SuiteScript 1.0 API
SuiteScript 1.0 API
SuiteScript 1.0 API
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1. SuiteScript Overview
2. SuiteScript 1.0 Script Creation, Deployment, and Logging
3. SuiteScript 1.0 API Overview
4. SuiteScript 1.0 Script Types Overview
5. Working with the SuiteScript Records Browser
6. Setting Up Your SuiteScript Environment
Throughout your SuiteScript development, you may refer to the SuiteBuilder Guide, a user guide that is
available in the NetSuite Help Center. This guide provides detailed information about creating custom
records, forms, fields, and sublists. In SuiteScript, much of what you will be doing is extending or getting/
setting values on many of these custom elements. The SuiteBuilder Guide provides a basic understanding
of how these elements are created and their relationship to one another. In the help center, see the help
topic SuiteBuilder Overview to learn more about SuiteBuilder.
Important: If you are using SuiteScript 1.0 for your scripts, consider converting these scripts
to SuiteScript 2.0. Use SuiteScript 2.0 to take advantage of new features, APIs, and functionality
enhancements. For more information, see the help topic SuiteScript 2.x Advantages.
Additional Topics
After you understand the basic concepts behind SuiteScript 1.0 and how to run a script in NetSuite, see
the following topics for details on how to maximize SuiteScript in your account. These topics do not need
to be read in order. However, as you progress through SuiteScript development, you will refer to each
section often:
■ SuiteScript 1.0 Working with Records - Defines what a NetSuite record is as it pertains to SuiteScript.
Also provides links to the Record APIs you will use when working with the entire record object.
■ Working with Fields - Defines what a field is as it pertains to SuiteScript. Also provides links to the Field
APIs you will use when working with fields on a record.
■ Working with Subtabs and Sublists - Defines what a sublist is as it pertains to SuiteScript. Also provides
links to the Sublist APIs you will use when working with sublists on a record.
■ Setting Runtime Options - Provides additional information about the types of runtime options available
on a Script Deployment record.
■ Creating Script Parameters Overview- Defines the concept of “script parameters” as they pertain to
SuiteScript. Also provides information about how to assign company, user, or portlet preference values
to a script parameter.
■ SuiteScript 1.0 Searching Overview - Explains how to search NetSuite using SuiteScript and the types
of searches that are supported in scripting.
■ UI Objects Overview - Explains the concept of UI objects and how these objects can be used in
NetSuite to extend your application.
■ SuiteScript Debugger- Describes how to use the SuiteScript Debugger to debug server-side
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 - The Basics 2
■ SuiteScript Governance and Limits - Describes governance limits that are applied to each API and each
SuiteScript type.
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Script Types 3
■ User Event Scripts: User Event scripts are triggered when users work with records and data changes
in NetSuite as they create, open, update, or save records. User Event scripts are useful for customizing
the workflow and association between your NetSuite entry forms. These scripts can also be used for
doing additional processing before records are entered or for validating entries based on other data
in the system.
■ Suitelets: Suitelets enable the creation of dynamic web content. Suitelets can be used to implement
custom front and backends. Through API support for scripting forms and lists, these Suitelets can also
be used to build NetSuite-looking pages. NetSuite tasklinks can be created to launch a Suitelet. These
tasklinks can be used to customize existing centers.
■ RESTlets: RESTlets are server-side scripts that can be used to define custom, RESTful integrations
to NetSuite. RESTlets follow the principles of the REST architectural style and use HTTP verbs, HTTP
headers, HTTP status codes, URLs, and standard data formats. They operate in a request-response
model, and an HTTP request to a system-generated URL invokes each RESTlet.
■ Scheduled Scripts: Scheduled scripts are executed on-demand in real-time or by using a user-
configurable schedule. Scheduled scripts are useful for batch processing of records.
■ Client Scripts: Client scripts are executed on the client. These scripts can be attached to and run on
individual forms, or they can be deployed globally and executed on entity and transaction record
types. Global client scripts enable centralized management of scripts that can be applied to an entire
record type.
■ Portlet Scripts: Portlet scripts are used to create custom dashboard portlets. For example, you can
use SuiteScript to create a portlet that is populated on-the-fly with company messages based on data
within the system.
■ Mass Update Scripts: Mass update scripts allows you to programmatically perform custom mass
updates to update fields that are not available through general mass updates. You can also use action
scripts to run complex calculations, as defined in your script, across many records.
■ Workflow Action Scripts: Workflow action scripts allow you to create custom actions that are defined
on a record in a workflow.
■ Bundle Installation Scripts: Bundle installation scripts fire triggers that execute as part of bundle
installation, update, or uninstall. Trigger execution can occur either before install, after install, before
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Script Types Overview 4
update, after update, or before uninstall. These triggers automatically complete required setup,
configuration, and data management tasks for the bundle.
Note: SuiteBundler is still supported, but it will not be updated with any new features.
To take advantage of new features for packaging and distributing customizations, you can use
the Copy to Account and SuiteCloud Development (SDF) features instead of SuiteBundler.
Copy to Account is an administrator tool that you can use to copy custom objects between your
accounts. The tool can copy one object at a time, including dependencies and data. For more
information, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
SuiteCloud Development Framework is a development framework that you can use to create
SuiteApps from an integrated development environment (IDE) on your local computer. For
more information, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development Framework Overview.
Note that when you create a SuiteScript file, you will need to designate the type of script you want to
write. You will do this by going to Setup > Customization > Scripts > New > [type], where type is one of the
types shown below:
To run a script in NetSuite, see the help topic SuiteScript 1.0 Script Creation, Deployment, and Logging.
Client Scripts
The following topics are covered in this section. If you are new to SuiteScript, these topics should be read
in order.
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 5
Note: To know which standard record types support client SuiteScript, see the help topic
SuiteScript Supported Records in the NetSuite Help Center. If a record supports client scripts, an X
will appear in the column called “Scriptable in Client SuiteScript”.
Generally, client scripts are used to validate user-entered data and to auto-populate fields or sublists at
various form events. Such events can include loading or initializing a form, changing a field, or saving a
record. Another use case for client scripts is to source data from an external data source to a field. This is
accomplished using the API nlapiRequestURL(url, postdata, headers, callback, httpMethod).
Client scripts are executed by pre-defined event “triggers.” These triggering event types are discussed in
the section Client Event Types. These events include:
■ Initializing forms
■ Entering or changing a value in a field (before and after it is entered)
■ Entering or changing a value in a field that sources another field
■ Selecting a line item on a sublist
■ Adding a line item (before and after it is entered)
■ Saving a form
■ Searching for another record
■ Loading, saving or deleting a record
After you have created your client script, you can attach your .js script file to the form you are customizing.
If you have created a client script that you want to execute across an entire record type (for example, all
Customer records in the system), then you can deploy the script to the specified record type. Client scripts
deployed globally affect the behavior of all the records they are deployed to, rather than a specific form
on a single record.
You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to manage client scripts as part of file-based
customization projects. For information about SDF, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development
Framework Overview. You can use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual client script to
another of your accounts. Each client script page has a clickable Copy to Account option in the upper right
corner. For information about Copy to Account, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 6
The following sample is a client script that has been attached to a Sales Order form. (For information
about attaching client scripts to forms, see Step 3: Attach Script to Form.) When the user saves the Sales
Order, the script gets the value of the item field on the Item sublist, then loads a specific Inventory Item
record based on the value of the item in the Item sublist. The script then sets a value on the Inventory
Item record and submits the record. Although there is backend activity being executed in this script, the
script's initial execution is based on the saveRecord client event trigger (see Client Event Types), therefore
it is still considered to be a client script.
return true;
Tip: You can set the order in which client scripts execute on the Scripted Records page. See the
help topic The Scripted Records Page.
pageInit type : the mode in This client event occurs when the page completes
which the record is loading or when the form is reset. This function is
being accessed. These automatically passed the type argument from the
modes can be set to: system.
saveRecord boolean This client event occurs when the submit button is
pressed but prior to the form being submitted. You
should always return either true or false from a
saveRecord event. A return value of false suppresses
submission of the form.
validateField type : the sublist boolean This client event occurs whenever a field is about
internal ID to be changed by the user or by a client side call.
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 7
fieldChanged type : the sublist This client event occurs whenever a field is changed
internal ID by the user or by a client side call. This event can also
occur directly through beforeLoad user event scripts.
name : the field internal
ID This client event does not occur when field
information is changed or appears in the page URL.
linenum : line number Use the pageInit event to handle URLs that may
if this is a sublist. Line contain updated field values.
numbers start at 1, not
0. This function is automatically passed up to three
arguments by the system: type, name, linenum.
postSourcing type : the sublist This client event occurs following a field change after
internal ID all of the field's child field values are sourced from the
server. Enables fieldChange style functionality to occur
name : the field internal after all dependent field values have been set.
This function is automatically passed up to two
arguments from the system: type, name.
lineInit type : the sublist This client event occurs when an existing line is
internal ID selected. It can be thought of as the pageInit function
for sublist line items (inlineeditor and editor sublists
only). This function is automatically passed the type
argument from the system.
validateLine type : the sublist boolean This client event occurs prior to a line being added to
internal ID a sublist (inlineeditor or editor sublists only). It can be
thought of as the saveRecord equivalent for sublist
line items (inlineeditor and editor).
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 8
recalc type : the sublist This event occurs after a sublist change, but only if the
internal ID sublist change causes the total to change.
validateInsert type : the sublist boolean The validateInsert event occurs when you insert a line
internal ID into an edit sublist. For information about the edit
sublist type, see Editor Sublists in the NetSuite Help
validateDelete type : the sublist boolean The validateDelete event occurs when you try to
internal ID remove an existing line from an edit sublist. Returning
false blocks the removal.
*The ValidateField and FieldChanged scripts require a null line item for body fields.
Record-level client scripts run independent of any client scripts already attached to a specific form on the
record. Record-level client scripts can also be used on forms and lists that have been generated through
UI Objects during Suitelets development. Form-based client scripts cannot be used by Suitelets. Also note
that fields that are hidden on a form are not accessible by client scripts.
Additionally, record-level clients scripts allow you to set audience definitions on the Script Deployment
page. Defining an audience for the script deployment lets you specify which members of your company,
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 9
which departments, and which roles will be able to see the record-level customizations that have been
To deploy record-level client scripts into your account, you must follow the deployment model used for
Suitelet, user event, scheduled, and portlet scripts. (See Running SuiteScript 1.0 in NetSuite Overview to
learn how to run a record-level script in NetSuite.)
Form-level client scripts, however, require only that the client script is attached to the individual form it is
running against. For details on attaching client scripts to forms, see Step 3: Attach Script to Form.
Note: You can deploy up to 10 record-level client script to any record types that are already
supported in the existing form-based model. For information about records supported in client
scripting, see the help topic SuiteScript Supported Records in the NetSuite Help Center.
Note: For information about script metering and the SuiteScript governance model, see the help
topic SuiteScript Governance and Limits.
The following is a client script, which you can attach to a custom sales order form and set to execute on
the field change client event.
function email(){
var salesRep = nlapiGetFieldValue('salesrep');
var salesRepEmail = nlapiLookupField('employee', salesRep, 'email');
If you are logged in as an administrator, when you load the sales order with this form, and then select the
Sales Rep field, you will receive the alert. However, if you log in using a non-administrator role (such as
Sales Manager), or a role that does not have permission to view/edit Employee records, you will receive an
error when you select the Sales Rep field.
To work around this issue, as the script developer you must consider the types of users who may be using
your custom form and running the script. Consider which record types they do and do not have access
to. If it is vital that all who run the script have access to the records in the script, you may need to redefine
the permissions of the users (if your role is as an administrator). Or you may need to rewrite your script so
that it references only those record types that all users have access to.
Another consideration is to write the script as a server-side user event script and set the “Execute As
Admin” preference on the script's Script Deployment page. Note that in the sample script above, you
would not be able to run the script as a user event script and throw an alert, as alerts are a function of
client scripts only. However, you could rewrite the script so that it emails the user the sales rep's email
address (instead of throwing an alert).
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 10
Note: For information about user event scripts, see User Event Scripts. For information about
executing scripts as using an administrator role, see the help topic Executing Scripts Using a
Specific Role.
For information about client event functions, see Client Event Types.
Note: For information about attaching a client script to a form and running the script in your
account, see Step 3: Attach Script to Form.
Regarding error handling in client SuiteScript, NetSuite catches and throws alerts for all unhandled
SuiteScript errors that occur in both form- and record-level client scripts.
Note that alerts provide the scriptId of the Script record. This is information that will help NetSuite
administrators locate the specific SuiteScript file that is throwing the error.
Also note that like other script types, the Script record page for record-level client scripts includes an
Unhandled Errors subtab. NetSuite administrators can use this tab to define which individual(s) will be
notified if script errors occur. For additional information about the Unhandled Errors subtab, see Steps for
Creating a Script Record.
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 11
Additionally, the Script Deployment page for record-level client scripts includes an Execution Log subtab,
on which all script errors are logged.
function onSave()
// access the NetSuite server to instantiate a new Estimate
var rec = nlapiCreateRecord('estimate'); rec.setFieldValue('entity','846');
rec.setLineItemValue('item','item', 1, '30');
rec.setLineItemValue('item','quantity', 1, '500');
return true;
Important: You cannot use client remote object scripts to access a remote object in dynamic
mode. See SuiteScript 1.0 Client Scripting and Dynamic Mode for details.
If you are new to SuiteScript and need information about each of these steps, see Running SuiteScript 1.0
in NetSuite Overview.
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 12
function myPageInit(type)
alert ('myPageInit' );
alert ('type=' + type);
function mySaveRecord()
alert ('mySaveRecord' );
return true;
function myLineInit(type)
alert ('myLineInit' );
alert ('type=' + type);
function myValidateLine(type)
alert ('myValidateLine' );
alert ('type=' + type);
return true;
function myValidateInsert(type)
alert ('myValidateInsert' );
alert ('type=' + type);
return true;
function myValidateDelete(type)
alert ('myValidateDelete' );
alert ('type=' + type);
return true;
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 13
function myRecalc(type)
alert ('myRecalc' );
alert ('type=' + type);
This sample displays all the available arguments for every script-triggered event. Notice that some
functions return a boolean whereas some do not. Also note that some functions have linenum as one of
the arguments. Sublist functions do not have a linenum argument because the event is confined to the
specific line that triggered it.
The function myValidateField has an additional if block to check whether the event was invoked by a
custom field with the id custentity_my_custom_field . This ensures the logic is executed only under the
correct circumstances.
Note: It is important to check the argument values to branch execution logic. This improves
performance and avoids logic executed indiscriminately.
To obtain a better understanding on when these client script events are triggered and what the
arguments contain, upload the JavaScript file to the SuiteScript folder in the NetSuite File Cabinet, and
deploy the script by specifying the functions in a script record. See the help topic Creating a Script Record.
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 14
Note: When saved the Script record is saved, the system will automatically prefix the script
ID with customscript. In the figure above, the final unique ID for this client script will be
customscript_wlf_my_client_script. This custom script record identifier can be passed as a value
to the scriptId parameter that is included in several SuiteScript APIs.
The previous screenshot demonstrates the definition of a record-level client script. This script is deployed
globally to any records specified in the Deployments tab (see figure). In this case, this script will be
deployed to all Case records in the system.
When a person opens any Case record, the following alerts are thrown right way on the pageInit (page
load) trigger:
When you click OK to begin editing the record, the type=edit alert is thrown.
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 15
PageInit Sample
The PageInit function is called when the form is first loaded. Some of the functions that can be performed
on PageInit include the following:
Set Default Field Values for a Field
function pageInit()
// if fieldA is either NULL or equal to "valueA"
if ((nlapiGetFieldValue('fieldA').length === 0) || (nlapiGetFieldText('fieldA') === "valueA"))
// then set fieldA to valueB
nlapiSetFieldText('fieldA', nlapiGetFieldText('valueB'));
Disable a Field
function pageInit()
//On init, disable two optional Other fields: fieldA and fieldB.
nlapiDisableField('custrecord_other_fieldA', true);
nlapiDisableField('custrecord_other_fieldB', true);
function pageInit()
//On page init display the currently logged in User's profile information.
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 16
// Set variables
var userName = nlapiGetUser(); // entity id of the current user
var userRole = nlapiGetRole(); // id of the current user's role
var userDept = nlapiGetDepartment(); // id of the current user's department
var userLoc = nlapiGetLocation(); // id of the current user's location
// Display information
alert("Current User Information" + "\n\n" +
"Name: " + userName + "\n" +
"Role: " + userRole + "\n" +
"Dept: " + userDept + "\n" +
"Loc: " + userLoc
Requesting Additional Information
function saveRecord()
// Verify that fieldA is populated. If not, block the save and warn with a popup.
if (String(nlapiGetFieldValue('fieldA')).length === 0)
alert("Please provide a value for fieldA");
return false;
alert("Are you sure you want to Save the record?");
return true;
function saveRecord()
{'https://<accountID>[url string]');void(0)
return true;
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 17
If there is at least one field sourced from a dropdown list (either a built-in sourcing or one created
through customization) the post sourcing event is fired. Therefore, if you need to do something based on
sourced values, you should do it in Post Sourcing rather than from Field Changed.
On Sales order – Post sourcing
// Wait for all sourcing to complete from item field, get the rate field. If rate < 10, set it to 20.
// Execute this post sourcing function
function postSourcing(type, name)
// Execute this code when all the fields from item are sourced on the sales order.
ValidateField Sample
The ValidateField function is called whenever the user changes the value of a field. This function returns
false to reject the value.
Note: This event type does not apply to dropdown fields or box fields.
Use the Validate Field function to validate field lengths, restrict field entries to a predefined format,
restrict submitted values to a specified range, validate the submission against entries made in an
associated field,
Validate Field Lengths
if (fieldALength < 6)
alert("FieldA must be at least 6 characters.");
return false;
// Always return true at this level, to continue validating other fields
return true;
SuiteScript 1.0
Client Scripts 18
return true ;
Since this function is invoked every time there is an attempt to move the focus way from a field, the
first if block ensures the uppercase logic is executed only for the correct field. Since using the API
nlapiSetFieldValue would also trigger events, the second if block is used to ensure the code will not get
into an infinite loop. The final return true statement ensures the focus can be successfully taken away
from the field.
Requesting Additional Information
SuiteScript 1.0
User Event Scripts 19
Important: User event scripts cannot be executed by other user event scripts or by workflows
with a Context of User Event Script. In other words, you cannot chain user event scripts. You can
execute a user event script from a call within a scheduled script, a portlet script, or a Suitelet.
Note: To know which standard record types support user event scripts, see the help topic
SuiteScript Supported Records in the NetSuite Help Center. If a record supports user event scripts,
an X appears in the column called “Scriptable in Server SuiteScript”.
You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to manage user event scripts as part of file-
based customization projects. For information about SDF, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development
Framework Overview. You can use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual user event script to
another of your accounts. Each user event script page has a clickable Copy to Account option in the upper
right corner. For information about Copy to Account, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
■ Before Load – event occurs when a read operation on a record takes place. A Before Load event
occurs when a user clicks Edit or View on an existing record, or clicks New to create a new record.
■ Before Submit – event occurs when a record is submitted, but before the changes are committed to
the database. A Before Submit event occurs when a user clicks Save or Submit on a record.
■ After Submit – event occurs after the changes to the record are committed to the database. An After
Submit event occurs after a user clicks Save or Submit on a record.
See User Event Script Execution Types or specific details on these event types.
User event scripts are executed based on operation types defined as: beforeLoad, beforeSubmit, and
after submit. See the following sections for details:
SuiteScript 1.0
User Event Scripts 20
For information about the arguments each user event function takes, see Setting the User Event type
Tip: You can set the order in which user event scripts execute on the Scripted Records page. See
the help topic The Scripted Records Page.
1. The client sends a read operation request for record data. The client request can originate from
the user interface, SOAP web services, server–side SuiteScript calls, CSV imports, or XML.
2. Upon receiving the request, the application server performs basic permission checks on the client.
3. The database loads the requested information into the application server for processing. This is
where the beforeLoad operation occurs – before the requested data is returned to the client.
4. The client receives the now validated/processed beforeLoad data.
Note: Standard records cannot be sourced during a beforeLoad operation. Use the pageInit
client script for this purpose. See Client Scripts.
1. The client performs a write operation by submitting data to the application server. The client
request can originate from the user interface, SOAP web services, server–side SuiteScript calls,
CSV imports, or XML. The application server:
a. performs basic permission checks on the client
b. processes the submitted data and performs specified validation checks during a
beforeSubmit operation
The submitted data has NOT yet been committed to the database.
2. After data has been validated, it is committed to the database.
3. If this (newly committed) data is then called by an afterSubmit operation, the data is taken
from the database and is sent to the application server for additional processing. Examples of
afterSubmit operations on data that are already committed to the database include, but are not
limited to:
SuiteScript 1.0
User Event Scripts 21
a. sending email notifications (regarding the data that was committed to the database)
b. creating child records (based on the data that was committed to the database)
c. assigning tasks to employees (based on data that was committed to the database)
Note: Asynchronous afterSubmit user events are only supported during webstore checkout.
Important: The type argument is an auto-generated argument passed by the system. You can
NOT set this as a parameter for a specific deployment like other function arguments.
Event type arguments vary depending on whether the event will occur on beforeLoad, beforeSubmit, or
afterSubmit operations. The following table lists the script execution event types you can use with each
Note: When you deploy user event scripts in NetSuite, you can also define a script execution
event type using the Event Type list on the Script Deployment page. Be aware that the event type
you choose from the list overrides the type(s) specified in the script. For details, see the help topic
Setting Script Execution Event Type from the UI. For general information about defining other
deployment parameters for User Event scripts, see Steps for Defining a Script Deployment.
All of the events have the common type argument which indicates the type of operation that invoked the
event. This argument allows the script code to branch out to different logic depending on the operation
SuiteScript 1.0
User Event Scripts 22
type. For example, a script with “deltree” logic that deletes a record and all of its child records should only
be invoked when type equals to “delete”. It is important that user event scripts check the value of the type
argument to avoid indiscriminate execution.
The following sample demonstrates how to check the value of the type argument for each event. Event
types include beforeLoad, beforeSubmit, afterSubmit. (See User Event Script Execution Types for more
function myBeforeLoadUE(type)
if (type == 'create')
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'type argument', 'type is create');
if (type == 'view')
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'type argument', 'type is view');
if (type == 'edit')
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'type argument', 'type is edit');
function myBeforeSubmitUE(type)
if (type == 'create')
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'type argument', 'type is create');
if (type == 'delete')
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'type argument', 'type is delete');
if (type == 'edit')
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'type argument', 'type is edit');
if (type == 'cancel')
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'type argument', 'type is cancel');
function myAfterSubmitUE(type)
if (type == 'create')
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'type argument', 'type is create');
if (type == 'delete')
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'type argument', 'type is delete');
if (type == 'edit')
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'type argument', 'type is edit');
if (type == 'approve')
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'type argument', 'type is approve');
SuiteScript 1.0
User Event Scripts 23
Note: Logging done with nlapiLogExecution may be classified into 4 types: DEBUG, AUDIT,
ERROR, and EMERGENCY. The source code should correctly set the logging type. Log type filtering
may be set during runtime to give concise and useful logged information.
After uploading the source code file to the SuiteScript folder in the File Cabinet, a user event script record
is defined by going to Customization > Scripts > New. The following shows the script record definition
beforeLoad type : the read operation type Event occurs whenever a read operation on a record
occurs. These operations include navigating to a
■ create record in the UI, reading a record in SOAP web
■ edit services, attaching a child custom record to its parent,
detaching a child custom record from its parent, or
■ view
calling nlapiLoadRecord.
■ copy
The function cannot be used to source standard
■ print records. Use the pageInit client script for this purpose.
■ email See Client Event Types.
■ quickview The user-defined function is executed prior to
returning the record or page. The function is passed
form : an nlobjForm object
either the type, form, or request arguments by the
representing the current form
request : an nlobjRequest object
representing the GET request (Only
available for browser requests.) ■ beforeLoad user events cannot be triggered when
you load/access an online form.
■ Data cannot be manipulated for records that are
loaded in beforeLoad scripts. If you attempt to
update a record loaded in beforeLoad, the logic is
■ Data can be manipulated for records created in
beforeLoad user events.
SuiteScript 1.0
User Event Scripts 24
beforeSubmit type : the write operation type Events on a beforeSubmit operation occur prior to any
write operation on the record. Changes to the current
■ create record at this stage will be persisted during the write
■ edit operation.
■ delete The beforeSubmit operation is useful for validating
■ xedit - (see Inline Editing and the submitted record, performing any restriction and
SuiteScript) permission checks, and performing any last-minute
changes to the current record.
■ approve - (only available for certain
record types) Notes:
■ reject - (only available for certain ■ The approve, cancel, and reject argument types are
record types) only available for record types such as sales orders,
■ cancel - (only available for certain expense reports, timebills, purchase orders, and
record types) return authorizations.
■ pack- (only available for certain ■ Only beforeLoad and afterSubmit user event
record types, for example Item scripts will execute on the Message record
Fulfillment records) type when a message is created by an inbound
email case capture. Scripts set to execute on a
■ ship - (only available for certain
beforeSubmit event will not execute.
record types, for example Item
Fulfillment records) ■ User Event Scripts cannot override custom
field permissions. For instance, if a user’s role
■ markcomplete (specify this type for
permissions and a custom field’s permissions
a beforeSubmit script to execute
differ, beforeSubmit cannot update the custom
when users click the Mark Complete
field, even if the script is set to execute as
link on call and task records)
■ reassign (specify this type for a
■ Attaching a child custom record to its parent or
beforeSubmit script to execute
detaching a child custom record from its parent
when users click the Grab link on
will trigger an edit event.
case records)
■ editforecast (specify this type for Best practices: To set a field on a record or make ANY
a beforeSubmit script to execute changes to a record that is being submitted, do so
when users update opportunity and on a beforeSubmit operation, NOT an afterSubmit
estimate records using the Forecast operation. If you set a field on an afterSubmit, you will
Editor) be duplicating a record whose data has already been
committed to the database.
afterSubmit type : the write operation type Events on an afterSubmit operation occur immediately
following any write operation on a record.
■ create
■ edit Note: Asynchronous afterSubmit user
■ delete events are only supported during webstore
■ xedit - (see Inline Editing and
The afterSubmit operation is useful for performing any
■ approve - (only available for certain actions that need to occur following a write operation
record types) on a record. Examples of these actions include email
■ cancel - (only available for certain notification, browser redirect, creation of dependent
record types) records, and synchronization with an external system.
SuiteScript 1.0
User Event Scripts 25
Developers who include scripts in their SuiteApps should also be aware of the number of user events
scripts that might already be deployed to records types in the target account. For example, if 8
beforeSubmit user event scripts are deployed to the Sales Order record in the target account, and your
SuiteApp includes another 7 beforeSubmit user event scripts on the Sales Order record type, this is 15
beforeSubmit scripts running every time a user clicks Save on the record. Although all of the scripts will
run, the time it takes for the record to save may be significantly increased, again, negatively affecting user
experience with the record.
If you must run multiple user event scripts on one record type, and are experiencing slow execution
times, use the Application Performance Management (APM) SuiteApp to troubleshoot the issue. APM
keeps 30 days worth of performance data for each scriptable record type. You can view the overall
execution time of each record instance, as well as the execution time of each script. See the help topic
Application Performance Management (APM) for additional information.
SuiteScript 1.0
User Event Scripts 26
If you are new to SuiteScript and need information about each of these steps, see Running SuiteScript 1.0
in NetSuite Overview.
function beforeLoad(type,form)
var newId = nlapiGetRecordId();
var newType = nlapiGetRecordType();
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG','<Before Load Script> type:'+type+', RecordType: '+newType+', Id:'+newId);
function beforeSubmit(type)
var newId = nlapiGetRecordId();
var newType = nlapiGetRecordType();
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG','<Before Submit Script> type:'+type+', RecordType: '+newType+', Id:'+newId);
function afterSubmit(type)
var newId = nlapiGetRecordId();
var newType = nlapiGetRecordType();
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG','<After Submit Script> type:'+type+', RecordType: '+newType+', Id:'+newId);
In the above use case, afterSubmit is a better event to handle the logic than beforeSubmit. In the
beforeSubmit event, the customer data has not yet been committed to the database. Therefore, putting
the phone call logic in the afterSubmit event guarantees there will not be an orphan phone call record.
