DLL English 6 q2 Week 1
DLL English 6 q2 Week 1
DLL English 6 q2 Week 1
The learners will be able to differentiate and organize the types of Informational / Factual Texts
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/ Identify the purpose, key structural and language features of various types of informational/factual text EN6RIIIa-3.2.8
Objectives Barangay and Sangguniang Identify the purpose, key structural Non-Working Holiday Non-Working Holiday Identify the purpose, key structural
Write the LC code for Kabataan Election Day and language features of various All Saints’ Day All Souls’ Day and language features of various
types of informational/ factual text types of informational/ factual text
II. CONTENT Types of Informational/ Types of Informational
Factual Texts /Factual Text, Purpose, Key
Structures and Signal Words
A. References
1. English Module PIVOT Quarter 2 English Module PIVOT Quarter 2 English M
pages 6-9 Module pages 6-9
2. Textbook pages Additional reference- Joy in Additional Reference- Joy in
Learning English Learning English
B. Other Learning
ACTIVITIES 1. Review 1. Review
-Answer the following questions:
-Recall some of the text and
selection you have read in your 1. The other term for Informational
previous grade. text?
- What kind of text are those?
2. It enumerates procedures or steps
in doing something.
2. Motivation
3. It describes a person, place,
- Ask: Have you been to a Mayon things, idea, or a concept.
- How will you describe Mayon 3. Motivation:
- What is the difference between
cause and effect?
C. ANALYSIS -Let the learners answer the - Let the learners present their
questions based on the . outputs in the given activities. (1 or
autobiography of Manuel Quezon: 2 representatives for each row)
a. Who is Manuel Quezon? Are you -Ask questions for further analysis
inspired by his journey in the and learning based on their
pursuit of his dream? presentations.
E. APPLICATION -Let the learners answer Learning - Using Description, let the learners
Task #3. Of your English module write a paragraph about an
on page 12-13 by completing the unforgettable vacation they had.
table by identifying the types of
texts, their purposes and the signal Note: Describe the place you have
words used. Do this in your English been to by following the Key
Notebook. Structures and Signal Words as
indicated in your module on page 9.
F. GENERALIZATION -To generalize and summarize the - What is the difference between
lesson let the learners complete the Sequencing and Description?
meaning of Informational Text
-What are the Signal Questions and
The Informational or Factual signal words that we use in
Texts are ______that provide Sequencing as well as in
__________ or details about a Description?
particular ______, place _____
thing, ______, issue and the like.
They vary in terms of _______,
signal questions and ___________.
EVALUATION/ASSESSMENT Write TRUE if the statement is Read the statements below. Arrange
correct and FALSE if it is NOT. the sequence of events taken from
Quezon’s autobiography by writing
____1. The other term for A -E for the first event, B for the
Informational Text is a “Factual second event and so on. Be guided
“Text. by the language features and/ or
signals used in each item.
____2. Manuel L. Quezon was the
first President of the Philippine ___________1. His father had spent
Commonwealth. all his savings for Manuel’s
education. He told him that he
____3. At the age of 7, Manuel could still study unless he could
Quezon was brought by his father to work his way through university
Manila. education.
A. No. of learners who Learners who earned 80% above Learners who earned 80% above Learners who earned 80% above Learners who earned 80% above Learners who earned 80% above
earned 80% in the VI-Jose Palma_____ VI-Jose Palma_____ VI-Jose Palma_____ VI-Jose Palma_____ VI-Jose Palma_____
VI-Andres Bonifacio_________ VI-Andres Bonifacio_________ VI-Andres Bonifacio_________ VI-Andres Bonifacio_________ VI-Andres Bonifacio_________
evaluation VI-Emilio Jacinto______ VI-Emilio Jacinto______ VI-Emilio Jacinto______ VI-Emilio Jacinto______ VI-Emilio Jacinto______
B. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
C. What difficulties did I
encounter that my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?