Prepare For Professional Performance Career Fall 2020
Prepare For Professional Performance Career Fall 2020
Prepare For Professional Performance Career Fall 2020
Kristin Suess
Office: Virtual
Office Hours: By Appointment
Students are expected to review and follow the UC Faculty Senate policies on the following topics:
Class Cancellation
Academic Integrity
Title IX (Sex-Based Discrimination/Harassment & Sexual Violence)
Counseling Services
Course Format
The course is organized in a series of Topic Modules, with informational resources, discussions, and activities
designed to introduce the student to a big-picture view of a career in the performing arts.
To realize course expectations, students take responsibility for their own learning and participation as an active
learner. The instructor will act as the facilitator of learning.
To optimize time together as a group, this course used a “flipped” model of instruction. Students must be
willing to learn outside of the class time, by utilizing self-guided, asynchronous modules with text, video, and
tutorial resources.
During class sessions, the instructor will provide workshop-style activities on key concepts and information, with
students breaking into partner or small groups to complete various assessments. During group discussions,
students are responsible for engaging with the material in an active manner. In addition, active participation in
Canvas team discussions is expected.
Course Materials
Recommended Texts
Beeching, Beyond Talent, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, 2020
Cutler, The Savvy Musician, Helius Press, 2010
Kobliner, Get A Financial Life, Fireside, 2017
Learning Portfolio – 5%
Assessments for this course is a steady mix of submitted work throughout the semester. Many assignments are
credit/no credit, with timely submission equaling full credit. A few assignments will be graded based on a rubric, and
up to 5 (short) topic exams will be administered. There is no comprehensive mid-term or final exam for this course.
Rather, students are expected to spend 6-8 hours on a final project, with additional documentation as to process
and course learning. All submissions must be digitized for submission online.
Credit/no credit assignments will not be accepted more than one week past the due date. Assignments (including
Discussion Board) with a rubric will be accepted late, but penalized for late submission and will be lowered by ½ a
letter grade each week it is late. If a student is not able to complete a rubric assignment by the due date for any
valid reason, the student can work with the instructor in advance of the scheduled due date to negotiate a revised
due date. Reasonable requests, including “technology fails,” will not be denied.
Classroom Procedures/Policies
Instructor is highly responsive to email. Due to class being exclusively online, instructor will also provide a cell
phone number for texting/voice calls.
Attendance Policy
Please see the attendance policy.
Attendance to all synchronous meetings is required. In case of illness or professional leave of absence, WebEx
sessions will be recorded for the student to review. If possible, student should make a best attempt to catch up on
any missed team/partner activity.
COVID Support
Any member of the campus community exhibiting symptoms should self-report to University
Health Services (UHS) at, and University Health Services will follow up
with guidance to any member of the campus community who self-reports or receives testing.
Class Cancellation Policy
Students should not schedule any commitments during the synchronous class meeting time. The majority, but not
all scheduled sessions will be utilized by the entire class roster. In other words, a few sessions will be suspended or
held for individual check-ins. Students will be notified via email and in Canvas.
Notice of Non-Discrimination
This course adheres to the UC Notice of Non-Discrimination.
Accessibility Policy
Please see the accessibility policy .
Topic Modules have been designed according to the principles of Universal Design, utilizing a mix of text, video,
audio, and practical application to facilitate learning. However, continuous improvement is always a goal. The
instructor is available to work with a student to present concepts in an alternative format in order to assist learning.
Trigger Warning
Confidentiality: The topics explored may occasionally result in the sharing of confidential information, as related to
finances, product ideas, and shifting career goals. By participating in this class, the student and instructor agree to
be respectful and hold sensitive information in confidence.
Discussion Board: Students are expected to be attuned to current events, issues, and developments in the artistic
sphere. Various articles will be posted on the Board, as selected by student teams. Use of the Discussion Board
format on Canvas fosters new ideas and active participation, especially for those students who prefer to express
themselves in a written format. If a student is feeling triggered by a particular topic, the student may apply to the
instructor to not participate in the Discussion Board. Different and even controversial ideas could be expressed in
this open format; students should be respectful of peers, their ideas and opinions.
Academic Integrity
Please see the Student Code of Conduct for more information.
