PH.D Ordinance (12.7.22)
PH.D Ordinance (12.7.22)
PH.D Ordinance (12.7.22)
ii) For all other Subjects: Masters Degree* in the concerned/allied subject (as
determined by the Departmental Research Board) with 55% marks at Masters
Degree (without rounding off) or its equivalent Grade 'B' in the UGC 7-point scale
(or an equivalent Grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed).
*For doing Ph.D. in the Science Departments the candidate should have passed regular M. Sc. Degree from U.G.C.
recognised University. Candidates with M.Sc. through Distance Education will not be eligible for admission to Ph.D.
Degree in the Science Departments.
**Equivalence is established as:
If a candidate is awarded percentage of marks instead of Grade in M.Phil., then 55% or more marks will be treated
equivalent to B+ Grade.
If a candidate is awarded Grade in M.Phil. but the grading pattern of the M.Phil. awarding University is different
from that applicable in Punjabi University, then the CGPA of the candidate will be converted into percentage of
marks. If the percentage so obtained is 55% or more, then the candidate's grade will be considered as B+ Grade for
the purpose of admission to Ph.D. programme.
I) Direct Admission
Every candidate interested in taking admission to Ph.D. Programme has to
appear and qualify the Entrance Test to be held twice every year (January and July)
by Punjabi University, Patiala.
The following category of candidates may be exempted from taking Entrance Test
for Ph.D. programme.
i) Candidates who have qualified UGC-CSIR NET (JRF)/ NET/SLET (Punjab
State)/GATE/GPAT examinations.
ii) The Holders of teacher fellowships.
iii) Direct Awardees of Fellowships from Government Agencies like
(Students appointed in the project sponsored by above agencies are not
exempted from Entrance Test)
iv) Foreign students sponsored by Government of India agencies like ICCR,
Ministry of HRD, etc. and foreign students sponsored by their respective
Governments/Embassies under UNDP.
v) Other Foreign students residing outside India (Foreign Pass Port Holders) who
wish to seek admission directly (without any sponsorship) to Ph.D.
The candidates who qualify the Entrance Test and also attended the interview will be
included in the pool of candidates for Ph.D. Their candidature will remain valid for
two years i.e. up to the date of Ph.D. Entrance Test to be held after two years. If a
candidate having passed Ph.D. Entrance Test is unable to take admission to Ph.D.
Course Work because of non-availability of Supervisor but finds a Supervisor after
the last date of admission to Ph.D. Course Work, he/she is allowed to enroll in Ph.D.
Programme. However, he/she will have to take admission to Ph.D. Course Work in
the next year.
The Entrance Test for Ph.D. Programme is an eligibility test for short-listing the
applicant for purpose of consideration by the Department. Merely qualifying the
Ph.D. Eligibility Test will not entitle the student secure admission to Ph.D.
(A) In case of M.Phil. pass candidates following conditions will be applicable for
Course Work :
(i) Candidates who have passed M.Phil. Degree with minimum B+ Grade as
regular student or through Distance Education from Punjabi University,
Patiala and have studied paper on Research Methodology and
Publication Ethics are exempted from doing Ph.D. Course Work for
getting registered to Ph.D. Programme.
(ii) A candidate who has done M.Phil. from State/Central or from National
Institutes as regular student and has studied the subject of Research
Methodology and Publication Ethics is also exempted from doing Ph.D.
Course Work.
(iii) The candidates who have done M.Phil. as regular students but have not
studied and passed the paper on Research Methodology and Publication
Ethics are required to pass the paper of Research Methodology and
Publication Ethics after taking admission to Ph.D. Course Work. They
have to pay fee and other charges as applicable to other students taking
admission to Ph.D. Course Work.
(iv) The candidates who have obtained M.Phil. Degree through Distance
Education from another University are required to pass the Course Work
for Ph.D. programme.
(v) Candidates who have done M.Phil./Ph.D. Course Work from
Autonomous Colleges affiliated to Punjabi University, Patiala and other
Autonomous Colleges/Deemed/Private Universities and Colleges and
passed the subject of Research Methodology and Publication Ethics can
seek exemption from Ph.D. Course Work subject to the condition that
they produce a certificate, recommended by DRB:
a) That they have done the respective Course after Entrance Test and
have been full time students of M.Phil./Ph.D. Course Work.
b) Proof of having successfully passed the examination of Research
Methodology and Publication Ethics or as prescribed by UGC, New
Delhi from time to time.
(B) A candidate who has passed first semester of M.Phil. programme of Punjabi
University with minimum B+ Grade and studied and passed four papers
including the paper on Research Methodology and Publication Ethics and
whose admission to M.Phil. programme was done through joint Entrance
Test, provided the marks secured by the candidate in M.Phil./Ph.D. Entrance
Test were not less than the minimum qualifying marks fixed by the University
for taking admission to Ph.D. programme of that year in which the candidate
had taken admission to the M.Phil. programme, is exempted from Ph.D.
