702523-MZS3 Claw and Sting

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Claw and Sting

he Underdark of Maztica is a hidden world This name developed simply due to the absence of an
unknown to even the most intrepid “official” race name and was given because of a
explorers. It is the demesne of the scorpionfolk's primary attack form. The name is slowly
creatures known alternately as falling out of use and native Mazticans will snicker when
scorpionfolk, scorpionmen, manscorpions Faerûnians use the term.
or to others as the tlincalli. Scorpionfolk themselves have never used it and would
be as dumbfounded as if a human fighter were called a
“sword swinger,” or a giant simply called a “rock thrower.”
From beneath the sands they came. First one, then five,
then twenty! Before we knew it we were surrounded by Tlincalli
the half man, half scorpion monstrosities! The Legion
stood strong, but they just kept coming! I would never Scorpionfolk of the T’lincal nation almost exclusively refer
have fled the battle had I not understood Helmsport must to themselves as the tlincalli. Other nations use similarly
be warned! unique names, but since the tlincalli represent nearly 80%
of Maztica’s scorpionfolk population, most folk who even
- Alanza DaNosta acting General of the Golden Legion know of this name assume it represents all scorpionfolk.
1364 DR the Year of the Wave Only the tlincalli have ever set foot on the continent of
Faerûn, so its upper world inhabitants use this name
frequently. Incidentally, scorpionfolk who have been
The Scorpionfolk of Maztica separated from their homeland for many generations
have lost much of their heritage and culture and some
The scorpionfolk is a generic name for a type of humanoid tlincalli of Maztica no longer even refer to their distant
who have the upper torso of a human or other brethren as such.
humanoids, and a lower body which is reminiscent of the
arachnid embedded within the name. Manscorpion
There are numerous subraces of the creatures in
Maztica, though only the populous tlincalli are generally This is still a widely accepted name in Maztica
even recognized, if not at all understood. Beyond the True (okichtlicolōtl in the Maztican tongue), but those who have
World the other species are unknown, but with the come across a female tlincalli diviner knows that it is not
creature's increasing activity this might not be the case for necessarily the “man” in manscorpion that strikes such
very much longer. fear into their hearts.
Much about the scorpionfolk way of life was learned in
the years preceding the Blue Breath of Change and it has Scorpionfolk
not been forgotten. Maztican elders and others are now
The name most widely used today to refer to the race is
aware of the various scorpionfolk deities and a variety of
scorpionfolk. Above all others, it most accurately describes
subraces that may be far more common than man, dwarf,
the humanoids as they consider themselves.
or halfling ever believed possible.
From this point forward, this will be the only word used
When one refers to a “manscorpion” sighting, Mazticans
to refer to the species as a whole.
are beginning to ask for more specific descriptions,
because the race is no longer painted all under the same
brush. Even the name "tlincalli,"" one that they have been Scorpionfolk Culture
so commonly known by, has been proven to be a
Unknown to most surface folk, scorpionfolk are a deeply
misnomer. Tlincalli in fact, is the name given to the
religious people. Divination and communion with their
inhabitants of only a single nation!
pantheon of deities dominates every bit of the social
aspects of their lives as well as playing into their city
What is in a Name? design, magic and even their reproductive habits.
They are also an industrious folk, and the average
Scorpionfolk have been called a variety of names in the
scorpionfolk would be honored to work itself literally to
past. Here are the origins of the most common.
death. Laziness is seen as the ultimate sin; a universal
belief found among all of the differing subraces.
Stinger Survival is also a key motivation, but only of the colony
Although they are rare in Toril’s “main” continent of as a whole. With the exception of the most powerful
Faerûn, scorpionfolk have shown up in various myths and diviners, individual lives are only a secondary
legends, particularly among the more primitive folk and in consideration.
the more uncivilized areas.

Sacrifice and Stinger Racing Huoxopica will code his most important messages and
visions of the future within the created pattern. Needless
Much like the surface folks above, scorpionfolk have a long to say this event, which is naively known to Faerunians as
history of bloody sacrifice. They sacrifice humans and “stinger racing” is a rare one, and only occurs when the
other sentient beings in much the same manner as the scorpionfolk anticipate a dire threat.
priests of Zaltec are known to do on the surface world.
Hearts are cut out with great proficiency by clerics of Divination
their eleven deities (actually, nine and two demon lords),
and the typical offering is accomplished with masterful In addition to the infrequent stinger races, upper worlders
precision. have observed other seemingly random behaviors from
Scorpionfolk sacrifice their own kind far less frequently, scorpionfolk. This is because the scorpionfolk believe that
but do so in a bizarre ritual which they claim affords them their gods are always attempting to communicate with
a great divination and direct line of communication to their them and every member of their society considers itself
patron deity Huoxopica. When such a communion is able to read into at least some of these messages.
desired, two to twenty volunteers burst from the This will cause scorpionfolk to act in a manner that often
Underdark and run in seemingly random directions. They seems irrational and chaotic. Sometimes they attack
move at full speed stopping only to fight if attacked or random strangers without provocation or oddly enough,
prevented from continuing their run. will even occasionally assist one. To the scorpionfolk, this
Eventually, the scorpionfolk will die of exhaustion, behavior is decidedly lawful. Every move has a purpose
particularly since this event most often occurs in the wilds and goal, even if the observer cannot understand exactly
of the Sands of Itzcala – directly above the Underdark city what they are.
of T’lincal. What observers may not realize is that deep in The tlincalli and their ilk feel no need or want to explain
the temples of T’lincal, scorpionfolk diviners scry both the their behaviors to those who are at best food.
path taken and the location of each death.

Their complex lives can seem almost human in many
The Nature of the Scorpionfolk City ways. They trade, raise families, eat, kill, and work
Scorpionfolk hive cities are bustling centers of constant incessantly. Many tlincalli also live in communities outside
motion and endless toil, much like the duergar cities of of the main city, and these families must brave the
Faerûn; though perhaps even more fatalistic. Sedentary dangerous Maztican Underdark alone.
scorpionfolk are either sacrificed or banished from their The tlincalli’s pantheon calls for many sacrifices, yet
homeland with no opportunity to return. there has always been a sense that sacrifice was for the
City design does not always follow the most practical good of the nation as a whole. Their deities provided for
arrangements of buildings and common areas, but instead them all that is necessary for the city to prosper and the
forms a grand mosaic that the diviners use to assist their tlincalli diviners rarely sacrifice out of sheer malice. The
rituals. Sacrifices are almost always carried out in the gods are always hungry, but in return for the bounty of
centermost region of any layout. blood, great wisdom is imparted on their diviners in the
patterns of death itself.
Households combine features of natural caves and
scorpion dens with some basic humanoid amenities. Stairs For ages, this has been the status quo for the tlincalli
almost never exist and ceilings are four to five feet higher race. It is a strength that has gone mostly unchallenged,
to accommodate their greater size. until now. Obox-ob the obyrith demon lord has always
been one piece of the complex zodiac of scorpionfolk
divinity, but as recently as 1345 DR he has renewed his
The Theocracy interest tenfold.
Diviners are considered the spiritual leaders of the hive Why exactly the deposed Abyssal prince has developed
cities, and although the more martial types are respected, such an interest remains a mystery, but what is known is
they will always defer to the will of the theocracy. Unlike that the tlincalli have changed since that year over a
other races (like the drow), there is no jealously in the century past. Somehow, Obox-ob has managed to keep his
status quo. Among the diviners themselves, rank is intentions secret from even the great divinations of
completely based on merit. Huoxopica.
The titles of the most influential scorpionfolk in a city are The age of stability enjoyed by the tlincalli is certainly in
Lord Diviner (the most powerful diviner in the whole danger. Many among the tlincalli fear that with the unrest
settlement), War Chief (typically the cleverest martial among the pantheon, Obox-ob’s subtle influence, the
minded scorpionfolk who makes most of the wartime coming of the Golden Legion, the Spellplague and
decisions, but is still considered beneath the diviners) and subsequent Sundering that change is inevitable.
the Nest Keeper (responsible for protecting the well-being
of eggs and broodlings). Faerûnian Tlincalli
There is no denying that there are differences in the
The Influence of Obox-ob tlincalli of Maztica and those of their lost brethren in the
deserts of Faerûn. Physically, other then the generally
Scorpionfolk culture has remained consistent for unkempt appearance that the Faerûnian tlincalli maintain,
hundreds, if not thousands of years, but today the demon there is little difference in physicality, but culturally the
lord Obox-ob is a decidedly chaotic force afflicting the Faerûnians have devolved into what the Maztican
tlincalli. scorpionfolk might consider barbarism.
Originally, his cult was not welcome in their lawful
society, but since the coming of Cordell, Obox-ob’s breed
of anger and hatred appealed to the race. The diverse
pantheon of deities is not happy with the demon lord’s Faerûnian vs Maztican Tlincalli
influence. Beyond the cultural differences, the only
statistical change for Maztican tlincalli is that
The Subraces they can use their arachnid nature to climb
quite proficiently. Give Maztican tlincalli a
Only the ignorant believe that the scorpionfolk are of a Climb speed of 40 feet.
single breed and a single outlook. Similar to mankind,
elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings and even giants, the
scorpionfolk subraces have as many differences as
From the diminutive opistacanthi to the massive and Giants among scorpionfolk, the palophonti’s upper halves
ancient palophonti, there are almost as many types of are more accurately described as those of aquatic titans
scorpionfolk as there are different human-appearing rather than humans. Their lower halves are also unique in
races, and each has their own story to tell. that they bear the form of ancient sea scorpions; creatures
Note that all scorpionfolk speak the tlincalli tongue. no longer thought to exist except as fossils.
The sea scorpion lower half has not even evolved to the
Tlincalli point where it has developed a fully functioning stinger,
yet it is no less deadly. Fine filaments in a palophonti’s
The tlincalli are the race of scorpionfolk generally known
whip-like tail carry a terrible disease rather of poison.
throughout Toril, and for good reason. The nation of
Palophonti can best the most powerful of creatures
T’lincal, deep beneath the Sands of Itzcala, harbors the
alone on both land and in the sea.
largest population of scorpionfolk anywhere on Toril.

