Title Ms
Surname Manu
Gender Female
Address line 4
Postcode N16 8QT
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Form reference: FCWKNDQW Form title: Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction Review Form
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Form reference: FCWKNDQW Form title: Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction Review Form
Please complete the questionaire below so that we can tailor the rest of the form to match your changes. We will ask for more
detail about each change on subsequent pages.
Yes No
Has your address changed
There are 4 people living at the address
Yes No
Has anyone moved out or died, or entered hospital or
Yes No
Has anyone moved into your household
There are 0 students in the household
Yes No
Is an existing member of your household now classed
as a student
Our records show
SARAH ABORAA MANU has 1 incomes from work and 3 other income types
WONDERLING ACHEAMPONG has 0 incomes from work and 0 other income types
SAMUELLA ACHEAMPONG has 0 incomes from work and 0 other income types
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MALACCHI AIDOO has 0 incomes from work and 0 other income types
Yes No
Has anyone had a change to their income
Your rent is £137.63, paid weekly
Yes No
Have you had a change in the amount of rent that
you pay
In terms of savings/assets, our records show the following:
Yes No
Does anyone have money in the bank/savings that
they didn't have previously
Yes No
Have you or your partner had a change to the
amount you receive from an occupational pension or
Our records show you have 1 regular expenses
SARAH ABORAA MANU pays 1 regular expenditures
100.00 paid for Child Care Costs Of A Dependant
Yes No
Has there been a change to payments you or your
partner make e.g. for child care or a private pension?
Yes No
Are you temporarily living away from home?
Yes No
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Are there any other changes you need to tell us
You are reporting the following changes:
There are no reported changes
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Form reference: FCWKNDQW Form title: Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction Review Form
Page: Evidence
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Form reference: FCWKNDQW Form title: Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction Review Form
Page: Declaration
Open a read only view of the answers you have given (this will open in a new window)
Evidence Checklist
A list of required evidences is available from the link below.
By submitting this form you are agreeing to the following declaration.
I/we declare that the information I/we have given on this form is correct and complete. If there are
any other changes I/we will let you know straight away.
Privacy notice
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Form reference: FCWKNDQW Form title: Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction Review Form
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