Target calculators, and they are given a table of basic
identifies the Applied Mathematics skills needed to formulas and unit conversions to use (see Appendix A).
perform at Level 6. It then suggests how to help the
There are several equivalent forms of the Applied
learner improve his or her skills from Level 5 to Level
Mathematics assessment. Each form contains
6. Remember that it is not the purpose of the Targets
multiple-choice items at five levels of difficulty. The
for Instruction to teach the exact material that is on
levels range from Level 3, which is the least complex,
the tests but, rather, to guide instructors as they help
to Level 7, which is the most complex. Note that
learners build the skills that characterize each level of
Level 3, as its designation implies, contains more
the skill scale.
advanced problems than the simplest mathematical
The occupational profiles can be used to inform operations an individual could perform. Likewise,
individuals about the generalizable workplace skills there are more complex mathematical problems than
that they are likely to need in selected occupations. those presented at Level 7 of this assessment.
The occupational profiles may also serve as a starting
In developing the WorkKeys system, educators,
point for a discussion about standards and/or
employers, and ACT staff identified Level 3 skills as
requirements for entering or exiting a training
comprising the lowest level of mathematics for which
employers would likely want assessment results. If an
A comprehensive list of the occupational profiles that examinee receives a score below Level 3, you should
have been completed by WorkKeys job profilers is investigate whether this score represents strictly an
available at http://www.act.org/workkeys/profiles/ Applied Mathematics deficiency, or whether an
occuprof/index.html. intervening factor influenced test performance. For
example, external factors such as health, a distraction
Format and General during the administration process, lack of motivation,
English as a second language, visual impediment,
Strategies learning disability, or a high stress level may have
impeded test performance.
of the Assessment
The accuracy and appropriateness of the items have
The WorkKeys Applied Mathematics assessment
been reviewed and endorsed by content and fairness
measures the examinee’s skill in applying
experts. The assessment forms are constructed so that
mathematical reasoning and problem-solving
the occupations described are varied. Care has been
techniques to work-related problems in a format
taken to ensure that the assessment items are as
suitable for large-scale, standardized administration.
realistic as possible and that the content of the tasks is
The math items are presented in the form of story
accurate. The items focus on situations that might
problems involving a workplace context. The examinee
actually be encountered in the workplace. The tasks
is placed in the role of an employee who must solve an
contain enough detail to create a realistic workplace
Applied Mathematics problem to complete his or her
context, but not so much detail that the assessment is
workplace tasks. These problems are arranged in
job specific. The items at each level are comparable to
order of increasing complexity so that each test form
one another across the different forms.
begins with the least complex problems and ends with
the most complex. The examinees’ responses are
dichotomously scored (that is, are either correct or
incorrect). Answers left blank are treated as wrong
answers; there is no penalty for guessing.
Overview • 5
Applied Mathematics
Scattered excerpts from Problem Solving, by Karl J. Smith. Copyright ©1991 by Wadsworth, Inc. This and all other quotes from the
same source are reprinted by permission of Brookes/Cole Publishing Company, Pacific Grove, California 93950.
crate of items ? 12 items 36
per crate
purchased item 5 $? per item $6.25
distance (mile) 7 2 hrs per mile ? hrs
Figure 3.3
Step 1: 1 hour = 60 minutes;
Step 1: $20.00 – $3.84 = $16.16 60 minutes ÷ 3 boxes = 20 minutes/box
Indications that this is a Level 3 problem: Indications that this is a Level 3 problem:
♦ It is a one-step word problem with one ♦ The problem involves one operation and whole
subtraction operation. Adding the cost of other numbers.
items or figuring the tax would move this
problem to a Level 4. ♦ There is no extraneous information.
♦ The information is in a logical order; that is, The question can be restated, How long did it take to
it is given in the same order in which the unpack each box of jeans if you did them all at the
problem would be set up. same rate? Division is the process needed. The
problem gives the number and kind of units, 3 boxes of
♦ There is no extraneous information. jeans, and the total value, 1 hour. The learner is
The question can be restated, How much change is left looking for the value, or time per unit. This problem
out of the $20 bill? Therefore, this is a subtraction also requires conversion of 1 hour into 60 minutes.
problem. The important facts are the total value, $20,
and $3.84, the cost of the coffee.