Entrance Test for Enrollment and Ph.D. Course Work.
(C) Officer of Army War College, Mhow who have passed one year Executive
Post Graduate Programme in Security & Strategic Studies from Department of
Defense & Strategic Studies, Punjabi University, Patiala will be exempted
from Ph.D. Course Work.
The verification of the eligibility of candidates for Ph.D. Course Work will be done
at two stages. At the first stage, the eligibility of a Ph.D. candidate, seeking admission
to Course Work, will be done by the Admission Committee of the Department during
interview. Once a candidate is found eligible by the Department he/she will have to
get eligibility certificate from the Registration Branch of the University before being
enrolled for Ph.D.
The Ph.D. Course Work comprises of four papers of one semester duration. There
will be at least three compulsory papers including the paper of "Research
Methodology and Publication Ethics". The structure and contents of the Ph.D. Course
Work will be prepared by Departmental Ph.D. Course Committee.
Passing of Ph.D. Course Work is only an essential requirement for the Registration to
Ph.D. Programme of the University. Hence, no Degree will be awarded to successful
candidates in Ph.D. Course Work, only detailed mark sheet will be issued. The Course
Work should be of minimum 8 Credits and must include the subject of Research
Methodology and Publication Ethics (or otherwise as suggested by UGC, New Delhi
from time to time).
5.4 Attendance:
A candidate admitted to Ph.D. Course Work must fulfill the following requirements:
(i) Has been on the rolls of the Department throughout the semester
preceding the examination.
(ii) Every candidate has attended a minimum of 75% of the delivered
number of lectures in each paper.
(iii) The shortage in the attendance of lectures by the candidate will be
condoned as per rules made by the University from time to time.
5.5 Curriculum:
There will be four papers. Three papers will be core papers and are compulsory to all
candidates. The fourth paper will be elective. Every student will have to take one
elective paper out of a list of elective papers being offered by the Department. The
elective papers will normally be offered to students by the Department depending on
the areas of interest of the candidates. The composition of the Course is given as
The minimum number of lectures will be 50 per paper. Each lecture will be of one
hour duration. Each paper will carry 4 Credits.
In general, the medium of research and thesis writing shall be Punjabi or English. For
language subjects, the medium of research and thesis writing shall be the language
concerned only.
In case a candidate wants to write and submit his/her research work in other than the
concerned language, permission of the Vice-Chancellor shall be mandatory.
In addition to this, candidates of all the subjects will have to submit 'Summary of
Thesis' in Punjabi of minimum 10 pages.
5.7 Approval of Syllabus:
Outline of tests, syllabi and Courses of reading shall be prepared and finalized by the
concerned Departmental Ph.D. Course Committee. It will be approved by Dean
Academic Affairs.
The result of Course Work (separately for internal assessment and final University
examination) shall be compiled in letter grades.
(i) Point Value of Grades: The letter grades shall have the following point
(ii) Conversion of Marks into Grades: The following relationship shall be used
to convert marks (m%) into grades obtained by a student in a paper:
Percentage of marks (m) Grade
m greater or equal to 90 A+
m greater or equal to 75 and less than 90 A
m greater or equal to 55 and less than 75 B+
m greater or equal to 40 and less than 55 B
m greater or equal to 25 and less than 40 C
m less than 25 D
Where C1, C2, C3 etc. are credit points of the papers and G1, G2, G3 etc. are the
respective grade points obtained by the students.
The GPA will be converted into overall grade obtained by a student for passing Ph.D.
Course Work, using the following table:
(iv) Conversion of GPA into Percentage of Marks: The GPA shall be converted
into percentage of marks by multiplying the GPA by 10. For example, if a
candidate gets GPA of 7.245, then the percentage of marks shall be 72.45%.
Provided that if a candidate gets ‘D’ Grade in any individual paper he/she will have
to reappear in that Course or offer a new Course if it is not a part of Core Course.
A candidate getting ‘D’ Grade in more than two papers will be declared "failed".
A candidate getting ‘D’ Grade in one or two papers will be declared "re-appear".
A "re-appear" candidate shall be allowed only one chance in the subsequent
examination to pass the paper(s).
The Controller of Examinations shall publish a list of candidates who have passed the
Ph.D. Course Work examination and issue detailed marks certificate indicating the
grades and grade point average (GPA) obtained by the candidate separately in internal
assessment (sessional work), and final University examination. No Degree will be
awarded for passing Ph.D. Course Work.
The term of the Departmental Ph.D. Course Committee shall be two years and shall
consist of the following:
1. The Head of the University Teaching Department - as Chairman (ex-officio);
The Head should possess Ph.D. Degree. If the Head is non-Ph.D. then senior
most teacher possessing Ph.D. Degree will be the Chairman.
