Fiber Syllabus
Fiber Syllabus
Fiber Syllabus
1. Introduction: General Optical system, Advantages of Optical Communication system.
2. Optical Fiber Wave guides: Ray theory transmission, Electromagnetic Modes, Theory for
optical propagation, cylindrical fibers, and single mode fibers.
3. Transmission Characteristics of Optical Fibers: Attenuation, Linear & Nonlinear losses
within the fiber, Dispersion - Intramodal & Intermodal, Polarization.
4. Optical Fibers & Cables: Preparation of optical fibers, Fiber drawing, Liquid phase
techniques, Vapor Phase deposition techniques Optical fibers, fiber strength & bending.
5. Optical Fiber Joints & Couplers: Fiber Alignment & joint losses, Fiber splices, Fiber
Connectors, Fiber Couplers.
6. Optical Sources - Laser: Basic concepts, Optical emission from semiconductors,
Semiconductor injection laser, their structures, Injection laser characteristics, Non-
semiconductor lasers.
7. Optical Sources - LED: LED power & efficiency, LED structures, LED characteristics,
10. Optical Amplification & Integrated Optics: Optical Amplifiers, Semiconductor Laser
Amplifiers, Fiber Amplifiers, Integrated Optics, Beam Splitters, Directional couplers,
switches, Modulators.
11. Optical Fiber Systems - Intensity modulation: Optical transmission & Receiver circuits,
Digital systems, Analog systems, Application of optical amplifiers.
12. Optical Fiber Systems - Coherent: Basic systems, Detection Principle Modulation formats,
demodulation schemes, receiver sensitivities.
13. Optical Fiber Measurements: Fiber Attenuation, Dispersion, and Refractive Index Profile,
Cutoff Wavelength, Numerical Aperture Measurements, Field Measurements.
14. Applications & Future Developments: Public Network Applications, Military applications,
Civil Applications, Optical Sensor Systems, Computer applications, LANs.
1. Optical Communication systems by Keiser (McGraw Hill)
2. Optical Fiber Communications - Principles & Practice by John M. Senior (PHI)
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