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P2 Reviewer Exam
c) Water works system
1. Which among the following best describe
d) Communal faucet
Environmental Health (EH)? (select all
6. A PHN came to visit a remote area. The
that apply
water being used for drinking came from
a) EH refers to the characteristics of
environmental conditions that affect the the mountains. It is best to advise the
man’s well-being.
people to let the water boil for about:
b) EH is the aspect of private health that is
a) 30 seconds
concerned with those forms of life,
b) 1 minute
substances, forces, and conditions in the
c) 2 minutes
surroundings or person that may exert an
d) 3 minutes
influence on human health and well-being.
c) EH comprises of those aspects of human 7. A good air quality index is:
health, including quality of life, that are a) 60 μg/m3
determined by physical, chemical, b) 90 μg/m3
biological, social and psychosocial factors c) 190 μg/m3
in the environment that can potentially d) 290 μg/m3
affect adversely the health of past
8. Which among the following indicates an
d) EH is the component of the man’s well- acutely unhealthy air index?
being that is determined a) 231-349 μg/m3
b) 350-599 μg/m3
2. Nurse Brent is to dispose used
c) 600-899 μg/m3
intravenous lines, he will place this in a d) 900 and above
a) Black bin
9. People with heart or respiratory disease,
b) Green bin
c) Yellow with biohazard symbol bin such as asthma, should stay indoors and
d) Yellow with black band symbol bin
rest as much as
e) Orange bin
possible if the air index starts with:
3. On the other hand, needleless syringes a) 231 μg/m3
used with cytotoxic drugs, must be placed b) 350 μg/m3
c) 600 μg/m3
in a:
d) 900 μg/m3
a) Black bin
b) Green bin 10. When the air index reaches 900 μg/m3,
c) Yellow with biohazard symbol bin the following will be advised: (select all
d) Yellow with black band symbol bin
e) Orange bin that apply)
a) People should limit outdoor exertion.
4. Which among the following is strictly b) Keeping windows and doors closed unless
prohibited in solid waste management? heat stress is possible.
c) Everyone should remain indoors.
(select all that apply)
d) Motor vehicle use should be prohibited
a) Garbage composting
except for emergency situations.
b) Squatting in landfills
c) Dumping garbage anywhere 11. Upon interview, Aling Neneth mentioned
d) Re-use materials as long as possible
that their toilet is known as Antipolo toilet.
5. This level of water system is common to Antipolo toilet is best describe as:
remote areas. It can be shallow or deep a) fecal matter is collected in a can or
bucket, which is periodically removed for
but without distribution system:
emptying and cleaning
a) Point system
b) Standpost
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P2 Reviewer Exam
b) fecal matter is eliminated into a hole in
16. This law declares the adoption of a
the ground that leads to a dug pit
c) As made up of an elevated pit privy that systematic, comprehensive, and ecological
has a covered latrine.
solid waste management programs as a
d) Fecal matter is collected into a built septic
tank that is not connected to a sewerage policy state of the State. Adopts a
community-based approach. Mandates
12. On the other hand, Cora described their waste diversion through composting and
toilet as pit latrine with a screened air recycling:
vent installed directly over the pit. This is a) RA 6969
b) RA 9003
c) RA 8749
a) Aqua privy
d) RA 9275.
b) Overhung latrine
c) VIP latrine 17. This law allows traditional small-scale
d) Chemical privy burning but prohibits incineration of
biomedical waste and hazardous waste.
13. The following are rules of food a) RA 6969
safety:(select all that apply) b) RA 9003
a) A food establishment must have a sanitary c) RA 8749
permit d) RA 9275
b) Person employed in any food
establishment must have a health
certificate from health officer
18. This law regulates the importation, use,
c) Must have no history of diarrhea
d) Person employed in a food establishment movement, treatment and disposal of
shall not be allowed to handle food when
toxic chemicals and hazardous and
suffering of gastrointestinal upset.
nuclear wastes in the Philippines:
a) RA 6969
14. After proper washing, the utensils must be
b) RA 9003
subjected to bactericidal treatments such c) RA 8749
d) RA 9275
as: (select all that apply)
a) Immersion for a least a minute in 19. Which among the following method is
lukewarm water containing 55-100 ppm of
friendly to nature in controlling vermin:
chlorine solution
b) Exposure to steam at least half a minute (select all that apply)
to a 200 °C a) Chemical control
c) Exposure to steam for at least 5 minutes b) Integrated control
to 77 °C c) Naturalistic control
d) Immersion for a least half a minute in d) Biological and genetic control
clean hot water (77°C)
15. It is a law that requires all motor vehicles 20. The minimum air space that shall be
to pass the smoke emission standards: provided for school rooms must be:
a) RA 6969 a) School Rooms - 3.00 cu. meters with 1.00
b) PD 856 sq. meter of floor area per person
c) RA 8749 b) Workshop, Factories, and Offices - 12.00
d) RA 9275 cu. meters of air space per person
c) Habitable Rooms - 14.00 cu. meters of air
space per person

