Lesson Plan WORD

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Topic: Types of

Name of the Teacher: Nilufar Valieva (Uzbekistan)

No of Students: 8

Students Level: B2

Date: 09.11.2023 Duration: 25 minutes Medium: English Level: B2 Lesson No: 02

Lesson Aim ( General/overall) By the end of the lesson students will be able to distinguish types of families and practice writing a
descriptive paragraph related to the topic family
Specific Objectives: To practise reading for details and for specific information and be able to write a descriptive
(Skills & Functions) paragraph about families they know.
Assumptions: Students are already aware of some vocabulary related to the topic Family values Materials:
and informed about family relations and problems, and in this lesson they will worksheets, text,
learn to distinguish different types of families by practising reading subskills. technology
Anticipated Problems: Some of the learners are more dominant than others, so quieter learners may not (padlet)
get a chance to speak. Some learners may not be interested in the topic.
Solutions: Organise learners into groups so that quieter students will have a
chance to speak, use games and comprehension questions to stimulate interest.
Time Stage & Aim Interaction T-r L-r Materials:
(Duration) Pattern Activity Activity
5 min Warmer/Lead-in Group work T devides Ss into 2 groups, takes The student in the hot seat listens List of words
Objective: students an empty chair (one for each to their team-mates and tries to
will be able to team) and puts it at the front of guess the word. The first hot seat
describe the words, the class, facing the team student to say the word wins a
using synonyms,
antonyms and members. These chairs are “Hot point for their team.
definitions. seats”. Then she gets one member
from each team to come up and
sit on that chair having their back
to the board. T has a list of
vocabulary from the text which is
going to be used for the game:
ancestors, widow, couple,
cousins, single, divorce
so she takes the first word from
the list and writes it clearly on the
Then T changes the students over
with a new member of each team
taking their place in their team’s
hot seat. Then writes the next
6 min. 1. Pre-reading: Group work T divides participants into two Ss match family types with Worksheets
Matching groups and distributes handouts examples.
activity with family types and examples
Objective: to and tells participants that they
prepare Ss for should match them After
reading the text participants have finished, she
by raising their checks the task and identifies the
interest in it. winner group.
Key: 1-e, 2-d, 3-b, 4-f, 5-c, 6-a.
5 min 2. While-reading. T to S T asks ‘students’ to read the Ss read the text individually and Handouts
Objective: to (individual story quickly and see how check their answers
practise reading work) accurate their predictions were.
for gist.
7 min 3. Post-reading Whole class T asks questions which lead to Ss give should answer the given
2+5 min Objective: to Individual the writing task. questions.
prepare Ss for a work What type of family do you Answer will vary.
personalized prefer?
writing task
How do you imagine your
children’s families?
T tells Ss to write a short Ss write and share
descriptive paragraph about their
neighbor’s family.
2 min Summing Up Whole class T asks 2 different questions to Ss give different answers orally
Objective: to give reflect for further development.
closure. Did you like the lesson? Why?
Why not
Which part was especially
interesting for you?
Handout 1. Match six types of families with examples.

1. Two years ago Darrel and Tanya got married. a) nuclear family
Before they got married Darrel had three sons and
Tanya had a daughter. Now they all live together.

2. Hiroshi's wife died several years ago of cancer. He b) extended family

now raises his two sons Tomo and Taiki by himself.

3. Jose and Maria live with their 3 children. They also c) single child family
live with their parents, an uncle and an aunt.

4. Husband and wife Dalee and Meegung have been d) single parent family
married for two years. They are both very
successful business people and don't have any

5. Harry and his wife Jane have been married for six e) blended or reconstituted family
years. They have one daughter named Melissa.

6. Jack and Betty, who have been married for over 15 f) no children family
years, have two children named Daniel and
Handout 2. Read and check.

Types of Families

A family is a group of people that have a common ancestor. They usually live together in the same house. Although it
is a fact that not all families are the same, they can be categorized into different types.
A nuclear family consists of parents and their children living together. In many countries in Europe and North
American this is the most common form of family. There are three types of nuclear families. In the first type the father
works and the mother cares for the children. In the second type, the mother works and the father says at home with the
children. In the third type of family, both parents work. This last type of family is the most common in the USA and
In an extended family, different family members such as grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins live together. In
many areas of the world, such as Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and Southern Europe, this type of
family is common.
Recently in some countries, couples are choosing to have only one child. These types of families are called single child
families. Some people believe that children raised in these kinds of families are spoilt, selfish and lonely. But research
doesn’t support this.
Some families have no children at all. The couples that make up these families sometimes make the choice not to have
children because they want to have more free time. Some couples choose not to have children for financial reasons.
Families with only one parent are called single parent families. There are several causes of these types of families. The
first reason is divorce. Another reason is that the one of the parent dies, leaving the surviving parent widowed.
Additionally, some parents never get married in the first place.
When the husband or wife in a marriage brings children with them from a past marriage, this is called a blended or
reconstituted family. This type of family has become more common due to the increase in divorces. For some children
this kind of family can be good because there are two parents, instead of just one. But there can also be some
difficulties as the two new families try to become one.
As the basis of all societies, families of all types are very important. This is true now and will be true in the future as

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