The instructor trusts students to submit original work for this course. Utilizing outside resources, including the
expertise of peers, is actively encouraged for most of the course work. A few exceptions to this general policy are
outlined in the assignment instructions.
Student Resources
Please refer to Academic Excellence and Support Services which includes the Accessibility Resources Office, the
Learning Commons, Testing Services, and Veterans Programs & Services.
Students can refer to the Course Objectives (CO) and the Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) for insight as to course
structure. This course is not one for which students can “cram”; rather, consistent effort throughout the course is
necessary as reflected by the Assessments/Exams description above.
Course Calendar
Course Learning Objectives (CO)
Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:
1. Discuss, reflect upon and begin to develop professional music performance career options and
the creative, analytic and interpersonal skills required to attain them.
2. Create a personal performance career scenario, with timeline, strategies and budget.
3. Research and create effective professional promotional materials, including a business plan.
4. Reflect upon and relate course activities to the student's personal goals.
Assignment: Track
Portfolio Career (cont.) Identify and explain Skills survey Review Modules
necessary soft skills and
Personal Finances: transferrable skills (CO 1) Team 2 Discussion Discussion Board: Team 2
Revenue Presentation (Rubric)
Assignment: Progressive
Coaching Tools
Personal Finances: Demonstrate use of basic Personal finances Q&A Review Modules
Revenue (cont.) business tools and plan
financial present and Team 3 Discussion Discussion Board: Team 3
Personal Management: future (CO 1, 2, 4) Presentation (Rubric)
Financial Primer
Assignment: LifeCycle of a
$ (Rubric)
Personal Management: Create a personal budget Personal finances Review Modules
Taxes (CO 2) **Individual Meetings**
Assignment: Budget
Personal Finances: Money present, 1 year, 5 year
Personal Finances: Money Survey product Copyright and Fair Use Review Modules
Disciplines (cont.) opportunities, examine IP Discussion
considerations (CO 1, 3) EXAM: Financial Terms
Brand YOU: Intellectual MailChimp Demo and Tax Considerations
Property, Marketing Outline marketing basics,
Basics including specific tools i.e. Select Groups for
MailChimp (CO 3) Generational Marketing
Brand YOU (cont.) Plan application of Group Assignment: Review Module
marketing basics to Generational Program
artist/program (CO 3) and Marketing Strategies
Team 4 Discussion
Presentation Discussion Board: Team 4
EXAM: Intellectual
Portfolio Career: Unions Survey unions and Assignment: Unions & Review Module
& Resources professional industry Pro Org WIKI (topic
organizations (CO 1, 3) selection) Assignment: Unions &
Pro Org WIKI (multi-week
Analyze public resources Partner Assignment: assignment)
(Candid) to determine Analyze 990
organizational fiscal
health (CO 1)
Portfolio Career (cont.) Interview professional Interview A-HAs! Review Module
expert to examine first-
hand perspective (CO 1, Assignment:
2, 3, 4) Informational Interview
Team 5 Discussion
Presentation Discussion Board: Team 5
EXAM: Fundraising
Personal Management: Adapt tools (i.e. contract Gig Files Assignment: Contract
Contracts and template) for personal (Rubric)
Negotiations use (CO 3)
EXAM: Negotiations
Relate and demonstrate Partner Assignment: Strategies
negotiation strategies (CO Negotiations Role-Play
1) Assignment: Unions &
Pro Org WIKI (draft
entries, peer reviewer
Brand YOU: Toolkit Build toolkit of personal The Good, Bad, and Ugly Assignment: Resume, Bio,
professional Round-Up Brand Identity Style
materials/resources (i.e. Guide, Publicity Photo
resume, brand identity Planning
style guide, promotional
assets) (CO 3) Assignment: Unions &
Pro Org WIKI (Peer
Examine use of media Review)
(sound recordings,
videos) and plan a
recording session and EXAM: Sound Recording
recording project
(repertoire, budget)
based on best practices
(CO 3)
Brand YOU: Business Plan Create business plan (CO Assignment: 1-Page Discussion Board
3) Business Plan (Post to Responses: 1-Page
Discussion Board) Business Plan
I reserve the right to update this syllabus as class needs arise. Be assured that I will communicate to you any
changes to our schedule, syllabus or policies quickly and efficiently through Canvas and our WebEx meetings.