Candidate LncRNA-MiRNA-MRNA Network in Predicting
Candidate LncRNA-MiRNA-MRNA Network in Predicting
Candidate LncRNA-MiRNA-MRNA Network in Predicting
Received: 21 July 2019 / Accepted: 15 November 2019 / Published online: 22 November 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019
Purpose This study aimed to explore the potential competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) network in forecasting HCC
development in patients with cirrhosis through a comprehensive bioinformatic analysis.
Methods Data mining from GEO and TCGA databases was employed to dig a spectrum of differentially expressed mRNA,
lncRNA and miRNA profiles. Their expression was confirmed by RT-PCR in matched HCC cohorts (n = 6/group). The
ceRNA network was constructed by co-expression analysis. Their reciprocal regulations and their roles in epithelial-to-
mesenchymal transition (EMT) process were validated by gain- and loss-of-function experiments at the cellular level.
Kaplan–Meier method was applied to reveal prognostic values.
Results By intersecting differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in GEO and TCGA data sets and Pearson correlation analy-
sis, 20 mRNAs, 24 miRNAs and 41 lncRNAs were identified. Of these, FOXD2-AS1, BLVRA and CYTH2 were markedly
upregulated in HCC tissues and HCC cells with high metastatic potential (MHCC97H) compared with their adjacent nor-
mal/cirrhotic tissues and L02 and MHCC97L cells. However, dysregulated miR-139-5p exhibited the opposite expression
pattern. Using miRanda algorithms, FOXD2-AS1, BLVRA and CYTH2 showed potential binding sites for miR-139-5p.
FOXD2-AS1 knockdown induced a marked increase in miR-139-5p and EMT inhibition. The loss of miR-139-5p led to an
increase in BLVRA and CYTH2 expression and EMT process. Conversely, miR-139-5p overexpression suppressed BLVRA
and CYTH expression and EMT process. FOXD2-AS1, miR-139-5p, BLVRA and CYTH2 highly correlated with prognosis
in patients with HCC.
Conclusion FOXD2-AS1/miR-139-5p/BLVRA or CYTH2 axis might be the underlying molecular mechanism that dissects
HCC development caused by cirrhosis.
Keywords Bioinformatics · Cirrhosis · Hepatocellular carcinoma · Differentially expressed genes · Long non-coding
RNAs · miRNAs
Rui Zhang, Ying-yi Jiang and Kun Xiao contributed equally to the
work. ceRNA Competing endogenous RNA
EMT Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this DEG Differentially expressed genes
article ( contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
* Shi‑yao Chen Department of Liver Surgery, Key Laboratory
chen.shiyao@zs‑ of Carcinogenesis and Cancer Invasion of Ministry
of Education, Liver Cancer Institute, Zhongshan Hospital,
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Fudan University, 180 Fenglin Road, Shanghai 200032,
Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, 180 Fenglin Road, China
Shanghai 200032, China 5
Endoscopy Center and Endoscopy Research Institute,
Center of Evidence‑Based Medicine, Fudan University, 180 Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, 180 Fenglin Road,
Fenglin Road, Shanghai 200032, China Shanghai 200032, China
Shanghai Institute of Liver Disease, 180 Fenglin Road,
Shanghai 200032, China
88 Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology (2020) 146:87–96
HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma aberrantly mRNAs and ncRNAs that composed of ceRNA
ncRNA Non-coding RNAs paradigm, and clarify their oncogenic roles in predictabili-
GEO Gene Expression Omnibus ties of the transformation from cirrhosis to the presence of
TCGA The Cancer Genome Atlas HCC. Understanding of the potential axis may allow the
GO Gene Ontology delivery of disease-specific diagnostic and prognostic non-
KEGG Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomae invasive markers.