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P2 Reviewer Exam
d) 12.00 sq. meters of floor area per person
26. This is the habitat of causative agents:
a) Reservoir
b) Portal of exit
21. Which among the following statement is c) Portal of entry
true to communicable disease? (select all d) Susceptible Host

that apply) 27. Which among the following is a direct

a) An infectious disease can be contagious transmission of agents?
because the latter can be transmitted a) Droplet spread
indirectly. b) Airborne transmission
b) Communicable diseases could either be c) Vehicleborne transmission
contagious or infectious. d) Vectorborne
c) An infectious disease is transmitted
through indirect physical contact. 28. Which among the following statements
d) Contagious diseases are sometimes called made by the student denotes understood
as infectious diseases
the concept of indirect transmission?
22. In order for an agent to cause infection, it a) “I will not eat street foods.”
must be: (select all that apply) b) “I should be wearing gloves when taking
a) present all that time care of a patient with gonorrhea.”
b) capable of infecting the host c) “Unprotected sexual intercourse may
c) a virus result to sexual transmitted disease.”
d) a bacteria d) “I will advise mothers not to let their
children walk barefooted.
29. To prevent transmission of diseases, the
23. Which among the following is NOT true to
best way is to:
the epidemiologic triangle model? a) Remove any elements to prevent the
a) As long as the balance is maintained or is onset of a communicable disease
tilted in favor of the host, disease does b) Enhance the immune system of the
not occur. susceptible host
b) Environmental elements can tilt the c) Immunize all people
balance in favor of the agent. d) Eradicate the causative agent
c) The model suggests that the agent and
the susceptible host interact freely in a 30. The student nurse knows that a host is
common environment. susceptible to diseases because of: (select
d) If the balance is tilted in favor of the
agent, disease does not occur. all that apply)
a) Malnutrition
b) Old age
24. This refers to any organism capable of c) Not alcoholic
causing disease: d) Present existing disease (co-morbidity)
a) Causative agent
b) Reservoir
c) Portal of exit 31. The incubation period of leprosy is:
d) Susceptible Host a) 4-6 weeks
b) 5 months to 5 years
25. This refers to the manner in which a c) 7 – 30 days
pathogen enters a susceptible host: d) 14-84 days
a) Causative agent 32. The causative agent of leprosy is:
b) Reservoir a) Mycobacterium leprae
c) Portal of exit b) Mycobacterium tubercle
d) Portal of entry c) Mycobacterium
d) All of these
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P2 Reviewer Exam
b) RA 4073
33. Select all early signs of leprosy:
c) RA 1136
a) Reddish or white change in skin color
d) RA 9173
b) gynecomastia
c) Loss of sweating
d) Madarosis
41. Enumerate the 5 major noncommunicable
34. The specific vector of malaria:
a) Female anopheles mosquito diseases (NCD)
b) Oncomelania quadrasi a) Hepatitis C
c) Aedes aegypti b) Hepatitis B
d) Plasmodium falciparum c) Cardiovascular disease
d) HIV / STDs / Hepatitis
35. Which among is the triad signs of malaria: e) Diabetes
a) Chills, fever and cough f) Mumps
b) Profuse sweating, fever and abdominal g) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
pain h) HIV / AIDS
c) Fever, chills and profuse sweating i) Cancer
d) Fever, rash and abdominal pain j) Influenza
36. This oral malarial treatment is given to k) Chickenpox / Shingles.
l) Cerebrovascular disease
resistant case of P. falciparum: m) Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE)
a) Sulfadoxine 50 mg
b) Primaquine
c) Chloroquine phosphate 250mg 42. State the goal of the Department of
d) Quinine hydrochloride 300mg/mL, 2 mL Health’s NCD program in relation to the
37. The best way to control Schistosomiasis lesson
is: a) Informing the people about the rightness
a) Protect self from insect bites. of the cause
b) Do not swim in rivers and other bodies of b) A Philippines free from the avoidable
water. burden of NCDs
c) Do not walk barefooted. c) To be effective in preventing and
d) Snails must be killed. controlling NCDs
43. Motivate the people.
38. Which among the following can be a host
a) Health Advocate
of Mycobacterium?
b) Health Educator
a) Humans
b) Dogs c) Health Care Provider
c) Cattles d) Community Organizer
d) Monkeys e) Health Trainer
39. A patient is receiving a treatment of f) Researchers
Intensive – HRZE (2 months) Maintenance 44. Supporting people’s right to make a
choice and to act on the choice.
– HR (4 months). This patient can be:
a) Health Advocate
(select all that apply) b) Health Educator
a) Relapse
b) Return after default (RAD) c) Health Care Provider
c) New Smear (-) PTB with extensive lesions d) Community Organizer
d) Extrapulmonary PTB e) Health Trainer
40. This act mandates that communicable f) Researchers
diseases must be reported:
a) RA 3573

