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PACSystems™ RX3i

GFK-2329T Central Processing Unit
December 18, 2007

The RX3i CPU can be used to perform real time control of CPU OK
machines, processes, and material handling systems. The RUN
CPU communicates with the programmer and HMI OUTPUTS DISABLED
devices via a serial port using SNP Slave protocol. It I/O FORCE
communicates with I/O and Intelligent Option modules BATTERY
over a dual backplane bus that provides: SYSTEM FAULT CPU310
■ High-speed, PCI backplane for fast throughput of new RESET
advanced I/O. STOP ENABLE

■ Serial backplane for easy migration of existing


■ Contains 10 Mbytes of battery-backed user memory
and 10 Mbytes of non-volatile flash user memory. COM1 ACTIVE
■ Provides access to bulk memory using reference
table %W.
■ Configurable data and program memory.
■ Programming in Ladder Diagram, Structured Text,
Function Block Diagram, and C.
■ Supports auto-located Symbolic Variables that can
use any amount of user memory.
■ Reference table sizes include 32Kbits for discrete %I BATT
and %Q and up to 32Kwords each for analog %AI
and %AQ.
■ Supports most Series 90-30 modules and expansion
racks. For a list of supported I/O, Communications,
Motion, and Intelligent modules, see the PACSystems
RX3i Hardware and Installation Manual, GFK-2314.
Ordering Information
■ Supports up to 512 program blocks. Maximum size for
Description Catalog Number
a block is 128KB.
RX3i VME 300Mhz CPU IC695CPU310
■ Bit-in-word referencing allows you to specify individual
Lithium Battery Pack IC698ACC701
bits in a WORD reference in retentive memory as
inputs and outputs of Boolean expressions, function Auxiliary Battery Module (optional) IC693ACC302
blocks, and calls that accept bit parameters. RX3i Power Supplies
40 Watt High Capacity Universal AC IC695PSA040
■ In-system upgradeable firmware.
40 Watt High Capacity 24 VDC IC695PSD040
■ Two serial ports: an RS-485 serial port and an For additional power supplies, see the
RS-232 serial port. PACSystems RX3i System Manual,
■ Ethernet communications via the rack-based Ethernet
[Optional] RS-232 Cable IC200CBL001
Interface module (IC695ETM001). For details on
Ethernet capabilities, refer to TCP/IP Ethernet Rx3i Standard 12 Slot Rack IC695CHS012
Communications for PACSystems User’s Manual, Rx3i Standard 16 Slot Rack IC695CHS016
GFK-2224. Note: For Conformal Coat option, please consult the
■ PLC time synchronization to SNTP Time Server on factory for price and availability.
Ethernet network when used with Ethernet Release
5.0 or later module.
2 RX3i CPU

Operation, Protection, and Module Status Firmware Storage in Flash Memory

Operation of this module can be controlled by the three- This CPU uses non-volatile flash memory for storing the
position RUN/STOP switch or remotely by an attached operating system firmware. This allows firmware to be
programmer and programming software. Program and updated without disassembling the module or replacing
configuration data can be locked through software EPROMs. The operating system firmware is updated by
passwords. The status of the CPU is indicated by the eight connecting a PC compatible computer to the module’s
CPU LEDs on the front of the module. (See “LED Operation” RS-232 serial port and running the software included with
on page 5) the firmware upgrade kit.