Approximately 80% of patients with hepatocellular carci- Gene expression profile of cirrhosis and HCC
noma (HCC) patients have liver cirrhosis (European Asso-
ciation for the Study of the Liver, European Organisation for The expression profile data of cirrhosis and cirrhotic HCC
Research and Treatment of Cancer 2012; Hucke et al. 2011; based on GPL571 [HG-U133A_2] Affymetrix Human
Fattovich et al. 2004). Cirrhosis often contributes to hepatic Genome U133A 2.0 Array platform were achieved from the
dysfunction and is considered as a premalignant state, which NCBI-GEO database (
increases the HCC risk and development. Recently, the cir- (GSE14323) (Barrett et al. 2005). A total of 19 normal liver
rhotic microenvironment has been increasingly investigated tissues, 41 cirrhotic tissues and 17 cirrhotic HCC tissues
for its initiation and its relevance to HCC development (Fat- were obtained.
tovich et al. 2004; El-Serag and Rudolph 2007; Schrader The data of exon RNAseq [log2 (RPKM + 1)], mature
et al. 2011). However, the underlying molecular mechanisms miRNA RNAseq [log2 (RPM + 1)] and the corresponding
remain to be fully deciphered. clinical data of patients with HCC were publicly available
In addition to translated functional RNAs, non-coding at TCGA ( After filtering
RNAs (ncRNAs) fulfilling essential housekeeping functions out samples with log2 (RPKM + 1) = 0, the expression pro-
affect mRNA translation and are also widely recognized in files of differential mRNAs, lncRNAs and miRNAs in paired
multiple biological processes. Based on the transcript size, tumor and non-tumor tissues were determined.
ncRNAs have two major classes: small ncRNAs (miRNAs)
and long ncRNAs (lncRNAs) (Sana et al. 2012). Micro- Screening of differentially expressed genes
RNA (miRNA) is an RNA molecule that negatively regu-
lates target genes via binding to the 3′ untranslated regions In the GEO database, the classical Bayesian method pro-
(UTRs) of mRNA transcripts (Carleton et al. 2007). With vided by limma package in the R/Bioconductor software
the length longer than 200 nucleotides, lncRNAs prefer- (Smyth GK. Limma: linear models for microarray data. In:
entially expressed in specific tissues represent mRNA-like Bioinformatics & computational biology solutions using R
transcripts (Zhang et al. 2014). It has been proposed that & Bioconductor 2011) (version 3.10.3, http://www.bioco
dysregulated RNA transcripts and ncRNAs were well char- was used
acterized in cirrhosis and HCC samples (Sato et al. 2016; to analyze differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in the three
Wu et al. 2017; Lendvai et al. 2019; Fu et al. 2016). Fur- comparisons (cirrhosis vs normal, cirrhotic HCC vs nor-
thermore, competitive endogenous RNA (ceRNA) network mal and cirrhotic HCC vs cirrhosis). The adj. P value was
[lncRNA sharing miRNA responsive elements (MREs) with obtained through multiple checking and correcting by the
mRNA] was also involved in the both pathogenesis (Sal- Benjamini and Hochberg method (Benjamini and Hochberg
mena et al. 2011; Huang et al. 2018; Han et al. 2018). How- 1995). DEGs in the three comparisons with the filter crite-
ever, the potential involvement of the ceRNA network in ria of adj. P value < 0.05 and |logFoldChange| > 0.585 may
stimulating the transition from cirrhosis to HCC remains to be candidates in the development of cirrhosis and cirrhotic
be established. Exploration of specific ceRNA elements that HCC. Likewise, differentially expressed mRNAs, lncRNAs
predicts HCC transformation from cirrhosis might facilitate and miRNAs between peritumor and tumor in the TCGA
more precise early detection, prevention or targeted thera- database were also obtained.
peutic strategies.
