Tugas Praktek Mandiri Sesi 4
Tugas Praktek Mandiri Sesi 4
Tugas Praktek Mandiri Sesi 4
Nama : Wie Liana
Umur : 47 th
Moderator : Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming today. Welcome to our weekly meeting.
Here with us, Mr. Lee {our chairman}, Ms. Liana {our marketing manager}, Mr. Ken {our sales manager}
and staff of marketing division. Now, let us listen to Mr. Lee remarks to open our meeting today. To Mr.
Lee, time is yours.
Mr. Lee : Thank you moderator. Well, Our weekly meeting today becomes extra ordinary because
we are going to discuss about our new products planning. Our marketing manager will give a brief
presentation. To Ms. Liana, time is yours.
Ms. Liana : Thank you for the opportunity, sir. As most of you know, our company will planning
new products. The Samsung Galaxy A51 and Samsung Galaxy A71 are new types of cell phone. We have
been working on this product for several years. The marketing strategy we will use are:
a. Market Research
Samsung applies a market research strategy in the innovation process for each of its products.
The Samsung Galaxy A51 and Samsung Galaxy A71 are specifically aimed at gamers. There are 3
features that are often mentioned by Samsung when marketing the Samsung Galaxy A51 and
Samsung Galaxy A71, namely HD+ screen quality, long battery life, and anti-lag when playing
Mr. Ken : I think that those ideas of marketing strategy are good. How about the others? Anyone
has different opinion?
Staff 2 : I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. I think giving brochures is also an effective way. How
about making banner or advertisement board near traffic light? I think it can save more fund and energy
for our publisher
Moderator : Ladies and gentlemen, it is the end of our weekly meeting today. Thank you for your
participation and see you in the next weekly meeting.