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P2 Reviewer Exam
45. Promotes health and prevents diseases b) Health Educator
through rational diet and physical activity. c) Health Care Provider
a) Health Advocate d) Community Organizer
b) Health Educator e) Health Trainer
c) Health Care Provider f) Researchers
d) Community Organizer
e) Health Trainer 50. Guide people into action.
f) Researchers a) Health Advocate
b) Health Educator
46. Influencing public opinion. c) Health Care Provider
a) Health Advocate d) Community Organizer
b) Health Educator e) Health Trainer
c) Health Care Provider f) Researchers
d) Community Organizer
e) Health Trainer 51. The people must be assured that they
f) Researchers have the right and responsibility to make
decisions and that they do not have to
47. The Public Health Nurse provides activities change their decisions because of other’s
that will permit clients who have suffered objections.
from consequences of non- communicable a) Health Advocate
diseases to lead a socially and b) Health Educator
economically productive life. c) Health Care Provider
a) Health Advocate d) Community Organizer
b) Health Educator e) Health Trainer
c) Health Care Provider f) Researchers
d) Community Organizer
e) Health Trainer 52. Inform the people
f) Researchers a) Health Advocate
b) Health Educator
48. Organizing and mobilizing the community c) Health Care Provider
in taking action for the reduction of risk d) Community Organizer
factors e) Health Trainer
a) Health Advocate f) Researchers
b) Health Educator
c) Health Care Provider 53. The PHN provides technical assistance in
d) Community Organizer the assessment of the skills of auxiliary
e) Health Trainer health workers in NCD prevention and
f) Researchers control.
a) Health Advocate
49. Influencing executive and legislative b) Health Educator
bodies to create and enforce policies that c) Health Care Provider
favour a healthy environment. d) Community Organizer
a) Health Advocate e) Health Trainer

