LP 1 Red Ribbon Week

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Teacher: _Ms. Crowley____________________

Grade: ____10__________ Date: ___10/23/23______ NATIONAL HEALTH EDUCATION
Unit: ___Drugs/Alcohol: Red Ribbon Week _______ STANDARDS
Lesson # ____1______________________________ Select those that apply:
1. Students will comprehend concepts related to
NYS HEALTH EDUCATION STANDARDS health promotion and disease prevention to
Select those that apply: enhance health.
1. Personal Health and Fitness - Students will have the 2. Students will analyze the influence of family,
necessary knowledge and skills to establish and peers, culture, media, technology, and other
maintain physical fitness, participate in physical factors on health behaviors.
activity, and maintain personal health. 3. Students will demonstrate the ability to access
2. A Safe and Healthy Environment - Students will valid information, products, and services to
acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create enhance health.
and maintain a safe and healthy environment.
4. Students will demonstrate the ability to use
3. Resource Management - Students will understand
and be able to manage their personal and community interpersonal communication skills to enhance
resources. health and avoid or reduce health risks.
5. Students will demonstrate the ability to use
Health Education Overarch Skill (Select One): decision-making skills to enhance health.
❑ Self-Management 6. Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-
❑ Relationship Management setting skills to enhance health.
Health Education Skills Focus (Select One) 7. Students will demonstrate the ability to practice
❑ Stress Management health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce
❑ Decision making health risks.
❑ Planning and Goal setting
8. Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate
❑ Advocacy
❑ Communication
for personal, family, and community health.

Functional Knowledge Area (check one)

❑ HIV/AIDS ❑ Physical Activity and Nutrition ❑ Family Life/Sexual Health

❑ Alcohol & Other Drugs ❑ Tobacco ❑ Violence Prevention
❑ Sexual Risk ❑ Mental Health ❑ Unintentional Injury
❑ Other Required Health Areas

Lesson Goal (s):

Objectives/ Student Learning Target:
Today I will review prior knowledge on Red Ribbon Week 1. To be able to advocate effectively for the
and gain a deeper understanding of drug prevention prevention of drug misuse and abuse in a
so I can make associations of negative effects of drug abuse. collaborative poster assignment.
I will know I have it when I can effectively create a poster to
advocate against drugs and present to my peers
Essential and Guiding Questions: (See the Health
Enduring Understandings: (See the Health Guidance Document)
Guidance Document) EQ: What health knowledge and skills do I need to know
to be able to advocate against drug use and abuse?
-Individuals need knowledge, skills, and resources to be
GQ: How can I help others to be safe and healthy
regarding drug use?
-Individuals have a personal responsibility to develop,
GQ: How can I resist unhealthy pressures regarding drug
maintain, and increase safe and healthy behaviors
- needed Adaptations for students with special needs:
-IPad -allow students to utilize paper and colored pencils to
-construction paper for adaptation complete advocacy poster assignment
-colored pencils for adaptation -allow students extra time to complete the diagnostic
NYS Learning Standards: NYS Learning Standards Performance Desired Performance – Demonstratable
❑ Personal Health and Fitness Indicators: Knowledge (core performance task)
❑ Safe and Healthy Environment ❑ Intermediate NYSHE 1B Apply prevention and risk (Know, understand and be able to do)
❑ Resource Management reduction strategies to adolescent health problems ❑ Effectively use technology to advocate for
❑ Intermediate NYSHE 3C Demonstrate the ability to
work cooperatively when advocating for healthy
prevention of drug abuse and misuse for
individuals, families, and schools personal health to peers
❑ Commencement NYSHE 3D Use technology and the
media to promote positive health messages
Lesson Summary – Including specific functional knowledge, skills, teaching strategies Assessment Information (Evidence)
(Overview of lesson) (Method of monitoring student learning)
Anticipatory Set: (5 minutes) Is the assessment (Circle One):
Formal or Informal
What are the students doing (best practice instructional strategy)? Identify the assessment moment (Circle One):
Red Ribbon Week/Pair and Share Diagnostic, Formative or Summative
Directions: Please put away all phones and IPads, you will not need those just yet. I would like Assessment Type (Circle One):
you all to take a few minutes and turn to your group, and discuss what you know regarding your Information Recall, Product, Process
knowledge of Red Ribbon Week. Once finished, we will discuss our answers as a class. or Performance

Teacher Modeling: The teacher will provide the class with some thought-provoking questions,
then the teacher will lead class discussion.

Problem that could go wrong:

-students may not recall information of Red Ribbon Week from previous years
Solution for that problem:
-Encourage students to do their best to think back to previous years, or use context clues of posters
they may have seen in the classroom or hallways.
How will you check for understanding before moving on?
-I will lead class discussion that reviews answers to assessment prior to moving onto the
discussion of advocacy.
Content/New Learning: (5 minutes) Is the assessment (Circle One):
Input (new knowledge) – how is this being done (best practice instructional strategy) Lecture, Formal or Informal
class discussion on video discussing dangers of drug abuse (Wyatt’s Story), and complete Identify the assessment moment (Circle One):
worksheet along with video. Diagnostic, Formative or Summative
Assessment Type (Circle One):
Directions: Today we will learn more about advocating for healthier lifestyles through discussing Information Recall, Product, Process
the importance of Red Ribbon Week. Please follow along with the lecture, and focus on the video or Performance
as you will have to answer questions related to Wyatt’s story.

Teacher Modeling of what students should be doing:

Once advocacy is discussed, I will show the evaluation questions on the board prior to showing
Wyatt’s story so students understand what questions will be asked of them.

