Provably Efficient Maximum Entropy Exploration

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Provably Efficient Maximum Entropy Exploration

Elad Hazan 1 2 Sham M. Kakade 3 4 2 Karan Singh 1 2 Abby Van Soest 1 2

Abstract such as learning with intrinsic reward and curiosity driven

methods, surveyed below. Our work studies a class of objec-
Suppose an agent is in a (possibly unknown)
tives1 that is defined solely as function of the state-visitation
Markov Decision Process in the absence of a re-
frequencies. A natural such objective is finding a policy that
ward signal, what might we hope that an agent
maximizes the entropy of the induced distribution over the
can efficiently learn to do? This work studies a
state space. More generally, our approach extends to any
broad class of objectives that are defined solely as
concave function over distributions.
functions of the state-visitation frequencies that
are induced by how the agent behaves. For exam- Suppose the MDP is fully and precisely known, in terms of
ple, one natural, intrinsically defined, objective states, actions, and the entire transition matrix. Then maxi-
problem is for the agent to learn a policy which mizing the entropy can be recast as a convex optimization
induces a distribution over state space that is as problem (see Section 3.2.2 or (De Farias & Van Roy, 2003))
uniform as possible, which can be measured in an over the space of state-visitation frequencies induced by the
entropic sense. We provide an efficient algorithm exhaustive set of all policies. However, most RL instances
to optimize such such intrinsically defined objec- that are common in practice exhibit at least one of several
tives, when given access to a black box planning complications:
oracle (which is robust to function approximation). — prohibitively large state space (i.e. Chess or Go)
Furthermore, when restricted to the tabular setting — unknown transition matrix (as in common Atari games)
where we have sample based access to the MDP, These scenarios often require function approximation, ie.
our proposed algorithm is provably efficient, both restricting the search to a non-linearly parameterized pol-
in terms of its sample and computational com- icy class (eg. neural networks), which makes the entropy
plexities. Key to our algorithmic methodology is maximization problem non-convex.
utilizing the conditional gradient method (a.k.a.
As a remedy for the computational difficulty, we propose
the Frank-Wolfe algorithm) which utilizes an ap-
considering an approximate planning oracle: an efficient
proximate MDP solver.
method that given a well-specified reward signal can find an
optimizing policy. Such sample-based planning oracles have
been empirically observed to work well with non-linearly
parameterized policy classes. Given such an oracle, we give
1. Introduction
a provably efficient method for exploration based on the
A fundamental problem in reinforcement learning is that of conditional gradient (or Frank-Wolfe) algorithm (Frank &
exploring the state space. How do we understand what is Wolfe, 1956).
even possible in the context of a given environment in the
Formally, we show how to generate a sequence of reward
absence of a reward signal?
signals, that when sequentially optimized give rise to a
This question has received a lot of attention, with approaches policy with an entropy on the state distribution close to
optimal. Our main theorem gives a bound on the number of
Department of Computer Science, Princeton Univer- calls to the planning oracle, which is independent of the size
sity 2 Google AI Princeton 3 Allen School of Computer
Science and Engineering, University of Washington of the state space of the MDP and that of the policy class.
Department of Statistics, University of Washington. Cor- Next, we outline an efficient construction of such oracles and
respondence to: Elad Hazan <>, state the resultant sample & computational complexity in the
Sham Kakade <>, Karan tabular MDP setting. As a proof of concept, we implement
Singh <>, Abby Van Soest the proposed method and demonstrate experiments over
In contrast to scalar rewards, such objectives permit a broader
Proceedings of the 36 th International Conference on Machine framework for reward specifiction, and may be useful in other
Learning, Long Beach, California, PMLR 97, 2019. Copyright contexts.
2019 by the author(s).
Provably Efficient Maximum Entropy Exploration

