ADKAR Empowering Managers

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Using the ADKAR Model for Empowering Managers 1


Applications of ADKAR Research Study

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Using the ADKAR Model for Empowering Managers 2


Introduction 3

Empowering Managers with ADKAR 4

Why Empower Managers with ADKAR 5

What Steps Were Taken to Empower

Managers with ADKAR 7

Conclusion 10

Success Story: Federal Government Agency 11

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Using the ADKAR Model for Empowering Managers 3


Research has shown that frontline managers are key to the success or failure of a change
management initiative. Managers are the most likely to be directly impacted or have direct reports
who are impacted by the change. Managers are also best positioned to see and address any
resistance and can have the largest impact on the employee experience of the change.

Organizations looking to be successful at change will

work to ensure that their managers are not only on SEVERAL ORGANIZATIONS
board with the change but can also act as positive HAVE CHOSEN TO EMPOWER
change agents with their direct reports. Enabling THEIR MANAGERS WITH ADKAR
this kind of buy-in and competency involves many AS A SIGNIFICANT PART OF
moving parts. Several organizations have chosen to THE MANAGERS’ EDUCATION
empower their managers with the Prosci ADKAR® AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT
Model (ADKAR) as a significant part of the managers’ TOOLBOX.
education and change management toolbox.

ADKAR is easy to learn, understand and apply, and

can be used by managers very quickly after they are
introduced to it. Managers empowered with ADKAR
are able to help their employees’ transition through
a change, have a way of talking about change that
uses common phrases and words, and are better
positioned to aid the change manager in ensuring that
the change is successful.

In a research effort to understand how organizations

use ADKAR, Prosci asked questions about
empowering managers with ADKAR. Here, we
examine why organizations empower their managers
with ADKAR and how they empowered their

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Using the ADKAR Model for Empowering Managers 4

Nearly one-third of study participants Effectiveness of ADKAR when provided to
reported that they empowered their managers
managers with ADKAR, and nearly all of 4%
these participants said that ADKAR was
either effective or very effective for this Extremely effective
particular use.
Neither effective or

Percent of Study Respondents Who Used ADKAR to Empower Managers for Change


Leverage a structured approach

and methodology

Facilitate individual change

Measure change outcomes

Create a common language for change

Integrate with project management

Empower Managers

Equip Senior Lead

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Using the ADKAR Model for Empowering Managers 5



Prosci asked study participants why they had equipped their managers and supervisors with
ADKAR. Participants revealed three main reasons:

1 ADKAR provided their managers with

a common language for talking about
It provides them a framework
Participants reported that ADKAR empowered to understand where in the
their managers with a shared language for process they are in terms of
talking about and understanding how individuals implementing change to their
experience change. Participants felt that teams and how they can/
managers who could talk about change in a should have a cadence to
meaningful and understandable way would their delivery. Also helps them
better understand it themselves and therefore understand their role as a
would be better at helping their direct reports sponsor of change.
during change.

2 ADKAR was easy and simple to use

Participants were able to quickly and easily

become proficient in using ADKAR to help their
direct reports during a change process. Further,
participants reported that empowering their
managers with ADKAR was simple and easy; this
allowed participants to quickly set expectations for
managers on how and when they would be using
ADKAR with their direct reports.

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Using the ADKAR Model for Empowering Managers 6

3 ADKAR had been successfully

deployed in previous situations

Participants reported that having other groups

Managers tend to move fast
or individuals in the organization successfully
through the project mode, and
utilizing ADKAR to manage change was a
think that people will behave
key factor in their organization’s decision to
differently as soon as they
empower managers with it. Sometimes the
hear that change is required.
motivation to empower managers was an
With ADKAR, we get them to
attempt to reproduce the success previous
understand that more will be
groups and people had using ADKAR. Other
needed, that you need to invest
times, the motivation to empower managers
in awareness, that you need to
stemmed from the positive impact using ADKAR
talk with people, engage them
had on the work environment in groups.
to come up with ideas etc... We
hope to reduce the stress and
burnout in the organization
by paying more attention to
how we implement projects/

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Using the ADKAR Model for Empowering Managers 7



Providing formal training

Participants reported formally training their

It was done through a project.
managers in ADKAR. These sessions varied
After being accepted by the
from half-day courses to having all managers
change management board,
attend a multi-day change management
we presented to the managers
practitioner training program. While some
and proposed coaching
used the ADKAR book and experiential
sessions to mobilize their
learning/role playing to supplement the
employees and help them
learning experience, others reported
establish the steps to ensure
facilitating informal ADKAR briefings.