Solution Solution
Step 1: Total = 17 + 25 + 15 = 57 Step 1: Set up proportion:
Step 2: Average = 57 ÷ 3 = 19 how many
21 beats
___________ beats
= ___________
15 seconds 60 seconds
Mixtures: You use 3 gallons of concentrated Production Rates: If you can print 800
cleaner to mix 10 gallons of usable solution. copies of a letter in 16 minutes, how long
How much concentrated cleaner should be should it take to print 2400 copies of the
used to make 30 gallons of usable solution? same letter?
Solution Solution
how much
3 gallons cleaner _ 800 copies 2400 copies
Step 1: ___________ = __________ Step 1: ___________ = ____________
10 gallons 30 gallons 16 minutes how many
Step 2:
how much how many
3 gallons 16 minutes minutes
cleaner = ___________
___________ × 30 gallons = 9 gallons Step 2: ___________ = ____________
1 10 gallons 800 copies 2400 copies
Step 3:
Materials: If it takes 2 yards of interfacing how many
to make 4 suits, how many yards of minutes___ = 16
_________ minutes
___________ × 2400 copies = 48 minutes
interfacing should it take to make 20 suits? 1 800 copies
how many
2 yards
___________ yards _
Step 1: =
4 suits 20 suits
Step 2:
how many
yards _ 2 yards
__________ = ___________ × 20 suits = 10 yards
1 4 suits
(see Figure 4.4).
A customer purchased clothing totaling
$54.00 from the clothing store where you 10
work. The state sales tax rate is 5%. How
much tax should you charge the customer 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
for this purchase?
One of your duties for the newspaper you work
Figure 4.4 for is to keep track of changes in sales.
According to the chart above, by how many
newspapers have the quarterly sales increased
from the beginning of the year to the end?
Step 1: 5% = 0.05
Step 2: $54.00 × 0.05 = $2.70 Figure 4.5
FRACTIONS Step 1: Read the bar heights for 1st and 4th quarters.
Level 4 introduces two types of problems involving the 1st quarter = 30 thousand
addition of fractions. A problem may require the 4th quarter = 35 thousand
addition of three fractions that share a common Step 2: Find the increase.
denominator or the multiplication of a common 4th quarter – 1st quarter =
fraction by a whole number. Some learners have 35 thousand – 30 thousand =
difficulty with the concept that multiplication can 5 thousand = 5,000
result in a number that is smaller than the whole
number in the problem. It may be helpful to point
Learners should notice first that each bar represents
3 × 8, the times symbol
out that in a problem such as __
4 one quarter of the year, designated along the
represents the word of. The learner should be trying horizontal axis. The vertical axis shows the newspaper
3 of 8 and should realize that if the fraction in sales in thousands. In order to work the problem in
to find __
4 Figure 4.5, learners must be able to specify what
this type of problem is less than 1, the answer should numbers the bars for the first and fourth quarters
be less than the whole number. represent. You could also ask learners to use this
graph to determine the average quarterly sales or to
find the total sales for the year.
Using distance and average speed, have
learners calculate the time required for a
specific trip.
7 yards
You are a new maintenance person for the
1 yard local school and need to calculate how
much wax will be required for the
cafeteria floor based on its square footage.
4 yards
The cafeteria is 120 feet by 45 feet. What
is the square footage you should use to
4 yards
Figure 5.2
Besides rates of production, Level 5 employees may Step 2: Quick Call charges:
also need to be able to predict rates of use, rates of 18¢
303 minutes × ________ = 5454¢ = $54.54
growth, and rates of speed, among others. For minute
example, knowing how much of a material or product
is used in one month allows one to decide when that Step 3: Change extra minutes to hours, rounding up
material should be reordered. to the nearest 15-minute interval:
60 minutes
3 minutes ÷ ____________ = 0.05 rounded up to 0.25 hours
1 hour
Step 4: Econo Phone charges:
Best deal problems, usually involving several
calculations, are introduced at this level. A clue to best 5.25 hours × $7.90/hour = $41.48
deal problems is usually the use of words such as
Step 5: Select the lower charge: $41.48 is the lower.
