Skripsi Alwi Bab 1-5 Gaskeun
Skripsi Alwi Bab 1-5 Gaskeun
Skripsi Alwi Bab 1-5 Gaskeun
Submitted to Magister of English Department Study Program Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
(STKIP) in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)
NPM. 1902030002
The practice of communication with English is still lacking in current students. Even
though one way to be faster in mastering English is to practice it in communication. By
increasing the practice it is also easier to master vocabulary. Many students today are
still lacking in vocabulary mastery because of the rare factor of practicing English on a
daily basis. Not even a few students who do not know the names of animals, family
members, or basic vocabulary in English. This study aims to determine the effect of the
use of digital game media on the vocabulary mastery of grade 5 students at SDIT HAMAS
Stabat. The use of this digital game functions as a tool or media that can assist teachers
in teaching vocabulary mastery to students. With a total of 20 students, this research
was conducted at SDIT HAMAS Stabat. The results of data analysis showed that there
was an increase in students' vocabulary mastery through the use of digital games. The
students made good reactions or responses in each treatment. From the results of data
analysis, after treatment, students can get results with 1 student able to get a score of
46 with a frequency of 5%, 8 students able to get a score of 53-62 with a frequency of
40%, 10 students able to get a score of 77-85 with a frequency of 50% , and 1 student
was able to get a score of 92 with a frequency of 5%. In conclusion, students' vocabulary
mastery increases with the use of digital games. Digital games can improve students'
mastery of English vocabulary in four aspects: meaning, spelling, pronunciation, and
word usage.
Praktik komunikasi dengan bahasa inggris masih kurang pada siswa saat ini.
Padahal salah satu cara agar lebih cepat dalam penguasaan bahasa inggris adalah
dengan mempraktekkannya dalam komunikasi. Dengan memperbanyak praktek juga
lebih memudahkan dalam penguasaan kosakata. Banyak siswa saat ini yang masih
kurang dalam penguasaan kosakata karna faktor jarang memperaktekkan bhasa
inggris dalam sehari-hari. Bahkan tidak sedikit siswa yang tidak mengetahui nama-
nama hewan, anggota keluarga, atau kosa-kata dasar dalam bahasa inggris.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media game
digital terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa kelas 5 SDIT HAMAS Stabat.
Penggunaan Game Digital ini berfungsi sebagai alat atau media yang dapat
membantu guru dalam mengajarkan penguasaan kosakata pada siswa. Dengan
jumlah siswa sebanyak 20 orang, penelitian ini dilakukan di SDIT HAMAS Stabat.
Hasil analisis data menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan penguasaan kosakata siswa
melalui penggunaan Game Digital. Para siswa membuat reaksi atau respon yang baik
di setiap perlakuan. Dari hasil analisis data, Setelah dilakukan treatment, siswa dapat
memperoleh hasil dengan 1 siswa mampu memperoleh skor 46 dengan frekuensi
5%, 8 siswa mampu memperoleh skor 53–62 dengan frekuensi 40%, 10 siswa
mampu memperoleh skor 77-85 dengan frekuensi 50%, dan 1 siswa mampu
memperoleh nilai 92 dengan frekuensi 5%. Kesimpulannya, penguasaan kosakata
siswa meningkat dengan Penggunaan Game Digital. Game Digital dapat
meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa dalam empat aspek:
makna, ejaan, pengucapan, dan penggunaan kata.
In the name of Allah, Lord of the worlds. The Most Gracious and Most
Merciful, All praise belongs to Allah SWT. With His guidance and blessing, the
researcher has completed a final research paper as an academic requirement to
complete a bachelor's degree. Then, may blessings and greetings always be offered to
the last Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad Shalallaahu Alahi Wassalaam who
has inspired and enlightened many people around the world. The researcher also
composed gratitude to my parents Adi Siswanto (Father) and the late. Nila Wati
(Mother) who has sacrificed everything to make ends meet during college. The
researcher realizes that this final project paper is still far from being perfect and
flawless. Constructive criticism and suggestions are needed to improve this paper.
Researchers would like to show their gratitude to all loved ones who have
encouraged, motivated and even assisted researchers in completing this research.
They :
1. Mr. Fernando De Napoli Marpaung, S.S,.M.Pd, as the first advisor and Mr.
Donny Adiatmana Ginting, S.Pd., M.S, , as the second advis or who has patiently
directed, supported, and advised the writer to finish this thesis well.