Access to some public gene databases, such as Gene Mfuzz cluster and protein–protein interaction (PPI)
Expression Omnibus (GEO) and The Cancer Genome Atlas network analysis
(TCGA), has become easier with the globalization of pop-
ulation-based cancer registries and high-throughput plat- In the GEO database, the R package Mfuzz (version 2.34.0,
forms. This study aimed to implement a deep bioinformatics
analysis integrating GEO and TCGA databases, illustrate .html) was used for cluster analysis of DEGs according to
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology (2020) 146:87–96 89
the development history of HCC (normal, cirrhosis and cir- riboFECT CP transfection kits (RiboBio, Guangzhou,
rhotic HCC) (Kumar and Futschik 2007). The optimal clus- China) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The experi-
ter number was 14, and the membership threshold was 0.6 ment was performed in triplicate.
calculated using software default parameters. According to
the expression trend of 14 clusters, module genes were gen- Patients and specimens
erated. The intersection of module DEGs in GEO and DEGs
in TCGA databases was acquired for subsequent analysis. HCC specimens from two matched cohorts of six patients
In accordance with the expressional trend (from normal with cirrhotic HCC and six with HCC who underwent surgi-
to cirrhosis and cirrhotic HCC), modular genes in the GEO cal resection in 2019, were obtained from Zhongshan Hospi-
database were summarized as upregulated genes and down- tal of Fudan University (Shanghai, China). Ethical approval
regulated genes. Protein–protein interaction (PPI) networks for this study was acquired from the Ethics Committee of
were mapped to predict the interactions between gene- Zhongshan Hospital, and informed consent was obtained
encoded proteins using the Search Tool for the Retrieval of from each patient. Fresh peri-tumors of HCC and cirrhotic
Interacting Genes database (STRING, Version: 10.0, http:// HCC were considered as normal and cirrhotic liver tissues, database. A score of 0.4 (medium con- respectively.
fidence) was set as a threshold. Next, to access hub genes,
the visualized regulatory network was constructed using the
Cytoscape software (version 3.4.0, Quantitative real‑time polymerase chain reaction
cytoscape-3.4.0/) (Shannon et al. 2003). CytoNCA plug-in (qRT‑PCR)
(version 2.1.6, was
used to analyze the topological properties of node networks Total RNA of tissue specimens and cells were extracted
(Tang et al. 2015). By ranking the network topological prop- using TRIzol reagent (Ambion, CA, USA). For mRNA and
erties of each node, hub proteins were obtained, which were lncRNA analysis, they were reversely transcribed to cDNA
regarded as important nodes in protein interaction of the with a RevertAid First- Strand cDNA synthesis kit (Thermo
PPI network. Fisher Scientific, USA) and subsequently amplified using
Maxima SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix kit (Thermo Fisher
Functional annotation of differentially expressed Scientific, USA). The gene expression was normalized for
genes and module genes GAPDH levels calculated by the 2−ΔΔCt method. Primer
sequences of mRNA were shown in Table S1. The primers
Gene Ontology (GO) annotation (Ashburner et al. 2000) of all lncRNAs were purchased from RiboBio (Guangzhou,
and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomae (KEGG) China).
pathway (Kanehisa and Goto 2000) were used for the data- For miRNA analysis, cDNA was synthesized using a
base for annotation, visualization and integrated discovery miRcute miRNA First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit and
(DAVID) (version 6.8, https://david-d.ncifcr For qPCR analyses were performed with an miRcute miRNA
DEGs, P value < 0.05 and enrichment count of at least 5 qPCR Detection Kit (Tiangen, Beijing, China). The gene
were set as the cutoff criteria for significance. For module expression was determined using the equation 2−ΔΔCt where
genes, P value < 0.05 and enrichment count of at least 3 were the Ct value of U6 (RiboBio, Guangzhou, China) was used
identified as the threshold to judge significant enrichment for normalization. The primers of all miRNAs were pur-
during the development of cirrhotic HCC. chased from RiboBio (Guangzhou, China).
