About Family/friends, Job/studies, Home, Likes/dislikes, Interests. Ss
About Family/friends, Job/studies, Home, Likes/dislikes, Interests. Ss
About Family/friends, Job/studies, Home, Likes/dislikes, Interests. Ss
Warm-up Roll the dice and find out Work in pairs, take turns to Gives Ss a dice and a paper 3 – 5 min
more about each other find out as much as possible with topics.
about his/her partner. Ss talk
about family/friends,
job/studies, home,
likes/dislikes, interests. Ss
introduce the partner to the
class (Speak out)
Pre- reading Brainstorming WHO DO YOU THINK YOU T. sticks on the board a
During Reading ARE?! WDYTYA and asks Ss what this 30-60 sec
Ss give ideas, teacher writes sentence refers to and what
them on the board. does it mean? What situations
to we use it in?
Reading 1 (Reading for gist) Students read the 1st Read the text and see if your 1 min
Paragraph 1 paragraph to check their guesses were right.
Pre-Reading Reading 1: Reading for gist: Ss get the picture and guess T. sticks 6 picture with 1-2 min
During-Reading Read who is the celebrity related to: celebrities on the board and
SS. read the text and check ask students to guess their job
their guesses. and who these celebrities are
related to.
T. asks students to read the
text and check their guesses.
Reading 2: Read the text for Ss read the text and answer T. asks Ss to read the text and
During-Reading details: the following questions: find out the answer to 6
1. Who has a royal ancestor? questions
2.Who has a relative who was a
policeman? 1-2 min
3.Who has roots in 3 continents
4.Who has a relative who started a
second family?
5. Who has an ancestor who built boats?
During-Reading Reading 3: Reading for details Ss underline words or phrases T. explains the directions of
in the text that match the ex. ICQ the students. 5 min
meanings 1-5 below.
Voc. Ex.3 D
During- Reading Reading 4 Ss read the the paragraph in T. divides Ss into pairs and
pairs, then change pairs and gives them a paragraph to re- 3 min
retell the paragraph to the read about(or a celeb) then
partner. asks them to change pairs and
retell the text to a different
Post-Reading Discussion Students work in pair and T. divides Ss in pairs, after the
share their opinion: discussion T. asks who would 2min
Would you like to be on the go for it, 1 reason, who
programme? Why? Why not? wouldn’t, 1 reason, therefore
the activity is summed up!
Students work on ex. 2 A Teacher divides students in
(Speak out) pairs and asks them to match 10 -15 min
the questions and answers in
+ ex.2A then they share . Check
the number +letter of the
Ex. 1B pag.4 (Speak out Wb.) answer with the class.
Ss work in pairs and underline T. checks the ex. Each student
the words they think work read a sentence.
best for the context,
Afterwards they pair and
CLARIFY Pair work: Small talk Students work in pairs and T. asks students to read the 2 min
Questions work discuss 6 questions: questions one by one, makes
1. Do you know a lot about your family sure students understand the 2 min
2. Did you ever meet your great- question, ask students to
grandparents? discuss in pairs the questions
3. Where did your ancestors come from?
4. What happened to them?
5. Which members of your family to you
feel close to?
6. Who tells the best family stories?
FUMP Question Formation analysis: Students analyze the T.asks the questions and 2-3 min
Meaning questions and give opinions analyze with the teacher each
Use based on their knowledge. question formation, word
Form 1. Circle the auxiliary vbs/which refer to order. T. gives examples on
the past/present?
Pronunciation 2. which two qs are YES or NO qs. the board and writes the
3. Which two qs end in prep:of, to, by, scheme (Question Formation)
4. Which two qs use wh- to refer to the
subject and don’t use an auxiliary vb?
Ex. 2A (Speak out) on - Ss circle the questions with T. gives students handouts
REMEMBER handouts. the correct formation. There and asks them to circle the
are 8 pairs or sentences. gram. correct sentence. Then
Afterwards they pair and pairs them to check their
share. answers. The teacher gives
Ss find answers to the them the mixed answer to the
questions and checks them as questions and Ss have to
a class with the teacher. match Qs with Aws.