Practical Research Chapter 1 1

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Research Leader:

Daniela Rizz F. Garcia


Josh Russel S. Dumale

Samantha Nicole S. Ramos

Yzbel Zierene Bobila

Evelyn Hazel G. Agcaoili

Chelsy Antoinette P. Otic

Precious Nicole Pahanel

A Practical Research submitted to the College of Liberal

Arts, Phinma Araullo University, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija

Philippines in fulfillment of the Requirement for Practical

Research (APP 005)

February 2023


TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………. 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3

INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY………………………………………………………………………………………. 5

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM……………………………………………………………………………………. 8

HYPOTHESES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY………………………………………………………………………………… 11

SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONS……………………………………………………………………………………… 12

DEFINITION OF TERMS………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13


As a team of researchers, we would like to express our

sincere gratitude to all those who have contributed to the

success of this project. Without their unwavering support, we

would not have been able to complete this work with such great

results. Above all, our gratitude goes to the divine

providence of the Almighty God whose benevolence will ensure

the success of our research. From the commencement of our

study to its fruition, we trust in His guidance.

We would like to express our appreciation to our dearest

research Adviser, Mrs. Princess Joy Anne Pambid who has been

an invaluable source of guidance and inspiration throughout

the duration of the project. Her expert knowledge,

constructive criticism, and unwavering support have played a

significant role in the completion of this work. To the

contributions of my colleagues, friends, and family members

who provided us with encouragement and support throughout

this research. Their boundless love and unwavering belief in

our ability to succeed will drive us to accomplish every task

set before us. We cannot find sufficient words to express our

appreciation to all those who collaborated and assisted us.

Because of your support and collaboration, our goals were

successfully accomplished and we made a valuable contribution

to the field. We truly value and recognize your contributions.



The discernment of students in learning modalities

particularly in the STEM strand flexible learning increases

apprehensiveness along with performance evaluation.

Several studies (Dela Cruz & colleagues, 2021; Duran &

colleagues, 2021) show the variance of perception towards the

effectiveness of flexible learning in STEM education. These

studies found that the perception of STEM students toward

flex-learning variates depending on the circumstances of each

student and their ability to adapt. Therefore students

compare flexible and traditional ways of teaching according

to their needs, adaptation, and ability to handle their

agendas. Through reviewing these studies and analyzing

current student norms, we found that there has been an

increase in the positive perception of STEM students toward

flexible learning. Thus hypothetically, STEM students

receiving frequent and meaningful interaction and support

from their instructors in a flexible learning environment may

be more likely to report feeling confident in their abilities.

We aim to know if their perception toward flexible learning,

provided with opportunities for active engagement, along with

personalized learning experiences and interactions with peers

and teachers will grasp flexible learning as effective for

delivering the curriculum.


In the education sector, flexible learning is becoming

increasingly popular due to the benefits it offers,

particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has prompted

the implementation of flexible learning in many educational

system around the world, including in the Philippines where

Science Technology and Mathematics (STEM) education is highly

prioritized. Flexible learning, which involves a combination

of online and offline modalities allows students to learn and

access educational resources in a way that best suits their

needs, interests, and abilities. It provides them with the

flexibility to choose when, where, and how they want to learn,

which can help to improve their overall academic performance

and increase their engagement and motivation which enables

them to adapt to their learning style and preferences.

STEM strand is a specialized program in senior high

school that focuses on science, technology, engineering, and

mathematics. It aims to prepare students for a career in STEM-

related fields, which is essential for the country's economic

growth and development. However, the quality of education in

the STEM strand depends on how well the students perceive the

flexibility of their learning environment.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of flexible learning

in STEM education, it is important to understand the

perception of STEM strand students towards its quality.

