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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology

ISSN 2620-9632
(IJEAT) 64
Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78

Analysis Of Clean Water And Hot Water Needs Plumbing

System In The Building

Bambang Jatmika a,1,*, Irpan Maulana a,2, Ridwan Al-Faqih a,3, Reyland Aulia Zouda a,4, Okost Maksim
Viktorovich b,5
Department of Civil Engineering, Nusa Putra University, Jl. Raya Cibolang Kaler No. 21, Kab. Sukabumi 43152, Indonesia
Rostov State Transport University, Rostovskogo Strelkovogo Polka Narodnogo Opolcheniya Sq., 2, Rostov-on-Don, 344038

1 2 3 4*;;;

Received 06 November 2021; revised 12 November 2021; acceted 20 November 2021

The plumbing system is an inseparable part of a multi-storey building. The plumbing system at
the hotel is used to provide clean water and hot water needs. To meet the need for clean water in
the design of an 8 floors building with a total of 45 inhabitants, an average number of 2,706
people per month and 100 visitors per day, a ground water tank capacity of 404.5 is required. m3
/ and for the top water tank (Roof Tank) used a water reservoir of 21.59 m3. Based on the results
of calculations for hot water needs where the toll of hot water needs per day is 12,900 liters KEYWORDS
including heat loss with 100% hotel occupancy and for heating time, it is obtained 9.79 hours / Plumbing
day using 2 units of heater heater 21.04 Kw. Hot Water
Clean Water

This is an open-access article under the CC–BY-SA license

1. Introduction
Planning a clean water distribution system in a building is useful for serving water needs to all parts
that need it with sufficient discharge and pressure. The design of the clean water supply installation is
carried out after the development planning of the building in question has existed, because from that it
can be seen which parts need water and how types of use it is. In the installation of clean water, a water
source with a quality that is suitable for clean water is needed and has sufficient pressure at each output
(fixture unit), which is ± 1bar (1 kg / m2).
In buildings, especially hotels, it consists of planning the installation of clean water and hot water in
order to obtain a piping network that can meet the applicable planning standards. The planned clean
water installation in question must meet water quality according to standards, use the correct technique
(safe for safety and safe for pipelines) and be economical. Apart from the problem of water sources that
must comply with clean water standards, the problem of water pressure in the clean water distribution
pipes is also very important. The most important thing is that the water flow that is distributed must be
able to meet the water needs of the building during normal use or peak use.
We hereby take an example of Hotel Max One Kramat - Jakarta which consists of 8 floors and 129
rooms. In order to support its capacity and function, it is necessary to supply water with good quality
and quantity, especially in clean water and hot water. This is expected to provide satisfaction for hotel
users so that it can increase profits and reputation for the progress of the hotel itself.
The purpose of this study is to determine the source of the problem of water needs when the hotel
occupancy is full. The following is a picture of the plumbing installation system currently installed at
Hotel Max One Kramat Jakarta.

65 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN 2620-9632 Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78

Fig. 1. The 8th floor plumbing roof top installation system at Max One Hotel Kramat Jakarta

“Plumbing is a piping system and its landing, equipment and accessories, which are installed in
buildings, buildings and courtyards, originating from a source to a certain point in the building.
Plumbing is also related to the type of material used, the care that is carried out, and the control of the
abundant waste water, until the distribution of the waste water to the nearest final disposal site. Babbit”.
"Plumbing is the art and technology of piping and equipment to provide clean water to the desired
place, both in terms of quantity, quality and continuity in accordance with the requirements and the
distribution of wastewater from certain places without polluting other most important parts, to achieve
conditions that are hygienic and the desired comfort and satisfaction. [1] ”. "To improve the quality of
facilities and infrastructure in order to provide comfort and satisfaction to building users where in
normal conditions the user does not pose a potential danger to human health, one of the efforts is to
design a good plumbing system on the inside of the building and the building environment where the
building works and settlements are located. includes drinking water supply systems, waste and water
distribution systems, fire suppression systems and rainwater distribution systems vent. [2] ”. "Plumbing
is the art and technology of piping and equipment to provide clean water to the desired place both in
terms of quality, quantity and continuity that meets the requirements and dispose of used (dirty) water
from certain places without polluting other important parts to achieve hygienic and comfortable
conditions. desired. ”. "Health is one of the most valuable human assets. Maintaining health can be
started by maintaining environmental health, both the work environment and the residential
environment. In this case, the facilities in the building must be well planned including sanitation
facilities, considering that environmental aspects must be considered in order to achieve a healthy
environment [3] ”. In the installation of clean water, a water source of the appropriate quality is
required and has sufficient pressure at each output (fixture unit), which is ± 1bar (1 kg / m2). Able to
meet clean water during peak hours of use, by determining the capacity of the water storage tank. [4] ”.
"Development in the clean water sector is important, to improve infrastructure, the quantity of clean
water besides having the quality of the urban sector, both for the health sector, the economic sector and
other sectors. Natural resources that are needed by the community for various interests, one of which is
water, so that water has a social function and must be utilized for its benefits for the welfare of the
people [5]”.
Water is one of the most important needs of living things on this earth. In everyday life, humans
need water, especially clean water. To meet their needs, humans can determine the amount of clean
water that is useful for everyday life. Soyowan is one of the villages located in the Ratatotok sub-district,