Note: During design time, developers should carefully consider in which event to implement
their server logic.
function followUpCall_CustomerAfterSubmit(type)
//Only executethe logic if a new customer is created
SuiteScript 1.0
User Event Scripts 27
if (type == 'create' )
//Obtain a handle to the newly created customer record
var custRec = nlapiGetNewRecord();
if (custRec.getFieldValue('salesrep') != null )
//Create a new blank instance of a Phone Call
var call = nlapiCreateRecord("phonecall");
//Setting the assigned field to the sales rep of the new customer
call.setFieldValue('assigned', custRec.getFieldValue('salesrep'));
//Use the library function to obtain a date object that represents tomorrow
var today = new Date();
var tomorrow = nlapiAddDays(today, 1);
call.setFieldValue('startdate', nlapiDateToString(tomorrow));
//committing the phone call record to the database
var callId = nlapiSubmitRecord(call, true);
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'call record created successfully', 'ID = ' + callId);
catch (e)
nlapiLogExecution('ERROR', e.getCode(), e.getDetails());
Note: APIs such as nlapiSubmitRecord that access the database should be wrapped in try-catch
The phone call use case may be further enhanced by redirecting the user to the Phone Call page after it
has been created. This redirect is accomplished by putting in redirect logic after the phone call record is
//committing the phone call record to the database
var callId = nlapiSubmitRecord(call, true);
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'call record created successfully', 'ID = ' + callId);
User event scripts are not only triggered by user actions carried out through the browser, they are also
triggered by other means as well (for example, CSV or SOAP web services).
■ Using CSV to import records triggers before submit and after submit events
■ Using the SOAP web services “GET” operation to retrieve an existing record would trigger its before
load event.
SuiteScript 1.0
User Event Scripts 28
Sometimes these events invoke scripts not designed to be executed in that manner and create
undesirable results. To prevent a script from getting executed by the wrong execution context, use the
nlobjContext object as a filter.
For example, to ensure a before load user event script is executed only when a record is created using
the browser interface, the script must check both the type argument and the execution context as (as
shown below):
function myBeforeLoadUE(type)
//obtain the context object
var context = nlapiGetContext();
if (type == 'create' && context.getExecutionContext == 'userinterface')
Note that the API nlapiGetContext() is not exclusive to user event scripts. It can also be used in Client
Scripts and Suitelets.
Note: The nlobjContext object provides metadata of the script's context. Use this information to
help implement fine-grained control logic in SuiteScript.
Note: For more specific information about NetSuite entry forms and transaction forms, see the
help topic Custom Forms in the NetSuite Help Center.
The key to using user event scripts to customize a form during runtime is a second argument named
form in the beforeLoad event. This optional argument is the reference to the entry/transaction form.
Developers can use this to dynamically change existing UI elements, or add new ones. The UI elements
are added using the UI Objects API.
A use case for this scripting capability could be the following:
To improve month-end sales, a company introduces an end-of-month promotion that is only active for the
last five days of the month. All sales order forms must have a custom field called “Eligible EOM Promotion”
on the last five days of the month.
The following is a sample user event script that is meant to be deployed on the beforeLoad event of the
sales order record.
*This function is a module to implement at end of
* month(last 5 days of month) promotion for sales
* orders. It is meant to be deployed on the before
* load event of the sales order record.
function customizeUI_SalesOrderBeforeLoad(type, form)
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
SuiteScript 1.0
User Event Scripts 29
//Execute the logic only when creating a sales order with the browser UI
if (type == 'create' && currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface')
var fieldId = 'custpage_eom_promotion';
var fieldLabel = 'Eligible EOM promotion';
var today = new Date();
var month = today.getMonth();
var date = today.getDate();
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'month date', month + ' ' + date);
if (month==1)
if (date==24 | date==25 | date==26 | date==27 | date==28 | date==29)
form.addField(fieldId, 'checkbox', fieldLabel);
//31-day months
else if (month==0 | month==2 | month ==4 | month==6 | month==7 | month==9 | month==11)
if ( date==27 | date==28 | date==29 | date==30 | date==31)
form.addField(fieldId, 'checkbox', fieldLabel);
//30-day months
if ( date==26 | date==27 | date==28 | date==29 | date==30)
form.addField(fieldId, 'checkbox', fieldLabel);
When the script is deployed, all sales order forms will display the Eligible EOM Promotion box during the
last five days of the month.
Note that since these UI elements are created dynamically, they are superficial and do not have
supporting server data models. There is a disconnect between the UI and server data, therefore the
script-created fields' values will not be saved.
UI elements (such as the Eligible EOM promotion field) created with user event scripts and SuiteScript
Objects are scriptable by client script APIs. A remedy to the disconnect problem is linking the script-
SuiteScript 1.0
User Event Scripts 30
created field to a real field (with server data support) using a client script. The value of the real field, which
might be made hidden or inline on the form definition, is driven by the value entered in the script-created
field. The real fields are populated and the data is saved.
The following topics are covered in this section. If you are not familiar with Suitelets, these topics should
be read in order.
Note: Suitelets are not intended to work inside web stores. Use online forms to embed forms
inside a web store.
Important: The governance limit for concurrent requests for Suitelets available without login
is the same as the limit for RESTlets. For information about the account limits, see the help topic
Web Services and RESTlet Concurrency Governance. For Suitelets that are authenticated through
login, the number of concurrent requests is currently not governed.
Shown below are screenshots of a Suitelet with a few fields. The Suitelet is invoked by making a GET
request from the browser. Notice that this Suitelet is built with SuiteScript UI Objects, which encapsulate
scriptable interface components that have a NetSuite look-and-feel.
After a Suitelet has been deployed, developers can create NetSuite tasklinks to these scripts, which can
then be used to customize existing NetSuite centers.
When the Submit button is clicked, the same Suitelet is invoked again with a HTTP POST event. The values
entered in the previous screen are displayed in inline (read-only) mode.
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 31
Below is the source code for this Suitelet. It is executed on the server, which generates HTML and sends it
to the browser.
form.addSubmitButton('Submit' );
//POST call
var form = nlapiCreateForm("Suitelet - POST call" );
//create the fields on the form and populate them with values from the previous screen
var resultField1 = form.addField('custpage_res1', 'text', 'Text Field value entered: ' );
resultField1.setDefaultValue(request.getParameter('custpage_field1' ));
resultField1.setDisplayType('inline' );
var resultField3 = form.addField('custpage_res3', 'select', 'Select Field value entered: ', 'customer' );
resultField3.setDefaultValue(request.getParameter('custpage_field3' ));
resultField3.setDisplayType('inline' );
The entry point of the function has two required arguments: request and response. These arguments are
instances of nlobjRequest and nlobjResponse, respectively.
Typically, invoking a Suitelet using the browser would make a HTTP GET call. The type of HTTP call
is determined by the nlobjRequest.getMethod() API. The code creates an nlobjForm object and
populates it with SuiteScript UI Objects. The populated form is sent to the response object using the
nlobjResponse.writePage(pageobject) API.
When the user clicks the Submit button, an HTTP POST call is made. The code's else block obtains the
values entered in the first page from the request object and populates them into another nlobjForm
object and sends it to response.writePage(pageobject).
Note: As a best practice, set the content type of the response object using the
setContentType(type, name, disposition) API. For more information about content types, see
SuiteScript 1.0 Supported File Types.
You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to manage Suitelets as part of file-based
customization projects. For information about SDF, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 32
Framework Overview. You can use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual Suitelet to another
of your accounts. Each Suitelet page has a clickable Copy to Account option in the upper right corner. For
information about Copy to Account, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
When you create a link for the Suitelet, there is a Translation column where you can add the translations
for the languages you have selected on the Languages subtab of the General Preferences page. See the
help topic Enabling the Entry of Translation Strings for a Specific Language for more information about
how to specify the languages that you want to have available.
If you need more information to create a link for the Suitelet, see Running a Suitelet in NetSuite.
1. Client initiates an HTTP GET or POST request (typically from a browser) for a system-generated
URL. A web request object (nlobjRequest) contains the data from the client's request.
2. The user's script is invoked, which gives the user access to the entire Server SuiteScript API as well
as a web request and web response object.
3. NetSuite processes the user's script and returns a web response object (nlobjResponse) to the
client. The response can be in following forms:
■ Free-form text
■ A browser redirect to another page on the Internet
Important: You can only redirect to external URLs from Suitelets that are accessed
externally (in other words, the Suitelet has been designated as “Available Without
Login” and is accessed from its external URL).
■ A browser redirect to an internal NetSuite page. The NetSuite page can be either a standard
page or custom page that has been dynamically generated using UI Objects.
4. The data renders in the user's browser.
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 33
The following diagram shows how a SuiteScript developer can potentially create a workflow that starts
off with either a standard or custom NetSuite record, then redirects to a Suitelet, then redirects to either
another Suitelet or standard/custom NetSuite record, all depending on the logic of the developer's
When developing a Suitelet with UI objects, you can also add custom fields with inline HTML.
Important: When adding UI elements to an existing NetSuite page, you must prefix the object
name with custpage. This minimizes the occurrence of field/object name conflicts. For example,
when adding a custom tab to an entry form, the name should follow a convention similar to
custpage customtab or custpage mytab.
The figure below shows a custom interface that has been built with the following SuiteScript UI objects:
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 34
■ nlobjForm
■ nlobjTab
■ nlobjSubList
■ nlobjField
Note that a custom menu link was created to access the Suitelet. In this figure, the Configure System
Suitelet can be accessed by going to Customers > Custom > Configure System. For information about
creating menu links for Suitelets, see Running a Suitelet in NetSuite.
Item Description
Backend Suitelets
Suitelets give developers the ability to build custom NetSuite pages. However, developers can create
Suitelets that do not generate any UI elements. These kinds of Suitelets are referred to as backend
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 35
Suitelets. Their sole purpose is to execute backend logic, which can then be parsed by other parts of a
custom application.
Similar to a Suitelet that builds NetSuite pages, a backend Suitelet is invoked by making HTTP GET or
POST calls to a NetSuite-generated Suitelet URL.
■ Providing a service for backend logic to other SuiteScripts, or to other external hosts outside of
■ Offloading server logic from client scripts to a backend Suitelet shipped without source code to
protect sensitive intellectual property
A use case of a backend Suitelet is a service that provides customer information based on a phone
number. The following is the code for a Suitelet that returns customer entity IDs (for records with
matching phone numbers) separated by the | character.
*This functionsearches forcustomer records* thatmatch asupplied parametercustparam_phone
*and returnthe resultsin astring separated* bythe |character.
*/function lookupPhoneBackendSuitelet(request, response)
if (request.getMethod() == 'GET' )
//null checkon therequired parameterif (request.getParameter('custparam_phone' ) != null )
//Setting upthe filtersand columnsvar filters = newArray ();
var columns = newArray ();
//Search forcustomer recordsthat matchthe filtersvar results = nlapiSearchRecord('customer', null, filters, columns);
if (results != null )
var resultString = '' ;
//Loop throughthe resultsfor (var i = 0; i < results.length ; i++)
//constructing theresult stringvar result = results[i];
resultString = resultString + result.getValue('entityid' );
Notice that this Suitelet does not use any UI Object APIs. Communication with the Suitelet is done strictly
with the request and response objects. NetSuite generates a URL to invoke this Suitelet. To correctly
invoke it, the custparam_phone value (bold) needs to be appended at the end of the invoking URL:
The code that calls this backend Suitelet needs to do the following:
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 36
Note: Backend Suitelets should not be used to get around SuiteScript usage governance.
Suitelets designed with this intention are considered abusive by NetSuite.
e print
id email
cp q
l si
popup st
s r
d displayonly
_nodrop nodisplay
sc deploy
sticky script
If any of your parameters are named after any of the reserved parameter names, your Suitelet may throw
an error saying, "There are no records of this type." To avoid naming conflicts, you should name your
custom URL parameters with a custom prefix. For example, use custom_id instead of id.
Note: The same concepts that apply to online forms also apply to externally available Suitelets.
Note that if you want to use all available SuiteScript APIs in a Suitelet, your Suitelet will require a valid
NetSuite session. (A valid session means that users have authenticated to NetSuite by providing their
email address and password.)
On the Script Deployment page, leave the Available Without Login box unselected if you want to deploy a
Suitelet that requires a valid session. (See also Setting Available Without Login for more information about
this runtime option.)
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 37
Important: UI Objects can be used without a valid session. Therefore, they are supported in
externally available Suitelets.
If you are new to SuiteScript and need information about each of these steps, see Running SuiteScript 1.0
in NetSuite Overview.
Note that if you want users to be able to access/launch a Suitelet from the UI, you can create a menu item
for the Suitelet.
The following figure shows the Links tab on the Script Deployment page for a Suitelet. Select the Center
where the link to the Suitelet will be accessible (for example, Customer Center, Vendor Center, etc). Next,
set the Section (top-level menu tab) in the Center, then choose a category under the section. Finally,
create a UI label for the link. Be sure to click Add when finished.
Note: The Classic Center is a default center. It is not specific to customers, partners, or vendors.
When the Script Deployment page is saved, a link to the Suitelet appears (see figure).
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 38
Suitelets Samples
The following sample Suitelets show how to return HTML and XML documents, as well as how to create
forms and lists.
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 39
response.write( xml );
response.setHeader('Custom-Header-Demo', 'Demo');
response.writePage( form );
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 40
Important: If your browser is inserting scroll bars in this code sample, maximize your browser
window, or expand the main frame that this sample appears in.
// You can set the style of the list to grid, report, plain, or normal, or you can get the
// default list style that users currently have specified in their accounts.
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 41
Important: If your browser is inserting scroll bars in this code sample, maximize your browser
window, or expand the main frame that this sample appears in.
/*Create a user event beforeLoad function that takes type and form as parameters.
*Later you will define the script execution context by providing a value for type.
*The form argument instantiates a SuiteScript nlobjForm object, which allows you
*to add fields and sublists later on in the script.
function beforeLoadTab(type, form)
var currentContext = nlapiGetContext();
var currentUserID = currentContext.getUser();
/*Define the value of the type argument. If the Case record is edited or viewed,
*a tab called Sample Tab is added. Note that the script execution context is set to
* userinterface. This ensures that this script is ONLY invoked from a user event
*occurring through the UI.
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 42
if( (currentContext.getExecutionContext() == 'userinterface') && (type == 'edit' | type == 'view'))
var SampleTab = form.addTab('custpage_sample_tab', 'SampleTab');
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 43
Note: This screenshot displays the NetSuite user interface that was available before Version
2010 Release 2.
* A simple Suitelet for building an email form and sending out an email
* from the current user to the recipient email address specified on the form.
function simpleEmailForm(request, response)
if ( request.getMethod() == 'GET' )
var form = nlapiCreateForm('Email Form');
var subject = form.addField('subject','text', 'Subject');
subject.setMandatory( true );
var recipient = form.addField('recipient','email', 'Recipient email');
recipient.setMandatory( true );
var message = form.addField('message','textarea', 'Message');
message.setDisplaySize( 60, 10 );
form.addSubmitButton('Send Email');
var currentuser = nlapiGetUser();
var subject = request.getParameter('subject')
var recipient = request.getParameter('recipient')
var message = request.getParameter('message')
nlapiSendEmail(currentuser, recipient, subject, message);
Several methods of nlobjField are used to change the displayed field to the correct parameters. The
address called is built from the system address plus the address of the tasklink (in this case the New
Employee form) which is retrieved using nlapiResolveURL(type, identifier, id, displayMode).
Note: You need to specify ‘https://' if the destination link is to be accessible from an
authenticated NetSuite session.
SuiteScript 1.0
Suitelets 44
form.addField("enterempslink", "url", "", null, "enteremps" ).setDisplayType( "inline" ).setLinkText( "Click Here to Enter
Employee Records").setDefaultValue( "https://<accountID>" + nlapiResolveURL( 'tasklink', 'EDIT_EMPLOYEE') );
response.writePage( form );
Important: NetSuite Forms does not support manipulation through the Document Object
Model (DOM) and custom scripting in Inline HTML fields. The use of Inline HTML fields on Form
pages (except for Forms generated by Suitelets) will be deprecated in a future release.
Here is an inline HTML example where the inline HTML is embedded in a NetSuite form. To embed
inline HTML, add a field with the nlobjForm.addField method of the type ‘inlinehtml', and usethe
nlobjField.setDefaultValue method to provide the HTML code.
function SurveyInlineHTML(request,response)
var form = nlapiCreateForm('Thank you for your interest in Wolfe Electronics', true);
SuiteScript 1.0
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form.addField('custpage_lblproductrating', 'inlinehtml')
.setLayoutType('normal', 'startrow')
.setDefaultValue("<p style='font-size:14px'>How would you rate your satisfaction with our products?</p>");
form.addField('custpage_lblservicerating', 'inlinehtml')
.setLayoutType('normal', 'startrow')
.setDefaultValue("<p style='font-size:14px'>How would you rate your satisfaction with our services?</p>");
form.addField('custpage_rdoservicerating', 'radio', '1', 'p1').setLayoutType('startrow');
form.addField('custpage_rdoservicerating', 'radio', '2', 'p2').setLayoutType('midrow');
form.addField('custpage_rdoservicerating', 'radio', '3', 'p3').setLayoutType('midrow');
form.addField('custpage_rdoservicerating', 'radio', '4', 'p4').setLayoutType('midrow');
form.addField('custpage_rdoservicerating', 'radio', '5', 'p5').setLayoutType('midrow');
form.addField('custpage_rdoservicerating', 'radio', '6', 'p6').setLayoutType('midrow');
form.addField('custpage_rdoservicerating', 'radio', '7', 'p7').setLayoutType('midrow');
form.addField('custpage_rdoservicerating', 'radio', '8', 'p8').setLayoutType('midrow');
form.addField('custpage_rdoservicerating', 'radio', '9', 'p9').setLayoutType('midrow');
form.addField('custpage_rdoservicerating', 'radio', '10', 'p10').setLayoutType('endrow');
You can deploy server-side scripts that interact with NetSuite data following RESTful principles. RESTlets
extend the SuiteScript API to allow custom integrations with NetSuite. Some benefits of using RESTlets
include the ability to:
■ Find opportunities to enhance usability and performance, by implementing a RESTful integration that
is more lightweight and flexible than SOAP-based web services.
■ Support stateless communication between client and server.
■ Control client and server implementation.
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■ Use built-in authentication based on token or user credentials in the HTTP header.
■ Develop mobile clients on platforms such as iPhone and Android.
■ Integrate external Web-based applications such as Gmail or Google Apps.
■ Create backends for Suitelet-based user interfaces.
RESTlets offer ease of adoption for developers familiar with SuiteScript and support more behaviors than
SOAP-based web services, which are limited to those defined as SOAP web services operations. RESTlets
are also more secure than Suitelets, which are made available to users without login. For a more detailed
comparison, see the help topic RESTlets vs. Other NetSuite Integration Options.
For more information about the REST architectural style, a description of the constraints and principles is
available at
Important: To maintain the highest security standards for connectivity, NetSuite periodically
updates server certificates and the trusted certificate store we use for https requests. We expect
client applications that integrate with NetSuite to use an up-to-date certificate store, to ensure
that integrations do not break due to certificates expiring or changing security standards. This
issue typically does not affect modern browsers because these clients are maintained to use the
latest certificates.
You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to manage RESTlet scripts as part of file-
based customization projects. For information about SDF, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development
Framework Overview. You can use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual RESTlet script to
another of your accounts. Each RESTlet script page has a clickable Copy to Account option in the upper
right corner. For information about Copy to Account, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
RESTlets support the entire SuiteScript API and general SuiteScript features such as debugging. For
general information about using SuiteScript, see SuiteScript 1.0 - The Basics.
The following topics provide details specific to the RESTlet type of script:
SuiteScript 1.0
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1. A client initiates an HTTP request for a system-generated URL. This request can originate from an
external client or from a client hosted by NetSuite.
2. The sender of the HTTP request is authenticated either through request-level credentials passed
by the NetSuite-specific method NLAuth, the NetSuite implementation of OAuth 1.0, or through a
check for an existing NetSuite session.
■ For an externally hosted client using NLAuth, request-level credentials are required.
■ For an externally hosted client using OAuth 1.0, a token is required.
■ For a NetSuite-hosted client, the existing NetSuite session is reused.
See the help topic Authentication for RESTlets.
3. The RESTlet script is invoked, providing access to the server SuiteScript API.
4. A string, or an object that has been deserialized according to a predefined specification, is passed
in to the RESTlet. See Supported Input and Output Content Types for RESTlets.
5. The RESTlet interrogates the string or object, and can perform any of the full range of SuiteScript
6. The RESTlet returns results as a string or a serialized object. nlobjResponse
Important: The URL used to invoke a RESTlet varies according to whether the RESTlet client is
externally hosted or hosted by NetSuite. See RESTlet URL and Domain.
■ For a RESTlet called from an external client, the URL must be an absolute URL. This URL includes your
account-specific RESTlet domain. If you do not know your account-specific URL, use the REST roles
service to dynamically discover the correct domain. For details, see the help topic The REST Roles
■ For a RESTlet called from a client hosted by NetSuite, the URL should be a relative URL. That is, the URL
does not include the domain.
When the NetSuite account is hosted at <accountID>, the RESTlet also uses the
same base URL. For example, if you use /app/site/hosting/ (as seen in the following
screenshot) and deploy that RESTlet in accounts located in different data centers, the application will
correctly prefix /app/site/hosting/ with the base URL, as appropriate for the location of
each account.
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■ The URL field displays the relative URL, used by NetSuite-hosted clients for any references made to
objects inside NetSuite.
■ The External URL field displays an absolute URL that can be used to call the RESTlet from outside of
NetSuite. However, any integrations you create must dynamically discover the domain that makes up
the first part of this URL (
Note: RESTlets use the same debugging domain as other SuiteScript types, https:// Whether the RESTlet client is hosted externally or by NetSuite does not
change the debugger domain used. See RESTlet Debugging.
For more information about NetSuite domains, see the help topic Understanding NetSuite URLs.
You must set the content type in the HTTP Content-Type header. You can use the following values to
specify the input/output content type for a RESTlet:
■ application/json
■ text/plain
If you specify a content type other than JSON or text, a 415 error is returned with the following message:
Invalid content type. You can only use application/json or text/plain with RESTlets.
■ Each JSON object is an unordered set of name/value pairs, or members, enclosed in curly braces.
□ Each member is followed by a comma, which is called a value separator.
□ Within each member, the name is separated from the value by a colon, which is called a name
□ Each name and each value is enclosed in quotation marks.
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■ Each JSON array is an ordered sequence of values, enclosed in square braces. Array values are
separated by commas.
For examples of how to format JSON input for restlets, see Sample RESTlet Input Formats.
POST Object Object Submits data to be processed, for example from an HTML form.
Data is included in the body of the request, and can result in
creation of a new resource, updates of existing resource(s), or
DELETE Parameter No Content Passes in the ID and record type of the resource to be deleted, so
Object that nlapiDeleteRecord or other delete-related logic can be called.
The functions that implement these methods are specified on a RESTlet's script record. Each RESTlet must
have a function for at least one of these HTTP methods. Each HTTP method can call any SuiteScript nlapi
functions. See Create the RESTlet Script Record.
SuiteScript currently does not support a logout operation similar to the one used to terminate a session
in SOAP web services.
Important: Starting from version 2017.2, web services and RESTlet concurrency is governed
per account. The new account governance limit applies to the combined total of web services
and RESTlet requests. For details about this change, see the help topic Web Services and RESTlet
Concurrency Governance.
RESTlet Debugging
You can use the SuiteScript Debugger to debug RESTlet scripts, in the same manner that you use it to
debug other types of server SuiteScripts. RESTlets use the same debugging domain as other SuiteScript
types, Both on demand debugging and deployed debugging are
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 50
supported for RESTlets. For general instructions for using the Debugger, see the help topic SuiteScript
Important: For deployed debugging of a RESTlet, you need to set the session cookies of the
client application that run the RESTlet to the same cookies listed for the RESTlet in the Debugger.
Also, you must remove the authorization header from your RESTlet before debugging. For more
details, see Debugging a RESTlet.
RESTlets also support the SuiteScript nlapiCreateError function. You can include this API in your code to
abort script execution when an error occurs. For details, see the help topic Error Handling APIs.
RESTlet Security
The URLs for RESTlet HTTP requests can vary, but all resources are protected by TLS encryption.
Only requests sent using TLS 1.2 encryption are granted access. For more on RESTlet domains, see
RESTlet URL and Domain. For more information, see the help topic Supported TLS Protocol and Cipher
Creating a RESTlet
To run a RESTlet in NetSuite, you must first define your client code and behavior, then define your RESTlet
and its required functions. The client will send requests to the RESTlet URL generated by NetSuite.
To define a RESTlet:
1. Create a .js file and add your code to it, in the same manner that you create other types of
SuiteScript files, as described in Step 1: Create Your Script.
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RESTlets 51
This single script file should include GET, POST, DELETE, or PUT function(s) as necessary.
2. After you have created a .js file with your RESTlet code, you need to add this file to the NetSuite File
The following steps describe how to add the file manually. If you are using SuiteCloud IDE, this
process is automated. For more information, see Step 2: Add Script to NetSuite File Cabinet.
1. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet, and select the folder where you want to add the file.
You should add your file to the SuiteScripts folder, but it can be added to any other folder
of your choice.
2. Click Add File, and browse to the .js file.
1. Go to Setup > Customization > Scripts > New, and click RESTlet.
2. Complete fields in the script record and save.
Although you do not need to set every field on the Script record, at a minimum you must provide a
Name for the Script record, load your SuiteScript file to the record, and specify at least one of the
following executing functions on the Scripts tab: GET, POST, DELETE, or PUT.
You can specify more than one of these functions as desired. These functions should all be in the
main script file. If these functions call functions in other script files, you need to list those files as
library script files.
For more details about creating a script record, see Steps for Creating a Script Record.
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RESTlets 52
Note: After you have saved a RESTlet deployment, the deployment record includes the
URL used to invoke the RESTlet. For a RESTlet called from an externally hosted client, use
the External URL. For a RESTlet called from a client hosted by NetSuite, use the URL that
does not include the domain. See RESTlet URL and Domain.
Debugging a RESTlet
You can use the NetSuite Debugger to debug RESTlet code in the same manner that you debug other
types of SuiteScript code, as described in the NetSuite Help Center topic Debugging SuiteScript.
■ To debug code snippets before you have a RESTlet script record that has been deployed, called on
demand debugging, follow the instructions in Ad-hoc Debugging. (Be sure not to include the RESTlet's
authorization header in the code snippets to be debugged, as this header can prevent the debugger
from working.)
■ To debug an existing script that has a defined deployment, called deployed debugging, follow the
steps below.
Important: In addition to debugging RESTlet script code, you should test the HTTP request to
be sent to the RESTlet. Free tools are available for this purpose. See RESTlet HTTP Testing Tools.
1. Before you deploy a RESTlet to be debugged, ensure that the script does not include the HTTP
authorization header, as this header can prevent the debugger from working.
2. Ensure that on the script deployment record, the Status value is set to Testing.
3. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Debugger, or log in to the debugger domain https:// (See Deployed Debugging for details.)
4. Click the Debug Existing button in the main Script Debugger page.
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 53
Note: This button only appears when you have deployed scripts with the status is set to
5. Select the RESTlet script that you want to debug in the Script Debugger popup.
After you click the Select option button, the RESTlet's cookies display in a banner.
6. Copy the cookies and paste them into a text file so that you have them available.
7. Click the Select and Close button in the Script Debugger popup.
The main Script Debugger page displays a message that it is waiting for user action.
