Netsuite FinancialStatementsGuide
Netsuite FinancialStatementsGuide
Netsuite FinancialStatementsGuide
April 5, 2023
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Financial Statements
■ Financial Statements Overview
■ Available Financial Statements
■ Financial Report Builder
■ OneWorld Financial Statements
You can use the Financial Report Builder to customize standard financial statements to meet your
business reporting needs. For information, see Financial Report Builder.
Important: To access Financial Report Builder training resources, see the SuiteAnalytics:
Financial Reports and Searches page at NetSuite SuiteTraining.
Financial statements differ in the following respects from other NetSuite reports that include financial
If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you can run and customize separate financial statements for each
subsidiary. For more information, see OneWorld Financial Statements.
The currency used for financial statements is the base currency of the company. If you use NetSuite
OneWorld, it is the base currency of the subsidiary selected as the Subsidiary Context. Like other reports,
values in financial statement results are rounded to the currency precision determined by the format of
the company currency. In NetSuite OneWorld, values in financial statements results are rounded to the
currency precision determined by the format of the subsidiary base currency. This rounding applies to
currency values and non-currency values, including formula column values.
■ Accountant
■ Accountant (Reviewer)
■ CEO (Hands Off)
If you do not have necessary permissions, contact your account administrator. For more information, see
the help topic Giving Access to Financial Statements.
If employee information is masked and you require this information, contact your account administrator.
■ Income Statements
□ Income Statement Report
□ Income Statement Detail Report
□ Comparative Income Statement Report
□ Multi-Book Income Statement Report
□ Multi-Book Income Statement Detail Report
□ Budget Income Statement Report
□ Budget Income Statement Detail Report
□ Budget vs. Actual Report
■ Balance Sheets
□ Balance Sheet Report
□ Balance Sheet Detail Report
□ Comparative Balance Sheet Report
□ Multi-Column Balance Sheets
□ Multi-Column Balance Sheets
□ CTA Balance Audit Report
■ Cash Statements
□ Cash Flow Statement Report
□ Cash Statement Report
□ Cash Statement Detail Report
For information about the permissions required to view and customize financial statements, see
Permissions and Roles.
For information about viewing report results, see the help topic Working with Report Results.
For information about running consolidated financial statements, see OneWorld Financial Statements.
For information about customizing financial statements, see Financial Report Builder.
For information about other financial reports that are not financial statements, such as the trial balance
report, see the help topic Financial Reports.
Income Statements
The following income statement reports are available:
For information about the permissions required to view and customize financial statements, see
Permissions and Roles.
For information about other financial reports that are not financial statements, such as the trial balance
report, see the help topic Financial Reports.
Header and summary rows are linked. Each summary row is calculated either through a sum of child row
amounts or through a specified formula. The Net Income row is a formula row that sums Net Ordinary
Income with Net Other Income. Standard Income Statement section data is selected based on account
type and is grouped by account.
You can customize the Income Statement in the Financial Report Builder. You can add, reorder, and
change the hierarchy of rows. For information see Financial Statement Rows and Editing a Financial
Statement Section.
You can use dynamic criteria other than account type for section data, including account name, account
number, class, department, location, and, if you are using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. In addition to
account type, you can group section data by class, department, location, and if you are using NetSuite
OneWorld, subsidiary. You can set formatting options for each row. For more information, see Financial
Report Builder. Be aware that the Allow Web Query option is not available for this report.
Also, you can add a Percent of Expense or Percent of Income column to your Income Statement. See
Adding a Percent of Income Column to an Income Statement.
department, location, or, if you are using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. Click the More arrow button to
display all footer lists. For more information, see the help topic Setting Report Footer Options.
Note: Inactive classes, departments, locations, and subsidiaries are available as filters to provide
historical reporting and to avoid unbalanced totals.
The Report by Period user preference determines whether report data is calculated by date range or by
period. This preference is available at Home > Set Preferences on the Analytics subtab. To display this
report's data by date range, set this preference to Never. To display this report's date range by period, set
this preference to All Reports or to Financials Only. For more information, see the help topic Choosing a
Date or Period Range for a Report.
The Income Statement report may be run on a cash basis. The Cash Basis Reporting preference applies
to all standard reports that support cash basis reporting. This preferences is on the General tab under
General Ledger at Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences. If the preference is
enabled, the Income Statement Detail is on a cash basis rather than an accrual basis. If this preference
is not enabled, you can create a custom cash basis Income Statement by enabling the Cash Basis option
on the More Options page of the Financial Report Builder. See the help topic Setting Up Cash Basis
Note: Click an Account Name to view General Ledger report data for the account. The data in the
General Ledger Balance column may vary from data in the Income Statement Amount column.
This difference occurs because the Amount column is the account balance from the specified
report period only, while the Balance column is a running account balance that includes the
amount from the prior period as a beginning balance.
Note: Click an Account Name to view General Ledger report data for the account. The data in
the General Ledger Balance column may vary from data in the Income Statement Detail Amount
column. This difference occurs because the Amount column is the account balance from the
specified report period only, but the Balance column is a running account balance that includes
the amount from the prior period as a beginning balance.
previous years. This comparison helps you to measure your company's progress and to make future
This report includes an Amount column that defaults to the current date range or period and a
Comparative Amount column that defaults to the last year or last fiscal year. When you change the date
or period in the Date footer filter to change the date or period for Amount column data, the range for the
Comparative Amount column changes accordingly because it has a relative alternate range defined. For
an explanation of alternate date ranges, see the help topic Adding Time-Based Comparison Columns to
The standard Comparative Income Statement report includes the same rows as the standard Income
The Comparative Income Statement report may be run on a cash basis. The Cash Basis Reporting
preference applies to all standard reports that support cash basis reporting. This preferences is on the
General tab under General Ledger at Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences. If
the preference is enabled, the Income Statement Detail is on a cash basis rather than an accrual basis.
If this preference is not enabled, you can create a custom cash basis Comparative Income Statement by
enabling the Cash Basis option on the More Options page of the Financial Report Builder. See the help
topic Setting Up Cash Basis Reporting.
Note: Click an Account Name to view General Ledger report data for the account. The data in
the General Ledger Balance column may vary from data in the Comparative Income Statement
Amount column. This difference occurs because the Amount column is the account balance
from the specified report period only, but the Balance column is a running account balance that
includes the amount from the prior period as a beginning balance.
In the report footer, from the Accounting Book 1 and Accounting Book 2 lists, select the accounting books
for which the report is to display data, or accept the default accounting books. The data that displays
includes automatically calculated accounts such as Net Income. Data appears in the Amount (Book 1) and
Amount (Book 2) columns. Any difference appears in the Difference column.
Note: If the currencies between the accounting books are different, the Difference column is
The standard Multi-Book Income Statement report includes the same rows as the standard Income
The Multi-Book Income Statement report may be run on a cash basis. The Cash Basis Reporting
preference applies to all standard reports that support cash basis reporting. This preferences is on the
General tab under General Ledger at Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences. If this
preference is not enabled, you can create a custom cash basis Multi-Book Income Statement report by
enabling the Cash Basis option on the More Options page of the Financial Report Builder. See the help
topic Setting Up Cash Basis Reporting.
Note: Click an Account Name in the Accounting Book 1 column to access General Ledger report
data for the account. The data in the Balance column may vary from data in the Multi-Book
Income Statement Amount column. This difference occurs because the Amount column is the
account balance from the specified report period only, while the Balance column is a running
account balance that includes the amount from the prior period as a beginning balance.
Three key performance indicators (KPIs), Income, Expenses, and Profit, can be added to your dashboard
to provide at-a-glance views of totals from the Multi-Book Income Statement report. For more information
about KPIs, see the help topic Setting Up the Key Performance Indicators Portlet.
The standard Multi-Book Income Statement Detail report includes the same rows as the standard Multi-
Book Income Statement.
The Multi-Book Income Statement Detail report may be run on a cash basis. The Cash Basis Reporting
preference applies to all standard reports that support cash basis reporting. This preferences is on the
General tab under General Ledger at Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences. If the
preference is enabled, the Multi-Book Income Statement Detail report is on a cash basis rather than an
accrual basis. If this preference is not enabled, you can create a custom cash basis Multi-Book Income
Statement Detail report by enabling the Cash Basis option on the More Options page of the Financial
Report Builder. See the help topic Setting Up Cash Basis Reporting.