lower cost, cheaper, save, less expensive, minimum, and
other comparative terms. However, learners at this
level will have a better grasp of these clues if they In order to decide which company has the lower cost
develop their own lists from groups of best deal for this particular office, learners should first calculate
problems. In this type of problem, learners should the charges at each rate. The information may be
understand that unless they are told one of the prices clarified by making a simple chart detailing the rates.
or costs, they may have to make at least two separate
calculations in order to make a comparison. Thus, one
important consideration is separating the data for
each potential service or product. Consider Figure 5.7:
1 2
numbers, such as 10 hr 90 min, 4 yd 2 ft 15 in,
weighs 41 pounds; however, the freight
and 3 gal 6 qt 5 pt.
company wants to know the weight in
$ Practice best deal skills using materials found kilograms. What is the closest approximation of
in the consumer market. Telephone services, the package’s weight in kilograms?
photography studios, day care centers, car
A. 18.6
rental agencies, and many other services offer
B. 43.2
varied pricing techniques. In order to make
C. 82.0
accurate comparisons, you will need to identify
D. 90.2
specific situations in which these services will be
E. 100.0
largest areas that can be enclosed by a fixed ♦ The problem requires converting between
length of fence. systems of measurement.
Develop problems finding perimeter and area in If they do not know the conversions, learners can use
1 2
order to determine the amounts of building the conversion table to find that 1 kilogram is
materials needed for a project (e.g., flooring, approximately 2.2 pounds or that 1 pound equals
paint, wallpaper, and decking, or the amount of 453.592 grams. In order to determine the correct
fertilizer needed for a lawn). procedure to solve the problem, a proportion could be
used, or the correct answer could be found by dividing
Assign learners the task of increasing a recipe
1 2
6 Description of
Level 6 Skills
another calculation. At Level 6, individuals may
deal with added steps in best deal problems.
Level 6 tasks may require considerable translation ■ Find mistakes in Levels 3, 4, and 5 problems.
from verbal form to mathematical expression. They An individual with Level 6 skills is able to
generally require considerable setup and involve determine if a Level 5 problem has been done
multiple-step calculations. In addition to correctly and, if not, where the mistake was made.
demonstrating the skills at the previous levels,
individuals with Level 6 skills can: Moving to Level 6 Skills
■ Use fractions, negative numbers, ratios, At Level 6, the tasks are more complex, both in the
percentages, or mixed numbers. Individuals number of calculations required and in the wording
with Level 6 skills are able both to multiply and and organization of the problems. Frequently, several
divide fractions with unlike denominators and to calculations must be performed and the resulting
find reverse percentages. values then compared, converted, and/or used in
■ Rearrange a formula before solving a further calculations. Skills demonstrated at the lower
problem. An example might be 8x = 20 ⇒ x = ___
. levels (e.g., working with signed numbers, fractions,
denominate numbers, averages) are involved in
■ Calculate multiple rates. In a workplace where
performing more sophisticated tasks. When a formula
Level 6 skills are required, the multiple rates are
is required, it may be necessary to transpose it or to
often in the form of production rates or pricing
convert some of the units before calculations can be
schemes. Conversions and other calculations are
sometimes necessary.
Being able to set up a problem in an equation form
■ Look up and use two formulas to change
becomes critical at this level. Problem-solving
from one unit to another unit within the
processes can be compared to using some type of
same system of measurement. At Level 6,
system to organize a file drawer—you can still locate
individuals are able to convert from ounces to
things without a system, but it takes longer and you
quarts or vice versa by setting up ratios from the
are more likely to miss something. However, this does
equalities 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces and 1 quart =
not mean that each person’s organizational method
4 cups.
must be the same.
■ Look up and use two formulas to change
Learners can benefit from exploring other problem-
from one unit in one system of measurement
solving strategies. Many individuals develop their own
to a unit in another system of measurement.
methods that may be unorthodox but still work.
In this case the equalities could include 1 mile =
Drawing a picture to illustrate the conditions, the end
1.61 kilometers or 1 liter = 0.264 gallons.
result, or a comparable problem helps some
■ Find the area of basic shapes (rectangles and individuals to work out an approach. Karl J. Smith
circles). Individuals at Level 6 are able to suggests a number of other approaches, including
rearrange the formula, convert units of looking for a similar problem, dividing a problem into
measurement in the calculations, or use the result simpler parts, and “guess and test.” 2 Many people
in further calculations. unconsciously use this last approach of making an
estimate and then checking to see if it works.
