The document describes the layered structure of Earth's atmosphere. It discusses the troposphere, which extends from Earth's surface to around 10-16 km altitude. Within the troposphere are sublayers including the laminar layer, roughness layer, transition layer, and free atmosphere above. Key characteristics of the troposphere include decreasing temperature with height, convective mixing and weather phenomena. The tropopause marks the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere, where temperature inversions occur.
The document describes the layered structure of Earth's atmosphere. It discusses the troposphere, which extends from Earth's surface to around 10-16 km altitude. Within the troposphere are sublayers including the laminar layer, roughness layer, transition layer, and free atmosphere above. Key characteristics of the troposphere include decreasing temperature with height, convective mixing and weather phenomena. The tropopause marks the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere, where temperature inversions occur.
The document describes the layered structure of Earth's atmosphere. It discusses the troposphere, which extends from Earth's surface to around 10-16 km altitude. Within the troposphere are sublayers including the laminar layer, roughness layer, transition layer, and free atmosphere above. Key characteristics of the troposphere include decreasing temperature with height, convective mixing and weather phenomena. The tropopause marks the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere, where temperature inversions occur.
The document describes the layered structure of Earth's atmosphere. It discusses the troposphere, which extends from Earth's surface to around 10-16 km altitude. Within the troposphere are sublayers including the laminar layer, roughness layer, transition layer, and free atmosphere above. Key characteristics of the troposphere include decreasing temperature with height, convective mixing and weather phenomena. The tropopause marks the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere, where temperature inversions occur.
Department of Geography Indraprastha College for Women Structure refers to… A structure is something that consists of parts connected together in an ordered way. Layered Structure of the Atmosphere (वायमु ण्डऱ की परतें ) The earth‘s atmosphere consist of zones or layers arranged like spherical shells. Each zone has an unique set of characteristics. The atmosphere can be divided conveniently into a number of rather well-marked horizontal layers, mainly on the basis of temperature. For the most part the layers are not at all sharply defined, and their boundaries are arbitrarily established. Evidence for the layered structure comes from regular rawinsonde (radar wind-sounding) balloons, radio wave investigations, and, more recently, from rocket flights and satellite sounding systems. The layers of the atmosphere are based on changes in the vertical temperature structure of the atmosphere. Such temperature changes are largely determined by the ability of each layer to absorb radiation. Rawinsonde?? A balloon-borne device comprising a radiosonde and a radar target which both transmits meteorological data to ground stations. The vertical distribution of temperature, pressure, and humidity up to an altitude of about 30 km can be obtained with a Radiosonde – a small, lightweight box equipped with weather instruments and a radio transmitter. It is attached to a cord that has a parachute and a gas- filled balloon tied tightly at the end. The atmosphere can be divided into the following layers: i. Troposphere ii. Stratosphere iii. Mesosphere iv. Thermosphere v. Ionosphere vi. Exosphere and Magnetosphere The vertical structure of atmosphere consists of these layers which are separated from one another by change in slope of the graph of temperature vs. altitude. In the troposphere the temperature decreases with increasing altitude and at the tropopause (10-12 kms), the temperature is -70 °C. The next layer (the stratosphere) is characterized by increasing temperature. Near the top of the layer is a region where the ultraviolet solar radiation is absorbed by ozone. This makes stratopause a warm area of the atmosphere and also provides an effective shield keeping the harmful UV radiation from the reaching the earth‘s surface. i. Troposphere (क्षोभमण्डऱ) The lowest layer of the atmosphere. The term ―troposphere‖ stems from the Greek word ―tropos‖ meaning ―turn‖ which is descriptive of the layer‘s convective and mixing characteristics. The term ―troposphere‖ was coined by Teisserence de Bort in 1908 and literally means the region where the air ―turns over‖ – a reference to the appreciable vertical mixing of air in this lowermost zone. It is the zone where weather phenomena and atmospheric turbulence are most marked. It contains 75 % of the total molecular or gaseous mass of the atmosphere and virtually all the water vapour and