2. Rector of STKIP Al-Maksum Langkat, Dr. Muhammad Sadri, MM, who have
provided the time and opportunity for the writer to gain valuable knowledge and
lessons from STKIP Al-Maksum Langkat.
3. Mr. Muhammad Hassan, S.Pd.,M.Pd, as the Leader of English Department.
4. All of the lectures and academic cavities of STKIP Al-Maksum Langkat , who
provided so much knowledge and helped when I studied at this beloved institute.
5. Headmaster, English teacher and students of MTs.S Al-Ikhlas Pangkalan Susu
who helped me to complete my research.
6. My beloved parents, M. Sabrik and Zulfarida, who have provided moral and
financial support, have shown me how to be patient and resilient. They also give
lots of prayers, support, advice, motivation and love, without them the writer
would not be able to finish this thesis
7. My beloved brother, Febrian Ramadani and My beloved Sister, Tasya Tri Alifia,
who have given encouragement, prayer and helped at all times.
8. All of the people who have helped me to finish my study that i cannot mention
one by one.
Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect.
Therefore, the authors really appreciate input and suggestions to strengthen this
thesis. Hopefully this thesis can be useful for further research and useful for readers.
Alwi Musthofa
NPM. 1902030002
“The wind does not blow to shake the trees, but tests the strength of the roots.”
“Success is a bad teacher. Success seduces determined people into thinking they
cannot fail.”
(Bill Gates)
“We are all agents of change, good or bad our future determines. So now go out and
change the world”
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................ii
LIST OF FIGURES...................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION..............................................................................1
A. Background of Study............................................................................................1
1. Definition of Vocabulary...................................................................................8
3. Kind of Vocabulary..........................................................................................10
4. Digital Game....................................................................................................11
5. Duolingo...........................................................................................................13
B. Conseptual Framework.......................................................................................17
C. Hypothesis Of Reasearch....................................................................................19
CHAPTER III...........................................................................................................20.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................21
B. Population...........................................................................................................24
C. Research Variable...............................................................................................25
D. Research Instrument............................................................................................27
A. Backgound Of Study
Technology and human’s life have been two inseparable elements in the
world nowadays (Ovilia, 2018). Rapid technological development has assisted
human beings to reach easier and dynamic lives. In realm of education,
technology has played a significant role in this modern era as teaching medium or
teaching and learning’s assistance. In language learning in particular, the
existence and development of information and communication technology has
been found to be helpful both for teachers and language learners.
fact, it contains the words that someone knows or uses or all the words in a
particular language. We know that words support the speakers in communication
to express their ideas. Having a good knowledge of vocabulary supports students
to master English.
Teaching materials and the methods used by the teacher are important
factors in the success of teaching vocabulary. It's crucial for teachers to carefully
consider these aspects to create an effective learning environment.
Teaching materials can greatly impact vocabulary learning. Materials should
be engaging, relevant, and appropriate for the learners' proficiency level.
Textbooks, authentic reading materials, vocabulary games, online resources, and
multimedia tools can all be valuable resources for teaching vocabulary. Using a
variety of materials helps cater to different learning styles and keeps students
interested and motivated.
While translation and rote memorization are common methods used in
teaching vocabulary, it is essential to employ a more comprehensive approach.
Relying solely on translation can hinder students' ability to think in the target
language and can limit their vocabulary usage. Instead, teachers should
incorporate a combination of strategies such as context-based learning, visual
aids, word associations, word families, and authentic language use. Additionally,
active learning techniques such as discussions, role-plays, and real-life scenarios
can make vocabulary learning more interactive and meaningful.
When vocabulary learning becomes monotonous or disconnected from
students' lives. To counter this, teachers can make vocabulary lessons more
engaging by incorporating fun activities, games, and real-world examples.
Creating a supportive and interactive classroom environment encourages student
participation and fosters a positive attitude towards vocabulary learning.
Therefore, using digital game media that the researcher conveys can be an
effective vocabulary learning strategy and is able to increase mastery and add to
English vocabulary quickly, easily and fun. Accordingly, the researcher would
like to make a research about the effect of using digital games to improve
vocabulary fifthh grade students at sdit hamas stabat 2022/2023.
