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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Challenging Experiences of Senior High School

Working Students in Selected Public Schools in
Polangui North District
April Lyne Abordo Paje

Abstract:- This study appraised the Challenging balanced. Students holds two responsibilities in giving a lot of
experiences of Senior High School working students. This effort in the job while maintaining good academic
qualitative phenomological study determined the performance in the class.
academic performance of the respondents and described
the challenging experiences encountered by the senior high For working students, achieving "work-study balance" has
school working students. The researcher used the been a constant challenge over the years. Even while there may
qualitative design in this study specifically using case be other elements at play, financial hardship continues to be
study. In this study, focus group discussion was used as a the main reason why students work part- or full-time jobs.
qualitative approach to gain an in depth understanding of Running from school to work, balancing extracurricular
social issues. By using thematic content analysis method, activities and side gigs, and managing family, friends, and
outcomes have been processed and revealed that working romantic relationships is a very challenging undertaking.
students can gain a lot of various benefits from working
while studying. However, most students feel that having It is true to conclude that hard work really pays off but one
these jobs can distract them from their studies. The should understand the direction in which they are utilizing
academic performance of the respondents depends on how their skills. A student can never appreciate the value of
the working students handle their time-management. This independence until he takes the decision of pursuing a tough
study concludes that the challenging experiences lifestyle. Working while learning can be a good example of a
encountered by the respondents along time-management, blessing in disguise.
are: lack time for working on activity that they are always
late in submitting their prepared activity. In terms of their, II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
academic performance, they are having passing grades but
low.  Delimitation of the Study:
This study focused on the Challenging Experiences of
Keywords:- Challenging Experiences, Working Students, Senior High School Working Students in North District
Phenomenological Study, Polangui North District, Polangui, Polangui Selected Public Senior High School. The researcher
Albay. choose Polangui North District due to it is near to her
residence. This study focused on the challenging experiences
I. INTRODUCTION of the Senior High School Working Students by conducting an
in-depth interview, survey and focused-group discussion so it
A person's life can be improved by education. It is likely does not require to use quantitative design study due to the data
the most crucial tool for altering one's life. A child's education needed by the researcher will not rely on numerical or
begins at home. It is an ongoing process that comes to an end measurable data and this will only analyze and interpret the
with death. The level of education a person has unquestionably answers of the participants regarding with their views and
impacts their quality of life. Education enhances information challenging experiences on playing the role together as worker
and skills while also fostering the growth of the personality and student. The researcher will collect the total enumeration
and attitude. Most significantly, education affects people's of the working students from Grade 11 and Grade 12 students
prospects of finding work. A highly educated individual is from the three schools. The respondent in this study are the
probably very likely to get a good job. Employment is highly students enrolled in this school year 2022-2023. The time
dependent on education. It is undoubtedly a fantastic limitation of the study is 2022-2023 only.
opportunity to earn a respectable life. This is because
education equips people with the skills necessary for high-  Research Design:
paying jobs. Uneducated individuals are undoubtedly at a The research design applied in this study is qualitative
significant disadvantage in the employment market. It appears research, specifically using case study. In this study, Focus
that education helps many disadvantaged individuals lead group discussion was used as a qualitative approach to gain an
better lives. Education is really a weapon in order to have a in depth understanding of social issues. The method aims to
better life this is why there are students choose to become a obtain data from a purposely selected group of individuals
working student just to sustain and finish their studies. rather than from representative sample of a broader population
Working and studying at the same time is tough for working and which is not statistically measurable because it would only
students because the time between studies and work should be be used to generate ideas, develop hypothesis, explore

