Unopposed Speed Passing Shoot GK Rebound Game 01

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Unopposed Speed, Passing & Shooting : Exercise 1

1 Goal and goal keeper. Players lineup beside each goal post on both ends
of the playing area. Several balls should be placed in a pile outside of the
left or right top cone. Two players start the sequence by sprinting from the
goal line up and around the two cones placed above the penalty area.

2 players sprint from the goal line and around the cones at full speed.
Player A takes a ball (from the pile) and passes to player B.
Player B receives the ball and then passes back to player A.
A Player A takes a shot and both players hunt for the rebound.

B Players take turns switching sides, move the ball pile to the other side
Use a small goal without a goal keeper, add a defender
Have a coach play goalie and deflect the ball for a rebound

A Make it a Game
Establish teams of 2, first team to score 3 goals wins
Use a stopwatch, who can score in the least amount of time.

Coaching Points
Players should be running at full game speed.
Whenever possible (controllable) use 1 touch passing and shooting.
Should you shoot near or far post, on the ground or up high
Player Movement Player Dribble Pass or Strike

Unopposed Speed, Passing & Shooting

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