aerosols (> 90%). Average height of this layer is about 14 km above sea level. Height varies from place to place and season to season. Under normal conditions the height of the troposphere is about 8 km at the poles and about 16 km at the equator. Warm surface temperature and highly developed thermal mixing are responsible for the greater vertical extent of the troposphere near the equator. Throughout the troposphere there is general decrease in temperature with height. Temperature decreases at the mean rate of 6.5 o C per km (or 3.6 o F per 1000 feet). This is known as the normal lapse rate or the environmental lapse (सामान्य ताप पतन दर). The temperature decrease occurs because air is compressible and its density decreases with height, allowing rising air to expand and thereby cool. In addition, heat transfer from the earth‘s surface mainly heats the atmosphere, not direct absorption of radiation. Wind velocities increase with height and attain the maximum at the top. Marked by turbulence and eddies. Contains all the convective activity (associated with cloud formation) and has an appreciable vertical component of air motion. Also called the convective region, for all convective activities cease at the upper limit of the troposphere. Contains all the weather – so often called the weather sphere. Almost all clouds and certainly all precipitation, thunderstorms, cyclones and anticyclones occur in this sphere because of the concentration of almost all the water vapour and aerosols in it. Contains nearly all the major atmospheric pollutants. The upper limit of the troposphere separating it from the stratosphere is called the tropopause. Near-Surface Troposphere The lowest part of the troposphere can be further subdivided into 4 layers: i. Laminar Layer ii. Roughness Layer iii. Transition Layer iv. Free Atmosphere What is Convection?? The heat transfer due to bulk movement of molecules within fluids such as gases and liquids. Refers primarily to atmospheric motions in the vertical direction. Describes the vertical transport of heat and moisture in the atmosphere, usually from a warmer area (the surface) to a cooler one (aloft). What is Turbulence?? Chaotic flow. Small-scale, irregular air motions characterized by winds that vary in speed and direction. Turbulence is important because it mixes and churns the atmosphere and causes water vapour, smoke, and other substances, as well as energy, to become distributed both vertically and horizontally. Turbulent Flow of Air Laminar Layer Part of the atmosphere nearest to the surface or elements on the surface, such a leaf or root or sea wave. E.g. every leaf on a tree has a laminar layer adjacent to its surface. Comprises of only a few millimeters. In this sub-layer the air is held almost stationary around all solid and liquid surfaces by molecular forces. Characterized by smooth flow that parallels the features of the earth‘s surface over which it moves. Very important because the atmospheric flow across the leaves is an important factor affecting the loss of water from the plant‘s surface. Roughness Layer A zone of strong convection or turbulence. Thicker by day than by night – because of differential heating – extends between 50 – 100 m). Characterized by a large component of vertical motion than compared with horizontal motion. The turbulence in this layer is entirely mechanical in origin – caused by rough elements such as trees, crops, mountains or buildings. Very important from an energy perspective. The vertical motion that dominates this zone transports energy used to drive atmospheric processes – between the surface and the atmosphere above this layer. The upward transport of matter (in this case water vapour) is very important in this layer. Transports water vapour – usually in an upward direction – from the surface where oceans, soil moisture, streams and lakes evaporate liquid water to the atmosphere. From there, the turbulent flow may allow clouds to form. Surface Boundary layer (SBL) The laminar layer and the roughness layer are combined are sometimes referred to as the surface boundary layer (SBL). Extends up to a few meters from the earth‘s surface. In this layer the surface topography controls the wind speed and its direction. Transition Layer Extends from top of the SBL to approx. 500-1000 m above the surface. Again, this layer extends further upwards during the day than during night, as convective process thrive in the afternoon heat. Turbulent features from the SBL remain important. Some characteristics of the free atmosphere also have importance. Decrease in friction with height. Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Collectively, the laminar, roughness and transition layers comprise the planetary boundary layer (PBL). Free Atmosphere Friction is generally assumed to be negligible. Flow is controlled by pressure gradient force, Coriolis effect, centrifugal force and geostrophic balance. Therefore, the troposphere is characterized by: i. varying moisture content, ii. mobility of the air masses, both vertical and horizontal, and iii. regular temperature decline with height. Tropopause (क्षोभ-सीमा) At the top of the troposphere there is a shallow layer separating it from the next thermal layer of the atmosphere. The boundary separating the troposphere from the stratosphere. Very unstable and thin/shallow layer of 1.5 km thickness only. The word tropopause has also been taken from the Greek word which literally means, 'where the mixing stops‗ (Greek tropos 'turning' + pause). Sir Napier Shaw used the word for the first time. Just above 11 km the air temperature normally stops decreasing with height (the lapse rate is zero). Tropopause is usually characterized by a sharp temperature inversion. Above this narrow transition zone, there is a slight increase in temperature with increasing elevation. This region, where the air temperature remains constant with height, is referred to as an isothermal (equal temperature) zone. The bottom of this zone marks the top of the troposphere and the beginning of another layer, the stratosphere. Height of tropause is not constant in either space or time. Normally found at higher elevations over equatorial regions, and it decreases in elevation poleward. Marked variations in the altitude of the tropopause with latitude, from about 16 km at the equator, where there is strong heating and vertical convective turbulence, to only 8 km at the poles. Generally, tropopause is higher in summer and lower in winter at all latitudes. In the middle and high latitudes the height of the tropopause varies according to seasons. For e.g., at latitudes 45° N and S the average height of the tropopause in January is about 12.5 kilometers, while in July it becomes 15 kilometers. In some regions, the tropopause ―breaks‖ and is difficult to locate and, here, scientists have observed tropospheric air mixing with stratospheric air and vice versa. These breaks also mark the position of jet streams. ii. Stratosphere (समतापमण्डऱ) Derived from the Latin word ‗stratum‘ meaning ‗a layer‘, which is descriptive of its stratified, non- convective nature. Extends upward from the tropopause to about 50 km. Accounts for about 10 % of the atmospheric mass. The lower stratosphere (up to 20-25 km) is isothermal. Above this level temperature increases with height. At an altitude of about 20 km, air temperature begins to increase with height, producing a temperature inversion. The inversion region, along with the lower isothermal layer, tends to keep the vertical currents of the troposphere from spreading into the stratosphere. The inversion also tends to reduce the amount of vertical motion in the stratosphere itself; hence, it is a stratified layer. Even though the air temperature is increasing with height, the air at an altitude of 30 km is extremely cold, averaging less than –46°C. The reason for inversion is the presence of ozone gas - plays a major part in heating the air at this altitude. Winds tend to decrease with height in the lower stratosphere, and then increase with height in the upper stratosphere, being mainly easterly in summer and westerly in winter. The layer is extremely dry with no clouds or weather. Thicker at the poles than at the equator. Distinctive feature of the stratosphere - its stability compared with the troposphere, its dryness, and its high concentration of ozone. Ozone has the important property of absorbing and filtering out UV rays (पराबैगनी ककरणों) of the sun of wavelength 0.23 to 32 μm. Stratosphere contains much of the atmospheric ozone. 90% of the ozone occurs below 35 km. Maximum ozone concentration is between 15 and 30 km. The relative thickness of the ozone layer is measured in Dobson Units. The absorption of UV radiation leads to the warming of the stratosphere. Maximum temperatures occurring at the more exposed upper levels at 50 km. Maximum temperatures associated with the absorption of the sun‘s UV radiation by ozone occur at the stratopause, where they may exceed 0° C. Air density is much lower here – so even limited absorption produces higher temperature rise. Weather related incidents do not take place in this layer. The air blows horizontally here. Therefore this layer is considered ideal for flying of aircraft. Further protection – it is in this layer that majority of meteorites burn themselves out as they enter the earth‘s gravitational field. Stratopause (समताप-सीमा) Upper limit of the stratosphere. Boundary between the stratosphere and the layer above it. Encountered at an height of 50 km above the earth‘s surface. Region where a maximum in the temperature occurs. What is the Ozonosphere? (ओजोन मण्डऱ) The lower portion of the stratosphere having maximum concentration of ozone. Confined to a height varying from 15 to 35 km, although upper limit extends to 55-60 km above sea level. Acts as a filter for the UV rays. Temperature decreases with height at the rate of 5 o C per km.