several mainstream RL tasks in Section 5. a host of recent empirical success using deep RL methods
which encourage exploration in some form (Mnih et al.,
1.1. Informal statement of contributions 2015; Silver et al., 2016). The approaches are based on a
few related ideas: that of encouraging exploration through
To facilitate exploration in potentially unknown MDPs state visitation frequencies (e.g. (Ostrovski et al., 2017;
within a restricted policy class Π, we assume access to Bellemare et al., 2016; Tang et al., 2017)) and those based on
the environment using the following two oracles: a intrinsic reward signal derived from novelty or prediction
Approximate planning oracle: Given a reward function error (Lopes et al., 2012; Pathak et al., 2017; Savinov et al.,
(on states) r : S → R and a sub-optimality gap ε, the 2018; Fu et al., 2017; Mohamed & Jimenez Rezende, 2015;
planning oracle returns a policy π = A PPROX P LAN(r, ε) Houthooft et al., 2016; Weber et al., 2017), aligning an
with the guarantee that V (π) ≥ maxπ∈Π V (π) − ε, where intrinsic reward to the target objective (Kaelbling, 1993;
V (π) is the value of policy π. Chentanez et al., 2005; Singh et al., 2010; 2009; Zheng
et al., 2018), or sample based approaches to tracking of
State distribution estimate oracle: A state distri- value function uncertainty (Osband et al., 2016; 2018).
bution oracle estimates the state distribution dˆπ =
D ENSITY E ST(π, ε) of any given (non-stationary) policy π, Intrinsic Learning: Works in (Chentanez et al., 2005;
guaranteeing that kdπ − dˆπ k∞ ≤ ε. Singh et al., 2009; 2010) established computational the-
ories of intrinsic reward signals (and how it might help with
Given access to these two oracles, we describe a method that downstream learning of tasks) and other works also showed
provably optimizes any continuous and smooth objective how to incorporate intrinsic rewards (in the absence of any
over the state-visitation frequencies. Of special interest is true reward signal) (Warde-Farley et al., 2018; Burda et al.,
the maximum entropy and relative entropy objectives. 2018b;a; Nair et al., 2018). The potential benefit is that such
Theorem 1.1 (Main Theorem - Informal). There exists learning may help the agent reach a variety of achievable
an efficient algorithm (Algorithm 1) such that for any β- goals and do well on other extrinsically defined tasks, not
smooth measure R, and any ε > 0, in O( 1ε log 1ε ) calls to just the task under which it was explicitly trained for under
A PPROX P LAN & D ENSITY E ST , it returns a policy π̄ with one specific reward function (e.g. see (Chentanez et al.,
2005; Singh et al., 2009; Warde-Farley et al., 2018; Nair
R(dπ̄ ) ≥ max R(dπ ) − ε .
π∈Π et al., 2018)).

1.2. Related work

2. Preliminaries
We review related works in this section.
Markov decision process: An infinite-horizon dis-
Reward Shaping & Imitation Learning: Direct optimiza- counted Markov Decision Process is a tuple M =
tion approaches to RL (such as policy gradient methods) (S, A, r, P, γ, d0 ), where S is the set of states, A is the set
tend to perform favorably when random sequences of ac- of actions, and d0 is the distribution of the initial state s0 . At
tions lead the agent to some positive reward, but tend to fail each timestep t, upon observing the state st , the execution
when the rewards are sparse or myopic. Thus far, the most of action at triggers an observable reward of rt = r(st , at )
practical approaches to address this have either been through and a transition to a new state st+1 ∼ P (·|st , at ). The
some carefully constructed reward shaping (e.g. (Ng et al., performance on an infinite sequence of states and actions
1999) where dense reward functions are provided to make (hereafter, referred to as a trajectory) is judged through the
the optimization problem more tractable) or through imita- (discounted) cumulative reward it accumulates, defined as
tion learning (Abbeel & Ng, 2004; Ross et al., 2011) (where ∞
an expert demonstrates to the agent how to act).
V (τ = (s0 , a0 , s1 , a1 , . . . )) = (1 − γ) γ t r(st , at ).
PAC-RL Learning: For the case of tabular Markov deci- t=0