8. Set the cookies in your client application to the values you copied in step 6, and send the RESTlet
The main Script Debugger page displays the script execution as pending at the NetSuite function
9. You have the following options for debugging your script code:
■ Click the Step Over button to begin stepping through each line of code.
■ Add watches and evaluate expressions.
■ Set break points and click the Run button to run the code. The Debugger will stop code
execution at the first break point set.
■ Set no break points, click the Run button, and have the Debugger execute the entire piece of
See the help topic Script Debugger Interface for information about stepping into/out of functions,
adding watches, setting and removing break points, and evaluating expressions.
If you have installed and set up SuiteCloud IDE, a debug client is available for your use. The RESTlet/
Suitelet Debug Client enables you to debug deployed RESTlet and Suitelet SuiteScripts with the
SuiteCloud IDE Debugger. The client is only accessible after a debug session is started. For details about
this client, see the help topic Using the RESTlet/Suitelet Debug Client in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for Eclipse.
For information about SuiteCloud IDE, see the help topic SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for Eclipse Usage.
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 54
This tool is a free Web debugging proxy that you can use to log HTTP traffic, and inspect the HTTP
request and response for the RESTlet.
Warning: The above information about free tools is provided as a courtesy and is not intended
as an endorsement of these tools.
function sayhi()
var o = new Object();
o.sayhi = 'Hello World! ';
return o;
Alternatively, you can use the following example with a content-type header value of text/plain:
function sayhi()
var o = new Object();
o.sayhi = 'Hello World! ';
return JSON.stringify(o);
Note: RESTlets support the entire SuiteScript API and general SuiteScript features such as
debugging. For more information, see Working with RESTlets.
GET Method
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 55
POST Method
Request Payload:
SuiteScript 1.0
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function getRESTletURL()
return 'https://<accountID>'+getAccount(); // for
function credentials()
// Portlet function
function displayOpportunities(portlet)
var col = portlet.addColumn('id','text', 'ID', 'LEFT');
col.addParamToURL('id','id', true);
portlet.addColumn('title','text', 'Opportunity', 'LEFT');
portlet.addColumn('customer','text', 'Customer', 'LEFT');
portlet.addColumn('salesrep','text', 'Sales Rep', 'LEFT');
portlet.addColumn('amount','currency', 'Amount', 'RIGHT');
portlet.addColumn('probability','currency', 'Probability', 'RIGHT');
function getOpportunites()
var url = getRESTletURL() + '&daterange=daysAgo90&&probability=10';
var cred = new credentials();
return responsebody['nssearchresult'];
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 57
this.probability = probability;
this.amount = amount;
this.customer = customer;
this.salesrep = salesrep;
// Loop through all search results. When the results are returned, use methods
// on the nlobjSearchResult object to get values for specific fields.
for ( var i = 0; searchresults != null && i < searchresults.length; i++ )
var searchresult = searchresults[ i ];
var record = searchresult.getId( );
var salesrep = searchresult.getValue( 'salesrep' );
var salesrep_display = searchresult.getText( 'salesrep' );
var salesrep_email = searchresult.getValue( 'email', 'salesrep' );
var customer = searchresult.getValue( 'entity' );
var customer_display = searchresult.getText( 'entity' );
var customer_email = searchresult.getValue( 'email', 'customer' );
var expectedclose = searchresult.getValue( 'expectedclosedate' );
var projectedamount = searchresult.getValue( 'projectedamount' );
var probability = searchresult.getValue( 'probability' );
var title = searchresult.getValue( 'title' );
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 58
String authorization = "NLAuth nlauth_account=" + account + ", nlauth_email=" + email + ", nlauth_signature="+password+",
post.setHeader( "Authorization", authorization );
post.setHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json" );
post.setHeader( "Accept", "*/*" );
//Setting up URL
var url = "https://<accountID>";
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 59
//Setting up Headers
var headers = {"User-Agent-x": "SuiteScript-Call",
"Authorization": "NLAuth nlauth_account=" + cred.account + ", nlauth_email=" + +
", nlauth_signature= " + cred.password + ", nlauth_role=" + cred.role,
"Content-Type": "application/json"};
//Setting up Datainput
var jsonobj = {"recordtype": "customer",
"entityid": "John Doe",
"companyname": "ABC Company",
"subsidiary": "1",
"email": ""}
//Stringifying JSON
var myJSONText = JSON.stringify(jsonobj, replacer);
//**************RESTLET Code****************
For a general explanation of JSON, see Using JSON Objects and Arrays.
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 60
... more body fields...,
"entityid":"John Doe",
"resubscribelink":"Send Subscription Email"
<datecreated>12/19/2010 10:26 pm</datecreated>
<lastmodifieddate>12/20/2010 10:14 am</lastmodifieddate>
<entityid>John Doe</entityid>
<addrtext>Netsuite100 Mission StreetFoster City CA 94404United States</addrtext>
<city>Foster City</city>
<addr1>100 Mission Street</addr1>
<addrtext>Netsuite2955 Campus DriveSan Mateo CA 94403United States</addrtext>
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 61
<city>San Mateo</city>
<addr1>2955 Campus Drive</addr1>
"salesdescription":"Cat 5 Patch Cable 10 ft",
"name":"British pound",
"name":"Alternate Price 1",
"name":"Alternate Price 2",
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 62
Repeat for other currencies
"itemid":"Cable - Cat 5, 10 ft",
<salesdescription>Cat 5 Patch Cable 10 ft</salesdescription>
<createddate>10/12/2006 8:37 pm</createddate>
<pricelevelname>Base Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Alternate Price 3</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Corporate Discount Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Employee Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Online Price</pricelevelname>
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 63
<pricelevelname>Base Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Alternate Price 3</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Corporate Discount Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Employee Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Online Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Base Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Alternate Price 3</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Corporate Discount Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Employee Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Online Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Base Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Alternate Price 3</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Corporate Discount Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Employee Price</pricelevelname>
<pricelevelname>Online Price</pricelevelname>
<itemid>Cable - Cat 5, 10 ft</itemid>
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 64
"pricelevel":{"name":"Base Price","internalid":"1"},
"pricelevel":{"name":"Alternate Price 1","internalid":"2"},
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 65
"pricelevel":{"name":"Alternate Price 2","internalid":"3"},
"pricelevel":{"name":"Alternate Price 3","internalid":"4"},
"pricelevel":{"name":"Online Price","internalid":"5"},
"pricelevel":{"name":"Base Price","internalid":"1"},
"pricelevel":{"name":"Alternate Price 1","internalid":"2"},
"pricelevel":{"name":"Alternate Price 2","internalid":"3"},
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 66
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 67
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 68
"billaddress":"Doug Fabre\r\nChess\r\nChess Art Gallery\r\n150 N Ocean Dr\r\nMonterey CA 93940",
"lastmodifieddate":"1/9/2011 11:34 pm",
{"trandate":"10/14/2006","tranid":"8","type":"Item Fulfillment","linktype":"Receipt/Fulfillment"}
"custbody2":"Do not leave the item outside the house",
"createddate":"10/14/2006 2:58 pm",
"istaxable":"T","description":"10 ft Serial Cable DB25M DB25F",
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 69
"shipaddress":"Chess\r\nChess Art Gallery\r\n150 N Ocean Dr\r\nMonterey CA 93940","tobeemailed":false
<billaddress>Doug FabreChessChess Art Gallery150 N Ocean DrMonterey CA 93940</billaddress>
<lastmodifieddate>1/9/2011 11:34 pm</lastmodifieddate>
<custbody2>Do not leave the item outside the house</custbody2>
<type>Item Fulfillment</type>
<createddate>10/14/2006 2:58 pm</createddate>
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 70
<description>10 ft Serial Cable DB25M DB25F</description>
<shipaddress>ChessChess Art Gallery150 N Ocean DrMonterey CA 93940</shipaddress>
■ Success Code
■ Error Codes
■ Notes about RESTlet Errors
■ Error Message Formatting
■ Error for Incorrect URL
Success Code
RESTlets support the following HTTP success code:
Error Codes
RESTlets support the following HTTP error codes:
■ 302 Moved Temporarily: The request was sent to a different data center than the data center in
which your company’s account resides. When you receive a 302 response, you must recalculate the
signature on the request to the correct data center, because the signature is also computed from URL.
■ 400 BAD_REQUEST: The RESTlet request failed with a user error.
■ 401 UNAUTHORIZED: There is not a valid NetSuite login session for the RESTlet calls.
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 71
■ 403 FORBIDDEN: RESTlet request sent to invalid domain, meaning a domain other than https://
■ 404 NOT_FOUND: A RESTlet script is not defined in the RESTlet request.
■ 405 METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: The RESTlet request method is not valid.
■ 415 UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE: An unsupported content type was specified. (Only JSON and text
are allowed.)
■ 500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR (unexpected errors): Occurs for non-user errors that cannot be
recovered by resubmitting the same request.
If this type of error occurs, contact Customer Support to file a case.
■ 503 SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: The NetSuite database is offline or a database connection is not
SuiteScript 1.0
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<message>That Suitelet is invalid, disabled, or no longer exists.</message>
error message: That Suitelet is invalid, disabled, or no longer exists.
When using token-based authentication (TBA), you create an integration record to represent each
external application that calls RESTlets. You use the integration record to generate the consumer key and
secret needed by the application to authenticate. You can also use the record to do the following:
■ Block requests that reference the record’s consumer key. You can block requests by setting the
record’s State field to Blocked.
■ Enable or disable token-based authentication for an external application. Note that an integration
record can also be used to track web services requests. An additional authentication option on
the record, User Credentials, applies only to web services requests. Checking or clearing the User
Credentials box has no effect on whether the application can call RESTlets. The User Credentials option
affects only SOAP web services calls.
Integration records are located at Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations. The record can be
accessed only by administrative users.
For full details on using the integration record to set up token-based authentication, see the help topic
Token-based Authentication (TBA).
For more information about using integration records in conjunction with RESTlets, see the following
SuiteScript 1.0
RESTlets 73
■ More Information
You can also install records in your account that were created elsewhere. For example, an integration
record can be packaged, distributed, and installed outside the account where it was created. If you install
a SuiteApp that includes an integration record, the record is considered to be an installed record. It is
owned by a different NetSuite account. On such records, you can make changes to only two fields: the
Note field and the State field. All other fields, including the authentication and Description fields, can
be changed only by an authorized user in the account that owns the record. When the owner makes
changes to these fields, the new settings are pushed automatically to your account. These changes are
not reflected in the system notes that appear in your account.
Note: Calls made using the NLAuth method of authentication are not logged on any integration
For each logged request, the RESTlets Execution Log includes details such as the following:
For each event, the system records details such as the ID of the user who made the change and the
timestamp of the change. If a user assigns a value to a field that already had a value, the system note also
shows the field’s former setting.
Be aware that in general, system notes are created only for those fields that you are permitted to change.
For additional details, see the help topic Special Cases Related to System Notes Logging. Be aware that
this section is part of the SOAP Web Services Platform Guide. Some of the detail in this guide pertains only
or primarily to web services.
You can locate system notes for integration records in either of the following ways:
■ By using the System Note search type, at Reports > New Search.
SuiteScript 1.0
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More Information
For more information about managing integration records, see the help topic Integration Management,
which is part of the SOAP Web Services Platform Guide. Be aware that some of the detail in this guide
pertains only or primarily to SOAP web services:
Scheduled Scripts
■ Overview of Scheduled Script Topics
■ What Are Scheduled Scripts?
■ When Will My Scheduled Script Execute?
■ Submitting a Script for Processing
■ Creating Multiple Deployments for a Scheduled Script
■ Using nlapiScheduleScript to Submit a Script for Processing
■ Understanding Scheduled Script Deployment Statuses
■ Scheduled Scripts on Accounts with Multiple Processors (SuiteCloud Plus)
■ Executing a Scheduled Script in Certain Contexts
■ Setting Recovery Points in Scheduled Scripts
SuiteScript 1.0
Scheduled Scripts 75
Important: All NetSuite accounts are provided a single SuiteCloud Processor for running
scripts. You can increase the number of processors by purchasing a SuiteCloud Plus license.
See the help topics SuiteCloud Plus Settings and Scheduled Scripts on Accounts with Multiple
Processors (SuiteCloud Plus) for more information.
You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to manage scheduled scripts as part of file-
based customization projects. For information about SDF, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development
Framework Overview. You can use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual scheduled script to
SuiteScript 1.0
Scheduled Scripts 76
another of your accounts. Each scheduled script page has a clickable Copy to Account option in the upper
right corner. For information about Copy to Account, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
Important: Be aware that scheduled scripts that do mass modifications of data may prompt
the system to generate automatic email notifications. For example, if the data being modified is
on an Activity record that is set to automatically send an email each time the record is updated, an
email will be sent when the scheduled script runs and data is updated.
Important: Even when there are no other scripts pending or running, and you submit a script
for execution, there may be a short system delay before your script is executed.
When you use the Script Deployment page to schedule the deployment of a script, the times you set on
the Schedule subtab are the times the script is being submitted for processing. The times you set on
the Schedule subtab are not necessarily the times the script will execute.
Starting on February 13, 2017, a script is submitted for daily processing at 10:00pm, and then every
15 minutes after that until midnight of the same day. Be aware that the schedule starts over each day,
so the start time does not apply only to the starting day, but to each cycle of the schedule. Therefore,
on Feb 14, 2017, the script is not be submitted until 10pm. Following 10pm, the script is submitted
SuiteScript 1.0
Scheduled Scripts 77
at the set interval of 15 minutes until midnight of Feb 14th. The script deployment schedule does not
mean the script is executed precisely at 10:00pm, 10:15pm, 10:30pm, and so on. It means the script is
submitted for processing, but its runtime is based on the order in which pending jobs are sent to the
SuiteCloud Processor determined by the scheduler.
To learn more about how to deploy a script, see Submitting a Script for Processing.
Important: All companies using NetSuite are provided a single SuiteCloud Processor for
running their scheduled scripts. You can increase the number of processors by purchasing a
SuiteCloud Plus license. See the help topics SuiteCloud Plus Settings and Scheduled Scripts on
Accounts with Multiple Processors (SuiteCloud Plus) for more information.
Important: After a script is submitted for processing, there may be a short system delay before
the script is executed, even if no scripts are before it. If there are scripts already waiting to be
executed, the script may need to wait until other scripts have completed.
Note: You can create multiple on demand or future deployments of the same script. There are
specific use cases for why you may want to create multiple deployments for the same scheduled
script. See Creating Multiple Deployments for a Scheduled Script to learn more.
Note: To understand why you may want to set the deployment status to either Not Scheduled or
Testing for an on demand deployment, see Understanding the Difference Between Not Scheduled
and Testing Deployment Statuses.
Deployments set to Not Scheduled can also be submitted for processing on-demand with a call to
nlapiScheduleScript. For details, see Using nlapiScheduleScript to Submit a Script for Processing.
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6. Select Save.
7. Click the Deploy Script button on the page that appears.
8. When the Script Deployment page opens, select the Deployed box if it is not already checked.
9. Select Not Scheduled (or Testing) from the Status field.
10. Select the Single Event radio button.
11. Select Save.
12. Select Edit, and then from the Save dropdown list, select Save and Execute.
Important: Even if you initiate an on demand deployment of a script that immediately submits
the script for processing, this does not mean the script will execute right away. After a script is
submitted for processing, there may be a short system delay before the script is executed, even if
no scripts are before it. If there are scripts already waiting to be executed, the script may wait to
be executed until other scripts have completed.
Testing ■ You want to test the script by running it immediately. The script will run only in the script
owner's account. After setting the deployment status to Testing, click Save and Execute
on the Script Deployment page to run the script.
■ You want to load the script into the SuiteScript Debugger. Only scheduled scripts with the
deployment status set to Testing can be loaded into the Debugger.
Not Scheduled ■ Set to Not Scheduled after all of the scheduling options have been set (time, date,
frequency). However, the script is not yet ready to be executed.
■ If you set your scheduling options, set the deployment status to Not Scheduled, and click
Save, the script will not run at the times you have specified.
Important: Scripts with a deployment status set to Not Scheduled will run only
on an on demand basis. For example, when you click Save and Execute from the
deployment page, or make a call to nlapiScheduleScript.
■ If you set the deployment status to Not Scheduled, and then select either Daily Event, Weekly Event
(or any event type other than Single Event ), and click Save and Execute, the script will still only run
one time.
■ After a Not Scheduled script completes its on demand execution, NetSuite automatically re-sets the
deployment status back to Not Scheduled.
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Scheduled Scripts 79
Deployment times can be scheduled with a frequency of every 15 minutes, for example 2:00 pm, 2:15 pm,
2:30 pm, and so on.
When you use the Script Deployment page to create the deployment of a script, the times you set on the
Schedule subtab are the times the script is being submitted for processing. The times you set on the
Schedule subtab are not necessarily the times the script will execute. Script deployment does not
mean the script will execute precisely at 2:00 pm, 2:15 pm, 2:30 pm , and so on.
A scheduled script's deployment status should be set to Scheduled for the following reasons:
■ The script was set to Testing, but is now ready for production.
■ The script does not need to be executed immediately.
■ The script must run at recurring times.
1. After creating your SuiteScript JavaScript file, create a new Script record for your script. Go to
Customization > Scripting > Script > New.
2. On the Upload Script File page, for the Script File field, choose your script file.
3. Select Create Script Record.
4. Select Scheduled.
5. On the Script page, provide a Name for the Script record, and specify the script's executing
6. Select Save.
7. Select the Deploy Script button on the page that appears.
8. When the Script Deployment page opens, click the Deployed box if it is not already checked.
9. Select Scheduled from the Status dropdown list.
10. On the Schedule tab, set all deployment options.
11. Click Save.
Note: You can create multiple on demand or future deployments of the same script. There are
specific use cases for why you may want to create multiple deployments for the same scheduled
script. See Creating Multiple Deployments for a Scheduled Script to learn more.
Note: You can set unique deployment options for a scheduled scripts on it’s Script page or
Script Deployment page.
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Scheduled Scripts 80
Note: See the help topic SuiteScript Governance and Limits for information about scheduled
script governance limits.
Important: All NetSuite accounts are provided a single processor for running scripts. You can
increase the number of processors by purchasing a SuiteCloud Plus license. See the help topics
SuiteCloud Plus Settings and Scheduled Scripts on Accounts with Multiple Processors (SuiteCloud
Plus) for more information.
To edit or access each deployment, go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments..
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You can create additional script deployments from existing deployments. This is useful for quickly adding
extra deployments for scheduled scripts.
Note: For more information about nlapiScheduleScript, see Using nlapiScheduleScript to Submit
a Script for Processing. Also see the API documentation for nlapiScheduleScript(scriptId, deployId,
Note: The nlapiScheduleScript(scriptId, deployId, params) function may return NULL if the script
that was called has not yet been deployed or does not exist in NetSuite.
The ability to call nlapiScheduleScript from within a scheduled script allows developers to automatically
resubmit their currently executing script for processing. Otherwise, scheduled scripts must be
resubmitted manually through the Script Deployment page. See Example 2 in Scheduled Script Samples
for code that shows how to programmatically resubmit a scheduled script.
Developers should call nlapiScheduleScript in a scheduled script if they think the script is coming close to
exceeding the 10,000 unit limit allotted to scheduled scripts. The call to nlapiScheduleScript will resubmit
the script, and the script can then run to completion without exceeding any governance limits.
Note that if nlapiScheduleScript is used in a scheduled script to call another scheduled script, instruction
count limits are applied to each script separately, since (technically) you are running two different
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Scheduled Scripts 82
scheduled scripts. In other words, both “scheduled script A ” and “scheduled script B,” which was called by
“scheduled script A ” can each consume 10,000 units.
See the help topic SuiteScript Governance and Limits for information about unit-based governance limits.
Note: If submitted scheduled scripts are requested at the same time or rapidly in succession, the
scheduled tasks may not proceed to the Queued status.
■ Not Scheduled: Means that the script is not currently scheduled for processing. By clicking Save and
Execute on the Script Deployment page, scheduled scripts with a Not Scheduled deployment status
are submitted for processing on demand. Scripts with a Not Scheduled deployment status can also be
programmatically submitted through a call to nlapiScheduleScript.
■ Scheduled : Means that the script will be submitted for processing at the time(s) specified on the
Schedule subtab of the Script Deployment page. If the submission is set to happen on a recurring
basis, the script's deployment status will remain as Scheduled, even after the script completes its
execution. The script will then be resubmitted at its specified time(s).
■ Testing : Means that when the scheduled script is executed, it will run only in the script owner's
account. Note that when the deployment status is set to Testing, the only way to submit the script
for processing is by clicking Save and Execute on the Script Deployment page. You cannot schedule
testing times and then click Save.
□ Also note that only scheduled scripts with a deployment status set to Testing can be loaded into
the SuiteScript Debugger.
This table summarizes what you can and cannot do with a scheduled script depending on the script's
deployment status on the Script Deployment page.
The second column states whether the script can be submitted through the UI.
The third column states whether the script can be submitted using nlapiScheduleScript.
Not Scheduled YES. You must click the Save and Execute button on YES. See Using nlapiScheduleScript
the Script Deployment page. to Submit a Script for Processing for
SuiteScript 1.0
Scheduled Scripts 83
Note: You cannot execute another instance of the same deployment until the current instance
completes. A submitted instance can be canceled from the Scheduled Script Status page if it hasn't
started processing yet. See Use the Status Page or Status Links.
Important: The type argument is an auto-generated argument passed by the system. You
cannot set this as a parameter for a specific deployment like other function arguments.
■ If the script is unexpectedly aborted, it can be restarted from the last successful recovery point.
■ Pause (yield) the execution of a script at a specified point.
■ Governance usage limits have been reached.
SuiteScript 1.0
Scheduled Scripts 84
See the API documentation on nlapiSetRecoveryPoint() and nlapiYieldScript() for more details and
example usage.
There are several useful techniques to reduce the memory overhead of scripts. Certain returned objects,
for example nlobjRecord and nlobjSearchResult can be quite large. To reduce the memory consumed by
these objects, convert them to native JavaScript objects and then operate on those objects instead.
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Scheduled Scripts 85
This view will show all scheduled scripts in your accounts and each deployment of the script. You can use
filtering options at the top of the page to see the runtime status of specific scripts and deployments.
Important: Script execution details are purged after 30 days. Also note that the statuses
listed on the Scheduled Script Status page are not related to the statuses that appear on a Script
Deployment page. The statuses on Script Deployment pages (Not Scheduled, Scheduled, Testing)
indicate the type of deployment. The statuses on the Scheduled Script Status page indicate where
the scheduled script is in terms of its execution.
In both cases, when the Scheduled Script Status page opens, it shows the runtime statuses of all
deployed instances of a particular script.
If you want to see the runtime statuses of other deployments of a particular script, use the Deployment
ID filter to choose another deployment of this script. You can also choose ALL to see the runtime statuses
of every scheduled script deployment of this script.
If you want to see the runtime statuses of other scripts, use the Script filter to choose another script.
Then use the Deployment ID filter to specify which deployments of the script you want to see the
runtime status for.
For a summary of SuiteCloud Plus capabilities, see the help topics SuiteCloud Plus Settings and NetSuite
Service Tiers. To purchase or learn more about SuiteCloud Plus, contact your NetSuite account manager.
When you upgrade your account to include multiple script processors, multiple scripts can run in parallel.
For example, if two scripts are submitted for processing, the second script may begin before the first
script is complete. If you have one script with five deployment instances, all of them could run at the same
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To process multiple instances of the same scheduled script, developers can create multiple deployments
for the same script. Script instances submitted for processing are automatically assigned free processors
in an order determined by a scheduler. When there is no free processor, the next script in order waits for
one to become free.
You can use a queue argument to obtain the queue number assigned to a scheduled script. The queue
argument is the second argument passed to the main executing function of a scheduled script. (The first
argument is the type argument, which you can use regardless of whether you have a SuiteCloud Plus
license. For details on the type argument, Executing a Scheduled Script in Certain Contexts.)
The queue argument provides the id of the queue selected in the Queue field of the scheduled script's
Script Deployment page, if that deployment uses a queue assignment.
Important: The queue argument is an auto-generated argument passed by the system. You
cannot set this as a parameter for a specific deployment like other function arguments.
If you have purchased one or more SuiteCloud Plus licenses, see the help topic SuiteCloud Plus Settings
for valid queue argument values. This argument is not applicable when the script instance was created
from a deployment that does not use queues.
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Scheduled Scripts 87
function updateSalesOrders()
var context = nlapiGetContext();
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('salesorder', 'customscript_orders_to_update')
if ( searchresults == null )
for ( var i = 0; i < searchresults.length; i++ )
nlapiSubmitField('salesorder', searchresults[i].getId(), 'custbody_approved', 'T')
if ( context.getRemainingUsage() <= 0 && (i+1) < searchresults.length )
var status = nlapiScheduleScript(context.getScriptId(), context.getDeploymentId())
if ( status == 'QUEUED' )
This example illustrates a daily scheduled script for processing a drip marketing campaign with two touch
points and one branch point. The basic workflow involves:
■ Schedule Campaign for new leads (clone and schedule an existing campaign)
■ Schedule follow-up Campaign for leads that are seven days old but whose statuses have not changed
■ Schedule follow-up phone calls for sales reps assigned to these leads
■ Schedule Campaign for leads that are seven days old whose statuses have since been upgraded
■ custscript_newleads campaign list parameter containing base campaign used for emailing new leads
■ custscript_weekold campaign list parameter containing base campaign used for emailing week old
unchanged leads
SuiteScript 1.0
Scheduled Scripts 88
■ custscript_converted campaign list parameter containing base campaign used for emailing week old
upgraded leads
■ custscript_leadstatus entitystatus list parameter containing the status used to define what a "new" lead
nlapiSubmitRecord( campaign );
function scheduleFollowUpPhoneCall()
var filters = new Array();
filters[0] = new nlobjSearchFilter('datecreated',null,'on','daysago7');
filters[1] = new nlobjSearchFilter('status',null,'equalto', custscript_leadstatus);
SuiteScript 1.0
Scheduled Scripts 89
placed today and within the last 30 days from the same customer. After retrieving the results, the
scheduled script then sends these customers an email on behalf of the sales rep to thank them for
their repeated business.
Note there are several nlobjContext.getRemainingUsage() API calls in the sample. This API provides
the remaining SuiteScript usage to help scripts monitor how close they are to running into SuiteScript
usage governance.
* This scheduled script looks for customers that
* have placed multiple orders in the last 30 days.
* It will send a thank you email to these customers
* on behalf of their sales reps.
function findHotCustomerScheduled(type)
//Invoke only when it is scheduled
if(type == 'scheduled')
//Obtaining the context object and logging the remaining usage available
var context = nlapiGetContext();
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'Remaining usage at script beginning', context.getRemainingUsage());
//Sending the thank you email to the customer on behalf of the sales rep
//Note the code to obtain the join column entity.salesrep
nlapiSendEmail(so.getValue('salesrep', 'entity'), so.getValue('entity'), subject, body);
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'Remaining usage after sending thank you email', context.getRemainingUsage());
SuiteScript 1.0
Scheduled Scripts 90
//so that the scheduled script API knows which script to run, set the custom ID
//specified on the Script record. Then set the custom ID on the Script Deployment
nlapiScheduleScript('customscript_audit_report', 'customdeploy_audit_report_dp', params);
Note: Since scheduled scripts also trigger user event scripts, developers may need to revisit the
design of their user event scripts to ensure they will be invoked by the correct execution contexts.
SuiteScript 1.0
Scheduled Scripts 91
function scheduled(type)
if (type == 'aborted')
// I might do something differently
function scheduled(type)
if (type == 'aborted')
// I might do something differently
if (nlapiGetContext().getTypeArgument() == 'aborted')
// I might do something differently
if (nlapiGetContext().getTypeArgument() == 'aborted')
// I might do something differently
Portlet Scripts
The following topics are covered in this section:
SuiteScript 1.0
Portlet Scripts 92
■ LIST - A standard list of user-defined column headers and rows (for example a Search Results
portlets). See List Portlet for an example of a list portlet.