The palophonti are an ancient race whose origin is not In the early 1340s DR Obox-ob renewed his interest in
entirely known. While most scorpionfolk believe they are the scorpionfolk, particularly the inhabitants of the nation
Huoxopica’s children as are all scorpionfolk, a few of T’lincal. It is rumored that after eons of existence, he is
maintain the belief that the palophonti have an even more now seeking to ascend to godhood. The worship of these
ancient origin. horribly malformed scorpionfolk is his greatest
Although some palophonti are known to pay at least lip opportunity.
service to the pantheon, the majority maintain secrecy in As they are infused with pure evil and chaos, the
their true beliefs. Palophonti discuss close to nothing of obyrith-touched may only coincidentally resemble one
their religion or origins but clues are likely to exist in the another, but they can all sense the presence of others of
deepest parts of the western seas. their kind no matter how varied the appearance.
They are a rare species and have only come into contact The obyrith-touched either avoid, slay, or convert all
with humans from Kolan or Huacli in the past, though few others of their kind to the worship of their dreaded obyrith
of these humans have survived to tell the tales. lord. There is said to be a complex ritual that severs them
from Huoxopica’s great sight forever as it simultaneously
Opistacanthi warps their minds and their bodies into horrid shapes.
The obyrith-touched are universally reviled by all other
The opistacanthi are one of the few races of scorpionfolk scorpionfolk, particularly the proud imperatonti.
that exist in as great a frequency on the surface as they do
the Underdark. They are tree dwelling beings who form Charinti
massive nests is the boughs of ancient jungle trees.
Opistacanthi are halfling sized and favor the use of poison Until recently the charinti were thought to be utterly
on their weaponry, much like the Maztican halflings extinct. They have not been seen by other scorpionfolk
themselves. (and certainly not by man) for over a thousand years, but
Opistacanthi are nimble predators who will cooperate to rumors among the tlincalli have claimed that one
take down foes far greater than any one of them can matching their ancient description was observed in the
handle, and typically do so with envenomed arrows. They presence of the obyrith-touched. The gods have remained
have been known to come into conflict with both the suspiciously quiet on the subject, even to the tlincalli
Green Folk and tabaxi on occasion. diviners.
The charinti were created by the god Ek-Chua as
The Obyrith Touched servants to the tlincalli; a specialized race of bureaucrats
charged with endlessly cataloging the treasuries of their
While not truly a subrace per se, there are enough obyrith- lords and ensuring fair trade. To better equip them in their
touched scorpionfolk as a whole to warrant concern and tasks and to ensure their remained servile to their
include them as a separate subspecies. masters, the charinti had no tail stingers.

Instead, Ek-Chua gave them long whip-like feelers attached c. –29,800 DR
either in pairs beside their legs or in a bundle of four, five The scorpionfolk found many cities in the True World
or six sprouting from the base of their thorax. The feelers Underdark at this time, including the grandest of them all
spasmodically darted in random directions as they which is known as T’lincal, home of the tlincalli subrace.
counted the wealth of the tlincalli. Rare charinti have no The tlincalli come to dominate all other scorpionfolk
feelers at all, and these tend to develop sorcerous abilities. settlements and much of Underdark.
Over the centuries, Ek-Chua’s interest in mercantile
pursuits waned in favor of warfare, and his interest in the
charinti also dwindled. Neglected by their god, the c. –27,000 DR
charininti fell under the sway of Obox-ob. With his Rr’ikin’aka makes a play to subjugate all of the scorpionfolk
encouragement, the charinti began to quietly hide away and declare himself the Scorpion King.
significant measures of their masters’ riches. The mortal imperatonti known as Vulkoon assists the
Their deceit was eventually discovered, and EkChua was demon lords Obox-ob and Tharzax in foiling the plot and
outraged. The auguries of the tlincalli diviners were Rr’ikin’aka is forever entrapped deep in the Abyss.
unanimous in their message - annihilate the charinti. Soon Tharzax grows distant and disinterested from the
after the the genocide began. scorpionfolk at this time and Obox-ob devours many of
Vulkoon’s own broodmates, predictably unappreciative of
Imperatonti their assistance.
Vulkoon heads far south underground, bringing the vast
Powerful and barbaric, yet perfectly content to be left majority of the imperatonti subrace with him and founds
alone, the imperatonti are perhaps the only subrace of the city of Vulkholme deep beneath the mountains of the
scorpionfolk that might not capture or kill in a chance realm of Lopango.
encounter with a surface worlder. The subrace is truly He establishes himself, through popular opinion, as the
fearsome to behold and their courage is as legendary as first Scorpion King (having taken the title from the
that of their hero deity Vulkoon. vanquished Rr’ikin’aka). Though the exact date of his death
Much like the species of emperor scorpions from which lies unrecorded, it is known that Vulkoon ascended on that
their bodies are modeled, the scorpion half is near black in day to fill the void in the Zodiac left by Tharzax.
color, while their heavily muscled human torsos display a
wide variation of skin tones. If an imperatonti’s human half
were on a full human body, they would be nearly eight feet c. 400 DR
tall. The charinti abandon their former lord Ek-Chua for the
The tlincalli consider their southerly cousins exiled and demon Obox-ob after Ek-chua orders their genocide.
there is no love lost between the two races but they do Obox-ob hides the surviving members of the subrace from
have a mutual enemy in Obox-ob. Vulkoon and the demon Ek-chua on the Abyssal layer known as Zionyn (the 663rd
lord despise each other and this enmity frequently passes layer).
on to their mortal priesthoods.

A Historical Accounting c. 600 DR

Huoxopica sires Sciorah with an unknown immortal being
The history of the scorpionfolk is older than the recorded of thunder and lightning in a brief encounter.
histories of man, and approximate dates of a small Once born, Obox-ob drags the creature to the Abyss
selection of important events are noted below. with the secret approval of Huoxopica. This act ensures
All dates are given in Dalreckoning, though in some that Ixtilli's jealousy does not tear apart the pantheon, but
cases (particularly in the distant past) the dates are only in exchange Huoxopica willingly gives up any and all
estimated. divination in regards to the demon lord or his actions.

c. –31,200 DR
Two previously unknown deities named Huoxopica and 1,179 DR Year of the Stalking Satyr
Ixtilli manifest for primitive tribes of man. They transform During his reign, the human Revered Counselor of the
the awed tribes into the first scorpionfolk in order to nation of Nexal named Tolco delves deep into the lands
better serve them and represent a joining of the parent under Nexal. Briefly, Tolco comes into conflict with the
gods' physical forms. Palophonti, a sea-going subrace of scorpionfolk of the nation of T’lincal.
powerful scorpionfolk scoff at the notion that this event After a series of massive defeats, Tolco offers one
marks their origin. thousand of his greatest warriors as sacrifices to T’lincal’s
Lord Diviner in order to appease the dangerous
c. –30,000 DR scorpionfolk. Many of Nexal’s failures during Tolco’s reign
Other deities of the scorpionfolk make themselves known were widely attributed to this event.
at this time including Axipotl, Corantllil, Ek-Chua, The scorpionfolk accepted the sacrifice and disappear
Malinalxochitl, Nantzintli Coloti, and Pachutalixi. Three from the general knowledge of mankind for centuries.
demon lords, Obox-ob, Rr’ikin’aka, and Tharzax are also Their gods however, develop a taste for human blood and
honored and together these eleven form the scorpionfolk hearts.

1,361 DR Year of Maidens
Obox-ob renews his interest in the affairs of the T’lincal
nation of scorpionfolk just as the Golden Legion brought
ruin upon the lands above. Obyrith-touched, foul
mockeries of the scorpionfolk riddled with madness,
appear among the scorpionfolk, as do the dreaded obyrith
demons known as ekolid and the charinti whom others
thought extinct.

1,362 DR Year of the Helm

After Cordell's invasion of Maztica, the scorpionfolk of
T'lincal read the appearance of the Faerûnians as a
divinatory sign. Led by their diviners and subtly influenced
by Obox-ob, they began a three-year mass ritual to follow
the invaders back to conquer their lands.
The ritual was completed in 1365 DR and successfully
gated more than a thousand tlincalli into the Underdark
beneath Amn. This expeditionary force quickly descended
deeper and came upon the abandoned dwarf kingdom of
Xothaerin, where they established a new city known as
The scorpionfolk discovered a number of fire elementals
and outsiders in the vicinity of Xothaerin and immediately
launched a furious assault on the azers, efreeti, and
salamanders who lived nearby. The tlincalli overwhelmed
the other denizens of ruined Xothaerin and drove them
away from the old dwarven city.
Celebrating their victory with hundreds of sacrifices and
great divinations, the scorpionfolk began chiseling away at
the remnants of the dwarven city, remaking it in their own

1,374 DR Year of Lightning Storms

The tlincalli of Oaxaptupa raid Murann and the Trade Way.
They demand reparations for the plundering of Maztica as
they perform all manner of atrocities.

1,376 DR Year of the Bent Blade

Oaxaptupa is sacked by an uneasy truce of the Swordbelt
Alliance. The alliance first discovers that the tlincalli are
utilizing a portal to the Abyss for reinforcements from
their demonic patron Obox-Ob. Remaining tlincalli escape
into the Underdark wilds, but Oaxaptupa as an
independent city state is no more.

1,380 Year of the Blazing Hand

The predictions of one of the fabled "stinger races"
anticipates great turmoil. It is unknown if Huoxopica
divined the specifics of the Spellplague, but his warning
gives the scorpionfolk five years to prepare.

1,385 DR the Year of Blue Fire

Maztica, along with its Underdark and all of the
scorpionfolk living within it is ripped from Toril and
brought to the twin world Abeir. The gods are left behind
and found to be unreachable, but the scorpionfolk
manage to survive and even thrive due to Huoxopica's
early warning. After the Second Sundering much of life
returns to what it once was prior to the Spellplague.

The Scorpionfolk Zodiac
Deity Alignment Domains Symbol(s)
Axipotl, The Venomlord CE Grave†, Tempest, Death Scorpion Tail on Red Background
Corantllil, The Unceasing NE Tempest, Knowledge Anvil with a Scorpion
Ek-Chua, The Black Merchant, The Black Star CE Knowledge, War Lance on a Black Field
Huoxopica, He Who’s Throat is Never Dry LE Arcana††, Knowledge, Life Black Scorpion
Ixtilli, The Nestmother LE Life, Protection† Clear Egg with Scorpion Inside
Malinalxochitl, Grass Flower, The Seductress CE Trickery, Death Fist, Heart and Scorpion
Nantzintli Coloti, The Huntress in the Dark NE Death, War Tribal Scorpion
Pachutalixi, The Feathered Scorpion NG Arcana††, Life, Light Golden Winged Scorpion
Vulkoon, The Emperor Scorpion CN Tempest, War Lance Held by Pincers
Obox-ob (Demon Lord) CE -- --
Rr’ikin’aka (Demon Lord) CE -- --

† Protection and Grave Domains found in Unearthed Arcana.

††Arcana Domain found in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.

Unearthed Arcana domains can be found here: http://media.wizards.com/2016/dnd/downloads/UA_Cleric.pdf

As the smallest of the gods he is often seen as an

Gods and Religion outcast, but he is still respected for his unbeatable
marksmanship with a bow and theft of the strange human
Life can be navigated through omen and divination and all magic known as hishna.
divination comes from the gods. According to the
When angered, the deity’s eyes glow with a fierce green
scorpionfolk, each day is preordained and the gods know
light. Axipotl is somewhat of a loner and avoids contact
all that has happened and most of what will (despite some
with the other gods. Historically, he has been subservient
glaring blind spots).
to Huoxopica, but since his relatively recent theft of hishna
The scorpionfolk also believe that their deities are magic he has come into his own. The human god Zaltec is
always trying to speak to them through even the most furious over the theft of hishna however, and actively
mundane of events, imparting their vast wisdom. Great hunts the small scorpion god.
investments in time and blood are spent attempting to
Much like Zaltec’s enmity to Qotal, Axipotl has grown to
interpret these messages.
despise Pachutalixi and the Feathered Scorpion’s pluma
The scorpionfolk are particularly superstitious when it magic. The worshipers of each respective god are typically
comes to the number eleven. enemies because of this rivalry, though Pachutalixi’s do
With eight legs, two arms, and a tail; eleven represents not tend to initiate hostilities.
not only the “perfect” form of their bodies, but also in the
six vices and five virtues along with the number of
immortal beings they venerate. Altogether this is known as
the scorpionfolk Zodiac.
The deities themselves are undeniably strange and most
are bloodthirsty and aggressive. They are also quite alien
in mentality to a human but they do share one thing in
common with many of the other Maztican deities – a love
of sacrifice.
Blood offered upon scorpionfolk altars go directly to the
gods’ throats and with eleven immortals to feed, sacrifice
is an almost constant activity (ten actually, considering
Pachutalixi does not partake in the bloodletting).
Individual deities and demon lords are described below.

