Bece308l Optical-Fiber-Communications TH 1.0 0 Bece308l
Bece308l Optical-Fiber-Communications TH 1.0 0 Bece308l
Bece308l Optical-Fiber-Communications TH 1.0 0 Bece308l
OpticalFiber: Structures, Waveguides - Ray optics, Mode theory, Fiber Types; Signal
Degradation - Nonlinear Optical Effects, SRS, SBS, SPM, CPM, FWM; Optical Transmitters -
Power and Modulation Bandwidth, Modulators, Transmitter Design; Optical Receivers –
Photodetector, PIN, APD, Receiver Design; Digital links and Measurements – Point to Point
Links, Attenuation, OTDR; WDM Concepts and Components - Filters, Multiplexers, WDM
System Performance Issues; Optical Amplifiers - Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers;
Item 66/22 - Annexure - 18
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. List the fundamental optical laws, structures and waveguides.
2. Comprehend the various signal degradation in the fiber optical communication.
3. Design the optical transmitters and receivers and evaluate their performances.
4. Estimate the system requirements for point to point communication.
5. Examine the significance of WDM techniques and their applications.
6. Comprehend and analyse the performance of the various optical amplifiers.
Text Book(s)
1. Gerd Keiser, Optical Fiber Communications, 2017, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill
Education, India.
Reference Books
1. Conway, E., Optical Fiber Communications Principles and Practice, 2018, 1st Edition,
ED-TECH Press, United Kingdom.
2. Singal, T. L. Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Applications, 2017,
Cambridge University Press, India.
3. Keiser, G., Fiber Optic Communications, 2021, 1st Edition, Springer, Singapore
Mode of Evaluation: Continuous Assessment Test, Digital Assignment, Quiz and Final
Assessment Test