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
motivation, and test reactions. According to Hermawan et al. III. RESULTS
(2021). An Overview of Learning Motivation Among
Working Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic. This This part contains detailed presentation and discussion of
research uses criterion sampling technique in selecting four data analysis and the results of this study. The findings are
participants. The research was conducted from September presented under the following major headings: The profile of
2020 to December 2020, followed by the in-depth interviews the respondents in terms of: a. Age; b. Family income; c.
with the four participants. The results of the study indicate that Occupation of the Parents; and c. Reasons for working while
all participants still have motivation to learn both intrinsically studying. The academic performance of the respondents. The
and extrinsically even though they have to strictly manage challenging experiences encountered by the respondents
their time between working and studying, to earn a living and along: a. Time management b. Academic Performance.
to master new knowledge applicable before getting a job, but Recommend a motivational program on action plan for the
one of the participants had a poor grade at college because of Senior High School working students.
working. In the present study, the researcher used focus group
discussion and in-depth interview as a qualitative approach to A. The Profile of the Respondents Age:
gain an in depth understanding of social issues and obtain data The profile of the respondents in terms of: Age; the age
from a purposely selected group of individuals.Qualitative of the respondents ranges to 16-20 years old.
research is a research design that puts premium or high value
on people’s thinking or point of view conditioned by their  Family Income:
traits (Baraceros, 2016). Phenomenology is a type of In terms of the Family income, the family income of the
qualitative research, which is concerned, with the study of respondents ranges from Php. 1,000 below.
experience from the perception of the individual (Hale &
Napier, 2013). The method of research used in the study is an  Occupation of the Parents:
in-depth interview because the researcher is aiming to In terms of the Occupation of the Parents; the
determine the challenging experiences of the working respondents’ majority answer, the occupation of the parents is:
students. An in-depth interview is a type of qualitative Farmer, Construction Worker, Tricycle Driver, Vegetable
research technique that conducts rigorous individual Vendor, Babysitter and some of the respondents’ father was
interviews with a small number of participants to explore their deceased.
perceptions of a particular idea (Boyce & Neale, 2006).
B. Reason for Working While Studying:
 Research Instrument: Making the decision to work alongside the education is
In this phenomenological study, the research questions something that many students think about or perhaps battle
made by the researcher were made according to the data with. Some of the students’ reason for working while studying
needed. The instruments used in this qualitative type of study is to make experience and also to help their parents. In this
are interview questions and tape recorder for credibility study, the working student respondents were asked some
purposes and end at focus group discussion of the respondents personal questions. In terms of the reason for working while
in every selected school. According to Bernard (1988), semi- studying the guide question is:
structured interview is best used when you cannot get more
than one chance to interview someone and when you will be Reason for working while studying
sending several interviewers out into the field to collect data.
These are often lead by observation, informal and unstructured  The respondents answered:
interviewing in order to allow the researchers to develop a
keen understanding of the topic of interest necessary for  Participant 1:
developing relevant and meaningful semi-structured To help my parents especially since their income is not
questions. The respondents of the study were given main enough for daily expenses)
guide questions ahead of time, which was tackled and
followed by some open-ended questions that diverged some  Participant 2:
questions from the interview guide depending on their To help my family and to provide money for my studies.
answers. The questions are composed and asked in English
and Filipino language, and they can utilize the language they  Participant 3:
were comfortable with for them to be able to convey what they I prefer to work while studying because while studying it
want to express without uncertainty. Another tool that was helps my parents as well as my younger siblings.
used by the researcher in gathering data using the survey
questionnaire.  Participant 4:
To help the family.

 Participant 5:
So that my parents don't have to worry about my daily
life at school.

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Participant 6:  Participant 19:
So I chose to work while studying because of our state of For extra income to help with the family's daily life.
life. My father does not earn enough from the farm that we live
on. So I thought of working while studying to help support the  Participant 20:
household expenses and also help my parents. I preferred to work while studying because nowadays the
situation is difficult, I want to help not only myself but also
 Participant 7: my family. I also want to experience being independent, not
To no longer depend on parents. I preferred to work while depending on parents or family.
studying to help my family.
 Participant 21:
 Participant 8: For me to support my studies and also to help my family.
I chose to work while studying because of the lack of
support on a daily basis and my studies that my parents could  Participant 22:
not support so it is necessary to study and work at the same To buy everything I need and not ask my parents.
 Participant 23:
 Participant 9: To help my parents in any way and so that I don't have to
To help my parents in terms of finances and provide ask for money for my school needs.
additional support to our expenses.

 Participant 10:  Participant 24:

To provide my own expenses. To help my family and my studies so that I won't have to
ask for support for my studies and also so that I can give
 Participant 11: something to my parents.
To also help with the family's expenses and needs and
provide for oneself.  Participant 25:
Because as a student I have needs and projects and need
 Participant 12: to finance the expenses so I chose to work while studying.
The particular reason for the circumstances is that I
wanted to help my parents in their financial expenses by  Participant 26:
providing my own needs as a student. To help the family and to have money for school.

 Participant 13:  Participant 27:

I chose to work while studying to help with the household Because we are in a big family the everyday needs aren’t
expenses and so that my parents wouldn't have to suffer enough to support us.
anymore and also to pay for the school expenses.)
 Participant 28:
 Participant 14: Because it will help me to buy my needs and it will help
To help my family’s finances. my family.

