Manukura Y9 10 Health Sow 2fsolo Rubrics

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MANUKURA Year 9 & 10 Health

Year 9 & 10 Assessment Rubrics 2017

How do we determine what level of the curriculum our students are working at within our curriculum learning area - Health and
Physical Education? Traditionally we have used CATS (Common assessment tools), checklists, examinations etc.

In 2017, we will use a SOLO Rubric as a way of assessing where our students are at.
How can we ensure learning is visible?
How can we capture evidence of where the learners are whilst still upholding the HPE philosophy of learning In, through and
about movement.

Evidence will be collected along the way, over time. We will value the process of learning over time not just about the outcome.
Senior physical education we are transforming to ensure our resources and materials are easily accessible anytime, anywhere and
students can progress with their learning at any pace. We have been able to do this through using mediums such as google
classroom and eventually an department website.

What is Solo-Taxonomy? - Useful Website

olo-Taxonomy is based on a structures of observed learning outcomes.
The model is simple, reliable and robust and based on 3 levels of
understanding = surface, deep and conceptual
1. Prestructural = Student has missed the point/concept and needs
2. Unistructural - one aspect of the task is picked up
3. Multistructural = Several aspects of task is known but lack
4. Relational - Aspects are linked and integrated. Deeper and more
coherent understanding
5. Extended abstract = new understanding is re-though at another conceptual level, looked at in a new way. Can predict,
generalise, reflect & create new understanding.
Professor John Biggs

LEARNING TO LEARN - Requires learner to think about the strengths and weaknesses of their own thinking and make thoughtful
decisions on what to do next. This framework links with my teaching inquiry.

All students are challenge to answer the following questions:

What am I learning?
How is it going?
What do I do next?
Year 9 & 10 Health Themes and SOLO taxonomy matrix
Health Themes Knowledge & Skills Evidence
(Learning Intentions & Success Criteria)
Be able to; skills
Demonstrate understanding: knowledge

Health Promotion Students will have; Teacher and students can be

- Sustainability Completed an action plan creative in developing, designing and
- Action Plan Investigated socio-cultural issues (is sugar new fat) links sharing evidence of learning.
- Societal Issues to chronic illnesses and health promotion (healthier
lifestyles) Examples may include;
Make links to practical/lifestyle changes Google Forms (pre-test/post test)
Mental Health Students will be able to; Checklists
Hauora/Well-being Reflect on own hauora/well-being and be able to identify Bookwork
Resiliency & Personal at least two characteristics that fit into each category Using social media
Development (AWHI - suicide Describe what hauora is Templates
prevention) Identify strategies to help deal with challenging Verbal
Stress, anxiety, depression situations (AWHI concept) Video
Eating disorders Identify flags/signs of mental health issues and describe Blogging
Cybersafety/being restorative strategies to overcome
Investigate various treatments/therapies based on
individual or group inquiry (presentation)

Sexuality Education Students will be able to;

(Hei Huarahi) Embark on journey/road through sexuality (hei huarahi
Puberty programme)
Diversity Describe basic pubertal changes both female and male
Contraception Investigate sexual diversity (socio cultural links)
Sexuality Transmitted Infections Identify a range of contraceptive measures and explain
validity (pros & cons)
Describe at least 3 sexuality transmitted infections and
advise safe sex behaviours/practices

Drug Education Students will be able to;

Decision making Role play/understand decision making process using
Alcohol realistic examples
Categories of drugs Investigate various levels of alcohol intoxication and
Impact impact on decision making
Law and Legislation Categories drugs into 4 categories and devleop
knowledge about the effects (short and long term)
Understand correct terminology and links with NZ laws
and legislation
Individual inquiry about a drug and effects on self, others
and society or Group research opportunity - drugs may
include; cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana,
methamphetamine, ecstasy & LSD)

Food & Nutrition Students can describe the;

Importance of quality food & healthy eating
Mindful eating
List specific types of food for athletes, when and why,
Can identify basic recovery pathway