■ Find the volume of rectangular solids.
Individuals at Level 6 are able to convert units of
measurement so that all are the same before
calculating the volume.
Karl J. Smith, Problem Solving (Pacific Grove, CA: Brookes/Cole Publishing Company, 1991), 1.
When faced with the problem in Figure 6.1, learners
Percentage problems at Level 6 may involve reverse
should notice that the question calls for the total yards
percentages. These are problems in which learners
of fabric, while other measurements are given in feet
are given a value that is a specified percentage of an
and inches, indicating that some conversions are
unknown value, and then are asked to calculate the
necessary. Learners should next consider what
unknown value. For example, a salesclerk who knows
calculation(s) should be performed. Finally, the total
the sale price of an item and that the sale price is 25%
amount should be converted to yards.
off the original price may be asked to figure the
original price.
You must figure the amount of fabric
necessary to make a drape for an office
window. The finished drape must be RATE PROBLEMS
7 __
feet long and 5 feet wide. The fabric is At Level 6, learners must be able to calculate a time
wide enough to allow for side hems, but interval and then use that interval in a rate problem
you must determine the length needed. (see Figure 6.2).
You must allow 8 inches extra at the top
and at the bottom to fold under for the As a cosmetologist, you must schedule
hems. How many linear yards of fabric your own appointments, so you need to
should you need to make the drape? know about how long one haircut takes.
Today you gave 7 haircuts between 1:45
Figure 6.1
and 4:15 and had no breaks.
Approximately how long did it take you to
Solution give each haircut?
Step 1: 7 __
feet × 12 inches/foot = 90 inches
Figure 6.2
Step 2: 90 inches + 8 inches + 8 inches = 106 inches
Step 3: 106 inches ÷ 12 inches/foot ÷ 3 feet/yard = Solution
2.94 yards
Step 1: 4:15 – 1:45 = 3:75 – 1:45 =
2 hours 30 minutes = 150 minutes
Step 2: 150 minutes ÷ 7 = 21.4 minutes
Solution Step 1: 45 pieces ÷ 3 hours = 15 pieces/hour on
Step 1: 30 minutes ÷ 5 amplifiers = Wednesday
6 minutes/amplifier
Step 2: 52 pieces ÷ 3.5 hours = 14.86 pieces/hour on
Step 2: 6 minutes/amplifier × 125 amplifiers = Thursday
750 minutes
Step 3: 112 pieces ÷ 7 hours = 16 pieces/hour on
Step 3: 750 minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour = 12.5 hours Friday
or 12 hours 30 minutes
Step 4: Friday’s rate is greater than the other two.
Alternate solution
Step1: 5 amplifiers ÷ 30 minutes × 60 minutes/hour
= 10 amplifiers/hour
Step 2: 125 amplifiers ÷ 10 amplifiers/hour =
12.5 hours or 12 hours 30 minutes
Figure 6.7
Step 1: Cost per employee using Yummy Foods =
$25.00 ÷ 55 + $3.50 = $0.46 + $3.50 = $3.96
Step 2: Cost per employee using Greedy Gourmet =
$40.00 ÷ 55 + $3.00 = $0.73 + $3.00 = $3.73
Step 3: Cost savings = $3.95 – $3.73 = $0.22
1 2
used, were numbers entered correctly? sidewalk or driveway is a common volume
♦ Were operations performed in the correct problem. It can also involve converting units.
order (e.g., a discount applies to only one of Although cement is sold by the cubic yard, the
several items a customer is purchasing and thickness of a sidewalk is usually measured in
should be taken off before all items are inches, and the width and length are measured
totaled)? in feet. Have learners find, for example, the
number of cubic yards of cement needed for a
♦ Was the correct formula used and/or were
sidewalk that is to be 4 inches thick, 3 feet wide,
values substituted appropriately (e.g., radius
and 40 feet long.
instead of diameter)?
Have learners work with multiplication and
1 2
$ The catering service where you work employs ♦ Learners must set up the problem and do
4 people whose individual hourly wages are several steps of calculation and conversion.
$12.20, $13.25, $14.45, and $16.00, respectively.
♦ Measurement conversions are necessary.