Battery Installation
A three-cell lithium battery
It is the responsibility of the OEM, system integrator, or end
pack (IC698ACC701) is
user to properly install the control system equipment for safe
installed as shown in the
and reliable operation. Product manuals provide detailed
figure below. The battery
information about installation, startup, and proper use of the
maintains program and data
control system equipment.
memory when power is
removed and operates the Installation should not be attempted without referring to the
calendar clock. When PACSystems RX3i Hardware and Installation Manual,
replacing the battery, be GFK-2314.
sure to install a new battery 1. Make sure that rack power is off.
before disconnecting the old
one. 2. Install the CPU module in rack 0. The CPU requires two
slots and can use any slots except the highest
Disposal of lithium numbered (rightmost) slot. Ensure mounting screws are
batteries must be done in tightened to completely secure the CPU in the rack.
accordance with federal,
3. Turn on power. The module should power up. When the
state, and local
CPU has successfully completed initialization, the OK
regulations. Be sure to
LED stays on and the RUN and EN LEDs are off. The
consult with the appropriate
CPU is now ready to be programmed.
regulatory agencies before
disposing of batteries. 4. Connect the battery to either of the battery connectors
on the module. (You can connect the battery at any step
To avoid loss of RAM Mode Switch and Battery Compartment in the installation process but it will begin to drain
memory contents, routine maintenance procedures should immediately unless power is applied. To maximize
include scheduled replacement of the CPU’s lithium battery battery life, install it after power has been turned on).
pack. For information on estimating battery life, refer to the
PACSystems CPU Reference Manual, GFK-2222. After the program has been verified, the mode switch can be
moved to the appropriate operation mode position: RUN I/O
User RAM Memory
indicate the position of the mode switch and status of serial
The CPU has 10 Mbytes of battery-backed CMOS RAM port activity. For details, see “LED Operation” on page 5.
memory for user data (program, configuration, register data,
and symbolic variable) storage.

User Flash Memory

The CPU has 10 Mbytes of built-in flash memory for user
data (program, configuration, register data, and symbolic
variable) storage. Use of this flash memory is optional.
RX3i CPU 3

Programmer Connection Serial Cable Lengths and Shielding

The connection from a CPU serial port COM1 to the serial
The programmer can communicate with the CPU via the
port on a computer or other serial device requires a serial
serial port 1, serial port 2, or the rack-based Ethernet
cable. This connection can be made with the IC200CBL001
cable kit or you can build cables to fit the needs of your
If you connect your programmer via an Ethernet TCP/IP particular application. See the PACSystems CPU Reference
network, you will need a CAT5 standard Ethernet cable with Manual, GFK-2222 for more information on serial
RJ-45 connectors. Before connecting the programmer and communications, cables, and converters.
RX3i to the Ethernet TCP/IP network you must set the IP
Maximum cable lengths (the total length from the CPU to the
address, using the Initial IP Address software tool. After
last device attached to the serial cable) are:
setting the IP address, connect the RX3i and the computer
running the programming software to the Ethernet Interface. ■ Port 1 (RS-232) – 15 meters (50 ft.), shielded cable
For detailed information on programmer connection via optional
Ethernet TCP/IP, refer to the TCP/IP Ethernet ■ Port 2 (RS-485) – 1200 meters (4000 ft.), shielded cable
Communications for PACSystems User’s Manual, required

For a description of programming functions, consult Port 1

Proficy™ Machine Edition Logic Developer-PLC Getting
Port 1 (COM1) is RS-232 compatible. It has a 9-pin, female,
Started, GFK-1918 and the software online help.
D-sub connector with a standard pin out. This is a DCE (data
communications equipment) port that allows a simple
Serial Ports straight-through cable to connect with a standard AT-style
RS-232 port.
The CPU has two independent, on-board serial ports,
accessed by connectors on the front of the module. These The COM1 Active LED provides the status of serial port
ports provide serial interfaces to external devices. activity.
Protocols Supported Port 1 RS-232 Signals
Protocol Port 1 Port 2 Pin Signal
RTU (slave) Yes Yes
Number Name Description

SNP Slave Yes Yes 1* NC No Connection

Serial I/O Yes Yes 2 TXD Transmit Data
Firmware Upgrade RX3i in STOP/No I/O mode 3 RXD Receive Data
Message Mode Yes Yes 4 DSR Data Set Ready
(C Runtime Library Functions: 5 0V Signal Ground
serial read, serial write, sscanf,
sprintf) 6 DTR Data Terminal Ready
7 CTS Clear To Send
8 RTS Request to Send
Serial Port Baud Rates
9 NC No Connection
Port 1 Port 2 * Pin 1 is at the bottom right of the connector as viewed from the
Protocol (RS-232) (RS-485) front of the module.
Modbus RTU 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 57.6K,
Slave protocol 115.2K
Message 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 57.6K,
Firmware 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 57.6K, 115.2K
Upgrade via
SNP Slave 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 57.6K,
Serial I/O 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 38.4K, 57.6K,
4 RX3i CPU