Human hepatocyte cell line (L02) and hepatoma cell lines Protein were extracted using the RIPA lysis buffer con-
(MHCC97H and MHCC97L) that were authenticated by taining PMSF (Beyotime, China) and protease inhibitors
STR analysis and tested for mycoplasma contamination (Roche, USA). After separation using 10% sodium dodecyl
were obtained from the Liver Cancer Institute of Zhongshan sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, the samples were transferred
Hospital (Fudan University, Shanghai, China). They were to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes (Millipore, MA,
maintained in DMEM (Hyclone, USA) containing 10% FBS USA). Blocking with 5% non-fat milk at room temperature
(GIBICO, USA) in a 5% CO2 incubator at 37 °C. for 1 h, the membrane was incubated with primary antibod-
Transfection assays with negative control (NC) mimic, ies against E-cadherin (CST, 1:1000), N-cadherin (CST,
miR-139-5p mimics, miR-139-5p inhibitor, smart silencer 1:1000), BLVRA (Abcam, 1:5000) and CYTH2 (Affinity
NC, and FOXD2-AS1 smart silencer in MHCC97H at a Biosciences, 1:1000) at 4 °C overnight. Afterwards, the
final concentration of 100 nM were conducted using the membranes were incubated with corresponding secondary
90 Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology (2020) 146:87–96
Fig. 1 Differentially expressed genes in the GEO database. a The mal liver, cirrhotic liver and cirrhotic HCC. c Enrichment analysis of
Venn diagram of three comparisons in liver samples from subjects aberrantly expressed genes. The top 10 enriched GO terms and path-
with normal liver, cirrhotic liver and cirrhotic HCC. b Heat-map ways analysis is shown
hierarchical clustering revealed differentially expressed genes in nor-
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology (2020) 146:87–96 91
GO terms of immune response, inflammatory response and development from normal to cirrhosis and cirrhotic HCC,
cell adhesion, as well as significantly enriched pathways of a total of six modules were revealed, consisting of up–up
protein processing in the endoplasmic reticulum, focal adhe- module (cluster 1), up–smooth module (clusters 2 and 3),
sion and phagosome were annotated, which were considered up–down module (clusters 7, 9, 10, and 11), down–down
to be closely linked with the progression of cirrhosis and module (clusters 4, 5, and 12), down–smooth module
cirrhotic HCC. (clusters 6 and 8), and down–up module (clusters 13 and
14). To better understand the biological significance of
Mfuzz clustering and PPI network construction module DEGs, functional enrichment analysis was con-
analysis for all DEGs in the GEO database ducted to illustrate the functional analysis of the six mod-
ule genes. According to the enriched results, GO biologi-
We started exploring the expression patterns of 2007 cal process (e.g., signal transduction, immune response,
DEGs in GEO database. Combined, 14 clusters were and cell adhesion) and KEGG pathway (e.g., metabolic
aggregated (Fig. 2a). Based on the course of disease pathways and focal adhesion) in the four modules genes
Fig. 2 Mfuzz clustering and PPI network construction analysis for all HCC. b, c Enrichment analysis showed the most enriched GO terms
differentially expressed genes in the GEO database. a Mfuzz cluster- and KEGG pathways. d The PPI network of upregulated and down-
ing illustrating the patterns of dynamic changes in DEGs during the regulated genes using the STRING database
progression of the normal liver to the cirrhotic liver and cirrhotic
92 Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology (2020) 146:87–96
that may be associated with progression of cirrhosis and DEGs and differentially expressed miRNAs and lncR-
cirrhotic HCC were annotated (Fig. 2b, c). NAs was calculated. The relationship of miRNA–lncRNA
With the purpose of predicting the interaction between (r < − 0.5 and P < 0.05), miRNA–mRNA (r < − 0.5 and
gene-encoded proteins, two PPI networks were constructed P < 0.05) and mRNA–lncRNA (|r| > 0.5 and P < 0.05)
from the six modules, of which one network was detected was used as the threshold value. Finally, a total of 312
from upregulated genes in the up–up, up–smooth and lncRNA–miRNA–RNA regulatory relationships were
up–down modules, and the other was constructed from obtained. In this ceRNA network, 85 nodes including 20
downregulated genes in the down–down, down–smooth mRNAs, 24 miRNAs and 41 lncRNAs were identified, sug-
and down–up modules (Fig. 2d). According to the score of gesting that they might be master regulators in the develop-
degree centrality (DC), betweenness centrality (BC) and ment of cirrhotic HCC (Fig. 3).