They each work 8 hours per day, 5 days per
week, and are paid for all holidays plus 2 weeks Learners should understand the term annual payroll.
of vacation per year. What is the total amount of They can calculate the number of working hours in a
the annual payroll? year and multiply this number times the total pay per
hour. It is assumed that they know how many weeks
A. $ 3,354
there are in a year.
B. $ 14,534
C. $ 26,832
D. $116,272
E. $120,744
Step 1: Total pay per hour = $12.20 + $13.25 +
$14.45 + $16.00 = $55.90
Step 2: Hours per year = 8 hours/day × 5 days/week ×
52 weeks/year = 2,080 hours/year
Step 3: Total pay = 2,080 hours/year × $55.90/hour =
$116,272 per year
7 Description of
Level 7 Skills
enable a person to find weighted averages and use
median and mode to compare quantities.
■ Find the best deal when they have several Figure 7.1
choices. Individuals with Level 7 skills are able to
determine the best economic value of several
alternatives by using graphics or by finding a
percentage difference or a unit cost.
■ Find mistakes in Level 6 problems. At Level 7,
individuals are able to check for errors in Level 3
to Level 6 problems.
Figure 7.2
An implicit factor is that the 2% shrinkage allowance
applies to all of the other measurements of length.
Obviously, some conversions between systems are
necessary before the calculations can be done. One unknown:
Step 1: Let X represent the balcony ticket price.
Although Level 7 skills do not include setting up or Step 3: 200X + 400(X + $5) = $14,000
solving nonlinear equations, learners should be able to Step 4: 200X + 400X + $2,000 = $14,000
use graphs, tables, and formulas representing this
Step 5: 600X + $2,000 = $14,000
type of function. Problems involving sales
commissions, income taxes, and other nonlinear Step 6: 600X = $14,000 – $2,000
functions found in the workplace may appear at this Step 7: 600X = $12,000
level. Sample Problem 7.1 (see page 39), which deals $12,000
Step 8: X = ________
with bottle cap production, is an example of a problem 600
based on a graph of a nonlinear function. Step 9: X = $20
Step 10: Balcony tickets are $20, so the first-floor
MORE THAN ONE UNKNOWN tickets are $20 + $5 = $25.
Figure 7.3
The farm where you just started working
has a cylindrical oil tank that is 2.5 feet
Solution across on the inside. The depth of the oil
Step 1: Change = $13.75 – $12.50 = $1.25 in the tank is 2 feet. If 1 cubic foot of
$1.25 space holds 7.48 gallons, about how many
Step 2: Percent change = _______ = 0.10 = 10%
gallons of oil are in the tank?
Many workplace problems involve calculating an area
that is not one simple geometric figure. These
irregular figures can usually be broken down into
standard figures that fit standard formulas. For
instance, an L-shaped room that is being measured for
carpet can be divided into two rectangles in order to
determine the area. This process is called figuring a
combined or multiple area. Or, if the amount of paint
required for a rectangular wall with two windows and
a door needs to be determined, the areas of the
windows and door can be subtracted from the total
area of the wall. This is called figuring a reduced area.
A. 2,400
B. 2,448
C. 2,521
D. 2,548
E. 2,616
Step 1: Reject rate at 600 caps per hour from the
graph: 24 bad caps per 500 caps
Step 2: Acceptance rate: 500 caps – 24 caps =
476 good caps per 500 caps
476 2,400
Step 3: Set up proportion: _____ = _______
500 X
476 2,400
Step 4: Solve for X: _____ = _______ ;
500 X
2,400 × 500
X = ________________ = 2,521 caps
the learner should find that at 600 caps per hour,
24 rejects are produced out of every 500 caps,
or 476 good caps per 500 are produced at this rate.