sion processes, the balance of exploration and exploitation

has been addressed in that there are a number of methods Policies: A policy is a (randomized) mapping from a history,
which utilize confidence based reward bonuses to encourage say (s0 , a0 , r0 , s1 , a1 , r1 . . . st−1 , at−1 , rt−1 ), to an action
exploration in order to ultimately behave near optimally at . A stationary policy π is a (randomized) function which
(Kearns & Singh, 2002; Kakade, 2003; Strehl et al., 2006; maps a state to an action in a time-independent manner, i.e.
Lattimore & Hutter, 2014; Dann & Brunskill, 2015; Szita & π : S → ∆(A). When a policy π is executed on some MDP
Szepesvári, 2010; Azar et al., 2017). (Lim & Auer, 2012) M, it produces a distribution over infinite-length trajectories
offer a Dijkstra-like algorithm for discovering incrementally τ = (s0 , a0 , s1 , a1 . . . ) as specified below.
reachable states in the tabular setting. ∞
P (τ |π) = P (s0 ) (π(ai |si )P (si+1 |si , ai ))
Count-based Models & Directed Exploration: There are i=0
Provably Efficient Maximum Entropy Exploration

The (discounted) value Vπ of a policy π is the expected maximum possible R(dπ ) among the policy class Π. When
cumulative reward an action sequence sampled from the considering the class of all policies, Lemma 3.3 assures
policy π gathers. us that the search over the class of stationary policies is
∞ sufficient.
π ∗ ∈ arg max R(dπ ).
Vπ = E V (τ ) = (1 − γ) E γ t r(st , at ) π∈Π
τ ∼P (·|π) τ ∼P (·|π)
Our goal is to find a policy that induces a state distribution
Induced state distributions: The t-step state distribution with a comparable value of the reward functional.
and the (discounted) state distribution of a policy π that
result are 3.1. Examples of reward functionals
A possible quantity of interest that serves as a motivation for
dt,π (s) = P (st = s|π) = P (τ |π), (2.1)
all τ with st =s
considering such functionals is the entropy of the induced
X distribution2 .
dt,π (s, a) = P (st = s, at = a|π) = P (τ |π),
all τ with st =s,at =a max{H(dπ ) = − E log dπ (s)}
π∈Π s∼dπ

X The same techniques we derive can also be used to optimize
dπ (s) = (1 − γ) γ t dt,π (s), (2.3) other entropic measures. For example, we may be interested
t=1 in minimizing:
dπ (s)
dπ (s, a) = (1 − γ) γ t dt,π (s, a). (2.4) min KL(dπ ||Q) = E log
t=1 π∈Π s∼dπ Q(s)
The latter distribution can be viewed as the analogue of the for some given distribution Q(s). Alternatively, we may
stationary distribution in the infinite horizon setting. seek to minimize a cross entropy measure:
Mixtures of stationary policies: Given a sequence of k 1
min E log = KL(Q||dπ ) + H(Q)
policies C = (π0 , . . . πk−1 ), and α ∈ ∆k (the simplex), π∈Π s∼Q dπ (s)
we define πmix = (α, C) to be a mixture over stationary
policies. The (non-stationary) policy πmix is one where, at where the expectation is now under Q. For uniform Q, this
the first timestep t = 0, we sample policy πi with probability latter measure may be more aggressive in forcing π to have
αi and then use this policy for all subsequent timesteps. In more uniform coverage than the entropy objective.
particular, the behavior of a mixture πmix with respect to
an MDP is that it induces infinite-length trajectories τ = 3.2. Landscape of the objective function
(s0 , a0 , s1 , a1 . . . ) with the probability law : In this section, we establish that the entropy of the state
k−1 distribution is not a concave function of the policy. Similar
P (τ |πmix ) = αi P (τ |πi ) (2.5) constructions can establish analogous statements for other
i=0 non-trivial functionals. Subsequently, when the policy class
in consideration is exhasutive, we discuss a possible con-
and the induced state distribution is: vex reformulation of the objective in the space of induced
X distributions which constitute a convex set.
dπmix (s) = αi dπi (s). (2.6)
Note that such a distribution over policies need not be rep- Despite the concavity of the entropy function, our overall
resentable as a stationary stochastic policy (even if the πi ’s maximization problem is not concave as the state distribu-
are stationary) due to that the sampled actions are no longer tion is not an affine function of the policy. This is stated
conditionally independent given the states. precisely in the following lemma.
Lemma 3.1. H(dπ ) is not concave in π.
3. The Objective: MaxEnt Exploration
Proof. Figure 1 demonstrates the behavior of π0 , π1 , π2
As each policy induces a distribution over states, we can as-
on a 6-state MDP with binary actions. Note that for suf-
sociate a concave reward functional R(·) with this induced
ficiently large γ → 1 and any policy π, the discounted
distribution. We say that a policy π ∗ is a maximum-entropy
exploration policy, also to referred to as the max-ent pol- 2
Please note the distinction from the conditional entropy of
icy, if the corresponding induced state distribution has the actions given the state, e.g. (Todorov, 2007; Haarnoja et al., 2018).
Provably Efficient Maximum Entropy Exploration


