Math4 Q2 W2

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GRADE 1 to 12 School: Grade Level: IV


Teaching Dates & Time: November 14 -18, 2022 Quarter: SECOND(Week 2)


A. Content Standards 1. Demonstrates understanding 1. Demonstrates understanding 1. Demonstrates understanding of 1. Demonstrates understanding 1. Demonstrates understanding
of factors and multiples and of factors and multiples and factors and multiples and addition of factors and multiples and of factors and multiples and
addition and subtraction of addition and subtraction of and subtraction of fractions. addition and subtraction of addition and subtraction of
fractions. fractions. 2. Demonstrates understanding of fractions. fractions.
2. Demonstrates understanding 2. Demonstrates understanding improper fractions, mixed 2. Demonstrates understanding 2. Demonstrates understanding
of improper fractions, mixed of improper fractions, mixed numbers and decimals. of improper fractions, mixed of improper fractions, mixed
numbers and decimals. numbers and decimals. numbers and decimals. numbers and decimals.
B. Performance Standards 1. is able to apply knowledge of 1. is able to apply knowledge of 1. is able to apply knowledge of 1. is able to apply knowledge of 1. is able to apply knowledge of
factors and multiples, and factors and multiples, and factors and multiples, and addition factors and multiples, and factors and multiples, and
addition and subtraction of addition and subtraction of and subtraction of fractions in addition and subtraction of addition and subtraction of
fractions in mathematical fractions in mathematical mathematical problems and real- fractions in mathematical fractions in mathematical
problems and real-life problems and real-life life situations. problems and real-life problems and real-life situations.
situations. situations. 2. is able to recognize and situations. 2. is able to recognize and
2. is able to recognize and 2. is able to recognize and represent improper fractions, 2. is able to recognize and represent improper fractions,
represent improper fractions, represent improper fractions, mixed numbers and decimals. represent improper fractions, mixed numbers and decimals.
mixed numbers and decimals. mixed numbers and decimals. mixed numbers and decimals.
C. Learning Competencies/ Writes a given number as a Writes a given number as a Writes a given number as a Writes a given number as a Writes a given number as a
Objectives product of its prime factors. product of its prime factors. product of its prime factors. product of its prime factors. product of its prime factors.
(Write the Lode for M4NS-IIb-67 M4NS-IIb-67 M4NS-IIb-67 M4NS-IIb-67 M4NS-IIb-67
each) Finds the common factors, Finds the common factors, Finds the common factors, Finds the common factors, Finds the common factors,
greatest common factor (GCF), greatest common factor (GCF), greatest common factor (GCF), greatest common factor (GCF), greatest common factor (GCF),
common multiples and least common multiples and least common multiples and least common multiples and least common multiples and least
common multiple (LCM) of two common multiple (LCM) of two common multiple (LCM) of two common multiple (LCM) of two common multiple (LCM) of two
numbers using the following numbers using the following numbers using the following numbers using the following numbers using the following
methods: listing, prime methods: listing, prime methods: listing, prime methods: listing, prime methods: listing, prime
factorization, and continuous factorization, and continuous factorization, and continuous factorization, and continuous factorization, and continuous
division. division. division. division. division.
M4NS-IIc-68.1 M4NS-IIc-68.1 M4NS-IIc-68.1 M4NS-IIc-68.1 M4NS-IIc-68.1
M4NS-IIc-69.1 M4NS-IIc-69.1 M4NS-IIc-69.1 M4NS-IIc-69.1 M4NS-IIc-69.1
II. CONTENT Writing a Given Number as Writing a Given Number as Finding the Common Factors and Finding the Common Factors
( Subject Matter) Product of its Prime Factors Product of its Prime Factors Multiples, GCF and LCM and Multiples, GCF and LCM
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules SLM/Pivot Modules
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio/Visual Presentations Audio/Visual Presentations Audio/Visual Presentations Audio/Visual Presentations Audio/Visual Presentations
A. Reviewing previous Lesson By using a chart, encircle  the By using a chart, let the pupils Have a drill on basic multiplication Have a drill on solving word Summative Test/Weekly Progress
or presenting new lesson prime numbers (numbers with complete the factor tree by facts through flashing of number problems involving finding the Check
only 2 factors 1 and itself), and writing the correct number. cards. GCF.
enclose  composite numbers Name two numbers of factors Mrs. Rosete would like to form
(numbers with 3 or more which when multiplied give the teams for a Math competition
factors) in a square. following numbers. in Valencia City. If there were
20 boys and 16 girls who
5 6 7 8 9 passed the elimination round,
what is the biggest number of
10 11 12 13 14 teams that she could form?
How many boys and girls will
there be in each team?
What are the methods that you
can use in solving this
Solve the problem.
B. Establishing a purpose for From numbers 1-10, list all Present a word problem to the
the lesson prime numbers (numbers with class.
only 2 factors, only 1 and itself). Naruto and Goku are young
From numbers 10-20, list all basketball players. They go to
composite numbers (numbers the same court for practice.
with 3 or more factors. Naruto goes for practice every
18 days while Goku goes every
What can you see in the picture? 12 days. If they started going to
How do you show helpfulness at the court on the same day,
home? In school? Is it good to be after how many days will they
helpful? Why? meet again?
C. Presenting examples/ In writing numbers as a product Catherine helps her mother in Who are the two basketball
instances of the new of its prime factors, we need to their bakeshop. They baked 30 players?
lesson. remember the Prime and cupcakes and 60 cookies. They How many days does Naruto
goes for a practice? How about
Composite Numbers. wanted to pack them in boxes.
Each box should contain same What does the problem ask
number of cupcakes and same for?
number of cookies. They want to How will you solve for the
fill 10 boxes in all. answer of the problem?
1. How many cupcakes are there
inside a box?
2. How many cookies are there in
a box?
3. If we add the cookies and
cupcakes in a box. How many
pieces of pastries are there?
4. What is the prime factorization
of 30? 30 = ___ x ___x ___
5. What is the prime factorization
of 60? 60 = ___ x ___x ___x ___
D. Discussing new concepts Prime factorization is a process Discuss the second method of Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is A common multiple is a
and practicing new skills. of writing a composite number prime factorization. the biggest factor or number number which is a multiple of 2
#1 as a product of all its prime Method 2: Continuous Division common to the given numbers. or more numbers. The least
numbers. Example: Find the prime There are 3 methods in finding the common multiple is the
How to Perform Prime factorization of 36. Common Factors and Greatest smallest number that is a
Factorization Common Factor (GCF). common multiple of 2 or more
Step 1: List down the first few Example: Find the GCF of 24 and numbers.
prime numbers. These are 30 using the three methods. There are 3 methods in finding
usually the prime numbers use Listing Method the Least Common Multiple
in the prime factorization. Divide by the smallest prime (LCM):
Step 2: Test the given number if factor. Then continue dividing Listing Method
it can be divided by 2 or divisible by the next prime factor. The Common Factors are 1, 2, 3
by the smallest prime number Repeat the procedure until you The Greatest Common Factor
which is 2. If not, test it with the get 1. Therefore, the prime (GCF) = 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 36, 72 are the common
other prime numbers like 3,5 factorization of 36 is 2 x 2 x 3 x
and so on. If the given number Factor-Tree Method multiples of 12 and 18. The
3 or 2² x 3². least multiple is 36. Hence, the
divides by the prime number 2,
divides it evenly, then express it LCM is 36.
as factors. Factor-Tree Method