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P2 Reviewer Exam
f) Researchers 58. The LDL cholesterol level is said to be at
borderline level if it is:
54. It prevents health workers from a) More than 190
implementing irrelevant interventions. b) 90
a) Health Advocate c) 100-129
d) 130-159
b) Health Educator
c) Health Care Provider 59. Eric is monitoring the level of physical
d) Community Organizer activity of Mang Tomas. Eric knows that
e) Health Trainer Mang Tomas’s activity is classified as low
f) Researchers
if he reported that he: (select all that
55. The PHN conducts community
assessments, epidemiological studies, and
a) Washes cars twice a week
intervention studies.
b) Does arts and crafts every day for 10
a) Health Advocate minutes daily
b) Health Educator
c) Health Care Provider c) Plays non-competitive volleyball for an
d) Community Organizer hour 2x a week
e) Health Trainer d) Washes dishes daily
f) Researchers 60. Eric suggested sstrategies to promote
healthy eating and physical activity. Eric
56. The PHN teaches and supervises on knows that Mang Tomas understood the
clinical management of non-communicable
teachings when he reported that he:
diseases and other community- based
services and recording, reporting and (select all that apply)
utilization of health information related to
non-communicable diseases. a) Watch his diet by eating foods low in fat.
b) Eat healthy snack before social gathering.
a) Health Advocate c) Eat in front of a television
b) Health Educator d) Engage in a moderate intensity of physical
c) Health Care Provider activity for at least 10 minutes daily.
d) Community Organizer 61. This law is known as the “National Healthy
e) Health Trainer
Lifestyle Advocacy Campaign”:
f) Researchers a) EO 958
57. The recorded blood pressure of Mr. J is b) RA 1054
c) RA 9211
130/100. The PHN understands that he d) RA 9165
will be considered to have hypertension if 62. Which among the following is included in
the average value of measurements of BP the program components of Mental
2x daily in the morning and the evening Health? (select all that apply)
for several days is:
a) 140/90 a) Wellness of Daily Living
b) 130/80 b) Life Experience
c) 120/70 c) Rehabilitation Services
d) 110/60 d) Neurologic Disorders
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P2 Reviewer Exam
a) Errors of refraction are cured only through
63. Which among the following describes the
“Pinggang Pinoy”? (select all that apply) b) This eyesight problem can be addressed
by optometrists.
c) Errors of refraction are corrected only
a) It builds from the base, showing that
through spectacle glasses.
should eat more foods from the bottom
d) Errors of refraction are found mostly in
part of the pyramid like vegetables, whole
the older age groups.
grains and less from the top such as red
meat, sugar, fats and oils. 69. One of the interventions/strategies
b) It is a quick and easy guide on how much
employed by the DOH is advocacy and
to eat per mealtime.
c) It is the similar to the DNG Pyramid for health education. As a PHN, this
Filipinos that is based on the latest
intervention requires her to
science about how our food, drink, and
a) Collaboration to other sectors to ensure
activity choices affect our health.
health promotion.
d) It serves as visual tool to help Filipinos
b) Strengthening treatment capabilities of
adopt healthy eating habits at meal times
existing personnel.
by delivering effective dietary and healthy
c) Builds coalition and networks for the
lifestyle messages.
delivery of appropriate eye health care
64. Health and wellness program for senior services to ensure best service.
d) Reviews the program as conducted.
citizen is a support to the following laws:
a) RA 9257 70. Vitamin A is given to prevent blindness
b) Presidential Proclamation No. 470
and: (select all that apply)
c) Republic Act No. 11036
a) Prevent malnutrition
d) DOH Administrative Order No. 2016-0039
b) Boost immunization
65. These are the accomplishments of the
c) Increase child’s survival
Health and Wellness program for senior
d) Bitot’s spot
citizen: (select all that apply)
a) HPV immunization 71. The PHN understands that PAR is
b) Flu vaccination
conducted and not a conventional
c) Pneumococcal immunization
d) Wellness camp for senior citizens research when: (select all that apply)
a) The central aim of the study is to
66. All senior citizens are mandatorily covered
determine the effectiveness of the Herbal
by the Philippine Health Insurance Plant Use Education of the community
through inquiry from other party.
Corporation by virtue of:
b) The research team members are experts
a) RA 9257
of research.
b) RA 10642
c) It is a combination of a quantitative and
c) Republic Act No. 11036
qualitative data mining.
d) RA 7432
d) The research is conducted from planning
67. The visual acuity of less than 6/18, but
until the evaluation of the program
equal to or better than 3/60, or a
corresponding visual field loss to less than
72. The main aim of conducting PAR in Brgy
20 degrees in the better eye with best
Mahilom is
possible correction:
a) Use research findings to influence social
a) Low vision
b) Blindness
b) To evaluate the community’s program
c) Cataract
c) Disseminate change in the community
d) Error in refraction
d) Educate people about the importance of
68. Which among the following is true to
participating in community programs
errors of refraction?

