4 Dulce Et Decorum Est by Owen Wilfred
4 Dulce Et Decorum Est by Owen Wilfred
4 Dulce Et Decorum Est by Owen Wilfred
Germany, in
their bid to crush the British army, introduced yet another vicious and
potentially lethal weapon of attack: mustard gas, differentiated from
the other shells by their distinctive yellow markings. Although not the
effective killing machine that chlorine gas (first used in 1915) and
phosgene (invented by French chemists), mustard gas has stayed
within the public consciousness as the most horrific weapon of the
First World War. Once deployed mustard gas lingers for several days,
and anyone who came in contact with mustard gas developed blisters
and acute vomiting. It caused internal and external bleeding, and
lethally-injured took as long as five weeks to die.
Wilfred Owen
Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we
cursed through sludge,Till on the haunting flares we turned our backsAnd towards
our distant rest began to trudge.Men marched asleep. Many had lost their bootsBut
limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to
the hootsOf tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind.
Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling,Fitting the clumsy helmets just in
time;But someone still was yelling out and stumblingAnd flound'ring like a man in
fire or lime...Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,As under a green
sea, I saw him drowning.
If in some smothering dreams you too could paceBehind the wagon that we flung
him in,And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,His hanging face, like a
devil's sick of sin;If you could hear, at every jolt, the bloodCome gargling from the
froth-corrupted lungs,Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cudOf vile, incurable sores
on innocent tongues,—My friend, you would not tell with such high zestTo
children ardent for some desperate glory,The old Lie: Dulce et decorum estPro
patria mori.
There was no draft in the First World War for British soldiers; it was an
entirely voluntary occupation, but the British needed soldiers to fight
in the war. Therefore, through a well-tuned propaganda machine of
posters and poems, the British war supporters pushed young and
easily influenced youths into signing up to fight for the glory of
England. Several poets, among them Rupert Brook, who wrote
the poem ‘The Soldier‘ (there is a corner of a foreign field/ that is
forever England) used to write poetry to encourage the youth to sign
up for the army, often without having any experience themselves! It
was a practice that Wilfred Owen personally despised, and in ‘Dulce et
Decorum Est,’ he calls out these false poets and journalists who glorify
Stanza Two
Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling,
Stanza Three
In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
Stanza Four
If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
After his death in 1918, aged 25, Sassoon would compile Owen’s
poems, and publish them in a compilation in 1920.