LP 1 Red Ribbon Week
LP 1 Red Ribbon Week
LP 1 Red Ribbon Week
Teacher Modeling: The teacher will provide the class with some thought-provoking questions,
then the teacher will lead class discussion.
Problem that could go wrong: A student in class may either struggle with drug use themselves,
or know of a friend or family member that struggles with drug use. Some students may have
difficulty with the lesson due to a personal connection.
Solution for that problem:
Discuss with students that some may find drug use/abuse a sensitive topic, and remind them that
there are resources available both at the school and outside of school for help. Students may
always reach out to their counselor for assistance.
How will you check for understanding before moving on?
-I will ask students if there are any questions prior to moving on to the next slide
-I will discuss questions as a class after they were all handed in.
MUST have a minimum of one research basis (peer reviewed journal) or theory AND one reference, resource or model program.
Please list this in APA format.
Drug Enforcement Administration. (2021, October 20). Wyatt's Story. YouTube. Drug Enforcement Administration .
Get Smart About Drugs. (2022, Febrauary 4). Wyatt's Story. Retrieved from Get Smart About Drugs: https://www.getsmartaboutdrugs.gov/videos/wyatts-story
Hasanica, N. (2020). The Effectiveness of Leaflets and Posters as a Health Education Method. The National Library of Medicine, 135-139.
Red Ribbon. (2023, October 18). Red Ribbon Week. Retrieved from Red Ribbon: https://www.redribbon.org/resources
The University of the State of New York. (2005, November). A Guidance Document for Acheiving the New York State Standards In Health Education. Retrieved
from NYSED: https://www.nysed.gov/sites/default/files/programs/curriculum-instruction/guidancedocumentfinal1105.pdf
This lesson plan format was adapted by the Department of Public Health and Health Education at SUNY Brockport from the Greece CSD Health Lesson Plan Format.
On December 5, 2020, Revision 3
1. Harmon, K, Marzano, R., (2015) Practicing Skills, Strategies & Processes, Classroom Techniques to Help Students Develop Proficiency. Learning Sciences International,
West Palm Beach, FL.
2. Herbert, PC, Lohrmann, DK,. (2011) It’s All in the Delivery! An Analysis of Instructional Strategies From Effective Health Education Curricula, Journal of School Health,
81:258 – 264.
3. Joint Committee on National Health Education Standards. (2007). National Health Education Standards: Achieving Health Literacy (2nd ed.). American Cancer Society.
Standards only available online at: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/sher/standards/index.htm.
4. Student Support Services Center. (n.d.). School Health and Health Education. Retrieved April 11, 2019, from http://www.gvboces.org/NYS_SSS.cfm?subpage=212893
5. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (2005). A Guidance Document For Achieving the New York State Standards In Health Education.
Albany: NY, New York State. Available online at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/GuidanceDocument4.25.update.pdf
6. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (2015). Health Education. Retrieved April 11, 2019, from http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-
7. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (1996). Learning Standards for Health, Physical Education and Family and Consumer Sciences.
Albany: NY, New York State Education Department. Available online at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/ciai/health/healthPEFACSLearningStandards.pdf