 Participant 15:  Participant 29:

Because my parents' income is insufficient that's why I Because it will help me for my expenses in school and
thought of working while studying so that I can also help in my mother financially.
our daily life.
 Participant 30:
 Participant 16: To help the family and lessen the expenses that are being
The reason why I’m a working student because to asked to my parents.
provide my needs in school and also to help my family
expenses.  Participant 31:
Because there are days when we are short of daily needs.
 Participant 17: at home and in school.)
Because my father didn't earn enough to educate my
siblings.  Participant 32:
To help with study expenses. To help parents and to gain
 Participant 18: work experience.
Because we don’t have much of money to provide my
needs and to help also my parents instead of giving to my
younger siblings.

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Participant 33:  Participant 3:
To help myself and my family. For me, what I experience as a working student is
tiredness, because after working I still have to study even
 Participant 34: though I'm tired. As for time-management, it needs to be
To help my parents financially and also to provide my balanced so that I don't get overwhelmed with work, especially
needs especially to my school expenses. with our school activities.
 Participant 4:
 Participant 35: I can't manage my time and sometimes lack of sleep
To be able to help my family to earn more money and because I have to finish schoolwork. But I can overcome this
also to experience some hardship in life to prepare myself in because my family and friends help me especially in doing
the near future. homework and activities.

 Participant 36:  Participant 5:

So that I can help my parents and also to support myself The challenges I'm facing is that sometimes I can't go to
from studying, not just depending in my parents. school but I make it works. Sometimes I ask my classmates
what the activities or projects are so that I won't be late in the
 The Academic Performance of the Respondents: deadline.

 Participant 6:
Key Theme: The challenge that I face as a working student is the
pursuit of what our teacher teaches. What I do to manage my
The evaluation of each student's learning and time is to borrow notebooks rom my classmates.
performance is the purpose of grading. To manage their time
effectively, students must be able to endure the hectic  Participant 7:
schedule, maintain a positive social life, and perform well in The challenge I face is sleepiness and tiredness, but I
school. Depending on one's perspective, the idea of whether overcome it by resting, especially on weekends with my
working and studying simultaneously offer more benefits than friends and family.
drawbacks varies. Working while studying may be viewed
positively or negatively by some individuals. However,  Participant 8:
anything is possible as long as a student commits to doing it The challenge I face in balancing work and study time is
correctly. The academic performance of the respondents in this that I don't focus well on my studies and rarely attend school
study demonstrated that working students are capable of so my grades are low. I focus more on my work so I find it
meeting academic requirements with excellent time difficult to keep up with my studies.
management skills.
 Participant 9:
 The Challenging Experiences Encountered by the
Lack of time is one of my problems. I make sure to make
Respondents Along:
schedules for my tasks both in school and in work to balance
my time well.
Time Management:
In terms of the time management, the guide question is:
 Participant 10:
What challenges have you faced when working while
Lack of time for school and homework. But I make sure
studying in terms of Time Management and how do you
that I still balance my studies and work.
overcome the problems?

 The respondents answered:  Participant 11:

It's very difficult because of the schedule and time limit,
sometimes I don't get much sleep. Just considering it in prayer.
 Participant 1:
Tired, sleepy but just enduring it for the sake of my
family, I just laugh at the problem.  Participant 12:
Some challenges that I faced when working while
studying I sometimes missed some of my lessons. It is because
 Participant 2:
my night-shift work. However, I can still handle it smoothly.
For me, I'm always sleep deprived. I always have to do
double-time. In order to manage my time, I need to finish the
work lined up immediately, especially when studying.  Participant 13:
The challenge that I face in balancing my time is that I
balance reviewing for the examination while at work and
submitting what is needed for school. I overcome them
through hard work and determination.

