2ny S4hana2021 BPD en in
2ny S4hana2021 BPD en in
2ny S4hana2021 BPD en in
Table of Contents
1 Purpose
2 Prerequisites
2.1 System Access
2.2 Roles
2.3 Master Data and Organizational Data
2.4 Business Conditions
2.5 Preliminary Steps
2.5.1 Activate Flexible Workflow for Scheduling Agreement Approval
2.5.2 Configure Flexible Workflow for Scheduling Agreement
2.5.3 Create Info Record
2.5.4 Edit User-Specific Parameters for Supplier Invoices (Optional)
3 Overview Table
4 Test Procedures
4.1 Create Purchase Requisition
4.2 Convert Purchase Requisition to Scheduling Agreement
4.3 Create Scheduling Agreement
4.4 Approve Scheduling Agreement (Optional)
4.5 Maintain Delivery Schedule
4.6 Print Scheduling Agreement
4.7 Evaluate the Stock/Requirement Situation
4.8 Post Goods Receipt
4.9 Transfer Posting from Vendor Consigned Stock to Own Stock
4.10 Invoice Receipt from Consignment Withdrawal
4.10.1 Schedule Supplier Invoice Jobs
4.11 Check Supplier Invoice List (Optional)
5 Appendix
5.1 Process Integration
5.1.1 Succeeding Processes
The use of scheduling agreements can shorten processing times and reduce the amount of paperwork you are faced with. One delivery schedule can replace many discrete purchase orders or contract
release orders.
Delivery of the total quantity of materials specified in a scheduling agreement item is spread over a certain period in a delivery schedule, consisting of lines indicating the individual quantities with
their corresponding planned delivery dates.
Inventories can be reduced to a minimum. You can perform your manufacturing operations on the Just-in-Time (JIT) principle.
Your suppliers require shorter lead times. Smaller deliveries are required, which can be spaced out over a longer period. Delivery scheduling enables suppliers to plan and allocate their resources
more efficiently.
This document provides a detailed procedure for testing this scope item after solution activation, reflecting the predefined scope of the solution. Each process step, report, or item is covered in its
own section, providing the system interactions (test steps) in a table view. Steps that are not in scope of the process but are needed for testing are marked accordingly. Project-specific steps must be
Values in this test script (decimal notation, date formats, and so on) are presented in U.S. standard notation. If your test system is set up to use a different notation, enter values as appropriate.
System Details
System Accessible via SAP Fiori launchpad. Your system administrator provides you with the URL to access the various apps assigned to your role.
2.2 Roles
Assign the following business roles to your individual test users. Alternatively, if available, you can create business roles using the following spaces with pages and predefined apps for the SAP Fiori
launchpad and assign the business roles to your individual test users.
These roles or spaces are examples provided by SAP. You can use them as templates to create your own roles or spaces.
For more information about business roles, refer to Assigning business roles to a user in the Administration Guide to Implementation of SAP S/4HANA with SAP Best Practices .
Material Planner - External Procurement SAP_BR_MATL_PLNR_EXT_PROC Material Planning - External Procure- SAP_BR_MATL_PLNR_EXT_PROC
Configuration Expert - Business Process Configu- SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT Business Process Configuration SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT
You can find general information on how to create master data objects in the following Master Data Scripts (MDS) :
Table 1: Master Data Script Reference
MDS Description
BNR Create Product Master of Type "Raw Material"
In this procedure, you active Flexible Workflow for Scheduling Agreement Approval.
If you want to use the flexible workflow to approve the Scheduling Agreement, you have to process the steps: Activate Flexible Workflow for Scheduling Agreement Approval and Configure Flexible
Workflow for Scheduling Agreement.
SAP IMG Path SPRO > Materials Management > Purchasing > Scheduling Agreement > Flexible Workflow for Purchase Scheduling Agreements > Activate Flexible Workflow for
Purchase Scheduling Agreements
Transaction S_ER9_52000781
2. On the Document Types Scheduling agreement Change screen, tick the check box under Scenario based workflow for Document Type: LP and LPA
3. Choose Save.
4. You may be asked to enter a customizing request number, either choose your own customizing request or create a new one, then choose Continue.
2 Access the App Open Manage Workflows for Purchase Scheduling Agreements (F3044). The Manage Workflows screen is displayed.