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P2 Reviewer Exam
73. The community members as researchers 77. This will be produced at the PHO (or
are experts in their role. They are experts alternate date processing site in the
because: province) from the data reported in the
a) They are being guided by the research
RHU/MHC and up through the DOH
b) They have unique perspective as system to the Regional Health Office:
influenced by their lived experience. a) Geographic coding
c) They have the knowledge and expertise in b) Output Reports or Table
doing the research. c) Reporting forms
d) They participate in making collaborative d) Target/client list
78. Which among the following requires
74. Who chooses the research question?
reporting as it happens?
a) Research experts
a) Notifiable diseases like dengue
b) Community
b) Maternal death
c) People who have the lived experience
c) Natality health
d) Community leaders
d) Dental health
75. Which among the following is a PAR
79. FHSIS intends to provide:
example? (select all that apply) a) Data that can be used for program
a) Dissatisfied evaluation of Family Planning monitoring and evaluation purposes.
services, a team of 10 couples-user b) A standardized, facility level data base
researchers interviewed 50 couples who that can be accessed for more in-depth
use Family Planning services. The studies.
researchers asked about their lived c) More time for patient care and primitive
experience using the Family Planning activities.
services and its influence to them as d) Useful and accurate data that can be
couples and family. The researchers disseminated in a timely and easy to use
presented their findings as a live fashion.
performance and an academic report.
80. The BHS can be a reporting area if:
b) A group of adults interviewed 50 adults
a) It is a satellite BHS
living in a rehabilitation center. The group
b) The midwife renders service occasionally
presented their academic report to the
to the area.
Department of Health through theatrical
c) It delivers health services to one or more
c) A group of people interviewed people in
d) It is a service area of an RHU.
the community regarding health services
and service providers about their 81. In order to pass the examination, an
definitions and understanding of recovery.
examinee must obtain: (select all that
Findings were documented and shared to
encourage collaboration among service apply)
recipients and providers. a) General average of at least seventy-five
d) Abused women were interviewed by percent (75%)
strong independent women regarding b) General average of at least sixty percent
their lived experience. Results and (60%)
recommendations were given to the c) A rating of not below sixty percent (60%)
Health Office. in any subject
d) A rating of not below seventy-five percent
76. It is the building block of FHSIS: (75%) in any subject
a) Family Treatment Record
b) Target/Client List 82. Who will appoint the Chairperson and six
c) Reporting Forms (6) members of the BON?
d) Output Reports

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P2 Reviewer Exam
a) Accredited professional organization of
stations shall be entitled of an incentive
b) Professional regulation Commission bonus in the form of remote assignment
allowance equivalent to______of the
c) President of the Republic of the Philippines
d) Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing monthly basic salary:
a) Fifty percent (50%)
83. Belinda passed the Nurse’s Licensure
b) Twenty-five percent (25%)
Examination and a caregiver in Israel for c) Five percent (5%)
d) Ten percent (10%)
fifteen (15) years and wishes to go back
89. John works at 10pm to 6am as a nurse in
to nursing practice. She should be advised
a Public Lying –in Clinic. He shall be paid
to: (select all that apply)
a) Retake the board exam additional of:
b) Undergo three (3) months practicum a) Fifty percent (50%)
c) Undergo one (1) month training b) Twenty-five percent (25%)
d) Undergo refresher course c) Five percent (5%)
d) Ten percent (10%)
84. Who among the following is liable to the
90. A longevity pay is given to:
a) Mark who is on his third year in Public
a) Mark a registered nurse is practicing in
the community.
b) Harry who worked hard during the
b) Matthew who renews his license using the
online PRC renewal.
c) Ramir who just came back to Public Health
c) Luke who uses his PRC ID for special lane
d) Dennis who is on his 6th year in Public
in the grocery during the CoViD-19
d) Philip who append his name the letters 91. Milk code of the Philippines
BSN who is a graduate of General Nursing a) R.A. 8172
85. It shall be the duty of the nurse to: b) R. A. 7876
a) Administer treatment c) R.A. 10028
b) Suture perineal lacerations d) E.O. 51
c) Supervise student nurses
e) R.A. 8976
d) Perform internal examination during
antenatal bleeding f) R. A. 7719
86. The Magna Carta of Public Health Workers g) R.A. 8423
applies to: (select all that apply) h) R.A. 3573
a) Barangay Health Nurse i) R.A. 7277
b) Barangay Health Workers
c) Barangay Tanod j) R.A. 9165
d) Liaison officer of an RHU k) R.A. 4073

