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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 630

2nd International Conference on Education and Technology (ICETECH 2021)

Language Acquisition of a Mentally Retarded Student

at SDLB of Tunas Harapan: Psycholinguistics Study
Heny Sulistyowati1,* Rukminingsih Rukminingsih 2
STKIP PGRI Jombang, Indonesia
Corresponding author. Email:

A mentally retarded student has an in elegancy function, communication abilities, and social skills that are below
average. The goal of this study was to depict a mild mentally retarded student's language acquisition ability at a special
Elementary school for mentally retarded (SDLB) in Tunas Harapan Jombang, Indonesia. The relationship between
language and mind in processing and creating utterances in language learning for a mentally retarded student was
investigated using a psycholinguistics study. A qualitative case study was used in this investigation. The subject was a
student at SDLB Tunas Harapan Jombang who was mentally mildly retarded. Psycholinguistics, language acquisition,
and phonology were employed as study theories. The information was gathered by field observation with mildly
mentally impaired students, which included interviewing, recording, and note-taking approaches. The findings
demonstrate that recognizing letters and pronouncing vocabulary while engaging with her teachers' classmates and
family has an impact on her speaking skill development.

Keywords: Language Acquisition, Mentally Retarded Student, Speaking Ability

1. INTRODUCTION namely the biological and neurological foundations.

Similar previous studies reveal that explains how a child
Every child is a one-of-a-kind individual with a learns language automatically because he or she is
distinct developmental pattern, necessitating different equipped with a special language device known as a LAD
treatment. In Indonesia, the number of children with (Language Acquisition Device)[5];[6] ,&[7].
special needs has risen to 1.6 million [1]. Children with Psycholinguistics is a branch of linguistics that
special needs aren't just those who are mentally combines psychology and linguistics. This science
challenged [2]. One of the Children with special needs is developed in the 1960s in reaction to intellectuals'
disorder adaptation to the environment (mental enthusiasm for Chomsky's work. Psycholinguistics is one
retardation). One of the problems in language acquisition of the newest disciplines in cognitive science, focusing
producing speech is the identification and correction of on thinking and mental processes related to language
speech development for children with mental retardation comprehension, production, and acquisition [8]
The purpose of this study is to describe the speaking
Understanding, language, language production, and ability of language acquisition for mild mentally retarded
language learning are the three basic objects of research students at a special Elementary school for mentally
in psycholinguistics. According to [4] stated that there are retarded (SDLB) of Tunas Harapan Jombang, Indonesia.
four main topics in psycholinguistics: a) comprehension, This study is therefore part of the field of
namely the mental processes that humans pass through so psycholinguistics. The process of learning a language
that they can catch what people are saying and understand focuses on mastering one's mother tongue. The data
What do you mean; b) production, namely the mental source for this study is mentally retarded children SDLB
processes in ourselves that enable us to say as we say; of Tunas Harapan third grade.
and c) neurological, which enables humans to speak; and
d) language acquisition, which refers to how humans As a result, this study focuses on language learning in
learn to speak. While psycholinguistic studies include mentally retarded children. The reason for focusing this
language understanding, language production, and study on language acquisition for mentally retarded
language acquisition, his opinion adds one more object, children is that many people still do not comprehend what

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 53
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 630