Based on the background of the problems that have been stated, the
problems related to mastery of English vocabulary can be identified as follows:
1. For researcher himself, this research is written to fulfill the
prerequisite of achieving bachelor degree.
4. For researchers, the results of this study are expected to broaden new
insights in conducting research on Duolingo applications in teaching
and learning vocabulary.
A. Vocabulary
1. Definition Of Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary mastery is significant for anyone who learns the language
employed in listening, speaking, writing and reading beyond grammar, a learner
of the foreign language will speak easily and accurately, write simply, or
understand what they or reads or hears if they have the adequate vocabulary and
has an ability to use it accurately (Lamante, 2020). Vocabulary mastery really
helps a person who wants to study a language , vocabulary become a base for
some one to using a foreign language. A leaners must be able to mastering the
vocabulary for having good ability in mastering a language. Charles D. Fries Said,
Vocabulary is an essential part of learning a foreign language, where students are
required to master word for word so that it allows the student's vocabulary to
increase (Zalmansyah, 2013).
Fries (1945) said: “We never separated from mastery of vocabulary, because
whenever we think of language learning, we usually think of mastering the
vocabulary or learning the word.” From these two experts, mastering a language
means mastering its vocabulary knowledge (Mehta,2020).
Vocabulary knowledge is the main element in language acquisition; either
in learning first or second language (Nengsi & Narius, 2016). Bauman (1991)
said; words are tools we use to access our background knowledge, express ideas
and learn about new concepts. Specifically, students’ word knowledge is crucial
and it’s linking to reading comprehension. By having good word knowledge, it
determines how well they comprehend the text that they read. Meanwhile many
English teachers found that students are still lack of vocabulary. This kind of
case is a serious obstacle for many students to learn English as a foreign
language, because English is not their native language. Students’ lack of
vocabulary is also impacting to other skills in English; not only in reading but
also in listening, speaking and writing (Nengsi & Narius, 2016).
Another expert; Ur (1996) stated that vocabulary is the words teach in the
foreign language (Nengsi & Narius, 2016). A language has number vocabularies.
It is hard knowing those words without learning it. In other words, each person
will acquire some vocabularies from learning the language. Another idea comes
from Masheffel (1989), he said that learning a language is a mastery of the
vocabulary in the language (Nengsi & Narius, 2016). By mastering vocabulary,
people will be able to learn languages easily.
Vocabulary is the main component in masteing a language and provide
much of the basis for how learners speak, listen, read and write (Nikijuluw,
2020). If the students want to be success in learning English language skills, the
students must have a large of vocabulary. They must have a vocabulary to can
express their idea, they can write in their own words, they can hear and
comprehend other people speak easily and they can be a good reader, because
benefit of good vocabulary are communicate more effectively, improves their
self-confidence and self-esteem, adds sophistication to speech (Nikijuluw, 2020)
Vocabulary has big effect in some language, vocabulary plays the important
things in one’s language skill students that want to be fluent in speaking a
language they must have enought vocabulary to express what they want to say
and to write. Some one with proficient vocabulary mastery will look more
professional in a languge.
(2003), Marion (2008) and Nation (2011) and others have realised that the
acquisition of vocabulary is essential for successful second language use and
plays an important role in the formation of complete spoken and written texts. In
English as a second language (ESL) and English as a foreign language (EFL)
learning vocabulary items plays a vital role in all language skills (i.e. listening,
speaking, reading, and writing (Nation,2011). Rivers and Nunan (1991),
furthermore, argue that the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for
successful second language use because without an extensive vocabulary, we will
be unable to use the structures and functions we may have learned for
comprehensible communication (Alqahtani, 2015).
From the explanation above the researcher can draw a conclution that
vocabulary mastery is really important to master a language. It is the main
component for the students who wants to start in learning a language. Students
with less of vocabulary will have problem in learning because they will have
problem to comprehend the materials.