The Venomlord

Axipotl is the patron deity of the opistacanthi scorpionfolk

and appears much like one of that tree dwelling offshoot.

Huoxopica has foreseen the fate of his creations and it is
Corantllil a destiny of greatness. While the future is never truly set in
The Unceasing stone, if the scorpionfolk continue to follow him their
ascension is guaranteed. He is consumed with bestowing
his divinations upon his people, but such power requires
Corantllil plays a huge role in the everyday life of the
fuel – fuel in the form of blood. Much like his wife Ixtilli,
scorpionfolk. Work is considered second only to sacrifice in
Huoxopica desires to the blood of sacrifice and demands
sating the gods’ appetites and Corantllil is said to be the
increasing amounts as the centuries pass by.
fountain from which all industriousness flows.
Huoxopica came to Toril long before the continents the
He appears as an incredibly large and muscular
world looked as they currently do. He arrived as an
scorpionfolk with 16 legs instead of eight. His tail is capped
interloper god from a far away, alien world and starving
with a fine chisel (though it can still inject poison) and one
from lack of worship, he found no creatures suitable for
claw has been replaced with a massive iron hammer.
his attentions. Instead of fading away on Toril, he instead
If friendship can be said to exist among the deities of the
chose to take one of the lowliest of creatures and change
scorpionfolk, it is best exemplified by Corantllil’s
them into a more suitable form. In the caves, forests and
relationship with Pachutalixi. The two are not brothers, but
deserts he found primitive mankind and gave them a gift
act as if they are. Even with their vastly differing outlooks
of great power.
and alignments they are quite overprotective of each
Huoxopica painstakingly crafted each of their new
other. Together, the two scorpionfolk deities encourage
bodies, and the scorpionfolk would be his forevermore.
their worshipers to create healing potions in massive
This he had foreseen, for Huoxopica was the god of
quantities to counteract the great amounts of bloodletting
divination and of fate itself.
the other gods demand.
Huoxopica rules his pantheon with an iron fist and
Corantllil’s work (and that of his worshipers) forging
allows no dissension. In truth, he sometimes fears his own
weapons, tools and shelter are also looked on favorably by
wife Ixtilli. Not for the fear of her power, but instead for
Huoxopica, which keeps the worst of their ire from
the what war amongst the gods could do to his favored
Corantllil’s merciful friend. Malinalxochitl has had fleeting
creations. It is not that he cares for the scorpionfolks'
relationships with Corantllil in the past but he often
welfare but rather disruption in the steady flow of sacrifice
chooses to return to work rather than waste time with her.
he has received for so long.
This annoys the Seductress to no end.
Huoxopica’s talent for divination has helped him avoid
any attempts upon his power and he has been merciless
Ek-Chua with challengers in the past. He currently has two
The Black Merchant, The Black Star problems which he fears will lead the scorpionfolk into
unknown times. First, he has had numerous affairs with
Ek-Chua holds two very different roles in the scorpionfolk other deities and immortal beings. If his wife were to
pantheon. As the patron of merchants and trade, he once discover his infidelity, it would spell disaster for the
had a more neutral outlook, but in recent centuries he has pantheon.
become violent and bloodthirsty. Secondly, he has avoided the attention of the human
Some believe he has become addicted to the pleasures gods for millennia, but now with the arrival of the
of sacrifice, and so now he desires conflict and warfare mainlanders, Pachutalixi and Axipotl’s use of human magic
over mutually beneficial trade. While many of the and the influence of Obox-ob, the world above ground can
scorpionfolk deities desire ritual sacrifices, Ek-Chua seeks no longer be avoided. This will certainly lead to change for
them out on the battlefield itself. All blood spilled in his subjects, and it is change which he is having difficulty
senseless warfare is said to go directly to Ek-Chua. foreseeing. Predicting and preventing the worst of the
Ek-Chua has grown in power since he began focusing repercussions of the Spellplague and the exile to Abeir
more on warfare. Many other deities now fear his rise and have drained much of his powers. His foresight is not what
wonder if one day he will seek to usurp their own divinity. it once was.
Huoxopica however, sees Ek-Chua as his right claw and
turns to the god for all matters that involve warfare. Ek- Ixtilli
Chua is a master tactician and the pantheon’s leader
The Nestmother
knows it.
Ixtilli is the wife of Huoxopica and claims to be the mother
Huoxopica of the scorpionfolk race. She shares much in appearance
He Who’s Throat is Never Dry to her sisters Malinalxochitl and Nantzintli Coloti, but has
almost no physical traits in common with a scorpion itself.
Huoxopica is the Scorpionlord, the true king of the This leads many to speculate that she was once in fact a
pantheon and undisputed ruler of the scorpionfolk. Such human deity, but those who claim as much to her
has been the case since he found a tribe of primitive man worshipers live very short lives.
struggling to make fire and transformed them into the
powerful creatures which they are today.
His own form is that of the perfect scorpion. The glow
that radiates from his chitin is so dark that it is oft
described as a void, and none but the other gods can
remain in his presence.

Ixtilli enjoys surrounding herself with all different sizes The goddess Malinalxochitl suspects that Ixtilli cruelly
of true scorpions. As the mother of the scorpionfolk race, cursed her barren body and holds a terrible grudge for her
not even Huoxopica is willing to challenge her when she sister.
sets her mind on a course of action. Her sisters are jealous Much sacrifice is offered in Ixtilli’s name to sate her
of her high standing and power, but would never raise appetite while simultaneously beseeching her for many
their voices in protest. broodlings. She is also a jealous goddess and were she to
Ixtilli is said to determine the successful reproduction of ever discover Huoxopica’s trysts, the repercussions would
scorpionfolk and thus has as much power over fate as it be drastic and could bring war to the gods as the Zodiac
has power over her. If she so willed it, every scorpionfolk would each be forced to choose sides.
in existence could become barren or exceptionally fertile;
therefore she can control the future of the race itself.

As a goddess of sorcery, Malinalxochitl receives much of
Malinalxoxhitl her worship from scorpionfolk diviners but she wisely
Grass Flower, The Seductress does not flaunt this for fears of angering Huoxopica.
Though she feels she could easily seduce and distract the
god should they come to blows, her ever present sister
Malinalxochitl is the beautiful and sultry sister of both
Ixtilli could make it more difficult than necessary.
Nantzintli Coloti and Ixtilli, though she sees both women
as bitter rivals.
She is incredibly beautiful by human standards and the
Nantzintli Coloti
males of very few species can withstand her charms. The Huntress in the Dark
Malinalxochitl often appears completely naked, even
shunning common items of jewelry or other adornments.
The sinister deity named Nantzintli Coloti is the patroness
Malinalxochitl has few friends amongst the gods of any of hunters, cold-blooded rangers and druids. She is
pantheon, including her own. As the sister of Ixtilli, she is primarily a scorpionfolk deity but she is also one of the
considered part of the royal line and it is this fact that has only deities to also have a small following among mankind.
prevented the others from destroying her. Malinalxochitl In small centers of worship in Maztica or even Faerûn, she
has had brief trysts with each of the male scorpionfolk is known as Glau, the Lady Scorpion.
gods at one point or another, but the goddess herself is
The Lady Scorpion dispatches her minions to hunt down
barren and cannot produce offspring. Some of the most
and murder all those who cross her path and sometimes
ancient texts claim this curse was brought upon her
even the paths of her worshipers. The huntress is
because she ate the entire clutch of her first offspring in
relentless, cold and methodical, making her quite popular
ages past.
among the fatalistic scorpionfolk. In Faerûn, she is known
Corantllil is the closest she has come to a true in Anauroch, where her cult is outlawed by most of the
relationship, simply because of all the male gods, he has Bedine tribes.
been the most unconcerned with gaining her attentions
Nantzintli Coloti appears more human than
and she sees him as a challenge.
scorpionfolk. A trait she shares with her sisters Ixtilli and
Malinalxochitl, though she is not quite as alluring as either.
The church of Glau is a primal one, with very little in the
way of formal scripture or liturgy. Followers of Nantzintli
Coloti honor the Huntress in the Dark every night as the
sun sets and the time to hunt begins. Those who worship
her as Lady Scorpion offer their prayers at the stroke of
midnight and any time they use their poison to claim a
meal or a rival.
In days gone by as a deity of Faerûn, it was said Glau
had a rivalry with Bhaal, one that ended only at the
insistence of Malar. Malar, according to the tales, is either
Nantzintli Coloti’s father or her lover (some legends say it's
both), but this would make her only half-sister to Ixtilli and
Glau is bitter rivals with Talona and a sworn foe of Lolth,
who she considers clumsy and heavy handed in her
malice. She has a strange sort of friendship with Mask and
even Sharess - another Faerûnian deity said to have trysts
with Glau. It is known both sometimes visit Glau's lair
which are known as the Caverns of the Blacktalon.
Most good deities despise Glau, and she is particularly
hated by Torm, Mielikki and Eilistraee (who thwarted a
long-ago scheme by Glau to worm her way into the hearts
of renegade drow).
Amongst the scorpionfolk, Glau is well regarded by the
other deities despite her frequent associations with the
gods of humans, in part because it helps them to keep the
foreign gods out of the scorpionfolk world. She is vigilant
in keeping her people pure and secluded.
While most of the blame for the disaster that was
Oaxaptupa falls at the feet of the demon lord Obox-ob,
What few realize is that it was Nantzintli Coloti's insistence
that led Huoxopica to call for revenge against the Amnians
and the three year ritual that led to the city's founding
over a century ago.

The Feathered Scorpion Pachutalixi avoids gods other than Corantllil lest they be
tempted into slaying him and absorbing his divinity.
As the only god of the scorpionfolk with a strong sense of Though Vulkoon rarely interacts with his pantheon at all
morality and an absolute abhorrence for sacrifice, these days, Pachutalixi is attempting to befriend the
Pachutalixi is a pariah in the Zodiac. barbaric god of the imperatonti because he has seen some
Though he has no humanoid traits, his brightly colored kindness in the Emperor Scorpion.
and feathered wings make his appearance far less In order to counteract Axipotl’s discovery and theft of
threatening than the other deities. The rare good hishna magic, Pachutalixi has made contact with the
scorpionfolk almost exclusively worships this god. human god Qotal. Qotal has taught the well meaning
Often picked on as the “weak” god of the scorpionfolk, scorpion god the magic of pluma and he now shares it
Pachutalixi might have been slain long ago were it not for among his own worshipers. There are a significant number
his close relationship with the well respected Corantllil. of Pachutalixi’s diviners who are in fact talented
Pachutalixi and his worshipers lend their powers to plumaweavers or plumacasters.
helping Corantllil develop powerful healing.