■ FORM - A basic data entry form with up to one submit button embedded into a portlet (for example
a Quickadd portlet). This type of portlet supports APIs to refresh and resize the portlet, as well as the
use of record-level client-side script to implement validation. See Form-level and Record-level Client
Scripts for details about this type of script. See Form Portlet for an example of a form portlet.
■ HTML - An HTML-based portlet, the most flexible presentation format used to display free-form HTML
(images, Flash, custom HTML). See HTML Portlet for an example of an HTML portlet.
■ LINKS - This default portlet consists of rows of formatted content (for example an RSS portlet). See
Links Portlet for an example of a links portlet.
Be aware that the portlet type (LIST, FORM, HTML, LINKS) is not passed as a value in the portlet script
itself, rather it is defined on the portlet Script record page (see figure below). After you create your
portlet.js file, you will load your .js file into the File Cabinet, create a new script record for your file
( Customization > Scripts > New), and then select the portlet type from the Portlet Type drop-down menu.
You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to manage portlet scripts as part of file-
based customization projects. For information about SDF, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development
Framework Overview. You can use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual portlet script to
SuiteScript 1.0
Portlet Scripts 93
another of your accounts. Each portlet script page has a clickable Copy to Account option in the upper
right corner. For information about Copy to Account, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
When writing portlet scripts, NetSuite automatically passes two arguments to your user-defined function.
These arguments are:
For custom portlets on Customer Dashboards, NetSuite can pass the following additional argument:
Note that column is an optional argument. If you choose not to pass a column value in your script, you
can write:
Portlet scripts can only run after users have added the scripts to their dashboards. After the scripts have
been added, users must then open their dashboards for a portlet script to execute.
Note: To add portlet scripts to the dashboard, see Displaying Portlet Scripts on the Dashboard.
SuiteScript 1.0
Portlet Scripts 94
If you are new to SuiteScript and need information about each of these steps, see Running SuiteScript 1.0
in NetSuite Overview.
Important: Portlets scripts require that you reference the script from a custom portlet. See
Displaying Portlet Scripts on the Dashboard for details.
4. In the Set Up Scripted Content popup, select the desired portlet script from the Source drop-down
list, and then click Save.
The portlet will populate with data as defined in your portlet script.
■ List Portlet
■ Form Portlet
■ HTML Portlet
■ Links Portlet
The following image shows how the portlet samples appear in NetSuite:
SuiteScript 1.0
Portlet Scripts 95
Item Description
List Portlet
This script searches for a list of estimates and displays the results in a list format. See the help topic
nlobjPortlet for a list of portlet object methods.
function demoListPortlet(portlet, column)
portlet.setTitle(column != 2 ? "Estimates List" : "Estimates List Detail")
var col = portlet.addColumn('tranid','text', 'Number', 'LEFT');
col.addParamToURL('id','id', true);
portlet.addColumn('trandate','date', 'Date', 'LEFT');
portlet.addColumn('entity_display','text', 'Customer', 'LEFT');
if ( column == 2 )
portlet.addColumn('salesrep_display','text', 'Sales Rep', 'LEFT');
portlet.addColumn('amount','currency', 'Amount', 'RIGHT');
var returncols = new Array();
returncols[0] = new nlobjSearchColumn('trandate');
returncols[1] = new nlobjSearchColumn('tranid');
returncols[2] = new nlobjSearchColumn('entity');
returncols[3] = new nlobjSearchColumn('salesrep');
returncols[4] = new nlobjSearchColumn('amount');
var results = nlapiSearchRecord('estimate', null, new
nlobjSearchFilter('mainline',null,'is','T'), returncols);
SuiteScript 1.0
Portlet Scripts 96
Form Portlet
This script builds a simple form in a portlet that POSTs data to a servlet. This form includes one
embedded Submit button.
See the help topic nlobjPortlet for a list of portlet object methods.
function demoSimpleFormPortlet(portlet, column)
portlet.setTitle('Simple Form Portlet')
var fld = portlet.addField('text','text','Text');
var select = portlet.addField('fruit','select','Select');
portlet.setSubmitButton(nlapiResolveURL('SUITELET','customscript_simpleformbackend', 'customdeploy_simpleform'),'Submit');
HTML Portlet
This portlet script generates the HTML required to download and display a FLASH animation in an HTML
portlet. See the help topic nlobjPortlet for a list of portlet object methods.
function demoRichClientPortlet(portlet, column)
portlet.setTitle('Flash Portlet')
var content = "<table align=center border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=100%><tr><td>"+
"<OBJECT CLASSID='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'>"+
"<PARAM NAME='MOVIE' VALUE='/images/flash/tomato.swf'>"+
"<embed src='/images/flash/tomato.swf'></embed></OBJECT></td>
content = '<td><span>'+ content + '</span></td>'
portlet.setHtml( content );
Note: To use the HTML from a text file uploaded to the File Cabinet, substitute the HTML string
assigned to var content with nlapiLoadFile(id).getValue().
Links Portlet
This script makes an external request to to retrieve and display an RSS feed in a LINKS
portlet. The APIs used are nlapiRequestURL(url, postdata, headers, callback, httpMethod) to fetch the
RSS feed, nlapiStringToXML(text) to convert the feed into an XML document, and nlapiSelectNodes(node,
xpath) / nlapiSelectValue(node, xpath) to query the XML document for the RSS data.
See the help topic nlobjPortlet for a list of portlet object methods.
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Portlet Scripts 97
function demoRssPortlet(portlet)
portlet.setTitle('Custom RSS Feed');
var feeds = getRssFeed();
if ( feeds != null && feeds.length > 0 )
for ( var i=0; i < feeds.length ; i++ )
portlet.addLine('#'+(i+1)+': '+feeds[i].title, feeds[i].url, 0);
portlet.addLine(feeds[i].description, null, 1);
function getRssFeed()
var url = '';
var response = nlapiRequestURL( url, null, null );
var responseXML = nlapiStringToXML( response.getBody() );
var rawfeeds = nlapiSelectNodes( responseXML, "//item" );
var feeds = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < rawfeeds.length && i < 5 ; i++)
feeds[feeds.length++] = new rssfeed( nlapiSelectValue(rawfeeds[i], "title"),
nlapiSelectValue(rawfeeds[i], "link"),
nlapiSelectValue(rawfeeds[i], "description"));
return feeds;
Note: If you are not familiar with mass update functionality in NetSuite, see the help topic Mass
Changes or Updates in the NetSuite Help Center.
When a custom mass update is performed, the record type being updated is passed to a system-defined
rec_type parameter in the mass update script. Additionally, the internal ID of each record in the custom
mass update is passed to a system-defined rec_id parameter.
SuiteScript 1.0
Mass Update Scripts 98
Whether you are using a custom mass update to update fields that are (or are not) available through
inline editing, or you are updating fields based on the value of a SuiteScript script parameter, the
executing function in your script will include the rec_type and rec_id parameters. For example:
Note: See Mass Update Scripts Samples for more details on working with mass update scripts.
Like all other script types, you must create a Script record and a Script Deployment record for mass
update scripts. After you define the deployment for a mass update script and specify which record
types the script will run against, the record type(s) will appear under the Custom Updates dropdown list,
accessed by going to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates and select Custom Updates (see figure).
You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to manage mass update scripts as part of file-
based customization projects. For information about SDF, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development
Framework Overview. You can use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual mass update script
to another of your accounts. Each mass update script page has a clickable Copy to Account option in the
upper right corner. For information about Copy to Account, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
Also note that if multiple rows are returned for the same transaction, the custom mass update will still run
only one time per transaction.
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Mass Update Scripts 99
Note that your SuiteScript code must use the nlobjContext.getSetting(type, name) method to get the
user-defined value of the script parameter. See Mass Update Scripts Samples for more details on working
with script parameters within action scripts.
When you first create your script parameter you can set a parameter value as a user or company
preference. The parameter will default to this value, but users may edit it as they run the mass update.
When you preview a custom mass update, the selected parameters will be shown for reference in the
footer of the search results page.
Note: If you are not familiar with script parameters in SuiteScript, see the help topic Creating
Script Parameters Overview in the NetSuite Help Center.
Mass Update scripts are executed when users click the Perform Update button on the Mass Update
Preview Results page.
Important: Mass update scripts can only be invoked from the Mass Update page. They cannot
be invoked from another script type. For example, you cannot invoke a mass update script by
passing the script's scriptId and deployId to the nlapiScheduleScript(scriptId, deployId, params)
You have a choice of running mass update scripts as an administrator or as the logged-in user. As a script
owner, you must have the Mass Update permission to test and work with mass update scripts. Users
must have the Client SuiteScript and Server SuiteScript features enabled in their accounts for the scripts
SuiteScript 1.0
Mass Update Scripts 100
to run. Also be aware that users who perform the custom mass update need the appropriate permission
(Edit or Full) for the record types they are updating.
If a mass update script encounters an error, the script execution will abort. Only the updates that are
completed prior to the error will be committed to the database.
Also note that the execution context for a mass update script is custommassupdate. This is important if
you are trying to determine the execution context of a script using nlobjContext.getExecutionContext().
Finally, be aware that updates made to records during a custom mass update can trigger user event
scripts if there are user event scripts associated with the records being updated.
If you are new to SuiteScript and need information about steps 1–4, see Running SuiteScript 1.0 in
NetSuite Overview.
Important: When running mass update scripts in NetSuite, be aware of the following:
■ Mass update script deployments and mass updates can both be assigned an audience. It is the script
owner's responsibility to ensure the two audiences are in sync. If the two audiences do not match, the
mass update script will not run when users click the Perform Update button on the Mass Update page.
■ When users run custom mass updates, they must have the appropriate permission (Edit/Full) for the
record type(s) they are updating.
■ Users must also have SuiteScript enabled in their accounts. (Administrators can go to Setup >
Company > Enabled Features. In the SuiteCloud tab, click the Server SuiteScript box and the Client
SuiteScript box.)
SuiteScript 1.0
Mass Update Scripts 101
example) is defined on the action Script Deployment page. When the custom mass update is executed by
a user, the individual record IDs for each record of that type is passed to the mass update script's rec_id
Note that in the UI, the Memo field can be inline editing. In SuiteScript, fields that are inline editable are
updated using the nlapiSubmitField(type, id, fields, values, doSourcing) function.
In the sample above, when the user clicks the Perform Update button on the Mass Update Preview
Results page, the Memo field on all specified sales orders will be updated to the text value Premiere
Important: Be aware that if the Memo field were not inline editable, you would have to load
and submit each record in the custom mass update. The nlapiSubmitField function is used only on
fields that can be inline edited through the UI. For example mass update scripts that update fields
that are not available through inline edit, see Updating a field that is not available through inline
After all custom mass update search criteria are defined on the Mass Update page for the Opportunity
record type, this script will run on all Opportunity records that match the criteria. The Probability field will
then be updated to the new value.
Note that in this sample, you are required to load and submit the entire record to change the value of the
Probability field. You must do this when the field you want to change in the custom mass update cannot
be inline edited. In other words, you cannot update the field using nlapiSubmitField(type, id, fields, values,
doSourcing) without first loading the entire record object.
SuiteScript 1.0
Mass Update Scripts 102
1. Create an action script (see below for an example). The script below will update the Department
field on the record types specified in the action script's deployment. The update of the
Department field will be based on the user-defined value specified in Step 6.
Notice that the script's executing function takes the rec_type and rec_id parameters. When the
custom mass update is performed, the record type defined on the deployment and the internal ID
of each record will get passed to the executing function.
2. Create a mass update Script record and define the new script parameter (see figure).
3. Create a script deployment (see figure below). In this example, the Update Department script will
be deployed to Sales Order records.
4. After deploying the mass update script, go to Lists > Mass Update > Mass Updates. All custom
mass updates referencing a mass update script will appear under the Custom Updates dropdown
list. The following figure shows that the Update Department script has been deployed to the
Estimate and Sales Order record types (see figure).
SuiteScript 1.0
Mass Update Scripts 103
5. Click the custom mass update you want to execute. In this example, the Update Department link
under the Sales Order deployment is selected.
6. On the Mass Update page for the record type, specify the value of the script parameter. In this
example, the value of the New Department script parameter is set to Services (see figure).
7. Next, as with any mass update, use tabs on the Mass Update page to:
1. Define which records the custom mass update will apply to (Criteria tab).
2. Define which records you want to see when you preview the custom mass update (Results
3. Define the Audience that the custom mass update will apply to (Audience tab).
SuiteScript 1.0
Mass Update Scripts 104
Important: Be sure that the audience you define on the Mass Update page
matches the audience defined on the Script Deployment page.
4. Set the frequency with which you want the custom mass update to run (Schedule tab).
8. Click Preview to verify which records the custom mass update will apply to.
9. Click Perform Update to run the custom mass update.
You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to manage workflow action scripts as part of file-
based customization projects. For information about SDF, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development
Framework Overview. You can use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual workflow action
script to another of your accounts. Each workflow action script page has a clickable Copy to Account
option in the upper right corner. For information about Copy to Account, see the help topic Copy to
Account Overview.
You can create parameters for the action on the Parameters tab of the Script page (see figure below). On
the Deployment tab (or on the Script Deployment record) you can define which record(s) you want the
custom action to apply to.
Note that through Workflow Action Scripts you can create generic Custom Action that are available to all
record types. Do this by selecting All Records in the Applies To dropdown list (see figure).
SuiteScript 1.0
Workflow Action Scripts 105
These custom actions then become available to all workflows, regardless of the underlying record type
of the workflow. Through generic custom actions you can (for example) create a parameterized, generic
action to set sales rep values. You can then set the parameters from within a workflow and invoke the
generic “Set Sales Rep (Custom)” action, which will contain values specific to that workflow.
Be aware that if you set a Workflow Action Script to deploy to All Records, and then you try to specify
another record type on the script's Script Deployment page, you will receive an error. Also note that if
you set the deployment of a Workflow Action script to All Records, the script will appear in the palette of
actions (labeled as custom ) for all workflows.
You can create parameters for a workflow definition in the customization details in the workflow manager.
For additional details on working with Workflow Action scripts, see Using Workflow Action Scripts. For a
sample that shows how to store a return value from a custom Action script in a custom workflow field, see
the help topic Storing a Return Value from a Custom Action Script in a Workflow Field.
For general information about all SuiteScript types, see SuiteScript 1.0 Script Types Overview.
The SuiteScript function in a Workflow Action Script takes three parameters. All are optional. These
parameters are described in the following table.
form nlobjForm The form through which the script interacts with the record. This parameter is
available only in the beforeLoad context.
The following snippet shows how you could use these parameters to customize the behavior of the script.
function workflowActionScript(id, type, form)
if (type == 'edit') {
SuiteScript 1.0
Workflow Action Scripts 106
Note that you can also set the type of the value returned by a Workflow Action Script. You make this
choice on the Parameters subtab on the script record. If there are fields of the same type defined in the
workflow (or workflow state), you can configure this value to be saved as the value of a specified field.
function changeSalesRep()
nlapiGetNewRecord().setFieldValue('salesrep', nlapiGetContext().getSetting('SCRIPT', 'custscript_salesrep'));
Notice there is no use of the record type and record id parameters (they are still sent, however); instead,
nlapiGetNewRecord() is used to return all necessary data for the record currently in the workflow.
Also note that when executing Workflow Action Scripts, the current record context is workflow. See
nlobjContext.getExecutionContext() for details on returning context information about what triggered the
current script.
You can access parameters within a script using the following SuiteScript function:
Copy to Account is an administrator tool that you can use to copy custom objects between your
accounts. The tool can copy one object at a time, including dependencies and data. For more
information, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
SuiteCloud Development Framework is a development framework that you can use to create
SuiteApps from an integrated development environment (IDE) on your local computer. For more
information, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development Framework Overview.
SuiteScript 1.0
Bundle Installation Scripts 107
Copy to Account is an administrator tool that you can use to copy custom objects between your
accounts. The tool can copy one object at a time, including dependencies and data. For more
information, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
SuiteCloud Development Framework is a development framework that you can use to create
SuiteApps from an integrated development environment (IDE) on your local computer. For more
information, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development Framework Overview.
Warning: Before the Before Update script is run, the bundle update process checks for custom
objects and files that are present in the previous bundle version but are no longer present in the
new bundle version. Then, the bundle update process deletes such custom objects and files from
the previous bundle version in a target account.
However, in case the Before Update script stops on any failed condition, the bundle update
process stops the bundle update and the user is left with the previous bundle version, where the
bundle update process has already deleted some custom objects and files, so the bundle may not
be functioning correctly anymore.
You should not remove unused custom objects and files from the new bundle version. You should
remove such objects from the new bundle only after your whole install base is upgraded to the
new bundle version.
Bundle installation scripts are specialized server SuiteScripts that perform processing in target accounts
as part of bundle installation, update, or uninstall. This processing can include setup, configuration, and
data management tasks that would otherwise have to be completed by account administrators. These
scripts enhance solution providers' ability to manage the bundle deployment process.
Every bundle can include a bundle installation script that is automatically run when the bundle is installed,
upgraded, or uninstalled. Each bundle installation script can contain triggers to be executed before install,
after install, before update, after update, and after uninstall. All triggers should be included in a single
script file. This trigger code can ensure that bundles are implemented correctly, and can prevent bundle
installation, update, or uninstall if proper setup has not occurred.
Bundle installation scripts have no audience because they are always executed using the administrator
role, in the context of bundle installation, update, or uninstall. Bundle installation scripts do not have
event types.
A bundle installation script can be associated with multiple bundles. Before a script can be associated with
a bundle, it must have a script record and at least one deployment. A bundle creator associates a bundle
installation script with a bundle by selecting one of its deployments in the Bundle Builder. The script .js
file and script record are automatically included in the bundle when it is added to target accounts. Script
file contents can be hidden from target accounts based on an option set for the .js file in the File Cabinet
SuiteScript 1.0
Bundle Installation Scripts 108
You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to manage bundle installation scripts as part of
file-based customization projects. For information about SDF, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development
Framework Overview. You can use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual bundle installation
script to another of your accounts. Each bundle installation script page has a clickable Copy to Account
option in the upper right corner. For information about Copy to Account, see the help topic Copy to
Account Overview.
Triggered Functions
A bundle installation script's functions are executed automatically during bundle installation, update, or
uninstall, based on one or more of the following triggers:
■ Before Install - Executed before a bundle is installed for the first time in a target account.
■ After Install - Executed after a bundle is installed for the first time in a target account.
■ Before Update - Executed before a bundle in a target account is updated.
■ After Update - Executed after a bundle in a target account is updated.
■ Before Uninstall - Executed before a bundle is uninstalled from a target account.
A bundle installation script file should include a function for at least one of these triggers. If you are using
more than one of these, they should all be in the same script file.
The following are example uses for bundle installation script triggered functions:
■ Before Install: Check the existing configuration and setup in the target account prior to bundle
installation, and halt the installation with an error message if the target account does not meet
minimum requirements to run the solution.
■ After Install: Automate the setup and configuration of the bundled application after it has been
installed in the target account, eliminating manual tasks.
■ After Install or After Update: Connect to an external system to fetch some data and complete the
setup of the bundled application.
■ Before Update: Manage required data changes in the target account prior to executing an upgrade.
■ Before Uninstall: Reset configuration settings or remove data associated with the bundle being
Function Parameters
Two specialized parameters are available to functions in bundle installation scripts, to return the version
of bundles, as specified on the Bundle Basics page of the Bundle Builder.
■ The toversion parameter returns the version of the bundle that will be installed in the target account.
This parameter is available to Before Install, After Install, Before Update, and After Update functions.
■ The fromversion parameter returns the version of the bundle that is currently installed in the target
account. This parameter is available to Before Update and After Update functions.
SuiteScript 1.0
Bundle Installation Scripts 109
Bundle installation scripts can call scheduled scripts, but only in the After Install and After Update
functions. Calls to scheduled scripts are not supported in the Before Install, Before Update, and Before
Uninstall functions.
Bundle installation scripts need to be executed with administrator privileges, so the Execute as Role field
should always be set to Administrator on the script deployment record.
Bundle installation scripts can only be run in target accounts if the Status is set to Released. The Status
should be set to Testing if you want to debug the script.
Bundle installation scripts can include their own error handling, in addition to errors thrown by
SuiteBundler and the SuiteScript engine. An error thrown by a bundle installation script returns an error
code of “Installation Error”, followed by the text defined by the script author.
Copy to Account is an administrator tool that you can use to copy custom objects between your
accounts. The tool can copy one object at a time, including dependencies and data. For more
information, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
SuiteCloud Development Framework is a development framework that you can use to create
SuiteApps from an integrated development environment (IDE) on your local computer. For more
information, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development Framework Overview.
SuiteScript 1.0
Bundle Installation Scripts 110
A bundle installation script is a specialized server SuiteScript that is executed automatically in target
accounts when a bundle is installed, updated, or uninstalled. For details about how to create a bundle, see
the help topic Creating a Bundle with the Bundle Builder.
Bundle installation scripts support the entire SuiteScript API, including error handling and the debugger.
For details specific to bundle installation scripts, see Bundle Installation Script Functions.
The following steps describe how to add the file manually. If you are using the SuiteCloud IDE, this
process is automated. For more information, see Step 2: Add Script to NetSuite File Cabinet.
1. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet, and select the folder where you want to add the file.
You should add your file to the SuiteScripts folder, but it can be added to any other folder of your
2. Click Add File, and browse to the .js file.
3. In the File Cabinet folder where you added the bundle installation script file, click the Edit link next
to file.
4. Check the Available for SuiteBundles box.
5. Optionally, you can check the Hide in SuiteBundle box.
Because this script file will be included in the bundle, by default its contents will be accessible to
users of target accounts where the bundle is installed. If you do not want these users to see this
file, you can set this option to hide it.
6. Click Save.
SuiteScript 1.0
Bundle Installation Scripts 111
1. Go to Setup > Customization > Scripts > New, and click Bundle Installation.
2. Complete fields in the script record and save.
Although you do not need to set every field on the Script record, at a minimum you must provide a
Name for the Script record, load your SuiteScript file to the record, and specify at least one of the
executing functions on the Scripts tab.
These functions should all be in the main script file. If these functions call functions in other script
files, you need to list those files as library script files.
For more details about creating a script record, see Steps for Creating a Script Record.
You can define multiple deployments per bundle installation script . When you associate the script with a
bundle, you choose a specific deployment.
SuiteScript 1.0
Bundle Installation Scripts 112
If you want to debug the script, set the Status to Testing. To enable the script to be run in a target
account, you must set the Status to Released.
Note: The SuiteBundler feature must be enabled in your account for you to have access to the
Bundle Builder where this task is completed.
When you associate a script with a bundle, you select a specific script deployment.
After the bundle has been saved, this script record and related file(s) are listed as Bundle Components on
the Bundle Details page.
SuiteScript 1.0
Bundle Installation Scripts 113
Copy to Account is an administrator tool that you can use to copy custom objects between your
accounts. The tool can copy one object at a time, including dependencies and data. For more
information, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
SuiteCloud Development Framework is a development framework that you can use to create
SuiteApps from an integrated development environment (IDE) on your local computer. For more
information, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development Framework Overview.
This sample includes a bundle installation script file and a library script file. For details, see the following:
■ Function that executes before bundle installation, ensuring that the Work Orders feature is enabled in
the target NetSuite account, and if the bundle that is being installed is version 2.0, also ensuring that
the Multiple Currencies feature is enabled
■ Function that executes after bundle installation, creating an account record in the target account (note
that accounts are not available to be included in bundles)
■ Function that executes before bundle update, ensuring that the Work Orders feature is enabled in
the target NetSuite account, and if the target account bundle is being updated to version 2.0, also
ensuring that the Multiple Currencies feature is enabled
■ Function that executes after bundle update, creating an account record in the target account if the
update changed the bundle version number
The library script file includes a function that is called by the bundle installation script functions executed
before installation and before update.
■ This function checks whether a specified feature is enabled in the target account and returns an error
if the feature is not enabled.
■ When an error is returned, bundle installation or update terminates.
function beforeInstall(toversion)
SuiteScript 1.0
Bundle Installation Scripts 114
// Always check that Workorders is enabled
function afterInstall(toversion)
// Create an account record
var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*10000);
var objRecord = nlapiCreateRecord('account');
objRecord.setFieldValue('acctname','Acct '+toversion);
nlapiSubmitRecord(objRecord, true);
// Do not create an account if updating with the same version as the one installed
if (fromversion.toString() != toversion.toString())
// Create an account record
var randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*10000);
var objRecord = nlapiCreateRecord('account');
objRecord.setFieldValue('acctname','Acct '+toversion);
nlapiSubmitRecord(objRecord, true);
function checkFeatureEnabled(featureId)
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG','Checking Feature',featureId);
var objContext = nlapiGetContext();
var feature = objContext.getFeature(featureId);
if ( feature )
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG','Feature',featureId+' enabled');
throw new nlobjError('INSTALLATION_ERROR','Feature '+featureId+' must be enabled. Please enable the feature and
SuiteScript 1.0
Running SuiteScript 1.0 in NetSuite Overview 115
Important: Step 3 is for form-level client scripts only. If you are creating a user event,
scheduled, portlet, Suitelet, or record -level client script, skip Step 3, and perform steps 4 and 5.
Step 5 provides the basic steps required for deploying a script into NetSuite. To learn how to
specify additional deployment options, see the help topic Setting Runtime Options.
SuiteScript 1.0
Step 1: Create Your Script 116
Depending on what you are trying to do in NetSuite, the code in your .js file can be as basic as a client
script that never even touches a NetSuite server. It runs purely client-side in the browser and alerts users
after they have loaded a specific NetSuite record, for example:
function pageInitAlertUser()
alert ('You have loaded a record');
Alternatively, your script can be can be as complex as executing a NetSuite search, getting the results, and
then transforming the results into a PDF document. See the samples for nlapiXMLToPDF(xmlstring) as an
The APIs you use in your code and the logic you write will depend on what you're trying to accomplish in
NetSuite. See the help topic What You Can Do with the SuiteScript API if you are unsure of what you can
do using the SuiteScript API.
After you have created your .js file, see Step 2: Add Script to NetSuite File Cabinet.
Note: To see which APIs are included in the SuiteScript API, start with SuiteScript 1.0 API
SuiteScript 1.0
Step 2: Add Script to NetSuite File Cabinet 117
If you have written your .js files in anything other than SuiteCloud IDE, you will need to manually upload
your files into NetSuite. See the help topic Uploading SuiteScript scripts to the File Cabinet Without
SuiteCloud IDEs for details.
Note: The SuiteScripts folder in the File Cabinet is provided for convenience, however, you can
store your script files in any location.
After your script has been added to the NetSuite File Cabinet, see either :
■ Step 3: Attach Script to Form (if you want to run a form-level client script in NetSuite)
■ Step 4: Create Script Record (if you want to run any other script type. For example, if you want to run a
user event, scheduled, portlet, Suitelet, action, or record-level client script, proceed to Step 4.)
SuiteScript 1.0
Step 3: Attach Script to Form 118
Important: For the differences between form- and record-level client scripts, see Form-level
and Record-level Client Scripts.
1. Ensure that your client script has been uploaded to the File Cabinet. (See Step 2: Add Script to
NetSuite File Cabinet.)
2. Go to the appropriate custom form in NetSuite.
Form-level client scripts can only be attached to custom entry forms, custom transaction forms,
and custom online forms. Click Customization > Forms >[Form].
3. Click Edit next to the desired custom form, or click Customize next to an existing standard form to
create a new custom form that is based on the standard version.
Note: For more information about creating custom entry, transaction, and online forms,
refer to the SuiteBuilder ( Customization) Guide.
4. On the form’s Custom Code subtab, use the Script File dropdown list to select your SuiteScript
version 1.0 file.
The page updates and populates the SuiteScript API Version field. The system also adds several
text fields to the page.
5. Use the text fields to enter the functions defined in your script that should be called for each
appropriate client event. If you are unsure of which actions trigger each client event, see Client
Event Types. To learn how many functions you can execute on one form, see How Many Client
Events Can I Execute on One Form?
