Evendar 06 A
Evendar 06 A
Evendar 06 A
We incorporate statistical confidence intervals in both the multi-armed bandit and the reinforcement
learning problems. In the bandit problem we show that given n arms, it suffices to pull the arms a
total of O (n/ε2 ) log(1/δ) times to find an ε-optimal arm with probability of at least 1 − δ. This
bound matches the lower bound of Mannor and Tsitsiklis (2004) up to constants. We also devise
action elimination procedures in reinforcement learning algorithms. We describe a framework
that is based on learning the confidence interval around the value function or the Q-function and
eliminating actions that are not optimal (with high probability). We provide a model-based and a
model-free variants of the elimination method. We further derive stopping conditions guaranteeing
that the learned policy is approximately optimal with high probability. Simulations demonstrate a
considerable speedup and added robustness over ε-greedy Q-learning.
1. Introduction
Two of the most studied problems in control, decision theory, and learning in unknown environment
are the multi-armed bandit (MAB) and reinforcement learning (RL). In this paper we consider
both models under the probably approximately correct (PAC) settings and study several important
questions arising in this model. The first question is when can an agent stop learning and start
exploiting using the knowledge it obtained. The second question is which strategy leads to minimal
learning time. Since the multi-armed bandit setup is simpler, we start by introducing it and later
describe the reinforcement learning problem.
The Multi-armed bandit problem is one of the classical problems in decision theory and control.
There is a number of alternative arms, each with a stochastic reward whose probability distribution is
initially unknown. We try these arms in some order, which may depend on the sequence of rewards
∗. Preliminary and partial results from this work appeared as extended abstracts in COLT 2002 and ICML 2003.
that have been observed so far. A common objective in this context is to find a policy for choosing
the next arm to be tried, under which the sum of the expected rewards comes as close as possible
to the ideal reward, i.e., the expected reward that would be obtained if we were to try the “best”
arm at all times. One of the attractive features of the multi-armed bandit problem is that despite its
simplicity, it encompasses many important decision theoretic issues, such as the tradeoff between
exploration and exploitation.
The multi-armed bandit problem has been widely studied in a variety of setups. The problem
was first considered in the 50’s in the seminal work of Robbins (1952) that derives strategies that
asymptotically attain an average reward that converges in the limit to the reward of the best arm.
The multi-armed bandit problem was later studied in discounted, Bayesian, Markovian, expected
reward, and adversarial setups. (See Berry and Fristedt, 1985, for a review of the classical results
on the multi-armed bandit problem.) Most of the research so far has considered the expected regret,
and devised strategies for minimizing it. The seminal work of Lai and Robbins (1985) provides tight
bounds as a function of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the arms reward distribution, and
a logarithmic growth with the number of steps. The bounds of Lai and Robbins (1985) were shown
to be efficient, in the sense that the convergence rates are optimal. The adversarial multi-armed
bandit problem was considered in Auer et al. (1995, 2002), where it was shown that the expected
regret grows proportionally to the square root of the number of steps.
We consider the classical multi-armed bandit problem, but rather than looking at the expected
regret, we develop PAC style bounds. The agent’s goal is to find, with high probability, a near
optimal arm, namely, with probability at least 1−δ output an ε-optimal arm. This naturally abstracts
the case where the agent needs to choose one specific arm, and it is given only limited exploration
initially. Our main complexity criterion, in addition to correctness, is the number of steps taken
by the algorithm, which can be viewed as pure exploration steps. This is in contrast to most of
the results for the multi-armed bandit problem, where the main aim is to maximize the expected
cumulative reward while both exploring and exploiting. Therefore, methods which balance between
exploration and exploitation such as softmax, and ε-greedy are not comparable to our methods.
Following our initial conference publication, a lower bound on the number of steps needed to obtain
a PAC solution was developed in Mannor and Tsitsiklis (2004); it matches the upper bound we
develop in this paper.
The MAB problem models a situation where the environment is static and the same decision has
to be made repeatedly. In many cases of practical interest, the model should represent a situation
where the state of the system changes with time. This is encompassed in the Markov decision
process model (MDP), that has been the subject of intensive research since the 1950’s. When the
model is known, and learning is not required, there are several standard methods for calculating the
optimal policy - linear programming, value iteration, policy iteration, etc.; see Puterman (1994) for a
review. When the model is not known a-priori, a learning scheme is needed. RL has emerged in the
recent decade as unified discipline for adaptive control of dynamic environments (e.g., Sutton and
Barto, 1998, Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996). A common problem with many RL algorithms is a slow
convergence rate, even for relatively small problems. For example, consider the popular Q-learning
algorithm (Watkins, 1989) which is essentially an asynchronous stochastic approximation algorithm
(Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996). Generic convergence rate bounds for stochastic approximation
(e.g., Borkar and Meyn, 2000) or specific rates for Q-learning (see, Kearns and Singh, 1998, Even-
Dar and Mansour, 2003) are somewhat disappointing. However, the generic convergence rate is
shown there to be almost tight for several particularly bad scenarios. The question that we ask
is: When is enough information gathered? When can the learning agent declare with reasonable
confidence that the policy discovered is optimal, or at least approximately optimal? To summarize
the differences, we are not concerned in the generic convergence rate (which must be slow), but we
are rather interested in supplying rates which will be adjusted to the specific MDP parameters and
as a result are much better for certain problems.
The problem of obtaining stopping conditions for learning in MDPs is a fundamental problem
in RL. As opposed to supervised learning problems where typically a data set is given to the learner
who has to commit to a classifier (or regressor in regression problem), in RL the decision maker can
continue its interaction with the environment and obtain additional samples. The stopping rules that
are currently employed in practice are based on ad-hoc rules, and may lead to premature stopping
or to overly long trajectories.
