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The Influence of Social Media on the Study Habits among Senior High

School Grade-11 HUMMS-A Students in Gingoog City Colleges

Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High school

Gingoog City Colleges

Gingoog City

In partial fulfillment

Of the requirements of the

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

de Sena, Leander Edriel P.

Lazaro, Francis Dean S.

Perez, Raph Marko P.

Chapter 1



Are the Students from Gingoog City Colleges distracted from their lectures and

proper study practices by all these social networking sites? Researchers are interested

in learning whether these social networking sites have an impact on HUMMS students

studies. We also wanted to know if they could use these social networking sites to aid in

their academic endeavors.

The purpose of this study is to determine how social networking sites and other

forms of social media affect students' study habits and how much time students spend

on these platforms in comparison to the time they devote to self-study. The world is

currently being taken over by technology. They employ technology in many ways. It is

really beneficial, particularly for communication. Technology-based social networking

websites are a means of communication among people.

Social media usage has spread across all age groups and is now a common

occurrence. The prevalence of this seems to be higher among adolescents and young

adults. Students in the (Humanities and Social Sciences) HUMMS strand can be found

among these categories. The term "social media" refers to a grouping of websites,

services, involvement, and sharing on the internet.

Use of social networking sites is widespread. They regard it as a component of

our private lives. They enjoy blogging about new topics, sharing images, and expressing

our emotions and views. A lot of people utilize social media sites like Facebook,
Instagram, Snapshot, Tiktok, Telegram, Twitter and etc. Particularly among teenagers,

they adore utilizing them. They usually always share what they do and express their

unsaid feelings, ideas, and thoughts.

However, is there any value to them from continuing to use these social

networking sites? They may argue that social networking sites are useful innovations for

establishing connections and fostering social interaction, but teens who enjoy using

them can't get enough. The majority of them, or at least some of them, occasionally

utilize these. Ironically, they still find the time to post on social networking websites that

they have a ton of homework and tests to do instead of just studying and completing

their schoolwork.

According to reports, social networking sites are becoming increasingly popular

among students which is a major problem, particularly in the Philippines. The

Philippines has reportedly been consistently winning the title of the social media capital

of the world for years, and 2022 is expected to be no different. Its reputation as the

nation that spends the most time on Facebook, Instagram, Snapshot, Tiktok, Telegram,

Twitter, etc.

Internet, indeed, has been part of a child's life in today's generation. In the 2012

survey conducted by Cartoon Network, the Philippines made it on top among the kids

that use technology or gadgets most in Asia Pacific. The internet offers countless

applications, such as gaming, search engines, and the phenomenal Social Media, which

anyone can easily access on the internet for free. It gives young people a new way to

interact with each other and communicate with the world. Social media networking
became popular between 2004 and 2006 after Facebook and Myspace were created.

As we know, the new social media include internet websites such as Myspace,

Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, and other social networking or social media, and sharing

sites, as well as blogs, video games, virtual worlds, mobile telephones, text messaging

devices, and Global Positioning System (GPS) devices. It includes blogs (political Blog),

networks (Facebook, Twitter), video sharing (YouTube), audio sharing (Podcast),

mobile sites (2go), image or picture sharing (flicker). It can improve the participation

because of the textual and audiovisual characteristic appeal, the openness,

conversation nature, and connectedness]. They have helped many people feel as if they

belong to a community and make a connection not only on campus but with friends

outside of school.
Theoretical Framework

In recent years social media has become more and more popular all around the

world. This study aims to examine the influence of social media in the e-commerce

context and to find how it impacts users' visit intention and purchase intention. Through

a questionnaire survey, we test and analyze the research model and its related

hypotheses by making use of structural equation modeling. The results indicate that

social media interaction ties and social media commitment positively affect normative

social influence and informational social influence. The last one in turn influences visit

intention and purchase intention in e-commerce. In conclusion, we discuss the research

findings and suggest some implications for researchers and practitioners.

Published by: Kee-Young Kwahk; Xi Ge on 2012, 45th Hawaii International

Conference on System Sciences

Conceptual Framework

This study follows the Dependent and independent variable model. The study

routines of HUMMS Students are considered as the dependent variables.

The social media is an independent variable that consists of social networking

sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapshot, Tiktok, Telegram, Twitter and etc. that allow

users to create online profiles, share information, including private details and images,

and link with one another or to communicate. These sites draw millions of users

worldwide, especially students, because they are not harmful for them. It is made up of

millions of local to worldwide personal, public, educational, commercial, and block

chains that are connected by a variety of electronic, wireless, and optical internet

connection. The way individuals currently interact on a daily basis has been greatly

impacted by the development of media technologies. Social media use among today's

youth is expanding daily and is becoming increasingly popular with students. It is a way

to communicate with pals from outside school as well as on campus. Social media can

help people feel like they are a part of a group. Due to its rising popularity, there are

now concerns about how students' use of these sites and activities there may affect

their academic achievement.