The following figure shows a custom sales order form. This form is set as the preferred form for
sales orders. What this means is that all customizations made to this form, and any client script file
attached to the form, run whenever a NetSuite user navigates to and loads the sales order record.
As shown in the screenshot, when a sales order loads, three functions execute:
■ The savRecUpdatePrice function will execute when the record is saved.
■ The valFieldItemPrice function will execute when a particular field on the sales order is changed.
■ The recalcTotalAndTax function will execute when a line item as been added to a sublist.
SuiteScript 1.0
Step 3: Attach Script to Form 119
Important: You must enter function names exactly as they appear in your script.
However, do not include parenthesis or parameter values when you enter the function
name on the custom form.
6. If appropriate, use the Library Script File dropdown list to select a library file to associate with
the form. The library script file should contain any commonly used functions. The file named in the
Script File field should contain functions specific to the current form.
After you have attached your form-level client script to a form, your script will execute whenever the
triggering action occurs. For a list of possible client event triggers, see Client Event Types.
If you have created a form-level client script, you do not have to complete the procedures described in
Step 4: Create Script Record or Step 5: Define Script Deployment.
SuiteScript 1.0
Step 4: Create Script Record 120
Although you do not need to set every field on the Script record, at a minimum you must set the
following (see figure):
Important: See Steps for Creating a Script Record for more detailed information.
SuiteScript 1.0
Steps for Creating a Script Record 121
Note: The Client scripts listed here are record-level client script. These scripts run in
addition to any form-level client scripts that might have already been attached to an existing
form. For information about the differences between form- and record-level client scripts,
see Form-level and Record-level Client Scripts .
4. In the Script record Name field, enter a name for the script record.
You can have multiple deployments of the same SuiteScript file. Therefore, be sure that the name
of the Script record is generic enough to be relevant for all deployments.
For example, you may want your SuiteScript (.js) file to execute whenever Vendor records are
saved. You might also want this script to execute whenever Customer records are saved. You will
need to define two different deployments for the script. However, both deployments will reference
the same script / Script record. (Information about defining script deployments is covered in Step 5:
Define Script Deployment.)
5. In the ID field, if desired, enter a custom ID for the script record. If the ID field is left blank, a
system-generated internal ID is created for you.
For information about whether you should create your own custom ID, see Creating a Custom
Script Record ID.
6. In the Description field, if desired, enter a description for the script.
7. In the Owner field, select a script owner.
By default the owner is set to the currently logged-in user. After the Script record is saved, only the
owner of the record or a system administrator can modify the record.
8. (Optional) Select the Inactive box if you do not want to deploy the script. When a script is set to
Inactive, all of the deployments associated with the script are also inactive. If you want to inactivate
a specific deployment rather than all deployments of this scripts, go to the Script Deployments
9. On the Scripts tab, set the following:
1. In the Script File field, select the SuiteScript .js file to associate with the current script
If you have uploaded your script into the NetSuite File Cabinet, your script appears in the
Script File dropdown list. For directions on uploading scripts into the File Cabinet, see
either of the following sections:
SuiteScript 1.0
Steps for Creating a Script Record 122
■ Uploading a SuiteScript File in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for Eclipse - If you are uploading
scripts using the SuiteCloud IDE.
■ Uploading SuiteScript scripts to the File Cabinet Without SuiteCloud IDEs - If you are not
uploading your scripts using SuiteCloud IDE.
Note: If you are maintaining your SuiteScript files outside of the File Cabinet,
click the + button next to the Script File dropdown list. In the popup window that
appears, browse for your .js file.
2. (Optional) In the Library Script File field, select the library files you want to associate with
the Script record.
A library script file should contain any commonly used functions, whereas the SuiteScript
file should contain functions specific to the current Script record. Note that multiple library
files can be added to a script record.
The upload order of your library files only matters if you have two functions with the same
name. When there is a function name conflict in a library file, the script will execute the
function in the library file that was loaded last.
3. In the Function field(s), type the name of the function(s) you want executed in the .js
file. Do not include the function parentheses or any parameters. For example, type
myFunction rather than myFunction(param1, param2).
■ If defining a User Event script, you can execute one function per operation type. For example,
you can have a before load function and an after submit function defined within the same
script execution. These functions must exist in either the library script file or the SuiteScript file
associated with the script record.
Note: For details on the before load, before submit, and after submit operations,
see User Event beforeLoad Operations and User Event beforeSubmit and afterSubmit
■ If defining a record-level Client script, type the names of the functions you want executed
when the script runs. As the following figure shows, enter the function name in the field next to
the client event that will trigger the function. Note that your functions must exist in either the
SuiteScript 1.0
Steps for Creating a Script Record 123
library script file or the SuiteScript file associated with the script record. You have the option of
calling up to eight functions from within the same script file.
■ If defining a bundle installation script, type the names of the functions you want executed
before the bundle is installed, after the bundle is installed, before the bundle is updated, or
after the bundle is updated. Enter the function name in the field next to the bundle deployment
event that will trigger the function. Note that these functions must exist in the SuiteScript file
associated with the script record. If these functions call functions in other script files, these files
should be listed as library files.
Note: SuiteBundler is still supported, but it will not be updated with any new features.
To take advantage of new features for packaging and distributing customizations, you
can use the Copy to Account and SuiteCloud Development (SDF) features instead of
Copy to Account is an administrator tool that you can use to copy custom objects
between your accounts. The tool can copy one object at a time, including dependencies
and data. For more information, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
SuiteCloud Development Framework is a development framework that you can use
to create SuiteApps from an integrated development environment (IDE) on your local
computer. For more information, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development Framework
10. On the Parameters tab, define possible parameters (custom fields) to pass to the functions
specified in the previous step.
11. On the Unhandled Errors subtab, define which individual(s) will be notified if script errors occur.
Three types of error notifications are sent:
SuiteScript 1.0
Steps for Creating a Script Record 124
■ An initial email is sent about the first occurrence of an error within an hour.
■ An email with aggregated error information for every hour is sent. (The error counter is reset
when this email is sent.)
■ An email is sent about the first 100 errors that have occurred after the error counter is set to 0.
For example, an error is thrown 130 times within an hour. An initial email is sent. After the 100th
occurrence, another email is sent. Since there are an additional 30 occurrences within the same
hour, a final summary email is sent at the end of the hour. During the second hour, if there are only
50 occurrences of the error, only one summary email is sent at the end of that hour.
2. If you want to save the script record and deploy the script, but you are not yet ready to
define the script's runtime/deployment behaviors, click Save.
3. If you want to save the script record and automatically open the Script Deployment page,
click Save and Deploy. Use the Script Deployment page to define runtime behaviors such
as when the script will run and which accounts the script will run in.
13. Now that you have created a Script record for your script, go to Step 5: Define Script Deployment.
SuiteScript 1.0
Steps for Creating a Script Record 125
Note: Although the Script record has a Deployments tab where you can define many of
the same deployment options found on the Script Deployment page, you should define your
deployments on the Script Deployment page. This page provides deployment settings that are not
available on the Deployments tab of the Script record.
For an example of how Script record IDs are used in a SuiteScript API call, see the help topic
nlapiScheduleScript(scriptId, deployId, params).
Note: You can programmatically get the the value of a scripId by calling
If you choose, you can create a custom ID for your Script record. If the ID field is left blank on the Script
record, a system-generated ID is created for you. This is the ID that appears in the ID field after the Script
record is saved.
Whether creating a custom ID or accepting a system-generated ID, after the script record is saved, the
system automatically adds customscript to the front of the ID.
SuiteScript 1.0
Creating a Custom Script Record ID 126
Note: SuiteBundler is still supported, but it will not be updated with any new features.
To take advantage of new features for packaging and distributing customizations, you can use the
Copy to Account and SuiteCloud Development (SDF) features instead of SuiteBundler.
Copy to Account is an administrator tool that you can use to copy custom objects between your
accounts. The tool can copy one object at a time, including dependencies and data. For more
information, see the help topic Copy to Account Overview.
SuiteCloud Development Framework is a development framework that you can use to create
SuiteApps from an integrated development environment (IDE) on your local computer. For more
information, see the help topic SuiteCloud Development Framework Overview.
When creating a custom ID, you should insert an underscore ( _ ) before the ID to enhance
readability. For example, a custom script ID called _employeeupdates will appear as
customscript_employeeupdates after the Script record is saved. Similarly, a custom deployment ID will
appear as customdeploy_employeeupdates after the Script Deployment page is saved.
Important: Custom IDs must be in lowercase and contain no spaces. Also, custom IDs
cannot exceed 30 characters in length. These 30 characters do not include the customscript or
customdeploy prefixes that are automatically appended to the ID.
The following figure shows the Change ID button on a Script Deployment page after the deployment has
been saved.
After clicking the Change ID button, the Change Script ID page appears. This page shows the old ID and
provides a field for creating a new ID.
SuiteScript 1.0
Creating a Custom Script Record ID 127
Important: After you change a script record or script deployment ID, you MUST update all
references to that ID in your code files.
SuiteScript 1.0
Step 5: Define Script Deployment 128
Note that Script Deployment pages look different for each script type. For example, the Script Deployment
page for a user event script will not include an area for you to define the script's deployment schedule.
The Script Deployment page for a scheduled script, however, will include an area for this. Deployment
pages for Suitelets will include a field for setting whether the Suitelet executes on a GET or POST request.
The deployment page for a global client script will not include such a field.
Because Script Deployment pages vary depending on the script type, see Steps for Defining a Script
Deployment for general steps that are applicable to most script types. See the help topic Setting Runtime
Options for information about setting more advanced runtime options. In many cases, these more
advanced options are specific to a particular script type.
■ You cannot edit a Script Deployment record during the time that the script associated with the
deployment is running in NetSuite.
■ Multiple deployments can be applied to the same record. These deployments are executed in the
order specified in the UI. If an error occurs in one deployment, subsequent deployed scripts may NOT
be executed. When troubleshooting, verify you are executing only one script per record type.
1. When you save your Script record, you can immediately create a Script Deployment record by
selecting Save and Deploy from the Script record Save button.
If you want to update a deployment that already exists, go to Customization > Scripting > Script
Deployments and select Edit next to the deployment.
2. On the Script Deployment page:
■ For Suitelet, Scheduled, and Portlet scripts, in the Title field, provide a name for the
■ For User Event and Client scripts, in the Applies To field, select the record the script will
run against. In the Applies To field you can also select All Records to deploy the script to
SuiteScript 1.0
Steps for Defining a Script Deployment 129
all records that officially support SuiteScript. (For a list of these records, see the help topic
SuiteScript Supported Records.)
3. In the ID field, if desired, enter a custom scriptId for the deployment. If you do not create a scriptId,
a system-generated internalId is created for you.
For information about whether to create a custom ID, see Creating a Custom Script Deployment ID.
4. (Optional) Clear the Deployed box if you do not want to deploy the script. Otherwise, accept the
default. A script will not run in NetSuite until the Deployed box is selected.
5. In the Status field, set the script deployment status. See the help topic Setting Script Deployment
6. (Optional) In the Event Type dropdown list, specify an event type for the script execution. See the
help topic Setting Script Execution Event Type from the UI.
7. (Optional) In the Log Level field, specify which log messages will appear on the Execution Log tab
after the script is executed. See the help topic Setting Script Execution Log Levels.
8. In the Execute as Role field, select whether you want the script to execute using Administrator
priviledges, regardless of the permissions of the currently logged in user. See the help topic
Executing Scripts Using a Specific Role.
9. On the Audience tab, specify the audiences for the script. See the help topic Defining Script
10. On the Context Filtering tab, specify the execution contexts and localization contexts for the
script. See the help topics Execution Contexts and Record Localization Context.
11. On the Links tab (for Suitelets only), if you want to launch your Suitelet from the UI, create a menu
link for the Suitelet. See Running a Suitelet in NetSuite.
12. (Optional) On the Execution Log tab, create custom views for all script logging details. See
Creating Script Execution Logs.
13. Click Save.
Note that for portlet scripts, you must enable the portlet to display on your dashboard (see
Displaying Portlet Scripts on the Dashboard).
These parameters allow you to pass the values of an internalId (a system-generated ID) or a scriptId (a
custom ID that you provide). For an example of how script record and script deployment IDs are used in a
SuiteScript API call, see the help topic nlapiScheduleScript(scriptId, deployId, params).
If you choose, you can create a custom ID for your script deployment. If the ID field is left blank on the
Script Deployment page, a system-generated ID is created for you. This is the ID that appears in the ID
field after the Script Deployment page is saved.
Whether creating a custom ID or accepting a system-generated ID, after the script deployment is saved,
the system automatically adds customdeploy to the front of the ID.
The following figure shows a list of script deployments (Setup > Customization > Script Deployments).
Note that there is a combination of custom IDs (for example, customdeploy_campaign_assistant) and
system-generated deployment IDs (for example customdeploy1). Although customdeploy1 is the ID for
many script deployments, be aware that deployment IDs are unique only within a specific script definition.
SuiteScript 1.0
Creating a Custom Script Deployment ID 130
If you are unsure whether to create your own custom ID or accept a system-generated ID, see Why
Should I Create a Custom ID? for more information.
Also see Can I Edit an ID? for information about editing IDs.
SuiteScript 1.0
Viewing Script Deployments 131
■ Go directly to the script deployment by clicking Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
■ View deployed scripts by clicking View Deployments in the upper-right corner of the Script record.
■ Click the Deployments tab on a Script record to see the deployments specific to that Script record.
Next, click on a specific deployment to go to the deployment record.
Remember: In each specific deployment record you can define default parameter values for that
deployment. Note that first you must create the script parameter before you can define its value on a
Script Deployment record.
For more information, see the help topic Creating Script Parameters Overview in the NetSuite Help
Center. Also see the help topic Setting Script Parameter Preferences for information that is specific to
setting script parameter values on the Script Deployment record.
■ View a list of records that have scripts associated with them at Customization > Scripting > Scripted
Records. For complete details, see the help topic The Scripted Records Page in the NetSuite Help
By default, the Scripted Records list displays only those records that have at least one script associated
with them.
SuiteScript 1.0
Viewing Script and Deployment System Notes 132
To view the activity of your script and deployment, use the System Notes subtab.
1. Choose an option:
■ Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts. Click Edit beside the script that you want to view.
■ Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments. Click Edit beside the deployment that
you want to view.
2. Click the System Notes subtab.
Note: Previously, script and deployment information was listed on the History subtab, but
that subtab is no longer updated. New script and deployment activity is captured on the
System Notes subtab.
The system note for a change on a script or deployment record captures the following information:
For more information about System Notes, see the help topic System Notes Overview.
SuiteScript 1.0
Creating Script Execution Logs 133
For example, the following Suitelet code generates an execution log that indicates the request type of the
For more information about the nlapiLogExecution function, see the help topic nlapiLogExecution(type,
title, details).
■ The Script Execution Logs list that can be accessed through Customization > Scripting > Script
Execution Logs.
The list of script execution logs is an enhanced repository that stores all log details for 30 days. The
filter options on this page allow you to search for specific logs. See the help topic Viewing a List of
Script Execution Logs.
■ The Execution Log tab that appears on Script pages, Script Deployment pages, and the SuiteScript
The execution log tab displays logs for a specific script, but these logs are not guaranteed to persist
for 30 days. These logs are searchable, and you can customize views to find specific logs. See the help
topic Using the Script Execution Log Tab.
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Working with Records 134
Note: For a list of SuiteScript supported records, see the help topic SuiteScript Supported
Records in the NetSuite Help Center.
Whether you are working with standard NetSuite records (for example, Sale Order, Invoice, Customer,
Vendor) or custom records you have created using SuiteBuilder, you will use all the same Record APIs to
interact with the record object.
Important: SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the
Document Object Model (DOM). The NetSuite UI should only be accessed using SuiteScript APIs.
Note: For a list of SuiteScript supported records, see the help topic SuiteScript Supported
Records in the NetSuite Help Center.
■ You can write your SuiteScript code without having to “reverse engineer” NetSuite logic. When you
submit the record, the validation, sourcing, and recalculation logic that automatically occurs in the
UI will also occur when you submit a record in SuiteScript. This is considered the standard mode of
■ When scripting in standard mode (as opposed to dynamic mode), you do not have to write your
code in a way that references fields in the order they are referenced in the UI. (To learn more about
dynamic mode scripting, see SuiteScript 1.0 Working with Records in Dynamic Mode.)
■ When scripting in standard mode (as opposed to dynamic mode), you will have to submit and then
reload a record to know the values for calculated fields. For example, you will need to submit and then
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 How Records are Processed in Scripting 135
reload a record to know how much an item will cost after NetSuite applies tax and shipping amounts
to the data submitted.
When you programmatically create a new sales order in dynamic mode, all of the same sourcing
behaviors that occur in the UI also occur in your script as each line is executed. You can obtain sourced,
validated, and calculated field values in real-time without first having to submit the record.
When working with records in standard mode, you must submit and then load the record to obtain these
same values. In standard mode, all business logic is executed only after the data is submitted.
Note: Calls to the APIs nlapiGetNewRecord() and nlapiGetOldRecord() always return a record in
standard mode. They never return a record in dynamic mode.
Important: If you provide no value for the initializeValues parameter, records will copy,
create, load, and transform in the standard mode of execution, where sourcing, validation, and
recalculations occur only after a record is submitted.
The initializeValues parameter is an Object that can contain an array of name/value pairs of defaults to
be used during record initialization. To initialize a record in dynamic mode, you set the recordmode
initialization type to dynamic. For example:
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Working with Records in Dynamic Mode 136
Note: For a list of additional initialization types that can be specified for the initializeValues
parameter, see SuiteScript 1.0 Record Initialization Defaults in the NetSuite Help Center. Note that
you do not need to run scripts in dynamic mode to use these other initialization types.
Note, however, when scripting in dynamic mode, the order in which you set field values matters. For some
developers, this aspect might feel constraining. It is likely that scripting in dynamic mode will require
you to refer back to the UI often. For example, on an invoice in the UI, you would not set the Terms
field before setting the Customer field (see figure). The reason is that as soon as you set the Customer
field, the value of Terms will be overridden. On an invoice, the value of Terms is sourced from the terms
specified on the Customer record. The same behavior will happen in dynamic scripting. In your scripts, if
you do not correctly set field values in the order that they are sourced in the UI, some of the values you
set could be overridden.
In non-dynamic mode, you do not have to worry about the order in which you set field values. For some
developers, this fact alone will make scripting in non-dynamic mode preferable.
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Working with Records in Dynamic Mode 137
// Try to get the value of salesrep. Note that null is returned because the value
// of salesrep is not sourced as you step through the code
var sr = record.getFieldValue('salesrep');
Field Ordering
// Create a sales order. First set salesrep, then set the customer (entity). When the
// record is submitted, salesrep remains as 88, the internal ID for sales rep Bud Johnson.
var record = nlapiCreateRecord('salesorder');
record.setFieldValue('salesrep', 88);
record.setFieldValue('entity', 343);
In dynamic mode, if you want salesrep to remain as 88, you must write:
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Working with Records in Dynamic Mode 138
record.setFieldValue('entity', 343);
record.setFieldValue('salesrep', 88);
Field Calculation
function beforesubmit(type)
var record = nlapiGetNewRecord();
record.setCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'item', 441);
record.setCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', '2');
function beforesubmit(type)
var record = nlapiGetNewRecord({recordmode: 'dynamic'});
record.setCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'item', 441);
record.setCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', '2');
Note that client remote object scripting does not support dynamic scripting. In a client script, if you
attempt to copy, create, load, or transform a “remote object” (an object on the NetSuite server), you will
not be able to work with the record in dynamic mode. (See also Client Remote Object Scripts.)
The following is an example of a client remote object script. On the saveRecord client event, an estimate
record is created. If you attempt to use a client script to create the record in dynamic mode, an error is
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Working with Records in Dynamic Mode 139
For example:
function onSave()
var rec = nlapiCreateRecord('estimate', {recordmode: 'dynamic'}); // this will not work
rec.setLineItemValue('item','item', 1, '30');
rec.setLineItemValue('item','quantity', 1, '500');
var id = nlapiSubmitRecord(rec, true);
return true;
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Subrecords in SuiteScript 140
■ What is a Subrecord?
■ Using the SuiteScript API with Subrecords
■ Creating and Accessing Subrecords from a Body Field
■ Creating and Accessing Subrecords from a Sublist Field
■ Setting Values on Subrecord Sublists
■ Saving Subrecords Using SuiteScript
■ Guidelines for Working with Subrecords in SuiteScript
■ Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript
Note: For a list of SuiteScript supported records and subrecords, see the help topic SuiteScript
Supported Records in the NetSuite Help Center.
What is a Subrecord?
A subrecord includes many of the same elements of a standard NetSuite record (body fields, sublists and
sublist fields, and so on). However, subrecords must be created, edited, removed, or viewed from within
the context of a standard (parent) record.
The purpose of a subrecord is to hold key related data about the parent record. For example, a parent
record would be a Serialized Inventory Item record. This record defines a type of item. A subrecord would
be an Inventory Detail subrecord. This is a subrecord that contains all data related to where the item
might be stored in a warehouse. In this way, the subrecord contains data related to the item, but not data
that directly defines the item. Without the parent record, the subrecord would serve no purpose.
The following figure shows an Inventory Detail subrecord. Its parent is a Bill record. In this figure the
Inventory Detail subrecord is accessed through the Inventory Details sublist field. The Inventory Detail
subrecord contains the inventory details for the item called the Lot Feed item.
In this case the parent record is still the Bill record, even though the subrecord tracks inventory details
related to the Lot Feed item. Ultimately it is the Bill record that must be saved before the subrecord
(pertaining to an item on the Bill) is committed to the database.
SuiteScript 1.0
What is a Subrecord? 141
Note that when you create a custom form for Inventory Detail, you can use the Actions tab to add new
buttons to the custom form. When clicked, these buttons will execute client SuiteScript. However, you
cannot customize the buttons that currently exist on the Inventory Detail record. These buttons are
required; without them you cannot save this subrecord to its parent record.
Also note that the Store Form with Record preference is not currently supported for custom subrecord
forms. You can, however, set the customized subrecord form as Preferred.
Additionally, like any other custom form, you can attach client scripts to the Custom Forms tab.
Important: SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the
Document Object Model (DOM). The NetSuite UI should only be accessed using SuiteScript APIs.
Using SuiteScript you can create and access subrecords through a body field on a parent record.
(See Creating and Accessing Subrecords from a Body Field for details.) You can also create and access
subrecords through a sublist field on a parent record. (See Creating and Accessing Subrecords from a
Sublist Field for details.)
To set values on sublists that appear on subrecords, you will use some of the same Sublist APIs used to
set values on sublists appearing on parent records. See Setting Values on Subrecord Sublists for details.
To save a subrecord, you must follow the pattern outlined in the section Saving Subrecords Using
■ nlapiCreateSubrecord(fldname)
■ nlapiEditSubrecord(fldname)
■ nlapiRemoveSubrecord(fldname)
■ nlapiViewSubrecord(fldname)
SuiteScript 1.0
Creating and Accessing Subrecords from a Body Field 142
If you are loading the parent record using SuiteScript, you will use these methods on the nlobjRecord
object to create and access a subrecord:
■ createSubrecord(fldname)
■ editSubrecord(fldname)
■ removeSubrecord(fldname)
■ viewSubrecord(fldname)
The following figure shows the Ship To Select (shippingaddress) body field on the Sales Order parent
record. To create a custom shipping address subrecord on the parent, you will do so from this body
field. After creating the subrecord, you can then edit, remove, or view the subrecord through the same
body field on the parent record.
Note: For additional information about creating custom shipping addresses, see Scripting
Billing and Shipping Addresses.
Note that after creating or editing a subrecord, you must save both the subrecord and the parent
record for the changes to be committed to the database. See Saving Subrecords Using SuiteScript for
more information.
For code samples showing how “body field” subrecord APIs are used, see Using SuiteScript with
Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management or Scripting Billing and Shipping Addresses.
When working with subrecords from a sublist field on the parent record, you will use these APIs if you
are working with the parent record in a “current record” context, such as in a user event script or a client
SuiteScript 1.0
Creating and Accessing Subrecords from a Sublist Field 143
■ nlapiCreateCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ nlapiEditCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ nlapiRemoveCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ nlapiViewCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ nlapiViewLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname, linenum)
If you are loading the parent record using SuiteScript, and you want to create/access a subrecord from a
sublist, you will use these methods on the nlobjRecord object:
■ createCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ editCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ removeCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ viewCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ viewLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname, linenum)
This figure shows that the Inventory Detail subrecord is being edited on the Items sublist.
For code samples showing how “sublist field” subrecord APIs are used, see Using SuiteScript with
Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management.
SuiteScript 1.0
Setting Values on Subrecord Sublists 144
The following sample shows how to use Sublist APIs to set values on a subrecord sublist.
var qtytobuild = 2;
var obj = nlapiCreateRecord('assemblybuild', {recordmode:'dynamic'});
obj.setFieldValue('subsidiary', 3 );
obj.setFieldValue('item', 174);
obj.setFieldValue('quantity', qtytobuild);
obj.setFieldValue('location', 2);
//Here we are selecting a new line on the Inventory Assignment sublist on the subrecord
bodySubRecord.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'newinventorynumber',
'amsh_' + ctr);
bodySubRecord.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'quantity', 1);
bodySubRecord.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'binnumber', 3);
//Here we are selecting and editing an existing line on the Components sublist
//on the parent record. Note that when working with the Assembly Build record only,
//the internal ID for the Inventory Details field on the Components sublist is
// 'componentinventorydetail'. This is because the Assembly Build record already contains
//an Inventory Details (inventorydetails) body field.
obj.selectLineItem('component', 1);
obj.setCurrentLineItemValue('component', 'quantity', qtytobuild);
var compSubRecord = obj.createCurrentLineItemSubrecord('component',
//Here we are selecting and editing a new line on the Inventory Assignment sublist on
//the subrecord.
compSubRecord.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'binnumber', 3);
compSubRecord.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'quantity', 2);
var id = nlapiSubmitRecord(obj);
SuiteScript 1.0
Setting Values on Subrecord Sublists 145
var str;
For additional code samples showing how to use Sublist APIs in the context of a subrecord, see Using
SuiteScript with Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management.
var id = nlapiSubmitRecord(record2);
■ In SuiteScript, you must first create or load a parent record before you can create/access a subrecord.
You can create/load the parent record in either standard mode or dynamic mode.
■ You cannot create or edit a subrecord in a beforeLoad user event script. You must use a pageInit
client script if you want to create/edit a subrecord before the end user has access to the page.
SuiteScript 1.0
Guidelines for Working with Subrecords in SuiteScript 146
■ If you attempt to edit or view a subrecord that does not exist, null will be returned.
■ In a client script attached or deployed to the parent record, you cannot create or edit a subrecord; you
can only view or delete subrecords.
■ There is no automatic client-side validation on a subrecord when a field is changed on the parent
record. For example, if a user changes the quantity of an item on an item line, there is no detection of
a quantity mismatch between the item line and its Inventory Detail. Note, however, validation can be
implemented programmatically using a validateLine() call.
■ To save a subrecord, you must commit both the subrecord, the line the subrecords appears on
(if accessing a subrecord through a sublist), and the parent record. See Saving Subrecords Using
SuiteScript for complete details.
■ If you call one of the Subrecord APIs on a non-subrecord field, an error is thrown.
■ The following sublist and body field APIs are not supported on subrecords:
□ nlapiGetLineItemValue(type, fldname, linenum)
□ nlapiGetLineItemText(type, fldnam, linenum)
□ nlapiFindLineItemValue(type, fldnam, val)
□ nlapiGetCurrentLineItemText(type, fldnam)
□ nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue(type, fldnam)
□ nlapiGetFieldValue()
□ nlapiGetFieldText()
■ When using the Assembly Build record as a parent record, be aware that this record has two
inventorydetail fields: one on the body of the record and the other as a field on the Components
sublist. When creating/assessing a subrecord from the body field, use inventorydetail as the internal
ID for the fldname parameter. When creating/accessing a subrecord from the sublist field on the
Components sublist, use componentinventorydetail as the internal ID for the fldname parameter. To
see an example, see the code sample provided in Setting Values on Subrecord Sublists.