1 1 Define the set of all induced distributions as K = {d :
2 2
s1,0 s1,1 d(s, a) ≥ 0 and satisfies the constraints stated below}. For
3 1 1 3
every d ∈ K, it is possible to construct a policy π with
4 4
4 4
s2,2 dπ = d, and for every π, dπ ∈ K holds (Puterman, 2014).
1 1 1
d(s, a) = (1 − γ)d0 (s) + γ P (s|s0 , a0 )d(s0 , a0 )
a s0 ,a0
3 1 3

(a) π0 , d2,π0 = , ,
8 4 8
For an exhaustive policy class, the search for a max-ent
policy can be recast as a convex optimization problem over
the space of distributions.
s1,0 s1,1
max R(d).
1 1 0 1 d∈K
2 2
s2,0 s2,1 s2,2
Although the above reduction is outlined for an exhaustive
1 1 1
policy class, similar reductions are possible for linearly-
1 1 1
 parameterized policy classes (Peters et al., 2010; Neu et al.,
(b) π1 , d2,π1 = , ,
3 3 3 2017). These techniques can be extended to the case of
start s0,0 MDPs with unknown dynamics (De Farias & Van Roy,
1 2
3 3
s1,0 s1,1
1 0 1 1
2 2
s2,0 s2,1 s2,2 The set of non-Markovian policies is richer than the set
of Markov stationary policies in terms of the distributions
1 1 1 over trajectories each may induce. A priori, it is not evident
1 1 1
 that maximizing R(dπ ) over the set of stationary policies is
(c) π2 , d2,π2 = , ,
3 3 3 sufficient to guarantee the optimality in a larger class of all
policies. Lemma 3.3 establishes this claim by equating the
Figure 1. Description of π0 , π1 , π2 .
set of achievable induced state distributions for these two
sets of policies.
state distribution converges to the distribution on the states Lemma 3.3. (Puterman, 2014) For any possibly non-
at the second timestep, or formally dπ → d2,π . Now Markovian policy π, define a stationary Markov policy π 0
with the realization π0 = π1 +π 2
, observe that d2,π0 is as π 0 (a|s) = ddππ(s,a)
(s) . Then, dπ = dπ .

not uniform on {s2,0 , s2,1 , s2,2 }, implying that H(d2,π0 ) <

H(d2,π1 )+H(d2,π2 )
2 . 4. Algorithms & Main Results
Lemma 3.2. For any policy π and MDP M, define the The algorithm maintains a distribution over policies, and
matrix Pπ ∈ R|S|×|S| so that proceeds by adding a new policy to the support of the mix-
X ture and reweighing the components. To describe the algo-
Pπ (s0 , s) = π(a|s)P (s0 |s, a). rithm, we will utilize access to two kinds of oracles. The
a∈A constructions for these are detailed in later sections.
Approximate planning oracle: Given a reward function
Then it is true that
(on states) r : S → R and a sub-optimality gap ε1 , the
planning oracle returns a policy3 π = A PPROX P LAN(r, ε1 )
1. Pπ is linear in π, with the guarantee that Vπ ≥ maxπ∈Π Vπ − ε1 .
2. dt,π = Pπt d0 for all t ≥ 0, State distribution estimate oracle: A state distri-
bution oracle estimates the state distribution dˆπ =
3. dπ = (1 − γ)(I − γPπ )−1 d0 . D ENSITY E ST(π, ε0 ) of any given (non-stationary) policy
π, guaranteeing that kdπ − dˆπ k∞ ≤ ε0 .
Proof. Linearity of Pπ is evident from the definition. (2,3) 3
As the oracle is solving a discounted problem, we know the
may be verified by calculation. optimal value is achieved by a stationary policy.
Provably Efficient Maximum Entropy Exploration