3 Create Manage Work- Choose Add and make following entries: The Workflow for Scheduling Agreement is
flow Name: Test Workflow for Scheduling Agreement configured.
4 Activate Workflow Select the just created Workflow Item and choose Activate. The Workflow Item is activated.
Configure Users
For user configuration, refer to the Creating Approvers section in the Administration Guide to Implementation of SAP S/4HANA with SAP Best Practices
Test Administration
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
To run through this test script, the info records for the necessary materials must be available as master data. If the Info Record has not been maintained in the system yet, create the required master
data. Otherwise you can skip this step.
The purpose of this activity is to create the info records for materials, for example, RM128 and choose a valid supplier (for example, 18300001).
This step is obsolete if the necessary info records are present. Check the info records supplier 18300001, material RM128 and Purchasing Organization 1810. The existing info records for this
material are displayed on the screen.
2 Access the App Open Manage Purchasing Info Records (F1982). The Manage Purchasing
Info Records screen is
8 Enter Condition In the Condition section, choose Create. Condition Data is added
Data In the General Information area, make the following entries:
● Valid From: Today
● Valid To: 12/31/9999
● Amount: 165
● Pricing Unit: 100
9 Enter Reference You can enter reference data. Reference data is added.
Data (optional)
In this procedure, you will edit User-Specific parameters for supplier invoices.
2 Access the Open Edit Supplier Invoice Settings (F3813) The Edit Supplier Invoice Set-
App tings screen is displayed.
3 Set parame- Check parameter Display Journal Entry: X Change has been saved success-
ter Note If parameter is checked, when invoice is created, system message contains invoice and journal entry fully.
If parameter is unchecked, when invoice is created, system message contains invoice number only.
When this parameter is changed, for APP Create Supplier Invoice, it will take effective immediately. For
APP Create Supplier Invoice – Advanced, user needs to logout and login again to make it take effective.
This scope item consists of several process steps that are listed in the following table.
If your system administrator has enabled spaces and pages on the SAP Fiori launchpad, the homepage will only contain the essential apps for performing the typical tasks of a business role.
You can find all other apps not included on the homepage using the search bar.
If you want to personalize the homepage and include the hidden apps, navigate to your user profile and choose App Finder.
Convert Purchase Requisition to Scheduling Agree- Purchaser Create Scheduling Agreement (ME31L) A Schedule Agreement is created.
ment [page ] 15
Create Scheduling Agreement [page ] 16 Purchaser Manage Purchase Scheduling Agreements A Schedule Agreement is created.
Approve Scheduling Agreement (Optional) [page ] 18 Purchasing Manager My Inbox - All Items (F0862) Schedule Agreements are changed.
Maintain Delivery Schedule [page ] 19 Purchaser Manage Purchase Scheduling Agreements A Scheduling Agreement is approved.
Print Scheduling Agreement [page ] 20 Purchaser Manage Purchase Scheduling Agreements A Delivery Schedule is created.
Evaluate the Stock/Requirement Situation [page ] 20 Material Planner - External Pro- Monitor Material Coverage - Net / Individual Material delivery scheduling lines are dis-
curement Segments (F2101) played.
Post Goods Receipt [page ] 22 Warehouse Clerk Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document Goods receipt is posted against the schedul-
(F0843) ing agreement.
Transfer Posting from Vendor Consigned Stock to Warehouse Clerk Transfer Stock (F0753) The consignment material is transferred to
Own Stock [page ] 23 its own stock.
#unique_21 Accounts Payable Accountant - Create Consignment and Pipeline Settlement The Supplier Invoice is posted.
Procurement (MRKO)
Schedule Supplier Invoice Jobs [page ] 25 Accounts Payable Accountant - ON PREMISE Schedule Supplier Invoice Jobs - The Supplier Invoice is posted.
Procurement Advanced (F1683)
This section describes test procedures for each process step that belongs to this scope item.
Purchase Requisition can be created via MRP run or they can be created manually. In this procedure, you create a purchase requisition for stock material.
Test Step # Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Comment
1 Log on Open the SAP Fiori Launchpad with the Purchaser role. The SAP Fiori Launchpad is displayed.
2 Access the App Open Create Purchase Requisition - Advanced (ME51N) . The Create Purchase Requisition view displays.
4 Enter Item Data Make the following entries in the Item Overview area:
● Item Category: K (consignment stock)
● Material: RM128
● Quantity: 120000
● Plant: 1810
5 Save Choose Save at the bottom of the view. A Purchase requisition is created.
Make a note of the purchase requisition number.