Note: Click an Account Name in the Accounting Book 1 column to access General Ledger report
data for the account. The data in the Balance column may vary from data in the Multi-Book
Income Statement Detail Amount column. This difference occurs because the Amount column is
the account balance from the specified report period only, while the Balance column is a running
account balance that includes the amount from the prior period as a beginning balance.
Because budgets are set up by period, this report does not display budget data accurately if the Report
by Period preference is set to Never. If your report's budget columns are displaying zeros, go to Home
> Set Preferences, and on the Analytics subtab, set the Report by Period preference to All Reports, or to
Financials Only.
The standard Budget Income Statement report includes the same rows as the standard Income
You can customize the Budget Income Statement report in the Financial Report Builder. You can add,
reorder, and change the hierarchy of rows. You can use dynamic criteria other than account type for
section data, including account name, account number, class, department, location, and if you are
using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. In addition to account type, you can group section data by class,
department, location, and if you are using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. You can set formatting options
for each row. For more information, see Financial Report Builder. The Allow Web Query option is not
available for this report.
Note: Custom segments are not included in the Budget and Financial fields of the Financial
Report Builder for budget-related reports.
The Budget Income Statement report may be run on a cash basis. The Cash Basis Reporting preference
applies to all standard reports that support cash basis reporting. This preferences is on the General tab
under General Ledger at Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences. If the preference
is enabled, the Income Statement Detail is on a cash basis rather than an accrual basis. If this preference
is not enabled, you can create a custom cash basis Budget Income Statement by enabling the Cash Basis
option on the More Options page of the Financial Report Builder. See the help topic Setting Up Cash Basis
Because budgets are set up by period, this report does not display budget data accurately if the Report
by Period preference is set to Never. If your report's budget columns are displaying zeros, go to Home
> Set Preferences, and on the Analytics subtab, set the Report by Period preference to All Reports, or to
Financials Only.
The standard Budget Income Statement report includes the same rows as the standard Income
You can customize the Budget Income Statement Detail report in the Financial Report Builder. You can
add, reorder, and change the hierarchy of rows. You can use dynamic criteria other than account type
for section data, including account name, account number, class, department, location, and if you are
using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. In addition to account type, you can group section data by class
department, location, and if you are using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. For more information, see
Financial Report Builder . The Allow Web Query option is not available for this report.
The Budget Income Statement Detail report may be run on a cash basis. The Cash Basis Reporting
preference applies to all standard reports that support cash basis reporting. This preferences is on the
General tab under General Ledger at Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences. If the
preference is enabled, the Income Statement Detail is on a cash basis rather than an accrual basis. If
this preference is not enabled, you can create a custom cash basis Budget Income Statement Detail by
enabling the Cash Basis option on the More Options page of the Financial Report Builder. See the help
topic Setting Up Cash Basis Reporting.
You can use this report to compare budgeted and final amounts associated with your statistical accounts.
For example, you can enter a budget for the headcount statistical account that specifies the number
of new employee requisitions for the Sales Department in the upcoming financial year. To view the
comparison, customize the report by inserting a row or section for your statistical account. You can view
the report for the total amount as well as by classification segments defined in your budget For more
information, see the help topics Using Statistical Accounts and Budgets in NetSuite.
Because budgets are set up by period, this report does not display budget data accurately if the Report
by Period preference is set to Never. If your report's budget columns are displaying zeros, go to Home
> Set Preferences, and on the Analytics subtab, set the Report by Period preference to All Reports, or to
Financials Only.
The standard Budget vs. Actual report includes the same rows as the standard Income Statement,
with columns for amount, budget amount, dollars that the amount is over budget, and amount as a
percentage of budget.
You can customize the Budget vs. Actual report in the Financial Report Builder. You can add, reorder,
and change the hierarchy of rows. You can use dynamic criteria other than account type for section data,
including account name, account number, class, department, location, and if you are using NetSuite
OneWorld, subsidiary. In addition to account type, you can group section data by class, department,
location, and if you are using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. For more information, see Financial Report
Builder. The Allow Web Query option is not available for this report.
The Budget vs. Actual report may be run on a cash basis. The Cash Basis Reporting preference applies
to all standard reports that support cash basis reporting. This preferences is on the General tab under
General Ledger at Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences. If the preference is
enabled, the Income Statement Detail is on a cash basis rather than an accrual basis. If this preference
is not enabled, you can create a custom cash basis Budget vs. Actual by enabling the Cash Basis option
on the More Options page of the Financial Report Builder. See the help topic Setting Up Cash Basis
Note: Click an Account Name to view General Ledger report data for the account. The data in the
General Ledger Balance column may vary from data in the Budget vs. Actual Amount column.
This difference occurs because the Amount column is the account balance from the specified
report period only, while the Balance column is a running account balance that includes the
amount from the prior period as a beginning balance.
Balance Sheets
The following balance sheet reports are available:
For information about the permissions required to view and customize financial statements, see
Permissions and Roles.
For information about other financial reports that are not financial statements, such as the trial balance
report, see the help topic Financial Reports.
The standard Balance Sheet includes the following rows, which correspond to account types (see the help
topic Account Types):
Header and summary rows are linked. Each summary row is calculated either through a sum of child row
amounts or through a specified formula. Standard section data are selected based on account type and
are grouped by accounts. For more information, see Financial Statement Sections.
For NetSuite OneWorld, consolidated balance sheet reports use a special account called Cumulative
Translation Adjustment (CTA) to achieve balance when there is more than one currency. This account is
necessary because the rate types of the accounts on the balance sheet differ. This results in different
rates being used and can cause an imbalance. The CTA is also used wherever consolidation across
accounts with different rate types occurs, such as the consolidated trial balance. For more information,
see Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA) Overview.
Note: All balance sheet accounts checked with "Eliminate Intercompany Transaction" are used
exclusively for intercompany posting. Consequently, you cannot post a non-intercompany balance
to an Other Current Asset account IF the account is marked "Eliminate Intercompany Balance."
In this case, you must have separate balance sheet accounts to post intercompany and non-
intercompany transactions. The impacted balance sheet accounts include A/R, A/P, Other Current
Asset (excluding inventory account), Other Current Liability, Long Term Liability, Other Asset,
Deferred Expense, and Deferred Revenue. Further, the elimination Journal Entry is automatically
reversed in the beginning of next period; therefore, the month-end auto-elimination will be
calculated using the latest exchange rate, and on top of the total open balance of the account.
You can customize the Balance Sheet in the Financial Report Builder. You can add, reorder, and change
the hierarchy of rows. You can group section data by class, department, location, and if you are using
NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. You can set formatting options for each row. You can also add and define
columns for the report. For more information, see Financial Report Builder. Be aware that the Allow Web
Query option is not available for this report.
Warning: Do not remove the original Amount column during customization. If you do so and
add it back later, you cannot drill down on the data in the Amount column that you added.
For information about the permissions required to view and customize financial statements, see
Permissions and Roles.
The Report by Period user preference determines whether report data is calculated by date range or by
period. This preference is available at Home > Set Preferences, on the Analytics subtab. To display this
report's data by date range, set this preference to Never. To display this report's date range by period, set
this preference to All Reports, or to Financials Only. For more information, see the help topic Choosing a
Date or Period Range for a Report.
The Total Bank Balance key performance indicator (KPI) can be added to your dashboard to provide at-a-
glance views of totals from the Balance Sheet report. For more information about KPIs, see the help topic
Setting Up the Key Performance Indicators Portlet.
A message appears indicating that your report is loading. The status bar in the footer of the report
indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report next to the status bar to stop the
report from loading.
In the footer of the report, you can select from filter lists to refilter report data. You also can select from
the Column list to display report amounts by an additional dimension, including time period, class,
department, location, or, if you are using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. Click the More arrow button to
display all footer lists. For more information, see the help topic Setting Report Footer Options.
Note: Inactive classes, departments, locations, and subsidiaries are available as filters to provide
historical reporting and to avoid unbalanced totals.
The standard Balance Sheet Detail report includes the same rows as the standard Balance Sheet.
Note: All balance sheet accounts checked with "Eliminate Intercompany Transaction" are used
exclusively for intercompany posting. Consequently, you cannot post a non-intercompany balance
to an Other Current Asset account IF the account is marked "Eliminate Intercompany Balance."