Binder? Warlock Patron?
The Emperor Scorpion
In March 2006, WotC released the Tome of
Vulkoon is an ascended mortal who once assisted Obox- Magic for 3.5e which introduced the heretical
ob and another demon lord named Tharzax in imprisoning class known as the "binder" and beings
the equally vile Rr'ikin'aka in the Abyss. Vulkoon was never trapped beyond the mutliverse known as
comfortable with Obox-ob’s treatment of its own vestiges. It is the intent of this author for
worshipers however, and eventually he led his followers to Rr'ikin'aka to be one of these vestige entities,
seek out other lands. but as of this date there is no official update
Vulkoon became king of his people and eventually to the binder class for 5e. In the time being,
ascended as their deity. The Emperor Scorpion’s powers perhaps Rr'ikin'aka could be used instead as a
are certainly on the rise. patron for warlocks, whether this is as a pact
To Vulkoon, survival of the species is more important
with a fiend or a homebrew pact specifically
for the self proclaimed King of Scorpions.
than the individual. The greatest honor one can have is to
die in the service of scorpionfolk as a whole.

Rr’ikin’aka (Demon Lord) Locations

King of Scorpions There are many locations in the Maztican Underdark that
are related to the scorpionfolk and there are certainly
The self-titled King of Scorpions is no longer a major player countless others that have little to do with them, but are
in the divine politics of the scorpionfolk. Ages ago he made interesting nevertheless.
a grab for ultimate power with the race in its entirety and In this section you will find descriptions of some of the
the demon lord was punished accordingly. more important locations that fall into both categories.
Huoxopica’s wrath was immediate and unmerciful. He
enlisted the help of the obyrith demon lords Obox-ob and Portals to Zionyn
Tharzax to either slay or permanently remove the threat.
Obox-Ob in turn, enlisted the mortal (at the time) Because of Obox-ob's burgeoning interest in the mortal
scorpionfolk hero Vulkoon as bait to capture Rr’ikin’aka scorpionfolk, portals to Zionyn have begun to appear in
within the Wells of Darkness on the 73rd layer of the out of reach corners of the Underdark where few may find
Abyss. them.
Few scorpionfolk these days still revere the imprisoned Zionyn is the 663rd layer of the Abyss and it is
demon lord, and those that do receive little power from indisputably ruled by the obyrith demon lord Obox-ob.
him. Rr’ikin’aka still exists in some strange form and has The layer is crawling with vermin of both a normal and
been known to manifest himself, though he is only a demonic sort. Vast hive cities dominate the landscape
vestige and mostly powerless. There are scorpionfolk and where all else is jagged badland and oceans of a thick
rare members of other species who do still gain power syrupy resin.
from the shadow of this once powerful being. These hive cities are occupied by the cruel ekolid,
insectoid obyrith demons of the most foul nature. When
Obox-ob (Demon Lord) the ekolids capture the rare intruder, they dip their victims
in the thick oceans, which harden at the moment of
Prince of Vermin suffocation resulting in grotesque statues that adorn the
hive cities.
Obox-Ob has been a part of the scorpionfolk pantheon for Though they bear little resemblance to humanoid
thousands of years. This unknowable obyrith demon lord markets, it is said that any known poison in the universe
cares nothing for his worshipers, but he is worshiped with can be found among the ekolid cities in addition to
devotion nonetheless. thousands of slaves waiting for egg implantation. The
The most evil of scorpionfolk call him patron, and obyrith have no patience for mortal visitors and wise
Huoxopica is too busy demanding his own sacrifices to poisoners would do well to stay out of the hives. This holds
notice. The patron god of the scorpionfolk has made a true even for scorpionfolk unless they are directly in the
deal with the ancient obyrith despite his hatred of the service of the demon lord itself.
entity and this is the source of his uncharacteristic The life of a Zionyn slave is quite short and choice
blindspot. captives are implanted with the eggs of ekolid nobility. As
Despite his (its?) alien nature, Obox-Ob is an a favored pastime, the obyrith will gather in great numbers
opportunist. A century ago, he saw the invasion of humans to watch performance hatchings, where the more
in Maztica as an opportunity to wreak havoc, both upon gruesome deaths of a host creature are honored.
the invading humans and the scorpionfolk themselves. In Zionyn is now also home to a titanic beast named
this move, he may have finally overstepped. The gods may Sciorah, a bastard child of Huoxopica and an unknown
not tolerate his presence for much longer. immortal entity of thunder and lightning.
Needless to say, Zionyn is not a realm to visit by mortals.

T ’lincal 3. Workshops Though it might seem strange to imagine,
tlincalli still have some very basic human needs. Shops and
T’lincal is the capital city of the tlincalli scorpionfolk and it blacksmiths dominate this portion of the city.
has a population of approximately 3,500 residents.
It is located deep underneath the ground extendeding 4. Huoxopica’s Temple. Though the mosaic is largely
under the Sands of Itzcala. It is the spiritual, economic and considered Huoxopica’s holiest site, official, non-sacrificial
cultural center for the tlincalli subrace. ceremonies are usually found in this largest of T’lincal’s
Map Key
5. Great Stone. In the earliest days of T’lincal’s existence a
1. Underground Lake. Known only as Aklom (meaning
great creature was said to be imprisoned by Huoxopica in
watering hole), this lake teems with aquatic scorpions and
mortal form (others say by Vulkoon). The Great Stone is
the blind cave fish that serve as their prey.
rumored to be the “lid” to this eternal prison.

2. Tlincalli Abodes. The visible part of the tlincalli homes 6. Temple District. The entire scorpionfolk pantheon is
are only the surface portion of much grander homes worshiped in the many temples found in this district.
carved from the rock below. In truth, homesteads are
designed more like worked caverns than the human
7. The High Walk. A unique form of sacrifice and
homes that appear in the upperworld. Most tlincalli homes
divination in T’lincal is generated by throwing victims from
do not even have a surface structure in T’lincal.
atop the High Walk to the Mosaic below.

The unfortunate results of this form of sacrifice are said to Many tlincalli claim that if the city’s inhabitants were ever
predict various future events. to grow lazy, Corantllil would cause it to dislodge to punish
the scorpionfolk and remind them of the holiness of
8. Holding Pen. A great unmovable stone covers a pit endless labor.
where future sacrifices are held until their time comes.
Tlincalli diviners use magic exclusively to enter and exit the 10. The Mosaic. If it were not so frequently covered in
mostly underground structure. the gruesome remains of sacrifices from the High Walk,
the Mosaic would be quite beautiful. A wonder of art
9. Corantllil’s Eye. This unstable stone always appears to created by Huoxopica’s diviners, the Mosaic is the most
be on the precipice of falling and destroying a significant holy site in all the Tlincalli nation. The fortune in precious
portion of the city. It is in fact quite stable, and is the and semiprecious stones used in its creation could buy
remnant of a stalactite that was destroyed long ago in the kingdoms.
city’s creation.

In a long forgotten age, equilibrium was established so
Iercaloi that approximately two feet of water stands on the vault
Iercaloi is another tlincalli city and certainly one of the floor with little variation in depth from end to end. Land
greatest feats of architecture developed by the only breaks the surface at the various stalagmites and
scorpionfolk. The city is located deep underneath the columns of the vault.
Valley of Nexal in a vast waterlogged vault far below the This shallow lake is remarkably fresh and a gentle
lava tubes and tunnels of Zatal. current flows from one end to the other. The water’s
A massive stone column formed by eons of dripping source are the infamous lakes of Nexal in the distant world
mineral rich water was painstakingly carved for decades to above filtered through miles of purifying, carbon-rich
form a perfectly symmetrical pillar. Thirty three entrances stone. While the lakes have risen and ebbed at the whim
(a multiple of the sacred number) circle the pillar and of the gods from above, Iercaloi has remained
within it lies a bustling community of scorpionfolk. unbothered.
The vault itself is in some ways a wonder of nature. Humans have rarely encountered the scorpionfolk of
Phosphorescent lichen and swarms of the luminous Iercaloi, and Corantllil is almost as highly regarded here as
scorpion–like creatures known as the cibarius illuminate the primary tlincalli deity Huoxopica. Ek-Chua once held
the entire vault with the strength of a clear starry evening sway here as well, but his worshipers have since
in the world above. abandoned the civilized life for the more savage wilds of
the Maztican Underdark.
The dim reflections in the vault’s shallow liquid floor give
the entire chamber a dizzying and surreal effect. The vault Regardless of their opinion of humanity, encounters are
stands at nearly a mile in height but at its longest point, it so rare in this deepest of realms that the whole concept of
reaches nearly five miles in length. extended conflict is moot.

The community is also known for some of its unique Despite its living status, the tree itself has been carved and
inventions and the creativity of its populace. Flat, pad-like tunneled to form the hive like city in much the same way
extensions known as skimmers are often worn on each of that Iercaloi has far below ground.
a scorpionfolk’s eight leg appendages that give the Axipotl’s diviners are said to keep the tree hidden with
scorpionfolk increased speed on the lake’s surface. traps and other misdirectional magic.
Although most simply take advantage of the surface The Chittering. A vast abyss located far from the
tension, some have relatively powerful enchantments. civilized hive cities of the Tlincalli nation is the frightening
Entire shops are also dedicated to the ancient location known as the Chittering. Many scorpionfolk who
scorpionfolk craft of creating grafts. Tlincalli, imperatonti, have approached have been lost to unknown assailants.
and even the upperworld tree dwelling opistacanthi will The first hints that the abyss is near is the incessant
make pilgrimages here to purchase one of these fine body cacophony of what may be millions of unseen insects in its
enhancements. Every scorpionfolk settlement of relative depths. What really lies at the bottom of the chasm is
importance in Maztica will have at least one individual who unknown.
has been the beneficiary of these magical grafts. The Fires of Zatal. The infamous mountain is said to
have an extensive network of caves and cavers which are
Other Locations of Note brimming with foul creatures.
The Serpent Skirt. Avoided by all but the insane, this
While not as well known as the great city of T'lincal or as
region of the Underdark refers to the garments of a long
great a feat of architecture as Iercaloi, here are other
dead goddess known in tlincalli legends as Cōātlīcue.
locations of note in or around the lands inhabited by
Though she may be dead, it is said that her skirt remains
alive and its serpents permeate the walls of these twisting
Vulkholme. Deep in the southern lands of Lopango,
caverns. The similarly named abominations known as the
Vulkholme is the primary and possibly only sizable city of
koatlicans are the only inhabitants of these maddening
imperatonti. The city is sacred to Vulkoon and he has been
known to defend it in person in the past.
The Serpent Skirt is located far below the ruins of Olbi in
The Tree-Nest. A great tree lies somewhere in the
the Sands of Itzcala and it is uncomfortably close to
jungles in the upper world that has been the ancestral
home of the opistacanthi subrace since the earliest
histories of their race.

Magic of the Scorpionfolk Preferred Sacrifice. Sacrifice is only preferred by Axipotl
if three circumstances are met. The sacrifice itself must be
The scorpionfolk have access to a few forms of magic
sentient, death must occur from venom (damage through
which are not generally seen among other races.
other means is acceptable as long as actual death is via
While they are for the most part useless to non- the venom itself), and the victim must be physically
scorpionfolk, perhaps clever DMs could come up with restrained.
special circumstances which permit such players to
Axipotl does not shy away from battle and war, but he
partake in their use.
does not consider deaths in actual warfare to be suitable
In most cases, use of Sacrificial Boons are considered an to be considered a preferred sacrifice even if death is
evil act. through the successful use of venom.