See the following topics for details specific to using SuiteScript with the Advanced Bin / Numbered
Inventory Management feature:
See these topics for general information about working with subrecords:
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 147
Warning: If you are currently using SuiteScript with the basic Bin Management feature, your
scripts will no longer work after you enable the Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management
feature. This is especially true if you have written client scripts, which will have to be completely
rewritten as server scripts. See Updating Your Scripts After Enabling Advanced Bin / Numbered
Inventory Management for more information.
Note: Even with the Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management feature enabled, not all
items will require an Inventory Details subrecord. (See the help topic Advanced Bin / Numbered
Inventory Management for details on which items will use Inventory Detail subrecords.)
The figure below shows a subrecord being accessed from a sublist field. (Note that subrecords can also
be created and accessed from a body field on the parent record. See Creating and Accessing Subrecords
from a Body Field for more information.)
1. Bill : This is a parent record. In both the UI and in SuiteScript you must have a parent record
before you can create or access a subrecord. Without the parent, the subrecord has no relevance.
In SuiteScript, you can create/load the parent record in either standard mode or dynamic mode.
2. Items sublist : In the case of this figure, a subrecord is being created for the Lot Bin Item
referenced on the Items sublist.
Important: Note that the parent is still considered to be the Bill record, even though
the subrecord is being created for the Lot Bin Item. Ultimately it is the Bill record that
must be saved before any changes to the Items sublist or the Inventory Details subrecord
are committed to the database.
3. Inventory Details sublist field : As you enter information for the Lot Bin Item, in the UI you click
the Inventory Details icon to create a new Inventory Details subrecord for this item.
In SuiteScript, if you are creating a subrecord from the Inventory Details sublist
field, you will call either nlapiCreateCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname) or
nlobjRecord.createCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname), depending on the nature of your
script. The sublist is ‘item' and the fldname is ‘inventorydetail'.
4. Inventory Detail subrecord : This is a subrecord containing the inventory details for the Lot Bin
5. Inventory Assignment sublist : This is the sublist that appears on the Inventory Details
subrecord. Although there is no UI label for the Inventory Assignment sublist, this is the sublist
you will reference to add and edit new sublist lines.
In SuiteScript, you create and edit lines on the Inventory Assignment sublist using the APIs
described in Setting Values on Subrecord Sublists.
6. OK button: In the UI you click the OK button to save the subrecord (note, however, the subrecord
is not yet saved on the server).
In SuiteScript, to save a subrecord you must call nlobjSubrecord.commit() on the subrecord,
nlobjRecord.commitLineItem() - - if you have created a subrecord on a sublist line.
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 148
7. Add button on sublist: In the UI you must click the Add button on a sublist to commit your
changes to the line.
In SuiteScript, you will call nlobjRecord.commitLineItem() - - if you have created a subrecord on a
sublist line.
8. Save button on parent record: In the UI, you will click the Save button on the parent record to
commit all changes to the server.
In SuiteScript, you will call nlapiSubmitRecord(...) on the parent record. See Saving Subrecords
Using SuiteScript for complete details.
Note: Currently you cannot create or edit subrecords using Client SuiteScript.
The sublist that appears on the Inventory Detail subrecord is referred to as the Inventory Assignment
sublist, even though it has no UI label. In your scripts, use the ID inventoryassignment to reference this
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 149
sublist. In the figure below, the inventoryassignment sublist is used to assign serial/lot numbers and
which serial/lot belongs to which bin.
To set values on the Inventory Assignment sublist, you will use some of the same Sublist APIs used to set
values on other sublist in the system. See Setting Values on Subrecord Sublists for details.
To save a subrecord, you must follow the pattern outlined in the section Saving Subrecords Using
Inventory Details inventorydetail This is the internal ID for the Inventory Details subrecord.
When using any of the Subrecord APIs, the value you set for the
fldname parameter is inventorydetail. It is through this field
that you will create a subrecord.
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 150
Inventory Assignment inventoryassignment This is the internal ID for the Inventory Assignment sublist that
sublist appears on the Inventory Details subrecord. Note that the
Inventory Assignment as no UI label.
Sublist fields on the receiptinventorynumber This field is for entering text of serial/lot number for create.
Inventory Assignment
Use the receiptinventorynumber internal ID in both the
inventory detail of an item receipt and inventory adjustment.
As you begin writing your own scripts, you should review Guidelines for Working with Subrecords in
SuiteScript. This section highlights many of the rules that are enforced when scripting with subrecords.
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 151
Notice that to set values on the sublist for the Inventory Detail (the Inventory Assignment sublist), you will
use many of the same APIs you use to work with sublists on a parent record.
var qtytobuild = 2;
var obj = nlapiCreateRecord('assemblybuild', {recordmode:'dynamic'});
obj.setFieldValue('subsidiary', 3 );
obj.setFieldValue('item', 174);
obj.setFieldValue('quantity', qtytobuild);
obj.setFieldValue('location', 2);
obj.selectLineItem('component', 1);
obj.setCurrentLineItemValue('component', 'quantity', qtytobuild);
var compSubRecord = obj.createCurrentLineItemSubrecord('component',
compSubRecord.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'binnumber', 3);
compSubRecord.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'quantity', 2);
var id = nlapiSubmitRecord(obj);
Important: To save a subrecord you must call commit() on the subrecord, commitLineItem()-
- if you have created a subrecord on a sublist line - - AND nlapiSubmitRecord(...) on the parent
record. See Saving Subrecords Using SuiteScript for more details.
Note: If you attempt to edit or view a subrecord that does not exist, null is returned.
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 152
var id = nlapiSubmitRecord(record2);
If you want to use either of the removeSubrecord body field APIs, it will probably be in the context of
creating, and then removing your subrecord all in the same code, based on your particular use case.
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 153
Example 1
This sample shows how to return the read-only details of the subrecord that appears on the first line,
being the current line, of the Items sublist.
The sample also shows how get the read-only details of the subrecord associated with the second line on
the sublist.
Example 2
This sample shows how to use the view API to access a subrecord associated with a body field.
When scripting with the advanced bin management feature enabled, these lines of code will break.
Instead, you must create subrecords to hold all inventory detail data.
obj.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventory', 'item', 170);
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 154
//The next lines will be break when adv. bin management is turned on.
obj.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventory', 'serialnumbers', 'testserial');
obj.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventory', 'binnumbers', 'bin1');
var id = nlapiSubmitRecord(obj);
The following shows the changes you would have to make to your script to account for the new subrecord
object model.
obj.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventory', 'item', 170);
obj.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventory', 'location', 2);
obj.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventory', 'adjustqtyby', 1);
// the setCurrentLineItemValue API used in the first example must now be removed,
// and a subrecord must be created to hold the data you want
subrecord.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'receiptinventorynumber',
subrecord.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'quantity', 1);
subrecord.setCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'binnumber', 'bin1');
var id = nlapiSubmitRecord(obj);
See these topics for general information about working with subrecords:
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 155
The address subrecord is accessed from a sublist field on the parent record. In the following screenshot,
the sublist field that contains the address subrecord is outlined in red.
Fields on the address sublist are not part of the address subrecord. To access the address subrecord
fields, you must open the subrecord. Within the UI, you access the address subrecord by clicking the
pencil icon in the Edit sublist field. The address subrecord is shown below.
■ nlapiCreateCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ nlapiEditCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ nlapiRemoveCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ nlapiViewCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ nlapiViewLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname, linenum)
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 156
If you are loading the parent record using SuiteScript, and you want to create/access a subrecord from a
sublist, use these methods on the nlobjRecord object:
■ createCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ editCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ removeCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ viewCurrentLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname)
■ viewLineItemSubrecord(sublist, fldname, linenum)
Access the sublist and subrecord with the following internal ID names:
■ Sublist – ‘addressbook’
■ Address Subrecord – ‘addressbookaddress’
Client scripts deployed on any subrecord can run on the server side in addition to the client side. Be
aware that this is expected behavior. For logic in a client script attached to an address subrecord to
execute only one time, wrap the logic in an if statement that immediately exits the script on the server
side. For example:
if (typeof document!=='undefined') {
// client script logic
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 157
■ Validate Field, Field Changed, and Post Sourcing events on address fields will not fire in client scripts
deployed to Entity or Item Fulfillment records or in custom code on forms for these record types.
Instead, add this code to the Custom Code subtab of the address form for the record type.
■ You cannot use nlapiGetLineItemValue and nlapiSetLineItemValue to access address fields in dynamic
mode. Use nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue or nlapSetCurrentLineItemValue instead
■ You cannot use nlobjRecord.getFieldText, nlobjRecord.setFieldText, nlapiGetFieldText
and nlapiSetFieldText when scripting subrecords. Use nlobjRecord.getFieldValue,
nlobjRecord.SetFieldValue, nlapiGetFieldValue, or nlapiSetFieldValue instead.
■ You cannot use nlobjRecord.getLineItemField, nlobjRecord.getField, and nlapiGetField to get address
field metadata. You must access the subrecord with the subrecord APIs to get this information.
■ You cannot use the subrecord APIs to access address fields on the Company Information page. Access
these fields with nlapiLoadConfiguration the same way you would access non-subrecord fields. See the
help topic nlapiLoadConfiguration(type) for an example.
■ If you allow third-party input of address information, you need to translate third-party state input
to validated NetSuite state input. For example, if the user enters a state of California, it must be
converted to CA.
function createEmployee()
var record = nlapiCreateRecord('employee', {recordmode: 'dynamic'});
record.setFieldValue('companyname','Lead Company 123');
record.setFieldValue('firstname', 'Lead Company');
record.setFieldValue('lastname', '123');
record.setFieldValue('subsidiary','1'); //PARENT COMPANY
//submit record
var x = nlapiSubmitRecord(record);
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 158
record.selectLineItem('addressbook', 2);
record.selectLineItem('addressbook', 2);
var x = nlapiSubmitRecord(record);
record.selectLineItem('addressbook', 3);
record.removeCurrentLineItemSubrecord('addressbook', 'addressbookaddress');
var x = nlapiSubmitRecord(record);
Note: For additional information about scripting subrecords from a body field, see Creating and
Accessing Subrecords from a Body Field. For additional script examples of subrecords accessed
from a body field, see Using SuiteScript with Advanced Bin / Numbered Inventory Management.
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 159
function addAddress () {
// Identify a customer.
addrSubrecord.setFieldValue('country', 'US');
addrSubrecord.setFieldValue('isresidential', 'F');
addrSubrecord.setFieldValue('attention', 'Billing Address');
addrSubrecord.setFieldValue('addressee', 'NetSuite Inc.');
addrSubrecord.setFieldValue('addrphone', '(123)456-7890');
addrSubrecord.setFieldValue('addr1', '2955 Campus Drive');
addrSubrecord.setFieldValue('addr2', 'Suite - 100');
addrSubrecord.setFieldValue('city', 'San Mateo');
addrSubrecord.setFieldValue('state', 'CA');
addrSubrecord.setFieldValue('zip', '94403');
function createSalesOrder() {
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 160
record.setFieldValue('entity', customerid);
// For debugging purposes, set the memo field equal to the internal Id of the address.
record.setFieldValue('memo', addressInternalId);
record.setFieldValue('billaddresslist', addressInternalId);
Legacy fields like shipcity are only available for backward compatibility with server-side scripts that were
created before address customization. These legacy fields should not be used if possible because they
have limitations.
Note: Your solution might not work as expected if you use legacy fields with the SuiteTax
feature, for example, onChange scripts on address fields are triggered when the record is
Use code similar to the following to work with subrecords in server-side scripts:
function createSalesOrder()
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 161
var customerid = 1163;
var itemid = 100;
var addressInternalId = '';
// For debugging, set the memo field equal to the internal Id of the address.
record.setFieldValue('memo', addressInternalId);
tran.selectLineItem('item', 1);
tran.setCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'item', '144');
tran.setCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', '2');
//Custom address label is write-only. Address will be stored with this label, but when address is loaded again, it won't be available for read using
SuiteScript (it will be visible in UI as usual). This is because label is not a part of address and so it won't be loaded on address subrecord load.
//When custom address is edited, new custom address is always created. When custom address is edited after transaction was saved and loaded again,
label will be null as it won't be copied over to new custom address. In such case, user has to define address label again.
subrecord.setFieldValue('label', 'My label');
subrecord.setFieldValue('zip', '94403');
subrecord.setFieldValue('state', 'CA');
tran.setCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'item', '144');
tran.setCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'quantity', '3');
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Specific Subrecords in SuiteScript 162
//User can use new custom address on multiple item lines by setting its address book key to item line 'shipaddress' select. In this case we set custom
address used on item line 1
tran.setCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'shipaddress', tran.getLineItemValue('item', 'shipaddress', 1));
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Fields 163
Note: For information about working with nlobjField objects that you can add dynamically to
NetSuite records at runtime, see the help topic nlobjField in the NetSuite Help Center. These
are the only type of fields you can programmatically add to a record. There are no SuiteScript
APIs available for creating custom fields that are akin to the kinds of custom field created using
SuiteBuilder point-and-click functionality.
Important: SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the
Document Object Model (DOM). The NetSuite UI should only be accessed using SuiteScript APIs.
The following figure shows a combination of body and sublist fields. The body sections of a record include
the top (header) portion and non-sublist fields that sometimes appear on the top area of a subtab. Body
fields that appear under a subtab should not be confused with sublist fields. Each line on a sublist is
referred to as a line item; the fields on each line item are sublist fields. Sublist fields are accessed using
Sublist APIs.
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Fields Overview 164
SuiteScript 1.0
Referencing Fields in SuiteScript 165
Important: Be aware that not every field that appears in your NetSuite account officially
supports SuiteScript. To make sure you write scripts that include only supported, officially tested
NetSuite fields, refer to the SuiteScript Records Browser to verify a field's official support. See the
help topic Working with the SuiteScript Records Browser for more details.
Note: If you are not familiar with standard mode and dynamic mode scripting, see SuiteScript
1.0 Working with Records in the NetSuite Help Center.
To check if a field has a non-empty value, you should write code which checks for null and empty when
using any of the following APIs:
■ nlapiGetFieldValue(fldnam)
■ nlapiGetLineItemValue(type, fldnam, linenum)
■ nlobjRecord.getFieldValue(name)
■ nlobjRecord.getLineItemValue(group, name, linenum)
For guidance and examples of syntax for scripting with fields, click on one of the links above to view
details for each specific API.
Important: Note that this inconsistency in field return values does NOT exist when scripting
records in dynamic mode.
The following snippets provide examples of how you might want to write your code to catch any null vs.
empty string return value inconsistencies:
if (value) {
// Handle the case where value is not empty
if (!value) {
// Handle the case where value is empty (or null)
The following figure shows a custom entity field. The field's UI label is Contact Source and its internal ID is
custentity11. In this figure, the Store Value box is selected, which means that you can use SuiteScript to
get and set the value of this custom entity field.
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Custom Fields in SuiteScript 166
When a custom field does not contain a stored value (the Store Value box is not selected), you can
reference this field in a SuiteScript search to return the current value of the field. However, non-stored
custom fields are considered to have dynamic values, so in a search, the value of a non-stored custom
field might be 10 one day and 12 the next day when the same search is executed.
Note: If you are not familiar with creating custom fields in NetSuite, see the help topic Custom
Fields in the NetSuite Help Center.
Important: Do not use _send when you specify an internal ID for a custom field. The suffix
_send is reserved and may cause an issue with successful deployment of your script.
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Custom Fields in SuiteScript 167
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Subtabs and Sublists 168
1. The distinction between subtabs and sublists (see Subtabs and Sublists - What's the Difference?)
2. Sublist types (see Sublist Types)
3. Adding subtabs with SuiteScript (Adding Subtabs with SuiteScript)
4. Adding sublists with SuiteScript (Adding Sublists with SuiteScript)
5. Manipulating sublist with SuiteScript (Working with Sublist Line Items)
6. Sublist scripting when a record is in dynamic mode (Working with Sublists in Dynamic Mode and
Client SuiteScript)
Important: SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the
Document Object Model (DOM). The NetSuite UI should only be accessed using SuiteScript APIs.
Note: For a list of all sublists that support SuiteScript, see the SuiteScript Records Browser. To
see all sublist-related APIs, see the help topic Sublist APIs.
■ What is a Subtab?
■ What is a Sublist?
SuiteScript 1.0
Subtabs and Sublists - What's the Difference? 169
1 Parent Subtab
2 Child Subtab
3 Sublist
What is a Subtab?
Subtabs contain body fields, other subtabs, and sublists. Unlike sublists, subtabs do not contain
references to other records. Subtabs are used mainly for organizational purposes.
The figure below shows the Sales subtab on a Customer record. Notice that the Sales tab contains body
fields that hold data specific to the Customer. The primary purpose of the Sales subtab is to organize all of
the sales-related sublists (Sales Team, Opportunities, Transactions, and so on).
To compare what you see on the Sales subtab, the Sales Team sublist contains data that link to other
records—in this case, the employee records for the sales people associated with this customer (see
1 Child Subtab
2 Sublist
The next figure shows the Financial subtab, also on the Customer record. Notice that the information
about this subtab is additional field-level information related to this particular customer. None of the
information applies to or references data that exists on another record.
In SuiteScript you can access fields that appear on a subtab using Field APIs. Field APIs are also used on
regular body fields that appear on the top portion of records.
SuiteScript 1.0
Subtabs and Sublists - What's the Difference? 170
What is a Sublist?
Sublists contain a list of references to other records. Note that the list of record references are referred to
as line items. Within NetSuite there are four types of sublists: editor, inline editor, list, and static list (see
Sublist Types for details on each type).
Important: Static list sublists do not support SuiteScript. For a list of all editor, inline editor, and
list sublists that support SuiteScript.
The following figure shows the Pricing Sublist / Pricing Matrix on the Customer record. This is an inline
editor sublist that appears on a subtab, in this case the Financial subtab. Whereas the field-level data
captured on the Financial subtab applies specifically to this customer, the data on the Item Pricing sublist
references data contained on other records.
In the UI, you can add/insert/remove lines items to this sublist using the Add, Insert, and Remove buttons.
In SuiteScript, you can perform the same actions using Sublist APIs such as nlapiInsertLineItem(type, line)
and nlapiRemoveLineItem(type, line).
SuiteScript 1.0
Subtabs and Sublists - What's the Difference? 171
1 Parent Subtab
2 Child Subtab
3 Sublist
Sublist Types
There are four types of sublists in NetSuite:
■ Editor Sublists
■ Inline Editor Sublists
■ List Sublists
■ Static List Sublists
SuiteScript 1.0
Sublist Types 172
Important: Static list sublists do not support SuiteScript. Scripts written against static list
sublists will either not run or will return a system error. All other sublist types support both client
and server SuiteScript.
Note: If you are building your own custom form and are adding a sublist object to that form
through nlobjForm.addSubList(name, type, label, tab), you can set the sublist type to any of the
four sublist types. You can then write scripts against your custom sublist. Note that sorting (in the
UI) is not supported on static sublists created using the addSubList(...) method if the row count
exceeds 25.
Editor Sublists
The editor sublist allows users to insert/edit/remove lines dynamically prior to submitting the form. On an
editor sublist, editing sublists lines (referred to as line items) is done in fields directly above the line items.
In the UI, changes you make when you add/edit/remove lines are not committed to the database until
you save the entire record. Similarly, in SuiteScript add/edit/remove functions provided in Sublist APIs are
not persisted in the NetSuite database until the change is committed to the NetSuite database.
When writing client scripts, you must call nlapiCommitLineItem(type) after each sublist line change.
Otherwise your changes will not be committed to NetSuite.
When writing server scripts, you must call nlobjRecord.commitLineItem(group, ignoreRecalc) to commit
sublist updates. Note that you must do this in addition to calling nlapiSubmitRecord(record, doSourcing,
ignoreMandatoryFields), which commits the entire record object to the database.
The only difference between an inline editor sublist and an editor sublist is UI appearance. Inline editor
sublists do not contain a line item edit area directly above the line items. The line items on an inline editor
sublist are edited “inline” directly on the lines on which they appear.
The following figure shows the Items sublist on the Estimate record. The field-level data that appears
directly above the line items are not used for adding, editing, or removing line items that appear below it.
In SuiteScript, fields above the line items are accessed using Field APIs. Sublist line items are accessed
using Sublist APIs.
SuiteScript 1.0
Sublist Types 173
List Sublists
Unlike Editor Sublists and Inline Editor Sublists, list sublists are not dynamic. The number of line items are
fixed and cannot be removed or added on-the-fly though UI customziation or through SuiteScript.
Changes you make to existing line items on list sublists are submitted along with the main record and do
not take effect until after the record has been saved. Note that even though you cannot add or remove
lines on a list sublist, you can use the UI to change values or SuiteScript to get/set values on lines that
currently exist.
Also note that in SuiteScript, client lineInit and validateLine functions will not execute, since they have no
context in a list sublist. (For information about client event functions, see Client Event Types.)
The following figure shows the Subscriptions child sublist on the Customer record. Although you cannot
add/remove lines, you can edit the lines that are there (in this case, you can select or de-select the check
SuiteScript 1.0
Sublist Types 174
The next figure shows the Apply sublist on the Accept Customer Payments record. Similar to the
Subscriptions sublist, you can manipulate the line items that appear, but you cannot dynamically add or
remove additional lines.
The last figure provides another example of a list sublist—the Billable Expenses sublist on the Invoice
record. Again, you can only manipulate the line item data provided. You cannot dynamically add or
remove items. Any changes you make to the data on this sublist will not be committed to the database
until you call nlapiSubmitRecord(record, doSourcing, ignoreMandatoryFields) in your script.
Static list sublists, also referred to as read-only sublists, contain static data. These sublists are typically
used for displaying associated records/data rather than child records/data. Technically, this means that
the data on a static list sublist is not a part of the record (and therefore not accessible to SuiteScript), and
is not submitted with the record when the record is saved.
The following figure shows the System Notes sublist, which is accessed through the System Information
subtab on many records. Note that all data in the System Notes sublist is read-only and is not even
settable through the UI.
SuiteScript 1.0
Sublist Types 175
The next figure shows the Files sublist, which is accessed from the Communications subtab on many
records. In this case you can attach/detach a file to this sublist, but the file is maintained entirely as a
separate document. The data in this document (in this case a .txt file), is not considered to be part of
Customer record, which can be manipulated through the UI or through SuiteScript.
The last figure shows the User Notes sublist, also accessed through the Communication subtab. Although
you can add a new Note to this sublist, the data you define on the Note record is not available to this
Customer record. Therefore, the User Notes sublist is considered to hold static/read-only data.
Note: In some cases you can use search joins in SuiteScript to search the data on a static list
sublist (for example, data related to notes, contacts, messages, or files that appear on a particular
record). In the previous example, you could use the file search join to search for all files associated
with this particular Customer record.
SuiteScript 1.0
Adding Subtabs with SuiteScript 176
Important: You must define two subtabs for subtab UI labels to appear. If you define only
one subtab in your script, the UI label you provide for the subtab doesn't appear in the UI.
Both methods return an nlobjTab object, through which you can further define the properties of your
Note: To add subtabs using UI customization, in the NetSuite Help Center, see the help
topics Adding Subtabs to a Custom Record and Configuring Subtabs for Custom Entry and
Transaction Forms.
The following example shows how to use SuiteScript to add subtabs to a custom NetSuite form. This
script is a beforeLoad user event script that is deployed to the Sales Order. Note that if you add only
one subtab, the UI label you define for the subtab will not appear in the UI. You must define two
subtabs for subtab UI labels to appear.
When you are adding UI Objects to an existing form, be sure to prefix the internal IDs for all elements
with custpage, for example 'custpage_sample_tab' and 'custpage_field_email' (see sample). In the
sample below, the nlobjTab and nlobjField UI objects are being added to a custom transaction form on
a Sales Order. (See the help topic Custom Transaction Forms in the NetSuite Help Center if you are not
familiar with this form type.)
Also note that element internal IDs must be in all lowercase.
SuiteScript 1.0
Adding Subtabs with SuiteScript 177
Important: The internal ID for all custom sublists, subtabs, and fields must be prefixed with
custpage. The rest of the ID name must be in lowercase.
Important: To add sublists through point-and-click customization, see the help topic Custom
Sublists in the NetSuite Help Center. When adding a sublist through UI customization, you are
essentially adding the data from a saved search, the results of which are only associated with the
record. This is the equivalent of a static list sublist. The results are not considered to be part of the
Example 1
This sample shows how to create a custom sublist and run a search every time the form is loaded, edited,
or viewed. This is a beforeLoad user event script.
SuiteScript 1.0
Adding Sublists with SuiteScript 178
//a sublist type, sublist UI label, and the tab the sublist will appear on
var contacts = form.addSubList('custpage_contacts', 'staticlist', 'Custom Contacts', 'general');
// perform a Contact record search. Set search filters and return columns for
// the Contact search
var contactdata = nlapiSearchRecord('contact', null, new
nlobjSearchFilter('company', null, 'anyOf', nlapiGetRecordId()),
[new nlobjSearchColumn('entityid'), new nlobjSearchColumn('phone'),
new nlobjSearchColumn('email')])
Example 2
The following example shows how to add an inline editor sublist to a Suitelet by instantiating the
nlobForm object (using nlapiCreateForm(title, hideNavbar)) and then calling nlobjForm.addSubList(name,
type, label, tab). Note that because you are not adding field or sublist elements to an existing NetSuite
form, you do not need to prefix the element internal IDs with custpage.
function createSuiteletWithSublist(request, response)
if (request.getMethod() == 'GET' )
// create the form
var form = nlapiCreateForm('Simple Form');
// add a select field and then add the select options that will appear in the dropdown list
var select = form.addField('selectfield','select','Custom');
// make the Name field unique. Users cannot provide the same value for the Name field.
SuiteScript 1.0
Adding Sublists with SuiteScript 179
response.writePage( form );
Note: The nlapiRefreshLineItems(type) API can be used to refresh static list sublists that have
been added using nlobjSubList. This API implements the behavior of the Refresh button on the UI.
When scripting with sublists, you should know if you are scripting an Editor Sublists, Inline Editor Sublists,
or List Sublists sublist. Because List Sublists sublists are not dynamic, you cannot add/remove lines. You
can only get/set values that currently exist on the sublist.
Whether you are scripting an editor, inline editor, or list sublist, generally you will specify one or more of
the following in the sublist API:
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Sublist Line Items 180
Example : The value can be defined directly in the API or it can be a passed in value that was
defined elsewhere in the script.
Important: When you edit a sublist line with SuiteScript, it triggers an internal validation of the
sublist line. If the line validation fails, the script also fails. For example, if your script edits a closed
catch up period, the validation fails and prevents SuiteScript from editing the closed catch up
Important: This section does not apply to List Sublists. List sublists contain information that
cannot be dynamically added or removed in either the UI or in SuiteScript. For information about
getting/setting existing values on a list sublist, see Getting and Setting Line Item Values.
Client Scripts
1. (Optionally) Call nlapiGetLineItemCount(type) to get the number of lines in the sublist. Alternatively
you can call nlapiGetCurrentLineItemIndex(type) to return the number of the currently select line
2. Call either nlapiInsertLineItem(type, line) or nlapiRemoveLineItem(type, line) to add/remove a line.
In the line argument you will specify the line number of the line you want to add/remove.
3. If adding a line:
1. Call nlapiSelectNewLineItem(type) to select and insert a new line (as you would in the UI).
2. Call nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue(type, fldnam, value, firefieldchanged, synchronous) to
set the value of the line.
4. Call nlapiCommitLineItem(type) to commit/save the changes to the sublist.
5. Perform steps 3 and 4 as many times as necessary to add all line items.
Server Scripts
1. Load the record object — for example using nlapiLoadRecord(type, id, initializeValues).
2. (Optionally) Call nlobjRecord.getLineItemCount(group) to get the number of lines in the sublist.