3. Kinds Of Vocabulary
Harmer distinguishes between these two types of vocabulary. The first type
of vocabulary refers to the one that the students havebeen taught and that they are
expected to be able to use. Meanwhile, the second one refers to the words which
the students will recognize when theymeet them, but which they will probably not
be able to pronounce. Haycraft, quoted by Hatch and Brown (1995), indicate two
kinds of vocabulary, namely receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary
(Alqahtani, 2015).
a. Receptive Vocabulary
b. Productive Vocabulary
B. Digital Game
1. Definition of Digital Game
Game theory is a mathematical framework used to analyze strategic
interactions between players in a game. It provides a formal way of studying
decision-making in situations where multiple individuals or entities are involved,
each with their own preferences and strategies. Game theory helps in
understanding how rational players make decisions and how their choices impact
the overall outcome of the game. It considers various factors such as the players'
preferences, the available strategies, and the potential payoffs or rewards
associated with different outcomes.
In scientific studies related to learning methodology, Ifenthaler, Eseryel and
Ge emphasize the need to distinguish between the concepts of game and play. In
the modern sense, games are primarily for educational purposes, while play's
main function is to provide pleasure to players. Related to the educational
aspect, McGonigal (2011) formulates four main features of a game, namely the
existence of goals, rules, feedback systems, and voluntary participation. (Putri &
Asrori, 2019)
Dony Novaliendry said, educational games are games that have been
specially designed to teach students about a certain lesson in developing
concepts and understanding, guiding students in practicing abilities, and
motivating students to play them (Windawati & Koeswanti, 2021).
In teaching vocabulary using digital games is one technique that can make it
easier for students to accept new vocabulary, there are many kinds of digital
games to increase students' vocabulary. Some of the games are as follows :
b. Hangman Games
Hangman Games is a word guessing game where the gameplay is very easy
and very simple. The first step to playing Hangman Games is to determine the
theme to be played, such as Fruits, Animals, Colors, or so on. After the theme has
been determined, then the player is only asked to save someone who is being
hanged by guessing each letter from certain available word arrangements.
c. Word Match
This digital game is used for knowledge of English. The purpose of this
Word Matching game is to train synonyms and antonyms. From the words of this
game, english learner can improve vocabulary skills.
From the several explanations about the kinds of digital games that can
increase vocabulary above, the researcher is interested in using Duolinggo
Aplication techniques as a useful strategy for expanding vocabulary. The students
at school enjoy playing Duolinggo when learning new words, especially when
reviewing the words they have learned. This is because they can actively
participate in learning English words by playing in Duolinggo in their own
language, which is a great way for students to actively participate in the learning
process. They are encouraged to learn and play. And with the help of digital
games like Duolinggo, students can also test their speaking by saying what the
sentence from game below.
C. Duolinggo
1. Definition Of Duolinggo
Duolingo is one that will help us become more proficient in languages
foreign. Duolingo brings the concept of “playing while learning” to taste more
fun and easy to use by all ages.
Here are the principles for how to play for the Duolingo :
Based on the explanation above, the researcher came to the conclusion that
teachers should follow the principles of the Duolingo playing technique when
guiding students and use it to improve students' vocabulary (Rifdinal, 2021).
engaging, resembling a playful game rather than traditional language
e. Focus on Grammar: Duolingo goes beyond word translation and also
emphasizes grammar. The explanations provided at the end of each
lesson help users understand the grammatical structures and rules of
the language they are learning.
2. Weaknesses of Duolingo:
a. Uncommon Sentences: While Duolingo offers a variety of sentence
examples, some of them may not be commonly used in everyday
communication. This can lead to confusion for learners when they
encounter these less familiar phrases in real-life situations.
b. Lack of Communication Features: Duolingo currently does not
provide features for direct communication between users. Language
learning often involves practicing conversation and interacting with
others, and the absence of communication features limits the
opportunity for learners to practice speaking and listening skills.
c. Advertisements: The free version of Duolingo contains ads, which
can be distracting for some users. To remove these ads, users need to
subscribe to Duolingo Plus, which requires a financial commitment.
4. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Duolingo Application
b. Exposure to new words and visual aids: Duolingo presents vocabulary in a
visually appealing manner, often accompanied by interesting pictures or
images. This visual context can aid students in understanding and retaining
new words more easily. Additionally, Duolingo offers a wide range of
features, including audio pronunciation, sentence examples, and exercises
that reinforce the meaning and usage of the vocabulary.
c. Understanding word meanings: Duolingo provides students with the
opportunity to learn the meanings of words through contextual exercises and
interactive activities. The application often presents sentences or phrases
where the target word is used, allowing students to grasp its meaning in
context. This contextual learning approach can enhance students'
understanding of vocabulary and promote more effective language
Figure 2.11 Wallpaper Figure 2.12 Login Account
b. Next, after creating an account, the students can choose the English
language to study and immediately begin activities.