Bambang Jatmika et al. (Analysis Of Clean Water And Hot Water Needs Plumbing System In The Building)
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT) 65
Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 63-77 ISSN 2620-9632

Southeast Minahasa Regency. Based on its topography, Soyowan Village is in a hilly area. There is no
clean water

Bambang Jatmika et al. (Analysis Of Clean Water And Hot Water Needs Plumbing System In The Building)
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT) 66
Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78 ISSN 2620-9632

supply system in this area. For their daily needs, some people use wells, but if there is a dry season, the
well water becomes dry, some people also have to buy water at the water depot.[6] ”. "To produce
optimal pressure and water flow, a good installation design is needed. To overcome this situation, it is
necessary to develop a good water distribution system to ensure the availability of clean water for
consumers evenly and an evaluation of the existing clean water supply system, especially the distribution
pipeline network system. This is done to determine the problems that may occur in the distribution pipe
network so that it causes the distribution of clean water to be smooth on each floor.[7]”.
"A series of clean water supply activities need to pay attention to several factors including analysis of
clean water needs (demand for water), layout of clean water supply installations, and several other
factors such as the socio-economic environment of the population to be served [8] ”. Apart from the
problem of water sources that must comply with clean water standards, the problem of water pressure
in the clean water distribution pipes is also very important. The most important thing is that the water
flow that is distributed must be able to meet the water needs of the building during normal use or peak
use [9] ”. “The pipes used in the plumbing installation plan must have the right diameter in order to be
able to distribute water at the appropriate speed. If it has a diameter that is too small, the speed will be
too large which can cause water blows, noise in pipes and erosion of the inner surface of the.[10] ”. In
general, mechanical plumbing is a system of providing clean water and channeling waste water in
buildings. Mechanical plumbing can also be defined as anything related to the implementation of pipe
installation and equipment in the building or the building concerned with clean water or wastewater
connected to the city drain system.[11] ”.
The Use of Plumbing Tools Saving Water With Efforts to Save Clean Water With
Application of Green Building Concept at Menara Cibinong ApartmenttThe Developing of
construction in Bogor Regency tormented by citizen’s boom due to urbanization. Citizen’s growth of
Bogor Regency is envisioned to attain 5,9 million human beings in 2021. Menara Apartment Cibinong
creation circuitously could be increasing water wishes which affected home waste water quantity. To
minimalizing that hassle, there is need to be a making plans of plumbing gadget for easy water and waste
water and also the green constructing idea. With the water conservation includes the reduction of water
usage. This water saving plumbing tool. The selected Water Saving Plumbing Equipment due to the fact
may be saving water as much as 33% from initial water desires as quantity 305.88 m3/day.Keywords
plumbing, Green Building, water saving plumbing device [12]
Application of Green Building Concept (Rainwater Harvesting) at Menara Cibinong
The implementation of Green Building criteria is relatively new in plumbing installation. Bogor
regency is a city of rain, rainfall data of 18.09 mm/day so that the concept of green buildings can be
applied with the use of rain water. Consequently, the integration of these criteria into the design process
has the potential to change the design process itself. The implementation of the green building criteria
into the conventional design process will be discussed in this paper. The concept of this project is to
design an apartment that has 5 towers of 20 floors each with a green building concept. To achieve this
goal, the Green Building criteria has been implemented since the beginning of the design process until
the detailing process on the end of the project. Several studies were performed throughout the design
process, such as Conceptual reviews, where several professionally proved theories related to plumbing
installation systems and used for a reference. Rainwater harvesting can save 3,48% of clean water from
water sources.[13]
, Perencanaan Sistem Instalasi Plambing Air Bersih dengan Penerapan Alat Plambing
Hemat Air Di Rumah Sakit Universitas Sam Ratulangi The hospital is a health care building, a
place of transmission of illness and potential environment Environmental pollution and health
problems. One of the transmission of diseases and prevention of the environment Contamination, need
to be repaired or improved using plumbing system Hygienic and eco-friendly. In this case, I needed to
know how much water could be saved this way. Comparison of conventional and non-conventional
plumbing tools. UNSRAT hospital Population of 2,962 people who needed 372.48 m3 of clean water
/ Day. compared to The traditional plumbing tool is 66.72m3 /day , on the other hand, is an
unconventional plumbing tool, 39.60. m 3 / day , using non-traditional standard installation tools, has
been shown to be more economical than traditional tools standard. The non-conventional water saving

