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Art is an expression of our thoughts, emotions, intuitions, Palette of Narmer

and desires, but it is even more personal than that: it’s

about sharing the way we experience the world, which for The unification of Upper and Lower Egypt into the The Bust of Nefertiti
many is an extension of personality. "Kingdom of the Two Lands" under the divine king.
The idea of a royal likeness was not uncommon in ancient
ART HISTORIOGRAPHY STEP PYRAMID OF KING DJOSER Egyptian culture; Egypt’s temples and palaces are
brimming with them. What makes this representation
This is the historical study of the visual arts, being A step pyramid or stepped pyramid is an architectural exceptional is its accurate depiction of the queen.
concerned with identifying, classifying, describing, structure that uses flat platforms, or steps, receding from Nefertiti’s bust is remarkably well preserved.
evaluating, interpreting, and understanding the different the ground up, to achieve a completed shape similar to a
art products and its respective historic development. geometric pyramid. Sarcophagus

Prehistoric Art Pyramid of Giza Tutankhamun’s sarcophagus (a box-like stone container)

held not one but three coffins in which to hold the body of
Archaeological explorations reveal that there has been a The Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of the king. The outer two coffins were crafted in wood and
gradual shift from a nomadic lifestyle of early humans to Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops is the oldest and largest covered in gold along with many semiprecious stones,
that of permanent settlements, paving the way for the rise of the 3 pyramids in Giza. It is the oldest of the Seven such as lapis lazuli and turquoise.
of early civilizations Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain
largely intact. The pyramids were meant to house the ANCIENT GREEK ART
Prehistoric Art, specifically the Paleolithic art is a product pharaoh's bodies and serve as reminders of their
of climate change. Caves became the protective havens almighty power. Geometric Period
for the early humans and these caves paved the way for
the birth of their first attempts to create art. Temple of Deil er-Bahari The Geometric Period is characterized by its use of
geometric patterns and shapes in its iconography. The
Cave paintings are also known as "parietal art". They are This is one of the most beautiful temples in Ancient Egypt focus of the art also shifted from the more fluid,
painted drawings on cave walls, or ceilings, mainly of and it was build by Queen Hatshepsut. Furthermore, this amorphous shapes of the Mycenaean period and onto
prehistoric origin dating back to 40,000 years ago in temple was built entirely by fine limestone. more recognizable depictions of the people and animals of
Eurasia. the Athenian polis.
Visual Arts
The oldest cave painting is of a "red hand stencil" in One of the defining features of Geometric Period pottery is
Maltravieso Cave in Caceres, Spain Egyptian civilization was highly religious. Thus most called ‘horror vacui’, or the ‘fear of empty space’. This
Egyptian artworks involve the depiction of many gods and manifested in filling entire surfaces with intricate details or
Altamira Cave Paintings goddesses - of whom the Pharaoh was one. In addition, patterns. Vases, for the most part, were thus completely
the Egyptian respect for order and conservative values led covered with iconography, resulting in rich and artistic
Manunggul Jar ( Tabon Caves ) to the establishment of complex rules for how both Gods decoration.
and humans could be represented by artists. For example,
in figure painting, the sizes of figures were calculated DIPYLON KRATER-MEN
purely by reference to the person's social status, rather
THE EGYPTIAN ART than by the normal artistic rules of linear perspective. ATTIC POTTERY AMPHORAE –WOMEN

Egyptian society was based on the concept of harmony Hieroglyphics

known as ma'at which had come into being at the dawn of
creation and sustained the universe. All Egyptian art is The Egyptian hieroglyphic script was one of the writing
based on perfect balance because it reflects the ideal systems used by ancient Egyptians to represent their
world of the gods. language.
The Archaic Period featured a considerable increase in
interaction between the Greek world and the surrounding IONIC, DORIC AND CORINTHIAN
areas of the Mediterranean due to trade and international
communication. This manifested itself through artistic and POLYKLEITO’S DIADOUMENOS
cultural influence from Egypt, the Near East, and other
areas surrounding Greece. APHRODITE OF KNIDOS

The art of Archaic Period Greece reflects this heightened HELLENISTIC PERIOD (323-31 B.C.)
international influence in technique, tools, and
iconography. With continuously advancing technologies, The Hellenistic Period in Ancient Greek art began with the
artists were able to create realistic human imagery for the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. The leadership of
the massive empire that he had accrued throughout the
first time. They were also able to produce ornately
Mediterranean, North Africa, and parts of Asia was
detailed, colorful pottery. subsequently divided into three regions and assumed by
generals, splintering the empire. However, Greek art
Euphronios Krater continued to expand on the classical ‘Hellenism’ of the
empire in art with more international influence.
The Archaic Period of Ancient Greek art also saw dramatic
innovation in sculpture production. These naturalized The Dying Gaul
sculptures called kouroi appeared. Kouroi were
commemorative, semi-lifelike statues representing The Dying Gaul depicts a warrior in his final moments, his
idealized young men during their prime. Also existing was face contorted in pain just before he collapses from the
the less famous, clothed female counterpart: the kore. mortal wound to his chest

Classical Period (480-323 B.C.) THE ABDUCTION OF PERSEPHONE

The Classical Period began with the end of the Athenian ANCIENT ROMAN ART
tyranny in the 5th Century B.C., which paved the way for
the subsequent establishment of democracy. Philosophers Centered in the city of Rome, the civilization of Ancient
such as Plato, Socrates and Aristotle came to fame during Rome ruled much of Europe for over 1000 years. The arts
this period, and it has been regarded as an Athenian flourished during this time and were often used by the
‘golden age,’ during which intellectualism, art, literature, wealthy and powerful to memorialize their deeds and
and culture flourished heritage

This period saw the introduction and expansion of many The Colosseum, also named the Flavian Amphitheater, is
things that represent Ancient Greece to modern viewers, a large amphitheater in Rome. It was built during the reign
and one could not look at the classical style without of the Flavian emperors as a gift to the Roman people.
considering its architecture. There was an increase in
monumental temple construction during the Classical THE ORATOR
Period, which included the completion of the Athenian
Acropolis and Erechtheion alongside numerous temples in AUGUSTUS OF PRIMAFORTA
locations including Delphi, Olympia, and Corinth.

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