Algorithm 1 Maximum-entropy policy computation. H to its smoothed variant Hσ , while the rest of the lemma
1: Input: Step size η, number of iterations T , planning quantifies smoothness of Hσ . The factors of |S| incurred
oracle error tolerance ε1 > 0, state distribution oracle below are a consequence of imposed smoothing on H, and
error tolerance ε0 > 0, reward functional R. are not necessary for naturally smooth objectives.
2: Set C0 = {π0 } where π0 is an arbitrary policy. Corollary 4.2. For any ε > 0, set σ = 2|S| , ε1 = 0.1ε,
3: Set α0 = 1. 0.1ε
ε0 = 80|S|
, and η = 40|S|
. When Algorithm 1 is run for T
4: for t = 0, . . . , T − 1 do
iterations with the reward functional Hσ , where:
5: Call the state distribution oracle on πmix,t = (αt , Ct ):
40|S| log |S|
T ≥ log ,
dˆπmix,t = D ENSITY E ST (πmix,t , ε0 ) 0.1ε 2 0.1ε
6: Define the reward function rt as we have that:
H(dπmix,T ) ≥ max H(dπ ) − ε .
dR(X) π∈Π
rt (s) = ∇R(dˆπmix,t ) := .
X=dˆπmix,t We continue with the proof of the main theorem.
7: Compute the (approximately) optimal policy on rt :
Proof of Theorem 4.1. Let π ∗ be a maximum-entropy pol-
πt+1 = A PPROX P LAN (rt , ε1 ) . icy, ie. π ∗ ∈ arg maxπ∈Π R(dπ ).
8: Update πmix,t+1 = (αt+1 , Ct+1 ) to be R(dπmix,t+1 ) = R((1 − η)dπmix,t + ηdπt+1 ) Equation 2.6
Ct+1 = (π0 , . . . , πt , πt+1 ), (4.1) ≥R(dπmix,t ) + ηhdπt+1 − dπmix,t , ∇R(dπmix,t )i
αt+1 = ((1 − η)αt , η). (4.2) − η 2 βkdπt+1 − dπmix,t k22 smoothness

9: end for The second inequality follows from the smoothness4 of R.

10: return πmix,T = (αT , CT ). To incorporate the error due to the two oracles, observe
hdπt+1 , ∇R(dπmix,t )i

We shall assume in the following discussion that the reward ≥ hdπt+1 , ∇R(dˆπmix,t )i − βkdπmix,t − dˆπmix,t k∞
functional R is β-smooth, B-bounded, and that it satisfies ≥ hdπ∗ , ∇R(dˆπ )i − βε0 − ε1
the following inequality for all X, Y . ≥ hdπ∗ , ∇R(dπmix,t )i − 2βε0 − ε1
k∇R(X) − ∇R(Y )k∞ ≤ βkX − Y k∞ (4.3) The first and last inequalities invoke the assumptions laid
2 out in Equation 4.3. Note that the second inequality above
− βI  ∇ R(X)  βI; k∇R(X)k∞ ≤ B (4.4)
follows from the defining character of the planning oracle,
Theorem 4.1 (Main Theorem). For any ε > 0, set ε1 = ie. with respect to the reward vector rt = ∇R(dˆπmix,t ), for
0.1ε, ε0 = 0.1β −1 ε, and η = 0.1β −1 ε. When Algorithm 1 any policy π 0 ∈ Π, it holds true that
is run for T iterations where:
Vπt+1 = hdπt+1 , rt i ≥ Vπ0 − ε1 = hdπ0 , rt i − ε1
T ≥ 10βε−1 log 10Bε−1 ,
In particular, this statement holds5 for the choice π 0 = π ∗ .
we have that: Using the above fact and continuing on
R(dπmix,T ) ≥ max R(dπ ) − ε . R(dπmix,t+1 )
≥R(dπmix,t ) + ηhdπ∗ − dπmix,t , ∇R(dπmix,t )i
Before we begin the proof, we state the implication for − 2ηβε0 − ηε1 − η 2 β
maximizing the entropy of the induced distribution. While ≥(1 − η)R(dπmix,t ) + ηR(dπ∗ )
the entropy objective is, strictly speaking, not smooth, one
may consider a smoothed alternative Hσ defined below. − 2ηβε0 − ηε1 − η 2 β
See Section 2.1 in (Bubeck et al., 2015) for equivalent defini-
Hσ (dπ ) = −Es∼dπ log(dπ (s) + σ) tions of smoothness in terms of the function value and the Hessian.
Even when when Π is chosen to be set of all stationary policies,
When the algorithm is fed Hσ as the proxy reward functional, this argument does not rely on π ∗ being a stationary policy, since
it is possible make sub-optimality guarantees on the true πt+1 is an optimal policy for the reward function rt among the
objective H. Lemma A.1 (D) relates the entropy functional class of all policies.
Provably Efficient Maximum Entropy Exploration