closeness centrality (CC), key hub genes ranking in the top-
20 in the two networks were presented in Table S2 and S3. FOXD2‑AS1/miR‑139‑5p/BLVRA or CYTH2 network
contribute to the development of cirrhotic HCC
DEGs in the TCGA database and the acquisition
of key DEGs Next, the potential lncRNA–miRNA–mRNA interaction
pairs were determined using miRanda algorithms. Addition-
In the TCGA database, 404 HCC cohorts (355 HCC tissues ally, the results were further verified in six pairs of HCC
and 39 adjacent normal tissues) including the expression and cirrhotic HCC samples and at the cellular level. Con-
profiles of 15841 mRNAs, 4317 lncRNAs and 752 miRNAs sequently, FOXD2-AS1, BLVRA and CYTH2 that signifi-
were identified and the numbers of differential expressed cantly increased and miR-139-5p that significantly decreased
miRNAs, mRNAs and lncRNAs were presented in Table 1. in cirrhotic HCC samples and HCC cells with high‐meta-
To comprehensively analyze the molecules responsible for static potentials were eventually identified as the underlying
HCC caused by cirrhosis and their role in survival analy- elements of ceRNA-mediated regulatory network (Fig. 4a, b,
sis, DEGs in the TCGA database were intersected with six Table S5 and S6). The RT-PCR and western blotting results
module genes in the GEO database. As a result, 121 DEGs showed that FOXD2-AS1 positively regulated the expression
were obtained, of which 42 genes were downregulated and of BLVRA and CYTH2, but negatively regulated the expres-
79 genes were upregulated. Of the 42 downregulated genes, sion of miR-139-5p. In addition, miR-139-5p negatively
8 were from the up–smooth module and therefore were regulated the expression of BLVRA and CYTH2 (Fig. 4c,
excluded. Of the 79 upregulated genes, 14 were from the d). The gain- and loss-of-function study was performed in
down–smooth module and 15 from the down–down module. MHCC97H cells to characterize the role of FOXD2-AS1 and
Thus, 29 genes were eliminated. Finally, 34 downregulated miR-139-5p in the EMT process. As shown in Fig. 4d, the
and 50 upregulated genes were obtained. The subsequent depletion of FOXD2-AS1 or overexpression of miR-139-5p
analysis was based on these 84 genes (Table S4). remarkably decreased the level of N-cadherin but increased
the expression of E-cadherin. On the contrary, suppressed
Construction of lncRNA–miRNA–mRNA regulatory miR-139-5p exerted the opposite effects. The survival anal-
network ysis showed that FOXD2-AS1, miR-139-5p, BLVRA and
CYTH2 were significantly correlated with the overall sur-
Based on our prior results, 84 differentially expressed vival of HCC (Fig. 4e). Collectively, it was proposed that
mRNAs, 306 differentially expressed lncRNAs and 262 dif- the FOXD2-AS1/miR-139-5p/BLVRA or CYTH2 network
ferential expressed miRNAs were uncovered, which might promoted the cirrhotic HCC and EMT process.