This activity is used to create the scheduling agreement for the material/supplier combination via converting purchase requisition, for example, material RM128and supplier 18300001, if it has not
been maintained yet. If the scheduling agreement is already present in the system you can skip this step.
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /
# Comment
1 Log on Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as Purchaser .
2 Access the App Open Create Scheduling Agreement (ME31L). The Create Scheduling Agreement
initial Screen view displays.
3 Select Purchase On the Create Scheduling Agreement: Initial Screen view, choose Reference to PReq. The Selection of Purchase Requisitions
Requisition Then in the Selection of Purchase Requisitions dialog box, enter the purchase requisition no. dialog box displays.
created before, and choose Continue.
4 Enter Agreement On the Create Scheduling Agreement: Initial Screen view, enter the following values : The Create Scheduling Agreement
Data ● Supplier: Create Scheduling Agreement: Initial Screen18300001 Header Data view displays.
● Agreement type: LP
● Agreement Date: today
● Purchasing Organization: 1810
● Purchasing Group: 001
● Plant:1810
Storage Location : 181C
and choose Enter.
Scheduling Agreement for Consignment Procurement (2NY_IN) PUBLIC
Purpose Error: Reference source not found 15
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /
# Comment
Note If the Item Overview displays instead of the header data, then choose the Header
Details button (F6).
5 Enter Validity End On the Create Scheduling Agreement Header Data view, enter the Validity end date, e.g.
Date today + 720 days
and choose Enter.
6 Select Purchase On the Create Scheduling Agreement: Selection List: Purchase Requisitions view, select the The Create Scheduling Agreement Item
Requisition purchase requisition item line and choose Adopt. overview view displays.
7 Enter Item Data On the Create Scheduling Agreement Item Overview view, check the following entries:
● Item Category: K (consignment stock)
● Material: RM128
● Target Quantity: 120000
8 Save Choose Save at the bottom of the view. A schedule agreement is created.
Make a note of the schedule agreement number.
This activity is used to create the scheduling agreement for the material/supplier combination, for example, material RM128 and supplier 18300001 directly or without reference to any preceding
purchasing document like Purchase Requisition, if it has not been maintained yet.
If the scheduling agreement is already present in the system you can skip this step.
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment
1 Log on Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as Purchaser .
2 Access the App Choose Manage Purchase Scheduling Agreements (F2179) . The Create Scheduling Agreement
initial view displays.
3 Enter Header Data Create a new scheduling agreement with the following data:
● Agreement type: Scheduling Agreement (LP)
● Supplier: 18300001
● Valid Start: <today>
● Valid End: <MM/DD/YYYY>, for example, today + 720 day
● Purchasing Group: 001
● Purchasing Organization: 1810
● Company Code: 1810
● Target Value: 200000 INR
4 Add Items to Scheduling From the New Scheduling Agreement view, choose the Items facets and select The New Scheduling Agreement Item
Agreement Create. view displays.
5 Enter Item Data On the Items facets view, make the following entries:
In the General Information view
● Item Category: K (Consignment)
● Plant: 1810
● Material: RM128
● Target Quantity: 120000
Choose Apply at the bottom of the view.
6 Save Return to the New Purchase Scheduling Agreement header view and choose Cre- A schedule agreement is created.
ate at the bottom of the view.
Make a note of the schedule agreement number.
In this procedure, you release a Scheduling Agreement . If the document type of scheduling agreement is LP and the purchase group is 001, then the scheduling agreement should trigger the ap-
proval process
2 Access the App Open My Inbox - All Items (F0862) . A list of already created Scheduling Agreement s is displayed.
3 Search for Scheduling Enter the Scheduling Agreement number in the search The Scheduling Agreement s without follow-on documents (w/o
Agreement Status area, then choose the Search button. status Follow-On Documents) have the status In Approval.
4 Release Scheduling Agree- Select the Scheduling Agreement in left of the screen The Submit Decision screen displays.
ment and choose Release in bottom right.
5 Enter Release Reason Enter the approval reason if needed, then choose Sub- The Scheduling Agreement is approved.
6 Back to SAP Fiori Launch- Choose Home to go back to the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori launchpad is displayed.