Figure 2.14 Home Page
d. Finally, the students can access their progress through the lessons
or units. Each lesson is around 10 to 20 questions that focus on
improving vocabulary through pronunciation skills, translation,
listening comprehension, and vocabulary knowledge. When each
lesson has completed well, the lesson is leveled-up to the next
lesson and is then unlocked and get a crown.
That sounds like a great way to incorporate English language learning
into the classroom! Starting the class with materials from an English book and
introducing the Duolingo application is a fantastic way to engage students and
provide them with various learning resources.
Having students determine the meaning of words is an effective strategy
for developing their vocabulary skills. This activity encourages active learning
and critical thinking as students analyze and interpret the words in context. It
also allows them to build connections between the words they encounter and
their existing knowledge.
Using the Duolingo application further enhances the learning experience.
The app offers a wide range of language lessons and exercises, allowing
students to practice different aspects of English, such as reading, writing,
listening, and speaking. Allowing students to choose their own topics of interest
within the app or providing them with specific topics can help personalize their
learning experience and cater to their individual preferences.
Overall, this approach combines traditional classroom materials with
technology-enhanced learning, providing students with a well-rounded
language learning experience. It encourages active participation, vocabulary
expansion, and the development of various language skills, making the English
learning process more engaging and effective.
D. Conceptual Framework
Listening, speaking, reading, and writing are the four foundational language
abilities that vocabulary supports. In order to master the four primary skills of
speaking, writing, reading, and listening, as was previously indicated, students
must grasp the vocabulary.
The teaching and learning of language in the classroom does face certain
challenges though. Students who are required to follow an English vocabulary
lesson in a class that follows the traditional mode of instruction frequently become
bored. The way language is taught in class is ususally boring and uninspiring. As
a result, they have a low level of vocabulary mastery and are disinclined to follow
this subject in class. Students' motivation to learn can be stimulated by the usage
of interactive media. It requires a technique for teaching vocabulary in order to
build an effective vocabulary teaching in order to meet the goal of vocabulary
The teacher must take into account game techniques when teaching
vocabulary in order for the lesson to be successful. Many factors affect how well
vocabulary instruction goes. One of them is the way the Elementary school
students' teacher choose the digital game technique.
One of the techniques that can be used to teach vocabulary is the digital
game or Duolingo technique. The students will find it easier to encrich the new
terms by employing the digital game or Duolingo technique.
The importance of
vocabulary to improve Types of vocabulary: verb and noun
language skills
Students difficulty in remembering
Implementation Duolingo English vocabulary and rarely get
new methods of learning to improve
E. Hypothesis Of Reasearch
The following is the research hypothesis, which is based on the framework that
the researcher has provided:
1. Population
All subjects in this study are included in the population. The population is
defined as all members of 20 well-defined classes of people, events, or subjects
(Ary, 2010). The population in this study were 5th grade students at SDIT
HAMAS Stabat in the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The total
number of students is 21 students consisting of 12 boys and 9 girls.
2. Sample
C. Variable Research
There are two variables in this study, namely the independent variable and
the dependent variable, with the Digital Game as an independent variable because
it is a variable that impacts (stimulus) from the dependent variable, and learning
outcomes as the dependent variable, namely the cause of the existence of stimulus
in the form of the Digital Game in the 5th grade english lesson.
The result of the post-test value after treatment is represented in this study
by variable Y. The vocabulary learning score of the students, which also includes
the vocabulary components of nouns, verbs, and adjectives, is the dependent
variable Y in this study for 5th grade students.
After all the scores from guess the picture game have been obtained through
D. Research Design
can be compared, the results of the treatment can thus be known with greater
accuracy. The effect of the treatment was examined in the real study utilizing a
variety of tests and the statistical t-test.
This research uses a One-Group Pretest-Posttest design based on the
experimental design that has been stated (Sugiyono, 2017). The research design
above can be described as following:
O1 XO 2 O1 = Pretest value (before given treatment)
` X = Treatment
O2 = Posttest score (after treatment)
E. Research Instrument
The instrument that is chosen and used by the researcher to collect data in
order to facilitate systematic research is known as a data collecting instrument.