Sacrificial Boons Sacrificial Boon. For eleven days after Axipotl’s grants his
boon, the recipient receives advantage on damage rolls
Much like the charms found in the Dungeon Master's
which are caused by its own natural poison only.
Guide, sacrificial boons are gifts bestowed upon mortals
by powerful entities - in this case the members of the Axipotl will typically only grant this boon to the
scorpionfolk Zodiac. opistacanthi, and then only when they are at war.
It is no secret that the pantheon (with some exceptions)
is a bloodthirsty crowd of immortals and they feed on the
actual blood spilled in their name. When a sacrifice is
properly done, and then only on rare occasions or in times Favored Sacrifice. Corantllil’s favored sacrifice is one of
of great need, the gods will grant a sacrificial boon in the few that doesn’t require the death of its recipient.
return. Corantllil is known as the Unceasing because he almost
Any sacrifice will generally serve the gods but to truly never leaves the side of his forge. Like the other gods he
fuel the gifts that they provide, it must be performed in craves blood, but instead of consuming it he found that it
ways specific to each deity. works quite well to quench a blade when it is being
Each god or goddesses’ specific favored mode of
sacrifice is provided below along with another that is Before forging a tool or instrument of war, a
generally preferred when the favored mode is unavailable. scorpionfolk craftsman can gain Corantllil’s favor by giving
Roughly speaking, performing a favored sacrifice gives a of his own blood. The sacrifice must amount to half (or
fifteen percent chance (roll of 18-20 on 1d20) that a boon more) of the blacksmith’s maximum hit points self inflicted
will be granted and a preferred sacrifice only five percent with piercing or slashing damage. This is, in part, why his
(roll of 20 on 1d20). There is also a story element possible worshipers have come to depend on the administrations
to account for the granting of a sacrificial boon, and the of Pachutalixi’s faithful.
rolls may be ignored under special circumstances.
Only the “Great Emergence of Life and Death” Preferred Sacrifice. Blood taken from other sentient
performed by a high priest of Huoxopica (foolishly called beings is still pleasurable to Corantllil, though Pachutalixi
the “Stinger Race” by mankind) guarantees a boon. Some has had some strong influences on his ally in this manner.
gods are known to grant a variety of boons, but only one Years ago, he preferred that a sentient being have its
will ever be granted at a time and no more often than throat slit and the blood used for smithing, but this has
eleven times for any one being in the entirety of their life. recently expanded to any warm blooded animal.
His more bloodthirsty priests are still willing to practice
Axipotl the older ways, to the constant disappointment of
Pachutalixi’s clergy.
Favored Sacrifice. Death of any restrained sentient
being, including other scorpionfolk, by a special venomous Sacrificial Boon. If a scorpionfolk blacksmith gains a
concoction known as the Crimson Fountain. This terrible sacrificial boon, he will usually receive a proficiency in the
poison leads to such a gruesome death that most would use of one set of tools for a full eleven days. If they already
actually have preferred to have their hearts torn out. The have proficiency in a set of tools, they may choose to
poison must be injected from the specially preserved double the proficiency bonus for that set of tools instead.
stingers of a deathstalker scorpion (a common creature in
many upperworld deserts), though very little of this
creature’s own venom is actually in its composition.
Because of this limitation, and the fact that the poison Favored Sacrifice. Ek-Chua has grown to love spilled
becomes inert within seconds of exposure to air, it is never blood, particularly in the act of warfare. The more
used as a weapon. The damage caused is 33 (6d10) poison powerful the foe felled, the more valuable the sacrifice to
damage and also causes extreme pain (victim is this bellicose deity. No special rituals need be performed
incapacitated for one hour). Blood pours forth from every in order to sacrifice to Ek-Chua, but a scorpionfolk warrior
orifice and pore of the victim and they are given repeated merely claims out loud that his victim is a sacrifice, then
doses until death. The poison earned its colorful name Ek-Chua claims the victim as such.
because of this gory effect.

The deity however, is not easy to impress. In order for a Sacrificial Boon. When the Great Emergence of Life and
warrior to have a chance to receive his boon the sacrifice Death is completed, the most powerful diviner involved in
must be fought in single combat, even in the chaos of war. the observance of the ritual is given a vision by Huoxopica
himself. There is no limit to what the scorpion god may
Preferred Sacrifice. Ek-Chua is still the patron deity of reveal to his follower. Huoxopica can see into almost any
merchant minded scorpionfolk even though in the present being’s future with extraordinary clarity and accuracy as
day he is just as inclined to encourage his followers to well as that of an entire society in general. It is also
plunder. apparent the greater the number of scorpionfolk that
Goods sacrificed in his name are thrown into the participate in the race, the more powerful the divination.
bottomless abysses of the Underdark, and this action may As his diviners are apt to express however, the future is
still occasionally curry his favor. never truly certain. Huoxopica’s only limit is that he has a
notorious blind spot when it comes to Obox-ob. The
Sacrificial Boon. Almost as if it were an addiction, when scorpionfolk have existed relatively unchanged and
Ek-Chua tastes the blood of powerful individuals slain in unchallenged over the centuries, mostly due to
his name he becomes desperate for more. Huoxopica’s boon. They knew of Cordell’s arrival and of
In order to ensure a steady flow, he bestows advantage the Spellplague long before either occurred and planned
on melee damage rolls for a full minute on three accordingly.
occasions. The recipient can activate the boon as a bonus Huoxopica's Favored Sacrifice and preferred sacrifice
action and if the three uses (which can all be consecutive if are exceptions to the usual probabilities. His favored
desired) aren't used within eleven days, the boon sacrifice is guaranteed to grant the boon and his preferred
dissipates. sacrifice only holds his retribution at bay, but grants
nothing else in particular.
Sacrificial Boon. Ek-Chua still maintains his roll as the
god of mercantilism and can alternatively grant advantage Ixtilli
to all Charisma (Intimidation) checks for eleven days.
Favored Sacrifice. Ixtilli is constantly hungry for blood
Huoxopica since breeding requires great quantities of energy.
When a scorpionfolk female gives birth, she can gain
Favored Sacrifice. Ignorant above worlders have had the Ixtilli’s favor by consuming her own mate following her
misfortune in the past of observing Huoxopica’s favored impregnation.
method of sacrifice. This event, which they naively refer to
as the “Stinger Race,” is in fact an act of divinatory magic
that would have shamed a diviner as powerful as Preferred Sacrifice. Like her husband, Ixtilli has
Zalathorm of Halruaa. determined that the scorpionfolk are destined for
Among the scorpionfolk, the true name of the ritual is greatness. Breeding strong clutches of new scorpionfolk is
the “Great Emergence of Life and Death.” During the ritual, important to her but conversely, she feels that she can
dozens, hundreds, sometimes even a thousand weaken the hold other races have on the world by taking
scorpionfolk speed to the surface and run randomly in their young. Ixtilli craves the blood of the young of any
every direction of the compass. They run until they die other sentient race.
from accident, starvation, exhaustion, or even conflict. Other than the fact that there is a relatively elaborate
No matter the mode of their demise, the pattern formed verbal and somatic ritual that accompanies the
by their collective deaths enacts a great divination which is bloodletting (requiring only a bonus action), there is no
analyzed from afar by a powerful diviner of Houxopica. preference as to how the victim is actually slain. The
Tlincalli of Faerûn attempt this ritual but can never involve resultant corpse must also be fed to young scorpionfolk so
enough participants to enact its magic (the minimum must that they may partake of the victim’s strength and stolen
be forty-four). potential.
Following the last participant’s death, the diviner will be
given perfect insight into the future of the community or
Sacrificial Boon. If a scorpionfolk earns a boon from
even the race as a whole.
Ixtilli and is a pregnant female, she is blessed with the
ability to better protect her own offspring. For eleven days
Preferred Sacrifice. Huoxopica learned much from his after the birth of her clutch, she has advantage on all
few encounters with the gods of mankind. From Zaltec, he attack and damage rolls in melee when defending her
learned of the power gained by eating hearts and since his clutch only.
first taste ages ago, he has craved this divine feast.
Much like priests of Zaltec, Huoxopica’s faithful are
Sacrificial Boon. Males and females who are not
extraordinarily efficient at performing a sacrifice. In fact,
impregnated gain a temprary +2 increase to their
the best of them can rip out hearts at a rate of one every
Charisma. This bonus lasts for eleven days or until the
17 seconds! When major battles are won, thousands of
next time the scorpionfolk copulates. Females are also
captives may be taken and the festivities may go on for
more fertile during this blessing and it is rumored that
great heroes are born under it.

Malinalxochitl Nantzintli Coloti
Favored Sacrifice. As a sadistically vain goddess of sex Favored Sacrifice. The goddess also known as Glau is
and seduction, Malinalxochitl will only consider a favored primarily a huntress and is not one for formal rituals of
sacrifice one in which the individual seeking the boon sacrifice, though she is just as bloodthirsty as any of the
copulates with another of exceptional Charisma (12 or other scorpionfolk gods and goddesses.
above). In order to perform a favored sacrifice in her name, a
However, the Grass Flower does not require this for the sentient sacrificial victim must have been captured,
furthering of the species, but rather for the enjoyment of released and methodically hunted. The victim must also be
the act. This is also only the beginning of the ritual, and it slain using only the gifts given by the natural form of the
is not sufficient to gain her boon. Using sorcery, a scorpion. The hunted victim must be slain using only claws
broodling (or child, in the rare case of worshipers who are and stingers and forged weapons are not allowed.
not scorpionfolk) must be slain within a year of birth. In all
ways the Seductress is the opposite of her sister.
Preferred Sacrifice. In her frequent dealings with the
gods of mankind, Glau has developed a relationship of
Preferred Sacrifice. As much as Malinalxochitl requires sorts with mortal humans. She has been flirting with the
great beauty in her subjects, she ironically can have bouts worship of humankind for some time now and wants to
of extreme jealousy and lash out in anger to the gifted. breed a healthy competition between them and
Therefore, the goddess allows for a simple removal of a scorpionfolk.
victims heart, as long as the victim is shockingly appealing If a scorpionfolk sacrifices a human being (not elves,
(Charisma of 15 or higher). dwarves or any other humanoid) in her name, she may
Typically, the victims face is horrifically marred before it grant her preferred boon. Oddly, the reverse is also true.
is slain in order to prevent the being from once again On extremely rare occasions a human worshiper of Glau
gaining her ire in the afterlife. has actually managed to sacrifice scorpionfolk (particularly
faithful of the “cowardly” Pachutalixi) in her name they too
may receive her boon.
Sacrificial Boon. When the cruel goddess grants a boon, The ritual performed during such a sacrifice is not
she may see fit to bless the one who performed the ritual complicated and is known to all of her faithful.
with advantage on all Charisma (Persuasion) checks for
eleven days.
Sacrificial Boon. Nantzintli Coloti can grant the ability to
gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) check once each day
Sacrificial Boon. When her preferred sacrifice is for eleven days in order to become the more perfect
committed, the Seductress may allow the recipient to use hunter.
alter self three times, but only to change appearance.
Extra uses disappear at the end of eleven days.
Sacrificial Boon. As an alternative boon, Nantzintli Coloti
grants keen smell which gives the recipient advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. This boon
lasts for eleven days.

