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Wo 20 27106
et al. (2011), contains three HCC tissue chips and three CMap database, to identify the small molecules associat-
adjacent normal liver tissue chips from patients who ed with these DEGs. First, we divided the DEGs into two
underwent surgery, and it is based on the Affymetrix groups with an upper limit of 500 probe sets per group:
GPL570 Platform (Affymetrix GeneChip Human Genome the up-regulated group and the down-regulated group.
U133 Plus 2.0 Array). Total RNA was extracted from biop- Then, the probe sets from the two groups were preload-
sied samples using TRIzol reagent for further individual ed into their sandbox with the GRP format for gene set
on-chip analysis. enrichment analysis. Finally, the enrichment scores, which
ranged from +1 to –1, were calculated.
Screening of differentially expressed genes The enrichment value represented the association be-
The original CEL files were downloaded and analysed tween the preloaded query signature and the gene profile
using the R package (3.0.2) (http://www.r-project.org/). for a small molecule treatment. A high positive up score
The robust multi-array average (RMA) method and Affy- (close to +1) indicates that the corresponding small mole-
metrix Microarray Suite version 5 (MAS5) were used for cule induces the expression of the probe sets in the up tag
data normalisation and background correcting. We used list (hepatocellular carcinoma), whereas a high negative
a classical t-test to identify differentially expressed genes up score (close to –1) indicates greater similarity between
with a variation > 2-fold, and we defined p < 0.05 to be the genes induced by the small molecule and the probe
statistically significant. The probe set ID list of selected sets in the down tag list (adjacent normal liver).
differentially expressed genes was then uploaded to the
NetAffx™ Analysis Centre (http://Affymetrix.com/analy-
sis/index/affx) to obtain the corresponding gene symbols Identification of differentially expressed genes
and gene titles. The expression data were deleted if there Using bioinformatics analysis we found 4233 probe set
was no corresponding gene symbol for the probe set or if IDs that differed between the HCC and adjacent normal
more than one gene symbol corresponded to a probe set. liver tissues. After the gene symbols from Affymetrix data-
Only probe sets that mapped to a unique gene were suit- base were matched and the substandard expression data
able for further analysis. If there were multiple probe sets were removed, altered expression was identified for 2721
corresponding to the same gene, the expression values of probe set IDs (corresponding to 2721 genes); these genes
these probe sets were then averaged. were marked for further analysis.
Fig. 1. Literature profiling of differentially expressed genes. Clustergram generated from analysing the keyword occurrence of the analysed
genes. Green represents the corresponding gene-term associations that were reported to be positive
used to identify significant enrichment of genes with the some enzymes changed, including the activities of ox-
corresponding GO terms. Analysis revealed changes in the idoreductase, endopeptidase inhibitor, transmembrane
biological processes of the immune system, such as the receptor protein tyrosine kinase, etc. The binding abilities
positive regulation of immune system processes, leuko- of some materials (polysaccharides, glycosaminoglycans,
cyte activation, innate immune response, T cell activation, etc.) were also changed.
B cell-mediated immunity, and immunoglobulin-mediat-
ed immune response. The DEGs also showed significant KEGG pathway enrichment analysis
enrichment in processes related to the regulation of cell The changed gene expression profile of hepatocellu-
growth, such as the regulation of cell proliferation, the cell lar carcinoma may result in many dysregulated signal
cycle, cell differentiation, nuclear division, and M phase pathways. We used DAVID to cluster the DEGs for KEGG
of the mitotic cell cycle. Changes in the expression profile pathway enrichment analysis, and p < 0.05 was set as the
also affected the biological processes of angiogenesis and cut-off criteria for statistical significance. As shown in Ta-
signal transduction (Table 1). ble 4, 20 dysregulated pathways were identified from the
In the category of cellular component, the most en- changes in HCC; of these pathways, the complement and
riched GO term was cytoplasm (1089 genes). In addition, coagulation cascades and cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)
the DEGs were also enriched in cellular components relat- showed the most significant enrichment (P = 2.79E-18 and
ed to the plasma membrane, extracellular region, chro- P = 3.17E-04, respectively). As previously reported, some
mosome, secretory granules, and the cytoplasmic mem- altered pathways were highly related to the initiation or
brane-bound vesicle lumen (p < 0.01) (Table 2). Table 3 progression of malignant tumours; these pathways includ-
shows the clustered GO terms in the molecular function ed the TGF-β signalling pathway, T cell/B cell receptor sig-
category for the differentially expressed genes (p < 0.01). nalling pathway, and pathways related to DNA replication
The HCC expression profile indicated that the activity of and cytokine-cytokine receptor interactions.