3. Two from amongst the Associate Professors from the University Teaching
Departments and two Associate Professors in the subject concerned from the
Department of Distance Education (only those teachers will be the members
who possess Ph.D. Degree and are associated with Post-Graduate Teaching
and Research) by rotation according to seniority provided that at least one
Associate Professor shall be from the University Teaching Department.
4. Two from amongst the Assistant Professors from the University Teaching
Department and two Associate Professors in the subject concerned from the
Department of Distance Education (only those teachers will be the members
who possess Ph.D. Degree and are associated with Post-Graduate Teaching &
Research) by rotation according to seniority provided that at least one
Assistant Professor shall be from the University Teaching Department.
5. If the strength of the faculty members is less and there are no Professors in the
Department, then, two Professors will be nominated by the Dean Academic
Affairs from the allied subjects.
(a) The candidate will submit his application for Registration on the prescribed
form. The process of presentation of Synopsis for Ph.D. Registration can be
done during the period of Ph.D. Course Work. The Department will
forward the case for the Registration of the student to the office of Dean
Research, only after the student passes the Ph.D. Course Work. In this case the
date of Registration for Ph.D. Degree will be the date of passing of Ph.D.
Course Work. The Title for Ph.D. and Synopsis shall be approved in
Registration Seminar.
Copies of the Synopsis for Registration for Ph.D. Degree will be provided
to the members of Departmental Research Board at least one week in advance
from the date of presentation of Seminar. It is understood that all the
deficiencies/improvements to be made in the Synopsis will be settled in the
meeting of Departmental Research Board.
The candidate shall also submit along with the application for Registration a
fee of Rs.2000/- and seven copies of the Synopsis giving brief outlines
indicating the purpose/objective of the research, review of literature, general
approach and/or research methodology to be used, tentative plan of
work/chapter scheme, bibliography, etc. to the Academic Research Branch.
The Ph.D. Registration Synopsis should comply with Plagiarism Rules and
Plagiarism Compliance Certificate signed by the candidate, supervisor and co-
supervisor (if any) and countersigned by Head of the Department should be
The date of Registration for Ph.D. Degree will be either the date of presenting
the Synopsis before the DRB or the date of passing of Ph.D. Course Work,
whichever is later.
(ii) Those candidates who are exempted from Ph.D. Course Work are
deemed to be registered for Ph.D. Degree from the date of presentation
of Seminar before the Departmental Research Board.
The note shall include the names of the members of faculty present at the
meeting, the duration of the discussion and its final outcome. The Research
Supervisor would be required to give specific comments on the Synopsis
submitted by the candidate. In case the Departmental Research Board does not
approve the topic, the case will be referred to BPSAR giving detailed report with
reasons thereof for its final decision. After the date of BPSAR is fixed and a cut-
off date is circulated by the Dean Research to the Heads of the Departments, no
cases of Registration will be entertained in the scheduled meeting of BPSAR.
(d) Each Supervisor is required to submit one PPT with Three Slides as detailed
Title Page
Research Methodology with one-minute Audio.
Objectives with one-minute Audio.
Assistant Professor - 4
Associate Professor - 6
Professor - 8
In case of joint Registration, the Supervisor and Co-Supervisor will each share
half seat for the Ph.D. candidate being supervised/jointly-supervised.
Additional slots over and above the quota fixed for the candidates enrolled or
registered under the NFSC Fellowship for SC/ST candidates, MANF for
minority students as per the guidelines of the UGC, foreign students sponsored
by Government of India Agencies like ICCR, Ministry of HRD etc. and foreign
students sponsored by their respective Governments/Embassies under UNDP will
be permitted to all the eligible teachers working in different Departments of
Punjabi University or Colleges affiliated to Punjabi University, Patiala/Regional
Centers/Neighbourhood Campuses/Constituent Colleges of Punjabi University,
At the time of Registration of the candidate, the Heads of the Departments shall
ensure that they recommend candidates within the upper limit as above for
approval by the Board of Post-Graduate Studies and Research. It is understood
that the upper limit includes all such candidates who are whole time and part-time
research scholars put together with a Supervisor or Co-Supervisor. A certificate in
this regard shall be given by the Supervisor/Co-Supervisor.
(b) Anyone who is registered for Ph.D. Degree shall not be eligible for appointment
as Supervisor/ Co-Supervisor.
(c) No relative of the candidate such as wife, husband, son, daughter, sister, brother,
wife's or husband's brother and sister, brother's son and daughter, sister's son and
daughter, first cousin, nephew, grand-son, grand-daughter, or such other person
as might be deemed a close relation by the Vice-Chancellor, shall not be
appointed as Supervisor/Co-Supervisor. A certificate to this effect will be given
by the Supervisor/Co-Supervisor along with the application for enrollment.
(d) Normally, request of the candidate regarding the choice of Supervisor or a Co-
Supervisor will be accepted. However, in case the Departmental Research Board
does not agree with the request of the candidate then the Board's report along with
the reasons and the issue regarding the appointment of Supervisor/Co-Supervisor
shall be communicated to the Dean Research. The case will be finally decided by
the Vice-Chancellor.