2016, Rio de Jeniero Summer Students develop an understanding and awareness around
Olympics sociocultral factors that relate to the Olympic games;
Philosophy of olympism Understand the philosophy of Olympism
Motto, rings flame Research historical events and the impact it has had on
History NZ and global NZ society
Current issues and impact on NZ Develop symbolic understanding of; olympism, motto,
society torch and rings
Follow and

Functional Movement (strength Biophysical Principles:

& conditioning) Students understand basic physiological responses to exercise;
Target training heart rate zones
Develop physical literacy Can measure pulse
(technique awareness, Can identify principles of training (intensity)
development and progression) Can demonstrate correct movements such as; squat,
push, pull, press, lunge and core)
Fitness components Develop ballistic movements (body weight exercises)
Methods and principles of training Can perform correct warm up (what it consist of (cardio,
Warm up and cool down dynamic) and explain why
effectively Can identify weakness in performance & critique
Effective recovery technique to improve (video footage)
Sports nutrition Sets personalised goals based on results & works to
achieve them (fitness testing & participation in
conditioning exercises (cross fit, WODs etc)
Basic Anatomy (muscles & bones)
Movement terms (flexion/extension,

Whanaungatanga/Adventure Character building

Based Learning (ABL) Students understand what IPS are, what they look like in
Interpersonal Skills context
Develop IPS
Reflect on own actions and can describe impact on self
& others
Demonstrate ASTRA values in class
Develop a sense of belonging

IMPROVING MY Students can;

Understand a variety of attacking and defending
concepts (man on man vs zone defence)
(ROTATION) Can create and move into space
Understands rules of the game
Invasion Games Develops basic skills for each context/sport
Understands sport education model (roles &
Develops knowledge about various sports/games (how
to play & rules of game)
Students can manage and deal with conflict
Officiate/umpire and manage tournaments
Biophysical Principles that can be applied:
- Exercise physiology (short & long term response to
- Motor Skill Learning (stages of learning, feedback)
- Video analysis

Net Wall Games Students will be able to;

Understand aims, rules and basic skills of a variety of
Develop basic skill level
Individual focus: performance analysis (photographic
evidence/footage of performance)
Biophysical Principles
Motor skill learning (skill classification (closed, open, routine)
Feedback & Feedforward (create checklist)
Goal Setting (SMART goals)
Performance Analysis (preparation/execution & follow through)
Basic Anatomy (Identify muscles & bones)
Movement Terms (flexion/extension)

Striking & Fielding Students will be able to;

Improve fundamental motor skills such as (throwing &
Movement off the ball (preparation phase)
Understand aims, rules and basic skills of a variety of
Be able to use a range of striking tools (cricket bat,
racquet, baseball)
Design drills to improve skills
Biophysical Principles
Sports Psychology (self-talk & visualisation)
Motor skill learning (routine and types of practice)

Te Ao Kori (cultural games) Students will be able to;

Develop basic pronounciation and understanding of
Can describe what Te Ao Kori is and importance
Can explain at least 3 Te Ao Kori games student
participated in (aims, rules & tactics)
May research and explore other culturally significant

WGC examples of how your students may collect evidence:

Whanganui Girls College
Year 9 & 10 Health and Physical Education - Themes and SOLO taxonomy matrix - EXAMPLE
PE Strand

Prestructural Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended abstract

I have several ideas
I dont get it I have one idea, about... I can explain why I can apply my ideas to new
I dont know can follow one I can list & describe my things happened & I contexts/subjects
anything about step ideas can link my ideas

Example I have no I can identify one I can identify multiple I can make a link I can make a multiple links
Relationships understanding relevant idea relevant ideas relating to between ideas relating between ideas relating to
or clue about relating to interpersonal skills and to interpersonal skills interpersonal skills and explain
this topic. interpersonal skills describe how their use and explain how I how I have actually shown in
Strand: and describe how can achieve positive have actually shown in practice and how their use can
Relationship using this can outcomes. practice and how their achieve positive outcomes.
achieve positive I can use multiple use can achieve I can use multiple interpersonal
s with other outcomes. interpersonal skills in positive outcomes. skills consistently in practice and
people C practice. I can use multiple modify where required, after
interpersonal skills reflecting in an ongoing manner.
consistently in practice
and modify where
required, after
reflecting in an
ongoing manner.

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