Several studies have been conducted in the Philippines to

investigate the perception of students towards flexible

learning, but only a few have focused specifically on STEM


One study conducted by Dela Cruz and colleagues (2021)

investigated the challenges and opportunities of flexible

learning in STEM education in the Philippines. The study

involved surveying 270 STEM students from different

universities in the country. The results showed that most

students found flexible learning to be challenging, with

issues related to internet connectivity, access to devices,

and lack of interaction with teachers and peers being the

most common concerns. However, students also recognized the

benefits of flexible learning, such as the ability to learn

at their own pace and the convenience of not having to travel

to school.

Another study by Duran and colleagues (2021) evaluated the

perception of STEM students towards online learning during

the pandemic. The study surveyed 104 STEM students from a

university in the Philippines and found that most students

had a positive perception of online learning, with the

majority indicating that they were able to learn effectively

and that the quality of instruction was similar to or better

than traditional classroom instruction. However, some

students also expressed concerns about the lack of social

interaction and the difficulty of staying motivated.

Overall, these studies suggest that STEM students in

the Philippines have mixed perceptions towards flexible

learning. While some students appreciate the flexibility and

convenience of online learning, others find it challenging

and miss the social interaction that comes with traditional

classroom instruction. It is important for educational

institutions to take into account these perceptions and

address the challenges faced by students in order to provide

a quality STEM education through flexible learning.


These studies aim to evaluate the effectiveness of

flexible learning and determine the factors that influence

students' perception towards the quality of flexible

learning. Some of the key research questions that have been

explored in these studies include:


How do students perceive the quality of flexible learning

in comparison to traditional face-to-face learning?


How do STEM strand students perceive the effectiveness of

flexible learning in delivering the curriculum?


How does STEM strand students' perception of the quality

of flexible learning affect their academic performance?


How do STEM strand students feel about the amount of

interaction and support they receive from their instructors

in a flexible learning environment?


To establish solid foundation of the study, the following

alternative hypothesis was formulated:


Students will perceive the quality of flexible learning to

be equal or higher than traditional face-to-face learning.


STEM strand students will perceive flexible learning as

effective in delivering the curriculum when it provides

opportunities for active engagement, personalized learning

experiences, and meaningful interactions with their peers and



STEM students who perceive flexible learning to be of high

quality will have better academic performance than those who

perceive it to be of low quality.


Students in the STEM strand who receive frequent and

meaningful interaction and support from their instructors in

a flexible learning environment are more likely to report

feeling confident in their abilities and prepared for future

academic and professional opportunities.


This study is significant to the STEM students, Educators

and educational institutions. This study's purpose is to

enhance and improve the delivery of flexible learning in STEM



The result of this study can contribute to the

development of the curriculum and new learning practices that

can be used to improve the learning experiences of STEM

students. It can also provide useful information in terms of

which type of flex learning are most convenient or beneficial

in educating STEM students and providing the best quality of

flex learning.


In the conclusions of this research, the stem students

will be provided with the best quality of flex learning.

Curriculum and learning practices that better suited to the

needs of STEM students. Furthermore, improve the learning

experience of stem students.


The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness

and satisfaction of their learning strategy through the

flexible learning to the Grade 11 STEM student. This research

will mainly identify and assess the different factors and

effectiveness of their learning through the help of flexible

learning.This study considers every aspect’s of Grade 11 STEM

student to the following: perception, performance, insights

and opinion about the effectiveness of flexible learning.

This study will be conducted in PHINMA Araullo University

of San Jose City, during the school year 2022-2023.


Flexible Learning: Flexible learning refers to an approach to

education that provides learners with more control over the

time, place, and pace of their learning experience. It allows

learners to personalize their learning by choosing how, when,

and where they want to learn.

Flexible learning refers to the combination of

different methods of teaching, including the use of online

platforms and digital or printed modules

Perception: Perception refers to the way that individuals

interpret and make sense of information received from their

environment through their senses.

Perception refers to the individual's subjective

interpretation or understanding of a particular topic.

Convenience: Convenience is a quality or situation that makes

something easy or useful for someone by reducing the amount

of work or time required to do something.

Convenience refers to the extent to which the delivery

mode of education is perceived to be easy, accessible, and

adaptable to the students' needs and preferences.


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