Port 2 Configuration
Port 2 (COM2) is RS-485 compatible. Port 2 has a 15-pin, The RX3i CPU and I/O system is configured with Machine
female D-sub connector. This port does not support the Edition PLC-Logic Developer programming software.
RS-485 to RS-232 adapter (IC690ACC901). This is a DCE
port. The CPU verifies the actual module and rack configuration at
power-up and periodically during operation. The actual
The COM2 Active LED provides the status of serial port configuration must be the same as the programmed
activity. configuration. Deviations are reported to the CPU alarm
processor function for configured fault response. Refer to the
Port 2 RS-485 Signals
Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer-PLC Getting
Pin Signal Started Manual, GFK-1918 and the online help for a
No. Name Description description of configuration functions.
1* Shield Cable Shield
2 NC No Connection Ethernet Global Data (EGD)
3 NC No Connection
Each RX3i CPU supports up to 255 simultaneous Ethernet
4 NC No Connection
Global Data (EGD) exchanges across all Ethernet interfaces
5 +5VDC Logic Power**
in the PLC. EGD exchanges must be configured in the
6 RTS(A) Differential Request to Send programming software and stored into the CPU. The EGD
7 0V Signal Ground configuration can also be loaded from the CPU into the
8 CTS(B‘) Differential Clear To Send programming software. Both produced and consumed
9*** RT Resistor Termination exchanges can be configured. RX3i CPUs support using
10** RD(A‘) Differential Receive Data only part of a consumed EGD exchange. EGD exchange
production and consumption can use the broadcast IP
11 RD(B‘) Differential Receive Data
address of the local subnet.
12 SD(A) Differential Send Data
13 SD(B) Differential Send Data The RX3i CPU supports 2msec EGD exchange production
14 RTS(B) Differential Request To Send and timeout resolution. RX3i EGD exchanges can be
configured for a production period of 0, indicating the
15 CTS(A’) Differential Clear To Send
exchange is to be produced every output scan. These “as
* Pin 1 is at the bottom right of the connector as viewed from the
fast as possible” exchanges are not produced more often
front of the module.
than 2msec. RX3i CPUs support enhanced EGD freshness,
** Pin 5 provides isolated +5VDC power (300mA maximum) for
powering external options. providing better EGD timeliness than Series 90-30 CPU
*** Termination resistance for the RD A’ signal should be products.
connected on units at the end of the line. To make this
termination, connect a jumper between pins 9 and 10 inside During EGD configuration, RX3i Ethernet interfaces are
the 15-pin D-shell. identified by their Rack/Slot location.

Firmware Upgrades
The CPU receives firmware upgrades through a CPU serial
port. To install a firmware upgrade, connect WinLoader to
the CPU RS-232 or RS-485 serial port. Since you are
connecting directly to the CPU, there is no need to specify
the Rack/Slot location. For upgrades to intelligent option
modules (the IC695ETM001, for example), which are
performed indirectly via the CPU serial port, you must
specify a rack/slot location.
RX3i CPU 5