In this case, you must have separate balance sheet accounts to post intercompany and non-
intercompany transactions. The impacted balance sheet accounts include A/R, A/P, Other Current
Asset (excluding inventory account), Other Current Liability, Long Term Liability, Other Asset,
Deferred Expense, and Deferred Revenue. Further, the elimination Journal Entry is automatically
reversed in the beginning of next period; therefore, the month-end auto-elimination will be
calculated using the latest exchange rate, and on top of the total open balance of the account.
This report includes an Amount column that defaults to the current date range or period, and a
Comparison Amount column that defaults to the last year or last fiscal year. You select a value in the
As Of list in the report footer to change the date or period for Amount column data. The date of the
Comparison Amount column changes automatically because it is defined by a alternate range that is
relative to the Amount column date. For more information about comparison columns, see the help topic
Adding Time-Based Comparison Columns to Reports.
The standard Comparative Balance Sheet report includes the same rows as the standard Balance Sheet.
In the report footer, from the Accounting Book 1 and Accounting Book 2 lists, select the accounting books
for which the report is to display data, or accept the default accounting books. The data that displays
includes automatically calculated accounts such as Net Income. This data appears in the Amount (Book 1)
and Amount (Book 2) columns. Any difference appears in the Difference column.
Note: The difference is not calculated if the currency in the Book 1 and Book 2 columns is
The standard Multi-Book Balance Sheet report includes the same rows as the standard Balance Sheet.
The Report by Period user preference determines whether report data is calculated by date range or by
period. This preference is available at Home > Set Preferences, on the Analytics subtab. To display this
report's data by date range, set this preference to Never. To display this report's date range by period, set
this preference to All Reports, or to Financials Only. For more information, see the help topic Choosing a
Date or Period Range for a Report.
Warning: If you select Accounting Period from the Column list, the report includes a column
for each period from the beginning of your NetSuite data through the current period. This
selection can cause the report to exceed the maximum number of permitted columns, which may
return an error. To avoid this issue, select an alternate period in the footer filter or on the Filters
page of the Financial Report Builder. Alternatively, instead of selecting a column dimension of
Accounting Period, add columns with the specific alternate period ranges you want to display on
the Edit Columns page of the Financial Report Builder.
The standard Multi-Book Balance Sheet Detail report includes the same rows as the standard Balance
Customization options for the Balance Sheet Report enable you to comply with different international
legal requirements by adding columns to the report using the Financial Report Builder. For example, in
addition to the account balances for the selected reporting period shown in the standard report, you can
display columns for the previous period balance, the total debits, and the total credits. The same options
are available for the Trial Balance Report using the Report Builder.
For information about the permissions required to view and customize financial statements, see
Permissions and Roles.
1. Go to Reports > Financial > Balance Sheet, and wait for the standard report to load.
2. Click Customize to open the Financial Report Builder.
3. In the Name field, enter a new name for the report, such as Multi-Column Balance Sheet.
4. Click Edit Columns. For more information, see Financial Report Builder Edit Columns Page.
The Report Preview displays the single Amount column from the standard report. This column is
automatically selected.
5. Change the Column Label from Amount to Closing Balance.
Do not remove the original Amount column.
6. Add a column for the opening balance as follows:
a. In the Add Fields area, open the Financial folder and select Amount.
b. Move the new column to the left of the Closing Balance column, and change the Column
Label from Amount to Opening Balance.
c. In the Alternate Period Range Type list, select Relative to report date. Additional options
appear below the list.
d. Check the Cumulative Value box.
e. In the Alternate Period Range list, select Last Period.
7. Add a column for the total debits as follows:
a. In the Add Fields area, open the Financial folder and select Amount (Debit).
b. Move the new column to the left of the Closing Balance column, and change the Column
Label if desired.
c. In the Alternate Period Range Type list, select Relative to report date. Additional options
appear below the list.
d. Clear the Cumulative Value box.
e. In the Alternate Period Range list, select This Period.
8. Add a column for the total credits as follows:
a. In the Add Fields area, open the Financial folder and select Amount (Credit). This adds a
new column to the right of the Closing Balance column.
b. Move the new column to the left of the Closing Balance column, and change the Column
Label if desired.
c. In the Alternate Period Range Type list, select Relative to report date. Additional options
appear below the list.
d. Clear the Cumulative Value box.
e. In the Alternate Period Range list, select This Period.
9. Click Save.
Cash Statements
The following cash statement reports are available:
For information about customizing the organization of a cash flow statement, see Customizing Cash Flow
Statement Account Sections.
For information about the permissions required to view and customize financial statements, see
Permissions and Roles.
For information about other financial reports that are not financial statements, such as the trial balance
report, see the help topic Financial Reports.
This report includes activities that affect the cash balance during the selected time period, including
operating, investing, and financing activities. Operating activities begin with the net income amount
referenced from the Income Statement, and include adjustments for changes in account balances that
affect available cash. Amounts for all of the activities are summed to arrive at the net change in cash
for the period. Cash amounts at the beginning and end of the period are referenced from the Cash
Statement Report.
Header and summary rows are linked. Each summary row is calculated either through a sum of child row
amounts or through a specified formula. Standard section data are selected based on account type and
are grouped by accounts.
For NetSuite OneWorld with multi-currency enabled, consolidated cash flow statement reports include
an Effect of Exchange Rate on Cash row. This row adjusts for the effects of rate differences in cash flow
statement accounts for the period. This adjustment ensures the cash flow statement's Cash at End of
Period is consistent with the balance sheet's Bank or cash equivalent. This row is a calculated amount
that accounts for the related amount in the Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA) account used in
the consolidated balance sheet. Generally no postings are made for exchange rate adjustment amounts
included in this row. Exchange rate adjustment postings, when they do occur, are made to the CTA
account. The adjustment calculated for the Effect of Exchange Rate on Cash row adds or subtracts any
CTA amount as necessary.
You can customize the Cash Flow Statement in the Financial Report Builder. You can add, reorder, and
change the hierarchy of rows. You can use dynamic criteria other than account type for section data,
including account name, account number, class, department, location, and if you are using NetSuite
OneWorld, subsidiary. In addition to account type, you can group section data by class, department,
location, and if you are using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. You can set formatting options for each
row. For more information, see Financial Report Builder. Be aware that the Allow Web Query option is not
available for this report.
A message will appear indicating that your report is loading. The status bar in the footer of the report
indicates the progress as your report loads. You can click Cancel Report next to the status bar to stop the
report from loading.
Note: If you create a custom Cash Flow Statement that includes custom sections, its value
for the Cash at Beginning of Period row is likely to be incorrect, unless you create a custom
Cash Statement that shares these custom sections and make that custom Cash Statement the
referenced report for the Cash at Beginning of Period row. See Customizing Cash Flow Statement
Account Sections.
To avoid this issue you must create a custom Cash Statement that shares the Cash Flow Statement's
added/changed sections, and define this custom Cash Statement as the reference report for your custom
Cash Flow Statement's Cash at Beginning Period row.
See the following example to get a better understanding of how to match up Cash Flow Statement and
Cash Statement section customizations, to maintain an accurate value for the Cash at Beginning of Period
Cash at Beginning of Period now includes expense accounts added to the Expense Section.
The standard Cash Statement includes cash in bank accounts as well as undeposited funds. It includes the
following rows:
The header and summary rows are linked. Each summary row is calculated either through a sum of child
row amounts or through a specified formula. Standard section data are selected based on account and
are grouped by accounts.
You can customize the Cash Statement in the Financial Report Builder. You can add, reorder, and change
the hierarchy of rows. You can use dynamic criteria other than account type for section data, including
account name, account number, class, department, location, and if you are using NetSuite OneWorld,
subsidiary. In addition to account type, you can group section data by class, department, location, and
if you are using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary. You can set formatting options for each row. For more
information, see Financial Report Builder. Be aware that the Allow Web Query option is not available for
this report.
Note: If you create a custom Cash Flow Statement that includes custom sections, its value
for the Cash at Beginning of Period row is likely to be incorrect, unless you create a custom
Cash Statement that shares these custom sections and make that custom Cash Statement the
referenced report for the Cash at Beginning of Period row. See Customizing Cash Flow Statement
Account Sections.
The standard Cash Statement Detail report includes the same rows as the standard Cash Statement.
On the Edit Layout page, you can customize the data that is included in a financial statement. The data
is determined through dynamic section-level filtering based on account type, account name, account
number, class, department, location, or subsidiary. The order of the data is determined through section-
level sorting and grouping by account type, class, department, location, or subsidiary.