Data are observations or supporting information. The data must be collected using
some standardized research tools or custom-made devices for the scientific-
educational researcher. A test is used as the data collection tool in this study. The
test is created by the researcher using a standardized test-creation process. Pre-test
and post-test are the two sections of the test. The pre-test is given to students just
starting their studies prior to treatment, and the post-test is administered following
treatment. Before starting the teaching process, a test was conducted to learn more
about student achievement. And the purpose of the post-test is to learn more about
student achievement after the instructional process is complete.
1. Preparation
a. Before doing the test. The researcher first asked permission from the
principal to give tests to students from fifth grade at SDIT HAMAS
b. To collect the data, an instrument test was implemented
c. The test-related instructions and explanations were provided to the
responders before to the test.
2. Implementation
The instrument test was carried out for 29 days. It started on January 12 th
and ends on February 9th . Student's pre test starts on February 12th.
data collection is an essential component, the primary goal of research is to
generate knowledge, gain insights, and answer research questions or hypotheses.
Primary sources are data sources that directly provide data, and secondary
sources are sources that do not directly provide data to data collectors, for
example through other people or through documents. Data collection techniques
used in this study are:
1. Validity test
The extent to which the accuracy and precision of a measuring device (test)
in carrying out its measuring function is defined as validity. If a test or measuring
device fulfills its purpose in line with the goals of the measurement, it can be said
to have high validity (Azwar, 2010). The product moment correlation technique
connects or correlates the scores of each item with the overall score in order to
assess the reliability of the measuring instrument using an internal consistency
Validity test is used to measure the validity or validity of a questionnaire. A
questionnaire is said to be valid if the questions on the questionnaire are able to
reveal something that is measured by the questionnaire ( Sugiyono,2017). There
are 3 types of validity, namely content validity, criterion related validity, and
construct validity. The validity of the instrument used in this research is content
validity. Content validity ensures that the measure includes an adequate and
representative set of items that express the concept under study. The researcher
uses content validity by comparing the contents of the test with the applied
English curriculum and syllabus. Content validity is a component of the test as a
whole to evaluate the test as a whole using the item. There are 20 multiple-choice
questions on the test.
Pearson's bivariate correlation (Pearson's product moment) is a technique used
by researchers in testing validity. This analysis is carried out by comparing each
item's score to the overall score. The total of all items result in a final score.
Question items with a strong relationship to the overall score can help you reveal
what you want to reveal. In testing, a test is deemed valid if counttable. Since the
researchers used 15 respondents in this test, the rtable for 15 respondents had a
5% significance of 0.514 and a 1% significance of 0.440. The validity test resulted
in the following results:
2. Reliability test
States that the reliability test is the extent to which measurement results using
the same object give the same data (Sugiyono 2017). Reliability refers to
dependability or constancy. This means that findings from repeated measurements
of the same property will be the same or relatively comparable. In quantitative
research, reliability means that an indicator's numerical values do not vary as a
result of the characteristics of the measuring procedure or the measurement device
itself. Research is considered reliable when it provides consistent results for the
same measurement. It is not reliable if repeated measurements give different
The high and low reliability is called the reliability coefficient value. where if
the value is close to 1, the reliability is said to be high. However, in general,
reliability can be said to be sufficient if> 0.700. In testing the reliability of this
instrument, researchers used SPSS version 25 software with the Cronbach's Alpha
method. In the Cronbach's alpha formula, if alpha> 0.90 then the reliability is
perfect. If alpha is between 0.70 - 0.90 then the reliability is high. If alpha is 0.50 -
0.70 then the reliability is medium. If alpha < 0.50 then the reliability is low
Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.873 14
The reliability results above indicate that the value obtained is 0.915 >
0.700, meaning that the instrument's level of reliability is great.
In this study, researchers used a pre-test technique to test reliability.
researchers will use the same subjects and tests but at different times, namely by
using a post test, after treatment to students, to test reliability.
Scores on the test results for the students will be interpreted as excellent,
good, average/enough and poor.
81 – 100 Excellent
71 – 80 Good
61 – 70 Enough
0 – 60 Poor
(Source : Badan Standar, Kurikulum, Dan Asesmen Pendidikan Kementrian
Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, Dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia)
3. Test Technique
4. Documentation
Techniques of data analysis must be adapted for the research's type and
objectives. Analysis is an important component of research since it can give data
context and context that can be used to address problems. The results to 14
multiple choice questions are used to collect and analyze quantitative data on
student learning results.