(e) Request for change of the Supervisor could be entertained through Departmental
Research Board only:
(i) In case the Supervisor has left the service of the University or by
mutual consent of both the Supervisor and the candidate.
(iii) (a) The change of Supervisor shall be allowed within two years of
Registration on the recommendation of the DRB. Normally, no
change will be allowed after this period, except in exigency. If a
candidate wishes to change the Supervisor after two years from
the date of Ph.D. Registration due to unavoidable circumstances,
he/she would submit an application to the Head of the
Department giving reason thereof for such a change. This will be
examined by DRB of the concerned Department. Final approval
will be given by Vice-Chancellor on the basis of DRB
recommendations in anticipation of BPSAR.
(b) If a teacher proceeds on long leave of three or more than three
years, he/she may not be allowed to act as Supervisor. However,
Ph.D. scholars who are already registered prior to his/her
proceeding on long leave may be allowed to continue provided a
Co-Supervisor is also appointed to supervise the work of the
(c) In case of relocation of an Ph.D. woman scholar due to
marriage or otherwise, the research data shall be allowed to be
transferred to the University to which the scholar intends to
relocate provided all the other conditions as per UGC
Regulations-2016 are followed in letter and spirit and the
research work does not pertain to the project secured by the
parent Institution/Supervisor from any Funding Agency. The
scholar will however give due credit to the parent Supervisor
and the institution for the part of research already done.
A candidate may within one year of his/her Registration modify the scheme of his/her
Ph.D. work after obtaining recommendations of DRB followed by the approval of
BPSAR. Provided that the BPSAR may allow modification to be made in the title of
subject even after one year if in the considered opinion of the board, the modification
proposed did not involve any drastic change in the original scheme and scope of the
(a) The candidate registered for Ph.D. Degree shall be required to pass the subject
of Punjabi of matriculation or an equivalent examination, any time before the
Viva-Voce examination, except those who have already passed examination in
Punjabi of that level. Foreign candidates shall have to pass the 'Elementary
Course in Punjabi'. Those candidates who want to submit their Ph.D. Thesis in
Punjabi Language shall have to produce certificate of having attended Seven
Days Workshop organized by Punjabi Computer Help Centre/Department of
Punjabi, Punjabi University, Patiala.
(b) A candidate registered for Ph.D. Degree shall be required to appear before the
DRB once in a span of 12 months to present Annual Seminar and show the
progress of his/her research work for evaluation and further guidance. In
addition, Annual progress report of the candidate shall be submitted office of
the Dean Research through the Head of the Department each year for the work
done during the year or fraction of the year. The report will include all the
teaching engagements, surveys, tours, publications, research work etc. The
Supervisor of the candidate will give an assessment about the progress of the
candidate. All reports should be signed by Supervisor and Co-Supervisor (If
(c) If any shortcomings are pointed out in the Annual Seminars the DRB shall
record the reasons for the same and suggest corrective measures. If the
research scholar fails to implement these corrective measures, the DRB may
send the case to the Dean Research with specific modifications, reasons and
the matter shall be placed before BPSAR for appropriate action.
(d) Students registered between 1st January to 30th June shall present their
Annual report between 15th April and beginning of summer vacations.
Students registered between 1st July to 31st December shall present their
Annual report between 15th November and beginning of winter break.
(e) The candidate has to pay annual fee and laboratory fee regularly within
financial year ending 31st March every year, failing which requisite fine etc.
shall be charged.
10. FEE *
Laboratory Fee:
For Science Students, Mechanical, Electronics & Communication Rs. 5000/- (Per Annum)
Engineering and Civil Engineering students (for three years)
Computer Lab Fee (Annual) (for three years) Rs. 3000/- (Per Annum)
For students of Computer Science, Computer Engineering,
Geography, Psychology, Statistics, Management, Commerce or for
other students wherever applicable
Topic Modification Fee Rs. 5000/-
Late Fees
Late Fees for paying Annual Fee Rs. 50/- (per month)
Late presentation of Annual Seminar and Annual Report Rs. 1000/- for the first month
Rs.500/-(for subsequent
Thesis submission Fee if submitted late after Pre- Submission Rs. 1000/- per month
7th Year Extension Rs. 1,00,000/-
Late Fee for applying for Extension Rs. 500/- per month
(B) Fees for International Students and NRI (Foreign Passport Holders) o t h e r t h a n
t h o s e s p o n s o r e d u n d e r ICCR/MHRD etc.
1. Non-SAARC Countries US $ 3500.00 Per Annum
SAARC Countries US $ 1250.00 Per Annum
(Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, US $ 100 One Time Eligibility Fees.
Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) US $ 100 One Time Thesis Submission Fees.
The Annual Fees will include all charges other than hostel charges, mess charges and medical charges.