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67 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN 2620-9632 Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78

rate is 40.64%. Expect results Reduced domestic wastewater by 31.68m3 / Day. This is more important
than saving water Amount Rp. 3,564,000 and household sewage treatment costs Rp. 9,500,000. [14]
Tracking reduction of water lead levels in two homes during the Flint Federal Emergency A
federal emergency was declared in Flint, MI on January 16, 2016, 18 months after switching to Flint
River spring water without phosphate corrosion controls. Remedial measures to address corresponding
lead contamination during the water crisis include reconnecting to the original Lake Huron water source
with orthophosphate, implementing improved corrosion control by measuring additional
orthophosphate, program "Flush for Flint" to help clean lead deposits from service lines and plumbing,
and possibly replace service lines. Independent sampling over a 37-month period (January 2016 to
February 2019) by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Virginia Technology to
assess possible human exposure person through normal rate sampling (∼2–3 L/min) with cold kitchen
faucets, and to check for sediment from maintenance lines and onsite plumbing through flushing high
speed (∼12–13 L/min) from the sprinkler. Sampling results indicated that high lead levels in the water
persisted for more than a year at two homes in Flint due to a large reservoir containing large amounts
of lead deposits. The effects of a large reservoir containing loose lead deposits continued until lead
service lines were completely removed in these two anomalous homes. While water conservation efforts
are underway in many parts of the country, problems associated with portable lead storage tanks in
service routes pose a potential risk to human health.[15]
SURABAYA This plumbing plan study is to plan plumbing that is compatible with clean water,
wastewater and storm water management at Tunjungan Plaza Apartment, Surabaya City, Indonesia
according to SNI 81532015, and meets 5 aspects edge safety, security, simple, beautiful and economic.
It applies the commonly used water supply system for high-rise buildings which is the roof tank system.
Methodology and Outcomes: A plumbing planning approach that collects and analyzes variability in
water use, and plans for clean water and recycled water systems by approving alternative piping. for
clean water and recycled water. In addition to the water supply, a recycled water system that uses
recycled wastewater to wash cabinets and water plants should also be included. The average daily water
consumption is 268 m3/day for clean water and 44 m3/day for recycled water with an underground
reservoir capacity for clean water of 564.54 m3 and l of regenerated water of 62 m3. Conclusion,
Importance and Impact Assessment: The clean water supply system will use a rooftop sump system and
recycled water will reuse the wastewater for flushing toilets and watering plants. Wastewater uses a
system that separates gray water and black water, and is then distributed to STP for treatment and reuse
for flushing toilets and watering plants. Rainwater automatically flows down the permeable hole through
the designed well. Total investment in plumbing equipment is Rp 2,157,697,501, with water supply
cost per unit Rp 4,445,643, while sewage pipe cost per unit is Rp 1 070 711 . [16]
Plumbing System in High Rise Building, Plumbing is the machine of pipes and drains
established in a constructing for the distribution of potable ingesting water and the elimination of
waterborne wastes, and the professional change of operating with pipes, tubing and plumbing
furnishings in such structures. A plumber is a person who installs or upkeep piping structures, plumbing
furnishings and device which include water heaters. The plumbing enterprise is a primary and huge a
part of each advanced financial system because of the want for smooth water, and right series and
delivery of wastes. The word "plumbing" comes from the Latin plumbum for lead, as pipes had been as
soon as crafted from lead.Plumbing became extraordinarily uncommon till the increase of current towns
withinside the nineteenth centuries. During the identical time public fitness government started urgent
for higher waste disposal structures to be established. Earlier, the waste disposal machine simply
consisted of accumulating waste and dumping it on floor or right into a river.Supplying good enough
water stress in any respect degrees of the constructing is essential for constructing occupants, even
though economics, primary constructing functions, and universal heights have sizeable effect on
strategies of water deliver distribution. Numerous intermediate-top or even very tall high-upward thrust
homes use numerous pumping schemes. One early technique used accelerated garage tanks on the
pinnacle of the constructing with fill pumps at the lowest of the constructing, a conventional gravity
down feed arrangement. This technique developed into direct pumping structures the use of more than
one pump applications with constant-speed, constant-stress controls. Both of those strategies proved to

