Provital Corporate PPT
Provital Corporate PPT
Provital Corporate PPT
Since 1979, we combine Nature and Science in our
high-quality cosmetic ingredients.
Every year, 500 million people come into contact with our products.
We combine
Nature & Science.
Nature inspires us and
Science allows us to transform it.
Plants from
all over the 152 products
• High quality extracts Organic, COSMOS-certified natural extracts.
• Biotechnological ingredients
• Fermented products
We extract the essence of
The essence of extraordinary plants from diverse places.
nature to awaken the emotions CareMotives™
evoked by natural beauty.
Natural extracts transformed Selection of warming, comforting oils.
into vibrant fusions, warming The positive emotion of caring
care products, respectful
versions and energising SparkCares
292 extracts Lively fusion of multi-functional natural extracts.
A medley of forms, colours and textures.
Because beauty is
we encourage all
kinds of beauty.
We care for
We care for our suppliers,
partners, fellows & society.
Direct contracts with ethical
and sustainable partners.
Improvement of environmental aspects: The natural and ecological content of all products
waste, water, energy, air, and soil. is evaluated according to ISO standard 16128.
As general criteria, this evaluation is based on the
12 principles of green chemistry.
Projects using stem cells as a renewable plant source. Sustainable development projects:
BioDeVaTe & Mexico Sustainability (MXS)
Ecovadis Gold 2022
The EcoVadis method covers 7 management
indicators based on 21 sustainability criteria.
The method is based on the main sustainability
standards, such as the GRI (Global Reporting
Initiative), the UN Global Compact and the ISO
26000 standard, and is supervised by an
international scientific committee.
BioDeVaTe Project
Protection of the biodiversity of our
nearest surroundings.
Mexico Sustainability
An example of successful
conservation through the
sustainable use of genetic resources.
We believe in
We care by collaborating with
agility and effectiveness.
We care by partnering with our clients to keep growing together.
Member to promote innovation Facilitates dialogue between industry, Collaboration to boost innovation
and business interconnection regulators and authorities. in the sector.
based on values.
Funds provided to support high-quality Drives knowledge and generates Part of the PRUAB
cosmetic science education efforts. multidisciplinary synergies. Innovative Companies Committee.
We seek to
inspire people.
Constant development of new
products and moving ideas.
Global & local
market trends
and applications
New technologies
Creation of new and innovative
sustainable and processes
circular economy