mentally retarded children are and many others are 1.2. Moderate mental retardation
uninterested in their development, particularly their
language skills. Children with mental retardation have Despite their intelligence and social adaptability
flaws of their own, particularly in terms of cognitive being hampered, members of this category can progress
abilities. particularly their language skills. in academic studies, social adjustment, and workability.
Moderate mental retardation according to Binet, the
Mentally retarded children have problems of their mildly mentally retarded group has an IQ 35-49.
own, especially in terms of cognitive capacity. Their
verbal abilities, in particular. Studies on retarded mental
1.3. Severe and Profound mental retardation
children have been conducted by some researchers,
however, there are few studies to portray speaking ability Children with severe mental disability, on the whole,
of language acquisition for a mild mentally retarded cannot be taught to care for themselves, socialize, or
student which focus on psycholinguistics, language work. Some of them can (to some extent) look after
acquisition, and phonology. Some other researchers themselves, communicate properly, and adapt to their
focus on the ways how to teach retarded students for relatively limited surroundings. Binet defines moderate
vocabulary, reading skills, and writing skills. [6]; [7],[8] mental impairment as having an IQ of 20 to 34.
and [9].
It is hoped that the finding of this study provides some This group of children with profound mental
pedagogical contributions both theoretically and retardation has a very limited ability to be taught how to
practical significant. The theoretical contribution of this care for themselves, socialize, or work. Among them (to
study is supporting language acquisition under a degree), some can care for themselves, communicate
psycholinguistics theory of Field, Y. The practical clearly, and adapt to their very limited environment.
contribution of this study can be implemented to
encourage mild mentally retarded students in language Psycholinguistics is simply defined as a study of
acquisition for speaking skill involving phonological human language/human mind relations [13]. In short,
awareness as the goal of this study. psycholinguistics investigates three important processes:
(1) language production, (2) language comprehension,
According to the American Association on and (3) language acquisition. Developmental
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, “intellectual psycholinguistics and applied psycholinguistics play a
disability is defined by significant restrictions in both major role in the design of appropriate teaching methods
intellectual functioning and adaptable behavior, as in language teaching. By human physical and mental
indicated in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive developments, psycholinguistic theory covered the
skills” (AAIDD). This mental condition appears before language development of humans. The theories are taken
the age of eighteen. [10]. Mental retardation is a into account when designing language teaching programs
condition characterized by a lack of social and materials so that second-language learners master the
communication and limited intelligence in children target language effectively.
whose intelligence is significantly lower than the average
[11] & [12]. The psycholinguistic approach can be used as a
competence in the field of education. It identified a
According to the AAMD (American Association number of communication difficulties, such as student
on Mental Deficiency) and PP No. 72 of 1991in [10] orientation. It is also psycholinguistic that students'
mentally impaired children are classified into three personalities, such as introverts and extroverts, influence
groups: their language learning performance [14]. Speaking
problems, such as voice disorders, stuttering, and
1.1. Mild mental retardation disarticulation, can also be attributed to a personality
disorder. [13] This is the first study to establish a link
Despite their intelligence and social adaptability between children's linguistic environment and
being hampered, those who belong to this category have neurological language processing, identifying both an
the ability to progress in the areas of academic studies, environmental and a neural mechanism that underpins
social adjustment, and work ability. Moron or crippling differences in language ability. Almost every language
mental retardation are terms used to describe mild mental problem has been solved using a psycholinguistic
retardation. The mildly mentally retarded group, approach. According to the author [14], the following
according to Binet, has an IQ of 68-52, while the practical language speaking skills are related to fluency:
Weschler Scale has an IQ of 69-55. People with mental 1) Generalized phonemes of language; 2) Phoneme
disabilities can nonetheless learn to read, write, and do paradigmatic structure based on specific characteristics;
basic math. Mentally handicapped children will be able and 3) Sound images of words, phonemes, and phonemes
to succeed on their own if they are given enough and in sequence. Furthermore, children can self-identify their
competent supervision and research.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 630

linguistic deviations from language standards through choose the object under study her teacher's opinion. The
mispronunciation of words or reproduction of content. research process was conducted by looking directly at the
object to be studied and observing the activities of
As a result, this study focuses on language learning in
mentally retarded children.
mentally retarded children. The phrase is used by [15] for
children who acquire the first language of their mother
tongue and those who learn a second or foreign language 2.2. Recording
(second language). Because many people still don't Researchers recorded pictures of all conversations
understand what mentally retarded children are, and made by students starting the learning process and the
many others are uninterested in their development, interview process with researchers. The recording
particularly their acquisition), this study will focus on process was carried out using a recording device.
language acquisition for mentally retarded children. Therefore, the researchers recorded all activities related
There is no longer any issue in using these terminology. to the observation process at SDLB Tunas Harapan
Some professionals refer to language learning as Jombang.
"language learning," while others refer to it as "language
learning." [16] explains this by saying that some experts
2.3. Data Transcription
believe that acquiring a second language can be used to
teach it intentionally and consciously. The data obtained from the recordings were
This is in contrast to the first and second languages, transcribed into notes so that the researchers obtained
which are acquired naturally and unconsciously outside data in the form of writing. The researcher also saw the
of a formal setting. Because it is assumed to be learnt results of the notes in the interview and matched them
formally or informally in the second or third language, with the results of the time of the recording along with
the term "acquisition of the language" is employed. The the interview text that had been transcribed into notes at
term used in this article refers to the acquisition of second the time of the observation.
language learning. Naturalistic language learning and
formal language learning are the two types of language 2.4. Data Analysis
learning. naturalistic language learning is the process of
Data analysis was done by identifying the re-reading
learning a language in an unintentional, conscious, and
data. Identification, grouping, description, analysis, and
natural way. n bilingual or multilingual society, this is
conclusion of results
more widespread. Formal language learning, on the other
hand, takes place in a classroom setting with teachers,
resources, and learning supports. 4. FINDING