Favored Sacrifice. The Feathered Scorpion has the heart
of a martyr and is said to truly bless the souls of his
faithful who die similarly. A favored sacrifice of Pachutalixi
is simply, but tragically dying in defense of another being.
It is no secret that Pachutalixi is seen as soft among the
pantheon. His faithful are frequently murdered simply
because they are seen as weak and the other gods believe
that this weakness can infect the race.
While martyrdom being a sign of weakness can be
debated, they are correct insofar as that for every
scorpionfolk that dies in such a manner, many more
convert to Pachutalixi’s faith.

Preferred Sacrifice. Pachutalixi once learned of the

human god Qotal’s legendary release of 13 butterflies in
ages past and was inspired by the symbolic sacrifice.

He has loosely modeled his own method of preferred
Obox-Ob and Rr’ikin’aka
sacrifice after the ritual.
Pachutalixi accepts the capture and release of any
Both of the demon lords that are so heavily tied to the
plumed creature, a rare thing in the scorpionfolk world, as
scorpionfolk pantheon enjoy sacrifices made in their
a favored sacrifice. The creature must not be harmed,
name, but neither is capable of offering a sacrificial boon
though some feathers may be removed in order to use in
in return. As a demon lord however, Obox-ob can do
future plumaweaving.
better. As per page 30 of Mordenkainen's Tome of
Foes, Obox-ob can grant a demonic boon in specific
Sacrificial Boon. Unfortunately, it is not possible for a circumstances.
martyr of Pachutalixi to receive his boon in this plane of Rr'i'kin'aka (depicted on page 22) is entrapped in a
existence, but his spirit is nearly assured that it will reach location known as the Wells of Darkness on the Abyss and
its final destination alongside its deity. his power can not reach the few who worship him in this
In addition, Pachutalixi will occasionally bless three of manner.
the martyr’s closest allies whom the martyr may designate
years before his death. All of the deity's faithful keep such Obox-ob Demonic Boon
a mental list should they ever be called by their god. This
Ability Score Adjustment. Up to a +4 bonus to
blessing allows the recipient to return to 1 hit point should
Constitution and Dexterity with an equal penalty to
they ever be reduced to zero hit points. This can happen
only once for each recipient though the ability can be used Charisma.
up to eleven years from the date of the sacrifice. Signature Spells. Signature Spells: Detect poison and
This boon is only granted if the Feathered Scorpion's disease (1st level), web (2nd level), gaseous form (3rd
favored sacrifice is performed, and should the martyr ever level)
return to life, the blessing immediately disappears.
Obox-ob's faithful are cruel when they aren't
dispassionate and they are obsessed with all manner of
Sacrificial Boon. In addition to their reputations as creatures that crawl and sting. They enjoy poisoning
talented plumaweavers, many of Pachutalixi’s faithful are victims and watching them suffer for extended periods of
known to be remarkable healers. If a creature has been time. Obox-ob has been known to host a victim of his
granted this boon, they are granted the ability to brew torments for many years at a time, keeping the being alive
eleven potions which are half strength potions of healing while vermin breed within the unfortunate soul's body.
that heal 1d4+1 hit points each. Their brewing only takes a Scorpionfolk followers gain the Obyrith-touched
single day and costs nothing. template and the rare humanoid who obtains this
demonic boon gains the Envenoming Spittle trait.
Envenoming Spittle This creature has resistance to
Favored Sacrifice. Vulkoon's hatred for the obyrith lord poison and can use an action to envenom a melee weapon
Obox-ob and his ilk holds no bounds. If a demon in service or ranged weapon ammunition. An envenomed weapon
to Obox-ob or an obyrith-touched socrpionfolk is slain in does an additional 1d4+1 poison damage on a successful
single combat with one seeking Vulkoon's favor, it might hit. The weapon stays envenomed for 1 minute before the
be granted. spittle needs to be reapplied.

Scorpionfolk Grafts
Preferred Sacrifice. Vulkoon is primarily a god of
survival and has little time for ritualistic sacrifice. However, The City of Endless Toil also known as Iercaloi has a variety
he is impressed by great feats performed in his name. If of features that add to its wonder and uniqueness, but
one of his worshipers seeks his boon and rolls a natural 20 scorpionfolk from other regions don't generally make their
on a Wisdom (Survival) check, he might be granted his or pilgrimages here for sightseeing.
her desire. Rather, Iercaloi is known for its remarkable artisans who
Unlike many of the other gods, Vulkoon does not seek can sculpt flesh and chitin like the greatest blacksmiths
nor crave the taste of blood shed on the altar. can shape metal. Scorpionfolk view their form as perfect,
but they are not averse to enhancing this perfection with
grafts of their own devising. Followers of Corantllil, the god
Sacrificial Boon. In order to better hunt down both your of unceasing activity and patron of the most industrious of
and Vulkoon's most hated enemies, the hero-god grants the race, have developed these grafts for the good of the
you advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track race as a whole.
demons as well as on Intelligence Checks to recall Each graft has a cost requirement in gold, time and pain.
information about them (as if they were a ranger's favored It must also must be attuned to, using one of the three
enemy). You can also speak Abyssal. attunements usually reserved for magic items (which the
If you already have fiends as a favored enemy, you grafts are considered).
either gain Survival as a proficiency or double your bonus The feat known as Scorpionfolk Grafting can allow for
if you already have it when dealing with demons. multiple grafts without using additional attunements. In
This benefit lasts eleven days. extremely rare cases, creatures other than scorpionfolk
receive these grafts.

Each individual graft is described below. Each entry
New Feat - Scorpionfolk Grafting includes the graft's description, costs, and method of
Prerequisite: Constitution 13 or higher activation.

You become used to the body modifications known as

Barbed Impaler
A massive chitin blade extends from a segmented and
scorpionfolk grafts and can endlessly make alterations to
curved tail. It is adorned with backwards pointing barbs.
your body as long as you have the coin and fortitude to do
The modification is a fearsome offensive weapon, allowing
so. You gain the following benefits:
you to skewer enemies with the tail blade.
Increase your Constitution score by 2, to a maximum of Cost. The graft replaces your tail if you have one and
20. you lose any action or ability associated with your former
No matter how many scorpionfolk grafts you add to appendage, such as your sting. The graft requires you use
your body, they all only combine to a single magical a tooth from a young or adult fang dragon and 4,000 gp in
item attunement. other materials which are consumed at the conclusion of
You take no necrotic damage from gaining a the grafting process. The grafting takes four days to
scorpionfolk graft or levels of Exhaustion, but you lose complete and at the end of the process, you gain the graft,
one point of Constitution for each graft. receive two levels of Exhaustion, and take 6d6 necrotic
Since your body is more acclimated to accepting damage.
scorpionfolk grafts, they are easier to apply and only Activation. You make an unarmed attack with the
require half the time and coin requirements. barbed impaler with a reach of 5 feet. The barbed impaler
does 2d4 + Strength modifier in piercing damage. A
creature which is struck must also make a successful
Dexterity saving throw (DC 10 + Strength Modifier) or
suffer double damage and become grappled.

The grafting takes four days to complete and at the end
of the process, you gain the graft, receives a level of
Grafted Weaponry Exhaustion, and take 4d6 necrotic damage.
Activation. As an action, you may secrete an acidic
Any scorpionfolk graft that is used as a liquid with a foul stench. Any creature other than you that
weapon counts as a magic weapon and you starts its turn within 5 feet of you must succeed on a DC 12
are always proficient in its use. Using the Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of
weapon is an attack action and cannot be its next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is
used in conjunction with other attacks unless immune to your stench for 1 hour.
an ability such as a fighter's Extra Attack
allows you to. Pincer Claws
Two heavy claws resembling those of a giant scorpion
extend from your hips.
Burrowing Claws Cost. The graft replaces one set of legs. If you have
additional legs, this does not negatively affect you, but if it
Two shovel shaped pincers extend from your torso like a
is your only set of legs you lose any action associated with
pair of spades made of chitin.
your former appendages, such as walking. The graft
Cost. The graft replaces your arms or pincers if you
requires the pincers of a giant scorpion and 5,000 gp in
have them and you lose any action associated with your
other materials which are consumed at the conclusion of
former appendage, such as claw attacks. The graft
the grafting process. The grafting takes six days to
requires the full forearms of an umber hulk and 5,000 gp
complete and at the end of the process, you gain the graft,
in other materials which are consumed at the conclusion
receives two levels of Exhaustion, and take 5d8 necrotic
of the grafting process. The grafting takes six days to
complete and at the end of the process, you gain the graft,
Activation. You may make an attack with your claws
receives a level of Exhaustion, and take 4d8 necrotic
which has a reach of 5 feet, does 1d8 + Strength modifier
in bludgeoning damage and the target is grappled (Escape
Activation. You gain a 20 foot burrow speed unless you
DC 10 + Strength modifier). You have two claws, and may
already have a burrowing speed that is equal or greater. If
grapple two targets.
you already have a burrowing speed you add 10 feet to it.
The burrowing pincers can also hold an item between
Special Note. This graft is a favorite for tlincalli who do
not naturally have pincers and they tend to choose this
them, but cannot wield a weapon or activate an item.
graft frequently. The existence of the graft is in part
Colossus Claw responsible for the wide variety in artistic depictions of the
One massive claw extends from your torso dwarfing your tlincalli throughout the world.
other appendage.
Cost. The graft replaces either an arm or pincer and you
Projectile Barbs
At the tip of your tail, you have a soft, melon shaped bulb
lose any action associated with your former appendage.
with two dozen pointed bone barbs.
The graft requires a pincer of a chuul and 5,000 gp in other
Cost. The graft replaces the tip of your tail and you lose
materials which are consumed at the conclusion of the
any action associated with your former appendage, such
grafting process. The grafting takes four days to complete
as a sting. The graft requires the tail of a manticore and
and at the end of the process, you gain the graft, receives
5,000 gp in other materials which are consumed at the
two levels of Exhaustion, and take 5d8 necrotic damage.
conclusion of the grafting process. The grafting takes two
You may no longer wield a weapon using two hands, but
days to complete and at the end of the process, you gain
your ability to carry is unaffected.
the graft, receives one level of Exhaustion, and take 3d6
Activation. On each of your turns, you decide if you
necrotic damage.
want to use your colossal claw as a shield or as a weapon.
Activation. You may fire your tail spikes to make a
If you choose to use it as a shield, it adds 2 to your AC until
ranged weapon attack for 1d8 + your Strength modifier in
the start of your next turn. If you choose to use it as a
piercing damage with a range of 100/200 ft. You have 24
weapon, you can use it to make an unarmed attack which
such spikes which regrow after a long rest.
does damage as a maul (2d6 bludgeoning). You also do
double damage against structures as if you were a siege
Spitting Stinger
The barb of your stinger has been replaced with a hollow
Maroonmusk Glands nozzle which can spit acid at your enemies.
You have oozing blisters erupting through your rear and Cost. The graft replaces the tip of your tail and you lose
the top of your legs. Each blister is the size of a human any action associated with your former appendage, such
child’s head, and a faint, maroon colored gas leaks from its as a sting. The graft requires the gullet of a young or adult
center. black dragon and 4,000 gp in other materials which are
Cost. The graft changes your body, but replaces no consumed at the conclusion of the grafting process. The
body part. The graft requires the glands of a troglodyte, grafting takes two days to complete and at the end of the
demon ichor from a dretch, and 4,000 gp in other process, you gain the graft, receives one level of
materials which are consumed at the conclusion of the Exhaustion, and take 3d6 necrotic damage.
grafting process.