Note: Fee for International Students will be updated by Directorate of International Affairs from time to
time as directed by respective Funding Agencies like ICCR/MHRD etc.
*The Ph.D. Candidates who have gone to foreign countries or residing in foreign countries can avail the facility of
video-conferencing for presenting Annual Seminar/Ph.D. Viva-Voce Examination. For each Seminar/Examination
requisite Fees shall be charged. This facility shall also be available to Indian Students for justified reason who cannot
present themselves physically. Approval of Vice-Chancellor shall be necessary for such Indian Students.
The fine for late presentation of Seminar and Annual Report shall become applicable
one month after the date of issue of Registration Letter by the Research Branch
The Annual Fees will include all charges other than hostel charges, mess charges,
medical charges if treatment is done from outside University Health Centre. The
Hostel accommodation will be provided on the basis of availability of hostel
The contingency amount charged from the student will be transferred to the
"Contingency" of the concerned Department.
A Thesis to be presented by the candidate must be a piece of original research
work characterized either by the discovery of new facts or by fresh
interpretation of facts or theories or should consist of applied work such as
developing and fabricating special instruments or apparatus and should show
the candidate's capacity for critical examination and judgment and for lucid
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the Dissertation/Thesis is
free of plagiarism which means that no part of the Thesis has been copied
from other sources and all sources used for Thesis/Dissertation have been
properly cited (Annexure II).
All students are required to check their Thesis through plagiarism detection
software. The supervisors are required to sit with their students and run the
Thesis through plagiarism detection software available in the University
Computer Centre for this purpose. The Plagiarism Report of the Ph.D. Thesis
should bear the signatures of the student, Supervisor, Co-Supervisor (if any)
and should be counter signed by the Head of the Department. Ph.D. Thesis
should comply with Plagiarism Rules & Plagiarism Compliance Certificate
should be appended at the end of the thesis. The Plagiarism Report should be
generated for the entire text of the thesis. Tables, figures, spectral data,
references may be excluded for the purpose, if justified.
The candidate will not be permitted to submit his Thesis for the Degree unless
his Supervisor is satisfied that the Thesis presented is worthy enough to be
evaluated by the examiners for award of the Ph.D. Degree. In case of an
adverse report of the Supervisor, the candidate may make a representation to
the Vice-Chancellor.
(a) A candidate is required to apply in writing to the Head of the Department that
he/she is in a position to submit his/her Thesis and deliver a Pre-Submission
Seminar. The Head of the Department will conduct such a Seminar at the
earliest but not later than 30 days from the request of the candidate. In case,
the presentation is not organized within 30 days from the date of application,
the candidate may approach Dean Research who will ensure that needful is
done without any further delay.
(b) The Head of the Department will ensure that panel of examiners suggested by
Examiner Panel Committee (EPC) along with one copy of summary of the
Thesis and one soft copy (CD) of the summary is submitted to Thesis Cell
within TEN working days of the Pre-Submission Seminar. The office of Dean
Research would then process the applications and take steps for seeking
acceptance from the concerned Examiners.
(c) A candidate shall submit the Ph.D. Thesis not later than three months from the
date of presentation of Pre-Submission Seminar.
(d) In case of non-submission of Thesis within the stipulated period, the candidate
can seek extension of time from the Dean Research by depositing a late fee of
Rs. 1000/- per month.
(e) The candidate may incorporate in his/her Thesis the contents of any work
which he/she may have published on the subject and shall give due reference
to the work in the Thesis. However, he/she shall not submit his/her Thesis on
any work for which a Degree has already been conferred on him/her by this or
any other University. The candidate may, however, incorporate in his/her
Ph.D. Thesis any work from his/her M.Phil./M.Litt. Dissertation with due
reference to the Thesis and acknowledgement to the Supervisor, provided the
work has been carried out at this University.
In case the work was done through collaboration, a certificate duly signed by
all collaborators and countersigned by the concerned Supervisor to the effect
that none of the collaborators has made or will make use of the joint work
(published/unpublished) incorporated in this Thesis for the award of any
Degree/Diploma of any University/Institution, shall be furnished along with
the Thesis.
(f) For more details, candidates are also advised to consult Ph.D. Thesis Format
Annexure III for reference.
(g) Abstract of the Thesis :
Along with the Thesis each candidate is required to submit an Abstract of
Thesis in Punjabi (250-300 words in 12 pt Unicode Font in single space).
Abstract should have title of Thesis, name of student, name of Supervisor,
name of Co-Supervisor (if any), Department, Faculty and Registration No., etc.
English Version of the Abstract shall also be submitted. If the thesis is in
Hindi/Urdu Language, Abstract should be submitted in the respective language
(h) At the time of submission of Ph.D. Thesis by the candidate, a certificate should
be submitted by the candidate that the Thesis is a bonafide work of the
candidate (See Ph.D. Thesis Format Annexure - III).