When an action in a certain state can be determined to not belong to the optimal policy in an
MDP, it can be discarded and disregarded in both planning and learning. This idea, commonly
known as action elimination (AE), was proposed by MacQueen (1966) in the context of planning
when the MDP parameters are known. In the planning case AE serves two purposes: reduce the size
of the action sets to be searched at every iteration; identify optimal policies when there is a unique
optimal policy. (In value iteration this is the only way to reach optimal policy rather than ε-optimal
policy.) AE procedures are standard practice in solving large practical MDPs and are considered
state-of-the-art; see Puterman (1994) for more details. We consider AE in the learning context when
the model is not known a-priori.
In many applications the computational power is available but sampling of the environment is
expensive. By eliminating sub-optimal actions early in the learning process, the total amount of
sampling is reduced, leading to spending less time on estimating the parameters of sub-optimal
actions. The main motivation for applying AE in RL is reducing the amount of samples needed
from the environment. In addition to that, AE in RL enjoys the same advantages as in MDPs -
convergence rate speedup and possibility to find an optimal policy (rather than ε-optimal).
tween the upper and lower bounds of the value (or Q) function. We show that if the difference is
small, then the greedy policy with respect to the lower estimate is almost optimal.
In Section 5 we present the results of several experiments with AE in toy problems as well as
in non-trivial problems. Significant speedup with negligible computational overhead is observed as
compared to ε-greedy Q-learning.
Definition 1 An algorithm is a (ε, δ)-PAC algorithm for the multi armed bandit with sample com-
plexity T , if it outputs an ε-optimal arm, a′ , with probability at least 1 − δ, when it terminates, and
the number of time steps the algorithm performs until it terminates is bounded by T .
Remark 2 The MAB algorithm may terminate before T steps passed. The sample complexity we
consider is the complexity of the worst trajectory. The expected sample complexity (where the
expectation is taken with respect to both the model and the algorithm) was considered in Mannor
and Tsitsiklis (2004). The expected sample complexity behaves like Ω((n + log(1/δ))/ε2 ), which
is different than the complexity we prove below in Theorem 10. We note that the running time of
the algorithm from Mannor and Tsitsiklis (2004) is not bounded in the worst case.
Definition 3 A Markov Decision process (MDP) M is a 4-tuple (S, A, P, R), where S is a set of the
a is the transition probability from state s to state s′ when performing
states, A is a set of actions, Ps,s′
action a ∈ A in state s, and R(s, a) is the reward received when performing action a in state s.
A strategy for an MDP assigns, at each time t, for each state s a probability for performing
action a ∈ A, given a history Ft−1 = {s1 , a1 , r1 , ..., st−1 , at−1 , rt−1 } which includes the states, actions
and rewards observed until time t − 1. While executing a strategy π we perform at time t action
at in state st and observe a reward rt (distributed according to R(st , at )), and the next state st+1
distributed according to Psatt,· . We combine the sequence of rewards into a single value called the
return. Our goal is to maximize the return. In this work we focus on the discounted return, which
has a parameter γ ∈ (0, 1), and the discounted return of policy π is V π = ∑t=0 γt rt , where rt is the
reward observed at time t. We also consider the finite horizon return, V = ∑t=0 π H
rt for a given
horizon H.
We assume that R(s, a) is non-negative and bounded by Rmax , i.e., for every s, a : 0 ≤ R(s, a) ≤
Rmax . This implies that the discounted return is bounded by Vmax = Rmax /(1 − γ); for the finite
horizon the return is bounded by HRmax . We define a value function for each state s, under policy
π, as V π (s) = IEπ [∑∞
i=0 ri γ ], where the expectation is over a run of policy π starting at state s. We
further denote the state-action value function as using action a in state s and then following π as:
Similarly, we define the value functions for the finite horizon model.
Let π∗ be an optimal policy which maximizes the return from any start state. For discounted
return criterion, there exists such a policy which is deterministic and stationary (see, e.g., Put-
erman, 1994). This implies that for any policy π and any state s we have V π (s) ≥ V π (s), and
π∗ (s) = argmaxa (R(s, a) + γ(∑s′ Ps,s a V π (s′ )). We use V ∗ and Q∗ for V π and Qπ∗ , respectively.
∗ ∗
If #(s, a,t) = 0 the empirical model and the reward can be chosen arbitrarily. We define the expec-
tation of the empirical model as IE ˆ s,s′ ,a [V (s′ )] = ∑s′ ∈S P̂a ′ V (s′ ). To simplify the notations we omit
ˆ s′ whenever evident.
s, a in the notations IE
" ! # 2 2
1 m 1 m bi − m 2ε m 2
P ∑ fi (xi ) − m ∑ ai fi (x)D(x) ≥ ε ≤ e
m i=1
∑i=1 (bi −ai )
" ! # 2 2
m m Z bi − m 2ε m 2
1 1
P ∑
m i=1
f i (xi ) − ∑ ai
m i=1
f i (x)D(x) ≤ −ε ≤ e ∑i=1 (bi −ai )
Remark 5 We note that the boundedness assumption is not essential and can be relaxed in certain
situations. We also note that sometimes tighter bounds can be obtained using the relative Chernoff
bound (Angluin and Valiant, 1979).
Theorem 6 The algorithm Naive(ε, δ) is an (ε, δ)-PAC algorithm with arm sample complexity
O (n/ε2 ) log(n/δ) .
Proof The sample complexity is immediate from the definition of the algorithm. We now prove it
is an (ε, δ)-PAC algorithm. Let a′ be an arm for which IE(R(a′ )) < r∗ − ε. We want to bound the
probability of the event p̂a′ > p̂a∗ .