Whip Feelers
Two remarkably thin, whip like appendages extend from
your shoulder area and flail about seemingly of their own
Cost. The graft changes your body, but replaces no
body part. The graft requires you possess the whips of a
pedipalp, muscle fibers from a chimera and 7,000 gp in
other materials which are consumed at the conclusion of
the grafting process. The grafting takes six days to
complete and at the end of the process, you gain the graft,
receive two levels of Exhaustion, and take 3d8 necrotic
Activation. Whip feelers are capable of holding any
item which weighs one pound or less, but cannot activate
an item. They can be used to deliver a spell attack with a
range of touch however up to 15 feet away.

Other Magic
The following section describes a small collection of other
scorpionfolk magic including new items and spells.

Magic Item - Tail Band

Tail bands are thick bracers typically made of rare metals

such as adamantine or mithril and inlaid with platinum.
They always have hinges on the opposite side of their
circumference from a clasp and can easily open or lock
solidly. Even with no magical properties such items could
be worth thousands of gold pieces. The ones worn by
tlincalli and other scorpionfolk are usually magical in
nature however and always of great use.
Tail bands only function on creatures that have tails and
Activation. You shoot a line of acid 5 feet wide 30 feet most can only be used by a creature that has some form
in a direction of your choice. All creatures within the area of attack with it. Only one tail band can ever be worn at a
must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC of 13. Those time and most require attunement. They magically
who fail the save take 2d6 acid damage and those who readjust to fit any sized tail.
succeed take no damage. You may only use this ability
once per minute as it needs to recharge itself. Altered Venom
Wondrous item (tail band), uncommon
Your tail has been entirely replaced with silk spinning giant These tail bands come in a number of varieties. It only
spider spinnerets. affects a creature with a sting attack which does poison
Cost. The graft replaces your tail if you have one and damage. As their name implies, they can make subtle
you lose any action or ability associated with your former changes to a stinger's venom allowing them to inflict
appendage, such as your sting. The graft requires you damage types other than poison damage.
possess the spinnerets of a giant spider and 4,000 gp in Varieties are known which change the venom into liquid
other materials which are consumed at the conclusion of fire, cold or acid. The venom still does the same number
the grafting process. The grafting takes six days to and type of hit die of damage that it normally would and
complete and at the end of the process, you gain the graft, the altered venom has the same additional properties
receive two levels of Exhaustion, and take 6d6 necrotic (such as causing the poisoned condition or a tlincalli's
damage. paralysis) as it might otherwise have.
Activation. You make a ranged weapon attack with a The tail band does not need to be removed for a stinger
30/60 ft. range with one creature as your target. If you hit, to return to normal functioning and the wearer can simply
the target is Restrained by webbing. As an action, the will it to deactivate or reactivate as a bonus action.
Restrained target can make a DC 12 Strength check,
bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can also Impact
be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to Wondrous item (tail band), rare (requires attunement)
fire damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and
psychic damage). You may only use this ability once every An impact tail band allows the tail to secrete a small
minute. amount of oil similar to the magical substance known as
oil of impact.

In addition to any other forms of damage, when a creature The curtain is 20 feet high but only a few inches thick.
is struck by a tail in a melee attack, it does an additional Every five foot section of the curtain has 20 hp, but is only
2d6 force damage and the target must make an DC 12 affected by force damage.
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. When a creature passes through the wall, it must make
a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
Swift Striking takes 4d10 poison and 2d10 piercing damage. On a
Wondrous item (tail band), rare (requires attunement) successful save, the creature takes half as much damage.

The swift striking tail band has eight charges when found. Read Pattern
If you use a charge as a bonus action, the swift striking tail 3rd-level divination
band allows you to make an additional attack with your tail
on your turn. Casting Time: 1 minute
Each morning, the tail band regains 1d6+1 charges with Range: Self
a maximum of 8 charges. Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Wondrous item (tail band), rare (requires attunement) You call upon the knowledge of your gods to gain some
insight into the future as they speak to you through
A virulence tail band only works if placed on a tail with a omens. The amount of knowledge given depends in part
stinger that does poison damage. The poison damage on your skill as a diviner.
inflicted by the sting attack of a creature wearing the Roll 1d10 and add your Wisdom modifier. The question
virulence tail band does 2d6 additional poison damage you ask might be something like "Is their danger beyond
and adds +1 to any save DCs required to avoid additional this door?" or "Should I trust this creature is telling the
effects such as paralysis. truth?" At the DM's discretion, more difficult or involved
questions might incur penalties on this roll.
Scorpionfolk Spells
Read Pattern Result
The following is a collection of spells developed for and 1d10 + Wis
used by scorpionfolk diviners. Players might be able to add Mod Roll Cost
such spells to their spellbooks but scorpionfolk who Information given is incorrect and
choose the Scorpionfolk Diviner background can add them potentially dangerously misleading.
to their repertoire regardless of class. 4-5 No omen is detected.
Adamantine Claws 5-10 Useful and accurate information is given.
1st-level transmutation Additional information regarding the subject
is given.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Note that the abilities of this spell cannot be abused and
Components: V, S, M (a tiny cylindrical bar of adamantine the gods look unfavorably on characters who use it too
worth 25 gp which is not consumed in the casting) often. On the third occasion it is used in a 24 hour period,
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes the gods offer a warning through the omen itself, whether
or not the information given was good. On the fourth
You touch a creature's claws and they become encased in attempt, the deities will either intentionally give wrong
an adamantine sheen. Any attack with the claws before information (on a roll of 1-3) or cause a dangerous
the spell's duration expires attack with an increased creature such as a Maztican manticore or scorilla to
chance to score a critical hit. When rolling an attack, a manifest within 30 feet and attack the offender (any other
natural 19 or 20 now scores a critical hit. roll).

Curtain of Stingers
6th-level evocation

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You create a magical curtain surrounding yourself in a 30

foot radius which lasts for the duration. Thousands of tiny
ghostly scorpion tails continually strike facing outwards.
They do not in any way obscure your vision, but you are
considered to have three-quarters cover from any
creature who attempts to attack you from outside the

Now, over 1,000 years later, the charinti are returning. One
Monsters thousand years on the Abyss can change a creature
however, and the charinti have become as sadistic as the
There are a number of creatures like the hurachnid,
plane they called home for so long.
h'calan and koatlican found in Monsters of Maztica which
Whip Feelers. Charinti don't have a sting, nor do they
are appropriate for the Underdark of Maztica in and
use their weak claws in battle. However, they typically have
around the regions dominated by scorpionfolk.
whip-like feelers which they can use to cause horrifying
Below are additional creatures you can use to further
lashes which rot the area around the wound. Charinti's
flesh out an Underdark adventure in the True World.
feelers come in sets of two, with two, four or six feelers
being common, but can attack with only two. Some
Charinti Charinti have no feelers in which case they will typically
pick up a weapon such as a itztōpīlli (spear) or other
Once thought to be extinct, the charinti do not have many
of the attack forms common to scorpionfolk. They have
always been considered a bit of a weak link among the Eidetic Memory. Charinti are capable of commiting to
scorpionfolk but until Ek-Chua ordered their extermination memory everything they see or hear, and have honed this
they were at least seen as useful. ability down to the point where they are capable of
imitating the complex movements of the magic of cantrips.
Returned from Zionyn. The charinti only survive
Because of the magic involved, they may only know one
because they were saved by the "grace" of Obox-ob's
cantrip at a time, but can switch to another whenever
whim. The obyrith sent a swarm of demons called ekolids
to the Prime in order to snatch up as many of the charinti
as they could before the extermination was complete.
Charinti Necroblaster
In order to hold their own in hostile territory, some
Charinti have made pacts with Obox-ob who usually sees
fit to simply transform them into obyrith-touched.
However, those who he has plans for that require greater
cunning eventually become known as a charinti

Cibarius Swarm
Cibarius are flying luminescent spider-scorpions that are
generally non hostile if left alone. When agitated, they
attack as a massive swarm which can generate a shocking
touch to their targets.
Natural Light Source. Cibarius swarms often lair on
the ceilings of great underground caverns consuming
insects and leaving anything bigger than a worm alone.
Their favorite meals are glowworms, and by shedding their
own bioluminescence they fool such creatures into coming
to them for an easy snack.
Caverns which contain cibarius swarms tend to be lit
with a dim light throughout, but the effect above is much
like a starry night to observers below. Cibarius swarms
often intermix with their glowworm prey, adding to the
Electric Swarm. The light produced by a single cibarius
is harmless, though it can generate a small spark if the
creature is handled. If the swarm is agitated however and
form up to attack, the sparks become a very real electrical

Crystal Scorpion
A fearsome construct which harnesses the chemical
reactions found in harvested cibarius swarms, crystal
scorpions defend the hive towns and cities of the
Created Guardians. Like most golems and other
constructs, the crystal scorpion is an animated creature
that is absolutely loyal to its creators as long as they
remain in good standings with their deity. Crystal
scorpions cannot be created without direct appeals to the
goddess Ixtilli whose takes her role as a protector to the
entire race of scorpionfolk very seriously.
They are almost always stationed at hive town or city
entrances and are almost never used as personal
guardians or to the benefit of a single individual.
Cibarius Glands. Part of a crystal scorpion's
construction requires the harvesting of the glands of the
cibarius spider-scorpions which generate electric energy.
Because these compounds are biological, they tend to
decay over time and the cibarius must be "recharged" by
its creator once annually. If the crystal scorpion is not
recharged with the glands of a swarm of cibarius in such a
way, it no longer does the additional lightning damage
from its claws, but the construct still functions otherwise.
Abandoned crystal scorpions are therefore less deadly
and have a CR of 6.
Constructed Nature. A crystal scorpion doesn't
require air, food, drink, or sleep.

Feathered Scorpion
Benevolent protectors and the children of the gentle god
Pachutalixi, the feathered scorpions are creations of
pluma magic that have begun to breed on their own. The
scorpionfolk do not yet know quite what to make of them,
because they are seen as weak creatures with a dangerous
morality, yet their help to scorpionfolk societies have been
quite valuable.
Pluma Magic Creations. When Pachutalixi first
learned pluma magic from Qotal, he also learned some of
the history of its creation and usage. In particular, he
looked to the writings of a notorious plumaweaver named
Itzamna Manik, who created the race of feather-beings
known as plumazotl.
Using the mortal's act as inspiration, Pachutalixi created
the feathered scorpions in his own name and introduced
them to the scorpionfolk as healers and what might stand
for a moral compass.

Healing Sting. The feathered scorpions have the ability to In this form its statistics remain virtually unchanged,
heal friends and allies with a modified poison from their except it has no claws with which to attack and it gains a
sting. Feathered scorpions use this frequently on flight speed of 90 feet. It can hold this form only for a
scorpionfolk who hurt themselves through dangerous maximum of one hour, and it uses this ability only to
work or sacrificial bloodletting and its use is appreciated. escape dangerous circumstances or to encounter surface
In particular, these acts have strengthened the bonds of dwellers who would otherwise be frightened of its natural
friendship (and subsequent protection) with the god of form.
unceasing activity, Corantllil. This ability is also a closely guarded secret from
Shapechanger. Once each day, a feathered scorpion scorpionfolk, with the exception of the faithful of
can shapechange into the form of a couatl with a a small Pachutalixi.
and well hidden tail stinger.