(i) The candidate shall submit two copies of the Thesis in Spiral Bound
Form and one soft copy of the Thesis in single pdf. file (CD) to the
Thesis Evaluation Cell.
(ii) The candidate shall submit the third copy of Thesis in Hard Bound
Form meant for Library (Library Copy) along with the Viva-Voce
examination report.
(iii) Library Copy of the Thesis must be complete in all respects and must
incorporate the suggestions of the examiners regarding typographical/
grammatical errors, if any.
(c) The Registration of candidates who fail to submit their Thesis within the
stipulated period as above or who fail to apply for grant of extension would be
processed according to prevailing University Rules.
(d) Heads of the Departments while forwarding a Ph.D. Thesis to the office of the
Dean Research for evaluation will ensure that the candidate submits a copy of
"No Dues Certificate" complete in all respects including that of Department,
Library and Hostel/Dean Students Welfare and Directorate of Sports. A Ph.D.
Thesis not followed by the "No Dues Certificate" will not be accepted in the
Thesis section (except for teachers and employees who are on the pay-rolls of
Punjabi University).
Extension in Period
At least three months before the expiry of six years, a candidate can seek extension
for the seventh year by submitting a Comprehensive Progress Report of the work
done by him/her after paying a fee of Rs.1,00,000/-. He/she will have to appear before
the Comprehensive Report Review Committee (CRRC) chaired by the Dean of the
Faculty. The CRRC will review the Comprehensive Progress Report and will
recommend/reject extension for a period of one year. It is mandatory for the students
to present himself/herself before the committee. These cases will be forwarded to
Vice-Chancellor for approval. Same procedure will be followed for seeking the
extension of eighth year with fee of Rs.3,00,000/- and extension of ninth year with
Fee of Rs.5,00,000/-.
In addition to the above extension fee for respective years, a candidate shall
have to pay Rs.500/- per month as late fees. Further extension shall be at the
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor.
The Thesis approved shall only be published with the permission of Vice- Chancellor
and on the recommendation of the Thesis Publication Committee provided that a
request is made by the candidate within three years from the award of Ph.D. Degree.
Applications received after three years will not be entertained.
The persons recommended as examiners for evaluation of the Thesis should not be
below the rank of Associate Professor or its equivalent. The research profile of
Associate Professor recommended as examiners should also be attached with the
panel. The EPC should be extremely cautious while proposing the examiners. It
should be ensured that the proposed examiners are active researchers of high repute as
evident from their latest publications/research contributions.
For the subject of Law, Judges of High Court/Supreme Court could also be appointed.
In case the panel of examiners is not received from the Head of the Department
within one month from the date of request, the Dean Research may convene a meeting
of the (EPC) and submit the panel.
In case of retired persons, their last designation should be indicated without which the
panel would be considered incomplete.
The Examiners Panel Committee (EPC) will record a certificate to this effect, that
sufficient Punjabi knowing examiners of Associate Professor/Professor rank are not
available from outside the region.
The examiner will be free to seek clarification on any matter from candidate's
Supervisor or the Co-Supervisor through the Dean Research. The Dean Research will
ensure the secrecy of examiner's identity.
(a) Whether he/she recommends the award of the Degree to the candidate
after holding Viva-Voce examination.
(b) Whether he/she recommends resubmission of the Thesis after revision. In
case an examiner recommends revision of the Thesis he/she will also
indicate the required nature of changes.
(c) Whether he/she recommends rejection of Thesis.
(d) A list of questions that he/she would like the candidate to answer in the
Viva-Voce examination be supplied in a separate cover.
(e) Whether he/she recommends that the Thesis is fit for publication or not. If
fit for publication, then with or without changes.
The candidate who is required to resubmit the Thesis, must do so within one year with
requisite evaluation fees, from the date of supply of comments of the examiner to
him/her by the University irrespective of his/her submission of defense unless
extension is specially given by the Vice-Chancellor. A resubmitted Thesis will be
examined by the examiner who has recommended re-submission unless he/she
himself/herself is unable to do so or declines to do so.
In the event of one of the examiners recommending the award of the Degree and the
second examiner recommending rejection of the Thesis; on the recommendation of
the Vice-Chancellor, the Thesis shall be referred to a third examiner to be appointed
by the Vice-Chancellor from the original panel of examiners. The third examiner shall
not be informed of the recommendations of the two examiners. The recommendations
of those two examiners who submit similar recommendations shall be final. This
procedure shall also be followed if the examiner who had suggested modification,
rejects the revised Thesis.
Each examiner shall be given one month's time for the evaluation of Thesis. In case
report from him/her is not received, he/she may be reminded telephonically.