LED Operation
The following table lists the CPU LED functions during normal operation (after initialization sequence is complete).
LED State
CPU Operating State
On Blinking Off
CPU OK On CPU has passed its powerup diagnostics and is functioning properly.
CPU OK Off CPU problem. RUN and OUTPUTS ENABLED LEDs may be blinking in an error
code pattern, which can be used by technical support for troubleshooting. This
condition and any error codes should be reported to your technical support
CPU OK, OUTPUTS ENABLED, CPU is in boot mode and is waiting for a firmware update through serial port.
RUN Blinking in unison
RUN On CPU is in Run mode
RUN Off CPU is in Stop mode.
OUTPUTS ENABLED On Output scan is enabled.
OUTPUTS ENABLED Off Output scan is disabled.
I/O FORCE On Override is active on a bit reference.
BATTERY Blinking Battery is low.
BATTERY On Battery is dead or not attached.
SYSTEM FAULT On CPU is in Stop/Faulted or Stop/Halted mode.
COM1 Blinking Signal activity on port.
COM2 Blinking

Battery: Memory retention For estimated battery life under various conditions, refer to the PACSystems CPU
Reference Manual, GFK-2222.
Program storage Up to 10 Mbytes of battery-backed RAM
10 Mbytes of non-volatile flash user memory
Power requirements +3.3 VDC: 1.25 Amps nominal
+5 VDC: 1.0 Amps nominal
Operating Temperature 0 to 60°C (32°F to 140°F)
Floating point Yes
Boolean execution speed, typical 0.195ms per 1000 Boolean contacts/coils
Time of Day Clock accuracy Maximum drift of 2 seconds per day
Elapsed Time Clock (internal timing) 0.01% maximum
Embedded communications RS-232, RS-485
Serial Protocols supported Modbus RTU Slave, SNP, Serial I/O
Backplane Dual backplane bus support: RX3i PCI and 90-30-style serial
PCI compatibility System designed to be electrically compliant with PCI 2.2 standard
Program blocks Up to 512 program blocks. Maximum size for a block is 128KB.
Memory %I and %Q: 32Kbits for discrete
%AI and %AQ: configurable up to 32Kwords
%W: configurable up to the maximum available user RAM
Symbolic: configurable up to 10 Mbytes
* For environmental specifications and compliance to standards (for example, FCC or European Union Directives), refer to
the PACSystems RX3i Hardware and Installation Manual, GFK-2314.
6 RX3i CPU

Release Information
Firmware release 5.02 fixes an issue where Series 90-30 Intelligent Option modules in the main rack do not transition to stop
mode after a “Loss of Module” fault is logged. For details, refer to “Problems Resolved by this Revision (Firmware Release
5.02)” on page 7.

IC695CPU310 can be field-upgraded to firmware version 5.02 using the firmware upgrade utility. The upgrade kit,
44A752290-G17, can be downloaded at no charge from http://support.gefanuc.com or purchased.

Release History
Catalog Number Firmware Version Date
IC695CPU310-ER 5.02 Dec. 07
IC695CPU310-EP 5.00 Aug. 07
IC695CPU310-EN 3.83 Nov. 06
IC695CPU310-EM 3.82 Jul. 06
IC695CPU310-EL 3.81 May 06
IC695CPU310-DK 3.52 Jan. 06
IC695CPU310-DJ 3.51 Nov. 05
IC695CPU310-DH 3.50 Sep. 05
IC695CPU310-CG 3.12 Aug. 05
IC695CPU310-CF 3.11 Jun. 05
IC695CPU310-CD 3.00 Apr. 05
IC695CPU310-CC 2.90 Dec. 04
IC695CPU310-CB 2.80 Nov. 04
IC695CPU310-CB 2.51 Nov. 04
IC695CPU310-BB 2.51 Jul. 04
IC695CPU310-AA 2.50 (initial release) Jun. 04
RX3i CPU 7