The usage of social media as a dependent variable has an impact on students'

academic achievement. Internet use is one of the most significant elements that might

have a favorable or negative impact on students' academic performance. According to

the article, many parents and guardians are concerned that students today spend too

much time on Facebook and other social media platforms instead of studying.

Schematic Diagram

Hours that students spend using social media

Platforms for social media are used

Learners school achievements as
1. Games
measured by their test results
2. Professional

3. Academic
Students' gender who 4. Social
use social media
Statement of the problem

The development of social media is a result of technological innovation. Students

also value it since it facilitates the interchange of ideas, emotions, private information,

photos, and videos. Students' the using social networks is also extremely instructive and

informative. Unfortunately, it appears that secondary school pupils' study habits have

been replaced by their usage of social media. Instead of reading their texts, students

spend the majority of their time on social media.

Students now frequently become distracted from their academics and struggle to

focus. Social media has many positive effects on daily life, such as enabling

connections between millions of people worldwide. However, it also has drawbacks,

such as students spending the majority of their time on social media chatting, some of

whom are exposed to pornography, cheating on exams, and downloading offensive

images, all of which have a negative impact on young people's morals. The usage of

social media in schools appears to have a negative impact on students' reading habits

and academic achievement in both internal and external examinations. However, it is

still unclear whether using social media affects stem students' study habits, which is

why the study is necessary.

Based on the research problem, the subsequent research questions were

developed to direct this study.

1. What benefits and drawbacks do social networking sites offer?

2. What is the respondents' ethnic make-up in terms of

A) Age
B) Gender

3. Does a student's gender affect their propensity to use social media?

Statement of Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significance

Ho1: Hours of time spent on social media negatively impacts academic work.

This suggests that there is a significant relationship between the amount of time

spent engaging in social media activities and the amount of time required to complete

academic tasks like assignments and their studies. The more time students spend

engaging in social media activities, the less time they have to devote to their academic


Ho2:There is no connection between the types of activities one engages in on social

media and academic achievement.

The hypotheses show that students will perform better academically if they use

social media for educational objectives, such as creating discussion forums for

assignments or topics covered in class. However, engaging in activities unrelated to

academic pursuits while spending a lot of time on social media will have a detrimental

Significance of the study

This study is on social media use and the study habits of senior high school

HUMMS students will be of immense significance to different group of people which


Parents. This study will awaken parents to their responsibility of keeping an eye

on their kids' social media use so they won't get sidetracked by it. They need to make

sure their kids pay more attention to their schoolwork and work to develop lifelong

readers who have a habitual love of reading.

Teachers. This study will be advantageous to teachers as it will assist them in

addressing the issue of students' reading attitudes and in developing instructional

strategies that will support motivating students to read widely and frequently in order to

maintain reading as a culture and to develop good study habits. It will also act as a

manual for educators as they advise pupils on how to get the most out of social media.

Additionally, teachers might use it to counsel pupils, as bad study habits may be a

contributing factor to subpar academic achievement. As they work together to

encourage the pupils to study, coordination and teamwork between the parents and

teachers can also be positive.

Librarians. This study will assist librarians in adding to the body of knowledge

regarding students' usage of social media and study habits. The librarian uses this

occasion to highlight to the students the benefits of social media for their academics as

well as the drawbacks of improper use of social media during the orientation on how to

utilize the library. It will also make librarians aware of their ability to connect with and
communicate with their users via social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram,, blogs, and a lot more where some library newsletters, the most recent

developments in the field, and some textbooks are uploaded that, in a way, promote

students' study habits

Students. This study will also gain from learning time management and time-

balancing skills while they use social media to maintain focus and interest in reading

and to succeed academically. Additionally, it will aid kids in exploring the potential

advantages of social media because it will highlight their technological prowess and

creative abilities without detracting from their core duty of reading.

Scope and limitation of the study

The usage of social media is increasing immensely in popularity all over the

world as a result of recent technological advancements. Social networking websites are

utilized by people from all walks of life. Many people, especially students, have grown

accustomed to social media to the point where they can easily spend hours on it. This

research was done to find out how social media affects students' academic


The small number of respondents who were contacted to examine the impact of

social media on HUMMS students is the scope and limitation of this research. As a

result of the restricted range, these generalizations cannot be generalized to the whole

of Gingoog City Colleges.

Definition of Terms

To have a better comprehension of this paper, these terms are defined

operationally or contextually as used in this study.

Social media. Refers to the methods by which individuals engage in virtual

communities and networks to produce, distribute, and/or exchange information and


HUMMS. Is a strand in senior high school that means Humanities and Social

Sciences Strand it is designed for those who wonder what is on the other side of the

wall. In other words, you are ready to take on the world and talk to a lot of people.

Internet. A global computer that used by students providing a variety of

information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using

standardized communication protocols.

Study habits. is an action such as reading, taking notes, holding study groups

which the students perform regularly and habitually in order to accomplish the task of


Subpar. It’s a below an average level of a student.

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