Also known as chemosphere because of the
chemical processes taking place. iii. Mesosphere (मध्य मण्डऱ) Lies above the stratopause and is a very cold region. From the Greek word ‗meso‘ meaning middle. Sits in the middle of the atmosphere from an altitude perspective. This layer extends upward to about 80 kms from the surface of the earth. Similar to troposphere, temperature in the mesosphere decrease with height. By 80 km temperature reaches -100 ° C. Above 80 km, temperatures again begin rising with height and this inversion is referred to as the mesopause. The air here is extremely thin and the atmospheric pressure is quite low. Pressure decreases from about 1 mb at 50 km to 0.01 mb at 90 km. Even though the percentage of nitrogen and oxygen in the mesosphere is about the same as it was at the earth‘s surface, a breath of mesospheric air contains far fewer oxygen molecules than a breath of tropospheric air. At this level, without proper oxygen-breathing equipment, the brain would soon become oxygen- starved—a condition known as hypoxia—and suffocation would result. With an average temperature of –90°C, the top of the mesosphere represents the coldest part of our atmosphere. It is in this region that noctilucent clouds are observed on summer ‗nights‘ over high latitudes. Their presence appears to be due to meteoric dust particles, which act as ice crystal nuclei when traces of water vapour are carried upward by high-level convection. However, their formation may also be related to the production of water vapour through the oxidation of atmospheric methane, since apparently they were not observed prior to the Industrial Revolution. Very few processes of consequence to weather and climate are known to occur in the mesosphere because so little atmospheric mass exists in this zone. An important feature is its higher temperature in winter compared with summer, which is apparently due to a small ozone content. Noctilucent Clouds (ननशादीप्त मेघ) Noctilucent roughly means "night shining" in Latin. Highest clouds in the Earth‘s atmosphere - 83 km (50 miles). Observed slightly below the mesopause in the polar summertime. These clouds are of special interest, as they are sensitive to both global climate change and to solar/terrestrial influences. Mesopause (मध्य-सीमा) The upper limit of mesosphere is called mesopause which separate mesosphere and thermosphere. Above 80 km, temperatures again begin rising with height and this inversion is referred to as the mesopause. One of the least explored regions of the atmosphere. Middle and Upper Atmosphere The layers between the tropopause and the lower thermosphere are commonly referred to as the middle atmosphere. Upper atmosphere denotes the regions above about 100 km altitude. iv. Thermosphere (ताप मंडऱ) The ―hot layer‖ above the mesosphere. ‗Thermo‖ means heat – so literally it is the ―heat sphere‖. Has no well defined upper limit. Contains a minute fraction of the atmosphere‘s mass. The lower portion of the thermosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen (N2) and oxygen in molecular (O2) and atomic (O) forms. Above 200 km atomic oxygen (O) predominates over nitrogen (N2 and N). Here, oxygen molecules (O2) absorb solar rays, warming the air. There are relatively few atoms and molecules in this layer. Consequently, the absorption of a small amount of solar energy can cause a large increase in air temperature that may exceed 500°C or 900°F. Temperatures rise with height, owing to the absorption of extreme UV (0.125 to 0.205 μm) by molecular and atomic oxygen, probably approaching 800 to 1200 K at 350 km, but these temperatures are essentially theoretical. Will you feel hot in the thermosphere? Even though the temperature in the thermosphere is exceedingly high, a person would not necessarily feel hot. There are too few molecules in this region of the atmosphere to bump against something (exposed skin, for example) and transfer enough heat to it to make it feel warm. If you were to hang out in the thermosphere, you would be very cold because there aren‘t enough gas molecules to transfer the heat to you! In the thermosphere - Low density means that an air molecule will move an average distance of > 1 km before colliding with another molecule. On