The last step here utilizes the concavity of R. Indeed, the steps, and is then able to reset. Our measure of sample
inequality follows immediately from the sub-gradient char- plexity in this setting is the number of Õ (1 − γ)−1 -length
acterization of concave functions. Now, with the aid of the episodes the agent must sample to achieve a ε-suboptimal
above, we observe the following inequality. performance guarantee.

R(dπ∗ ) − R(dπmix,t+1 ) The algorithm outlined below makes a distinction between

the set of states it is (relatively) sure about and the set of
≤ (1 − η)(R(dπ∗ ) − R(dπmix,t )) + 2ηβε0 + ηε1 + η 2 β. states that have not been visited enough number of times
yet. The algorithm and the analysis is similar to the E 3
Telescoping the inequality, this simplifies to
algorithm (Kearns & Singh, 2002). Since algorithms like
R(dπ∗ ) − R(dπmix,T ) E 3 proceed by building a relatively accurate model on the
set of reachable states, as opposed to estimate of the value
≤ (1 − η)T (R(dπ∗ ) − R(dπmix,0 )) + 2βε0 + ε1 + ηβ functions, this permits the reuse of information across differ-
≤ Be−T η + 2βε0 + ε1 + ηβ. ent invocations, each of which might operate on a different
reward signal.
Setting ε1 = 0.1ε, ε0 = 0.1β −1 ε, η = 0.1β −1 ε, T =
Theorem 4.4. For an unknown MDP, with Algorithm 2 as
η −1 log 10Bε−1 suffices.
the planning oracle and Algorithm 3 as  the distribution esti-

mate oracle, Algorithm 1 runs in poly β, |S|, |A|, 1−γ , 1ε
4.1. Tabular setting  3 2 
|S| |A| β3
time and executes Õ Bε3 (1−γ) 2 + ε3 episodes of length
In general, the construction of provably computationally
efficient approximate planning oracle for MDPs with large Õ loglog γ −1 to guarantee that
or continuous state spaces poses a challenge. Discounting
limited settings (eg. the Linear Quadratic Regulators (Bert- R(dπmix,T ) ≥ max R(dπ ) − ε.
sekas, 2005), (Fazel et al., 2018)), one may only appeal to
the recent empirical successes of sample-based planning
A sub-optimality bound may be derived on the non-smooth
algorithms that rely on the power of non-linear function
entropy functional H via Lemma A.1. Again, the extraneous
factors introduced in the process are a consequence of the
Nevertheless, one may expect, and possibly require, that imposed smoothing via Hσ .
any solution proposed to address the general case performs Corollary 4.5. For an unknown MDP, with Algorithm 2
reasonably when restricted to the tabular setting. In this as the planning oracle and Algorithm 3 as the distribution
spirit, we outline the construction of the required oracles in estimate oracle and Hσ as the proxy reward
the tabular setting, where we consider the exhaustive class  functional, Al-
1 1
gorithm 1 runs in poly |S|, |A|, 1−γ , ε time and executes
of policies.
Õ ε|S| |A|
3 (1−γ)2 + ε6 episodes of length Õ log
log γ −1 to
4.1.1. T HE KNOWN MDP CASE guarantee that
With the knowledge of the transition matrix P of a MDP
H(dπmix,T ) ≥ max H(dπ ) − ε.
M in the form of an explicit tensor, the planning oracle π
can be implemented via any of the exact solution methods
(Bertsekas, 2005), eg. value iteration, linear programming. Before we state the proof, we note the following lemmas.
The state distribution oracle can be efficiently implemented The first is an adaptation of the analysis of the E 3 algorithm.
as Lemma 3.2 suggests. The second is standard. We only include the second for
Corollary 4.3. When the MDP M is known explicitly, completeness. The proofs of these may be found in the
with the oracles described in Section appendix.
  4, Algorithm 1
1 1
runs in poly β, |S|, |A|, 1−γ , ε , log B time to guarantee Lemma 4.6. For any reward function r with krk∞ ≤ B,
32B 2 |S| log δ
R(dπmix,T ) ≥ maxπ R(dπ ) − ε. ε > 0, with ε1 = 0.1B −1 ε, m = (1−γ)2 (0.1ε)2 ,n =
32|S|2 |A| log
B log δ 0.1ε
(1−γ)2 (0.1ε)2 δ
log log |S|
4.1.2. T HE UNKNOWN MDP CASE 0.1ε , t0 = log γ , Algorithm 4.4 guaran-
tees with probability 1 − δ
For the case of an unknown MDP, a sample-based algo-
rithm must iteratively try to learn about the MDP through Vπ ≥ max Vπ − ε.
its interactions with the environment. Here, we assume a
γ-discounted episodic setting, where the agent can act in Furthermore, note that if Algorithm 4.4 is invoked T times
the environment starting from s0 ∼ d0 for some number of (on possibly different reward functions), the total number
Provably Efficient Maximum Entropy Exploration

