chn2 Lec Reviewer
chn2 Lec Reviewer
chn2 Lec Reviewer
P2 Reviewer Exam
c) Water works system
1. Which among the following best describe
d) Communal faucet
Environmental Health (EH)? (select all
6. A PHN came to visit a remote area. The
that apply
water being used for drinking came from
a) EH refers to the characteristics of
environmental conditions that affect the the mountains. It is best to advise the
man’s well-being.
people to let the water boil for about:
b) EH is the aspect of private health that is
a) 30 seconds
concerned with those forms of life,
b) 1 minute
substances, forces, and conditions in the
c) 2 minutes
surroundings or person that may exert an
d) 3 minutes
influence on human health and well-being.
c) EH comprises of those aspects of human 7. A good air quality index is:
health, including quality of life, that are a) 60 μg/m3
determined by physical, chemical, b) 90 μg/m3
biological, social and psychosocial factors c) 190 μg/m3
in the environment that can potentially d) 290 μg/m3
affect adversely the health of past
8. Which among the following indicates an
d) EH is the component of the man’s well- acutely unhealthy air index?
being that is determined a) 231-349 μg/m3
b) 350-599 μg/m3
2. Nurse Brent is to dispose used
c) 600-899 μg/m3
intravenous lines, he will place this in a d) 900 and above
a) Black bin
9. People with heart or respiratory disease,
b) Green bin
c) Yellow with biohazard symbol bin such as asthma, should stay indoors and
d) Yellow with black band symbol bin
rest as much as
e) Orange bin
possible if the air index starts with:
3. On the other hand, needleless syringes a) 231 μg/m3
used with cytotoxic drugs, must be placed b) 350 μg/m3
c) 600 μg/m3
in a:
d) 900 μg/m3
a) Black bin
b) Green bin 10. When the air index reaches 900 μg/m3,
c) Yellow with biohazard symbol bin the following will be advised: (select all
d) Yellow with black band symbol bin
e) Orange bin that apply)
a) People should limit outdoor exertion.
4. Which among the following is strictly b) Keeping windows and doors closed unless
prohibited in solid waste management? heat stress is possible.
c) Everyone should remain indoors.
(select all that apply)
d) Motor vehicle use should be prohibited
a) Garbage composting
except for emergency situations.
b) Squatting in landfills
c) Dumping garbage anywhere 11. Upon interview, Aling Neneth mentioned
d) Re-use materials as long as possible
that their toilet is known as Antipolo toilet.
5. This level of water system is common to Antipolo toilet is best describe as:
remote areas. It can be shallow or deep a) fecal matter is collected in a can or
bucket, which is periodically removed for
but without distribution system:
emptying and cleaning
a) Point system
b) Standpost
1|NUR 153 C HN 2 LEC
P2 Reviewer Exam
b) fecal matter is eliminated into a hole in
16. This law declares the adoption of a
the ground that leads to a dug pit
c) As made up of an elevated pit privy that systematic, comprehensive, and ecological
has a covered latrine.
solid waste management programs as a
d) Fecal matter is collected into a built septic
tank that is not connected to a sewerage policy state of the State. Adopts a
community-based approach. Mandates
12. On the other hand, Cora described their waste diversion through composting and
toilet as pit latrine with a screened air recycling:
vent installed directly over the pit. This is a) RA 6969
b) RA 9003
c) RA 8749
a) Aqua privy
d) RA 9275.
b) Overhung latrine
c) VIP latrine 17. This law allows traditional small-scale
d) Chemical privy burning but prohibits incineration of
biomedical waste and hazardous waste.
13. The following are rules of food a) RA 6969
safety:(select all that apply) b) RA 9003
a) A food establishment must have a sanitary c) RA 8749
permit d) RA 9275
b) Person employed in any food
establishment must have a health
certificate from health officer
18. This law regulates the importation, use,
c) Must have no history of diarrhea
d) Person employed in a food establishment movement, treatment and disposal of
shall not be allowed to handle food when
toxic chemicals and hazardous and
suffering of gastrointestinal upset.
nuclear wastes in the Philippines:
a) RA 6969
14. After proper washing, the utensils must be
b) RA 9003
subjected to bactericidal treatments such c) RA 8749
d) RA 9275
as: (select all that apply)
a) Immersion for a least a minute in 19. Which among the following method is
lukewarm water containing 55-100 ppm of
friendly to nature in controlling vermin:
chlorine solution
b) Exposure to steam at least half a minute (select all that apply)
to a 200 °C a) Chemical control
c) Exposure to steam for at least 5 minutes b) Integrated control
to 77 °C c) Naturalistic control
d) Immersion for a least half a minute in d) Biological and genetic control
clean hot water (77°C)
15. It is a law that requires all motor vehicles 20. The minimum air space that shall be
to pass the smoke emission standards: provided for school rooms must be:
a) RA 6969 a) School Rooms - 3.00 cu. meters with 1.00
b) PD 856 sq. meter of floor area per person
c) RA 8749 b) Workshop, Factories, and Offices - 12.00
d) RA 9275 cu. meters of air space per person
c) Habitable Rooms - 14.00 cu. meters of air
space per person
10 | N U R 1 5 3 C H N 2 L E C
P2 Reviewer Exam
c) R.A. 10028
d) E.O. 51
e) R.A. 8976
f) R. A. 7719
g) R.A. 8423
h) R.A. 3573
i) R.A. 7277
j) R.A. 9165
k) R.A. 4073
11 | N U R 1 5 3 C H N 2 L E C