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XI-Chemistry Chapter Test-13-Hydrocarbons

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Subject : Chemistry Topic : Hydrocarbons M.M. : 180

Marking Scheme: Q.7 Amongst the following compounds, the

(i) Each question is allotted 4 (four) marks for optically active alkane having lowest molecular
each correct response. mass is-
(ii) ¼ (one fourth) marks will be deducted for (1) CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3
indicating incorrect response of each question. No
deduction from the total score will be made if no
response is indicated for an item in the answer (2)
Q.1 Which of the following has maximum boiling (3)
(1) C4H10 (2) C5H12
(3) C6H14 (4) C7H16 (4) CH3–CH2 – C  CH
Q.2 Which statements are not correct for alkane–
(a) All C–H and C–C bonds have a length of Q.8 The compound H3C = CH – CH2 – CH3
1.112 Å and 1.54 Å respectively. product, here product is/are
(b) All bond angles are tetrahedral, having a
value of 109º28' / 109.5º. (1) CH3COOH & CH3 – – CH3
(c) The C–C chain is linear and not zigzag.
(d) All alkanes exhibit all kinds of isomerism. (2) CH3 – CH2 – COOH & CH3 –
(1) a, b (2) b, c
(3) c, d (4) None (3) CH3 – CH2 – COOH only
Q.3 Which reaction can be used to prepare
methane? (4) HCOOH & CH3 – – CH3
(a) Clemmensen reduction
(b) Wurtz reaction Q.9 Butene-1 may be converted to butane by
(c) Catalytic reduction of methyl iodide reaction with –
(d) Reduction of methyl iodide by using a (1) Zn – Hg (2) Pd / H2
zinc-copper couple
(3) Zn – HCl (4) Sn – HCl
(1) a, b (2) c, d
Q.10 During dehydration of alcohols to alkenes by
(3) a, c (4) b, d
heating with conc. H2SO4 the initiation step is -
Q.4 Decolourization of alkaline KMnO4 is used as
(1) Elimination of water
a test for :
(2) Formation of an easter
(1) Aromatic hydrocarbons
(3) Protonation of alcohol molecule
(2) Olefinic hydrocarbons
(4) Formation of carbocation
(3) Acetylenic hydrocarbon
Q.11 Reaction of one molecule of HBr with one
(4) Both B and C
molecule of 1,3–butadiene at 40ºC given
Q.5 On mixing a certain alkane with chlorine and
irradiating it with ultraviolet light, it forms only
(1) 1-bromo-2-butene under
one monochloroalkane. This alkane could be –
thermodynamically controlled conditions.
(1) Isopentane (2) Neopentane
(2) 3-bromobutene under kinetically
(3) Propane (4) Pentane
controlled conditions
Q.6 Which one of the following has the minimum
(3) 1-bromo-2-butene under kinetically
boiling point
controlled conditions.
(1) n – Butane (2) 1– Butyne
(4) 3-bromobutene under thermodynamically
(3) 1– Butene (4) isobutane
controlled conditions.

Q.12 Acid catalyzed hydration of alkenes except
ethene leads to the formation of – (1) CH3C  C – CH3(2)
(1) secondary or tertiary alcohol
(2) primary alcohol (3) CH4 (4) CH3–CH = CH2
(3) mixture of secondary and tertiary alcohols Q.20 The hydrocarbon which can react with sodium
(4) mixture of primary and secondary alcohols in liquid ammonia is
Q.13 Reaction of trans 2-phenyl-1 bromocyclo- (1) CH3CH2C  CH
pentane on reaction with alcoholic KOH (2) CH3CH = CHCH3
(1) 2-phenylcyclopentene (3) CH3CH2C  CCH2CH3
(2) 1-phenylcyclopentene (4) CH3CH2CH2C  CCH2CH2CH3
(3) 3-phenylcyclopentene Q.21 Fluorobenzene(C6H5F)can be synthesized in
(4) 4-phenylcyclopentene
the laboratory
Q.14 Choose the correct statement –
(1) from aniline by diazotisation followed by
(1) Of all the conformations of ethane, the
heating the diazonium salt with HBF4.
staggered form has the least torsional strain
and the eclipsed form, the maximum (2) by direct fluorination of benzene with F 2
torsional strain. gas.
(2) Rotation about carbon-carbon single bond (3) by reacting bromobenzene with NaF
in ethane is almost free for all practical solution.
purposes. (4) by heating phenol with HF and KF.
(3) Both of these Q.22 Phenyl magnesium bromide reacts with
(4) None of these methanol to give –
Q.15 Which of the following reactions will yield (1) a mixture of benzene and Mg(OMe) Br
2, 2-dibromopropane? (2) a mixture of toluene and Mg(OH)Br
(1) CH3 – C  CH + 2HBr  (3) a mixture of phenol and Mg(Me)Br
(4) a mixture of anisole and Mg(OH) Br
(2) CH3CH= CHBr + HBr 
Q.23 The reaction of toluene with Cl2 in presence of
(3) CH  CH + 2HBr 
FeCl3 gives predominantly-
(4) CH3– CH= CH2 + HBr 
(1) benzoyl chloride
Q.16 In the following sequence of reactions (2) benzyl chloride
CH3CH = CHCH3 A B, (3) o-and p-chlorotoluene
(4) m-chlorotoluene
The compound B is Q.24 Which one of the following conformations of
(1) CH3COCH3 (2) CH3CH2COCH3 cyclohexane is chiral ?
(3) CH3CHO (4) CH3CH2CHO (1) Twist boat (2) Rigid
Q.17 Reaction H – C  C – H + HOCl  product, (3) Chair (4) Boat
here product will be Q.25 Which of the following has the lowest boiling
(1) CHCl2 – CHO (2) CHO – CHO point?
(1) 2-Methylbutane (2) 2-Methylpropane
(3) CH – Cl = CHCl (4) CHCl2 – CHCl2
(3) 2,2-Dimethylpropane (4) n-Pentane
Q.18 Acetylene does not react with - Q.26 One mole of a symmetrical alkene on
(1) NaNH2 (2) NaOH ozonolysis gives two moles of an aldehyde
(3) Na metal (4) Ammonical AgNO3 having a molecular mass of 44 u. The alkene is
Q.19 The treatment of CH3MgX with CH3CC–H (1) propene (2) 1–butene
(3) 2–butene (4) ethene