CPU Functional Compatibility

Subject Description
Programmer Version Proficy® Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.7 is required to use the new Release 5.0 features
Requirements with the RX3i CPU.
Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.5 with Service Pack 2 Sim 4 is required to use the
new CMM serial modules with the RX3i CPU.
Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.5 with Service Pack 1 is required to use the 8 ETM
feature with the RX3i CPU.
Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.5 or later must be used to for new features in
PACSystems 3.50 and later.
Proficy Machine Edition Logic Developer 5.0 or later must be used to configure and program
the RX3i. Service Pack 3 is required to support the new features in PACSystems 3.00.
C Toolkit Compatibility C Toolkit Release 5.00 Build 16C1 is required when the PACSystems CPU contains firmware
Release 5.00 or later.
C Toolkit Release 3.50 Build 34A1 is required for new features in PACSystems Release 3.50
and later (Use of variables in C Blocks).
The C Toolkit for PACSystems is also distributed with Proficy® Machine Edition Logic
Developer 5.0 or greater. Toolkit Release 2.50 build 50A1 or later is required for use with the
RX3i. Please note: The Series 90 Toolkit (IC641SWP709/719) is not compatible with
Note: All C blocks must be recompiled using the new toolkit before downloading to a PLC
CPU that contains Release 5.00 firmware.
Backplanes, power As listed in the PACSystems RX3i System Manual, GFK-2314C or later.
supplies and system

Problems Resolved by this Revision (Firmware Release 5.02)

Subject Description
Series 90-30 Intelligent In earlier firmware versions, the RX3i CPU does not notify a Series 90-30 Intelligent Option
Option modules in a main Module in the main rack when the CPU has transitioned to STOP mode if the CPU has logged a
rack do not transition to Loss of Module fault against that module. When this condition occurs any Series 90-30
stop mode after a “Loss of Intelligent Option module that has a “Loss of Module” fault logged against it will continue to drive
Module” fault is logged outputs when the CPU (and the system) has stopped.
This issue is corrected in Release 5.02
8 RX3i CPU

CPU Restrictions and Open Issues

Subject Description
Battery installation When installing a new battery, when there currently is no battery installed, the battery
must be installed while the CPU has power. Failing to follow this procedure could
result in the CPU not powering up.
If a battery is installed while power is off (and there was no battery previously
installed), and the CPU fails to power up, simply remove the battery, power cycle the
CPU and then install the battery.
Hot Swapping some Analog Occasionally during a hot insertion (hot swap) of IC695 Non-Isolated Analog Input
modules slowly may result in Modules, input channels may take up to 2 seconds to reflect actual input values after
modules not being recognized the module OK bit is enabled in the module status word. This delay has only occurred
when the hot insertion has been done slowly (i.e. approximately 1.5 seconds to insert
the module)
Ethernet Disconnect During If the Ethernet connection is broken during a word-for-word change, the programmer
Word-for-Word Change may not allow a subsequent word-for-word change after reconnecting due to the fact
that it thinks another programmer is currently attached. If this occurs, you should go
offline and then back online again.
Simultaneous Clears, Loads Currently, PACSystems CPUs do not support multiple programmers changing CPU
and Stores Not Supported contents at the same time. The programming software may generate an error during
the operation. Simultaneous loads from a single PLC are allowed.
Hardware Configuration and If no user logic exists in the CPU RAM when a write to flash is performed, the CPU
Initial Values May Not Load may not properly load from flash after a power cycle. In order to guarantee proper
From Flash power up from flash, insure that both hardware configuration and logic have been
stored to RAM before writing to flash.
Power Cycle During Write to If the CPU is power cycled during the process of writing to flash, and is configured to
Flash power up from flash, a fault will be generated on power up.
Hardware Configuration Not If the user stores a hardware configuration to flash that sets “Logic/Config Power up
Equal After Changing Target Source” to “Always Flash” or “Conditional Flash” and then subsequently changes the
Name name of the target in the programming software, the hardware configuration will go Not
Equal and will not Verify as equal.
PLC and IO Fault Tables May Both PLC and IO fault tables may need to be cleared to take the CPU out of Stop/Fault
Need to be Cleared Twice to mode. If one of the tables contains a recurring fault, the order in which the tables are
Clear Faulted State cleared may be significant. If the CPU is still in Stop/Fault mode after both tables are
cleared, try clearing the fault tables again.
Setting Force On/Off by Once a force on or force off has been stored to the PLC, the user cannot switch from
Storing Initial Value force on to force off or vice-versa directly by downloading initial values. The user can
turn off the force by doing a download, and then change the force on or off by another
Number of Active Programs The SNP request Return Controller Type and ID currently returns the number of active
Returned as Zero programs as zero.
Serial I/O Failure at 115K Rare data corruption errors have been seen on serial communications when running at
During Heavy Interrupt Load 115K under heavy interrupt load on the PLC. Under heavy load applications, users
should restrict serial communications to 57K or lower.
SNP ID not always provided Unlike the Series 90-30, the RX3i CPU’s SNP ID will not appear in the Machine Edition
programmer Show Status display. Service Request 11 will always return zeros.
Second programmer can While currently active in a Test and Edit session using Machine Edition on one PC,
change logic while in Test & Machine Edition running on another PC is not prevented from storing new logic to the
Edit mode PLC.
Must Have Logic If Powering- If the application will configure the CPU to retrieve the contents of flash memory at
Up From Flash power-up, be sure to include logic along with hardware configuration when saving to
flash memory.
Two loss of module faults for Occasionally, the hot removal of the Universal Analog Input Module (IC695ALG600)
Universal Analog Module results in two “Loss of I/O Module” faults instead of one.
RX3i CPU 9