P ( p̂a′ > p̂a∗ ) ≤ P p̂a′ > IE[R(a′ )] + ε/2 or p̂a∗ < r∗ − ε/2
≤ 2 exp(−2(ε/2)2 ℓ) ,
where the last inequality uses the Hoeffding inequality. Choosing ℓ = (2/ε2 ) ln(2n/δ) assures that
P ( p̂a′ > p̂a∗ ) ≤ δ/n. Summing over all possible a′ we have that the failure probability is at most
(n − 1)(δ/n) < δ.
times and then eliminate the empirically worst arm. The algorithm described as Algorithm 2 below.
In Theorem 7 we prove that the algorithm is (0, δ)-PAC and compute its sample complexity.
Theorem 7 Suppose that ∆i > 0 for i = 2, 3, . . . , n. Then the Successive Elimination with Known
Biases algorithm is an (0, δ)-PAC algorithm and its arm sample complexity is
n n 1
O log( ) ∑ 2 . (1)
δ i=2 ∆i
Proof The sample complexity of the algorithm is as follows. In the first round we sample n arms
tn times. In the second round we sample n − 1 arms tn−1 − tn times. In the kth round (1 ≤ k < n)
we sample n − k + 1 arms for tn−k − tn−k+1 times. The total number of arms samples is therefore
t2 + ∑ni=2 ti which is of the form (1).
We now prove that the algorithm is correct with probability at least 1 − δ. Consider first a simplified
algorithm which is similar to the naive algorithm, suppose that each arm is pulled 8/(∆22 ) ln(2n/δ)
times. For every 2 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 we define the event
where p̂it j is the empirical value the ith arm at time t j . If the events Ei hold for all i > 1 the algorithm
is successful.
P[not(Ei )] ≤ ∑ P[ pˆnt j
< p̂it j ]
n n
≤ ∑ 2 exp(−2(∆i/2)2t j ) ≤ ∑ 2 exp(−2(∆i /2)2 8/∆2j ln(2n/δ))
j=i j=i
≤ ∑ 2 exp(− ln(4n2 /δ2 ))
≤ (n − i + 1)δ2 /n2 ≤ .
Using the union bound over all Ei ’s we obtain that the simplified algorithm satisfies all Ei with
probability at least 1 − δ. Consider the original setup. If arm 1 is eliminated at time t j for some is
implies that some arm i < j has higher empirical value at time t j . The probability of failure of the
algorithm is bounded by the probability of failure in the simplified setting.
Next, we relax the requirement that the expected rewards of the arms are known in advance, and
introduce the Successive Elimination algorithm that works with any set of biases. The algorithm we
present as Algorithm 3 finds the best arm (rather than ε-best) with high probability. We later explain
in Remark 9 how to modify it to be an (ε, δ)-PAC algorithm.
Input : δ > 0
Output : An arm
Set t = 1 and S = A;
Set for every arm a: p̂1a = 0;
Sample every arm a ∈ S once and let p̂ta be the average reward of arm a by time t;
Let p̂tmax = maxa∈S p̂ta and αt = ln(cnt 2 /δ)/t, where c is a constant;
Theorem 8 Suppose that ∆i > 0 for i = 2, 3, . . . , n. Then the Successive Elimination algorithm
(Algorithm 3) is a (0, δ)-PAC algorithm, and with probability at least 1 − δ the number of samples
is bounded by
ln( δ∆n i )
O ∑ ∆2i
Proof Our main argument is that, at any time t and for any action a, the observed probability p̂ta is
within αt of the true probability pa . For any time t and action a ∈ St we have that,
2 2δ
P[| p̂ta − pa | ≥ αt ] ≤ 2e−2αt t ≤ .
cnt 2
By taking the constant c to be greater than 4 and from the union bound we have that with probability
at least 1 − δ/n for any time t and any action a ∈ St , | p̂ta − pa | ≤ αt . Therefore, with probability
1 − δ, the best arm is never eliminated. Furthermore, since αt goes to zero as t increases, eventually
every non-best arm is eliminated. This completes the proof that the algorithm is (0, δ)-PAC.
It remains to compute the arm sample complexity. To eliminate a non-best arm ai we need to
reach a time ti such that,
∆ˆ ti = p̂tai1 − p̂taii ≥ 2αti .
The definition of αt combined with the assumption that | p̂ta − pa | ≤ αt yields that
To conclude, with probability of at least 1 − δ the number of arm samples is 2t2 + ∑ni=3 ti , which
completes the proof.
Remark 9 One can easily modify the successive elimination algorithm so that it is (ε, δ)-PAC.
Instead of stopping when only one arm survives the elimination, it is possible to settle for stopping
when either only one arm remains or when each of the k surviving arms were sampled O( ε12 log( δk )).
In the latter case the algorithm returns the best arm so far. In this case it is not hard to show that the
algorithm finds an ε-optimal arm with probability at least 1 − δ after
where N(∆, ε) = |{i | ∆i < ε}| is the number of arms which are ε-optimal.
Theorem 10 The Median Elimination(ε,δ) algorithm is an (ε, δ)-PAC algorithm and its sample
complexity is
n 1
O 2 log .
ε δ
First we show that in the ℓ-th phase the expected reward of the best arm in Sℓ drops by at most
εℓ .
Lemma 11 For the Median Elimination(ε, δ) algorithm we have that for every phase ℓ:
P[max p j ≤ max pi + εℓ ] ≥ 1 − δℓ .
j∈Sℓ i∈Sℓ+1
Proof Without loss of generality we look at the first round and assume that p1 is the reward of the
best arm. We bound the failure probability by looking at the event E1 = { p̂1 < p1 − ε1 /2}, which is
the case that the empirical estimate of the best arm is pessimistic. Since we sample sufficiently, we
have that P[E1 ] ≤ δ1 /3.