You can define how to calculate results for report summary rows, either by totalling or by a more
complex formula that you define. You can add formula rows that display calculated figures based on your
stored data. You also have extensive editing tools to alter the look of each row or section in your report,
including the labeling and text style.
All customizations on an Edit Layout page are saved as a custom layout that can be shared by multiple
custom financial statements. A layout is a set of definitions for a financial statement's rows and sections.
After you have saved a custom financial statement, it is available on the Saved Reports page. For more
information, see the help topic Sharing Custom Reports with Other Users.
■ To start the Financial Report Builder, see Accessing the Financial Report Builder.
■ For details about the contents of each Financial Report Builder page, see Financial Report Builder
■ For more explanation of layouts and how to customize them, see Financial Statement Layouts.
■ For more explanation of sections and how to customize them, see Financial Statement Sections.
■ For instructions for customizing rows, see Financial Statement Rows.
■ You need both the Financial Statements permission and the Report Customization permission to
customize reports in the Financial Report Builder. If you do not have necessary permissions, contact
your account administrator. See the help topic Giving Access to Financial Statements for more
■ If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you can use the Financial Report Builder to create separate custom
financial statements per subsidiary. Specialized country-specific layouts are provided for each
subsidiary's financial statements. For more information, see OneWorld Financial Statements.
To access Financial Report Builder training resources, see the SuiteAnalytics: Financial Reports and
Searches page at NetSuite SuiteTraining.
■ Go to Reports > New Financial Report, and select a financial statement type from the New Financial
Report - Select Financial Statement page.
■ Go to Reports > Report Overview. In the Saved Reports, Financial, or Banking/Budgeting lists,
click Customize for a report that uses the Financial Report Builder. For a list of reports that use the
Financial Report Builder, see Available Financial Statements.
■ Go to Reports > Financial > Row Layout Assignment. Click Customize next to a standard financial
statement, or click Edit next to a custom financial statement.
The Financial Report Builder open on the Edit Layout page. If editing functions are not enabled on the Edit
Layout page, see Making a Layout Editable in the Financial Report Builder.
■ Edit Layout
This page includes the primary financial statement customization tasks. The layout outline provides
an overview of financial sections and rows and includes tools for adding, deleting, and reordering
sections and rows. In the outline, you can change hierarchy and grouping, edit row labels, modify
selection criteria for section data, and set row-level formatting options. Your changes are stored in a
custom layout that can be shared by multiple financial statements. You can click the Preview Layout
button for a quick view of the report structure and formatting without data.
For more information, see:
□ Financial Report Builder Edit Layout Page
□ Financial Statement Sections
□ Financial Statement Rows
■ Edit Columns
This page includes the same functions as the Report Builder Edit Columns page with the following
additional capabilities:
□ The ability to add budget fields as financial statement columns
□ The ability to define dimension columns for data, including class, department, location, time period,
and subsidiary if you are using NetSuite OneWorld
For more information, see Financial Report Builder Edit Columns Page.
■ Filters
This page includes the same functions as the Report Builder Filters page. These filters apply to the
whole report, while the grouping and selection criteria defined on the Edit Layout page filter data for
specific sections. For more information, see Financial Report Builder Filters Page.
Financial statements, like other reports, include lists in their results page footers that enable you to
filter results for a single report instance. Click the More arrow button to display all filters.
■ Sorting
This page includes the same functions as the Report Builder Sorting page. You should set up sorting
by ordering rows and defining sort order for sections on the Edit Layout page instead of this Sorting
page. Sorting options defined on the Edit Layout page override any sorting set on the Sorting page.
For more information, see Financial Report Builder Sorting Page.
■ More Options
This page includes the same functions as the Report Builder More Options page, except it does
not include the Allow Web Query option. Here, you can define an audience for a custom financial
statement and set report-level format options. For more information, see Financial Report Builder
More Options Page.
Like the Report Builder, the Financial Report Builder includes a Preview button that enables you to
preview a custom financial statement before saving it. The Preview Layout button on the Edit Layout page
lets you preview the report's hierarchy and formatting.
This page includes a Layout outline that displays the order and hierarchy of all financial statement rows.
In this outline, you also can add, move, and delete financial sections and rows as necessary. Fields in the
right pane of this page correspond to the row selected in the Layout outline and marked with a pencil
■ When you create a new financial statement, the initial layout is a duplicate of the standard layout for
selected type of financial statement. When you edit an existing custom financial statement, the initial
layout is the custom layout for the custom financial statement when it was created or last edited.
□ If you are using NetSuite OneWorld, the layout displayed in the Financial Report Builder is based on
the subsidiary context you last selected. The selected subsidiary context is displayed at the top of
the page. To customize a layout for a different subsidiary context:
1. Rerun the financial statement.
2. Select the desired subsidiary context from the footer dropdown list.
3. Click Refresh.
4. Click Customize to restart the Financial Report Builder. See OneWorld Financial Statements.
□ You can select another layout from the dropdown list. If editing functions are not enabled on the
Edit Layout page after this selection, you need to click the Edit Layout button. See Making a Layout
Editable in the Financial Report Builder.
□ To view the standard and custom financial statement layouts, go to Reports > Financial > Financial
Row Layouts. See Financial Row Layouts Page.
□ You cannot rename a layout on the Edit Layout page. To rename a layout, go to Reports > Financial
> Financial Row Layouts and enable editing. See Renaming a Custom Financial Statement Layout.
■ To add a financial section or row, select a row type from the Add Row/Section... dropdown list in the
Layout outline. The row is added above the currently selected row.
■ To move a financial section or row, select it in the Layout outline. Then click the up arrow or down
arrow buttons, or drag and drop it to desired place.
■ To delete a financial section or row, select it in the Layout outline, and click the delete button.
This function enables you review the appearance of the report more quickly than if you had to wait for
data to return. You can view the actual accounts and confirm that financial section criteria are correct.
The Financial Report Builder also includes a Preview button that you can click to run the report with data
before saving it.
Important: Be sure to save your custom financial statement in a timely manner, to avoid losing
edits made on the Edit Layout page.
The functions available on this page are similar to those available on the Report Builder Edit Columns
page, as described in Adding, Removing, or Reordering Report Columns. Additional capabilities include:
Avoid selecting values related to time from the View Columns By dropdown list for reports that use the
Subsidiary Context of Subsidiary (Consolidated).
Note: If you remove the original Amount column, you cannot drill down on the data in the
Amount column that you add later.
Most of your financial statement customizations are likely to be made to rows, and so are done on the
Financial Report Builder Edit Layout Page.
Column values in financial statement results are rounded to the currency precision, as determined by the
format of the company currency, or in NetSuite OneWorld, by the format of the subsidiary base currency.
This rounding applies to currency values and non-currency values, including formula column values.
Warning: For performance reasons, a report cannot include more 30 data columns. If you try to
add a 31st column on the Edit Columns page, you will receive an error. Report results may include
more than 30 columns because of persistent matrix columns defined in the View Columns By list.
See Adding Persistent Matrix Columns to Financial Statements.
% of Expense = (Amount / Total Expense) * 100 [rounded to the nearest 2 decimal places]
By default, Total Expense is the value of the original Expense section of your Income Statement report,
because an Expense marker is set on this section. The default Total Expense value excludes the Cost of
Goods and Other Expense sections.
Note: If you want to use a different row as the basis for the % of Expense calculation, you need
to set the Marker field to Expense for that row. This marker can only be set for one row at a time. If
you want to include a total of multiple rows in the % of Expense calculation, you can add a formula
row to compute this total and set its Marker field to Expense.
1. Display the income statement in the Financial Report Builder. See Accessing the Financial Report
2. Determine the row that should have a marker for use as the Total Expense value.
■ If you want to base the Total Expense value on the default Expense section, skip to step 5.
■ If you want to base the Total Expense value on another Income Statement row, skip to step 4.
■ If you want to base the Total Expense value on a computation of multiple row values, you need
add a formula row before you can set the marker. Go to step 3.
3. To add a formula row computing Total Expense based on multiple row values:
1. Select the row below the place where you want to add a new formula row, and select Add
Formula Row from the Add Row/Section... list. The changes the layout area to the right to
Formula Row.
2. Enter a name for the new row in the Formula Label field.
3. To exclude this row's values from report results, clear the Display Row box.
4. Use the formula builder to enter an expression that computes a total for all of the sections
and rows to be included in the Total Expense value. Add each section or row value on a
separate line. For each line:
■ Select an operator. In most cases it will be addition (+) or possibly subtraction (-).