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Participant 14:  Participant 25:
I can't do the activities anymore. I always do this when My problem as a working student is that sometimes I eat
it's late at night and there's no work. late and don't sleep enough. I overcame these problems
because of the help of my Mother who always reminded me
 Participant 15: and always prepared food for me.
Sometimes I lose time to sleep because I go to school
early in the morning because I work at night for our family.  Participant 26:
The challenges I experience as a working student are
 Participant 16: often being late to school. So it's unfortunate that I'm late or I
The challenges that I face as a working student, didn't catch up with other subjects but I am still giving time to
especially when it comes to time-management, sometimes I my studies.
can no longer focus on my studies but I have overcome it
because I now think carefully about how I manage my time.  Participant 27:
The challenges I face while studying and working are that
 Participant 17: I miss-out some lessons and activities since I am lacking time
I'm having a hard time because I'm not getting enough and focus.
sleep and other school work that I can't do sometimes. I
overcome this problem because I I have my brothers and  Participant 28:
sisters who always help me. My problem as a working student is that I feel tired from
work but I still have to study or review the lessons. As for time-
 Participant 18: management, it's not difficult because I can still do it together
The challenge I faced as a working student is that at the same time.
sometimes I have a lot of school activities to do but I can still
manage my time because I do them one by one and stil I can  Participant 29:
catch up with the deadline. The challenges I face is balancing time between studying
and working. Since I am a working student, I have to find good
 Participant 19: timing for everything I do.
The problem I face is time-management. Because there
are times that our teachers want us to submit an activity at the  Participant 30:
same time. But I'm managing it because I'm talking to my I'm sleep deprived and it's hard to focus in class because
teachers to give me enough time to submit because I'm a self- of staying awake. I overcome the problem by believing in
support student. myself that I can overcome it.

 Participant 20:  Participant 31:

The challenge I experience with time-managing as a The challenging part as a working student is the deadline
working student is that I am sometimes late to submit a project. for the projects because I don't have enough time and instead
But I was able to overcome it because I asked my teachers for of getting failing grades, I would rather talk to my teachers so
another chance to submit. that I can be given another chance to be able to submit my
 Participant 21:
I experienced not being accepted at work but I proved  Participant 32:
that I can be a student and a worker at the same time because What I face in balancing time while working and
it is for my family. studying is the time between working and studying, What I do
is, I study in the morning and work in the evening.
 Participant 22:
I used to study in the morning and work in the evening.  Participant 33:
Even if it's hard, I can handle it just time-management. I experienced entering the classroom tired but I showed
that I can do it because it is for my future and for the family.
 Participant 23:
Time-management is all that is needed and as a working  Participant 34:
student it is really a challenge but I can do it for my family and The most challenging part of being a working student is
for my dreams. that I am tired but have to take the Examination. It's hard when
there's an exam especially and I can't review, so in order to
 Participant 24: balance my work, when we have an exam I don't go to work
I always face the lack of time because as a student it is to review. I'm happy with what I'm doing especially and I am
very difficult to work and study at the same time so I am now a Grade 12 student.
always short on time but I will not give up for my dream even
if it is difficult I can handle it for my family.

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Participant 35:  Participant 8:
There are a lot of challenges and sometimes time- I often feel drained and tired when I am at school because
management is really hard to maintain especially when there’s of too many backlogs. Being tired during class discussion
a lot of school works. But thanks to my family and friends they affects my activeness in class and it also affects performance
help me and they are keep on supporting me. academically.

 Participant 36:  Participant 9:

It is very difficult to be a student but I have to work hard Sleeping in school and my mind is not functioning well.
to graduate because I have a dream that I want to achieve.
 Participant 10:
 Academic Performance: Time schedule and time management especially when
In terms of Academic Performance, the guide question there is an emergency.
What challenges have you faced when working while
studying in terms of Academic Performance?  Participant 11:
There are times that I almost failed. Because I did not
 The respondents answered: meet the deadline of the submission of the activities but some
of my teachers are very considerate that’s why they accept my
 Participant 1: activities even if it is already late.
For me I find it hard the fact that I face a lot of difficulties
when I sometimes missed some lessons, but I make sure that I  Participant 12:
will do my best even though I am left behind. Thus, I may say The challenge I faced academically while I was
that I do my best always. studying and working, when the exam was near and I needed
to review but I still had to work because my brother got sick
 Participant 2: then and I needed to earn money. In this situation, I really can't
For me, my biggest problem as a working student, say that this will improve my academic performance.
especially in academic performance, is that I can no longer
keep up with class. So for me that is the hardest thing I've ever  Participant 13:
experienced. Time management, because of it I am missing the
activities and most of the time I am having difficulties to
 Participant 3: understand the lesson.
One of my problems as a working student was that my
grades really dropped.  Participant 14:
I am having a hard time catching up with our teacher's
 Participant 4: discussions even though my situation is like this I still submit
The challenge I'm facing is that I haven't been able to my output.
follow up on our lesson because I've been busy with my work.
I can still handle it because I am asking my teacher about the  Participant 15:
lesson. The challenges that I face while I am studying and
working, in terms of, academic performance I am getting a low
 Participant 5: grade sometimes.
In this situation, no matter how hard it is to combine
studying and working, I don't neglect my studies. In the  Participant 16
difficult situation, I get good grades because I persevere in I have a hard time adapting lessons and catching up on
studying and working. tasks.