Bambang Jatmika et al. (Analysis Of Clean Water And Hot Water Needs Plumbing System In The Building)
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT) 66
Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78 ISSN 2620-9632

be dependable and low-cost thru the years, and lots of such designs are nevertheless lively nowadays or
nevertheless are utilized in

Bambang Jatmika et al. (Analysis Of Clean Water And Hot Water Needs Plumbing System In The Building)
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT) 68
Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78 ISSN 2620-9632

present day layout practices. Continuing enhancements and improvement of variable-frequency electric
powered drives and an ever-growing emphasis on lowering power intake and prices make the variable-
speed, direct-pumped package deal a current workhorse of the enterprise. The essential want to offer
good enough waft and stress offers the high-upward thrust plumbing engineer adequate possibility to
exercise their craft. A thorough knowledge of pumping fundamentals is essential to begin with, and one
of the maximum broadly identified reassets is the Fluid Handling.[17]
Plumbing is a system of pipes and drainage systems installed in a building for the distribution of
drinking water and domestic waste disposal, and with skills in working with pipes, pipes and fixtures. in
the plumbing in those systems. A plumber is someone who installs or repairs plumbing, plumbing
fixtures, and appliances like water heaters. The plumbing industry is a fundamental and important part
of any developed economy due to the need for clean water and proper waste collection and
transportation. The word "plumbing" comes from the Latin word for lead, as pipes were once made of
lead. Plumbing was extremely rare until the development of modern cities in the 19th century. At the
same time, public health agencies began pushing for the installation of better waste treatment systems.
In the past, waste treatment systems simply collected waste and dumped it into the ground or into a
river. Providing adequate water pressure on all floors of a building is essential to building occupants,
although economics, basic building function and overall height have a significant impact. . on water
distribution methods. Many tall, and even very tall buildings use multiple pumping schemes. An original
method uses raised tanks at the top of the building with filling pumps at the bottom of the building, a
classic gravity feed arrangement. This method has evolved into a direct injection system using multiple
sets of pumps with constant speed and pressure control. Both of these methods have proven to be
reliable and affordable over the years, and many such designs are still active today or are still used in
current design practices. Continuous improvements and developments in electrically variable frequency
drives and an increasing focus on reducing energy consumption and costs make the variable speed
direct pump a modern horse of the day. industry. The critical need to provide adequate flow and
pressure gives high-rise plumbing engineers many opportunities to practice their craft. A thorough
understanding of pump basics is essential to get started, and one of the widely recognized sources is
Fluid Handling. [18]
Source Water Characteristics and Building-specific Factors Influence Corrosion and Point
of Use Water Quality in a Decentralized Arctic Access to clean and safe drinking water is a
perpetual concern in Arctic communities because of challenging climatic conditions, limited options for
the transportation of equipment and process chemicals, and the ongoing effects of colonialism. Water
samples were gathered from multiple locations in a decentralized trucked drinking water system in
Nunavut, Canada, over the course of one year. The results indicate that point of use drinking water
quality was impacted by conditions in the source water and in individual buildings and strongly suggest
that lead and copper measured at the tap were related to corrosion of onsite premise plumbing
components. Humiclike substances were the dominant organic fraction in all samples, as determined by
regional integration of fluorescence data. Iron and manganese levels in the source water and throughout
the water system were higher in the winter and lower in the summer months. High concentrations of
copper (>2000 μg L1) and lead (>5 μg L1) were detected in the tap water of some buildings. Field flux
fractionation combined with inductively bound plasma mass spectrometry and ultraviolet-visible
spectrometry were used to demonstrate the association between spring water properties (high organic
matter, iron and manganese) with lead and copper in drinking water at the point of use.[19]
Penjernihan Air Bersih dengan Filter Alami dan Aerasi di Teluk Bakung, Sungai
Ambawang, Kubu Raya Fresh water is an essential requirement in human's daily life. The village of
Teluk Bakung depends on a fresh water supply from the Ambawang River and wells dug by the
community. Well water in Teluk Bakung village tends to have a groundwater color influenced by tree
roots, dark brown color and high iron content. The purpose of this community service is to perform
gambut aboveground water purification to improve the condition of fresh water at AlMuhajirin
Mosque in Mu`allaf Village, Teluk Bakung Village, Sungai Ambawang District, Kubu Raya Regency,
Kalimantan Barat in accordance with the needs of the mosque and society. The method of application
of IPTEKS is to transfer IPTEKS by improving the physical condition of the AlMuhajirin Mosque
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69 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN 2620-9632 Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78