■ Select opening parentheses if needed.
■ In the Type field, indicate whether the value is a constant number (Constant) or a value
from another section or row (Row). You will most likely select Row here.
■ In the Value field, select a section or row, or enter a constant value.
■ Select closing parentheses if needed, and click OK.
5. Review the expression displayed at the top of the formula builder for correctness, and
make adjustments as necessary.
Following is an example layout of a formula row used for Total Expense in the % of Expense
4. On the Financial Report Builder Edit Layout page, set the Expense marker on the row to be used as
the Total Expense value for the % of Expense calculation.
1. In the outline, select the row.
2. Ensure the Marker field is set to Expense.
3. Click OK in the warning dialog.
5. After you have set the marker for the Total Expense value, you can add the % of Expense column
on the Edit Columns page.
1. Click the Edit Columns link.
2. In the Report Preview pane, select an amount column.
3. When the amount column is highlighted, check the Add % of Expense Column box.
6. Click Save.
Note: If you want to use a different row as the basis for the % of Income calculation, you need to
set the Marker field to Income for that row. This marker can only be set for one row at a time. If
you want to include a total of multiple rows in the % of Income calculation, you can add a formula
row to compute this total, and set its Marker field to Income.
4. On the Financial Report Builder Edit Layout page, set the Income marker on the row to be used as
the Total Income value for the % of Income calculation.
1. In the outline, select the row.
2. Ensure the Marker field is set to Income.
3. Click OK in the warning dialog.
5. After you have set the marker for the Total Income value, you can add the % of Income column on
the Edit Columns page.
1. Click the Edit Columns link.
2. In the Report Preview pane, select an amount column.
3. When the amount column is highlighted, check the Add % of Income Column box.
6. Click Save.
In addition to the Budget folder, a Budget and Financial folder also is available on the Edit Columns page.
This folder includes fields corresponding to some of the fields in the Financial folder, but that include both
budget and actual values.
On the Financial Report Builder Edit Columns page, the View Columns By list enables you to select a
dimension to be used for matrix columns that persist whenever a custom financial statement is run. Total
is the default dimension.
The data for the selected dimension can be displayed in separate columns for each dimension value or in
a hierarchical manner with child values grouped under parent values within the same columns. To display
data hierarchically, select a (Hierarchy) option in the View Columns By list. In NetSuite OneWorld, avoid
selecting values related to time from the View Columns By list for reports that use the Subsidiary Context
of Subsidiary (Consolidated).
■ If you select a column from the Budget folder, the filter you define is applied to budget values only.
■ If you select a column from the Financial folder, the filter is applied to actual values only.
■ If you select a column from Budget and Financial subfolders, the filter is applied to both budget and
actual values.
For most custom financial statements, you do not need to use this page. You can define grouping and
selection criteria for financial sections on the Financial Report Builder Edit Layout Page to perform the
filtering that you require. For information, see Financial Statement Sections. The Filters page is available if
you need to define filters that apply to the whole report rather than to particular sections.
Note: Financial statements, like other reports, include lists in their results page footers that
enable you to filter results for a single report instance.
On the Sorting page of the Financial Report Builder, you can make changes to the sorting for a custom
financial statement. The functions available in this page are the same as those available in the Report
Builder Sorting page. For details, see the help topic Sorting Data on Reports. The Financial Report Builder
Sorting page includes the added capability of sorting by budget field values in any financial statement.
On the Financial Report Builder Edit Layout page, you can reorder rows and define grouping and sort
order for financial sections based on accounts, class, department, location, or if you are using NetSuite
OneWorld, subsidiary. These sorting options override the sorting defined on the Sorting page. For
information, see Financial Statement Sections.
This page's options are similar to those on the Report Builder More Options page. For details, see the
help topics Setting Additional Options for Custom Reports and Sharing Custom Reports with Other Users.
Important: The Allow Web Query option is not available for financial statements.
Because you define a set of included financial sections and rows, their order and hierarchy, and row-
level formatting as a layout rather than as a report, you can reuse this definition across multiple financial
statements by assigning the same layout to them.
NetSuite includes a set of standard layouts for all types of financial statements. When you create a custom
financial statement, the edits you make on the Financial Report Builder's Edit Layout page are stored
in a custom layout. A custom layout begins as a duplicate version of one of the standard layouts and is
modified as you make edits to its financial sections and rows.
Review the following topics for information about working with layouts:
Note: If you use NetSuite OneWorld, specialized country-specific layouts are available for each
subsidiary's financial statements. The layout selected on the Edit Layout page of the Financial
Report Builder when you customize a financial statement is based on the last selected subsidiary
context. For more information, see Subsidiary-Specific Financial Layouts.
Click the layout for the type of custom financial statement that you want to create. A custom layout that
duplicates the selected layout displays in the Financial Report Builder Edit Layout Page.
Note: If you use NetSuite OneWorld, country-specific layouts are available for Balance Sheet,
Cash Flow Statement, and Income Statement reports. Be aware that selecting a country-specific
layout does not automatically set a matching subsidiary context for your custom financial
statement. The subsidiary context for a custom financial statement, displayed in the Financial
Report Builder, is based on the subsidiary context selected when the report was last run. For more
information, see Subsidiary-Specific Financial Layouts.
You may not be able to edit the layout you select immediately. If you cannot make changes on the Edit
Layout page after you select a layout, click the Edit Layout button. See Making a Layout Editable in the
Financial Report Builder.
The layout in the Financial Report Builder for NetSuite OneWorld is based on the subsidiary context you
last selected for the financial statement. The Subsidiary Context is displayed to the left of the Layout list.
If you want to customize a layout for a different subsidiary context, first run the financial statement using
the desired subsidiary context. See Subsidiary-Specific Financial Layouts.
When you customize a standard financial statement, the edits you make on the Financial Report Builder's
Edit Layout page are stored in a custom layout. A custom layout begins as a duplicate version of one of
the standard layouts and is modified as you make edits to its financial sections and rows.
When you open a report to customize it, you can select a different layout, but you cannot edit the initial
current layout. See Accessing the Financial Report Builder.
To enable layout editing, click Edit Layout. When the button is dimmed, editing is enabled.
You cannot edit standard layouts. If you have selected a standard layout, you receive a prompt to change
the name of the layout when you click Edit Layout. If you attempt to edit a shared custom layout, the
prompt gives you the option of editing the shared layout or creating a duplicate for editing with a
different name.
For other information about financial report layouts, see the following topics:
You can make changes to a layout on the Financial Report Builder Edit Layout Page. To display a layout for
editing, see:
■ To view layouts for one type of financial statement, select the statement from the Report Type list. To
view all layouts, select All.
■ To delete a custom layout, click its Delete link.
■ To rename a custom layout, enable editing, click directly on the layout name, and enter the new name.
■ To view the financial statements to which a layout is assigned, click the View Assignments link to
display the Financial Reports: Row Layout Assignment Page.
You can change a layout assigned to either a custom or standard financial statement by clicking the Edit
button, clicking directly on a layout in the Row Layout column, and selecting a different layout.
You can filter this page to display only a selected financial statement type, a selected layout, or if you are
using NetSuite OneWorld, a selected subsidiary.
■ To display assignments for a specific type of financial statement, select that statement from the
Report Type list. To display assignments for all types of statements, select All.
■ To display assignments for a specific layout, select that layout from the Row Layout list. To display
assignments for all layouts, select All.
■ To display assignments for layouts relevant to a specific subsidiary, select that subsidiary from the
Subsidiary Context list. To display assignments for layouts relevant to all subsidiaries, select All.
■ When you create a new custom financial statement, a new custom layout automatically displays in the
Financial Report Builder. This new layout is a duplicate of the standard layout for the standard financial
■ When you edit an existing custom financial statement, the previously assigned layout displays in the
Financial Report Builder.
■ In both of these cases, you can select from the Layout list on the Edit Layout page to assign a different
layout to the financial statement.
You can assign layouts to both custom and standard financial statements on the Financial Reports: Row
Layout Assignment page.
3. Click directly on the layout in the Row Layout column, and select a different layout from the list.
The following screenshot shows rows in the Bank section of a standard Balance Sheet:
1 Header Row
2 Account Rows
3 Total Row
Note that if you collapse a section, only its header row displays with header text and the amount from the
total row. Bank, Other Current Asset, and Fixed Assets are collapsed in the following example:
If a section is not preceded by the plus sign or minus sign, it cannot be collapsed or expanded.