In case E1 does not hold, we calculate the probability that an arm j which is not an ε1 -optimal
arm is empirically better than the best arm.
Let #bad be the number of arms which are not ε1 -optimal but are empirically better than the best
arm. We have that IE[#bad | p̂1 ≥ p1 − ε1 /2] ≤ nδ1 /3. Next we apply Markov inequality to obtain,
nδ1 /3
P[#bad ≥ n/2 | p̂1 ≥ p1 − ε1 /2] ≤ = 2δ1 /3.
Using the union bound gives us that the probability of failure is bounded by δ1 .
Proof The number of arm samples in the ℓ-th round is 4nℓ log(3/δℓ )/ε2ℓ . By definition we have that
2. n1 = n ; nℓ = nℓ−1 /2 = n/2ℓ−1
3. ε1 = ε/4 ; εℓ = 43 εℓ−1 = 34 ε/4
Therefore we have
log2 (n) log2 (n)
nℓ log(3/δℓ ) n/2ℓ−1 log(2ℓ 3/δ)
∑ (εℓ /2)2
= 4 ∑ (( 43 )ℓ−1 ε/4)2
ℓ=1 ℓ=1
log2 (n)
8 log(1/δ) log(3) ℓ log(2)
= 64 ∑ n( )ℓ−1 (
9 ε2
n log(1/δ) ∞ 8 ℓ−1 ′ n log(1/δ)
≤ 64
ε2 ∑ ( 9 ) (ℓC +C) = O( ε2 )
Lemma 11 we have that the algorithm fails with probability δi in each round so that over all rounds
log (n)
the probability of failure is bounded by ∑i=12 δi ≤ δ. In each round we reduce the optimal reward
log (n)
of the surviving arms by at most εi so that the total error is bounded by ∑i=12 εi ≤ ε.
4. Learning in MDPs
In this section we consider algorithms for the RL problem, which are based on the MAB algorithms
presented above. We start from model-based learning in Section 4.1, where the parameters of the
models are learned. We describe algorithms which are based on the successive elimination algo-
rithm and provide stopping conditions for these algorithms. In Section 4.2 we consider model-free
learning and suggest a version of the Q-learning algorithm that incorporates action elimination and
stopping conditions. In Section 4.3 we analyze the batched sampling setting of Kearns and Singh
(2002) and provide a mechanism that can use any (ε, δ)-MAB algorithm to enhance the performance
of the Phased Q-learning introduced in Kearns and Singh (2002). We also provide a matching lower
where V H (s) is the optimal value function for horizon H. We often abuse notation by using IEs′
instead of IEs′ ,a . Given the empirical model by time t we define the upper estimate V δ , which will
be shown to satisfy for every horizon k and every state s, V δ (s) ≥ V k (s) with high probability. For
horizon H we define:
H−1 ′ ln ( c|S||A|H
δ )o
V δ (s) = max R̂(s, a) + IEs′ [V δ (s )] + HRmax , H >0 (2)
a |T s,a |
n ln( c|S||A|
δ )
V δ (s) = max R̂(s, a) + Rmax , (3)
a |T s,a |
for some constant c ≥ 4. Similarly to the upper bound V δ , a lower bound may be defined where
the Rmax is replaces by −Rmax . We call this estimate the lower estimate V Hδ . The following Lemma
proves that V δ is an upper estimation for any horizon and that V δ is a lower estimation.
Theorem 13 We have that V δ (s) ≥ V k (s) ≥ V kδ (s) for all states s and horizons k, with probability
at least 1 − δ.
Proof We prove the claim by induction. For the base of the induction, by a simple use of Hoeffding
inequality we have that for every state s V δ (s) ≥ maxa R̂(s, a) with probability 1 − δ/(c|S||A|) . Next
we assume that the claim holds for i ≤ k and prove for k + 1 and for every action a. By definition
V δ (s) satisfies for every a that
k+1 k ′ ln ( c|S||A|(k+1)
δ )
V δ (s) ≥ R̂(s, a) + IEs′ [V δ (s )] + (k + 1)Rmax s,a
|T |
k ′ ln ( c|S||A|(k+1)
δ )
≥ R̂(s, a) + IEˆ s′ [V (s )] + (k + 1)Rmax ,
|T |
where the second inequality follows from the inductive hypothesis. Note that V k is not a random
variable, so we can bound the last expression using Hoeffding’s inequality. We arrive at:
k ′ ln ( δ ) k ′
P R̂(s, a) + IEs [V (s )] + (k + 1)Rmax
′ < R(s, a) + IEs [V (s )]
|T s,a |
c|S||A|(k+1)2 (k+1)R
√ s,amax
− ln ( )|T s,a |
((k+1)Rmax )2
|T |
≤e = .
c|S||A|(k + 1)2
Using the union bound over all state-action pairs and all finite horizons k, we obtain that the
failure probability is bounded by δ/2 for c ≥ 4. Repeating the same argument for the lower estimate
and applying the union bound completes the proof.