the earth’s surface - A similar air molecule will move an average distance of < 1 millionth of a cm before it collides with another molecule. v. Ionosphere (आयन मण्डऱ) Located at the altitude between 80 and 400 km. Coinciding with the lower portion of the thermosphere. Not really a layer, but rather an electrified region within the upper atmosphere where fairly large concentrations of ions and free electrons exist. Contains electrically charged particles known as ions, and hence known as the ionosphere. The term ionosphere is commonly applied to the layers above 80 km. This layer protects us from falling meteorites. What are ions?? An ion is a charged atom or molecule. Ions are atoms and molecules that have lost (or gained) one or more electrons. It is charged because the number of electrons do not equal the number of protons in the atom or molecule. An atom can acquire a positive charge or a negative charge depending on whether the number of electrons in an atom is greater or less then the number of protons in the atom. The bulk of the ionosphere is in the thermosphere Plays a major role in radio communications. Radio waves transmitted from the earth are reflected back to the earth by this layer and due to this, radio broadcasting has become possible. Ionosphere has little impact on our daily weather, but is the site of one of nature‘s most interesting spectacles – the auroras (ध्रव ु ीय ज्योनत). Aurora borealis or northern lights (सम ु ेरु ज्योनत or उत्तर ध्रव ु ीय ज्योनत). Aurora australis or southern lights (कुमेरु ज्योनत or दक्षक्षण ध्रव ु ीय ज्योनत). What causes the auroras?? (ध्रुवीय ज्योनत). When the charged particles from the sun strike atoms and molecules in Earth‘s atmosphere, hey excite those atoms, causing them to light up. The aurora often appears as curtains of lights, but they can also be arcs or spirals. Most are green in color but sometimes pink, and strong displays might also have red, violet and white colors. Also known as polar lights. Where can you see auroras?? Aurora borealis – places in the Northern Hemisphere - like the nations bordering the Arctic Ocean – Canada and Alaska, Scandinavian countries, Iceland, Greenland and Russia. Aurora Australis – places in the Southern Hemisphere – like the Falkland Islands, South Georgia Island; Tasmania; and Stewart Island, New Zealand. Layers of the Ionosphere The ionosphere consists of the following ionized layers: D-Layer : 60-99 km E-Layer : 90-130 km (Sporadic E-layer) E-layer : 110 km E2 : layer : 150 km F1 : layer F2-layer : 150-380 km G-layer : 400 km and above D-Layer The D-layer reflects low-frequency radio waves, but absorbs medium-and high- frequency waves. Being closely associated with solar radiation, it disappears as soon as the sun sets. E-Layer Also called the Kennelly-Heaviside layer. It reflects the medium-and high-frequency radio waves. It is much better defined than the D-layer. It is produced by ultraviolet photons from the sun interacting with nitrogen and nitrogen molecules. This layer also does not exist at night. Sporadic E-Layer This layer occurs under special circumstances. It is believed that this sporadic layer is caused by meteors and by the same processes that cause aurora lights. This region is often characterized by high-velocity winds. It affects very high-frequency radio waves. E2-Layer This region is found above the E-layer and sporadic E-layer. It is produced by UV photons acting upon oxygen molecules. It appears in day time and vanishes at the sunset. F1-Layer There is another reflecting layer (F Layer) above the different layers of E-region. There are 2 sub-layers in this region: F1 and F2. These two sub-layers are collectively known as the "Appleton layer". The F1 appears during the day, but disappears at night. This layer is especially important in long-distance radio communication. It reflects the medium-and high-frequency radio waves. F2-Layer Like the F1-layer this layer is very important in long-distance radio transmission. This layer is characterized by diurnal as well as seasonal variability. It appears as directly related to sunspot activity. Its maximum development occurs shortly after local noon and during the middle of winter. G-Layer This reflecting layer is found