Algorithm 2 Sample-based planning for an unknown MDP. Lemma 4.7. For any ε0 , δ > 0, when Algorithm 3 is run
1: Input: Reward r, error tolerance ε > 0, exact planning with m = 200 ε20
log 2|S|δ log
log 0.1ε
0.1ε0 ˆ
, t0 = loglog γ , dπ satisfies
oracle tolerance ε1 > 0, oversampling parameter m, ˆ
kdπ − dπ k∞ ≤ ε0 with probability at least 1 − δ. In this
number of rollouts n, rollout length t0 . process, the algorithm samples m episodes of length t0 .
2: Initialize a persistent data structure C ∈ R|S| ×|A| ,
which is maintained across different calls to the
planning algorithm to keep transition counts, to Proof of Theorem 4.4. The claim follows immediately from
C(s0 |s, a) = 0 for every (s0 , s, a) ∈ S 2 × A. the invocations of the two lemmas above with the parameter
3: repeat settings proposed in Theorem 4.1.
Declare K = {s : mina∈A s0 ∈S C(s0 |s, a) ≥ m},
( C(s0 |s,a)
P 0 , if s ∈ K 5. Proof of Concept Experiments
P̂ (s0 |s, a) = s0 ∈S C(s |s,a)

1s0 =s . otherwise. We report the results from a preliminary set of experiments6 .

5: Define
( the reward function as rK (s) = In each case, the MaxEnt agent learns to access the set of
r(s), if s ∈ K reachable states within a small number of iterations, while
. monotonically increasing the entropy of the induced state
B. otherwise
6: Compute an (approximately) optimal policy on the
MDP induced by P̂ and reward rK . This task is Recall that Algorithm 1 requires access to an approximate
purely computational, and can be done as indicated planning oracle and a density estimator for the induced
in Section 4.1.1. Also, modify the policy so that on distribution. In most of the experimental environments, the
every state s ∈ S − K, it chooses the least performed density estimator is deliberately chosen to be simple – a
action. count-based estimate over the discretized state space. It is
( possible to use neural density estimators and other function-
(Π (rK , ε1 ))(s) if s ∈ K, approximation based estimators in its stead, as we do for
π(s) = P 0
argmina∈A s0 ∈S C(s |s, a) otherwise the Humanoid environment.