The following, among other things, are the steps in the usage of data
analysis management explained :
1. Normality test
Testing the data's normality is the first step before analyzing the already-
collected data, and it aims to. The Chi-square ( x 2) formula is used to determine
whether or not a sample is normally distributed:
x = ∑ ¿¿ ¿
Information :
x = Chi-square value
Oi = Observation frequency
To identify what kind of statistics should be used for the following analysis
phase, a normality test will be performed to assess whether or not the data is
normal. the theory put to the test is :
H o : Normal Distribution
H 1 : Non-Normal Distribution
2. Homogeneity test
After the normality test has been performed and it is established that the
data are normally distributed, the hypothesis can be tested. Testing will be done to
determine whether the two groups’ variations are the same or different.
H o : The variance between the pretest and the posttest was same.
F Biggest variant
Smallest variant
3. T test
The T test is a statistical test used to determine the truth or falsity of the null
hypothesis, which claims that there is no significant difference between two mean
samples drawn at random from the same population (Sudijono, 2010). The T test
will basically be used to assess the regression coefficient's significance level. If
the regression coefficient is significant, it indicates the extent to which each
independent (explanatory) variable has an impact on the explanation of the
dependent variable. To evaluate the coefficients of hypothesis testing: Ho = 0. To
test the hypothesis with the t test, the following procedures are used:
1. Determine H o and H a .
The separated variance and polled variance formulas are used if n1=n2 and
homogeneous variant (Sugiyono, 2017).
x 1−¿ x
t= 2
√ s s 22
n1 n 2
Information :
2 2
s1 and s2 = Variance of each group.
1. Research Action
This research was conducted on Thursday, January 9, 2023, this was done to
find out the mastery of English vocabulary of fifth grade students through pre-test
and post test. The data collected in this study are data obtained from pre-test and
post-test of English subject. In this study, the researcher conducted several
activities consisting of:
a. Preparation
1) The Researchers plan to make the classroom more pleasant so that
students can enjoy learning and learn vocabulary more easily by
using digital game
2) Preparing test questions (pre-test and post-test)
b. Action
This activity was conducted on January 09, 2023 followed by 21 students.
The researcher started the lesson with prayer. After that, the researcher greeted
and introduced herself first to the students. Then the researcher gave an
overview of the material to be learned to the students.
The researcher started the English lesson by asking the student to say
alphabet. Some students were able to follow along, most were only partially
memorized, and some were completely silent and uninterested in learning. The
researcher then asked the students in English about some vocabulary in
Indonesian. Some words, such as "good" and "bad," can be correctly answered
by students. According to the researcher, this is because the vocabulary is
familiar to the students and the vocabulary is short, so the vocabulary is easily
remembered by the students. The researcher noticed that students did not dare
to ask if they did not know the answer to the word
The statistical calculation table above, as well as the results of the data
analysis above, show the vocabulary mastery scores of students in class V. The
highest score in the pre-test was 62, obtained by two students, and the highest
score in the post-test was 92, obtained by one students. The lowest score of the
pre-test was 31, obtained by three students, and the lowest score of the post-test
was 46, obtained by one student. In the following table, the frequency of scores is
The researcher discussed the results of the pre-test and post-test using SPSS
25.0. Descriptive statistics of pretest and post-test data of class V to obtain an
overview of the values before treatment and after treatment and to see the
improvement of each student. Before treatment with 6 students scored 34-38 with
a frequency of 30%, 11 students scored 46-53 with a frequency of 55%, 1 students
scored 54 with a frequency of 5% and 2 students scored 62 with a frequency of
After the treatment, students can get results with 1 student able to get scores
46 with a frequency of 5%, 8 students able to get 53–62 scores with a frequency
of 40%, 10 studenst able to get 77-85 scores with a frequenscy 50%, and 1
students able to get scores 92 with a frequency of 5%.
Class V Shapiro-Wilk
Study Learning Results Statistic Df Sig.
.907 20 .056
2. Homogenity Test
df1 df2 Sig.
8.368 1 38 .006
If the significance value (sig) based on the mean is higher than 0.05 in the
homogeneity test, the data is homogeneous. Based on the data in the table
above, it can be concluded that the data is homogeneous since the data value is
0.499 > 0.05.