The following screenshot illustrates the editing of the Bank section in the Financial Report Builder:
For standard financial statements, each financial section corresponds to an account type, and section data
rows are grouped and sorted by account number. The criteria used for section data are dynamic so that
when a financial statement is run, each section includes data for all accounts of the selected type. This
method of defining section criteria is preferable to using static lists of accounts. Dynamic criteria ensure
that all necessary accounts are included in a financial section and are particularly useful for including
newly created accounts.
When you create custom financial statements, you can define custom sections that are based on criteria
other than account type. These criteria may include account name, account number, class, department,
location, and subsidiary. See Creating a Custom Financial Statement Section.
You can make many other changes to sections in custom financial statements including changing their
grouping, sorting, hierarchy, expansion, labels, and format options. See Editing a Financial Statement
The Financial Report Builder also enables you to add new sections to a custom financial statement. See
Adding a Section to a Custom Financial Statement.
If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you can filter and group section data by subsidiary. See Organizing
Financial Statement Data by Subsidiary.
duplicate section to be created. Selection criteria define the accounts to be included in a financial
statement section.
■ To avoid unexpected results, do not define overlapping criteria for two or more custom sections in a
financial statement. If an account fits the criteria for more than one section, the system determines the
account's section, which may not be the one you expect.
■ If you create a custom Cash Flow Statement that includes custom sections, its value for the Cash
at Beginning of Period row is likely to be incorrect unless you create a custom Cash Statement that
shares these custom sections and make that custom Cash Statement the referenced report for the
Cash at Beginning of Period row. See Customizing Cash Flow Statement Account Sections.
■ Be careful that section filtering does not result in a duplicate combination of account, department,
location, class, or subsidiary filtered values on multiple lines because a financial statement cannot
display values for an identical account multiple times. To avoid incorrect totals, the statement displays
correct values the first time the account is listed and displays zeroes for later listings of the same
account. For example, this issue may occur when accounts are filtered by a department that is a
parent of one or more other departments.
1. Start the Financial Report Builder, and ensure an editable custom layout is selected in the Edit
Layout page. For information, see Accessing the Financial Report Builder.
2. Select a financial section in the Layout outline.
3. In the right pane of the Financial Report Builder on the Section subtab, click Edit Criteria.
4. In the Edit Section Criteria popup, click OK to indicate that you are creating a new custom section.
5. You can insert and remove filters.
■ To add a filter, select a field from the list in the Filter column.
■ In the Filter popup that opens immediately after you select a filter, select one or more values
to indicate the criteria to be applied to this section. You also can click Set Options to open this
■ If you want to use parenthetical expressions to define section data filters, check the Use
Expressions box. This option functions here in the same manner as it does for search criteria.
For more information, see the help topic Using And/Or Expressions in Search Criteria.
6. If you want this custom section to be available for use in other custom financial layouts, click Share
■ In the Share Section popup, click OK.
■ Change the section name/ID as desired.
7. Make other changes to the section as desired. See Editing a Financial Statement Section.
■ To add a filter, select a field from the list in the Filter column.
■ In the Filter popup that opens immediately after you select a filter, select one or more values to
indicate the data that will be included in this section. You also can click Set Options to open this
■ If you want to use parenthetical expressions to define section data filters, check the Use
Expressions box. This option functions here in the same manner as it does for search criteria.
For more information, see the help topic Using And/Or Expressions in Search Criteria.
6. If you want this custom section to be available for use in other custom financial statements, click
Share Section.
■ In the Share Section popup, click OK.
■ Change the section name/ID as desired.
7. Make other changes to the section as desired. See Editing a Financial Statement Section.
When you edit selection criteria for a section, you are creating a new section. See Creating a Custom
Financial Statement Section.
To edit a section:
1. Start the Financial Report Builder, and ensure an editable custom layout is selected in the Edit
Layout page. For information, see Accessing the Financial Report Builder.
2. In the Layout outline, select the section that you want to edit.
3. Complete any of the following tasks:
■ Editing Financial Section Labels
■ Modifying Financial Section Hierarchy
■ Modifying Financial Section Row Expansion
■ Modifying Financial Section Grouping
■ Modifying Financial Section Sort Order
■ Modifying Financial Section Format Options
Note: If you want to use a section to calculate % of Expense or % of Income column values for
a custom income statement, set its Marker field to Expense or Income. See Adding a Percent of
Expense Column to an Income Statement or Adding a Percent of Income Column to an Income
■ Edit the section's Header Label. This is the text in the section's header row.
■ Choose whether to display the Header row. To hide this row, clear the Display Row box.
■ Edit the section's Total Label. This is the text in the section's total row that lists the total amount for the
section. If this field is left blank, the default label
Total - <Header Label> is displayed.
■ Choose whether to display the total row. To hide this row, clear the Display Row box.
Alternatively, you can drag and drop a financial section in the Layout outline to change its hierarchy.
■ Expanded – the section is displayed in expanded format, showing all rows. Viewers can collapse it.
This is the default.
■ Collapsed – the section is displayed in collapsed format, showing a header row with a summary
amount. Viewers can expand it.
■ Cannot Expand – the section is displayed in collapsed format. Viewers cannot expand it.
■ You can select from the Group By dropdown list to change this primary grouping to be by class,
department, location, customer/project, item, or if you are using NetSuite OneWorld, subsidiary.
■ You also can set an optional, secondary grouping in the Then By dropdown list to be by accounts,
class, department, location, customer/project, item, or subsidiary.
The Show Hierarchy check boxes next to the Group By and Then By dropdown lists indicate whether full
hierarchical names are used for group labels and sort order. Full hierarchical names are in the format of
grandparent : parent : child. Non-hierarchical, or flat, names include only the child. By default, these boxes
are checked and full hierarchical names are used.
Be aware of how grouping interacts with filtering to select accounts for a section. Be careful that your
custom financial statement does not include multiple lines with a duplicate combination of account,
department, location, class, customer/project, item, or subsidiary filtered values because a financial
statement cannot display values for an identical account multiple times. To avoid incorrect totals, the
statement displays correct values the first time the account is listed and displays zeroes for later listings of
the same account.
For grouping by class, department, location, item, or subsidiary, available sort orders include:
■ Ascending
■ Descending
■ Custom
The Custom sort order enables you to manually set the order of data rows. For example, you could set the
order so that all new accounts display at the end of the section.
Note: If a list used for grouping includes more than 200 records, the list is truncated and
custom sort order is not supported. This scenario is most likely to occur when grouping by item or
You cannot change whether account numbers are displayed. Account names include account numbers
when the accounting preference Use Account Numbers is checked.
Note: Checking the Reverse Sign box for a row affects all dynamic total calculations that include
that row's value. Always run the report and review the accuracy of all total rows if you use this
Warning: To prevent unexpected results, do not add two or more different sections with
overlapping criteria to a single financial statement. If an account fits the criteria for more than one
section, the system determines the account's section, which may not be the one you expect.
Note: If you create a custom Cash Flow Statement that includes custom sections, its value
for the Cash at Beginning of Period row is likely to be incorrect unless you create a custom
Cash Statement that shares these custom sections and make that custom Cash Statement the
referenced report for the Cash at Beginning of Period row. See Customizing Cash Flow Statement
Account Sections.
section or parent header/summary row grouping by your selection in the Child Of dropdown or by the
subsection's placement in the Layout outline. You may need to add a new header and summary row to
group data from multiple subsections.
The following steps provide examples for adding subsections.
■ Header and summary rows: Display a heading over multiple related sections and rows with a linked
summary row at the bottom that displays a summarized amount for all rows listed under the header
■ Formula row: Displays a custom calculation based on values of other rows in the financial statement.
■ Reference row: Displays a value referenced from a financial section or rows in another financial
statement. (Available only for Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement reports).
■ Text row: Displays static text or provides a blank row in between financial statement sections.
The Financial Report Builder enables you to add, move, delete, and edit all of these types of rows in a
custom financial statement.
1. Start the Financial Report Builder, and ensure an editable custom layout is selected in the Edit
Layout page. For information, see Accessing the Financial Report Builder.
2. Do any of the following:
■ To add a row, select a row type from the Add Row/Section list in the Layout outline.
■ To move a row, select it in the Layout outline, and click the up arrow or down arrow buttons.
■ To delete a row, select it in the Layout outline, and click the delete button.
■ To edit a row, select it in the Layout outline and make changes to its properties in the right pane
of the Edit Layout page.