 Participant 6:  Participant 17:

Late activities or output, low grades are the examples of Sometimes I do not understand the lesson due to
my problems that I face as a working student. But I'm happy backlogs but I can catch up the lesson whenever my classmates
because I'm still studying. My dream is to go to college and are letting me to borrow their notebooks. With this, I can
graduate. pursuit in the lesson discussion.

 Participant 7:  Participant 18:

The challenges I face academically are not being able to I'm late in submitting the outputs.
go to class sometimes, late, low grades sometimes it seems like
I want to stop studying.

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Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Participant 19:  Participant 32:
It's hard to balance studying and working, so sometimes I experienced going to school without sleep but I have to
in graded recitation I really can't answer. persevere for my future and for my family.

 Participant 20:  Participant 33:

I only had a hard time when it was time for the exam. Sometimes I couldn't answer our quiz because I arrived
late and couldn't submit my output on time. Because it is
 Participant 21: inevitable that academic performance is low.
In terms of time management, especially when there is a
group activity that is to be performed and practice. If you do  Participant 34:
not cooperate, you will not be given a grade and it affects my In my own experience it's ok to be late than to be absent,
academic performance. even if I'm late, I will attend in the class, maybe this is the
reason why I don't fail in my subjects.
 Participant 22:
Sometimes I am not given consideration when I am late  Participant 35:
and because of that I am getting low grade. There is just a little conflict in my academic performance
and that is being late in submitting the outputs this is also the
 Participant 23: reason why I am having a low grade but I am glad that I do not
Sometimes I run out of time to submit projects and have any failing grades.
sometimes I don't have time to participate in the activities. I
would love to participate but it is inevitable that there are IV. DISCUSSION
emergencies that come up and work has to be chosen.
Sometimes it crossed my mind to just stop studying. The respondents with respect to their distinctive
characteristics and live experiences somehow showed
 Participant 24: similarities in some aspects. In this study, the researcher
The challenges I face are always being late from work realized what are the roles of a working student and how
and being sleepy in the classroom due to lack of sleep. important the education for the working student respondents.
Working students are those who support themselves
 Participant 25: financially so they can pursue their education, either with or
It's hard to work while studying because you don't have without their parents' help. They are devoted individuals who
time for everything, so sometimes you can't balance studying live and serve others in return for money to support their
and working. education.

 Participant 26: Education is a guide to everyone. People's minds are

Due to my work it affects my performance level where I greatly expanded through education, which also aids in
sometimes can’t answer the questions on our class recitation eradicating social divisions. It equips us with the skills
and therefore it affects my grades. necessary to excel in school and comprehend all facets of life.
It gives one the capacity to comprehend all of one's national
 Participant 27: obligations, social rights, and human rights. A person's future
Maybe for me everything is tiring because there is is built by their education, which also qualifies them for better
nothing easy, there are so many struggles at work, at school, opportunities in life and job options. It results in a man being
with money I don't know what to do anymore so it affects my groomed and qualifies him for job opportunities for a stable
academic performance as a student. future and career. With education, there are many
opportunities to be financially independent. The external
 Participant 28: world requires a degree as well as practical experience.
The lack of sleep and having a breakdown in the middle Without education, it is impossible to find a great career or to
of doing things. be in a situation where one may work for oneself and make a
 Participant 29:
Meanwhile, with regards to the challenging experiences
Unable to focus properly due to lack of life.
of the respondents, based on their narratives, they told me that
they have become more independent and resilient. They also
 Participant 30:
shared the same sentiments with regards to the challenges they
For me, it was almost difficult for me to do the activities
are experiencing. The study also showed that the dreams and
at school because I was always focused on work.
family are important. In this sense, after deep reflection and
analysis of the nature of their experience, this study has
 Participant 31:
allowed me to symbolize the phenomenon as bamboo in a
The challenge I'm facing academically while working storm. It is not easy to be a working student because the enemy
and studying, sometimes when I am at work I'm thinking about is time and fatigue. It is forbidden to give up because this is a
the activities I'll do at school. My mind is crowded but needs
sign of giving up on the dream. A bamboo may be an image
to be widen.
for life span since of its strength, quality, adaptability and

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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