Consequently, a natural early stopping condition is to stop sampling when kV −V H k∞ < ε. We do
not provide an algorithm here, however a detailed algorithm will be given in the following subsec-
As in Subsection 4.1.1, we provide an upper value function V δ , which satisfies with high probability
V δ (s) ≥ V ∗ (s). We define V δ at time t as the solution of the set of equations:
t ′ ln( ct |S|
|A| o
V δ (s) = max R̂(s, a) + γIEs′ [V δ (s )] +Vmax
a |T |)
for some positive constant c and Qδ as:
t ln( ct |S|
Qδ (s, a) = R̂(s, a) + γIE ′
ˆ s′ [V δ (s )] +Vmax
|T |
Proof Suppose we run a value iteration algorithm on the empirical model at time t. Let V δ be the
kth iteration of the value function algorithm at time t, and let Qδ be the associated Q-function, that
t,k t,k ln( ct |S||A|
δ )
Qδ (s, a) = R̂(s, a) + γIE ′
ˆ s′ [V δ (s )] +Vmax .
|T s,a |
Assume that we start with V δ = V ∗ . (The use of V ∗ is restricted to the proof and not used in the
algorithm.) We need to prove that Qδ (s, a) ≥ Q∗ (s, a) for every s and a. Note that since the value
t,k t
iteration converges, Qδ converges to Qδ . We prove by induction on the number of the iterations
t,0 t,k t,k−1 k
that by taking V δ = V ∗ , with high probability for every k we have that Qδ ≥ Qδ , i.e., P[∀k Qδ ≥
Qδ ] ≥ 1− ctδ2 . For the basis, since V ∗ is not a random variable we can apply Hoeffding’s inequality
n ln( ct |S||A|
δ ) o
P R̂(s, a) + γIE
ˆ s′ [V ∗ (s′ )] +Vmax < R(s, a) + γIEs′ [V ∗ ′
(s )]
|T s,a|
ct 2 |S||A| δ
≤ e− ln( δ ) = 2 .
ct |S||A|
t,0 t,1 ln( ct |S||A| )
ˆ s′ [V t,0
Since V δ (s) = V ∗ we have that Qδ (s, a) = R̂(s, a) + γIE ′
δ (s )] + Vmax
|T s,a | . Therefore,
Qδ ≥ Qδ with probability 1 − ctδ2 . For the induction step, we assume that the claim holds for i < k
t,1 t,0
t,k−1 t,k−1
Since V δ (s′ ) = maxa Qδ (s′ , a) we have by the induction that for every s,
t,k−1 t,k−2
Vδt,k−1 (s) = max Qδ (s, a) ≥ max Qδ (s, a) = Vδt,k−2 (s).
a a
The AE procedure is demonstrated in the following algorithm, which also supplies a stopping
condition for sampling the model and eliminates actions when they are sub-optimal with high prob-
A direct corollary from Lemma 14, is a stopping time condition to the Model-Based algorithm
using the following Corollary.
Corollary 15 [ Singh and Yee (1994)] If Q̃ is a function such that |Q̃(s, a) − Q∗ (s, a)| ≤ ε for all
s ∈ S and a ∈ A. Then for all s
V ∗ (s) −V π̃ (s) ≤ ,
where π̃ = Greedy(Q̃).
Theorem 16 Supposed the Model-Based AE Algorithm terminates. Then the policy, π, the algo-
rithm returns is ε-optimal with probability at least 1 − δ.
Proof By Lemma 14 we know that with probability at least 1 − δ for every s, a and time t we have
that Qδ (s, a) ≤ Q∗ (s, a) ≤ Qδ (s, a). Therefore, with probability of at least 1 − δ the optimal action
has not been eliminated in any state in any time t. Furthermore, any action b in state s that has not
been eliminated satisfies Q∗ (s, b) − Qδ (s, b) ≤ Qδ (s, b) − Qδ (s, b) ≤ ε(1 − γ)/2. The result follows
by Corollary 15.
Q0 (s, a) = 0,
Qt+1 (s, a) = (1 − αt (s, a))Qt (s, a) + αt (s, a)(rt (s, a) + γV t (s′ )),
where s′ is the state reached from state s when performing action a at time t, and V t (s) = maxa Qt (s, a).
′ ′
Set αt (s, a) = 1/#(s, a,t) for t ∈ T s ,a and 0 otherwise. 1 We define the upper estimation process as:
0 c|S||A|
Qδ (s, a) = Vmax ln ( ),
t+1 t t
Qδ (s, a) = (1 − αt (s, a))Qδ (s, a) + αt (s, a) R(s, a) + γV δ (s′ ) + β(#(s, a,t)) ,
where c > 4 and s′ is the state reached from state s when performing action a at time t, V δ (s) =
maxa Qδ (s, a) and the function β, which maintains the upper estimate interval is defined as:
q q
β(k) = k 2 2
k ln(ck |S||A|/δ) − (1 − 1/k) (k − 1) ln(c(k − 1) |S||A|/δ) Vmax .
Q0δ (s, a) = −Vmax ln ( ),
(s, a) = (1 − αt (s, a))Qt
(s, a) + αt (s, a) R(s, a) + γV t ′
δ (s ) − β(#(s, a,t)) ,
where V δ (s) = maxa Qδ (s, a). We claim that these processes converge almost surely to Q∗ . (The
proof appears in Appendix A.)
Proposition 17 If every state-action pair is performed infinitely often then the upper (lower) esti-
mation process, Qδ (Qtδ ), converges to Q∗ with probability one.
The following Proposition claims that Qδ upper bounds Q∗ and Qtδ lower bounds Q∗ with high
Proposition 18 With probability at least 1 − δ we have that for every state action pair (s, a) and
time t:
Qδ (s, a) ≥ Q∗ (s, a) ≥ Qtδ (s, a).
Proof We start by defining disjoints events such that their union is the event of Q not always being
an upper bound of Q∗ . Let
Note that if Q does not upper bound Q∗ it implies that one of the events Ek,s,a occurred. Next we
bound the probability that an event Ek,s,a happens. Note that the only Q value that has changed
where a was performed art the kth time at state s is Q(s, a). We let t ′ be the time of Ek,s,a and note
that Q (s′ , a′ ) ≥ Q∗ (s, a) for any t < t ′ .