3. Call either nlobjRecord.insertLineItem(group, linenum, ignoreRecalc) or
nlobjRecord.removeLineItem(group, linenum, ignoreRecalc) to add/remove a line. In the group
argument specify by line number where to add/remove the line. Line numbering begins with 1, not
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Sublist Line Items 181
4. If adding a line:
1. Call nlobjRecord.selectNewLineItem(group) to select and insert a new line (as you would in
the UI).
2. Call nlobjRecord.setCurrentLineItemValue(group, name, value) to set the value of the line.
5. Call nlobjRecord.commitLineItem(group, ignoreRecalc) to commit/save the changes to the sublist.
6. Submit the record using nlapiSubmitRecord(record, doSourcing, ignoreMandatoryFields).
record.setCurrentLineItemValue('expense', 'account', 11);
record.setCurrentLineItemValue('expense', 'amount','10');
This sample shows how to add a line to a sublist. When the record is saved, the updates to the
sublist are committed to the database.
//Set the value of currency to 1 (the internal ID for US dollar) on the first line of the sublist
rec.setLineItemValue('item', 'currency', 1, 1);
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Sublist Line Items 182
function insertShippingRate()
/* important so that you know that the script was called from insertShippingRate() */
nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'custcolinsertshippingrate', true);
nlapiSetCurrentLineItemText('item', 'item', 'Shipping');
function doPostSourcing(type, fldname)
if ( type == 'item' && fldname == 'item' && nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue
('item', 'custcolinsertshippingrate') == true )
nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'custcolinsertshippingrate', false);
nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'rate', '7.50');
Example 1
The following sample includes several Sublist APIs. This sample copies sales reps from the Sales Team
sublist of one sales order to another sales order, ignoring those on the Sales Team sublist who are not
sales reps.
// Copy all the reps from the original order to the adjusting order
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Sublist Line Items 183
var iRep = 1;
var reps = originalSo.getLineItemCount('salesteam');
// If primary rep on original order make it primary on the new sales order
var primary = originalSo.getLineItemValue('salesteam', 'isprimary', rep);
so.setCurrentLineItemValue('salesteam', 'isprimary', iRep, primary);
// save the new order and return the ID
var soId = nlapiSubmitRecord(so, true);
Example 2
The following sample is a validateLine client script which uses nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue(type, fldnam)
to prevent the addition of Sales Order item lines with an amount greater than 10000.
function validateLine(group)
var newType = nlapiGetRecordType();
if ( newType == 'salesorder' && group == 'item' && parseFloat(nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item','amount')) > 10000 )
alert('You cannot add an item with amount greater than 10000.')
return false;
return true;
You can use SuiteScript to interact with item groups in the same way you use the UI. Item Group type
items are added to transactions as other line items are. In the case of an Item Group item, the item group
expands to its member items. Item groups can optionally include start and end lines. The SuiteScript
behavior emulates the behavior of how you would add an item group in the UI.
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Item Groups in a Sublist 184
In this example, an Item Group item is added to a transaction, and the tax code propagates to the
members of the group.
Note: When using client SuiteScript on a sublist, you must also script in a way that emulates the
behaviors of the UI. Consequently, an API such as nlapiSetLineItemValue(type, fldnam, linenum,
value) will generally not be supported in client scripts. Read the rest of this section for more
Note: If you are unfamiliar with the concept of dynamic scripting, see SuiteScript 1.0 Working
with Records in Dynamic Mode for details.
When scripting against a sublist that is in dynamic mode, the following APIs will NOT work when adding a
line or changing the values of an existing line:
These APIs will not work in dynamic mode or in client SuiteScript because they have no UI correlation.
One of the primary components of dynamic and client scripting is that they emulate the behaviors of the
When users interact with sublists in the UI, they first select the sublist they want to work with, then
they select the line they want to add or change, and finally they click the Add button to commit the
line to the database. When you are scripting a sublist in dynamic mode or in client SuiteScript, calling
nlapiSetLineItemValue(type, fldnam, linenum, value) does not provide enough context for the script to
execute. Instead, you will follow one of these two patterns when adding or changing a line:
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Sublists in Dynamic Mode and Client SuiteScript 185
This sample creates a new sales order in dynamic mode, and then adds two new items to the Items
1. nlapiSelectLineItem(type, linenum) - to specify the sublist you want to work with and the existing
line you want to change.
2. nlapiSetCurrentLineItemValue(type, fldnam, value, firefieldchanged, synchronous) - to set values on
the current line.
3. nlapiCommitLineItem(type) - to commit the line to the database.
This sample loads a sales order in dynamic mode, and then modifies a line that already exists.
■ Example:
This sample loads a sales order in dynamic mode, and then inserts a new item on line one. The item
that was previously on line one moves to line two.
Sublist Errors
You can only set line items that are valid. If you attempt to set a line that does not exist, you will receive
an “Invalid Sublist Operation” out-of-bounds error. The exception to this is on Suitelets. Because Suitelets
contain only your data, you will not receive a NetSuite error.
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Sublists in Dynamic Mode and Client SuiteScript 186
The following example shows how to update the Payment sublist of a Deposit record in standard mode:
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Online Forms 187
Important: These are also the only APIs supported on externally available Suitelets (Suitelets
set to Available Without Login on the Script Deployment page). For more information about
externally available Suitelets, see SuiteScript and Externally Available Suitelets.
Important: SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the
Document Object Model (DOM). The NetSuite UI should only be accessed using SuiteScript APIs.
Note that server-side SuiteScript execution for such pages (for example, user events and Suitelet page
generation or backend code) have no such restrictions.
SuiteScript 1.0
Working with Online Forms 188
Note: nlapiGetRole() always returns -31 (the online form user role) when used in this context.
nlapiGetUser() returns -4, the return value for an entity if a user cannot be properly identified by
NetSuite. This occurs when the user has not authenticated to NetSuite, for example, when using
externally available (Available without Login) Suitelets or online forms.
The APIs listed in the previous section all operate on the current page and will run as expected without
a valid NetSuite session. Note that both types of pages (online forms and externally available Suitelets)
are hosted on a NetSuite domain called <accountID> Having a separate domain
for online forms and externally available Suitelets prevents secure NetSuite sessions established on
<accountID> from carrying over to these pages.
The following figure uses a Suitelet Script Deployment page to show the two domains types. In this case,
the Available Without Login preference is selected. When this Suitelet is called, it will be called from the
<accountID> domain. So long as only the APIs listed in the table SuiteScript APIs
available on online forms and externally available Suitelets have been used (in addition to any UI Objects),
this externally available Suitelet will load and run as intended.
If the Available Without Login preference is not set, the Suitelet will be called from the login domain
For more information about NetSuite domains, see the help topic Understanding NetSuite URLs.
Note: Although it is not shown on the Script Deployment record, the internal URL is prepended
with https://<accountID>
SuiteScript 1.0
Inline Editing and SuiteScript 189
In SuiteScript, the equivalent of inline editing is changing the value of a field without loading and
submitting the entire record the field appears on. This is done using nlapiSubmitField(type, id, fields,
values, doSourcing). See Inline Editing Using nlapiSubmitField for details.
Be aware that in SuiteScript, inline editing and mass updating are considered to be event types that can
trigger user event scripts. When users inline edit a field in the UI, or when they perform a mass update,
these two event contexts can trigger the execution of a user event script if the script's context type has
been set to xedit. See Inline Editing (xedit) as a User Event Type and User Event Scripts.
Important: When using SuiteScript to inline edit a field on a record, note the following:
■ In the UI and in SuiteScript, you can only perform inline editing on body fields. You cannot inline edit
sublist fields. If you do not know the distinction between body and sublist fields, see Working with
Fields Overview in the NetSuite Help Center.
■ In SuiteScript, you cannot inline edit select fields. In other words, you cannot call nlapiSubmitField on a
select field.
■ In the NetSuite UI, users cannot set fields that are not inline editable. SuiteScript, however, does let
you set non inline editable fields using nlapiSubmitField, but this is NOT the intended use for this
API. See Consequences of Using nlapiSubmitField on Non Inline Editable Fields to learn about the
increased governance cost of using this API on non inline editable fields.
■ You can use the nlapiSubmitField function to inline edit inline-editable body fields on SuiteScript-
supported records only. Do not use nlapiSubmitField (or any other SuiteScript API) on a record that
does not officially support SuiteScript. For a list of records that officially support SuiteScript, see the
help topic SuiteScript Supported Records in the NetSuite Help Center.
■ If you want to perform inline editing through the UI or through SuiteScript, you must first enable
the Inline Edit feature in your account. Enable this feature by going to Setup > Company > Enable
Features. In the Data Management section, click the Inline Editing check box.
SuiteScript 1.0
Why Inline Edit in SuiteScript? 190
Important: In the NetSuite UI, users cannot set fields that are not inline editable. SuiteScript,
however, does let you set non inline editable fields using nlapiSubmitField, but this is NOT the
intended use for this API. See Consequences of Using nlapiSubmitField on Non Inline Editable
Fields to learn about the increased governance cost of using this API on non inline editable fields.
The following figure shows that the Phone field on a customer record is being inline edited in the UI. To
save the change, a user needs to click away from the field.
In SuiteScript, the programmatic equivalent of inline editing the Phone field on customer record 96 is:
In one call, you can reference a specific record and field, and then set a new value for that field. The entire
process consumes only 10 units, which, in many cases, makes updating fields through nlapiSubmitField
preferable to loading a record, referencing the field on the record, setting a value for the field, and then
submitting the entire record to the database. For example, the following script consumes 30 units to
accomplish the same thing as the previous inline editing sample:
Note that with inline editing in SuiteScript you can update multiple fields on a record, and the unit
count remains as 10. In this example, three fields are updated, however, there is still only one call to
nlapiSubmitField. For example:
SuiteScript 1.0
Inline Editing Using nlapiSubmitField 191
values[0] = "800-555-1234";
fields[1] = 'url';
values[1] = "";
fields[2] = 'billpay';
values[2] = "T";
var updatefields = nlapiSubmitField('customer', '149', fields, values);
Important: If you are initiating a scheduled script from a user event script, and the user event
type is set to xedit, no call to nlapiSubmitField within that scheduled script will save the field
specified in nlapiSubmitField.
Important: In the NetSuite UI, users cannot set fields that are not inline editable. SuiteScript,
however, does let you set non inline editable fields using nlapiSubmitField, but this is NOT the
intended use for this API. See Consequences of Using nlapiSubmitField on Non Inline Editable
Fields to learn about the increased governance cost of using this API on non inline editable fields.
Although nlapiSubmitField(type, id, fields, values, doSourcing) is the programmatic equivalent of inline
editing, it is possible to use this API to update fields that are not inline editable in the UI. If a non inline
editable field is submitted for update, all the data on the record will be updated appropriately. However,
to support this, when a non inline editable field is submitted, the NetSuite backend must load the record,
set the field(s), and then submit the record. Completing the “load record, set field, submit record” lifecycle
for a record allows all validation logic on the record to execute.
Note: If an array of fields is submitted using nlapiSubmitField(...), and one field in the array is non
inline editable, NetSuite also applies the same solution: the record is loaded in the backend, all
fields are set, and the record is submitted.
Governance Implications
When you use nlapiSubmitField(type, id, fields, values, doSourcing) as it is intended to be used (to set one
or more fields that are inline editable in the UI), the SuiteScript governance cost is 10 units.
However, when you use nlapiSubmitField(...) to update fields that are NOT inline editable in the UI, the unit
cost for nlapiSubmitField(...) is higher. Your script is charged the units it takes to load and submit a record.
For example, the unit cost of nlapiSubmitField(...) to set a non inline editable field on a transaction is:
Total = 30 units
It is best practice to use nlapiSubmitField(...) as it is intended to be used: to set fields that are inline
editable in the UI. To help you know which fields are inline editable, you can refer to the UI.
SuiteScript 1.0
Inline Editing (xedit) as a User Event Type 192
The following sample shows a user event script that will execute when a user inline edits a record, or the
record is updated in a mass update. This script shows how to get all fields that were inline edited on the
record or during the mass update.
function getUpdatedFields(type)
// if the record is inline edited or mass updated, run the script
if (type == ' xedit ')
// call nlapiGetNewRecord to get the fields that were inline edited/mass updated
var fields = nlapiGetNewRecord().getAllFields()
Note: User event scripts are not executed upon mass updates of child matrix items from their
parent items.
Keep in mind that in SuiteScript, inline editing and mass updating are considered to be event types that
can trigger user event scripts. When users inline edit a field in the UI, or when they perform a mass
update, these two event contexts can trigger the execution of a user event script if the script's context
type has been set to xedit. See Inline Editing (xedit) as a User Event Type.
In contrast, if the user event type argument is set to edit, and you call nlapiGetNewRecord() in a
beforeSubmit, you will get back all the fields on the record.
SuiteScript 1.0
Inline Editing and nlapiGetNewRecord() 193
For xedit user events, you should call nlapiGetNewRecord().getAllFields() to return an array of all the fields
being changed in the inline edit, mass update, or nlapiSubmitField() operation.
Note: If you call getFieldValue() on a field that is not in that array, null is returned.
The following sample shows how nlapiGetOldRecord() is used in a user event script that executes in the
context of an inline edit or mass update. This script logs all the revised field IDs in the record prior to
being committed to the database. If the phone field is modified, the change is reverted.
function getUpdatedFields(type)
// if the record is inline edited or mass updated, run this script
if (type == 'xedit')
var recOldEmployee = nlapiGetOldRecord();
var recUpdEmployee = nlapiGetNewRecord();
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Searching Overview 194
The following sections provide details on searching with SuiteScript. If you are new to SuiteScript
searches, you should read these topics in order.
SuiteScript 1.0
Understanding SuiteScript Search Objects 195
After all filters and search columns are defined, the search is executed using the nlapiSearchRecord(type,
id, filters, columns) function.
Important: If you are performing a global search or a duplicate record search, you will not use
the objects listed above or the nlapiSearchRecord(type, id, filters, columns) function. For details on
these types of searches, see Searching for Duplicate Records and Performing Global Searches.
In SuiteScript, the same filter value is specified using the nlobjSearchFilter object:
SuiteScript 1.0
Understanding SuiteScript Search Objects 196
In SuiteScript, the same column values are specified using the nlobjSearchColumn(name, join, summary)
SuiteScript 1.0
Understanding SuiteScript Search Objects 197
// Get the value of the Company Name column from the first search result
var theValue = searchResults[0].getValue(columns[2]);
SuiteScript 1.0
Search Samples 198
Search Samples
The following are samples of SuiteScript searches.
For more general information that describes search objects, see Understanding SuiteScript Search
To create a saved search, you will first define all search criteria and then execute the search
using nlapiCreateSearch(type, filters, columns). The search will not be saved until you call the
nlobjSearch.saveSearch method.
By default, searches returned by nlapiCreateSearch(...) will be private, which follows the saved search
model in the UI. To make a saved search public, you must set the nlobjSearch.setIsPublic(type) method to
Note: When working with List/Record filters on searches, you must use the numeric internal ID
to avoid throwing an error.
SuiteScript 1.0
Creating Saved Searches Using SuiteScript 1.0 199
Note: For general information about NetSuite saved searches, see the help topic Saved Searches
in the NetSuite Help Center.
When using the nlapiSearchRecord function to execute an existing saved search, note the following:
■ Only saved searches on record types currently supported by SuiteScript can be executed. For a list
of records that support SuiteScript, see the help topic SuiteScript Supported Records in the NetSuite
Help Center.
■ Saved searches acted on by SuiteScript should be protected. If a saved search is edited after script
deployment is complete, the execution of the script could fail. You can add security to a saved search
by defining access permissions in the search definition.
Note: You may want to include the script administrator in an email notification for any time a
saved search included in the script is updated. Email notifications can be defined on the Alerts
tab of the saved search definition.
■ On a Script record page, if you define a saved search as a List/Record script parameter, only saved
searches that are public will appear in the List/Record parameter dropdown field. For information
about script parameters, see the help topic Creating Script Parameters Overview in the NetSuite Help
■ In nlapiSearchRecord(type, id, filters, columns), the value of id can be the ID that appears in the
Internal ID column on the Saved Searches list page (see figure below). Or it can be the value that
appears in the ID column.
If you have created a custom scriptId for your saved search, this will appear in the ID column (see
figure). Note: To access the Saved Searches list page, go to Lists > Search > Saved Searches.
SuiteScript 1.0
Using Existing Saved Searches 200
In the following code, a Customer saved search is executed. The ID customsearch57 references a
specific saved search.
Filtering a Search
The following samples provide examples for how to set various kinds of filtering criteria in a search. Also
provided are samples that show how to filter the results.
SuiteScript 1.0
Filtering a Search 201
// Execute the search. You must specify the internal ID of the record type.
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord( 'opportunity', null, filters, columns );
// Loop through all search results. When the results are returned, use methods
// on the nlobjSearchResult object to get values for specific fields.
for ( var i = 0; searchresults != null && i < searchresults.length; i++ )
var searchresult = searchresults[ i ];
var record = searchresult.getId( );
var rectype = searchresult.getRecordType( );
var salesrep = searchresult.getValue( 'salesrep' );
var salesrep_display = searchresult.getText( 'salesrep' );
var salesrep_email = searchresult.getValue( 'email', 'salesrep' );
var customer = searchresult.getValue( 'entity' );
var customer_email = searchresult.getValue( 'email', 'customer' );
var expectedclose = searchresult.getValue( 'expectedclosedate' );
var projectedamount = searchresult.getValue( 'projectedamount' );
var probablity = searchresult.getValue( 'probability' );
//Execute the search. You must specify the internal ID of the record type.
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('opportunity', null, filterExpression, columns);
//Loop through all search results. When the results are returned, use methods
//on the nlobjSearchResult object to get values for specific fields.
for (var i = 0; searchresults != null && i < searchresults.length; i++)
var searchresult = searchresults[i];
var record = searchresult.getId();
var rectype = searchresult.getRecordType();
var salesrep = searchresult.getValue('salesrep');
var salesrep_display = searchresult.getText('salesrep');
var salesrep_email = searchresult.getValue('email', 'salesrep');
var customer = searchresult.getValue('entity');
var customer_email = searchresult.getValue('email', 'customer');
var expectedclose = searchresult.getValue('expectedclosedate');
var projectedamount = searchresult.getValue('projectedamount');
var probability = searchresult.getValue('probability');
When filtering search results for box fields, use the is operator with T or F as the filter values. For
example, in the following portlet script, all memorized Cash Sale transactions are returned.
function testPortlet(portlet) {
portlet.setTitle('Memorized Cash Sales');
SuiteScript 1.0
Filtering a Search 202
function executeSearch()
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord( 'customer', null, null, null );
for ( var i = 0; i < Math.min( 10, searchresults.length ); i++)
var record = nlapiLoadRecord(searchresults[i].getRecordType(), searchresults[i].getId());
In the following example, only customer records that match the entityid of test1 are returned.
function filterCustomers()
var filters = new Array();
filters[0] = new nlobjSearchFilter( 'entityid', null, 'contains', 'test1', null );
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('customer', 11, filters, null);
var emailAddress = '';
for ( var i = 0; searchresults != null && i < searchresults.length; i++ )
var searchresult = searchresults[ i ];
Note: If it is unclear which values you can filter by for a specific filter variable, try performing a
search that returns the value of a field so that you can see possible options.
SuiteScript 1.0
Returning Specific Fields in a Search 203
function findCustomerEmails()
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('customer', customsearch8, null,null);
var emailAddress = '';
for ( var i = 0; searchresults != null && i < searchresults.length; i++ )
var searchresult = searchresults[ i ];
emailAddress += searchresult.getValue( 'email' );
For another example that shows how to return specific values in a search, see the sample for Searching
on Custom Records.
Note: To improve performance, if you only need to access a specific subset of fields, you
should limit the returned objects to include only that subset. This can be accomplished using the
nlobjSearchFilter and nlobjSearchColumn(name, join, summary) objects.
This sample shows how to define search filters and search columns, and then execute the search as you
would for any other record type. This sample also shows how to use methods on the nlobjSearchResult
object to get the values for the search results.
function searchWarranties()
// define search filters
var filters = new Array();
filters[0] = new nlobjSearchFilter( 'created', null, 'onOrAfter', 'daysAgo15' );
// execute the Warrenty search, passing all filters and return columns
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord( 'customrecord_warranty', null, filters, columns );
This sample shows how you can do a search on custom records using a search filter expression.
function searchWarranties()
SuiteScript 1.0
Searching on Custom Records 204
//Define search filter expression
var filterExpression = ['created', 'onOrAfter', 'daysAgo15'];
//Execute the Warranty search, passing search filter expression and columns
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('customrecord_warranty', null, filterExpression, columns);
If you load a custom list record by using nlapiLoadRecord(‘customlist’,’id’), it will have values in a
sublist customvalue that are arranged in the order that is defined during the custom list setup. For more
information, see the help topic nlapiLoadRecord(type, id, initializeValues).
You will define the join to the Pricing record in the nlobjSearchFilter object. You will define search return
column values (also joins to the Pricing record) in the nlobjSearchColumn(name, join, summary) object.
You will execute the Item search using nlapiSearchRecord(type, id, filters, columns).
// Create a filters array and define search filters for an Item search
var filters = new Array();
SuiteScript 1.0
Executing Joined Searches 205
// return data from pricelevel and unitprice fields on the Pricing record
columns[0] = new nlobjSearchColumn('pricelevel', 'pricing');
columns[1] = new nlobjSearchColumn('unitprice', 'pricing');
// specify name as a search return column. There is no join set in this field.
// This is the Name field as it appears on Item records.
columns[2] = new nlobjSearchColumn('name');
// execute the Item search, which uses data on the Pricing record as search filters
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('item', null, filters, columns);
The following figures show the UI equivalent of executing an Item search that uses filtering criteria pulled
from the Pricing record. Note that on the Criteria tab, all available search joins for an Item search will
appear at the bottom of the Filter dropdown list. Available join records are marked with the ellipsis (...)
after the record name.
Note: Not all joins that appear in the UI are supported in SuiteScript. To see which joins are
supported for a particular search, start by going to SuiteScript Supported Records. Click the record
type that you want to execute the search on. Based on the example described below, you will click
Item Search record. Then look to see which joins are supported for the record type.
The figures below show only how to set the filter values for a joined search. All of the same concepts apply
when specifying search return column values.
The first figure shows the Item Search record (Lists > Accounting > Items > Search).
When Pricing Fields... is selected, a popup appears with all search fields that are available on the Pricing
record (see figure below).
SuiteScript 1.0
Executing Joined Searches 206
When you select the Customer field, another popup opens allowing you to select one or more
customers. In the code sample, customer 121 is specified. In the UI, this customer appears as Abe
Simpson (see below).
This figure shows how Item search / pricing join filtering criteria appear in the UI.
SuiteScript 1.0
Executing Joined Searches 207
This example shows how you can execute joined searches using a search filter expression.
//Execute the Item search, which uses data on the Pricing record as search filter expression
var searchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('item', null , filterExpression, columns);
The following figures show the UI equivalent of executing the preceding example. These figures show
only how to set the filter expression for a joined search. All of the same concepts apply when specifying
search return column values.
The first figure shows the Item Search record (Lists > Accounting > Items > Search).
When Pricing Fields… is selected, a popup appears with all search fields that are available on the Pricing
record. (See figure below.)
SuiteScript 1.0
Executing Joined Searches 208
When you select the Customer field, another popup opens allowing you to select one or more customers.
In the code sample, customer 121 is specified. In the UI, this customer appears as Abe Simpson. (See
figure below.)
The following figure shows how Item search / pricing join filtering criteria appear in the UI.
SuiteScript 1.0
Searching for an Item ID 209
Note: For general information about searching for duplicate records in NetSuite, see the help
topic Duplicate Record Detection in the NetSuite Help Center.
In SuiteScript, global searches are executed using the nlapiSearchGlobal(keywords) function. For the
definition of this API, as well as a code sample, see the help topic nlapiSearchGlobal(keywords).
Note: For general information about global searching in NetSuite, see the help topic Global
Search in the NetSuite Help Center.
For the type argument in nlapiSearchRecord(type, id, filters, columns), you will set savedcsvimport. For
Note that savedcsvimport is not a true record type in NetSuite, as it cannot be manipulated in SuiteScript
or in SOAP web services. The savedcsvimport type can be used only in search. The available filter and
return values for savedcsvimport are:
■ internalid
■ name
SuiteScript 1.0
Searching CSV Saved Imports 210
■ description
//now specify a numeric formula field and format the output using a special function
var roundednumber = new nlobjSearchColumn('formulanumeric').setFormula("1234.5678").setFunction("round");
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Supported Search Operators, Summary Types, and Date Filters 211
The following table lists each field type and its supported search operator.
Search List/Rec Currency, Decimal Date Check Document, Email Address, Free-Form Text, Long Text, Multi
Operator ord Number, Time of Day Box Image Password, Percent, Phone Number, Rich Text, Text Select
after — — — — — —
allof — — — — — —
any — — — — —
anyof — — — —
before — — — — — —
between — — — — — —
contains — — — — — —
doesnotcont — — — — — —
doesnotstart — — — — — —
equalto — — — —
greaterthan — — — — — —
greaterthano — — — — — —
haskeywords — — — — — —
is — — — — —
isempty — — — —
isnot — — — — — —
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Search Operators 212
Search List/Rec Currency, Decimal Date Check Document, Email Address, Free-Form Text, Long Text, Multi
Operator ord Number, Time of Day Box Image Password, Percent, Phone Number, Rich Text, Text Select
isnotempty — — — —
lessthan — — — — — —
lessthanoreq — — — — — —
noneof — — — —
notafter — — — — — —
notallof — — — — — —
notbefore — — — — — —
notbetween — — — — — —
notequalto — — — — — —
notgreaterth — — — — — —
notgreatertha — — — — — —
notlessthan — — — — — —
notlessthanor — — — — — —
noton — — — — — —
notonorafter — — — — — —
notonorbefore — — — — — —
notwithin — — — — — —
on — — — — — —
onorafter — — — — — —
onorbefore — — — — — —
startswith — — — — — —
within — — — — — —
The following table lists the summary types that can be applied to organize your search results. Note that
these summary types are available on the Results tab in the UI.
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Search Summary Types 213
Group group Rolls up search results under In a search for sales transactions, you can
the column to which you group the transactions found by customer
apply this type. name.
Count count Counts the number of results In a search of items purchased by customers,
found that apply to this you can view a count of the number of items
column. purchased by each customer.
Sum sum Sums search results. In a search of purchases this period, you can
total the Amount column on your results.
Minimum min Shows the minimum amount In a search of sales transactions by sales rep,
found in search results. you can show the minimum amount sold in the
Maximum max Shows the maximum amount In a customer search by partner, you can
found in search results. show the maximum amount of sales by each
Average avg Calculates the average In an employee search, you can average
amount found in your search the amounts of your employees' company
results. contributions.
The following table lists all supported search date filters. Values are not case sensitive. These values
correspond to selectors used in SuiteAnalytics. For additional information about these values, see the help
topics Period Selectors, Date Range Selectors, and Date As Of Selectors.
Note: Only the yesterday, today, and tomorrow filters are available in SuiteScript.
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Search Date Filters 214
Important: The following search date filters are deprecated as of Version 2015 Release 1.
These values are still supported in existing scripts. For new scripts, please use the arguments
listed in the above table.
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Search Date Filters 215
startOfPreviousRollingQuarter yearsfromnowxx
SuiteScript 1.0
UI Objects Overview 216
UI Objects Overview
SuiteScript UI Objects are a collection of objects that can be used as a UI toolkit for server scripts such
as Suitelets and User Event Scripts. SuiteScript UI objects are generated on the server as HTML. They are
then displayed in the browser and are accessible through client scripts.
Important: SuiteScript does not support direct access to the NetSuite UI through the
Document Object Model (DOM). The NetSuite UI should only be accessed using SuiteScript APIs.