above the F2-layer. Its existence came to be known as a result of the latest exploration carried into the upper part of the atmosphere. It is most probably present much of the time, but it may not be detectable since the F-layer reflects all waves reflected by this layer. vi. Exosphere (बाह्यमण्डऱ) and Magnetosphere Outermost layer of the earth‘s atmosphere. The base of the exosphere is between about 500 km and 750 km. At such great heights the density of atoms in the atmosphere is extremely low. Here atoms of oxygen, hydrogen and helium (about 1 % of which are ionized) form the atmosphere. Hydrogen and helium gases predominate. This layer gradually merges with the outer space. No defined border - with increase in altitude it thins out until there are no air molecules left. Gases are very sparse in this sphere due to the lack of gravitational force. Therefore, the density of air is very less here. Also known as the diffusion zone, where the atmospheric gases diffuse into the open space. It is prevented, in part, by the earth's magnetic field, which retains the ionized particles within the magnetosphere. Ionized particles increase in frequency through the exosphere and in the magnetosphere there are only electrons (negative) and protons (positive). Much about the exosphere is yet to be known. The atmosphere in this layer is sufficiently rarified for satellites to orbit the Earth, although they still receive some atmospheric drag. The exact altitude at which the exosphere ends and space begins is not well-defined, and attempting to attach a specific value to it is not particularly useful. Magnetosphere is the region where the Earth's magnetic field interacts with the solar wind (stream of charged particles). Its inner boundary is the ionosphere, but it extends for tens of thousands of kilometers. Modern Views Regarding the Structure of Atmosphere On the basis of its chemical composition, the
atmosphere is divided into 2 broad spheres:
i. Homosphere (सममंडल) ii. Heterosphere (विषम मंडल) i. Homosphere (सममंडऱ) This is the lower part of the atmosphere.
Extends up to a height of about 88 kilometers.
It is characterized by uniformity in composition.
In other words, the proportions of the component
gases of this sphere are uniform at different levels.
The term 'homosphere' means the zone of
homogeneous composition. The homosphere has been subdivided into 3 sub- layers: a. troposphere,
b. stratosphere, and
c. mesosphere.
Each sub layer is separated from the adjoining
one by a very shallow transition zone. Tropopause, stratopause and mesopause represent such transition zones. ii. Heterosphere (ववषम मंडऱ) The atmosphere above the homosphere is not uniform in its composition. It has a heterogeneous composition, hence the name 'heterosphere'. Different layers of the atmosphere in this part differ from one another in their chemical and physical properties. The heterosphere is also referred to as the thermosphere, for in this layer temperature goes on rising up to the outermost boundary of the atmosphere. In the upper parts of the atmosphere, where the gases are so rarefied, the high temperatures are caused exclusively by the photochemical actions of the ultraviolet solar radiation. In this sphere the gases are said to be arranged into the following 4 roughly spherical shells, each of which has its own distinctive composition: a. nitrogen layer, b. oxygen layer, c. helium layer, and d. hydrogen layer. The lowermost layer dominated by molecular nitrogen is called the nitrogen layer - its average height above the earth's surface is said to be from 88 to 200 kilometers. Above this layer is the oxygen layer consisting of atomic oxygen - whose average height above the surface is estimated to be from 200 to 1120 kilometers. This layer is overlaid by the helium layer which is dominated by helium – its average height above the earth's surface is from 1120 to 3520 kilometers. At the top there is the hydrogen layer extending up to
the outermost boundary of our atmosphere - its
principal component is hydrogen.
The various layers of gases have been found to be
arranged in accordance with the weight of different
Nitrogen being the heaviest makes up the lower layer.
Hydrogen being the lightest is the fourth and the