building, applying clean water purification as well as training the local staff on operation and
maintenance as well as the road network water pipe. It is expected that the addition of groundwater
from the iron-containing aeration system will make the water clearer than the simple filtration that has
been performed at the site. [20]
Managing water quality in premise plumbing: Subject matter experts' perspectives and a
systematic review of guidance documents, Research shows that 18 design themes and 11 operational
themes are crucial for water quality management in buildings. No guidance document covers all of
these topics, suggesting that a summary of the guidelines is available. Remaining disinfectant and
temperature measurements are most often recommended by SMBs as good measurements for
monitoring a building's overall water quality. The EMS and the temperature guideline
recommendations for controlling opportunistic pathogen growth are reasonably consistent with a water
heater setpoint >60°C. However, the temperature recommendations do hot water varies between 50
and 55°C for other locations (i.e. water temperature at the faucet or at the end of the return rotation). In
contrast, recommendations regarding disinfectant residue levels (0.22.0 mg/L), wash frequency (114
days), and time to allow hot water to reach the faucet (1060 seconds) were inconsistent. . While this
study was able to reconcile differing views on a number of water quality topics, such as defining general
guidelines for a water heater set point of at least 60°C, it also emphasized the lack of definitive guidance
on other important topics, such as redundancy. , toilet flushing frequency, hot water time to faucet, and
thermostatic agitator valve usage, suggest these are important knowledge gaps that need further
investigation. The study concludes that there is a need to develop evidence-based guidance, especially on
topics on which expert opinion diverges.[21]
Perencanaan Sistem Plambing Air Bersih dan Air Buangan Gedung SMK Negeri 3 Kota
Jambi Plumbing installation is an important part of building design. To build SMK Negeri 3, Jambi
City needed to design and install good plumbing to meet the sanitation needs of its residents. The
purpose of this study is to design a domestic water and wastewater pipeline system at SMK Negeri 3
Jambi City office building. The plumbing design is based on SNI 0370652005 on the Plumbing Design
Standard (Tata Cara Perencanaan Sistem Plambing). Clean water is pumped from the underground
water source to the rooftop storage tank then distributed to the plumbing units by gravity. The water
capacity at the office building is calculated as 34.2 m3/day. The capacity of the roof tank to collect clean
water is 7600 liters per day, using the double roof tank is 5000 liters each. Roof tank is located on the
tower 1.71 m high. The diameter of the clean water pipe is 5065 mm. The power of the water pump is
0.77 kW. The wastewater distribution system uses a separate system in which the gray water is directed
to the treatment plant and the black water is directed to the septic tank. The diameter of the gray water
pipe is 6575 mm, while the diameter of the black water pipe is 100 mm. The type of pipe used in this
plumbing installation is polyvinyl chloride (PVC).[22]
Implementation and evaluation of the water safety plan approach for buildings
The World Health Organization (WHO) promotes water safety plans (WSPs) a riskbased
management approach for premise plumbing systems in buildings to prevent deterioration of
drinkingwater quality. Experience with the implementation of WSPs in buildings were gathered within a
pilot project in Germany. The project included an evaluation of the feasibility and advantages of WSPs
by all stakeholders who share responsibility in drinking water safety. While the feasibility of the concept
was demonstrated for all buildings, benefits reported by building operators varied. The more technical
standards were complied with before implementing WSP, the less pronounced were the resulting
improvements. In most cases, WSP has increased systemic knowledge and awareness of drinking water
quality issues. WSPs have also improved the operation of the facility's plumbing and benefited
supervisory agencies. A survey by the European Drinking Water Authority Network on the current
regulatory framework relating to the safety of drinking water in buildings found that countries are aware
of the need to manage risks. risks in the installation of buildings, but experience with WSP is rare. Based
on the successful implementation and positive impacts of WSP on drinking water quality, it is
recommended to establish regulatory frameworks that require WSP for priority buildings while also
taking into account other conditions. each other of buildings and countries.[23]
Identification The Application of Water Conservation in Hotel, Water conservation aspect is a
part of Green Building concept. In addition, to save more first clean water consumption, The X Hotel

Bambang Jatmika et al. (Analysis Of Clean Water And Hot Water Needs Plumbing System In The Building)
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT) 68
Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78 ISSN 2620-9632

applied water conservation aspect, which are the WAC 3 (Water Recycling), WAC 4 (Alternative Water
Resources), and the WAC 5 (Rainwater Harvesting) (GBCI, 2013). The plumbing installation system
with water conservation aspects at X Hotel aims to distribute first class clean water, dispose of the