Subject Description
Power up of HSC may take as As power is applied to a 90-30 High-Speed Counter, the "module ready" bit in the
long as 20 seconds status bits returned each sweep from the module may not be set for as long as 20
seconds after the first PLC sweep, even though there is no "loss of module" indication.
I/O data exchanged with the module is not meaningful until this bit is set by the
module. For details, see “Data Transfer Between High Speed Counter and CPU” in the
Series 90-30 High Speed Counter User’s Manual, GFK-0293C.
Info fault at power up Intermittently during power-up, an Informational non-critical CPU software fault may be
generated with fault extra data of 01 91 01 D6. This fault will have no effect on the
normal operation of the PLC. But, if the hardware watchdog timer expires after this
fault and before power has been cycled again, then the outputs of I/O modules may
hold their last state, rather than defaulting to zero.
Extended Memory Types for IO %R, %W and %M cannot be used as IO triggers.
Possible Machine Edition Infrequently, an attempt to connect a programmer to a PLC via Ethernet will be
inability to connect unsuccessful. The normal connection retry dialog will not be displayed. Rebooting the
computer that is running the programmer will resolve the behavior.
SNP Update Datagram If an Update Datagram message requests 6 or less bits or bytes of data, the PLC will
message return a Completion Ack without Text Buffer. The protocol specifies that the returned
data will be in the Completion Ack message, but it may not be.
GBC30 may not resume In rare instances, a GBC30 in an expansion rack may not resume normal operation
operation after power cycle after a power cycle of either the expansion rack or the main rack.
Configuration of third-party Do not specify a length of 0 in the configuration of a third-party module. The module
modules will not work properly in the system.
Power supply status after CPU The PLC will report a “Loss of or missing option module” fault for the IC695PSD140
firmware update RX3i power supply following an update of PLC CPU firmware. Also, the slot will
appear empty in the programmer’s online status detail view. The power supply
continues to operate normally. Power cycle to restore normal status reporting.
Power supply status after Rarely, turning a power supply on or off may not result in an add or loss fault. Also, the
power cycling slot will appear empty in the programmer’s online status detail view. The power supply
continues to operate normally. Power cycle to restore normal status reporting.
Don’t use multiple targets In a system in which the hardware configuration is stored from one target and logic is
stored from a different target, powering-up from flash will not work. The observed
behavior is that, following a power up from flash, ME reports hardware configuration
and logic "not equal".
Missing “Loss of terminal The IC695ALG600/608/616 analog input modules do not produce a “Loss of terminal
block” fault block” fault when hardware configuration is stored or the module is hot-inserted, and
the terminal block is not locked into place.
Sequence Store Failure In systems with very large hardware configurations, it is possible to encounter a “PLC
Sequence Store Failure” error when writing the configuration to flash. To work around
this error, either:
1. Perform an explicit clear of flash prior to performing the write.
2. Increase the operation timeout used by Machine Edition software prior to
performing the write.
IC694MDL754: Must configure Always configure 16 bits of module status when using this module. Configuring 0 bits
module status bits of module status will result in invalid data in the module’s ESCP status bits.
IC695ALG600 Lead Resistance A configuration store operation will fail if a channel is configured for 3-wire RTD and
Compensation setting Lead Resistance Compensation is set to Disabled. A Loss of Module fault will be
logged in the I/O Fault table at the end of the store operation. To recover the lost
module, the configuration must be changed to enable Lead Resistance Compensation
and module must be power cycled.
C Toolkit PlcMemCopy This routine does allow the destination and source pointers to be outside of reference
Documentation Incorrect memory. If the destination points to discrete reference memory, overrides and
transitions will be honored. Note that the header for PlcMemCopy has been updated in
Release 3.50 of the C toolkit.
10 RX3i CPU