Problem that could go wrong: A student in class may either struggle with drug use themselves,
or know of a friend or family member that struggles with drug use. Some students may have
difficulty with the lesson due to a personal connection.
Solution for that problem:
Discuss with students that some may find drug use/abuse a sensitive topic, and remind them that
there are resources available both at the school and outside of school for help. Students may
always reach out to their counselor for assistance.
How will you check for understanding before moving on?
-I will ask students if there are any questions prior to moving on to the next slide
-I will discuss questions as a class after they were all handed in.

Lesson Activities/Guided Practice: (20 minutes) Is the assessment (Circle One):

Formal or Informal
Describe what the students will be doing during this time with the best practice instructional Identify the assessment moment (Circle One):
strategy to implement the new knowledge and skill: Use of technology, advocacy poster for Diagnostic, Formative or Summative
Red Ribbon Week Assessment Type (Circle One):
Information Recall, Product,
Teacher Modeling of what students should be doing: Processor Performance
-The teacher will instruct students that in their groups, they are to create a positive “poster” to
advocate for prevention of drug-use. The teacher will pull up clear instructions and examples on
the board for students to see.
-Students will be instructed to collaborate on a google document to create posters that may be
posted around the school to discourage peers on the use of illicit drugs. Students must include a
catchy slogan, an eye-catching image, and at least one-fact about Red Ribbon Week or drug abuse
that they found from a reputable source.
-Students will present their poster to the class by screensharing to the board to prevent their
advocacy message.
-Other groups will grade their peers based on a checklist evaluation

Problem that could go wrong:

-a student does not have their IPad, or the Ipad is dead
-a student does not contribute to their group
-students may be lost on where to start with their poster
-students may struggle with time
Solution for that problem:
-extra chargers are on hand in class that they may borrow. The classroom also has two spare IPads
that a student may borrow for the class if they do not have theirs.
-I will walk to each group to check in on their progress, offer help, and ensure all students are
contributing equally.

How will you check for understanding before moving on?

-I will ask students to repeat back to me what is required on the advocacy poster prior to beginning
group work
-I will check in with each group while they are working on it to answer any questions
-I will give time check-ins to keep students on task

Closing: (usually 5 minutes in length) Is the assessment (Circle One):

Formal or Informal
Describe what students will be doing during this time with the best practice instructional Identify the assessment moment (Circle One):
strategy: Exit Ticket Diagnostic, Formative or Summative
Teacher Modeling of what students should be doing: Assessment Type (Circle One):
-Provide exit ticket questions on the board Information Recall, Product, Process
-Students will fill out an exit ticket explaining the importance of advocacy and two ways they can or Performance
advocate for themselves or others in their school or community.

Problem that could go wrong:

-students may not answer all parts of the question, or hand in the exit slip on their way out
Solution for that problem:
-students will be asked to write their name on the exit slip to check for understanding, and to
How will you check for understanding before moving on?
-I will walk around the classroom checking in as they fill in their responses, and check for
comprehension as they hand in their tickets.
Homework/Independent Practice: No homework assigned for this lesson Is the assessment (Circle One):
Formal or Informal
Describe what students will be doing during this time with the best practice instructional strategy Identify the assessment moment (Circle One):
Diagnostic, Formative or Summative
Teacher Modeling of what students should be doing Assessment Type (Circle One):
Information Recall, Product, Process
Problem that could go wrong: or Performance
Solution for that problem:

How will you check for understanding to ensure homework is complete?

References, research, theories, model program and resources:

MUST have a minimum of one research basis (peer reviewed journal) or theory AND one reference, resource or model program.
Please list this in APA format.

Drug Enforcement Administration. (2021, October 20). Wyatt's Story. YouTube. Drug Enforcement Administration .

Get Smart About Drugs. (2022, Febrauary 4). Wyatt's Story. Retrieved from Get Smart About Drugs: https://www.getsmartaboutdrugs.gov/videos/wyatts-story

Hasanica, N. (2020). The Effectiveness of Leaflets and Posters as a Health Education Method. The National Library of Medicine, 135-139.

Red Ribbon. (2023, October 18). Red Ribbon Week. Retrieved from Red Ribbon: https://www.redribbon.org/resources

The University of the State of New York. (2005, November). A Guidance Document for Acheiving the New York State Standards In Health Education. Retrieved
from NYSED: https://www.nysed.gov/sites/default/files/programs/curriculum-instruction/guidancedocumentfinal1105.pdf

This lesson plan format was adapted by the Department of Public Health and Health Education at SUNY Brockport from the Greece CSD Health Lesson Plan Format.
On December 5, 2020, Revision 3

References for the development of this form:

1. Harmon, K, Marzano, R., (2015) Practicing Skills, Strategies & Processes, Classroom Techniques to Help Students Develop Proficiency. Learning Sciences International,
West Palm Beach, FL.
2. Herbert, PC, Lohrmann, DK,. (2011) It’s All in the Delivery! An Analysis of Instructional Strategies From Effective Health Education Curricula, Journal of School Health,
81:258 – 264.
3. Joint Committee on National Health Education Standards. (2007). National Health Education Standards: Achieving Health Literacy (2nd ed.). American Cancer Society.
Standards only available online at: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/sher/standards/index.htm.
4. Student Support Services Center. (n.d.). School Health and Health Education. Retrieved April 11, 2019, from http://www.gvboces.org/NYS_SSS.cfm?subpage=212893
5. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (2005). A Guidance Document For Achieving the New York State Standards In Health Education.
Albany: NY, New York State. Available online at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/GuidanceDocument4.25.update.pdf
6. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (2015). Health Education. Retrieved April 11, 2019, from http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-
7. The University of the State of New York, State Education Department. (1996). Learning Standards for Health, Physical Education and Family and Consumer Sciences.
Albany: NY, New York State Education Department. Available online at http://www.p12.nysed.gov/ciai/health/healthPEFACSLearningStandards.pdf

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