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The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of mangrove forests
in the Pekalongan Mangrove Park Ecotourism Area in Pekalongan Regency,
North Pekalongan City, Central Java as a mangrove ecotourism area and
determine a development strategy. This research method used quantitative
and qualitative approaches, primary and secondary data obtained from the
results of observations, interviews and observations were used as data. The
IKW formulation is used as a data analysis technique, and the SWOTL
technique is used in the development strategy analysis. The results of the
study show that the Pekalongan Mangrove Ecotourism Park which consists
of various flora and fauna as well as natural scenery is the main attraction for
ecotourism development in Pekalongan City. Based on the results of the
suitability analysis, the Pekalongan Mangrove Ecotourism Park has proven to
be one of the areas suitable for ecotourism. This is indicated by a swamp
suitability index of 68 percent. Alternative Ecotourism Development Strategy
SO Mangrove Park Pekalongan will develop all existing groups as an
alternative eco-oriented community tourism in Pekalongan City. In the WO
Strategy of the Pekalongan City DPRD, provisions are made to maintain and
improve the mangrove swamp infrastructure for the Mangrove Ecotourism
Area in Pekalongan Park.
Keywords: Ecotourism, Mangrove Park, Pekalongan
DOI: 10.20527/jpg.v10i2.15220
Received: 26 December 2022; Accepted: 7 August 2023; Published: 28 September
How to cite: Sodikin, Nurismawati, Nulhakim, T. R., Muna, S. U. N, Hidayat, R.
(2023). Assessment of Ecotourism Potential of Mangrove Park Pekalongan Central
Java and its Development Strategy. JPG (Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi), Vol. 10 No. 2.
© 2023 JPG (Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi)
*Corresponding Author
1. Introduction
Currently the tourism sector is Indonesia's mainstay sector, especially in terms of
increasing foreign exchange, Indonesia as a country with a high level of biodiversity and
tourism potential, both mountain natural tourism and natural tourism in coastal areas. The
Sodikin, et al/ Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi 10 (2) 2023
mainstay sector of tourism in coastal areas today is the tourism sector managed from
mangrove areas or often known as mangrove ecotourism. Indonesia with its territory
which is an archipelago, so that the distribution of mangroves in Indonesia is included in
the category of mangroves with the highest area for the ASEAN region. Based on the
Indonesian mangrove map in 2021, the current mangrove area in Indonesia reaches 3.36
million ha with the largest area in Papua by 32.4%. According to Lewis (2014) mangroves
are specialized plants that can adapt to environmental conditions that are constantly
changing due to tides. In coastal and marine locations, mangroves are the most significant
life-supporting ecosystems because they function as barriers against erosion, storms, and
tsunamis, as well as by absorbing trash and preventing saltwater from entering. In
addition, mangroves serve an ecological purpose by providing food for aquatic life,
serving as breeding grounds, and nurturing a variety of creatures (Ngoma, 2020).
Mangrove ecosystems have their own characteristics and peculiarities, such as the
characteristic shape of the roots and various types of fauna associated with mangrove
ecosystems, such as birds, snakes, monitor lizards, shrimps, fish, mollusks, and crabs, as
well as epiphytic plants such as orchids, for association. Mangrove ecosystems can be
developed to improve human welfare and ecological functions, namely developing the
potential of mangrove habitats as alternative tourist destinations that are very profitable.
Mangrove ecotourism is the idea of ethical travel to locations with mangrove forests to
conserve those resources and advance human well-being. (Yoswaty, 2021). According to
Seliari (2021), the challenges for ecotourism organizers, stakeholders, and tourists
become guidelines for achieving ecotourism and sustainability goals through
environmentally friendly activities and behaviors.
