BM 306 Unit 1
BM 306 Unit 1
BM 306 Unit 1
select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy their
businesses understand why consumers make certain choices and how they can influence
and shelter) and wants (desires for specific products or experiences). Understanding
the distinction between needs and wants is crucial for businesses when designing
their offerings.
needs, safety, social belonging, esteem, and self-actualization (as per Maslow's
impact their buying choices. Factors like branding, packaging, and advertising
beliefs about products or brands. These can be based on personal experiences, word-
marketing efforts.
5. Consumers gather information before making a
decision. They may rely on various sources, such as personal experiences, online
how consumers process and interpret this information is essential for marketers.
groups, and other societal factors can significantly affect consumer behaviour. For
promotional campaigns.
Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers and brand advocates.
Businesses need to align their offerings and practices with these concerns to attract
strategies, improve customer satisfaction, and build long-lasting relationships with their
target audience. It involves analysing both the individual and collective factors that drive
gain insights into various phenomena. In the context of business, marketing, and many other
fields, research plays a crucial role. Here's an overview of the nature, need, and strategies
uncover facts, patterns, and relationships rather than relying on personal opinions or
5. Ethical: Ethical considerations are essential in research to ensure the rights and
research outcomes.
aim to address. This sets the direction for the entire research process.
and research to understand what is already known and identify gaps in knowledge.
their privacy.
your research methods and results to ensure the accuracy and trustworthiness of your
revisit and refine your research design, data collection, or analysis based on initial
customer preferences, habits, and trends. Several methods and tools are commonly used to
more in-depth questioning and can be used to collect both quantitative and
qualitative data.
ended questions.
• Tools like Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics provide data on website
observe their impact on consumer behaviour. For example, A/B testing can
insights into product satisfaction, features that resonate with customers, and
• Businesses can purchase market research reports from specialized firms like
• Leveraging large datasets, businesses can apply machine learning and data
The choice of method depends on the research objectives, budget, and the specific aspects
of consumer behavior you aim to measure. Often, a combination of methods is used to gain
socioeconomic and cultural aspects, as India is a country of vast complexity and rich
diversity. Here are key socioeconomic and cultural factors that influence the Indian
consumer market:
middle class with rising disposable income is driving consumption of goods and
changing consumer preferences. Urban consumers tend to have higher incomes and
Understanding the needs and preferences of rural consumers is crucial for businesses
transportation and access to electricity and the internet, affect consumer access to
Religious beliefs and festivals influence consumption patterns, especially for items
Diwali, Eid, Christmas, and Holi. These occasions drive increased spending on gifts,
from traditional attire to Western clothing. The fashion industry must adapt to these
television shows and music, play a significant role in shaping popular culture and
consumer trends.
friendly products.
Businesses operating in the Indian consumer market need to recognize and adapt to these
socioeconomic and cultural factors. Successful market entry and marketing strategies often
involve localization, cultural sensitivity, and a deep understanding of the diverse consumer
landscape in India.
"Customer" and "consumer" are related terms, but they refer to different roles and
a product or service. Consumers may or may not be the ones who purchase
the product.
• Consumers are not always the customers; in many cases, they are, but in
other situations, consumers can use products or services that were purchased
consumer behavior is essential to meet the needs and preferences of the end-
Here's an example to illustrate the difference: Imagine a parent (the customer) buys a toy
for their child (the consumer). In this case, the parent is the customer because they made the
purchase, while the child is the consumer because they will play with and use the toy.
In summary, a customer is the entity that buys a product or service, while a consumer is the
individual or entity that uses or consumes the product or service. The two roles often
Need" and "want" are two distinct concepts that relate to human desires and preferences.
and well-being. They are things necessary for physical and psychological
including air, water, food, shelter, and sleep. Without these, survival
is impossible.
• These include the need for safety and security,
savings, insurance).
They are things people wish for or aspire to have but are not necessary for
survival or well-being.
• Collectibles, fashion items, and entertainment can also fall into the
category of wants.
being, while wants are desires that enhance the quality of life but are not essential.
2. Needs typically have a higher priority than wants because they are vital
for human existence. Wants are secondary and are pursued after needs are met.
similar fundamental needs. Wants are individualized and vary from person to person
fulfilling their wants. Once needs are met, people pursue their wants to achieve a
In summary, needs are essential for survival and well-being, while wants are desires that go
beyond basic requirements. Understanding the distinction between needs and wants is
helps individuals and businesses make informed decisions about resource allocation and
"Consumer sovereignty" is an economic concept that describes the idea that consumers have
the ultimate power and control in determining what goods and services are produced and
how they are allocated in a market economy. In essence, it means that consumers, through
their purchasing decisions and preferences, shape the production and availability of
choices about what they want to buy or consume. They have the autonomy to decide
which products and services best satisfy their needs and wants.
2. In a consumer-driven economy,
businesses are motivated to compete by offering better quality, lower prices, and
product or service, the more resources (labor, capital, and materials) are allocated to
its production.
5. For consumer sovereignty to work
products and services. Transparency, product reviews, and advertising all play roles
they can express their discontent through reduced purchases or negative feedback.
rights, ensure fair competition, and address market failures through regulations and
also applies on a global scale. Consumers around the world influence the production
innovation and market trends. Businesses must adapt to meet evolving consumer
consumption decisions.
Consumer sovereignty is a central concept in market economics and is often associated with
the principles of supply and demand. It underscores the importance of meeting consumer
needs and wants as a driving force in the allocation of resources and the functioning of
competitive markets.
Product," "goods," and "services" are terms used in the field of business and economics to
categorize and describe different types of offerings that organizations provide to meet the
• A product is a broad term that encompasses both goods and services. It refers
services or experiences).
• Services are intangible products or actions that are performed to fulfil a need
or desire.
• Unlike goods, services are not physical items that can be stored or touched.
It's important to note that many businesses offer a combination of both goods and services.
For example, a car dealership sells physical automobiles (goods) and provides maintenance
and repair services (intangible services). Similarly, a restaurant offers both food (goods) and
The distinction between goods and services is not always clear-cut, as some products may
have both tangible and intangible aspects. For instance, when you purchase a smartphone
(a tangible good), you also receive customer support and software updates (intangible
Understanding the nature of products, goods, and services is essential for businesses to
develop effective marketing strategies, pricing models, and customer experiences tailored
to their offerings.