Brutal and barbaric, the imperatonti honor strength above
all. While most scorpionfolk are already stronger than the
average human, the imperatonti stand equally distant
from their smaller kin.
Code of Honor. While the imperatonti have no
aversion to killing (and doing so quite brutally) they still
follow a code which prevents them from commiting the
worst atrocities scorpionfolk are known for. They have
been known to return lost children to their human parents
and leave unarmed opponents to fight another day.
Woe to the enemy who attempts to take advantage of
this however, because the imperatonti will not be fooled
twice. For followers of Obox-ob and the obyrith-touched in
particular, they have no mercy. Vulkoon's enmity with the
demon lord has extended many centuries.
Far Wanderers. The imperatonti have distanced
themselves from their kin and have spread out far and
wide through the True World. The largest of their
communities are actually quite far south where no other
scorpionfolk dare to tread. These scorpionfolk forged their
kingdoms under the distant lands of Lopango, known to
some as the Land of Fire.

Imperatonti Cleaver
Some imperatonti forgo the use of forged weaponry and
have come to rely on their innate rage and the power of
their mighty claws. These imperatonti have been known to
sever limbs in a single attack, separating arms, legs and
even entire heads or ripping apart torsos.

Manticore, Maztican
For those in the know, the Maztican Manticore is the true
and original manticore, while the flying monstrosities of
Faerûn are but a magically experimented on alteration.
Whichever came first, the date of their divergence is so far
in the past that none can really know for sure.
What is known however, is that the Maztican manticore
is just as deadly as its counterpart, and in place of its
cousin's ability to fire tail spikes at its opponents, the
Maztican manticore has a remarkably virulent poison.
Bred in the Underdark. Maztican manticores have a
long history standing alongside the scorpionfolk of the
Maztican Underdark. Naturally a cave dweller, the
creatures were caught and bred in the deep cities until
they became loyal beasts much like a war dog might
accompany a human warrior.
They are also fully capable of acting as mounts, except
that the scorpionfolk body structure does not allow for
such an odd pairing.
Scorpionfolk Cavarly. Despite the fact that they are
not ridden, breeding programs have been put into place
by the tlincalli to increase the manticore populations so
that they may serve as an effective cavalry should conflict
arise with the surface. The manticores are intelligent
enough to guide themselves into battle and an entire
contingent of these galloping monbstrosities will likely turn
even the hardiest of human warriors.

The obyrith-touched is a template which can be applied to
scorpionfolk, including charinti, imperatonti, opistacanthi,
tlincalli and even the occasional palophonti.
Blessing of Obox-ob. Scorpionfolk who displease the
former Prince of Demons known as Obox-ob are
sometimes "blessed" by the demon lord with becomeing
obyrith-touched. The process is horrifically painful, leaving
the creature with 1d4 levels of exhaustion once it is
complete and the process takes a full twenty four hours of
Physical Warping. All obyrith-touched gain numerous
agony where the creature is incapacitated.
changes to their physical appearances which make them
The template can only be placed upon his faithful, but
all the more horrifying. Some of these changes have an
even they may attempt to resist the transformation as
affect on their capabilities. Roll on the table below to
they feel it come upon them by making a successful DC 20
determine these special transformations.
Constitution check. If a scorpionfolk creature makes the
save, Obox-ob may never attempt to affect them in such a
Physical Changes
way again.
Once the transformation is complete however, the
scorpionfolk has been tranformed in both mind and body
1d6 Change Game Stat
and is now unshakably loyal to the Prince of Vermin. Such
creatures are often placed under the command of Add an attack (also to multiattack)
1 Extra Claw
which does 1d6 bludgeoning
powerful priests and priestesses of the demon lord.
Aura of Madness. Scorpionfolk who gain this template Can hold an additional item but can't
2 Whip Feeler
be used to activate magic
become chaotic evil and gain an aura of madness that the
faithful of Obox-ob and mindless beings are immune to. Oozes pus giving them resistance to
3 Pustules
This gives them a 30 foot aura which all creatures who slashing attacks
start their turn in the aura must make a successful DC 13 Can release a stinking cloud with a
Wisdom saving throw or gain a form of madness that 20 foot radius centered on the
4 Stink Glands
makes them unreasonably frightened of insects or obyrith-touched. Save DC is 13 Con
and can be used 3/Day
insectoid creatures. A creature that succeeds on the save
is immune to all obyrith-touched auras of madness for 24 Bifurcated Sting attack does an extra 1d4
hours. The madness lasts for an hour. Stinger piercing damage.
Roll twice on this list, ignoring repeats
6 Two Effects
and a roll of 6.

Obyrith-Touched Maztican Tlincalli
Tlincalli are Obox-ob's favored subjects if he could be said
to have such a thing. This does not mean that he cares for
them in any way, but he does find them to be useful.

The opistacanthi are a race of scorpionfolk that tend to be
much smaller than their tlincalli brethren. They are also
the only subrace where almost as many can be found
aboveground as there are below ground. Opistacanthi are
arboreal, and make well hidden systems of nests in the
most ancient of jungle trees.
Envenomed Bows. The opistacanthi use a Maztican
war bow known as the tlahhuītōlli to great effect. Unlike
most scorpionfolk, the poison from their tail stingers
remains potent for many hours after exposure to air and
more than enough drips from the tip for them to envenom
their arrows.
Monstrous Guardians. The opistacanthi are physically
the weakest of the scorpionfolk (though perhaps they are
the most clever) and they are aware of this shortcoming.
Therefore, many opistacanthi communities contain
guardians that they raised from birth.
The scorilla, whether created by the opistacanthi or
some mad hishnashaper in the past, is the most common
of these guardians.
Blessed by Axipotl. The powerful and stable venom
enjoyed by the opistacanthi is considered a gift by their
patron deity Axipotl. While not every opistacanthi is
devout, almost all of them pay the Venomlord at least lip

In the depths of the deepest oceans, a gigantic race of
aquatic scorpionfolk roams. They are cruel or at best
uncaring, but prefer more than anything not to be
disturbed. Their connection to other scorpionfolk is
tenuous at best and they claim to have existed long before
even the Zodiac of deities.
Prehistoric Race. The palophonti have existed in the
oceans of Toril since the Days of Thunder. Like other
scorpionfolk, their bodies are an amalgamation of a
humanoid torso and the body of a scorpion. The
palophonti, however, are enormous creatures, and their
scorpion halves are that of an extinct species of sea
scorpion that no longer exists in Toril’s oceans (as far as
anyone knows).
These scorpions had not yet fully developed their
stingers, and the palophonti has their bifurcated tail which Teoatl Magic
can spread a deadly disease that rots the flesh. If you have access to MZM1 Teoatl Magic, you
Historians of the Sea. The palophonti know secrets of might want to consider replacing the
the sea that are far beyond the knowledge of most others. palophonti's magic selection with teoatl
If they were not so cruel, they might be known as great spells. Many palophonti are masters of this
oracles of the oceans. It is nearly impossible to get these form of magic and perhaps the originators or
creatures to give up their vast knowledge of ancient times, the magic as a whole, despite what some
but exceptions have been known. Maztican gods may claim.
The reasons to approach a palophonti for hidden
knowledge would need to be dire indeed.

In an ancient agreement, set at some point after Obox-
Sciorah ob's fall as the Prince of Demons, but prior to his
Sciorah is the bastard child of Huoxopica who was long imprisonment of Rr'ikin'aka, Obox-ob brought Sciorah to
ago brought to the Abyss by Obox-ob. His very existence is the Abyss far from the eyes of the Nestmother. This act
the worst kept secret among a pantheon that prides was done in return for Huoxopica's agreement to forever
themselves on their powers of divination. Perhaps if his turn his all-seeing eyes from Obox-ob's actions. This
existence were acknowledged, the repercussions would agreement has held firm to this day, but Huoxopica is
simply be too great. coming to regret the loss of so many of his followers.
Titan of Vermin. Huoxopica has had numerous trysts Duke of Zionyn. While some consider the silent titan
but none had ever produced a child until the birth of the mindless, this is not entirely true and Sciorah is firmly loyal
Titan of Vermin. As the mother of the scorpionfolk race, to Obox-ob. As such, Sciorah commands vast contingents
Ixtilli simply would not abide such infidelity in her chosen of demonic insects on the 663rd layer of the Abyss known
mate and were she to discover the titan's existence, it as Zionyn. There are entire hive cities of ekolid and worse
would mean a massive upheaval in the pantheon. on the plane which are dedicated to the duke.

What is certain however, is that very few are found on
Scorilla their own so the diminutive scorpionfolk certainly
The dreaded scorilla, as its name implies, is a terrible domesticated them long ago.
amalgam of gorilla and giant scorpion that has adopted Poisonous Eggs. With uncanny similarity to the tlincalli,
the worst traits of both species. the scorilla's eggs are paralytic when touched. The
Guards of the Opistacanthi. The tree dwelling opistacanthi and tlincalli are both immune to this poison,
opistacanthi know they are physically the weakest of the but even other scorpionfolk (who are not immune to all
scorpionfolk races and the scorilla provides them with poisons) can fall prey.
muscle to both protect their villages and lead raids during
attacks on others when needed.
There is no deadlier a sight than charging scorillas
followed by a hail of poisoned and deadly arrows from the
trees where the opistacanthi hide.
Scorilla Origins. Like the owlbear, scholars debate the
origins of the scorilla. The opistacanthi claim to have
created the creature in a long past age, but others
speculate older origins.

Interior Art (Page 24)
Credits Viktoria Verebelyi
Long before the fifth edition was even released, this book
had made its first appearance on a simple Word document
Interior Art (Pages 26, 28, 29, 30, 33, 35)
Thamara Gomez
to be shared with the wonderful folks over at
Candlekeep.com and the Piazza. Now almost a decade
later it is updated and ready for use. Dozens of folks have
Interior Art (Page 27)
Alector Fencer
triggered an idea or led me in the right direction and there
really are just too many to thank properly!

Author Interior Art (Page 31)

Mary Graham
Jon Hild
Additional Concepts
Interior Art (Page 37)
TJ Ryan
Cover Art Interior Art (Page 38)
Tim Feeney
Marc Sheff
Interior Art (Page 3)
Additional Art
The back cover and some additional art is from iStock,
Shutterstock and Pixabay stock artwork.
Interior Art (Page 5)
Craig Hodges Legal
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Interior Art (Page 7) Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s
Luis Figueroa Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide,
https://www.deviantart.com/terrortyper D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks
Interior Art (Page 8) of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All
Aircraftkiller characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of
https://www.deviantart.com/aircraftkiller Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the
copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
Interior Art (Page 10) reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or
IgnisSerpentus artwork contained herein is prohibited without the
http://www.damageinc3d.net/ express written permission of Wizards of the Coast. ©2018
Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-
Interior Art (Page 11) 0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-
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Arsenpixl is used with permission under the Community Content
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Kim Glanville

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Interior Art (Page 22)

Hendry Roesly

Interior Art (Page 23)


In the Darkness
Below, the
Deep below where even the bravest Kultakan
warriors dare tread lies the demesne of the
scorpionfolk. For ages uncounted, they were
content to leave mankind and the surface
world alone.

Then the Amnians came and humanity could

no longer be ignored. Every time a traveler,
child or even an entire village is lost to the
claws from below, the Mazticans just have one
more reason to hate what occurred a century

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