87. A health care worker is entitled of hazard

92. Food Fortification Law
allowance if: (select all that apply)
a) R.A. 8172
a) There is pandemic
b) The place is declared in a state of calamity b) R. A. 7876
c) He/she works in a prisons camp c) R.A. 10028
d) He/she works in a busy city d) E.O. 51
88. Doctors, dentists, nurses, and midwives e) R.A. 8976
who accept assignments as such in f) R. A. 7719
g) R.A. 8423
remote areas or isolated
h) R.A. 3573
9|NUR 153 C HN 2 LEC
P2 Reviewer Exam
i) R.A. 7277
j) R.A. 9165 96. Magna Carta for PWD’s
k) R.A. 4073 a) R.A. 8172
b) R. A. 7876
93. Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act c) R.A. 10028
a) R.A. 8172 d) E.O. 51
b) R. A. 7876 e) R.A. 8976
c) R.A. 10028 f) R. A. 7719
d) E.O. 51 g) R.A. 8423
e) R.A. 8976 h) R.A. 3573
f) R. A. 7719 i) R.A. 7277
g) R.A. 8423 j) R.A. 9165
h) R.A. 3573 k) R.A. 4073
i) R.A. 7277
j) R.A. 9165 97. The New Dangerous Drug Act of 2002
k) R.A. 4073 a) R.A. 8172
b) R. A. 7876
94. National Blood Services Act c) R.A. 10028
a) R.A. 8172 d) E.O. 51
b) R. A. 7876 e) R.A. 8976
c) R.A. 10028 f) R. A. 7719
d) E.O. 51 g) R.A. 8423
e) R.A. 8976 h) R.A. 3573
f) R. A. 7719 i) R.A. 7277
g) R.A. 8423 j) R.A. 9165
h) R.A. 3573 k) R.A. 4073
i) R.A. 7277
j) R.A. 9165 98. National Health Insurance Act
k) R.A. 4073 a) R.A. 8172
b) R. A. 7876
95. Created the Philippine Institute of c) R.A. 10028
Traditional and Alternative Health Care d) E.O. 51
a) R.A. 8172 e) R.A. 8976
b) R. A. 7876 f) R. A. 7719
c) R.A. 10028 g) R.A. 8423
d) E.O. 51 h) R.A. 3573
e) R.A. 8976 i) R.A. 7277
f) R. A. 7719 j) R.A. 9165
g) R.A. 8423 k) R.A. 4073
h) R.A. 3573
i) R.A. 7277 99. ASIN law
j) R.A. 9165 a) R.A. 8172
k) R.A. 4073 b) R. A. 7876

10 | N U R 1 5 3 C H N 2 L E C
P2 Reviewer Exam
c) R.A. 10028
d) E.O. 51
e) R.A. 8976
f) R. A. 7719
g) R.A. 8423
h) R.A. 3573
i) R.A. 7277
j) R.A. 9165
k) R.A. 4073

100. Home Treatment for Leprosy

a) R.A. 8172
b) R. A. 7876
c) R.A. 10028
d) E.O. 51
e) R.A. 8976
f) R. A. 7719
g) R.A. 8423
h) R.A. 3573
i) R.A. 7277
j) R.A. 9165
k) R.A. 4073

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