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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT) 70
Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78 ISSN 2620-9632

to a treatment site with appropriate water requirements refers to SNI 03-7065-2005. X Hotel required
114,640 m3 /day of first class clean water, and 91,71 m3 /day of the total wastewater discharge, includes
18,35 m3 /day of black water and 73,36 m3 /day of gray water. The X Hotel has additional alternative
sources of water condensate from air conditioner (AC) about 44,16 m3 /day and 52,53 m3 of rainwater,
that can be used for water closet and urinal flushing in the public area at the Hotel, after through the
anaerobic – aerobic biofilter STP (Sewerage Treatment Plant) and membrane filtration unit . After the
calculation, water conservation aspects application can reduce first class clean water needs with an
efficiency around 10 %.[24]
Considerations for large building water quality after extended stagnation, The unprecedented
number of building closures related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is concerning
because water stagnation will occur in many buildings that do not have water management plans in
place. Stagnant water can have chemical and microbiological contaminants that pose potential health
risks for occupants. Health officials, building owners, utilities, and other entities are rapidly developing
guidance to address this issue, but the scope, applicability, and details included in the guidance vary
widely. To provide a primer of large building water system preventative and remedial strategies, peer-
reviewed, government, industry, and nonprofit literature relevant to water stagnation and
decontamination practices for plumbing was synthesized. Preventative practices to help avoid the need
for recommissioning (e.g., routine flushing) and specific actions, challenges, and limitations associated
with recommissioning were identified and characterized. Considerations for worker and occupant safety
were also indicated. The intended audience of this work includes organizations developing guidance.[25]

2. Method
2.1 Research Step
Permit applications were addressed to the management of Hotel Max One Kramat Jakarta and to
PT. Bernadi Utama as the contractor for the installation of the water heater and installation of the water
heater system. Request for permission for plumbing drawings that are the piping installation route to
the Max One Kramat Hotel Jakarta. Request for permission to calculate needs from the Planning
Consultant and from the Contractor who installs the Water Heater installation system at Hotel Max
One Kramat Jakarta Conduct field checks between drawings, calculation data and the system installed
in the field.
The planning stage is carried out by the following steps:
 Calculating tank volume and heating time at Max One Kramat Hotel Jakarta
 Calculating the amount of clean water usage for residents, lodgers and visitors.
 Calculating the dimensions (diameter) of the clean water pipeline that has been made.
2.2 Dataset
Data The research data used is the calculation data of water requirements for the plumbing system,
both hot water and clean water, to determine the system installed at Hotel Max. One Kramat Jakarta
and Cad and As built Drawing Drawings.
2.3 Reference in Clean Water Plumbing System Planning
In planning a clean water plumbing system in a building, the piping system must use clear references.
reference is used so that the planning of the building plumbing system is in accordance with the
determined standards and the system can run well. References used in the planning of this fresh water
plumbing systems, namely:
 SNI 03-6481-2000 About SistemPlambing
 SNI 03-7065-2005 About Plumbing System Planning Procedures
 Soufyan M. Noerbambang and Takeo Morimura About Plumbing System

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71 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN 2620-9632 Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Calculation Hot Water System

Table 1. The Calculation Result

3.2. Of The above calculation can be concluded

The total need for hot water per day is 12,900 liters including heat loss with 100% hotel occupancy.
The need for a storage tank for hot water is 4,000 liters and to facilitate repair, the tank is made of 2
units with a capacity of 2,000 liters x 2 units. The number of heaters used at Hotel Max One Kramat
Jakarta is 21.40 x 2 heating units. The preheating time obtained by using a heater is 21.40 Kw x 2 units,
namely 9.79 hours / day For electricity operational costs, pay attention to using this water heater.
namely Rp. 222,425 / day Preheating.
If using 4 heating units, the calculation obtained is:

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Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78 ISSN 2620-9632

Table 2. Conclusion Of Calculation

Time obtained by using a heater 21.40 Kw x 4 units, namely 4.89 hours / day. For electricity
operational costs, pay attention to using this water heater, namely Rp. 222,397 / day. Max One Hotel
Jakarta Hot Water Installation System

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ISSN 2620-9632 Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78

Fig. 2. Schematic of piping using 2 heat pump heating units and 2 pressure tank units