Pekalongan City is one of the cities on the north coast of Central Java province. In
the north, the city is directly adjacent to the Java Sea. The real threat in the Pekalongan
Regency's coastal areas is abrasion, which is increasingly eroding the coastal areas of
Pekalongan. Based on Widada's research (2022), the average abrasion of Pekalongan City
is 3.98 m, causing coastal embankments and changes in the coastline that result in tidal
flooding, according to Miftakhudin's research (2021), tidal flooding is more massive. It
has increased significantly, amounting to 37.27% of the area. The Pekalongan City
Government, to overcome this problem, rehabilitates mangrove forests. Management of
coastal mangrove damage in Pekalongan Regency is tailored to each region. Mangrove
planting efforts in ponds and swamps are carried out by making mounds and mounds
around the coast planting with mangroves forming a triangle facing the sea, and making
breakwater (APO) to protect newly planted mangroves (Widagdo, 2014). To improve the
function and usefulness of mangrove areas, the city government developed a mangrove
ecotourism area named "mangrove park" so that the surrounding mangroves not only
protect the coast from abrasion but also receive economic benefits from environmental
services such as being an ecotourism area. This study aims to identify the potential of
mangrove areas to be used as tourist attractions and determine their development
2. Method
This research was conducted in the Mangrove Park Ecotourism Area of Pekalongan
City, located in Kandang Panjang Village, North Pekalongan District, Pekalongan City,
Central Java Province. Astronomically, the area is located at 60 51' 29.120" South latitude
Sodikin, et al/ Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi 10 (2) 2023
- 1090 40' 30.116" East longitude. East longitude. The research location is shown in
Figure 1.
For the analysis of mangrove biota and vegetation using the transect line method.
The collection of social data using interview techniques. Primary data used in this study
are data on mangr++ove thickness, mangrove density, mangrove species, mangrove biota,
location characteristics, accessibility, and visitor data. The secondary data are tidal data
and monographic data of Kandang Panjang Village. Technical data analysis to determine
the potential of mangroves as an ecotourism area includes:
A. Mangrove Thickness
Measurements were taken using Google Earth satellite imagery to obtain mangrove
thickness data. The survey technique was done by drawing a perpendicular line from the
mangrove forest at the sea border to land. The value obtained from measuring the
thickness of mangrove trees in the field is a measure of the width of mangrove trees.
B. Mangrove Density
To analyze mangrove density obtained by analyzing data on mangrove species,
population size, and diameter of mangrove trees then used to calculate the density of
species referring to (Dharmawan, 2020) as below:
Di = (1)
Di = Species density (ind/m2)
ni = Total number of stands of the species
A = Total area of sampling area
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In Table 2, there are seven assessment criteria when deciding mangrove ecotourism.
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several facilities for training, including walking routes, viewing towers, shelters, and
nursery areas. The assessment of area features in the Pekalongan Mangrove ecotourism
area is based on two criteria: the presence of exciting elements, both flora, fauna, and
physical elements, and the presence of beauty that has an attraction.
120 112
Thickness 80
(m) 60
47 49
stasiun I II III
Source: Results of analysis in 2020
Figure 2. Mangrove Thickness Diagram at each observation station
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3) Mangrove Biota
One of the attractions of mangrove tourism is the presence of mangrove fauna
(Agussalim, 2014) because with the many existing fauna tourists can enjoy and observe
the variety of fauna that exists. Based on the results of observations of fauna found in
mangrove park ecotourism as shown in Table 5.
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4. Conclusion
Sodikin, et al/ Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi 10 (2) 2023
Mangrove Park Pekalongan also offers ecotourism. There are seven different types
of mangroves here. Rhizophora and Avicennia species are the two most common
mangrove species. This tourist area has four types of wildlife: reptiles, fish, crustaceans,
and mollusks. According to the findings of the suitability analysis, Mangrove Park
Pekalongan appears to be an appropriate destination for ecotourism purposes. The
ecological suitability index of 68% reflects this. The mangrove park tourism area will be
developed to maximize the existing possibilities, such as the potential vegetation and
supporting facilities of mangrove forests as ecotourism opportunities for the tourism
needs of Pekalongan City. Pekalongan City will provide a special budget and strengthen
cooperation with the central government, government, provinces, and the private sector
to fund the protection of mangrove ecosystems and improve Pekalongan mangrove
ecotourism supporting services for mangrove tourism, improve unique supporting
services such as observation bridges, mangrove trails, To maintain the existing mangrove
ecosystem jointly, stakeholders need to work well together to reduce pollution and
utilization of mangroves for personal gain. It is hoped that local governments can make
policies for managing mangrove areas so that the management of existing mangrove
ecotourism can continue to be sustainable. Suggestions for future researchers are
expected to examine the environmental valuation of the Pekalongan City Park mangrove
ecotourism area.
Our thanks go to the manager of Mangrove Park ecotourism in Pekalongan City,
who has given permission and helped during the research process.
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