2. Access the App Open Manage Purchase Scheduling Agreements (F2179) . The Manage Purchase Scheduling Agree-
ments screen displays.
3. Find scheduling Find the appropriate newly created scheduling agreement through the search criteria, such as: The desired scheduling agreement appears
agreement number Supplier 18300001, Agreement Type LP (Scheduling Agreement), Purchasing Orga- on the list page of Manage Purchase Sched-
nization 1810, then choose Go. Select one item from the search result. uling Agreements .
4. Select Scheduling Navigate to the selected scheduling agreement by clicking on Cheveron (>) or by directly click- The Scheduling agreement page appears in
Agreement ing on the Scheduling agreement number from the list page. display mode.
5. Maintain Delivery 1. Click on the Edit at the right upper corner on the Manage Scheduling Agreement Header The Purchase Scheduling Agreement Item
Schedule Object page. screen displays.
2. In Items tab, click on the desired item for which delivery schedule needs to be maintained.
6. Maintain Delivery Go to the Schedule Lines section on the Purchase Scheduling Agreement Item screen and You will be navigated back to Scheduling
Schedule choose Create. You will get into the Purchase Scheduling Agreement Item screen to maintain Agreement Header object page.
the schedules for the item, make following entries:
Date type: <Day format>
Delivery Date: Today's date
Delivery Time: 10:00:00
Scheduled Quantity: 10
Choose Apply twice at the right bottom to add a schedule line.
7. Save Choose Save from the Scheduling Agreement Header object page. Scheduling agreement will get updated with
schedule lines.
2. Access the App Open Manage Purchase Scheduling Agreements (F2179) app.
3. Find scheduling agree- Find the appropriate scheduling agreement through the search criteria, such as: Sup- The desired scheduling agree-ment appears on
ment number plier 18300001, Agreement Type LP, purchase org 1810, then choose Go button. the list page of Manage Purchase Scheduling
Select one item from the search result. Agreements.
4. Select Scheduling Navigate to the selected scheduling agreement by clicking on Cheveron (>) or by di- The Scheduling agreement header object page
Agreement rectly clicking on the Scheduling agreement number from the list page. appears in display mode
5. View the output form Goto Output controls facet & view the output settings maintained for the scheduling PDF form for scheduling agreement shall
for scheduling agree- agreement. Click on the PDF sign to view the output form of scheduling agreement open
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
The requirement planning has generated schedule lines in the scheduling agreement for material RM128. In this procedure you want to monitor the material coverage situation.
2 Access the App Open Monitor Material Coverage - Net / Individual Segments The Monitor Material Coverage screen displays.
(F2101) .
3 Check Default Area On the Monitor Material Coverage screen select the user (on the If there is no entry Plant 1 IN in the Area of Responsibility screen,
of Responsibility top left corner), choose MRP Settings and then choose Area of choose Add to select it and then choose OK. For other plant entries in the
Responsibility. Check only this entry is displayed there: Plant Area of Responsibility screen, choose Delete to remove the others and
1 IN 1810 then choose OK.
4 Search for Material On the Monitor Material Coverage - Net and Individual Segments The relevant material displays.
screen, make the following entries and choose Go.
Material: RM128
5 Select Material Select the checkbox before the Materials No., and then choose The Material screen and Material Details screen display.
Manage Materials.
6 Review Stock/Re- Select the corresponding material on the left Material screen. The detailed Stock/Requirements List for each material displays.
quirements List
7 Open Quickview On the Material Details screen, click the SchLne XXXX in col- The SchLne XXX you clicked will display on the pop-up.
for MRP Element umn MRP Element.
8 Open Scheduling On the Pop-up SchLne XXX screen, choose Open, and then select The Display Scheduling Agreement: Item Overview screen displays.
Agreement Scheduling Agreement.
Scheduling Agreement for Consignment Procurement (2NY_IN) PUBLIC
Purpose Error: Reference source not found 21
Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step # Fail /
9 Display Delivery Check the checkbox before the item no., and then choose More > The Display Scheduling Agreement:Delivery Schedule for Item XXX
Schedule Delivery Schedule . screen displays.
The system displays the scheduled quantity and dates.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this step, you post the goods receipt for the material against the scheduling agreement.