The installation system and water heater currently installed at Hotel Max One Kramat Jakarta,
namely using the Heat Pump Water Heater system for heating and using a pressure tank (pressure tank).
The working principle of the pressure tank system (hydrosfor) is as follows, the water that has been
collected in the lower tank is pumped into a closed tank which causes the air inside to be compressed so
that there is water with sufficient initial pressure to be distributed to the plumbing equipment
throughout the planned building. The working pump is automatically regulated by a pressure detector,
which opens and closes the ignition switch of the electric motor driving the pump. The pump will stop
running when the tank pressure has reached the set maximum limit and start running when the
minimum pressure limit is reached.
3.3. Evaluation of Clean Water Needs
3.3.1 Plumbing System
To produce optimal pressure and water flow, a good installation design is required. To overcome
this situation, it is necessary to develop a good water distribution system to ensure the availability of
clean water for consumers evenly and an evaluation of the existing clean water supply system, especially
the distribution pipeline network system. This is done to determine the problems that may occur in the
distribution pipe network so that it causes the distribution of clean water to be smooth on each floor.
(Susilo, 2014).
3.3.2 Provision of Clean Water
Planning for a clean water installation is made in the steps of supplying clean water to meet the
needs of its inhabitants in water issues. The installation of clean water supply in buildings is planned to
achieve the fulfillment of the amount of water with sufficient flow and pressure, using the correct and
economical techniques. Planning for clean water needs is adjusted to the number of occupants and the
load needs of the plumbing tool unit based on the nature of the plumbing tool usage, not all are used
simultaneously (normal use). This clean water supply system basically provides all the needs of clean
water (water that is fit for consumption) in a building. The source of clean water supply used comes
from ground wells, and then pumped for distribution. In this system, a pump is used to flow water to a
reservoir on the roof of the hotel. The pump must be considered in all respects so that water can be
flowed to the intended place without being contaminated.
3.3.3 Determination of Plumbing Tool Load Unit
Determining the load unit of the plumbing tool is done by looking at the type of plumbing tool
connected to the pipeline, for example the plumbing tool kitchen sink (KS), faucet (FC), and jetsprey (JS). If
more than one plumbing tool is connected to the line, then the unit load is added (cumulative). The
value of the load unit for the plumbing tool can be seen in the following table:

Table 3. Determination of the load unit and the plumbing tool.

Analysis of clean water supply includes:

 Analyzing the amount of clean water usage.

Bambang Jatmika et al. (Analysis Of Clean Water And Hot Water Needs Plumbing System In The Building)
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT) 72
Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78 ISSN 2620-9632

 Analyze the piping for clean water.

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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT) 74
Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78 ISSN 2620-9632

3.3.4 Data of Residents, Residents and Visitors

Data on the number of residents, lodgers and visitors is used to determine the estimated amount of
clean water discharge used at Hotel Max One Kramat Jakarta.

Table 4. Number of Max One Kramat Jakarta

Occupants include the number of employees at Max One Kramat Jakarta Hotel. The number of
employees in 2019 at Max One Kramat Jakarta is 45 employees (General Manager + Staff Accounting +
Marketing + Engineering + Employees). Above table 2 the number of employees at Hotel Max One
Kramat Jakarta.
3.3.5 Lodger

Table 5. Number lodgerMax One Kramat Jakarta

Every month lodger Hotel Max One Kramat Jakarta has fluctuated and has a number of differences
because they belong to the hotel. The number of stayers in February - May 2019 at Hotel Max One
Kramat Jakarta averaged 2,219 people with the details presented in Table 2 above.
3.3.6 Visitors
Number of visitors to Hotel Max One Jakarta who come every day is a lot and each visitor has
specific needs and the amount reaches 100 people every day. Estimation of the need for clean water for
residents The following is an example of calculating the occupants' water needs max one kramat Jakarta.
Qsehari = number of residents x average water consumption
= 45 x 250
= 11,250 liters / hour = 11.25 m3 / day
Qd = Qsehari x 1.20
= 11.25 x 1.20
= 13.5 m3 / day
Qh = 𝑄𝑑10 = 13.510
= 1.35 m3 / hour
Qh max = Qh x C1
= 1.35 x 2
= 2.7 m3 / hour
Qm-Qmax = 𝑄ℎ 𝑥 𝐶260 = 1.35 𝑥 360

Bambang Jatmika et al. (Analysis Of Clean Water And Hot Water Needs Plumbing System In The Building)
75 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN 2620-9632 Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78

= 0.045 m3 / min

Table 6. Results of the water supply to the inhabitants

As seen in Table 4.5, the volume of water used daily occupants of 11.25, the average water
consumption per day is 13.5 m3,use of water for 10 hours at 2.7m3/ h, water consumption peak hour
of 2.5 m3/ h, and the use of water-minute peak of 0,045 m3/ min.