P (Ek,s,a ) = P Q (s, a) − Q∗ (s, a) < 0
1. This particular learning rate is especially convenient, since the recurrence Xt = (1 − 1/t)Xt−1 + (1/t)θt has the
solution Xt = (1/t) ∑ti=1 θi .
≤ ,
where we could apply Hoeffding’s inequality since V ∗ is not a random variable. Now taking the
union bound over all pairs (s, a) and times k completes the proof for the upper estimate. A similar
argument for the lower estimate completes the proof.
We combine the upper and lower estimates to an algorithm, which eliminates sub-optimal ac-
tions whenever possible. Furthermore, the algorithm supplies a stopping condition that assures a
near optimal policy. The model free AE algorithm is described in Algorithm 6.
A direct corollary from Proposition 18 is a stopping condition to the model free AE algorithm.
The following corollary follows from Corollary 15 and its proof is similar to the proof of Theorem
Corollary 19 Suppose the Model-Free AE Algorithm terminates. Then the policy, it returns is ε-
optimal with probability at least 1 − δ.
in MDPs. The setup is that of parallel sampling where the decision maker can sample every state
and action pair, as opposed to the typical Q-learning setup where a single trajectory is followed.
We will focus on the phased Q-learning algorithm Kearns and Singh (2002) which partitions the
learning to phases. We will use a MAB black-box to perform the updates for each state and phase
of the phased Q-learning algorithm. Although the parallel sampling model is not a realistic model it
is often considered in theory as a relaxation of the MDP model which still captures many important
aspects of the original problem; see Kearns and Singh (2002), Szepesvri and Munos (2005). The
parallel sampling model can represent a situation where sampling from different states is very cheap
(for example, when a simulator is available), so there is no real need to follow a single trajectory. In
this case, reducing the number of samples needed for finding an optimal (or approximately optimal)
policy is the main concern.
In phased Q-learning the value of Vk (s) is fixed during the kth phased and updated only at the
end of the phase. This implies that for every state and action (s, a) we can define a random variable
Ys (a) whose value is R(s, a) + γVk (s′ ), where R(s, a) is the random variable representing the reward
and s′ is distributed using Ps,s
a .
Our aim is to find, at each state, the action that maximizes the expected reward, and estimate
its expected reward, where the rewards are Ys (a). The phased Q-Learning can now be viewed
as using the naive algorithm for the MAB problem (Algorithm 1) in order to find the best arm.
In the following we show how, using more sophisticated MAB algorithms, one can improve the
convergence rate of the Phased Q-Learning.
Our algorithm uses any (ε, δ)-PAC Multi-armed bandit algorithm as a black box in the learning
process. In order to use the MAB algorithm B as, a black box, we define a simple interface, which
requires the following procedures:
• InitB (ε, δ) - Initialize the parameters of B.
• GetArmB () - returns the arm a that B wants to sample next.
• U pdateB (a, r) - informs B the latest reward r of arm a.
• StopB (a, v) - returns TRUE if B terminates, and in such a case a is the output of B and v is its
estimated value. (We assume that on termination, with probability at least 1 − δ, the arm a is
an ε-optimal arm and |r∗ − v| ≤ ε.)
The MAB Phased Q-learning algorithm uses as a black box, an algorithm B for the MAB prob-
lem. It receives as input (ε, δ) and returns a policy π which is ε-optimal with probability at least
1 − δ.
Suppose that we have some (ε, δ)-PAC MAB algorithm B, and assume B has arm sample com-
plexity TB (ε, δ). Namely, with probability 1 − δ, algorithm B terminates after at most TB (ε, δ) and
outputs a policy π which is ε-optimal. The following theorem computes the sample complexity of
MAB Phased Q-Learning algorithm as a function of TB .
Theorem 20 Assume B is an (ε̂, δ̂)-PAC multi-armed bandit algorithm. Then the MAB Phased Q-
Learning(ε, δ) algorithm outputs a policy π which is ε-optimal policy with probability at least 1 − δ,
and has sample complexity of
ε̂ ε(1 − γ)2 δ(1 − γ)
|S| Vmax
T (ε, δ) = |S|TB (ε̂, δ̂) logγ ( )=O ln( )TB , .
2Vmax 1 − γ (1 − γ)ε 2 |S| ln(Vmax /ε)
Lemma 21 Assume B is an (ε̂, δ̂)-PAC multi-armed bandit algorithm, and consider the MAB Phased
Q-Learning(ε, δ) algorithm using B. Then with probability at least 1 − δ, for all k ≤ n, kV ∗ −Vk k∞
is bounded by 1−γ +Vmax γk .
Proof First we bound the probability that B outputs an arm which is not ε-optimal. We bound the
failure probability by using the union bound on all the invocations of B. There are
Vmax !
|S| ln( (1−γ)ε )
|S|n = |S| logγ (ε̂/Vmax ) = O
initializations of algorithm B and for each invocation the failure probability is bounded by δ/|S|n.
Thus, the failure probability is at most δ.
Next, we show that the error contracts in every phase. We compare the value vector, Vk , with the
standard value iteration value vector V̂k for the case of a known model (at the end of the k-th step).
V̂k+1 (s) = max{IE[R(s, u)] + γIEs′ [V̂k (s′ )]},
where is distributed according to u and V̂0 = 0.