3 Enter Purchase Enter the scheduling agreement number and The system displays the data for the goods receipt on the Goods Receipt screen.
Order choose Enter.
5 Select Item Select the items for which a goods receipt is The Post button is activated.
to be posted.
Enter the delivered quantity and check stor-
age location to be posted.
You can click on Cheveron (>) to check the
special stock indicator K is set (Supplier
Consignment), and then choose Apply.
6 Post Choose Post. The system is displayed the message 1 material document(s) posted: 5xxxxxxxxx
2xxx. The material is posted to the unrestricted use stock of vendor consignment with storage
location 181C and plant 1810 and 18300001. You can display the stock overview in APP Dis-
play Stock Overview.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
To consume the consigned inventory, you can either transfer the stock from consigned to the own inventory or issue directly from the consigned inventory (for example in reference to a production
order). In this test script, stock is transferred from the consignment stock to the own inventory by transfer posting.
2 Access the Open Transfer Stock - In-Plant (F1061). The Transfer Stock – In-Plant screen displays.
3 Open Stock Enter the following data in the fields: The Stock Overview of the Material is shown.
Overview Material: RM128
Plant: 1810
4 Select stock Select the icon beside the stock that you want to transfer A dialog box opens with Special Stocks, Stock Type, and current Quantity.
(Unrestricted-Use Stock, Storage location 181C).
6 Select stock Select the icon beside the stock that you want to transfer A dialog box opens with Special Stocks, Stock Type, and current Quantity are
(Unrestricted-Use Stock, Storage location 181C) again. displayed.
7 Select Special Select item Unrestricted-Use Stock. A dialog box opens. The Storage Location, Stock Type, current Quantity, Special
Stock Stock Type and Supplier are displayed according to your entries in the previous
8 Transfer Items Enter the following data in the following data fields. The system displays
Choose Enter and then choose Post . Material document xxx created.
Document Date: <Today> The stock has been transferred.
Scheduling Agreement for Consignment Procurement (2NY_IN) PUBLIC
Purpose Error: Reference source not found 24
Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /
Step # Name Comment
Posting Date: <Today>
Quantity: x PC
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
Scheduling supplier invoice jobs is especially effective if you create settlement documents periodically.
4 Execute Consign- Make the following entries: The system message displays: You can go ahead and
ment settlement In the 1. Template Selection section, from the drop-down box of Job schedule the job.
Template, choose Logistic Consignment and Pipeline Settlement.
Click Step 2. In the Scheduling Options section, make sure that Start
Immediately checkbox is checked. Or you can also set the start date
and start time.
Click Step 3, in the Parameter section, make the following entries:
Company Code: for example, 1810
Supplier: 18300001
Plant: for example, 1810
Material Document: Enter the material document num-
ber created from the last step.
Consignment: Selected
Pipeline: Deselected
Display: Selected
Tax Date: <Today>
The Tax Date is the key date for calculating tax, please maintain it
carefully according to your financial business requirements.
Withdrawals Not Settled: Selected
Choose Check.
6 Check the result In the Application Jobs screen, find the job you created. You may need The detailed log is displayed in the Document (ID, XXXXX)
to wait several minutes and refresh to see the results after the job status screen. You can find the corresponding Document number and FI
becomes finished. Document number created.
Choose Results.
Test Administration
Test Case ID <X.XX> Tester Name Testing Date Enter a test date.
Business Role(s)
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this step, you can review the document created in the last step and get the generated consignment settlement document.
2 Access the App Open Supplier Invoices List (F1060a). The Supplier Invoices List screen is
3 Search for the docu- On the Supplier Invoices List screen, enter the following values, then choose Go: Invoices list is displayed.
ment Invoicing Party : 18300001
Company Code: 1810
4 Go to the invoice Choose the invoice you created, whose Entry Type is Consignment. The screen will be navigated to the
detailed page Supplier Invoice detailed page.
5 Display the document On the Supplier Invoice screen, go to the Output tab. In the Output Details table, find the line The document (in this case, Consign-
6 Download the docu- Download the document. The document is downloaded to your
ment local workspace.
7 Send Documents to Send the downloaded document to the supplier as printed document, or by fax or by e-mail or The document is sent to the supplier.
Supplier via the Internet.
The step is executed offline.
Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names,
menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.