Subject Description
Flash clear operation may fail Occasionally flash clears may fail when the CPU is configured to load hardware config
unexpectedly and logic from flash with a battery attached. If this occurs, remove the battery and
power cycle to resolve the issue.
WinLoader may stop operating On computers running Windows 2000 and using some versions of Symantec Antivirus
protection, WinLoader will fail if used in advanced mode. Recovery requires cycling
the computer's power.
Storing a Configuration w/EGD Storing a configuration that causes a mismatch for an Ethernet module with EGD
to Mismatched Module configured causes the CPU to get into a state where all future stores will fail. The
Prevents Future Stores remedy is pulling the battery and power cycling.

CPU Operational Notes

Subject Description
Length of Serial I/O (Release 5.0 or later) The "Set Up Input Buffer Function" always allocates a buffer containing
buffer 2049 bytes. This is one byte more than previous PACSystems releases.
Important The CPU unit is shipped with the battery located behind the battery door on the faceplate, but not
Installation connected. Do not connect the battery until the CPU is installed in the rack and the rack is
Instructions for powered on. The battery may then be attached to either of the two terminals in the battery
Battery compartment. Once that is done, the CPU may be powered down and normal battery backup
operation will begin. To save battery life, do not connect the battery for the first time until the CPU
is powered up.
Changing IP Storing a hardware configuration with a new IP address to the RX3i while connected via Ethernet
Address of Ethernet will succeed, then immediately disconnect because the RX3i is now using a different IP address
Interface While than the Programmer. You must enter a new IP address in the Target Properties in the Machine
Connected Edition Inspector window before reconnecting.
Duplicate Station The default serial protocol for the RX3i is Modbus RTU. The default Station Address is 1. If the
Address for Modbus PLC is added to a multi-drop network, care must be taken that the PLC is configured with a
Will Conflict with unique Station Address. Nodes with duplicate Station Addresses on the same network will not
Other Nodes work correctly.
Timer Operation Care should be taken when timers (ONDTR, TMR, and OFDTR) are used in program blocks that
are NOT called every sweep. The timers accumulate time across calls to the sub-block unless
they are reset. This means that they function like timers operating in a program with a much
slower sweep than the timers in the main program block. For program blocks that are inactive for
large periods of time, the timers should be programmed in such a manner as to account for this
catch up feature.
Related to this are timers that are skipped because of the use of the JUMP instruction. Timers
that are skipped will NOT catch up and will therefore not accumulate time in the same manner as
if they were executed every sweep.
Constant Sweep Constant Sweep time, when used, should be set at least 10 milliseconds greater than the normal
sweep time to avoid any over-sweep conditions when monitoring or performing on-line changes
with the programmer. Window completion faults will occur if the constant sweep setting is not
high enough.
Large Number of A large number of COMMREQs (typically greater than 8) sent to a given board in the same sweep
COMMREQs Sent to may cause Module Software faults to be logged in the PLC fault table. The fault group is
Module in One MOD_OTHR_SOFTWR (16t, 10h) and the error code is COMMREQ_MB_FULL_START (2).
Sweep Causes When this occurs, the “FT” output of the function block will also be set. To prevent this situation,
Faults COMMREQs issued to a given board should be spread across multiple sweeps so that only a
limited number (typically 8 or less) of COMMREQs are sent to a given board in each sweep. In
addition, the FT output parameter should be checked for errors. If the FT output is set (meaning
an error has been detected), the COMM_REQ could be re-issued by the application logic.
C Block Standard In C Blocks, standard math functions (e.g. sqrt, pow, asin, acos) do not set errno to the correct
Math Functions Do value and do not return the correct value if an invalid input is provided.
Not Set errno
RX3i CPU 11