Bioinformatics analysis of the gene expression profile of hepatocellular carcinoma: preliminary results 23
Fig. 2. Constructing a gene co-occurrence network related to the keyword “metastasis” from the differentially expressed genes. A) The net-
work of analysed genes. The orange node represents known hepatocellular carcinoma-related genes. B) The distribution of the number of
metastasis-related genes and gene pairs derived from the random genes was similar to the normal distribution
Identification of candidate small molecules with a highly significant positive score and could partial-
To identify candidate small molecules that could re- ly imitate the status of hepatocellular carcinoma. These
verse the gene expression changes of hepatocellular car- small molecules may be strong induction factors for HCC.
cinoma, the DEGs were divided into two groups: up-reg- In contrast, cromoglicic acid (enrichment score = –0.927)
ulated and down-regulated, which were uploaded to the and ranitidine (enrichment score = –0.837) were associ-
CMap database for Gene Set Enrichment Analysis and then ated with highly significant negative scores and may imi-
matched to treatments with small molecules. The 20 most tate the normal liver status. These small molecules could
significant small molecules are listed in Table 5 with their reverse the tumoral status of HCC and therefore provide
enrichment scores and p-values. As shown in Table 5, the novel ideas and molecular mechanisms for developing new
small molecules vorinostat (enrichment score = 0.973) and drugs for treating HCC in the future. However, these candi-
trichostatin A (enrichment score = 0.895) were associated date small molecules still require further detailed research.
24 contemporary oncology
Table 5. List of top 20 identified small molecules esis [20]. Interactions between the extracellular matrix
(ECM) receptor and cells play a vital role in cell adhesion
Cmap name Enrichment score p-value
and form a crucial step in tumour cell migration and inva-
vorinostat 0.973 0 sion into the extracellular matrix [24].
trichostatin A 0.895 0 Analysis using the CMap database identified a set of
geldanamycin 0.705 0 small molecules that may imitate the status of hepato-
fluphenazine 0.629 0 cellular carcinoma or a normal liver. The candidate small
molecules that were associated with highly significant
trifluoperazine 0.625 0
negative enrichment scores may reverse the abnormal
thioridazine 0.599 0 gene expression profile of HCC; this information will be
sirolimus 0.491 0 beneficial to investigators who may develop new tar-
valproic acid 0.359 0 get therapeutic drugs against HCC. Histamine has been
pioglitazone –0.646 0.00004 demonstrated to be involved in cell proliferation and
tumour growth by the activation of histamine receptors
6-bromoindirubin-3’-oxime –0.769 0.00008
[25]. As an agonist of histamine that interacts with the
withaferin A 0.896 0.0001 H1 and H3 receptors [26], betahistine may play a role in
wortmannin 0.501 0.0001 tumour biology through the regulation of histamine re-
ivermectin 0.858 0.00012 ceptors.
prochlorperazine 0.524 0.00014 In conclusion, we identified 2271 differentially ex-
pressed genes in hepatocellular carcinoma, and the co-oc-
suloctidil 0.888 0.00016
currence networks related to “metastasis”, “cell growth”,
cephaeline 0.848 0.00018 and “cell cycle” were constructed. Furthermore, we iden-
PNU-0293363 –0.954 0.00022 tified significant biological processes and abnormally al-
ranitidine –0.837 0.0003 tered pathways that were related to the development of
meptazinol –0.825 0.00177 HCC. We also screened a set of candidate small molecules,
some of which may induce the initiation of HCC, and some
betahistine –0.822 0.00189
reversed the expression profile of HCC. These small mol-
ecules may be candidates for therapeutic drugs that are
eral significant altered pathways were identified by KEGG capable of targeting hepatocellular carcinoma. However,
pathway analysis. The TGF-β signal pathway has been re- the number of samples involved in this study was limited,
ported to be functionally impaired in hepatocarcinogen- and the analysed results contained a massive amount of
Bioinformatics analysis of the gene expression profile of hepatocellular carcinoma: preliminary results 27
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