After the expiry of a period of three months if no report is received, the next examiner
may be appointed. The first examiner will be requested to send the Thesis back. If in
due Course, the report is received from the first examiner, the report will not be
o The reports of examiners (excluding the questions suggested for the viva- voce)
will be opened by the Screening Committee meeting. The Screening Committee
will prepare a gist of the reports of the examiners and the Dean of the Faculty
will send the gist of reports within two weeks to Dean, Research. These will be
placed before the Dean, Academic Affairs for decision regarding the conduct of
Viva-Voce examination and the appointment of one of the examiners will be
made by Vice-Chancellor in case of reports of both examiners being positive.
o The Screening Committee will point out the strengths and weaknesses, if any, in
the reports. A copy of the report of Screening Committee without disclosing the
names of the examiners will be provided to the candidate for carrying out
necessary modifications including those of typing, references and factual errors
etc. before the Viva-Voce examination.
o Corrections/Shortcomings suggested by the external examiners (if any), should
be incorporated by the candidate in his/her Thesis. A certificate regarding
compliance of the suggested modifications should be submitted by the candidate
duly signed by him/her, Supervisor, Co-Supervisor (if any) and Head of the
department. This certificate should be counter-signed by Dean of the respective
o The procedure for conducting Viva-Voce examination of the candidate shall be
initiated only after submission of corrected Thesis (Hard-Bound) by the
candidate to the Head of the Department.
After the presentation by the candidate, questions will be asked to the candidate by
the Examiner. In case of delay in the conduct of Viva-Voce, the candidate or
Supervisor can approach the Dean Research for the needful.
In case an External Examiner is unable to conduct the Viva-Voce examination, a set
of questions will be obtained by the Dean Research and the Viva- Voce examination
will be conducted by an Examiner appointed by the Vice-Chancellor. A copy of the
Thesis will be sent to this Examiner.
In case report(s) of the Thesis sent by of the Examiner(s) are not favorable the viva-
voce examination of the candidate shall not be conducted.
The report about the performance of the candidate in the Viva-Voce examination
shall be recorded by the External Examiner(s) only.
After Viva-Voce examination each candidate shall submit the following to the
Thesis evaluation cell:
1. Library Copy of the Thesis. (Hard-Bound Form)
2. Two CDs of the Thesis
Each CD should have following folders/files :
Folder (1) Thesis
Folder (2) Abstract in English (PDF)
Folder (3) Abstract in Punjabi (PDF & Unicode)
Folder (4) Abstract in Hindi/Urdu PDF (If thesis in Hindi/Urdu)
Thesis Folder should have following files :
1 Title page (Scanned Copy) .pdf
2 Certificate (Scanned Copy) .pdf (Signed)
3 Preliminary pages (Includes the following)
(Declaration (Scanned Copy) .pdf (Signed), Acknowledgements
Scanned Copy) .pdf (Signed), Contents .pdf, List of Tables .pdf, List
of Figures .pdf. Abbrevations .pdf)
4 Chapter 1 .pdf
5 Chapter 2 .pdf
6 Chapter 3 .pdf
7 Chapter 4 .pdf upto last chapter make separate file of each chapter
8 Conclusion & Summary .pdf
9 References/Bibliography .pdf
10 Appendix/Annexure/Research Papers .pdf
11 List of publication (word file)
12 Cover page of each publications (pdf)
13 Plagiarism report pdf file.
NOTE : Number of chapter and their titles may vary depending upon thesubject requirement.
(a) If the two Examiners of the Thesis have recommended the award of
the Degree and the Viva-Voce Examiner having satisfied himself
on the basis of performance of the candidate in the oral examination,
that the candidate has written the Thesis himself, he/she may
recommend the Award of the Degree to the Research Award
Committee (RAC).
The RAC would consider the gist of reports prepared by the
Screening Committee as well as the report of the examiner who
conducted the Viva-Voce examination for arriving at a decision
with regard to the Award of the Degree.
(c) Each Supervisor is required to submit one PPT slide and one minute
Audio/Video highlighting the main achievements/novelty of the
Thesis before fixation of RAC date to the Thesis Evaluation Cell
1. Vice-Chancellor (Chairperson)
2. Dean, Academic Affairs
3. Dean Research
4. Associate Dean Research
5. Dean of the Faculty
6. All Heads of the Departments in the Faculty and one Professor from
each Department in the Faculty by rotation according to seniority for a
term of two years.
7. Concerned Supervisor of the candidate.
The quorum for all the committees and the Board provided herein shall
be one third of the total strength with at least three persons including
Chairman/Convener. In such cases where Supervisor/Head of the
Department/Dean of Faculty is the same person, one or two persons
may be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, depending upon the case.
Annexure - I
Candidate Name:
Head of Department,
(Name & Designation)
Annexure - II
Policy on Plagiarism
Punjabi University, Patiala aims to foster and maintain an ethos of honesty
and academic integrity. All staff and students have an obligation to act in an
ethical manner, consistent with the requirements of academic integrity.
Punjabi University, Patiala has a well defined policy on plagiarism in place in
order to avoid acts of academic dishonesty.