2. METHODS 4.1. Speaking Skill Description

A qualitative case study methodology was used in this Data were obtained by mastering the language skills
study. Case studies, according to [17], are an inquiry of SDLB in the third-year class students with a mentally
approach in which researchers investigate in depth a retarded background. The researcher processed the data
program, event, activity, process, or one or more which are qualitatively analysed in this chapter. The data
individuals.The source of data is the subject from which are in the form of media requests obtained through the
a study is obtained by the researcher, the student who process of the conversation and illustrate the students.
responds or answers the researcher's questions. The Received by researchers the following data.
source of the data in this study was one student with a. Spelling
mental retardation at SDLB Tunas Harapan Jombang in 1. Teacher : What letter of the alphabet is this?
the third-year class. The object of the research studied Student:
was only one student because the student suffered from /a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z/
mild mental retardation. The data in the study were in the Cika placed letters on the media board according to
form of alphabetic vocabulary, dictate and imitate their ability to recognize several letters. The letters were
vocabulary. Through what students did in the aspect of posted on the display board, then the teacher explained
speaking skills that was carried out by a mentally retarded the letters and imitated objects. Object's ability to
student in third year class at SDLB Tunas Harapan recognize letters was quite good because it was able to
Jombang. place letters coherently even though it took a little time
to remember to spell the letters of the alphabet. The
2.1. Observation pronunciation of the letters was good but for the letter f it
is pronounced (ep) and the letter q becomes (khi)
The observation process was carried out at the
beginning of the researcher entering the school by
observing the object then the researcher was allowed to

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 630

b. Dictation and Picture Description 2. Teacher : What letter of the alphabet is this?
Student : A is similar with B
1. Teacher : What is this fruit called? Teacher : let me give an example
Student : /a, p,e,l / Student : yes
Teacher : What color is it ?? Cika was very happy because she could learn to
Student : Tuning
remember the letters of the alphabet and learn to draw in
Cika mentioned apples, when the letters of the
bold letters. Imitating the letters of the subject’s alphabet
alphabet said X, Y, Z, but when she said objects she
was not difficult because she was able to write (A) large
could but when she strung the letters of the alphabet they
and (a) small letters well as well as writing (B) large and
could not For the mention of the color of apples, the
(b) small letters.
yellow color became tuning.
Teacher : What letter of the alphabet is this? Student
2. Teacher : What is this fruit called?
: C and D
Student : /j,e,r,u,k /
Teacher :What color is it ? The student said that the letters C and D were good
Student :Green and correct then, to thicken the letters was also good.
Cika mentioned apples, when the letters of the Distinguishing uppercase (C) and small (c) letters was a
alphabet said X, Y, Z, but when she said objects she little difficult because they have the same shape, but
could but when she strang the letters of the alphabet they distinguishing large (D) and small (d) letters is easy. The
could not For the mention of the color of apples, the ability to thicken and dictate her letters has been mastered
yellow color became tuning. even though she had to give an example first because of
the process of remembering writing and mastering letters
3. Teacher : What is this fruit called? that sometimes she forgot.
Student : /b,a, l,i,m,b,i,n,g/
Teacher : What color is it ? 3. Teacher : What letter of the alphabet is this?
Student : it is unclear Student : E and F

When the object is balimbing, the correct writing for The development of the object learning process by
the letters of the alphabet, namely R, T, S, is starfruit. The learning to thicken the large letter (E) she was able to
subject could say fruit, but she could not get the letters to work with the small letter (e) having a little difficulty
line up properly. because of the curve in the small e. The letters (F) were
large and (f) were small in thickening the letter, because
4. Teacher : What is this fruit called? the writing was almost the same, the only difference was
Student : /d,Ə,l,i,m,a/ that there was a slight bend in (f) small.
Teacher : What color is it ?
Student : Grey Based on the data above, it can be estimated that
Cika's language skills are not significantly different from
Cika’s learning process for the pronunciation of the
those of other children. Cika's ability to understand
letters has not been able to turn pomegranate into O, N,
learning is, of course, different from that of other
J, S, R, Q, K, M in good writing, it should coherently be
children, thus this does not automatically make Cika a
PELIMA. The development of subject learning process
normal child. Phonologically, the articulation is quite
in compiling the letters of the alphabet has not been able
clear, although there are often errors in pronouncing
to but to mention the fruit objects on the display board.
objects. Likewise, in morphological abilities, errors often
c. Dictation in Writing arise. For example, substitution or mentioning in other
1. Teacher : what line is it ? words, eliminating certain syllables, assimilation, in
Student :/t.i.d,u,r/, /l,Ə,n,g,k,u,n,g/, other words, adding the wrong syllable According to
/m,i,r,i,n,g/ Cika's class instructor, children with mild mental
retardation have language skills that are nearly identical
The student of this study was able to say according to to those of normal children, but their intellect capacities
the selected line, making it easy for her to move her hand differ. According to [11] & ]8] mildly mentally
to mention multiple lines. It dictated and thicken from challenged children nevertheless require additional
slanted lines to curved lines, though the thickening assistance in understanding and interpreting classroom
process was messy when she imitated the lines material. Similarly, previous research reveals that the
determined by the book. She was an abbreviation for presence, or even the creation of an environment that uses
Almanda Cika Salini could recall the names of the lines the target language in question or at least encourages its
mentioned in the book, such as sleep lines, curved lines, use on the part of the learner/s may prove vital.
and slashes. Furthermore, the data suggest that a mildly impaired
student is capable of grasping linguistic habits such as
phonological and morphological awareness at a young

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 630

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