Based on the hypothesis that has been explained in Chapter II, namely:
Ho: There is no significant effect to mastery vocabulary of using Duolingo on
students at SDIT HAMAS Stabat?
Ho : There is no significant effect of using Duolingo on students English ability of
criteria. As can be seen from the table above, the significance value obtained is
0.00, a value below the significance level (0.01 and 0.00 0.05). As a result, it can
be concluded that using digital game by Duolingo has a significant impact on
student's vocabulary mastery on five grade students at SDIT HAMAS Stabat.
C. Discussion
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an effect of
using Digital Game by Duolingo on students' vocabulary mastery in class V SDIT
HAMAS Stabat by using data analysis. Based on the research, the learning
process is divided into several stages. Before using Duolingo Aplication, students
are given a pre-test to determine the quality of vocabulary mastery. Students will
be taught Digitalk Games by Duolingo after the second stage is completed.
Finally, students take the post-test to see if Digital Game by Duolingo affects the
vocabulary mastery of class V students at SDIT HAMAS Stabat.
Based on the results of the vocabulary test conducted by the researcher, the
students' post-test scores after being taught using Duolingo were students scored
higher (more than 75) and 9 students scored lower (below 75). After the
treatment, the students had a significant increase due to Digital Game with
Duolingo, and also this data was carried out with a T-test to determine whether
there was an effect of Digital Game with Duolingo on student vocabulary. The
results showed that some students find it difficult to learn English because it is
difficult to learn and not interesting to learn because of the high level of difficulty
and does not interest them, and they only want to learn English when there is a
The results of the study, using digital game with Duolingo can motivate
students in learning vocabulary mastery; students are more active and interested in
learning because they were forced to interact with their friends, and the maximum
use of time in the discussion process makes students more excited and strive to get
the best answer.
From February 2023 to March 2023, all stages of action research have been
completed. Based on the results of Chapter IV's research, it is probable that ;
Digital Game with Duolingo can improve students' mastery of English vocabulary
in four aspects: meaning, spelling, pronunciation, and word usage. The most
significant improvement is in the aspects of meaning and spelling.
Digital Game with Duolingo can increase students' motivation,
achievement, and self-esteem. In comparison to the previous situation, students
were more active and enjoyed the learning activities during the implementation of
the activities. Students took an active role in the learning activities. Before the
start of the activity, the students appeared uninterested in English and were afraid
of English lessons because they felt difficult and therefore naturally unmotivated
to learn English. As a result, they talked with their friends, didn't pay attention,
and generally didn't do anything else. They naturally ignored the teacher's
explanation. They look to be listening, but they are not. They are indeed afraid to
make mistakes. They are shy and afraid to do board exercises. Most of them only
know the meaning of the terms when it comes to vocabulary. The use of Digital
Game with Duolingo making students more active because suitable with them.
Students develop more knowledge and skills when learning new vocabulary,
which includes spelling, pronunciation, and usage in addition to meaning.
Based on the fact, Digital Game with Duolingo is effective for students'
vocabulary mastery, the researcher offers the following suggestions to teachers,
students, and other researchers:
1. For English teachers, vocabulary mastery is important because it's a basic
component of vocabulary knowledge for SDIT HAMAS students.
Therefore, it is necessary to teach vocabulary appropriately and excitingly.
Based on the results of a study, the researcher advises:
a. Teachers teach vocabulary using Duolingo. Activities can be modified to
address the four aspects of vocabulary mastery based on the interests of the
b. Teachers offer appropriate role models to students for each aspect. The four
components must be mastered by teachers.
2. For students
a. The teaching and learning process should involve students. The results
won't be maximized if they are passive. Being active is necessary because
it's one of the factors that contributes to teaching and learning success.
b. Students should be courageous enough to volunteer and participate in class.
Making mistakes is a natural part of learning, so do not be afraid of it.
3. About those other scientists
a. The researcher hopes that additional researchers can develop some
dimensions that have been carefully observed. To think about the
appropriate techniques to be applied to solve the issue, the researcher must
understand the environment that the research will be conducted.
b. Other researchers must have a proper understanding of their research to
ensure that it is carried out efficiently and usefully.
on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature,
9(2), 529–537.
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