Coaching managers

Many participants reported that change

management practitioners used ADKAR as
a tool to help coach managers. Whether
managers had received formal or informal
training, they would work with them
throughout the application of ADKAR.

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Using the ADKAR Model for Empowering Managers 8

Training and formal materials

In a follow-up question, participants were asked if their organization provided formal training for managers
on ADKAR. More than half of participants did so:

Participants conducted formal training when empowering managers with ADKAR


Those participants who offered formal training to empower their managers with ADKAR were asked what
types of training they provided:

Types of training provided


Formalized training offered by internal trainers

Formalized training offered by a consultant

Formalized training offered by Prosci

In-house produced webinar or

instructional video

Formalized training delivered electronically


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Using the ADKAR Model for Empowering Managers 9

Participants were also asked if they provided reference material, tools and/or additional resources
to managers in their organization. Nearly three-fourths did.

Participants provided reference materials, tools and/or resources when

empowering managers with ADKAR

68% No

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Using the ADKAR Model for Empowering Managers 10


Managers and supervisors are some of the most impacted and impactful individuals in any
change. Our research has shown that organizations view ADKAR as a meaningful, necessary and
easily implemented tool to empower their managers so that they can better manage change.
While the onus for change falls squarely on the individual, ADKAR has shown to be a valuable tool
in helping organizations proactively manage their change by empowering their managers to aid in
the individual transitions of their direct reports.

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Using the ADKAR Model for Empowering Managers 11



In pursuit of creating the safest environment, a federal government agency responsible for setting
safety standards across an industry must adapt to a constant stream of changes, from technology
changes, to regulation changes, to business-motivated change. It is critical for this agency to be
able to process and manage the people-side impact of these changes so that it can keep the
millions of people it is responsible for protecting safe every day. It should then be of no surprise
that the agency has been working to install a cultural competency for change that is currently
focused on empowering their managers with a capability to both navigate change and help their
employees navigate change.

The agency focused on top-down change

management enablement. Starting at the top, a
newly established change team spent considerable
time and resources not only equipping their
Our goal is to become a
senior leaders and executives with a working
high-functioning change
understanding of ADKAR and change management, management culture.
but also with an understanding of why change
management is critical to their organization’s
success. Now they are working to increase the
capacity and desire for their frontline managers.

The agency imagines their future change management state as a three-tiered system with large-
scale projects placed in the first tier to be led by change management professionals, medium-sized
projects placed in the second tier and led by the project owner with internal consultant support,
and all other projects falling under the third tier with change management done by impacted
frontline employees.

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Using the ADKAR Model for Empowering Managers 12

We can’t provide internal consulting for change management on every project. It is going to
be critical to our success to grow this capability in every department and individual in our

Having successfully instilled change management capability in senior leaders and executives,
as well as standing up a change management office to support large-scale changes, the agency
is turning its attention to empowering managers and supervisors with change management,
specifically ADKAR. With the tools provided by ADKAR, managers can begin to manage all second-
tier changes in their departments.

This agency has long-term goals for change management competency. Empowering managers
with ADKAR is just one step on the path of creating an organization that is completely immersed
and bought into change management, yet it is a crucial step to the agency’s overall success. The
agency knows that having an organization that can truly be responsive and embrace the many
changes that it sees in a year requires having all members of the organization actively working to
manage change.

Copyright © Prosci Inc. Prosci and ADKAR are trademarks of Prosci, Inc., registered in the US and other countries.

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