The following figure is an email form Suitelet built with UI objects. The form itself is represented by the
nlobjForm UI object. The Subject, Recipient email, and Message fields are represented by the nlobjField UI
object, and the Send Email button is represented by the nlobjButton UI object.
* Build an email form Suitelet with UI objects. The Suitelet sends out an email
* from the current user to the recipient email address specified on the form.
function simpleEmailForm(request, response)
if ( request.getMethod() == 'GET' )
var form = nlapiCreateForm('Email Form');
var subject = form.addField('subject','text', 'Subject');
subject.setMandatory( true );
var recipient = form.addField('recipient','email', 'Recipient email');
recipient.setMandatory( true );
var message = form.addField('message','textarea', 'Message');
message.setDisplaySize( 60, 10 );
form.addSubmitButton('Send Email');
SuiteScript 1.0
UI Objects Overview 217
var currentuser = nlapiGetUser();
var subject = request.getParameter('subject')
var recipient = request.getParameter('recipient')
var message = request.getParameter('message')
nlapiSendEmail(currentuser, recipient, subject, message);
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Creating Custom NetSuite Pages with UI Objects 218
Depending on the design and purpose of the custom UI, you can use either the nlobjForm UI object or
nlobjList UI object as the basis. These objects encapsulate a scriptable NetSuite form and NetSuite list,
respectively. You can then add a variety of scriptable UI elements to these objects to adopt the NetSuite
look-and-feel. These elements can include fields (through nlobjField), buttons (through nlobjButton), tabs
(through nlobjTab), and sublists (through nlobjSubList).
Important: When adding UI elements to an existing page, you must prefix the element name
with custpage. This minimizes the occurrence of field/object name conflicts. For example, when
adding a custom tab to a NetSuite entry form in a user event script, the name should follow a
convention similar to custpage customtab or custpage mytab.
The server defines the client script (if applicable) and sends the page to the browser. When the page is
submitted, the values in these UI objects become part of the request and available to aid logic branching
in the code.
For a basic example of a Suitelet built entirely of UI objects, see What Are Suitelets?. This section also
provides the code used to create the Suitelet. To see examples of an assistant or “wizard” Suitelet built
with UI objects, see Using UI Objects to Build an Assistant.
Note: If you are not familiar with concept of NetSuite entry or transaction forms, see the help
topic Custom Forms in the NetSuite Help Center.
The key to using user event scripts to customize a form during runtime is a second argument named form
in the before load event. This optional argument is the reference to the entry/transaction form. You can
use this to dynamically change existing form elements, or add new ones (see Enhancing NetSuite Forms
with User Event Scripts).
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Creating Custom NetSuite Pages with UI Objects 219
Note: Sometimes the best solution for a customized workflow with multiple pages is a hybrid UI
design, which encompasses both customized entry forms as well as Suitelets built with UI objects.
SuiteScript 1.0
InlineHTML UI Objects 220
InlineHTML UI Objects
SuiteScript UI objects make most of the NetSuite UI elements scriptable. However, they still may not lend
themselves well to certain use cases. In these circumstances, developers can create custom UI elements
by providing HTML that SuiteScript can render on a NetSuite page. These UI elements are known as
The first approach, shown on the left side, requires you to provide all the HTML code you want to appear
on the page, as if performing web designing on a blank canvas. The second approach, shown on the right,
allows custom HTML to be embedded in a NetSuite page. Example code is available in the help section for
Suitelets Samples.
A blog hosted within NetSuite can be created with a hybrid of inlineHTML and UI objects. A blog page can
display blog entries in descending chronological order with “Read More” hyperlinks. Pagination should
be used to handle the potentially large number of entries. Readers should also be able to read and leave
comments. These requirements cannot be satisfied by standard NetSuite UI elements in a reader-friendly
manner. However, rendering the blog entries' data (stored as custom records) in HTML and displaying it
in SuiteScript UI objects as inlineHTML would satisfy this use case.
For more information, see the help topic Using Embedded Inline HTML in a Form.
SuiteScript 1.0
Building a NetSuite Assistant with UI Objects 221
For examples that show some of the built-in assistants that are included with NetSuite, see the help topic
Understanding NetSuite Assistants.
To learn to how programmatically construct your own assistant, see Using UI Objects to Build an
To create this look, you will use objects such as nlobjAssistant, nlobjAssistantStep, nlobjFieldGroup, and
nlobjField. The API documentation for each object and all object methods provides examples for building
instances of each objects.
Note that since your assistant is a Suitelet, after you have finished building the assistant, you can initiate
the assistant by creating a custom menu link that contains the Suitelet URL. (See Running a Suitelet in
NetSuite for details on creating custom menu links for Suitelets.)
In your SuiteScript code, there is an order in which many components of an assistant must be added. At a
minimum you will:
SuiteScript 1.0
Using UI Objects to Build an Assistant 222
In the assistant workflow diagram (below), see Build Page for a list of methods that can be used
to build a page.
3. Process assistant pages
In your Suitelet, construct pages in response to a user's navigation of the assistant. At a minimum
you will render a specific assistant step/page using a GET request. Then you will process that page
in the POST request, before then redirecting the user to another step in the assistant.
For example, this is where you would update a user's account based on data the user has entered
in the assistant.
The following flowchart provides an overview of a suggested assistant design.
SuiteScript 1.0
Using UI Objects to Build an Assistant 223
■ a new record/page within NetSuite (for example, to a new Employee or Contact page in NetSuite)
■ the start page of a built-in NetSuite assistant (for example, the Import Assistant or the Web Site
■ another custom assistant
To link users to another NetSuite page, built-in assistant, or custom assistant, and then return them
back to the originating assistant, you must set the value of the customwhence parameter in the
redirect URL to originating assistant. The value of customwhence will consist of the scriptId and
deploymentId of the originating custom assistant Suitelet.
The following sample shows a helper function that appears at the end of the Assistant code sample
(see UI Object Assistant Code Sample). Notice that in this function, the value of the customwhence
parameter in the URL is the scriptId and deplomentId of the custom assistant that you originally
started with. To link users out of the originating assistant, and then return them back to this assistant
after they have completed other tasks, you must append the customwhence parameter to the URL you
are redirecting to.
Note: If you redirect users to a built-in assistant or to another custom assistant, be aware
that they will not see the “Finish” page on the assistant they have been linked out to. After they
complete the assistant they have been linked to, they will be redirected back to the page where
they left off in the original assistant.
■ Steps
■ Field Groups
■ Fields
■ Sublists
■ Buttons
■ State Management
■ Error Handling
Create a step by calling nlobjAssistant.addStep(name, label), which returns a reference to the
nlobjAssistantStep object.
SuiteScript 1.0
Using UI Objects to Build an Assistant 224
At a minimum, every assistant will include steps, since steps are what define each page of the
assistant. Whether the steps must be completed sequentially or in a more random order is up to you.
Enforced sequencing of steps be will defined by the nlobjAssistant.setOrdered(ordered) method.
The placement of your steps (vertically along the left panel, or horizontally across the top of the
assistant) will also be determined by you. Also note that you can add helper text for each step using
the nlobjAssistantStep.setHelpText(help) method.
Field Groups
Create a field group by calling nlobjAssistant.addFieldGroup(name, label), which returns a reference to
the nlobjFieldGroup object.
In the UI, field group are collapsible groups of fields that can be displayed in a one-column or two-
column format. The following snippet shows how to use the nlobjField.setLayoutType(type, breaktype)
method to start a second column in a field group.
Create a field by calling nlobjAssistant.addField(name, type, label, source, group), which returns a
reference to the nlobjField object.
Fields are added to the current step on a per-request basis. For example, as the sample below shows,
in a GET request, if the user's current step is a step called "companyinformation", (meaning the user
has navigated to a step/page with the internal ID "companyinformation"), the page that renders will
include a field group and six fields within the group.
Note that all nlobjField APIs can be used with the fields returned from the addField(...) method. Also, fields
marked as required are respected by the assistant. Users cannot click through to the next page if fields
that are required on the current page do not contain a value.
SuiteScript 1.0
Using UI Objects to Build an Assistant 225
Create a sublist by calling nlobjAssistant.addSubList(name, type, label), which returns a reference to the
nlobjSubList object.
If you want to add a sublist to an assistant, be aware that only sublists of type inlineeditor are supported.
Also note that sublists on an assistant are always placed below all other elements on the page.
You do not need to programmatically add button objects to an assistant. Buttons are automatically
generated through the nlobjAssistant object.
Depending on which page you are on, the following buttons appear: Next, Back, Cancel, Finish. When
users reach the final step in an assistant, the Next button no longer displays, and the Finish button
appears. Button actions need to be communicated using the request using nlobjAssistant.getLastAction().
Important: The addition of custom buttons are not currently supported on assistants.
State Management
Assistants support data and state tracking across pages within the same session until the assistant is
completed by the user (at which point the assistant is reset when the “Finished” page displays).
Field data tracking is automatically saved in assistants. For example, if a user revisits a page using the
Back button, the previously entered data will be automatically displayed.
Every time a page is submitted, all the fields will be automatically tracked and when the page is displayed.
If the user did not explicitly set a value for a field or on a sublist, then the field(s) and sublist(s) will be
populated from data entered by the user the last time they submitted that page.
Note: If state/data tracking needs to be preserved across sessions, you should use custom
records or tables to record this information.
Finally, multiple Suitelet deployments should not be used to manage the pages within an assistant, since
data/state tracking is tied to the Suitelet instance. Developers should create one Suitelet deployment per
Error Handling
If an error occurs on a step, the assistant displays two error indicators. The first indicator is a red bar that
appears directly below the step. The second indicator is the html you pass to nlobjAssistant.setError(html).
SuiteScript 1.0
Using UI Objects to Build an Assistant 226
Important: If your browser is inserting scroll bars in this code sample, maximize your
browser window, or expand the main frame that this sample appears is.
* Implementation of a simple setup assistant with support for multiple setup steps and sequential or on demand step traversal.
* State is managed throughout the life of the user's session but is not persisted across sessions. Doing so would
* require writing this information to a custom record.
* @param request request object
* @param response response object
function showAssistant(request, response)
/* first create assistant object and define its steps. */
var assistant = nlapiCreateAssistant("Small Business Setup Assistant", true);
assistant.setOrdered( true );
nlapiLogExecution( 'DEBUG', "Create Assistant ", "Assistant Created" );
SuiteScript 1.0
Using UI Objects to Build an Assistant 227
// Build the page for a step by adding fields, field groups, and sublists to the assistant
if (step.getName() == "companyinformation")
assistant.addField('orgtypelabel','label','What type of organization are
assistant.addField('orgtype', 'radio','Business To Consumer',
assistant.addField('orgtype', 'radio','Business To Business','b2b').setLayoutType('midrow');
assistant.addField('orgtype', 'radio','Non-Profit','nonprofit').setLayoutType('endrow');
assistant.getField( 'orgtype', 'b2b' ).setDefaultValue( 'b2b' );
if (step.getName() == "companypreferences")
nlapiLogExecution( 'DEBUG', "Company Preferences ", "Begin Creating Page" );
SuiteScript 1.0
Using UI Objects to Build an Assistant 228
customerMessage.setMandatory( true );
var selectOptions = firstDay.getSelectOptions();
catch( error )
assistant.setError( error );
else if (step.getName() == "enterlocations")
var sublist = assistant.addSubList("locations", "inlineeditor", "Locations");
SuiteScript 1.0
Using UI Objects to Build an Assistant 229
"enteremps").setMandatory( true );
assistant.addField("enterempslink", "url", "", null, "enteremps" ).setDisplayType
( "inline" ).setLinkText( "Click Here to Enter Your Employees").setDefaultValue( host
+ getLinkoutURL( 'employee', 'record') );
/* When users click the 'Click Here to Configure Pricing' link, they will be taken to
* another custom assistant Suitelet that has a script ID of 47 and a deploy ID of 1. Note
* that the code for the "link out" assistant is not provided in this sample.
* Notice the use of the getLinkoutURL helper function, which sets the URL
* customwhence parameter so that after users finish the with the "link out" assistant,
* they will be redirected back to this (the originating) assistant.
assistant.addField("importlink", "url", "", null, "pricing" ).setDisplayType
( "inline").setLinkText( "Click Here to Configure Pricing").setDefaultValue( host +
getLinkoutURL( "/app/site/hosting/" ) );
SuiteScript 1.0
Using UI Objects to Build an Assistant 230
/* handle user submit (POST) requests. */
assistant.setError( null );
/* 1. if they clicked the finish button, mark setup as done and redirect to assistant page */
if (assistant.getLastAction() == "finish")
assistant.setFinished( "You have completed the Small Business Setup Assistant." );
assistant.sendRedirect( response );
/* 2. if they clicked the "cancel" button, take them to a different page (setup tab) altogether as
appropriate. */
else if (assistant.getLastAction() == "cancel")
nlapiSetRedirectURL('tasklink', "CARD_-10");
/* 3. For all other actions (next, back, jump), process the step and redirect to assistant page. */
nlapiSubmitConfiguration( configCompInfo );
configCompPref.setFieldValue( 'CUSTOMERWELCOMEMESSAGE',
request.getParameter( 'customerwelcomemessage' ) );
nlapiSubmitConfiguration( configCompPref );
nlapiSubmitConfiguration( configAcctPref );
SuiteScript 1.0
Using UI Objects to Build an Assistant 231
// add a location to the account
nlapiSubmitRecord( locationRec );
catch( error )
assistant.setError( error );
if( !assistant.hasError() )
assistant.setCurrentStep( assistant.getNextStep() );
assistant.sendRedirect( response );
if ( type == "record" )
url = nlapiResolveURL('record', redirect);
return url;
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 API Governance 232
Important: The content in this help topic pertains to SuiteScript 1.0. The governance limits for
each SuiteScript 2.0 API are listed in the individual topics describing SuiteScript 2.0 methods.
Notice the APIs marked with an asterisk consume a different number of units based on the type of
record they are running on. This kind of governance model takes into account the NetSuite processing
requirements for three categories of records: custom records, standard transaction records, and
standard non-transaction records.
Custom records, for example, require less processing than standard records. Therefore, the unit cost
for custom records is lower to be commensurate with the processing required for standard records.
Similarly, standard non-transaction records require less processing than standard transaction records.
Therefore, the unit cost for standard non-transaction records is lower to be commensurate with the
processing required for standard transaction records.
Note: Standard transaction records include records such as Cash Refund, Customer Deposit,
and Item Fulfillment. Standard non-transaction records include records such as Activity, Inventory
Item, and Customer. In the section on SuiteScript Supported Records in the NetSuite Help Center,
see the “Record Category” column. All record types not categorized as Transaction are considered
to be standard non-transaction records. Custom List and Custom Record are considered to be
custom records.
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 API Governance 233
nlapiLoadSearch 5
nlapiSetRecoveryPoint 100
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Record Initialization Defaults 234
■ nlapiCreateRecord(type, initializeValues)
■ nlapiCopyRecord(type, id, initializeValues)
■ nlapiDeleteRecord(type, id, initializeValues)
■ nlapiLoadRecord(type, id, initializeValues)
The initializeValues parameter is an Object that can contain an array of name/value pairs of defaults
that are passed upon record initialization. The following table lists initialization types that are available
to certain SuiteScript-supported records and the values they can contain. For examples, see Record
Initialization Examples.
Important: In your scripts, the property type does not need to be in quotes, but the property
value does, unless it is a variable, number, or boolean.
deletionreasonmemo <string>
Important: Use of
deletionreasoncode and
is supported only for
nlapiDeleteRecord. It is not
supported for nlapiCopyRecord,
nlapiCreateRecord, or
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Record Initialization Defaults 235
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Record Initialization Defaults 236
Example 1
Example 2
//load a sales order in dynamic mode and source in all values from customer (entity) 87
var rec = nlapiLoadRecord('salesorder', 111, {recordmode: 'dynamic', entity: 87});
Example 2
Example 3
//copy a sales order - the record object returned from the copy will be in dynamic
//mode and contain values from custom form 17
var rec = nlapiCopyRecord('salesorder', 55, {recordmode: 'dynamic', customform: 17});
Example 4
// create sales order and pass values stored in the initvalues array
var rec = nlapiCreateRecord('salesorder', initvalues);
Example 5
//create a script deployment record in dynamic mode and attach a script record to it
var rec = nlapiCreateRecord('scriptdeployment', {recordmode: 'dynamic', script: 68});
rec.setFieldValue('status', 'NOTSCHEDULED');
AD Andorra
AF Afghanistan
AI Anguilla
AL Albania
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Record Initialization Defaults 237
AM Armenia
AN Netherlands Antilles
AO Angola
AQ Antarctica
AR Argentina
AS American Samoa
AT Austria
AU Australia
AW Aruba
AZ Azerbaijan
BB Barbados
BD Bangladesh
BE Belgium
BF Burkina Faso
BG Bulgaria
BH Bahrain
BI Burundi
BJ Benin
BL Saint Barthélemy
BM Bermuda
BN Brunei Darussalam
BR Brazil
BS Bahamas
BT Bhutan
BV Bouvet Island
BW Botswana
BY Belarus
BZ Belize
CA Canada
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Record Initialization Defaults 238
CG Congo
CH Switzerland
CI Côte d'Ivoire
CK Cook Islands
CL Chile
CM Cameroon
CN China
CO Colombia
CR Costa Rica
CU Cuba
CV Cabo Verde
CX Christmas Island
CY Cyprus
CZ Czechia
DE Germany
DJ Djibouti
DK Denmark
DM Dominica
DO Dominican Republic
DZ Algeria
EC Ecuador
EE Estonia
EG Egypt
EH Western Sahara
ER Eritrea
ES Spain
ET Ethiopia
FI Finland
FJ Fiji
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Record Initialization Defaults 239
FO Faroe Islands
FR France
GA Gabon
GD Grenada
GE Georgia
GF French Guiana
GG Guernsey
GH Ghana
GI Gibraltar
GL Greenland
GM Gambia
GN Guinea
GP Guadeloupe
GQ Equatorial Guinea
GR Greece
GT Guatemala
GU Guam
GW Guinea-Bissau
GY Guyana
HK Hong Kong
HN Honduras
HR Croatia
HT Haiti
HU Hungary
ID Indonesia
IE Ireland
IL Israel
IM Isle of Man
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Record Initialization Defaults 240
IN India
IQ Iraq
IS Iceland
IT Italy
JE Jersey
JM Jamaica
JO Jordan
JP Japan
KE Kenya
KG Kyrgyzstan
KH Cambodia
KI Kiribati
KM Comoros
KW Kuwait
KY Cayman Islands
KZ Kazakhstan
LB Lebanon
LC Saint Lucia
LI Liechtenstein
LK Sri Lanka
LR Liberia
LS Lesotho
LT Lithuania
LU Luxembourg
LV Latvia
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Record Initialization Defaults 241
MA Morocco
MC Monaco
ME Montenegro
MG Madagascar
MH Marshall Islands
MK North Macedonia
ML Mali
MM Myanmar
MN Mongolia
MO Macao
MQ Martinique
MR Mauritania
MS Montserrat
MT Malta
MU Mauritius
MV Maldives
MW Malawi
MX Mexico
MY Malaysia
MZ Mozambique
NA Namibia
NC New Caledonia
NE Niger
NF Norfolk Island
NG Nigeria
NI Nicaragua
NL Netherlands
NO Norway
NP Nepal
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Record Initialization Defaults 242
NR Nauru
NU Niue
NZ New Zealand
OM Oman
PA Panama
PE Peru
PF French Polynesia
PH Philippines
PK Pakistan
PL Poland
PN Pitcairn
PR Puerto Rico
PS Palestine, State of
PT Portugal
PW Palau
PY Paraguay
QA Qatar
RE Réunion
RO Romania
RS Serbia
RU Russian Federation
RW Rwanda
SA Saudi Arabia
SB Solomon Islands
SC Seychelles
SD Sudan
SE Sweden
SG Singapore
SI Slovenia
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Record Initialization Defaults 243
SK Slovakia
SL Sierra Leone
SM San Marino
SN Senegal
SO Somalia
SR Suriname
SV El Salvador
SZ Eswatini
TD Chad
TG Togo
TH Thailand
TJ Tajikistan
TK Tokelau
TM Turkmenistan
TN Tunisia
TO Tonga
TP Timor-Leste
TR Türkiye
TV Tuvalu
UA Ukraine
UG Uganda
US United States
UY Uruguay
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Record Initialization Defaults 244
UZ Uzbekistan
VA Holy See
VN Viet Nam
VU Vanuatu
WS Western Samoa
YE Yemen
YT Mayotte
ZA South Africa
ZM Zambia
ZW Zimbabwe
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Supported File Types 245
When referencing a file type in the type argument, use the file type ID. See the following example:
Important: Be aware that the nlapiCreateFile function does not support the creation of non-
text file types such as PDFs, unless the contents argument is base-64 encoded.
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Supported File Types 246
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Olson Values 247
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Olson Values 248
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Olson Values 249
SuiteScript 1.0
Multiple Shipping Routes and SuiteScript 250
Note: For additional information about this feature, as well as steps for enabling MSR in your
account, see the help topic Multiple Shipping Routes in the NetSuite Help Center.
The following figure shows a sales order with three items. When MSR is enabled in your account, and the
Enable Item Line Shipping box is selected on the transaction, each item can have its own ship-to address
and shipping method. The ship-to address is specified in the Ship To column; the shipping method is
specified in the Ship Via column. The SuiteScript internal IDs for each field are shown the figure below.
In the UI, after all items have been added to the transaction (a sales order in this example), you must
then create individual shipping groups by clicking the Calculate Shipping button on the Shipping tab.
SuiteScript 1.0
Multiple Shipping Routes and SuiteScript 251
A shipping group includes all details related to where the item is being shipped from, where it is being
shipped to, the item's shipping method, and its shipping rate (see figure).
Although there is no UI label called “Shipping Group,” SuiteScript developers can verify that shipping
groups have been created by either looking in the UI after the record has first been submitted or by
searching on the record and specifying shipgroup as one of the search return columns. See the code
sample called Get the shipping groups created for the sales order for details.
The previous figure shows the UI equivalent of two separate shipping groups on a sales order. These
groups are ship group 1 and ship group 2.
Note that although the sales order included three items, only two shipping groups were generated.
This is because the shipping information for two of the items is the same (123 Main Street for ship-to,
and shipping method). The third item contains shipping details that are not like the previous two items.
Therefore, this order contains three items, but only two different shipping groups.
■ In SuiteScript, at the time of creating a sales order, you cannot override the default shipping rate that
has been set for an item. SuiteScript developers should be aware of this when creating user event
and scheduled scripts.
■ There is no SuiteScript equivalent of the Calculate Shipping button that appears on the Shipping tab.
In SuiteScript, shipping calculations are handled by the NetSuite backend when the transaction is
■ The nlapiTransformRecord(...) API includes an optional shipgroup setting. For example:
When working with MSR-enabled transactions, you must specify a value for shipgroup during your
transforms. If you do not specify a value, the value 1 (for the first shipping group) is defaulted. This
means that only the items belonging to the first shipping group will be fulfilled when the sales order is
For a code sample that shows how to transform a sales order to an item fulfillment, see Transform the
sales order to create an item fulfillment.
SuiteScript 1.0
Multiple Shipping Routes and SuiteScript 252
■ In both the UI and in SuiteScript, if you make any update to any item on MSR-enabled transactions,
this action may result in changes to the shipping cost. Every time an item is updated and the record is
submitted, NetSuite re-calculates the shipping rate. NetSuite calculates all orders based on “real-time”
shipping rates.
■ In both the UI and in SuiteScript, the only transformation workflow that is impacted by MSR is the sales
order to fulfillment workflow. Invoicing and other transaction workflows are not impacted.
■ After MSR is enabled, and the Enable Item Line Shipping box is checked, the Sales Order displays a
shipaddress, shipcarrier, and shipmethod field for each item line.
■ Selecting an item line sends a system request that reloads the available Carrier (shipcarrier) and Ship
Via (shipmethod) lists. Reloading these fields prompts post-sourcing to trigger twice.
To learn more, see the help topic Post Sourcing Sample.
Enable Item Line ismultishipto Set to ' T ' to allow for multiple items with separate shipping address/methods
Ship To shipaddress References the internal ID of the customer's shipping address. You can get
the internal ID by clicking the Address tab on the customer's record. The
address ID appears in the ID column.
Ship Via shipmethod References the internal ID of the item. Go to the Items list to see all item IDs.
Shipping sublist shipgroup Each item that has a separate shipping address/shipping method will have a
unique shipgroup number.
When you transform a sales order to create a fulfullment, and the sales order
has MSR enabled, you will need to specify a shipgroup value (1, 2, 3, etc) for
each shipgroup you want fulfilled. See figure below.
This figure shows two different shipping groups: ship group 1 and ship group 2. When transforming the
transaction using nlapiTransformRecord(...), you must specify each item you want fulfilled based on its
shipgroup value.
SuiteScript 1.0
Multiple Shipping Routes and SuiteScript 253
Note: After MSR is enabled in your account, the Enable Line Item Shipping box is automatically
added to the Items sublist on standard forms.
// Create Sales order with two items and two different shipping addresses
var record = nlapiCreateRecord('salesorder');
record.setFieldValue('entity', 87); //set customer ID
SuiteScript 1.0
Multiple Shipping Routes and SuiteScript 254
// Transform the sales order and pass each of the shipping groups
for(i=0; i< shipgroups.length ; i ++ )
var itemFulfillment = nlapiTransformRecord('salesorder', id, 'itemfulfillment', { 'shipgroup' : shipgroups[i]})
var fulfillmentId = nlapiSubmitRecord(itemFulfillment, true)
Important: If you do not pass a value for shipgroup, only the first item on the sales order is
Search for MSR-enabled sales orders that have not been fulfilled
1. Create a saved search to obtain shipping group IDs. The following figures show the criteria and
results column values to set.
SuiteScript 1.0
Multiple Shipping Routes and SuiteScript 255
2. Next, run your saved search in SuiteScript to verify the same results are returned as in the saved
searched performed in the UI. Then transform all unfulfilled orders based on shipgroup ID. For
var results = nlapiSearchRecord('salesorder', 17); // where 17 is the internal ID of the previous saved search
for ( var i = 0; results != null && i < results .length; i++)
var id = results[i].getValue('internalid');
var shipgroup= results[i].getValue('shipgroup');
// Transform
var itemFulfillment = nlapiTransformRecord('salesorder', id, 'itemfulfillment', { 'shipgroup' : shipgroup })
var fulfillmentId = nlapiSubmitRecord(itemFulfillment)
1. When you first enable the MSR feature, you will be prompted to enable the Per-line taxes feature.
Therefore, when you add items to a transaction that has MSR enabled, AND you want set a tax for
your items, you will need to set a taxcode value for each line item. For example,
Note that if you do not want to add taxes to an item, you are not required to set a value for
taxcode. In other words, if you want to add taxes, you must add them on a per-line basis.
If you have never set taxcode values on any of your transactions, and you do not want to add
taxcode values, no code changes are required.
2. If MSR is enabled on the transaction, you can search for the transaction, get the ID, and then fulfill
the order. With MSR enabled, your existing search will now have to include a shipgroup column in
your search.
SuiteScript 1.0
Multiple Shipping Routes and SuiteScript 256
3. Any sales order to item fulfillment transformation code will now have to include shipgroup as a
transaction value. For example:
A transformation default for salesorder->itemfulfillment was added to the SuiteScript API so that
the shipping route (shipgroup) can be defaulted in during transformations.
SuiteScript 1.0
SuiteScript 1.0 Referencing the currencyname Field in SuiteScript 257
The currencyname field in SuiteScript is intended to be read-only and not a submittable field (in
other words, this field should not be accessible from user event scripts). For example, using the
nlapiGetFieldValue(...) or nlapiLookupField(...) functions on currencyname will either return no value or
will return an error.
To return currency information, you should instead reference the currency field.
If you must return currency name information, you will need to load the transaction and call
getFieldValue(). For example,
SuiteScript 1.0