Ddo Eed5 g5
Ddo Eed5 g5
Ddo Eed5 g5
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Submitted by:
Capinlac, Jacqueline S.
Enrile, Jonalyn F.
Orgaz, Azilei D.
Ramos, Jansel M.
Wayway, Mariel C.
May 2022
Storm of Ideas
Directions: Complete the table below. Think of 5 topics (problems, issues, trends)
related to your current subject, identify the SDGs that covers the topic and write a
compelling title.
Pool of Data
Directions: From the topics you wrote in Activity 1, choose one topic/title and identify
the important variables on that topic then do data mining. The answer should be
submitted in soft copy.
Countries Teaching Strategies
Indonesia • A teacher does not separately teach two classes for different programs.
• Teaching and learning are done using a theme. However, a certain
competency that cannot be included in one theme can still be separately
• The instructional strategy chosen by a teacher is based on the number
students and the kinds of techniques and methods used.
• The instructional strategy should mirror the different forms of
instructional and active learning, which must be creative and effective as
well as enjoyable.
• To make a good plan, one multigrade class should be taught by one
teacher for two years.
• Teaching and learning materials should be based on the content
• Implemented by the National Standard of Education (NSP).
Laos • Teachers prepare the lesson plan on the same or different subjects to
combined grade level.
• Teacher use the jump- jump approach;
• Teachers can teach all grades on the same subjects;
• Learning environment and facilities
• Classroom management
• Curriculum development of both multigrade and monograde teaching
used the same national curriculum and textbooks.
• Teaching and learning materials
• Oral one to support MGT is one of the Teaching methods by using first
language of ethnic children in the classroom to support the Teaching of
the LAO language and other subjects.
Malaysia • Teachers adopt new pedagogy system which will be cost effective and
time saving
• Teacher-Led Initiatives in Supporting Learner Empowerment among
Malay Tertiary Learners.
• Waldorf Method- Teachers delivering knowledge in this type of method
must be Waldorf certified to apply this approach that aims in engaging
children with a dependable routine.
• The Montessori Method- This method is used with children and it
explains the need of freedom to a child and the importance for a child’s
exposure to experiences and materials
• The Kumon method- This is a special type of learning method and very
individualized; children here start at a level where they can attain a
perfect score by studying on their own through works sheets that are
designed to allow students to figure out how to solve problems on their
• Casual preparations for teaching.
• Slow learners and fast, learners will often receive insufficient
individualized attention.
• 5E Inquiry Learning Model
• Flipped Classroom Approach
• Elicitation Strategy
• Group Discussion Strategy.
• Guided Discovery Strategy.
• Mind Mapping Strategy.
• Mixture of Strategies.
• Flexibility in Pedagogies
• Synchronous and Asynchronous Lesson
• Involvement of Mass Media
• Online Teaching Support
Myanmar • Questioning
• Interaction
• Discussion
• Reinforce
• Self-instruction
• Individual teaching
• Group teaching
• Improve preschool quality to better prepare children for primary school
• Implement quality kindergarten education
• Redesign the basic education curriculum emphasizing 21st century
• Implement the new curriculum through strengthened curriculum
management, dissemination and monitoring and evaluation systems
• Improve assessment and examinations
Dr. Souvanvisay. Promising Practices Of Multi-grade Teaching In Lao Pdr - Ppt Download
HE Daw Aung San Suu Kyi (2016,) National Education Strategic Plan 2016-21 Summary
Tieocharoen, W., & Rimkeeratikul, S. (2019). Learning Strategies and Teaching Methods
in Thai and Vietnamese Universities. Arab World English Journal, 10 (3) 99-
From Visuals to Insights
Directions: From the data sets you data-mined, create visualization by means of any types of
graph/figures suitable for the variable/data then write insights about it.
Teaching Strategies
Based from the given concept map above, it shows that multigrade teachers from
ASEAN countries have their own unique ways of teaching or handling multi-grade. They
are using variety teaching tactics to ensure a successful and to quality teaching and
learning process for each student. Through these teaching strategies, it will help the
teacher to know where the learners learned the best. Also, different kinds of teaching
strategies can become more powerful in learners' competencies. It also shows the
similarities and differences in teaching strategies in ASEAN countries. These strategies
are also dedicated or as a reference to all learners all over the world to develop and
improve their knowledge and learning process, it is either individually or grouply.