Different edits are available for different types of rows. See the following:
□ Editing Financial Statement Header and Summary Rows
□ Editing a Financial Statement Formula Row
□ Editing a Financial Statement Reference Row
□ Editing a Financial Statement Text Row
Note: For information about editing sections, see Financial Statement Sections.
The following screenshot points out header rows and their linked summary rows. These header rows
differ from section header rows in that they do not include their own account rows, but instead group
data from other rows.
Alternatively, you can drag and drop a header row in the Layout outline to change its hierarchy.
■ Expanded – data rows are displayed in expanded format. Viewers can collapse the header row to hide
other rows. This is the default.
■ Collapsed – the header row is displayed in collapsed format. Viewers can expand it.
■ Cannot Expand – the header row is displayed in collapsed format. Viewers cannot expand it. In this
case, the summary amount is displayed and the details that make up the summary cannot be seen.
Note: Enabling the Reverse Sign option for a row affects all dynamic total calculations that
include that row's value.
1. When a header and summary rows combination is selected in the Layout outline, choose the Apply
a Formula option.
2. Use the formula builder to enter an expression. Add each value on a separate line.
1. Select an operator if needed. Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and
percentage (%) operators are available.
2. Select opening parentheses if needed.
3. Indicate whether the type of value is a constant number (Constant) or a value from
another row in the report (Row).
4. Enter the value, which is a field or a dropdown depending on the value type you select.
5. Select closing parentheses if needed.
6. Repeat until the formula expression is complete.
7. Review the expression displayed at the top of the formula builder for correctness, then
make adjustments as necessary.
Note: Enabling the Reverse Sign option for a row affects all dynamic total calculations that
include that row's value.
Note: If you want to use a formula row to calculate % of Expense or % of Income column values
for a custom income statement, set its Marker field to Expense or Income. See Adding a Percent
of Expense Column to an Income Statement or Adding a Percent of Income Column to an Income
Note: Checking the Reverse Sign box for a row affects all dynamic total calculations that include
that row's value. Always run the report and review the accuracy of all total rows if you use this
1. Select an operator if needed. Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and
percentage (%) operators are available.
2. Select opening parentheses if needed.
3. Indicate whether the value is a constant number (Constant) or a value from another row in the
report (Row).
4. Enter the value.
If the Type is Constant, enter a number in the field.
If the Type is Row, select a value from the dropdown list.
5. Select closing parentheses if needed.
6. Repeat until the formula expression is complete.
7. Review the expression displayed at the top of the formula builder for correctness, then make
adjustments as necessary.
1. Start the Financial Report Builder, and ensure an editable custom layout is selected in the Edit
Layout page. For information, see Accessing the Financial Report Builder.
2. In the Layout outline, do one of the following:
■ Select the row below the place where you want to add a new reference row, and from the Add
Row/Section list, select Add Reference Row.
■ Select an existing reference row.
3. Complete any of the following tasks:
■ Editing a Reference Row Header Label
■ Modifying Reference Row Hierarchy
■ Defining the Financial Statement Row to be Referenced
■ Modifying Reference Row Format Options
Alternatively, you can drag and drop a reference row in the Layout outline to change its hierarchy.
The referenced date range is defined relative to the date range for the current financial statement.
When the current financial statement's date range is changed, the date range for the referenced value is
adjusted accordingly.
The referenced date range is set by selections from two dropdown lists for the start and end of the range.
Be aware of how the values in these two dropdown lists can be used as shown in the following table.
Balance Forward Beginning of Year (Exclusive) Balance Sheet, Retained Earnings Net Income row;
Ends on day before referencing Income Statement, Income section
Beginning of Year
Balance Forward Start Date (Exclusive) Cash Flow Statement, Cash at Beginning of Period
Ends on day before row; referencing Cash Statement, Bank Accounts
Start Date section
Balance Forward End Date (Inclusive) Balance Sheet, Net Income row; referencing
Ends on End Date Income Statement, Income section
Start Date End Date (Inclusive) Cash Flow Statement, Net Income row; referencing
Ends on End Date Income Statement, Income section
Note: Checking the Reverse Sign box for a row affects all dynamic total calculations that include
that row's value.
1. Start the Financial Report Builder, and ensure an editable custom layout is selected in the Edit
Layout page. For information, see Accessing the Financial Report Builder.
2. In the Layout outline, do one of the following:
■ Select the row below the place where you want to add a new text row, and from the Add Row/
Section list, select Add Text Row.
■ Select an existing text row.
3. Complete any of the following tasks:
■ Editing Text for a Text Row
■ Modifying Text Row Hierarchy
■ Modifying Text Row Format Options
Alternatively, you can drag and drop a text row in the Layout outline to change its hierarchy.
Note: Other formatting options are available in the Financial Report Builder More Options Page.
These are report-level, not row-level.
You can set the following format options for all types of rows:
□ Color
Note: To change the font for a row, you must enable the option in your personal preferences.
For details, see Changing the Font for a Report Row.
You can set the following additional format options for rows that display amounts, including section
account rows, summary rows, and reference rows:
■ Show Currency – Check to display a currency symbol with row amounts. This preference is also
available at the report-level on the More Options page. The row-level preference overrides the report-
level preference.
■ Reverse Sign – Check to change positive row amounts to negative, and negative row amounts to
positive. Use this option when the database positive or negative value differs from what is expected
for financial reports. When you select this option for a row, it affects all dynamic total calculations that
include that row's value. After you select this option, be sure to run the report and review the accuracy
of all total rows.
■ Prefix – Enter text to display immediately before each row amount.
■ Suffix – Enter text to display immediately after each row amount, such as USD.
You cannot change whether account numbers are displayed. Account names include account numbers
when the accounting preference Use Account Numbers is checked.
1. Start the Financial Report Builder, and ensure an editable custom layout is selected in the Edit
Layout page. For information, see Accessing the Financial Report Builder.
2. In the Layout outline, select the row for which you want to set format options.
3. Make changes in the Format box in the right pane.
This setting changes the default font on your financial reports to Arial and enables you to change to a
different font in the Financial Report Builder.
For information about working with financial statements in the context of NetSuite OneWorld, see the
following topics:
For general information about working with NetSuite financial statements, see:
Important: Default reporting periods may not correspond to fiscal periods used by all
subsidiaries. You may need to modify the periods or date ranges used for some subsidiaries'
reports to meet reporting requirements. See the help topic Running Reports for Subsidiaries with
Different Accounting Periods.
By default, each report displays data for the top-level, or root-parent, subsidiary. Select an option from
the Subsidiary Context list to display data for a different subsidiary. Elimination subsidiaries are available
as options. Select an option appended with (Consolidated) to display data for all child subsidiaries of the
consolidated parent subsidiary, including elimination subsidiaries. To learn more about the subsidiary
context, see the help topic Subsidiary Context for Reports.
Note: If you have not set consolidated rates, NetSuite uses an exchange rate of 1.
In addition to filtering data, the subsidiary context also determines the layout for report rows and the
currency for amounts:
■ The layout associated with the selected subsidiary is applied to the report. For more information, see
Subsidiary-Specific Financial Layouts.
■ The currency amounts are displayed in the base currency of the selected subsidiary. Consolidated
rates are used if the subsidiaries shown on the report have different base currencies. For more
information, see the help topics Consolidated Exchange Rates and Consolidated Exchange Rates on
After you have selected a subsidiary context, your selection is maintained each time you rerun the report
until you change the subsidiary context again.
For example, run the Balance Sheet report with the Australian subsidiary selected in the Subsidiary
Context list and then click Customize. The Australian subsidiary is shown as the subsidiary context and the
Australian Balance Sheet layout is used.
To customize a balance sheet for a different subsidiary, first rerun the report and select a new subsidiary
context. When you select a new layout from the Layout list on the Financial Report Builder Edit Layout
page, the subsidiary context does not change. Instead, the new layout is assigned to the currently
displayed subsidiary.
The above steps are the recommended method for customizing a OneWorld financial statement. If
you access the Financial Report Builder using the menu at Reports > New Financial Report or Reports >
Financial > Report_Name > Customize, the most recently selected subsidiary context is used. This context
may not be the subsidiary context you want.
If the subsidiary context displayed in the Financial Report Builder for your custom statement is not
correct, exit the Financial Report Builder and follow the above steps.
For more information about financial statement layouts, see Financial Statement Layouts.
