ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This study appraised the Challenging balanced. Students holds two responsibilities in giving a lot of
experiences of Senior High School working students. This effort in the job while maintaining good academic
qualitative phenomological study determined the performance in the class.
academic performance of the respondents and described
the challenging experiences encountered by the senior high For working students, achieving "work-study balance" has
school working students. The researcher used the been a constant challenge over the years. Even while there may
qualitative design in this study specifically using case be other elements at play, financial hardship continues to be
study. In this study, focus group discussion was used as a the main reason why students work part- or full-time jobs.
qualitative approach to gain an in depth understanding of Running from school to work, balancing extracurricular
social issues. By using thematic content analysis method, activities and side gigs, and managing family, friends, and
outcomes have been processed and revealed that working romantic relationships is a very challenging undertaking.
students can gain a lot of various benefits from working
while studying. However, most students feel that having It is true to conclude that hard work really pays off but one
these jobs can distract them from their studies. The should understand the direction in which they are utilizing
academic performance of the respondents depends on how their skills. A student can never appreciate the value of
the working students handle their time-management. This independence until he takes the decision of pursuing a tough
study concludes that the challenging experiences lifestyle. Working while learning can be a good example of a
encountered by the respondents along time-management, blessing in disguise.
are: lack time for working on activity that they are always
late in submitting their prepared activity. In terms of their, II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
academic performance, they are having passing grades but
low. Delimitation of the Study:
This study focused on the Challenging Experiences of
Keywords:- Challenging Experiences, Working Students, Senior High School Working Students in North District
Phenomenological Study, Polangui North District, Polangui, Polangui Selected Public Senior High School. The researcher
Albay. choose Polangui North District due to it is near to her
residence. This study focused on the challenging experiences
I. INTRODUCTION of the Senior High School Working Students by conducting an
in-depth interview, survey and focused-group discussion so it
A person's life can be improved by education. It is likely does not require to use quantitative design study due to the data
the most crucial tool for altering one's life. A child's education needed by the researcher will not rely on numerical or
begins at home. It is an ongoing process that comes to an end measurable data and this will only analyze and interpret the
with death. The level of education a person has unquestionably answers of the participants regarding with their views and
impacts their quality of life. Education enhances information challenging experiences on playing the role together as worker
and skills while also fostering the growth of the personality and student. The researcher will collect the total enumeration
and attitude. Most significantly, education affects people's of the working students from Grade 11 and Grade 12 students
prospects of finding work. A highly educated individual is from the three schools. The respondent in this study are the
probably very likely to get a good job. Employment is highly students enrolled in this school year 2022-2023. The time
dependent on education. It is undoubtedly a fantastic limitation of the study is 2022-2023 only.
opportunity to earn a respectable life. This is because
education equips people with the skills necessary for high- Research Design:
paying jobs. Uneducated individuals are undoubtedly at a The research design applied in this study is qualitative
significant disadvantage in the employment market. It appears research, specifically using case study. In this study, Focus
that education helps many disadvantaged individuals lead group discussion was used as a qualitative approach to gain an
better lives. Education is really a weapon in order to have a in depth understanding of social issues. The method aims to
better life this is why there are students choose to become a obtain data from a purposely selected group of individuals
working student just to sustain and finish their studies. rather than from representative sample of a broader population
Working and studying at the same time is tough for working and which is not statistically measurable because it would only
students because the time between studies and work should be be used to generate ideas, develop hypothesis, explore
Participant 5:
So that my parents don't have to worry about my daily
life at school.
Participant 6:
Key Theme: The challenge that I face as a working student is the
pursuit of what our teacher teaches. What I do to manage my
The evaluation of each student's learning and time is to borrow notebooks rom my classmates.
performance is the purpose of grading. To manage their time
effectively, students must be able to endure the hectic Participant 7:
schedule, maintain a positive social life, and perform well in The challenge I face is sleepiness and tiredness, but I
school. Depending on one's perspective, the idea of whether overcome it by resting, especially on weekends with my
working and studying simultaneously offer more benefits than friends and family.
drawbacks varies. Working while studying may be viewed
positively or negatively by some individuals. However, Participant 8:
anything is possible as long as a student commits to doing it The challenge I face in balancing work and study time is
correctly. The academic performance of the respondents in this that I don't focus well on my studies and rarely attend school
study demonstrated that working students are capable of so my grades are low. I focus more on my work so I find it
meeting academic requirements with excellent time difficult to keep up with my studies.
management skills.
Participant 9:
The Challenging Experiences Encountered by the
Lack of time is one of my problems. I make sure to make
Respondents Along:
schedules for my tasks both in school and in work to balance
my time well.
Time Management:
In terms of the time management, the guide question is:
Participant 10:
What challenges have you faced when working while
Lack of time for school and homework. But I make sure
studying in terms of Time Management and how do you
that I still balance my studies and work.
overcome the problems?