We show by induction on the number of phases, that dk = kVk − V̂k k∞ ≤ 1−γ . The base of the
induction, t = 0, for every state s we have d0 = |V0 (s) − V̂0 (s)| = 0. We assume that the induction
assumption holds for t < k and prove for k. Let ms,a denote the number of times the state action pair
(s, a) was sampled in the k-th iteration.
|Vk (s) − V̂k (s)| = max[
u ms,u ∑ r(s, u) + γVk−1(s′i )]
≤ ε̂ + max γ ∑ Ps,s
a ′ ′
′ (Vk−1 (s ) − V̂k−1 (s ))
≤ ε̂ + γdk−1
ε̂ ε̂
≤ ε̂ + γ( )= .
1−γ 1−γ
To conclude the proof note that for the value iteration we have that kV̂k − V ∗ k∞ ≤ γkVmax , where
V̂0 = 0 (see, e.g., Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1995).
Lemma 22 When the MAB Phased Q-Learning algorithm terminates, the policy π it returns is
ε-optimal with probability at least 1 − δ.
Proof By Lemma 21 we have that with probability at least 1 − δ the difference kVk − V ∗ k∞ ≤
1−γ + Vmax γ . Since ε̂ = ε(1 − γ) /2, we have that kVk − V k∞ ≤ ε(1 − γ)/2 + Vmax γ . The lemma
k 2 ∗ k
Applying the multi-armed bandit algorithms described in the previous sections we derive the
following corollary. We show that by using the median elimination algorithm, the arm sample
complexity can be reduced by a factor of log(|A|).
Corollary 23 Let B be the median elimination algorithm. MAB Phased Q-Learning algorithm has
sample complexity
|S| |A|Vmax Vmax |S| ln(Vmax /ε)
T (ε, δ) = O ln( ) ln( ) .
(1 − γ)5 ε2 (1 − γ)ε δ(1 − γ)
Next we introduce an almost matching lower bound. Let us introduce some more notation before
we proceed. Let T denote the time until an RL algorithm stops (this may be in general a random
number). For a given RL algorithm L and a given MDP L we denote by IEL,M the expectation with
respect to randomization in both the algorithm and the MDP.
Theorem 24 Let L be a learning algorithm for MDPs under the parallel sampling model. There
are constants C1 ,C2 , ε0 , δ0 , γ0 such that for every ε ∈ (0, ε0 ), δ ∈ (0, δ0 ), and γ ∈ (0, γ0 ) if L returns
an ε-optimal policy with probability of at least 1 − δ for every MDP with discount factor γ there
exist an MDP M for which:
|S| |A| C2 |S| |A| 1
IE [T ] ≥ C1 log =Ω log( ) .
(1 − γ)2 ε2 δ (1 − γ)2 ε2 δ
Proof Consider the following construction which was used in Theorem 1 of Mannor and Tsitsiklis
(2004) for the MAB problem. A MAB problem with |A| arms is given. We enumerate the arms
from 0 to |A| − 1, and fix ε̂ > 0. In each of the states one of the following hypotheses is true:
H0 : r(0) = 1/2 + ε̂ ; r(i) = 1/2 (i = 1, 2, . . . , |A − 1|),
and for ℓ = 1, 2, . . . , |A| − 1:
Hℓ : r(0) = 1/2 + ε̂ ; r(i) = 1/2 (i = 1, 2, . . . , |A − 1|, i 6= ℓ) ; r(ℓ) = 1/2 + 2ε̂.
Let IEℓ be the expectation given than hypothesis Hℓ is true, and A(s) the event that the algorithm errs
in state s. In Lemma 4 in Mannor and Tsitsiklis (2004) it was proved that there are constants c1 and
c2 such that for ε̂ < ε̂0 every algorithm that can identify the true hypothesis with probability 1 − δ̂
for all the hypotheses must satisfy that:
|A| − 1 c2
IE0 [T ] ≥ c1 log( ). (4)
ε̂2 δ̂
We create the following set of MDPs. In each possible MDP there are |S| states and |A| actions in
each state. All the states are absorbing and have one of the above A hypotheses per state. The reward
in each state behaves according to H0 or one of the Hℓ . (There are |A||S| possible MDPs.) We set
ε̂ = 2(1 − γ)ε. We run algorithm L until termination. When L terminates it returns a policy which is
ε-optimal with probability of at least 1 − δ. Since every state is absorbing, and by our choice of ε̂,
it implies that the right hypothesis was found in all states. Note that even if L returns a randomized
policy, we will determine that the action with the highest reward is the best one (this is the reason
for the factor of 2 in determining ε̂). By taking the sum of Eq. (4) over all states we obtain that
|A| − 1 c2
IEL,M [T ] ≥ c1 |S| log( ).
ε̂2 δ
The result follows by an appropriate choice of constants.
5. Experiments
In this section we show four types of MDPs in which the number of samples used by AE procedures
is significantly smaller than the number of samples used by standard Q-learning and ε-greedy Q-
learning. Both model free AE algorithm and standard Q-learning choose the action in each state
uniformly at random. In our experiments we focused on the steady state norm (L1 weighted by
steady state probabilities) rather than the L∞ norm to emphasize the average behavior. We note that
we use the steady state rather than the discounted steady state. We run AE Q-learning algorithm
from Section 4.2 with the same input (for actions that were not eliminated) as a standard Q-learning
algorithm. The following experiments were conducted:
1. A queueing system. The MDP represents a queueing problem that appears in Differentiated
Services (Aiello et al., 2000, Kesselman et al., 2004). The basic settings are that the arriving
packets have different values and they are buffered in a FIFO queue before being sent. The
major constraints are that we reject or accept a packet upon its arrival (no preemption) and
that the buffer has limited capacity. We have analyzed a queue of size five and three different
packets values, 1, 20, 150. In each time unit we either receive a packet or send a packet
according to some distribution. We modeled the queueing problem via a discounted MDP
with discount factor γ = 0.99. The AE model-free algorithm2 was compared with ε-greedy Q-
learning with epsilon varying from 0.05 to 0.2. In Figure 1 we present the results for ε which
was empirically best, ε = 0.1. In this experiment we used a fixed step size. We focused here
on the fraction of times in which optimal actions were performed and on the value function
criterion. The results are demonstrated in Figure 1, in which we see that not only AE has
better results but the variance in the results is much smaller in both the fraction of times that
almost optimal actions were performed and in the value function. Figure 2 demonstrates the
elimination rate of the AE procedure.