■ You can filter section data to be limited to one or more selected subsidiaries. To select the filter, select
a section in the Layout outline to open the Section edit pane to its right. Then click Edit Criteria on the
Section subtab to display the Filter list.
If you group by subsidiary, you can define a sort order based on subsidiaries:
For more information about defining filtering, grouping, and sorting for financial statement sections, see
Financial Statement Sections.
For more information about the consolidated exchange rate types and how they are calculated, see the
help topic Consolidated Exchange Rate Types.
NetSuite dynamically calculates CTA for each account and then displays the total in the CTA account
line. You can customize balance sheet reports to include a column titled Translation Adjustment. This
column shows the amount resulting from the difference between the consolidated exchange rate that is
used on each account and the current exchange rate.
The CTA is used wherever consolidation across accounts with different consolidated rate types occurs,
such as the consolidated trial balance.
Important: The consolidated cash flow statement includes a row called Effect of Exchange
Rate on Cash. This row adjusts for the effects of consolidated exchange rate differences in cash
flow statement accounts. These adjustments ensure that the cash flow statement's Cash at End
of Period is consistent with the balance sheet's bank or cash equivalent. The Effect of Exchange
Rate on Cash row includes amounts that may not be posted to the CTA account. See Cash Flow
Statement Report.
The CTA account is used solely for balancing consolidated balance sheets. You cannot select the CTA
account on items, tax codes, nexus records, or most transactions. The CTA account is not available when
setting up credit card processing. The CTA account is, however, available for selection on journal entries.
The amount you see in consolidated reports for CTA is calculated dynamically, not posted to the account.
The CTA account is separate from the Cumulative Translation Adjustment-Elimination (CTA-E) that
NetSuite adds to your account when you enable the Automated Intercompany Management feature. For
information about the CTA-E account, see the help topic Cumulative Translation Adjustment-Elimination
The balance sheet always balances in the local currency, as shown in the last line of the previous table.
However, because the consolidated rates for equity and retained earnings are different than those for
assets and liabilities, the consolidated balance sheet may not balance. The CTA equals the amount that is
required to balance the consolidated balance sheet. In this example, the CTA is ($100).
■ Starting Balance Sheet (As of <period>) – The period is the one before the period selected in the
From field in the footer.
□ Local Balance – Subsidiary account balance
□ General Rate – Consolidated exchange rate type shown on the account record
□ Consolidated Balance – For each account line, this is equal to the Local Balance multiplied by the
General Rate. The total in this column ties to the CTA amount in the Balance Sheet for the previous
■ Net Posting (<period>) – The period is the period or range of periods set in the From and To fields in
the footer.
□ Local Balance – Subsidiary account balance
□ Cash Flow Rate – Consolidated exchange rate type shown on the account record
□ General Rate – Consolidated exchange rate type shown on the account record
□ Consolidated Balance – For each account line, this is equal to the Local Balance multiplied by the
General Rate.
■ Ending Balance Sheet (As of <period>) – The period is the one set in the To field in the footer.
□ Local Balance – Subsidiary account balance
□ General Rate – Consolidated exchange rate type shown on the account record
□ Consolidated Balance – For each account line, this is equal to the Local Balance multiplied by the
General Rate. The total in this column ties to the CTA amount in the Balance Sheet for the ending
period in the range of periods.
■ CTA Analysis
□ Beginning Balance Rate Difference Contribution – This equals the Beginning Balance
Translated at Ending Implied Rate minus Starting Balance Sheet Consolidated Balance. You can
customize the report to add a column for Beginning Balance Translated at Ending Implied Rate.
See the description below.
□ Net Posting Rate Difference Contribution – This equals Net Posting Consolidated Balance minus
Net Posting Consolidated Balance at Cash Flow Rate Contribution.
□ Net Posting Consolidated Balance at Cash Flow Rate Contribution – This equals Net Posting
Local Balance multiplied by the Net Posting Cash Flow Rate.
□ Total CTA Contribution – Beginning Balance Rate Difference Contribution plus Net Posting Rate
Difference Contribution plus Net Posting Consolidated Balance at Cash Flow Rate Contribution
You can customize this report in the Financial Report Builder. The following additional columns are
■ Beginning Balance Translated at Ending Implied Rate is a column for the CTA Analysis column
group that is not displayed by default. This column equals the Starting Balance Sheet Local Balance
multiplied by the consolidated exchange rate for the account. For Current general rate type accounts,
the multiplier is the value in the General Rate column of the Ending Balance Sheet column group. For
Average or Historical general rate type accounts, the multiplier is the value in the General Rate column
of the Starting Balance Sheet column group.
■ Consolidated Balance at Cash Flow Rate is available for the starting and ending balance sheet and
net posting column groups.
For information about consolidated exchange rates, see the help topic Consolidated Exchange Rate
For more information about customizing financial reports, see Financial Report Builder.
You can also click the amount for the Cumulative Translation Adjustment in the Balance Sheet,
Comparative Balance Sheet, and Trial Balance to open this report.
■ If you open the report from the menu, be sure a consolidated subsidiary is selected in the Subsidiary
Context filter in the report footer.
■ Click More in the footer to display the additional multi-select filter Subsidiary Any Of and change the
subsidiaries that are included in the report.
For example, if your European subsidiary is a child of your U.K. subsidiary, which is a child of the root-
parent U.S. subsidiary, you can choose to run a budget report for the European subsidiary in euros,
pounds, or U.S. dollars.
To run budget reports with meaningful data in local subsidiaries' currencies, your account must meet the
following prerequisites:
For information about setting up these prerequisites, see the help topic Subsidiary Budgets in OneWorld.
NetSuite financial statements include the following reports specifically designed for budgeting purposes:
Budget Income Statement, Budget Income Statement Detail, and Budget vs. Actual. In addition, you can
add budget columns to any other financial statement to use it for budgeting purposes. Use the Budget
Category, Subsidiary Context, or Subsidiary lists in the footer of the report results to indicate the currency
to use for displayed amounts. For details, see the following topics:
Note: Because budgets are set up by period, budget data is not displayed in reports if the
Report by Period preference is set to Never. If your report's budget columns are displaying
zeros, go to Home > Set Preferences, and on the Analytics subtab, set the Report by Period
preference to All Reports or to Financials Only.
■ Budget Category – Set to Legacy. This indicates that budgeting is done on a global basis and that
the report should include consolidated data for all subsidiaries in the currency of the root-parent
■ Subsidiary Context – Set to the consolidated root-parent subsidiary. The setting cannot be changed.
This setting applies whenever the selected Budget Category has a Global budget type.
For example, if the root-parent subsidiary is in the U.S., a report with these settings displays data for all
subsidiaries rolled up to the consolidated totals for the U.S. subsidiary and all its sub-subsidiaries. The
currency for the report is U.S. dollars.
Note: The Budget Category and Subsidiary Context filters cannot be customized in the Report
For example, if you select a Budget Category of U.K. Budgeting, and a Subsidiary Context of a U.K.
subsidiary, the report displays data for the U.K. subsidiary in British pounds.
For example, if you select a Budget Category of Euro Budgeting, a Subsidiary Context of the consolidated
European subsidiary, and a Subsidiary of a U.K. subsidiary, the report displays data for the U.K. subsidiary
in euros.
Note: You must set up budgets for subsidiaries before you can complete the following
procedure. For information, see the help topic Subsidiary Budgets in OneWorld.
1. Start the Financial Report Builder for the report whose exchange rates for consolidated data you
want to modify. For instructions, see Accessing the Financial Report Builder.
2. Click Edit Columns.
3. If you want to change the rates table used for conversion of budget amounts, expand the Budget
folder in the Add Fields pane.
1. Notice the following fields:
■ Amount – Displays by default and uses the Consolidated Exchange Rates table for
■ Amount (Budget Rate) – Uses the Budget Exchange Rates table for conversion.
2. In the Report Preview pane, select the Budget: Amount column, and click Remove
3. In the Add fields pane, click the Budget: Amount (Exchange Rate) column to add it.
4. If you want to change the rates table used for conversion of actual amounts, expand the Financial
folder in the Add Fields pane.
1. Notice the following fields:
■ Amount – Displays by default and uses the Consolidated Exchange Rates table for
■ Amount (Budget Rate) – Uses the Budget Exchange Rates table for conversion.
2. In the Report Preview pane, select the Financial: Amount column, and click Remove
3. In the Add fields pane, click the Financial: Amount (Budget Rate) column to add it.
5. Preview or save the customized report.