Plagiarism is a serious academic offence that may be easy to commit
unintentionally, it is defined by the act not the intention. It is the
responsibility of all students to familiarize themselves with the University's
policy on plagiarism. The students are advised to seek guidance from their
teachers/ staff member.
The aim of the policy document is to provide a definition of plagiarism and
the procedures adopted by the University for detection of plagiarism.
This policy applies to Synopsis for Ph.D./dissertations/Thesis/project
reports submitted by students of Ph.D., M.Phil., M.Tech., master
General Guidelines
These guidelines are provided to assist the student and the faculty in
ensuring a plagiarism free dissertation.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the
dissertation/Thesis is free of plagiarism which means that no part of the
dissertation has been copied from other sources and all sources used for the
dissertation have been properly cited.
All students are required to check their theses, project reports, etc. through
plagiarism detection software. The Supervisors are required to sit with their
students and run the Thesis or project report through plagiarism detection
software in order to provide guidance on any revisions that may be required
as a result of this process.
Compliance Statements:
All students are required to submit a signed statement that they are
aware of the plagiarism policy of the University and no part of their work be
it assignment, term paper, project report, Thesis or dissertation etc. is not
copied in any form and it is their own creation.
Candidate shall submit the report generated on the plagiarism checking
software of his draft Thesis along with a soft copy of the draft Thesis for the
consideration of Departmental Research Committee.
Supervisors must sign the relevant forms indicating that the student
has indeed run their work through a plagiarism detection software.
Software Settings
While performing the plagiarism check using a software the following
optional settings may invariably be set to reduce the percentage of matching.
Exclude Quotations, methodology, legal quotes, bibliography, phrases.
Exclude Small Matches up to 10 word counts. (This is to exclude the
matching of common phrases and established facts related to the topic
which may come across the documents)
Exclude Small similarity less than 1%.
Exclude Mathematical, statistical and scientific Formula
Exclude the title of the paper, name of the institute, Department,
author name etc. from screening to reduce the percentage of
Exclude one's own published work
Practical Orientation
Practical orientation on the use of the software will be provided by the
Computer Centre. The interested staff/students may contact Director,
Computer Centre for Plagiarism Detection Service.
Materials to be screened
It is mandatory to screen through plagiarism detection software the
Ph.D. Thesis, postgraduate dissertations, project reports before submission
to Punjabi University, Patiala i.e. before presenting the pre- submission
The faculty, staff and students are also encouraged to screen all the
research papers they prepare to communicate to national and international
journals and research proposals/reports to different agencies.
Examples of Fabrication:
In the social sciences, a researcher/interviewer completing a
questionnaire for a fictitious subject that was never interviewed.
In the biological sciences, the creation of a data set for an
experiment that was never actually conducted. The practice of
adding fictitious data to a real data set collected during an
actual experiment for the purpose of providing additional
statistical validity.
In clinical research the insertion of a clinical note into the
research record to indicate compliance with an element of the
Examples of Falsification
Falsification is manipulating research materials, equipment, or
processes, or changing or omitting/suppressing data or results
such that the research is not accurately represented in the
research record.
Guidelines on Do’s:
Only one’s original work to be submitted,
Precise and accurate citation of others’ work,
Any downloaded information from internet to be appropriately
Submitted material should not contain any artwork, pictures,
and graphics from someone else’s work and such materials
should be authentic with no use of others’ electronic storage
Guidelines on Don’ts:
The following must be avoided unless source of material/information
is credited appropriately:
Direct or indirect copying,
Any act of translation without proper accreditation ,
Paraphrasing others’ work,
Tweaking and piecing together work of others,
Resubmission of one’s own or someone else’s work,
Claim of a collaborative work without consent from the
concerned collaborator(s) (includes unauthorized collaboration
and claiming a collaborative work as an independent one or vice
Ghost writing – i.e. writing a document(s) on someone’s behalf.
Annexure - III
The Researcher would be required to adhere to the following standards for submission
of Ph.D. Thesis:
Thesis text: 12 pt, For Gurmukhi: Unicode, for English: Times New Roman /
Arial; line 1.5 spacing
Chapter title: 18 – 24 pt size, bold
Main Section Headings: 14 pt size, bold.
Second Headings: 12 pt size, bold, cap
Sub headings: 12 pt size, bold, sentence case.
Foot note: The footnote (if any) shall be typed 1.5 spaced with Font Size 10
Margins: Odd page: Left- 4 cm; top, bottom and right- 2.5 cm.
Even page: Right- 4 cm; top, bottom and left-2.5 cm. These are
necessary to allow for binding and trimming.
Page Numbering: All pages of the Thesis shall be on the right bottom of the
page in format (Page 1 of 100) except the preliminary pages which shall
be numbered in lower case Roman Numerical (ii, iii, iv ….).
Supervisor’s CERTIFICATE
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to
the best of my/our knowledge.