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Determinants of Student's Performance in Research in Leuteboro National High


A Qualitative Research

Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School

Leuteboro National High School

Leuteboro I, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro

In Fulfilment

Of the Requirements in

Practical Research I


Academic Track

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Strand


A. Y. 2023-2024

Second Semester



Background of the Study

In the field of education, research projects are very important since they help
shape students' academic development and future opportunities, especially in high school
settings. Comprehending the elements that influence students' performance in research
projects is crucial for educators and policymakers who aim to improve educational

On the other hand, the acquisition and utilization of knowledge are fundamental
to human existence, shaping not only individual development but also the progress of
nations and the world at large. Education stands as the cornerstone of this endeavor,
providing individuals with a diverse array of knowledge spanning various disciplines,
from Mathematics to History, Literature to Political Science. The knowledge acquired
through education plays a pivotal role in shaping our future endeavors and enhancing our
understanding of the world around us.

Within the realm of education, academic success serves as a critical measure of

one's educational attainment. Educators and researchers have long sought to understand
the myriad factors that influence students' academic performance. Indeed, numerous
variables, including parental education levels, household income, teacher expertise,
attendance rates, access to educational resources such as textbooks and libraries, and the
quality of home environments, have all been implicated in shaping academic outcomes.

In the context of secondary education, which serves as a vital stepping stone

toward higher education in tertiary institutions, the importance of academic performance
cannot be overstated. Persistent challenges in academic performance at the senior high
school level pose a significant threat to the educational systems of nations, particularly in
countries like Ghana. Thus, there exists a pressing need to critically examine the existing
literature on academic performance, shedding light on the various factors influencing the
educational outcomes of students in senior high schools.

Furthermore, this study aims to address this gap by conducting a thorough review
of the literature pertaining to the determinants of academic outcomes among senior high
school students. By synthesizing existing research, we aim to identify key factors and
their impacts on students' academic achievements, thereby uncovering potential gaps in
the literature and highlighting areas ripe for further investigation. Through this endeavor,
we hope to contribute valuable insights that can inform educational policies and practices
aimed at enhancing academic performance in senior high schools.

In conclusion, the purpose of this study is to investigate the factors impacting

Leuteboro National High School students' research performance in the academic year
2023–2024. Leuteboro National High School is a microcosm where a range of
institutional, individual, and sociocultural elements interact to influence students'
participation in and performance in research projects. Through a thorough analysis of
these factors, this study aims to offer guidance on how academic institutions may assist
students in acquiring the necessary research skills and cultivating an academic culture.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this qualitative research study is to determine the factors

contributing affecting the student’s performance in their research subject. The study aims
to explore the challenges faced by these students and identify the underlying factors that
hinder their performance in their research subject.

1. What are the primary factors influencing student performance in the research
subject at Leuteboro National High School?

2. What challenges do students encounter in their research subject, and how do

these challenges impact their performance?

3. What are the underlying factors that contribute to students' underperformance

in the research subject at Leuteboro National High School?


These hypotheses are carefully formulated based on the Statement of the problem.

Ha: Various determinants significantly influence student performance in research at

Leuteboro National High School during the academic year 2023-2024.

Ho: There are no significant determinants affecting student performance in research at

Leuteboro National High School during the academic year 2023-2024.

Significance of the study

The result of this study will benefit the following;

Students. Through the help of this research, it will help the students understand how to
improve their research performance and succeed academically.

Teachers. Through this study, the teacher will learn about factors influencing research
performance helps teachers support students better.

Parents and Guardians. Through this study, parents and guardians will know how to
support research and how parents contribute to their children's success.

Researchers. With the help of this study, it adds to existing research, guiding future
studies and interventions.

Future Researchers. The outcome of the study is beneficial to the future researchers.
This study provides a foundation for future research on student performance.

School. The outcome of the study is beneficial to the school. Insights from this study help
the school improve support for student learning and success.

Scope/Delimitation and Limitations of the Study

This study focuses on investigating the determinants influencing student

performance in research specifically at Leuteboro National High School during the
academic year 2023-2024. Data collection will involve students from Grade 7 to Grade
12, with 2 students per year level selected through a specific sampling technique. The
study will not delve into factors unrelated to student research performance. All
participants will be administered the same research instruments. Findings from this study
will be applicable only to students at Leuteboro National High School and may not be
generalizable to other educational institutions. The primary data source will be the
research instruments designed by the researchers.

Theoretical Framework

Donald Medley’s Theory of Teacher Competence

Donald Medley’s Theory of Teacher Competence (1977) provides valuable

insights into the factors influencing student performance in research at Leuteboro
National High School. The pre-instruction component of the theory emphasizes the
importance of instructional preparation and providing guidance for teaching and learning.