Other than finding the number of rejects per hour, River Road
the 600 rate is extraneous because time is not a factor
Spring Street
Main Street
Market Street
Step 1: Convert miles to feet:
__ 5,280 feet
mile × __________ = 1,980 feet
1 mile
Step 2: Find the number of trees:
30 feet
1,980 feet ÷ _______ = 66 trees
Step 3: Correct for street: 66 trees – 1 tree = 65 trees
Step 4: Calculate total trees:
65 trees
8 blocks × ________ = 520 trees
Step 5: Correct for intersection:
520 trees + 1 tree – 1 tree = 520 trees
Step 6: Calculate trees needed:
520 trees – 500 trees = 20 trees
1 2
feet. This number is then divided by 30, which results rectangular field. One side of the field measures
in 66. Since the length of a block is from the center of exactly __
mile. How many yards of fencing will
one cross street to the next and trees are not wanted
you need to enclose the field completely?
in the middle of the streets, only 65 trees are needed
A. 1,320
in each block. There are 8 blocks, considering both
B. 1,430
sides of the street; therefore, 8 × 65 = 520 are needed.
C. 4,290
However, there are two other factors to be taken into
D. 363,000
consideration. The tree placements at the northeast
E. 1,089,000
corner of the intersection of 1st Avenue and Main
Street intersect resulting in two trees at the same
place, so one tree less would be needed. However, the Solution
dashed lines on the map show a tree is needed at the Step 1: Understand that: 1 acre = 43,560 square feet
southwest corner of that same intersection. The two Step 2: Convert acres to square feet: 43,560 square
factors cancel each other out, so 520 trees are needed. feet/acre × 25 acres = 1,089,000 square feet
Step 3: Convert miles to feet: 1 mile = 5,280 feet
Indications that this is a Level 7 problem:
Step 4: Calculate width of field in feet:
♦ Learners must do several steps of reasoning
5,280 feet/mile × 0.25 mile = 1,320 feet
and calculation.
Step 5: Compute length of field in feet:
♦ Learners must figure out the information 1,089,000 square feet ÷ 1,320 feet = 825 feet
needed to solve the problem when the
Step 6: Compute perimeter using formula:
information presented is incomplete or
(2 × 825 feet) + (2 × 1,320 feet) = 4,290 feet
Step 7: Convert to yards:
♦ Learners must convert between systems of
4,290 feet ÷ 3 feet/yard = 1,430 yards
numbers that involve fractions.
Step 1: Calculate volume of the ball:
4 3 __ 4
V = __ πr = 3 × 3.14 × (4 inches) = 268 inches
3 3
Step 2: Calculate total volume:
3 3
1,200 balls × 268 inches = 321,600 inches
Step 3: Convert to cubic feet:
321,600 inches ÷ 1,728 inches /feet = 186 feet
3 3 3 3
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Appendices • 43
Applied Mathematics Formula Sheet
Distance Rectangle
1 foot = 12 inches perimeter = 2 (length + width)
1 yard = 3 feet area = length × width
1 mile = 5,280 feet
Rectangular Solid (Box)
1 mile ≈ 1.61 kilometers
volume = length × width × height
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 foot = 0.3048 meters Cube
1 meter = 1,000 millimeters volume = (length of side)
1 meter = 100 centimeters Triangle
1 kilometer = 1,000 meters sum of angles = 180°
1 kilometer ≈ 0.62 miles 1
area = __
(base × height)
1 square foot = 144 square inches
number of degrees in a circle = 360°
1 square yard = 9 square feet
circumference ≈ 3.14 × diameter
1 acre = 43,560 square feet
area ≈ 3.14 × (radius)
1 cup = 8 fluid ounces
volume ≈ 3.14 × (radius) × height
1 quart = 4 cups
1 gallon = 4 quarts Cone 2
3.14 × (radius) × height
1 gallon = 231 cubic inches volume ≈ __________________________________
1 liter ≈ 0.264 gallons Sphere (Ball)
1 cubic foot = 1,728 cubic inches 4
volume ≈ __
× 3.14 × (radius)
1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet
1 board foot = 1 inch by 12 inches by 12 inches Electricity
1 kilowatt-hour = 1,000 watt-hours
Weight amps = watts ÷ volts
1 ounce ≈ 28.350 grams
1 pound = 16 ounces Temperature
1 pound ≈ 453.592 grams °C = 0.56 (°F – 32) or __
(°F – 32)
1 milligram = 0.001 grams
°F = 1.8 (°C) + 32 or __
× °C + 32
1 kilogram = 1,000 grams
1 kilogram ≈ 2.2 pounds
1 ton = 2,000 pounds
NOTE: Problems on the WorkKeys Applied Mathematics assessment should be worked using the formulas and
conversions on this formula sheet.
44 • Appendices