IDEA League: Joint Master Applied Geophysics
IDEA League: Joint Master Applied Geophysics
IDEA League: Joint Master Applied Geophysics
Applied Geophysics
Please visit for more information on the programme and how to apply.
Veerle Steenhuisen
Joint Master’s Programme
Applied Geophysics
TU Delft To meet the growing demands of the world’s expanding The Joint Master’s Programme in Applied Geophysics
It’s always been in my nature to take on new
Year 1, September - January population for natural resources, to resolve problems offers students the opportunity to live and learn in 3
challenges, so both the M.Sc. Applied Geophysics
created by our misuse of the land, to provide critical data European cities. Living in different countries broadens
The Delft semester will focus on convergence and my job with Schlumberger after graduation
to architects and civil engineers and to forecast the effects the students‘ perspective through experiencing
courses, seismic and electromagnetic theory and were logical steps for me to take. Apart from that,
of natural disasters, it is necessary for us to acquire detailed different cultures. Its enhanced student mobility
exploration geophysics. the international atmosphere of the Joint Master’s
information on the structure, composition and condition of therefore improves the students’ chances of pursuing
Programme is mirrored in my current job; I work
the outer skin of the Earth. Applied geophysicists provide careers in competitive global industries.
with people from all over the world and have
ETH Zürich this essential information in a non-destructive manner.
worked in six different countries already!
Year 1, February - June TU Delft
Furthermore, the analytical skills that I have
ETH Zürich will offer courses on seismic data Qualifications Delft, The Netherlands
developed during the Joint Master’s Programme
processing, numerical modelling and inversion, To help satisfy society’s rising need for highly qualified TU Delft‘s principal strength is in hydrocarbon
are very helpful for my job as a Field Engineer,
geophysics field programme and engineering applied earth scientists, the partner universities exploration and management. The city of Delft offers a
which includes a lot of troubleshooting.
geophysics. together offer the Joint Master’s Programme. wonderful blend of ancient canals lined with
Having a background in geophysics obviously
Those who successfully complete the programme of study merchant houses and modern architecture.
helps when you’re working in the Oil and Gas
and research are well qualified in applied geophysics
RWTH Aachen Industry, but I think the most important skill I’ve
related to either hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation ETH Zürich
Year 2, October - February learned from the programme that applies to my
or environmental and engineering investigations, Zürich, Switzerland
job is teamwork! It has been great to work
The semester at RWTH Aachen will be focused including geothermal energy exploration and exploitation, ETH Zürich‘s principal strength is in engineering and
together with motivated students from all over
around geothermics, petrophysics and borehole with a solid background in the other speciality. environmental geosciences. Zürich has a natural beauty
the world and I really feel it prepared me for
logging. for all seasons - inviting for a swim in the lake in the
working in different, international environments.
Employment summer and nearby ski resorts in the winter.
Master Thesis Our graduates work in a wide range of companies and
I would definately recommend the Joint Master’s
Year 2, March - August government institutes in the petroleum and civil RWTH Aachen
Programme, not only to students interested in
engineering industry, such as oil and gas companies and Aachen, Germany
In the last semester students will write their Applied Geophysics, but also to students looking
contracting firms. Some sign up for PhD research RWTH Aachen‘s principal strength is in geothermal ex-
Master Thesis at one of the three universities or for a unique and very international study
programmes in various parts of the world. Others find ploration and basin modelling. The city of Aachen is
other approved university or industry experience!
employment outside geophysics in, for example, situated on the rim of the wooded Eifel and Hautes
laboratories. consultancy agencies and financial institutions. Franges and offers both medieval and modern flair.
I’m currently half way through the Joint Master’s Programme in Applied Geophysics and
it has been absolutely amazing so far. I did an industrial placement during my bachelors
in Physics working for a marine seismic company. That is how I got into Geophysics and I
knew I wanted to study it further. A colleague referred me to the Joint Master’s
Programme and I immediately loved the idea of moving around different universities
across Europe. Each city has a unique atmosphere which I fully appreciated after living
there for a semester.
It is important, as an engineer, to understand
Geophysics hasn’t been the only thing I’ve learnt on this journey. Moving around has
the big picture and not only the specific problem
Mahfuj Ali taught me to embrace foreign cultures, try new experiences and become more organised.
Master Student I am confident the second year will only open up more opportunities. For anyone who
Joint Master’s Programme loves travelling and has an interest in Geophysics, the Joint Masters Programme is perfect
Applied Geophysics for you!
Applied Geophysics in numbers
Over the period 2006 - 2015
The Joint Master’s Our students come Almost 30% of our The Joint Master’s Employment of our
Programme was from: students are female. Programme has an alumni:
founded in 2006. Europe (70%) This makes this excellent rate of PhD, Postdoc and
Asia (15%) programme one of on-time completion: University (44%)
In 2015, the Central and South the most diverse 92% of our students Oil and Gas (27%)
programme counted America (7%) Master Programmes complete the Other, such as
well over 200 current Africa (5%) at our partner programme within 2 consultancy and
students and alumni. North America (3%) universities. years. banks (29%)
For more information about the IDEA League For more information about the Joint Master’s
or to download the PDF verson of this Programme Applied Geophysics, please visit
booklet, please visit our website via: the Geophysics website via:
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