In the context of this study, teachers who excel in pre-instructional activities are
likely to support students effectively in their research endeavors, providing necessary
resources and guidance.

Additionally, the presentation component underscores the significance of

successful teaching and learning plans that enhance learning opportunities for all
students. Teachers who demonstrate proficiency in presentation skills can create engaging
research learning experiences, positively impacting students' research performance.

Furthermore, the learning environment component highlights the critical role of

creating a supportive, safe, and exciting environment that maximizes student learning and
development opportunities. This aspect directly relates to the study's focus on exploring
determinants of student performance in research, emphasizing the importance of the
learning environment shaped by teacher competence.

Moreover, the student learning component underscores the importance of desired

learning outcomes from teacher-student interaction. Effective teacher-student interactions
and feedback mechanisms are essential for enhancing students' research skills and

Lastly, the professionalism component, while not directly related to research

performance, underscores the broader context of teacher competence and
professionalism. Teachers who demonstrate professionalism in their conduct and
interactions with students may foster a positive learning environment conducive to
research performance. Medley's theory provides a comprehensive framework for
understanding the role of teachers in shaping students' research performance,
encompassing aspects of instructional preparation, presentation skills, creating a
supportive learning environment, facilitating student learning, and professionalism.

Donald Medley’s Theory of Teacher Competence (1977) can be connected to Jean

Piaget's constructivist learning theory in the context of understanding student
performance in research at Leuteboro National High School.

Piaget's constructivist theory emphasizes the active role of learners in

constructing knowledge from their own experiences, through processes like
accommodation and assimilation. Similarly, Medley's theory highlights the importance of
teachers in facilitating student learning and achievement.

While Piaget focused on the role of learners in constructing knowledge, Medley's

theory complements this by emphasizing the critical role of teachers in creating a
conducive learning environment, providing guidance, and fostering student development.
Both theories underscore the significance of student-centered approaches to education,

where teachers play a supportive role in facilitating learning experiences tailored to

students' needs and abilities.

By integrating aspects of constructivist theory with Medley's framework of

teacher competence, educators at Leuteboro National High School can adopt pedagogical
practices that empower students to actively engage in research activities, thereby
enhancing their performance and learning outcomes.

Conceptual Framework


Data gathering The result of the study on

Identifying the
the determinants of
determinants of student's  Questionnaire
student's performance in
performance in research  Survey-checklist
subjects and highlighting research subject indicates a
 The statistical
these categories: range of key findings. The
treatment of data
study identifies several
 Data gathering
 Factors factors contributing to the
 Challenges challenges faced by these
 Underperformance students.

Figure 1. Input Process Output (IPO Model)

The researcher adopted the Input Process Output (IPO) Model. It includes all of
the materials and the information that are required in the process, the specific details of
the process itself, and the guide on identifying the determinants of student's performance
in research subject. The conceptual model, as shown in Figure 1, shows the process on
identifying the determinants of student's performance in research subject.

For input, it consists of the categories of the factors that might affect the student’s
performance in their research subject. All the details specified in the statement of the
problems are stipulated here.

For process, it includes the questionnaire that is utilized, the survey-checklist, the
data collection method, and the statistical analysis of the data. Data tabulation, analysis,
and interpretation are also included. It includes everything from initial gathering of
information or data to the final results and recommendations of the educational research.

In developing the questionnaire, the researcher will conduct a survey-checklist

with the Grade 7 to Grade 12 students to identify the determinants of the students'
performance in the research subject.

For output, this includes the supposed outcome of the study. For this, the
researcher will conceptualize recommendation that will help Grade 7 to Grade 12
students in the factors that affects their performance in research subject.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate the understanding of this study, different terms are defined herein.

1. Determinant- A determinant is something that decides what happens. It's a factor

that affects the outcome. Identifying determinants helps us understand why things
turn out the way they do.
2. Analyzing- Examining something closely to understand its parts and how they
work together, often to find patterns or insights.
3. Research- Pertains to the subject the students are taking.
4. Factors - refer to the things that affect how well students do in their research.
5. Difficulty - refers to the challenges, obstacles, and barriers that individuals
encounter while coping up with their research subject.

6. Contributing - refers to the actions, elements, or factors that play a role in

influencing the level of difficulty or ease experienced by the students.
7. Performance- The execution or accomplishment of a task, activity, or function,
often measured by the quality, effectiveness, or success achieved.
8. Challenges- are the problems students face while doing research, like not having
enough resources.
9. Underperformance- Not meeting expectations or standards, particularly in
comparison to what is considered adequate or satisfactory. It simply, means when
students don't do as well as expected in their research
10. Academic- Relating to education, specifically formal learning in schools,
colleges, or universities, typically focusing on scholarly subjects and intellectual


 Exploring the determinants of students’ academic performance at university level:
The mediating role of internet usage continuance intention - PMC (

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