Subject Description
Upgrading Firmware The process of upgrading the CPU firmware with the WinLoader utility may fail when multiple IO
modules are in the main rack, due to the time it takes to power cycle the rack system. If the
upgrade process fails, move the CPU to a rack without IO modules and restart the upgrade
Winloader initial connect baud rate is fixed at 19200 baud. Note that the firmware download will
occur at 115.2K baud by default.
Note that if you have hyperterm open on a port, and then try to use Winloader on the same port,
Winloader will often say “Waiting for Target” until the hyperterm session is closed.
Hot Swap Hot Swap of power supplies or CPUs is not supported in this release
Serial Port With the following combination of circumstances, it is possible to render serial communications
Configuration with the CPU impossible:
COMMREQs User configuration disables the Run/Stop switch
User configures the power up mode to Run or Last
Logic is stored in FLASH and user configures CPU to load from FLASH on power up
User application issues COMMREQs that set the protocol on both of the serial ports to
something that does not permit communications to the ME programmer.
Incorrect The program name for PACSystems is always "LDPROG1". When another program name is used
COMMREQ Status in a COMM_REQ accessing %L memory, an Invalid Block Name (05D5) error is generated.
For Invalid Program
FANUC I/O Master Scan sets on the master do not work properly for the first operation of the scan set after entering
and Slave operation RUN mode. They do work properly for subsequent scans.
After downloading a new hardware configuration and logic, a power cycle may be required to
resume FANUC I/O operation.
Use PLCs of similar performance in FANUC I/O networks. If a master or slave is located in an
RX3i system, the other PLCs should be RX3is or Series 90-30 CPU374s.
Repeated power up/down cycles of an expansion rack containing FANUC I/O slaves may result in
failure of the slaves’ operation, with the RDY LED off.
Lost count at power The serial IO Processor (IC693APU305) will lose the first count after every power up or every
up for Serial IO time the module receives a configuration.
COMMREQ Status In previous releases, the CPU allowed configuration of COMMREQ Status Words in bit memory
Words Declared in types on a non-byte-aligned boundary. Even though the given reference was not byte-aligned,
Bit Memory Types the firmware would adjust it the next-lowest byte boundary before updating status bits, overwriting
Must Be Byte- the bits between the alignment boundary and specified location. To ensure that the application
Aligned operates as expected, release 3.50 requires configuration of COMMREQ Status Words in bit
memory types to be byte-aligned. For example if the user specified status bit location of %I3, the
CPU aligns the status bit location at %I1. Release 3.50 firmware requires the user to specify the
appropriate aligned address (%I1) to ensure that the utilized location is appropriate for their
application. Note that the actual reference location utilized is not changed, but now is explicitly
stated for the user.
12 RX3i CPU

Installation in Hazardous Locations

The following information is for products bearing the UL marking for Hazardous Locations:
The tightening torque range for the control terminals is 9.6-11.5 in. lb. Use only wire rated for 90°C. Be sure to
observe any additional ratings that are provided with the modules.
Batteries: Replace Battery with Matsushita Part No. BR2477A Only. Use of another battery may present a risk
of fire or explosion.” “Caution, Battery may explode if mistreated. DO NOT recharge, disassemble or dispose
of in fire.” The correct battery type is available as Accessory Kit IC698ACC701.

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