The prime factorization of each

number is:

common factors = 2,3

GCF= 2 x 3 = 6
Multiply all factors. The LCM of
Continuous Division 12 and 18 is 36.
Continuous Division
Continuous division is used by
Common factors: 2,3 dividing the numbers with
GCF = 2 x 3 = 6 prime divisors until the
remainder is 1.
Multiply the factors 2x3x2x3.
LCM is 36.
E. Discussing new concepts Two common methods in If a factors or prime factor Group Activity Group Activity
and practicing new skills performing prime factorization. appears many times in the Group the pupils into 6 working Group the pupils into 6 working
#2. Discuss the first method. factorization, you need to teams. Give each group an activity teams. Give each group a
Method 1: Factor Tree express using exponent or card/sheet. Manila Paper and a marker for
exponential form. The Direction. Find the Common their answers.
exponent of each prime tells Factors and Greatest Common Direction. Find the Least
how many times the prime Factor using the indicated method. Common Multiple using the
number used as factors. 1. Listing Method : 8 and 12 indicated method.
Common Factors _____ 1. By Listing Method
24 is factored into 4 x 6. GCF ______
Continue factoring until you got
all prime factors. 2 and 3 are 2.Factor-Tree Method: 9 and 18
both prime factors of 24. 2.By Factor-Tree: 6 and 8
Common Factors _____
The prime factorization of 24 is 3. By Continuous Division: 6
GCF ______
2 x 2 x 2 x 3. and 8
3. Continuous Division Method: 10
and 20
Common Factors _____
GCF ______
F. Developing Mastery Fill in the missing number. Fill in the missing number. Presentation of answers. Presentation of answers.
(Lead to Formative Factor Tree Continuous Division
Assessment 3)

Write the prime factors of 32?

G. Finding practical Fill in the missing number to Fill in the missing number to Find the Common Factor/s and
application of concepts complete the Factor-Tree of complete Continuous Division Greatest Common Factor of each
and skills in daily living prime factorization. Method of prime factorization. pair of numbers.
1. Listing Method
16 =
18 =
2. Factor – Tree Method and
prime factorization

3. Continuous Division
H. Making Generalizations What is prime factorization? What is prime factorization? 1.How do you find the common How do you get the least
and Abstraction about the What are the two processes of What are the two processes of factor/s from given numbers? common multiples of
Lesson. prime factorization? prime factorization? 2. How do you determine the numbers?
Greatest Common Factor from the
common factors?
I. Evaluating Learning Write the prime factorization of Read and understand each Find the Common Factor/s and the Find the LCM of each pair of
the following numbers using the question carefully. Greatest Common Factor of 25, 50 numbers using the indicated
factor tree. 1-3. Complete the Factor-Tree and 75 using any method. method.
and Continuous Division below. 1. 6 and 12 (Listing Method)
2. 9 and 12 (Prime
3. 45 and 50 (Continuous
4. What is the prime
factorization of 54?
5. What is the prime
factorization of 40?
J. Additional Activities for Use the factor tree to find the Use the continuous division Answer the following questions. Find the LCM of the following
Application or prime factorization of the method to find the prime 1. What is the Greatest Common numbers.
Remediation following numbers. factorization of 16. Factor of 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 and 1. 3, 4 and 5
2x3x3x5? 2. 5, 8, and 20
2. What is the Greatest Common 3. 4, 6 and 12
Factor 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 and 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 4. 6, 9 and 12
x 7? 5. 12, 18 and 24
3. What is the GCF of 120 and

A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who

required additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:
School Principal I

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