The queue problem: AE Vs. ε−greedy The queue problem: value function
0.9 1
AE Q−learning
Eps greedy, Q−learning eps =.1
Percentage of playing 99% optimal
Fraction of the Optimal Value
AE Q−learning 0.4
Figure 1: Example of a Queue of size 5 with three types of packets with values 1, 20, 150. The
discount factor is set to 0.99. We disregard the full queue state in which every action is
optimal. We repeated each experiment 15 times and the error bars represent 1 standard
2. Random MDPs. Two types of random MDPs were randomly generated. In both types there
were 20 states and 50 actions in each state. The first type is due to Puterman (1994) and is
a sparse MDP, such that each action can reach only three states. The second type of random
MDPs is dense, such that the next state distribution is randomly chosen for each state-action
pair and might include all states. For both MDPs the immediate reward expectation is ran-
domly chosen in the interval [0, 10]. Results of ten runs are presented by Figure 3 for the
2. Since we were interested in the short term results rather than the long term, we initialized the upper and lower values
to similar values and allowed elimination only after an exploration period, we still used the β function for both the
upper and lower estimates as stated in the theoretical part up to constants.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Number of Samples x 10
Figure 2: Example of a Queue of size 5 with three types of packets with values 1, 20, 150. The
discount factor is set to 0.99. This figure demonstrates the elimination rate. We repeated
each experiment 15 times and the error bars represent 1 standard deviation.
AE Q−Learning
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Number Of Samples x 10
Figure 3: Example of a 20 state sparse randomly generated MDPs with 50 actions in each state,
where γ = 0.833 (as in Puterman (1994).) The precision is the distance of the Q-function
from the optimal Q-function. We repeated each experiment 10 times and the error bars
represent 1 standard deviation.
sparse MDP, in this experiment the model free AE algorithm needs only about half the sam-
ples used by the Q-learning to achieve the same precision. The precision is measured as the
distance of the Q-function from the optimal function in steady state norm. In Figure 4 for
dense MDP, the results are similar. The AE algorithm required about 40% fewer samples.
AE Q−Learning
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Number Of Samples x 10
Figure 4: Example of a 20 state dense randomly generated MDPs with 50 actions in each state,
γ = 0.9. The error bars represent 1 standard deviation.
3. Howard’s automobile replacement problem. This MDP represents another realistic problem—
Howard’s automobile replacement problem Howard (1960). This problem contains 40 states,
in each state there are 41 actions. See Howard (1960) for a detailed description. This problem
was considered as a benchmark by several authors in the optimization community. We used
the model free AE algorithm for this problem with discount factor γ = 0.833 against standard
Q-learning and the results appear in Figure 5. A significant improvement is evident.
AE Q−Learning
1 Q−Learning
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Number Of Samples 7
x 10
Figure 5: Example of Howard’s Automobile Replacement Problem, where the discount factor, γ, is
0.833. The norm is the steady state norm. The error bars represent 1 standard deviation.
6. Future Directions
Extending the concept of action elimination to large state spaces is probably the most important
direction. The extension to function approximation, which approximates the value function, requires
some assumptions on the value (or Q) function approximation architecture. Following Kakade and
Langford (2002) we can consider value functions that can be approximated under the infinity norm.
For an example of such an algorithm see (Ormoneit and Sen (2002)). If convergence rate of the
function approximation is provided, as in (Ormoneit and Sen (2002)), then an AE procedure can be
derived as before.
E.E. and Y.M. was supported in part by the IST Programme of the European Community, under
the PASCAL Network of Excellence, IST-2002-506778, by a grants no. 525/00 and 1079/04 from
the Israel Science Foundation and an IBM faculty award. The work was done while E.E was a
graduate student at Tel Aviv University. S.M. was partially supported by the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada and by the Canada Research Chairs Program. We thank
Alex Strehl and Csaba Szepesvari for helpful discussions. This publication only reflects the authors’
where wt is a bounded random variable with zero expectation and each H is a pseudo contraction
mapping (See Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996, for details).
2. There exists a constant A that bounds wt (i) for any history Ft , i.e., ∀t, i : |wt (i)| ≤ A.
3. There exists γ ∈ [0, 1) and a vector X ∗ such that for any X we have ||HX − X ∗ || ≤ γ||X − X ∗ ||,
where || · || is any norm.
4. There exists a nonnegative random sequence θt , that converges to zero with probability 1, and
is such that
∀i,t |ut (i)| ≤ θt (||Xt || + 1)
We first note that the Q-learning algorithm satisfies the first three criteria and the fourth criteria
holds trivially since ut = 0, thus its convergence follows if all state-action pairs are tried infinitely
often (see Proposition 5.6 in Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis, 1996). The upper estimate has an additional
noise term, ut . If we show that it satisfies the fourth requirement, then the convergence will follow.
Proof In the convergence proof of Q-learning, it was shown that requirements 1–3 q are satisfied,
this implies that the upper estimates satisfies them as well. Now we let ut = θt = c ln(#(s,a,t))
#(s,a,t) Vmax .
It follows that θt converges to zero, thus
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