Q.27 Out of the following, the alkene that exhibits (2) CH3COCH3 + HCHO
optical isomerism is – (3) CH3COOH + HCOOH
(1) 3-methyl-2-pentene(2) 4-methyl-1-pentene
(3) 3-methyl-1-pentene(4)2-methyl-2-pentene
Q.28 How many chiral compounds are possible on Q.35 Identify the unknown compounds.
monochlorination of 2- methyl butane ?
(1) 8 (2) 2
(3) 4 (4) 6
Q.29 Arrange the following in decreasing order of (1) A : Nitrobenzene, B : Dinitrobenzene,
their boiling points: C : p-Bromoaniline
(I) n-Butane (II) 2-Methylbutane (2) A : C6H5SO3H, B : m-Benzenesulphonic
(III) n- Pentane (IV) 2,2-Dimethylpropane
(1) I > II > III > IV (2) II > III > IV > I acid, C : m-Benzenesulphonate
(3) IV > III > II > I (4) III > II > IV > I (3) A : C6H5NO2, B : m-Bromonitrobenzene,
Q.30 Hexyne gives trans-2-Hexene on treatment with C : m-Bromoaniline
(1) Pt/H2 (2) Li /NH3 (4) A : p-Nitrobenzene, B : Trinitrobenzene,
(3) Pd/BaSO4 (4) LiAlH4 C : m-Bromoaniline
Q.36 Which of the following compounds will react
Q.31 The major organic compound formed by the with Na to form 4,5-diethyloctane?
reaction of 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane with silver (1) CH3CH2CH2CH2Br
powder is:
(1) 2-Butyne (2) 2-Butene
(3) Acetylene (4) Ethene (2)
Q.32 Propanal-1 and pentan-3-one are the ozonolysis
products of an alkene. What is the structural (3)
formula of alkene?

(1) (4)

Q.37 Which of the following reactions is not an

(2) example of electrophilic substitution in benzene

(1) + Cl2

(2) + CH3COCl
(4) CH3CH2CH2CH2– CH = CH–CH2CH3
Q.33 Arrange the following hydrogen halides in
Cl Cl
order of their decreasing reactivity with (3) + 3Cl2
propene. Cl Cl
(1) HCl > HBr > HI (2) HBr > HI > HCl SO 3 H Cl
(3) HI > HBr > HCl (4) HCl > HI > HBr
Q.34 The ozonolysis product(s) of the following (4) + H2SO4
reaction is(are) –
CH3CH2 – C CH Product(s)
(1) CH3COCH3

Q.38 Which of the following will give Q.43 Predict the product C obtained in the following
2,2-dibromopropane on reaction with HBr? reaction of butyne-1.
(1) CH3 – CH = CH2 (2) CH3C  CH
(3) CH3CH = CHBr (4) CH  CH
Q.39 Which of the following groups is o-p directing
but deactivates benzene ring for electrophilic (1)
(1) – CH3 (2) – NH2
(3) – Cl (4) – NO2 (2)
Q.40 Hydrolysis of ozonide of but-l-ene gives –
(1) ethylene only
(2) acetaldehyde and formaldehyde
(3) propionaldehyde and formaldehyde (3)
(4) acetaldehyde only
Q.41 Which one of the following alkenes will react
faster with H2 under catalytic hydrogenation
conditions (R = Alkyl substituent)
Q.44 Which of the compounds with molecular
H H R H formula C5H10 yields acetone on ozonolysis –
(1) (2)
R (1) 3-methyl-1-butene (2) cyclopentane
R (3) 2-methyl-1-butene (4)2-methyl-2-butene
R H R R Q.45 Benzene reacts with CH3Cl in the presence of
(3) (4) anhydrous AlCl3 to form:
Q.42 Products of the following reaction (1) Chlorobenzene (2) Benzylchloride
CH3C  CCH2CH3 ..... are – (3) Xylene (4) Toluene

(1) CH3COOH + CO2


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