SCIENCE Reviewer
SCIENCE Reviewer
SCIENCE Reviewer
b. Dihybrid cross
- A cross between two parents that differ by
two pairs of alleles (AABB x aabb) MOLECULAR BASIS OF HEREDITY
Let's look at a dihybrid cross that Mendel ● Chromosome - is a string of DNA wrapped
performed. around associated proteins that give the
Parental Cross: Yellow, Round Seed x Green, connected nucleic acid bases a structure.
Wrinkled Seed ● DNA - also known as deoxyribonucleic
F1 Generation: All yellow, round acid. is a molecule that contains the
F2 Generation: 9 Yellow, Round, 3 Yellow, instructions an organism needs to develop,
Wrinkled, 3 Green, Round, 1 Green, Wrinkled live and reproduce. These instructions are
found inside every cell, and are passed
Let's diagram the cross using specific gene down from parents to their children.
symbols. ● RNA - also known as ribonucleic acid, are
Seed Color: Yellow G; Green = g single-stranded nucleic acids composed of
Seed Shape: Round W, Wrinkled = w - nucleotides. RNA plays a major role in
protein synthesis as it is involved in the
The dominance relationship between alleles for transcription, decoding, and translation of
each trait was already known to Mendel when he the genetic code to produce proteins.
made this cross. The purpose of the dihybrid cross
was to determine if any relationship existed “CENTRAL DOGMA OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY “
between different allelic pairs.
Replication is the process of making an identical
copy of a section of duplex (double-stranded)
DNA, using existing DNA as a template for the
synthesis of new DNA strands. In humans and
other eukaryotes, replication occurs in the cell
The steps in translation are:
The process of DNA replication can be
summarized as follows: 1) The ribosome binds to mRNA at a specific
1) DNA unwinds at the origin of replication. 2) The ribosome starts matching tRNA
2) New bases are added to the anticodon sequences to the mRNA codon
complementary parental strands. One new sequence.
strand is made continuously, while the 3) Each time a new tRNA comes into the
other strand is made in pieces. ribosome, the amino acid that it was
3) Primers are removed, new DNA nucleotides carrying gets added to the elongating
are put in place of the primers and the polypeptide chain.
backbone is sealed by DNA ligase. 4) The ribosome continues until it hits a stop
sequence, then it releases the polypeptide
Transcription - is the process of RNA synthesis, and then RNA.
controlled by the interaction of promoters and 5) The polypeptide forms into its native shape
enhancers. Several different types of RNA are and starts acting as a functional protein in
produced, including messenger RNA (mRNA). the cell.
which specifies the sequence of amino acids in the
protein product, plus transfer RNA (IRNA) and Reverse transcription - is a technique used by
ribosomal RNA (rRNA), which play a role in the researchers to generate a complementary strand
translation process. of DNA (cDNA) from RNA. The technology is based
on a retroviral mechanism whereby the enzyme
Four Steps of Transcription reverse transcriptase can reverse transcribe RNA
into DNA. This is especially helpful when scientists
1) Initiation - the DNA molecule unwinds and only have tissue and want to study gene sequence.
separates to form a small open complex.
RNA polymerase binds to the promoter of
the template strand.
- changes in the genetic sequence, and they
2) Elongation - RNA polymerase moves along
are a main cause of diversity among
the template strand, synthesizing an mRNA
organisms. These changes occur at many
different levels, and they can have widely
3) Termination- in prokaryotes there are two
differing consequences.
ways in which transcription is terminated.
In Rho-dependent termination, a protein
Types of Mutation
factor called "Rho" is responsible for
disrupting the complex involving the
1. Substitution - is a mutation that exchanges
template strand, RNA polymerase and RNA
one base for another (i.e., a change in a
single "chemical letter" such as switching
4) Translation- after transcription the RNA
an A to a G). Such a substitution could:
molecule is processed in a number of ways:
● change a codon to one that encodes
introns are removed and exons are spliced
a different amino acid and causes a
together to form a mature mRNA molecule
small change in the protein
consisting of a single protein-coding
produced. For example, sickle cell
anemia is caused by a substitution
in the beta-hemoglobin gene, which
alters a single amino acid in the
protein produced.
● change a codon to one that encodes 3) Nervous tissue- made up of nerve cells
the same amino acid and causes no (neurons) that together form the nervous
change in the protein produced. system, including the brain and spinal cord.
These are called silent mutations. 4) Connective tissue is made up of many
● change an amino-acid-coding different types of cells that are all involved
codon to a single "stop" codon and in structure and support of the body. Bone,
cause an incomplete protein. This blood, fat, and cartilage are all connective
can have serious effects since the tissues. Connective tissue can be densely
incomplete protein probably won't packed together, as bone cells are, or
function. loosely packed, as adipose tissue (fat cells)
2. Insertion -are mutations in which extra
base pairs are inserted into a new place in II. Stages of Animal Development
the DNA
3. Deletion - are mutations in which a section 1) Gamete formation (n + n) - eggs and
of DNA is lost, or deleted. sperm are produced in specialized tissues
4. Frameshift - since protein-coding DNA is
divided into codons three bases long, 2) Fertilization - the plasma membrane of the
insertions and deletions can alter a gene so egg and sperm fuse; then the nuclei fuse =
that its message is no longer correctly 2n
parsed. These changes are called ● Zygote (2n) - the first cell of the
frameshifts. new animal