3.3.7 Estimated Needs of Clean Water for Shoppers

For the number of lodgers can be seen in Table 3, namely the data on the number of lodgers in
February - May because the number of lodgers cannot be calculated using the same method as the
estimated number of residents, for the calculation of clean water the highest number of lodgers is used,
namely 4,050 which coincidentally the number exceeds the 149 rooms that have been provided

Table 7. Results of the provision of clean water for guests

3.3.8 Assessment of Clean Water Needs for Visitors

The average use for visitors is assumed to be 5% of clean water use because not all visitors use the
clean water facilities available at Hotel Max One Kramat Jakarta. The following is an approximate table
of clean water needs for residents at Hotel Max One Kramat Jakarta.

Table 8. The results of the provision of clean water for visitors

From all the calculations above, it is recapitalized in the following table:

Table 9. Recapitulation of clean water needs

As seen in table 6, the amount of discharge of clean water needs per day reaches 1,028.75 m3 / day,
the average water usage is daily average of 1,234.5 m3 / day, water consumption for 10 hours is 124.8
m3 / hour, peak hour water consumption is 246.7 m3 / hour, and water consumption in peak minutes
is 6.15 m3 / minute.

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Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78 ISSN 2620-9632

3.3.9 Determination of the Size of the Ground Water Tank.

With the water that is stored in the lower water tank, it is necessary to have an appropriate size for
the storage capacity so that the use of water at peak hours can be fulfilled. Determination of the size of
the bottom water tank (Ground Water Tank) is determined based on the following:
Calculations service pipe capacity is calculated, with the following equation:
Qs = 23x Qh
Qh = 124.8 m3 / hour
Qs = Service Pipe Capacity (m3 / hours)
So that
Qs = 23x 124.8 m3 / hour
Qs = 83 m3 / hour
Calculated the volume of the ground water tank, with the following equation:
Volume GWT = [Qd− (Qs xt)] x 1 day
Qd = 1.234.5 m3 / day
Qs = 83 m3 / hour
T = 1 day
t = 10 hours / day
Volume GWT = [1.234.5– (83 x 10 hours / day)] x 1 day
GWT volume = [1.234.5– 830 m3 / day] x 1 day
GWT volume = 404.5 m3
So, the volume of the ground water tank (Ground Water Tank) is 404.5 m3. In this design, a ground
water tank is used.
3.3.10 Determination of the Size of the Upper Water Tub
In determining the dimensions of the upper water tank (Roof Tank), it must first determine the
volume capacity of water that must be accommodated in the tub. Determination of the volume capacity
of the upper water tank using the equation can be determined through calculations such as the
Qp = Qm-max
= 6.15 m3 / minute
Qh-max = 246.7 m3 / hour
= 246.7 m3 / hour x 1 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟60 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠
= 4.11 m3 /
min.In this design, the Qpu value is assumed to be Qh-max, so:
Qpu = Qh max
= 4.11 m3 / minute
In addition, it is also assumed that:

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77 International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT)
ISSN 2620-9632 Vol. 4., No. 2, Nov 2021, pp. 64-78

Tp = 60 minutes
Tpu = 25 minutes
From these data, then it can be determined the effective volume for the upper water tank, namely:
Ve = ((Qp xQh-max) Tp - (Qpu x Tpu)]
VE = volume of the top water tank (m3)
Qp = 6.15 m3 / minute
Qh-max = 4.11 m3 / minute
Qpu = 4.11 m3 / minute
Tp = 60 minutes
Tpu = 1 minutes
VE = ((6.15 x4.11 x m3 / minute) x60 minutes - (4.11m3 / minute x 1 minute)
VE = ((25.27 x m3 / minute) x 60 minutes - 4.11 m3]
VE = [25.7 m3 - 4.11 m3]
VE = 21.59 m3
So, the effective volume of the roof tank is: 21.59 m3.

4. Conclusion
Number of employees at Hotel Max One Kramat Jakarta is 45 people, the highest number of
lodgers is 4050 people and the number of visitors reaches 120 people / day. Of the total number of
users can know the amount of total water needs of residents, visitors, and lodger is 1028.25 m3/ day
and for the hot water needs of the first calculation that is obtained when preheating using a pressure
tank of 2000 liters x 2 units and heaters 21.40 Kw x 2 units i.e. 9.79 hours / day (currently installed
system). If you add a unit with the same capacity, namely 21.40 kw x 2 units, the heating time will be
faster, which is 4.89 hours / day. To avoid guest complaints when the hotel occupancy is full, you
should add 21.40 x 2 units, so that heating time is faster and the need for hot water is sufficient for each

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