play a role in regulating the tumor-formation effect of
cirrhosis. Next, their reciprocal co-expression relation-
ships and ceRNA network were examined. For this pur- Discussion
pose, the Pearson correlation coefficient between 84 key
Increasing evidence has unveiled that cirrhotic livers char-
acterized by fibrous bands and surrounded by regenerative
Table 1 The number of differential expressed miRNA, mRNA and nodules correlated with the risk of process of hepatocar-
lncRNA in TCGA database cinogenesis (Borzio et al. 1995; Donato et al. 2001). Nev-
miRNA mRNA lncRNA ertheless, how cirrhosis developed from normal liver and
progressed to cirrhosis and cirrhotic HCC remained still
Up 87 4234 255
undefined. Hence, a better understanding of the molecu-
Down 175 756 51
lar alterations and mechanisms of HCC formation was
Total 262 4990 306
warranted for preventive therapies. The present study was
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology (2020) 146:87–96 93
Fig. 3 Construction of the ceRNA network. Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated between differentially expressed genes and differential
miRNAs and lncRNAs
conducted to investigate potential lncRNA–miRNA–mRNA reciprocal regulatory relationship and role of FOXD2-AS1/
regulatory network based on combined databases to eluci- miR-139-5p/BLVRA or CYTH2 in the EMT process of
date the molecular signatures of cirrhosis progression to HCC. To our knowledge, our work is the first expression
HCC. profile that analyzes and validates the ceRNA-mediated
ceRNAs are transcripts that act as miRNA sponges, mechanism to signify how cirrhosis is converted into cir-
modulating each other at the post-transcriptional level via rhotic HCC.
competitively binding to shared miRNAs (Qi et al. 2015). In the GEO data sets, 2007 DEGs were found in three
In vitro and in vivo experiments, as well as integrated bio- comparisons of the cirrhotic HCC liver versus cirrhotic liver,
informatic analysis, showed that lncRNA-associated ceRNA cirrhotic HCC liver versus normal liver, and cirrhotic liver
network separately modulated the biological processes of versus normal liver. In accordance with the disease devel-
liver fibrosis and HCC (Han et al. 2018; Hanson et al. 2018; opment from normal to cirrhosis and cirrhotic HCC, 2007
Mo et al. 2018; Fan et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2018). Although DEGs were fused into six modules. The PPI analysis was of
previous studies described how ceRNA network modulated great importance for interpreting the molecular mechanisms
molecular diagnostic and prognostic targets in liver fibro- of the key cellular activities. The upregulated PPI and down-
sis and HCC, an important gap existed in the noninvasive regulated PPI networks in module genes were constructed to
prediction of the transition from cirrhosis to cirrhotic HCC. elucidate the mechanism of modules genes. Subsequently,
This study was novel in identifying aberrantly expressed top 20 of score in DC, BC and CC were identified as hub
FOXD2-AS1/miR-139-5p/BLVRA or CYTH2 acting as genes in the progression of cirrhosis to cirrhotic HCC. For
ceRNA network in initiating cirrhosis and the formation of example, CD163, FOS, IRF8, ISG15, LCK, NFKBIA,
cirrhotic HCC. Moreover, this study further validated their PTPRC and SP110 were key proteins in the upregulated
94 Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology (2020) 146:87–96
Fig. 4 FOXD2-AS1/miR-139-5p/BLVRA or CYTH2 network con- loss-of function study in MHCC97H cells. d Protein expressions of
tribute to the development of cirrhotic HCC. a, b Expression of BLVRA, CYTH2, N-cadherin and E-cadherin in MHCC97H cells
FOXD2-AS1, miR-139-5p, BLVRA and CYTH2 in control, cirrho- with altered levels of FOXD2-AS1 and miR-139-5p. e FOXD2-AS1,
sis and cirrhotic HCC samples (n = 6/group) and at the cellular level miR-139-5p, BLVRA and CYTH2 were significantly associated
detected by RT-PCR. c Reciprocal regulatory relationship among with the overall survival in patients with HCC, as detected using the
FOXD2-AS1, miR-139-5p, BLVRA and CYTH2 by the gain- and Kaplan–Meier curve and a log-rank test. **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05
PPI network. ALDH18A1, ALDH1L1, ALPL, HSPA5, protumorigenic function and inflammatory response (Chen
NUBP2, PDIA4, SEC63, VARS and YARS were key pro- et al. 2019; Jia et al. 2017; Yeung et al. 2018). Next, six mod-
teins in the downregulated PPI network. Most of them (e.g., ule DEGs in GEO data sets were intersected with DEGs in
CD163, IRF8 and ISG15) were closely associated with the TCGA. Using Pearson correlation analysis, ceRNA network
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology (2020) 146:87–96 95
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