eDocFile Dragonpay Payment Step-By-Step From IPO

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Dragonpay Payment Step-By-Step

The system will give you options on

how to pay. Choose Dragonpay as the
payment option.

You will be prompted for the payment

fund source. Choose among the
payment options.

Sometimes, Dragonpay temporarily

disable some payment options due to
the ff reasons:
 delayed crediting of payments to
Dragonpays’ account;
 connectivity issues;
 Receive an advisory from the
payment channel that temporarily
suspends the payment options.
 A surge in logins and transactions
that may cause difficulty in
accessing the payment options for
some users.
 System maintenance activity

IPOPHL has no direct contract with

the payment channels displayed by

IPOPHL waits Dragonpay for the

validated payment before issuance of
electronic Official Receipt.
In the example here, you chose LBC as
the fund source. Then click Select

Check the payment instructions

Dragonpay emailed to you. Take
note of the Reference# generated by
Dragonpay. Be sure to fill-up the
Email field. And click the Send
Instructions via Email.

You will receive the Dragonpay

Payment Instruction in the email
address you indicated.

Different banks or payment channels

have different instructions
transactions. Please follow them

Dragonpay issues unique Reference

No for each application.

Dragonpay has different account no.

for every type of payment channel

Login to your bank's website or

mobile app and perform a fund
transfer or online bills payment to

Click the online validation link found

in Step 2 of the payment instructions.

Some banks require validations (e.g.

BDO, BPI Fund Transfer, Chinabank,
EastWest Bank, UCPB) before
confirming the payment process.

Provide the details of the fund

transfer that you've made. Click

For online payment:

You have to complete the payment
process within one hour after you
checkout from the online filing

For offline/OTC/non-bank payment:

Payments will be processed and
confirmed either at the end of the
day or on the succeeding day.
Dragonpay will send a confirmation to
your email address with the status of
the payment — whether successful or
If payment is not yet settled or
validated, you will also receive a
payment reminder thru email.

After a successful online payment,

IPOPHL will send thru email the
electronic official receipt after one

For offline payment, IPOPHL will send

thru email the electronic official
receipt after successful transmission
of Dragonpay to IPOPHL.
For online bank payment:
If you failed to complete the payment process (which includes validation for some banks
within one hour after checkout, please contact the Dragonpay Support at
www.dragonpay.ph/about or call us 8655-6820

For offline/OTC/non-bank payment:

If you failed to validate within 48 hours or two days after payment to those banks that
require it, please contact the Dragonpay Support at www.dragonpay.ph/about or call us

End of filing. You will receive an acknowledgement (confirmation of your filing) from
our Information Technology Management Services (ITMS) Bureau.

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