7: Run π on the true MDP M to obtain n independently 5.1. Environments and density estimation
sampled t0 -length trajectories (τ1 , . . . τn ), and incre- Pendulum. The 2-dimensional state space for Pendulum
ment the corresponding counts in C(s0 |s, a). (from (Brockman et al., 2016)) was discretized evenly to
8: If and only if no trajectory τi contains a state s ∈ a grid of dimension 8 × 8. The dimensions represented
S − K, mark π as stable. angular position and angular velocity. For Pendulum, the
9: until π is stable. maximum torque and velocity were capped at 1.0 and 7.0,
10: return π. respectively.
Ant. The 29-dimensional state space for Ant (with a Mu-
Algorithm 3 Sample-based estimate of the state distribu-
joco engine) was first reduced to dimension 7, combin-
ing the agent’s x and y location in the gridspace with a
1: Input: A policy π, termination length t0 , oversampling 5-dimensional random projection of the remaining 27 states.
parameter m. The x and y dimensions were discretized into 16 bins in the
2: Sample m trajectories (τ0 , . . . τm−1 ) of length t0 fol- range [−12, 12]. The other dimensions were each normal-
lowing the policy π. ized and discretized into 15 bins in the range [−1, 1]. While
3: For every t < t0 , calculate the empirical state distribu- the planning agent agent had access to the full state repre-
tion dˆt,π . sentation, the density estimation was performed exclusively
on the reduced representation.
|{i < m : τi = (s0 , a0 , . . . ) with st = s}|
dt,π (s) =
m Humanoid. The 376-dimensional state space for the Mu-
joco Humanoid environment was too large and complex to
4: return dˆπ = 1−γ Pt0 −1
γ t dˆt,π effectively discretize without significantly affecting the ac-
1−γ t0 t=0
curacy of estimation. In view of this, the agent’s state space
density was estimated using kernel density estimation (from
scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011)), with an Epanechnikov
of episodes sampled
 across all the  invocations is n(T + kernel with a bandwidth of 0.10.
BT B 3 |S|2 |A|
m|S||A|) = Õ ε + ε3 (1−γ)2 , each episode being of 6
The open-source implementations may be found at https:
length t0 . //
Provably Efficient Maximum Entropy Exploration

Pendulum Ant Humanoid

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (f)
Figure 2. Results of the preliminary experiments. In each plot, blue represents the MaxEnt agent, and orange represents the random
baseline. 2a, 2b, and 2c show the entropy of the policy evolving with the number of epochs. 2d, 2e, and 2f show the log-probability of
occupancy of the two-dimensional state space. In 2e and 2f, the infinite xy grid is limited to [−20, 20] × [−20, 20].

Such a choice encourages visitation of novel states more

aggressively than the entropy objective. The smoothing
parameter was chosen to be σ = |S|− 2 .
Pendulum. The planning oracle is a REINFORCE (Sutton
et al., 2000) agent, where the the output policy from the
previous iteration is used as the initial policy for the next
iteration. The policy class is a neural net with a single
hidden layer consisting of 128 units. The agent is trained on
200 episodes every epoch. The baseline agent chooses its
action randomly at every time step.
Ant. The planning oracle is a Soft Actor-Critic (Haarnoja
et al., 2018) agent. The policy class is a neural net with 2
hidden layers composed of 300 units and the ReLU activa-
tion function. The agent is trained for 30 episodes, each of
which consists of a roll-out of 5000 steps. The mixed policy
Figure 3. The number of distinct xy states visited by Ant at vari- is executed over 10 trials of T = 10000 steps at the end of
ous epochs. Results were averaged over N = 20 executions. As each epoch in order to approximate the policy distribution
the number of policies in the mixture increases, the agent reaches and compute the next reward function. The baseline agent
more unique states in the same amount of time. chooses its actions randomly for the same number of trials
and steps.
Humanoid. The planning oracle is a Soft Actor-Critic agent.
5.2. Algorithmic details The policy class is a neural net with 2 hidden layers com-
posed of 300 units and the ReLU activation function. The
Reward functional. Each planning agent was trained to
agent is trained for 30 episodes, each of which consists of a
maximize a smooth variant of the KL divergence objective.
roll-out of 5000 steps. The mixed policy is executed for 20
  trials of T = 50, 000 steps to collect input data that is used
to fit the kernel estimation model. This model is then used
min KLσ (Unif||dπ ) = − E log(dπ (s) + σ) + C .
π∈Π s∼Unif to estimate the induced state density of the mixed policy.
Provably Efficient Maximum Entropy Exploration

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